Innovative material for building a house. New technologies in construction. New technologies in private housing construction

Construction is one of the leading industries, constantly developing by searching for new materials and technologies. New construction technologies are aimed at reduction in price finished products , acceleration of delivery deadlines houses into operation. Reduced production costs, high factory availability building structures– main areas of improvement.

Materials used in construction must meet high quality standards. Not only production technologies are updated, but also technical equipment modern enterprises. The environmental friendliness of the process is an important component.

The main qualities required from building materials are: strength, durability, energy efficiency. Wood processing technologies are progressing, such as the production of SIP panels and Velox formwork. The introduction of new insulation, expanded polystyrene, in combination with the hardness of concrete, gave rise to new elements - 3D panels and permanent formwork.

New technologies and their features

Technologies are aimed at reduction in labor intensity and construction time buildings. Frame construction reduces the need for complex construction equipment and mechanisms, leading to a reduction in the cost per square meter of both private and multi-storey buildings.

Individual private houses from 3D panels become available to buyers with a small budget, technology TISE The trend towards self-construction is increasing. Steel thin-walled LSTK panels allow you to build warm, comfortable houses using threaded connections.


TISE – abbreviated as Technology of Individual Construction and Ecology. The system is designed for self-construction private houses. Technology includes:

  • installation of a universal pile foundation;
  • production of concrete wall blocks using adjustable removable formwork.

In addition to technology, innovative tools have been developed, TISE drill and TISE formwork. The drill is equipped with blades that allow for underground expansion to strengthen the pile support area.

Steel formwork forms one hollow block. It has three standard sizes 19 - 38 cm depending on the designed wall thickness. To make a hole for electrical wiring or utility pipes, an insert of the required diameter is inserted.

The block is formed on the wall, in a row of masonry. The formwork is rearranged to pour the next concrete block. The rows are reinforced, the voids of the block are filled with insulation, foam insulation or expanded clay.

Technology is essential reduces the cost of materials, all work is carried out independently. The concrete mixture for forming blocks is mixed in a small volume, which allows you to work at your own pace, in the evenings or on weekends. The work does not require special skills.

Frame construction

Technology frame construction is based on the joint work of two components - the frame that absorbs the load and the filling of the frame, which have the most energy-saving qualities.

The building frame is formed by:

  • foundation;
  • vertical columns;
  • horizontal beams, or crossbars;
  • ceilings

Used for filling brick, lightweight cellular concrete, sandwich panels.

The frame structural scheme is characterized by increased strength and stability of the building, and is equally suitable for individual and multi-storey mass development. Frame buildings are erected on soft soils, in permafrost areas, and areas with increased seismic activity.

For multi-storey buildings The main frame material is reinforced concrete. More common in individual construction frames made of wood or metal.

3D panels

3D panel is a light, warm spatial design. It is a sheet of polystyrene foam located between two metal mesh, reinforced with brace rods. The braces are welded to the meshes. The mesh frame of the panels is connected to each other, reinforced, applied on both sides concrete mortar, shotcrete.

Shotcrete– pressure application method compressed air on the surface of reinforced concrete structures mortar for the purpose of filling micropores and microcracks. Shotcrete is carried out several times, reaching the thickness of the layer 50-60 mm.

The result is durable three-layer wall structure, consisting of a concrete shell, reinforcing layers and insulation - expanded polystyrene. Network engineering laid between the mesh and a sheet of foamed polystyrene.

Permanent formwork

Permanent formwork is used in monolithic frame construction. The principle of the technology is based on the fact that the established form for pouring concrete mixture after hardening not deleted. The formwork becomes one with the multilayer wall structure. The device uses materials such as foamed polystyrene, wood-concrete and glass-magnesite sheets, and wood concrete.

Basic requirements for permanent formwork:

  • the ability to withstand the weight of concrete while maintaining its structural shape;
  • giving concrete additional qualities: thermal insulation, vapor permeability, sound insulation.

The permanent formwork is connected to each other with locks. Construction is proceeding at a good pace, large equipment is not used.

Construction from SIP panels

SIP panels were developed and tested in Canada in the middle of the last century.

Harsh climate and low temperatures winter formed the basic principle of technology - maximum energy saving.

The panels, consisting of two layers of OSB with insulation, polystyrene foam, glued in the middle, create a thermos and are not blown through.

OSB sheets do not absorb moisture. SIP panels are delivered to the site in full factory readiness, ready-to-assemble tongue-and-groove locks. The slabs are pre-calibrated to the design dimensions, window, doorways cut through.

Assembly instructions accompany the project. Houses using this technology are quickly erected, and work is carried out at any time of the year. The final weight of the building is small, the foundation is not strengthened, and the house does not shrink.

Principles of construction technology from SIP panels:

  • quick payback due to savings on heating;
  • continuous construction cycle;
  • reduced labor intensity of work;
  • low costs for foundation construction;
  • possible independent construction.

SIP is short for structural insulating panel.


Velox is an Austrian technology of monolithic construction in permanent formwork made of woodchip-cement slabs. Formwork is made from wood waste, 95% consists of spruce chips. Mineralized wood chips are pressed with cement enriched with ammonium sulfate and liquid glass.

The resulting slabs are warm, environmentally friendly, and have good sound insulation properties.

The preserved properties of wood ensure air exchange, the surfaces are firmly bonded to the plaster.

The panels are easy to process, saw, and fasten with nails. Structural elements made from Velox do not rot, do not lose properties when wet.

During the work, the formwork is filled with concrete. The final result is three-layer durable, warm wall.

The versatility of size and ease of processing allows you to build individual houses of any shape and complexity. Due to the thermal insulation properties of the formwork, concreting conduct even at sub-zero temperatures.

LSTK technology

Lightweight steel thin-walled structures consist of several layers:

  • external finishing;
  • two layers of gypsum fiber;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • interior decoration.

The shape of the panels is formed by guides, rack profiles and jumpers made made of thin-walled galvanized metal. Some profiles are perforated to avoid the occurrence of cold bridges. This type of profile is called a thermal profile. The cladding is a metal profiled sheet covered with a layer of paint and varnish. All connections are threaded, there is no wet work.

Technology is valued for low costs, quick assembly from parts, completely designed at the factory, opportunity to work in winter time, energy saving qualities. The construction of LSTK does not require the use of construction equipment. If necessary, the house can be easily disassembled and transported to a new location.

Using thermogran panels

Thermogran is a new Russian development. The technology for obtaining the material has developed from foam glass production. Silicate glass at a temperature of 1000 degrees under the influence of a gas-forming agent softens, foams, and when hardened it gains the necessary strength.

Thermogran is close in composition and production method to foam glass. Foam glass-ceramic granules are obtained from natural raw materials by processing minerals of sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The production is environmentally friendly, without toxic waste, and saves water. Thanks to rich deposits of raw materials, thermogran has a low cost.

Single-layer thermogran panels, wall thickness 250 mm. Specific gravity 1 m3 of construction is only 160 kg. By filling the frame, you get a flat, smooth surface that is resistant to moisture, fire, chemical influences. Thermogran retains its characteristics in the temperature range from -200 to +700 degrees.

The walls do not need plastering, immediately finished with wallpaper or painted. Heating technology is located in the floors.

The main objective of private construction know-how is to produce affordable, high-quality housing that keeps up with the times.

Forecasts for the emergence of new building materials are usually based on factors of potential industrial growth, economic efficiency, and innovation (surprising new discoveries). Forecasting is carried out annually, analyzing the emergence of new products on a conditional basis. construction site. So, the forecast for innovations and new building materials in 2018 promises to surprise with technologies that combine the full range of the noted criteria.

Market trends for new building materials and technologies: cement, wood, and renewable energy sources. All this will have a significant impact on the areas of design and construction for the coming year (2018) and in the near future. Let's see what's already in the trunk.

Programmable cement

As a substance that consumes significant amounts of water, concrete continues to be a leading area for research and development of new building materials.

Despite its widespread and traditional use, concrete still seems to be something of a mysterious building material. Therefore, discoveries similar to the recent ones made in 2017, when interesting facts were discovered, are expected here.

Research on building materials provides new information about the binders used in construction. Cement particles can be manipulated - shaped various shapes, for example, a cube

It turned out that cement, as part of the contents of the concrete structure, carbonizes carbon dioxide over time. This material property ultimately contributes to redefining the environmentally friendly area of ​​concrete.

Such research results once again emphasize the need for a clearer understanding of the formation of the structure of new building materials at the molecular level.

Another recent example was the multidisciplinary laboratory of building materials at Rice University. Scientists there discovered previously unknown properties of cement particles subjected to hydration (CSH: calcium silicate hydrate cement).

Alternative binders to increase stability are used in the composition of new types of cements intended for construction industry specialists

According to the researchers, the information obtained is planned to be used to “program” particles of the material in a strictly controlled way. In fact, we are talking about a new building material - programmable cement.

Significant progress of this work is marked by the first step in controlling cement kinetics to obtain the desired building forms. Essentially, Rice University scientists have discovered a technology to control the morphology and size of the basic building blocks of CSH.

Such blocks could independently organize into microstructures with a higher packing density compared to conventional amorphous CSH microstructures.

This increased density should result in increased material strength and durability, improved chemical resistance, and protection of the reinforcing steel within the concrete.

Cross laminated wood

In addition to concrete, wood is an equally popular building material. The construction industry is now relying on solid wood based on the development of new techniques.

Mass timber is used to construct high-rise buildings, using rapidly renewable building materials that are environmentally superior to concrete and steel.

So-called cross-laminated wood is quickly gaining popularity on construction sites. Massive panels based on modified hardwood building materials

In the growing field of softwood-based lumber, an unexpected competitor has emerged: CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) lumber, made from hardwood.

London-based international architects and designers (dRMM Architects), in collaboration with global engineering firm ARUP and the US Hardwood Export Council, have developed a CLT panel based on the fast-growing North American tree Tulipwood.

This is what tulipwood looks like when cut. Products made from this type of wood are very original appearance. Now tulipwood is a new building material of the current century

The properties of Tulipwood overlap those of coniferous wood. Harpullia wood (Tulipwood) is stronger and even stronger than concrete in terms of load-bearing capacity. Besides this the new kind building material has excellent decorative qualities.

New building material based on "Harpullia" (Tulipwood) is already being produced for construction market(in Germany).

Referred to as "Leno CLT". Leno CLT is prepared from rapidly renewable raw materials, and the manufacturing technology supports the production of panels of significant sizes (for example, 14x4.5 m).

When choosing a project for building a house, each owner expects to fulfill two conditions: efficiency of assembly and comfortable housing. That is why manufacturers offer high-quality and practical modern materials. And the latest technologies are also used. For example, technology smart House, which meets all the requirements and demands of the modern user.

New materials and their features

It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that the latest technologies in construction and high-tech materials are different concepts, although they lie on the same plane. In particular, such piece products as:

  • foam concrete blocks;
  • gas blocks;
  • rounded log;
  • OSB boards;
  • Sandwich panels;
  • SIP panels;
  • other...

These are production innovations that have recently appeared on the building materials market, however, they do not require new technological methods, but have features in terms of installation. For example:

  • Block products (foam, aerated concrete) has a larger format than piece bricks, has increased energy intensity, low weight, and variable density. Due to these indicators, the construction period is reduced, workability is increased and all the high indicators of strength, comfort and practicality of a private house are maintained. Another plus is that the price of materials is lower than for brick, and due to the low weight of the structure, a lightweight foundation is recommended.

  • Rounded lognatural material, having all the indicators natural wood, which has high heat capacity, but the price of the material is lower than that of laminated veneer lumber, although practical qualities remain at a high level. The developer receives convenient piece material with a stable shape, saving on purchases, and thereby reducing the overall cost of the project.
  • Panels. The product is also a one-piece product, ideal for a private developer. The convenience of the material is that it is completely ready for installation, that is, the panels are already equipped with a heat-insulating layer, a windproof membrane and moisture protection. You just need to install the frame of the walls, ceilings and roof - the house is ready. In some cases, panel sections have external and interior decoration. The price of materials is significantly lower than any other piece products, a light weight elements require a lightweight foundation, assembly is carried out without “wet processes”, installation does not always require lifting equipment, which allows you to build a house with your own hands.

Moreover, all of these materials are of invaluable quality - they are able to realize any shapes and formats of buildings without requiring large investments from the developer.

New technologies and their features

The use of new order materials does not cancel the use of building houses using new technologies. The combination of two indicators ensures not only the efficiency of construction of buildings, but also a significant reduction in the cost of house construction.


An extremely popular technology, which also has the definition of “adjustable formwork”. The process was developed by domestic scientists and, when used, not only does not require the use of special equipment, but also allows you to get by with literally just one pair of hands.

TISE principle

The method is characterized by the installation of pile elements or the arrangement of a columnar-type foundation, supplemented by a grillage. A mandatory tool is a drill designed for TISE technology. Wall panels for this lightweight foundation are assembled from a block piece product, formed directly on the construction site: mobile formwork acts as a form and moves along the wall panels as soon as the made module hardens.

Advantages of the technology:

  1. Complete absence of cold bridges;
  2. You don’t need a team of professionals; you can easily do it yourself and a couple of assistants to move the formwork and excavation work;
  3. Variability in the composition of blocks, which reduces construction costs.

Advice! Most often, TISE technology uses two building materials: concrete and brick. Concrete blocks are characterized by high heat capacity, bricks for cladding will give the structure strength, dimensional stability and additional rigidity.

Frame construction

This is one of the simplest and convenient ways construction of a private house. A variety of options for arranging the frame, a lightweight foundation, the ability to build houses up to 2 floors, a huge number of projects and the practicality of the house are the main advantages of the technology.


The construction of the frame begins immediately after the installation of the foundation. The entire structure consists of block elements arranged horizontally, vertically or diagonally, articulated with each other various options. Whether lumber or metal is used - it all depends on the financing and preferences of the developer.

It is only important to remember that metal carcass, although it is more durable, it requires metal drilling tools and welding - these nuances can complicate the process of constructing the frame. Lumber good quality It is not inferior to metal in terms of durability, while simplifying the assembly process. Most often, good quality timber is used, which is why both the shown rigidity of the frame and its geometric stability are maintained.

Modern construction frame houses allows several options for filling walls:

  1. OSB boards act as wall panels and are filled with any available thermal insulation material, for example, mineral wool, foam concrete, expanded clay backfill, polyurethane foam.
  2. Prefabricated SIP panels, already equipped with insulation, wind and waterproof film.

Advice! When practicing modern materials and technologies for construction, it is necessary to consider the usability of all elements. In particular, if you build a house with SIP panels, then in order to do it yourself you will have to either choose lightweight elements or hire lifts, since wall panel elements are often heavy. But it all depends on the preferences of the owner of the house.

Benefits of technology

  1. The lightness of the structure does not require the construction of heavy and powerful foundations, which means that the construction of a house is possible on any soil without additional excavation work;
  2. Minimum construction costs and the possibility of quick redevelopment and completion of the building;
  3. Variability of external and internal cladding - panels and sheets easily accept finishing materials, so you can change the look of the house at least every season.

3D panels

These are perhaps the latest technologies in construction, which are still little known and available to developers. Despite the cheapness, availability is limited by ignorance and nothing else, because construction using 3D panels is nothing more than a modified version of frame construction of houses.

The panels are produced in industrial conditions; they are not a type of prefabricated panel element, but a monolith of a polystyrene foam slab, additionally reinforced with reinforcing mesh structures on both sides. Such systems are connected to each other by metal reinforcement rods that pass through the entire structure, which not only preserves the stability of the panels’ shape, but also explains their high strength and resistance to any natural influences. At the same time, the extremely light weight of the structure is maintained, and assembly does not cause any difficulties.

Advantages of technology

In the standard understanding, a building made of 3D panels does not have any “rigid frame”; instead, the developer receives a panel element connected with a rigid clip and thereby forming load-bearing Wall panels. After installing these panels, the entire structure is filled with a concrete “jacket”, which only increases all the advantages of such a house:

  1. The polymers used to create the panels have high energy efficiency indicators, which means that heat loss in such a house will be minimal;
  2. Simplicity of assembly ensures quick construction;
  3. Manufacturing in an industrial environment guarantees the quality of both the individual element and the entire building as a whole;
  4. There is no need to create a heavy foundation, 3D panels even in concrete pouring do not have heavy mass.

Important! The material is much simpler than any block products in the sense that when hanging heavy cabinets you do not have to reinforce the wall with boards. At the same time, the price of 3D panels may well compete with foam and gas block products.

Permanent formwork

Availability and ease of execution have made this technology one of the most popular and often used in individual housing construction.

The principle of technology and its advantages

As in the case of TISE, the use of permanent formwork allows you to build a house alone. Other advantages are the following factors:

  1. The formwork is formed from block or panel structures, which, during the construction of the house, are located around the perimeter of the base and form a pier where reinforcement is mounted and concrete mortar is poured, which gives the structure additional rigidity;
  2. The variability of the formwork filler allows you to save a lot on building a house;
  3. It is possible to build structures up to 2 floors, while the foundation remains lightweight due to the low weight of the entire building.

Advice! If you choose not only new technologies for the construction of private houses, but also the right materials filling, in this case, for wall formwork, you will not have to worry about additional thermal insulation materials.

Construction from SIP panels

As for this technology, the most modern materials are used, but the essence itself comes down to a subtype of frame construction. SIP panels are a panel material made from two chipboard boards, between which thermal insulation and waterproofing material is laid, and there is often an additional wind membrane. The main advantage of such panels is their readiness for installation on site.

In addition, there are other advantages:

  1. Efficiency of house assembly;
  2. The light weight of the panels allows you to use a lightweight foundation and do the construction yourself.

Advice! Despite the apparent lightness of the panels, it is quite durable material. The completed house will not only be warm and practical, but also durable. SIP panels can easily withstand hurricane winds, snowfalls and other impacts external environment. At the same time, the material is easily mounted, fastened and, most importantly, the production of panels is possible only in industrial conditions, which, with a good selection of suppliers, guarantees excellent quality of piece elements.


Relatively new technology, used for the construction of private houses, the principle of which is also the use of permanent formwork. The difference from other methods is that the formwork is made not from expanded polystyrene block elements, but from chip-cement or cement-bonded slabs. The outer slab has additional compaction and insulation made of polystyrene foam. Permanent formwork comes in different options thickness and is connected with a cement mortar with an additive liquid glass, which imparts moisture-repellent properties to the structure.

The advantages are the following factors:

  1. Light weight and thickness of wall panels;
  2. Lack of additional insulation;
  3. Efficiency of construction work;
  4. Strength of the building.

When applying new technologies in the construction of private houses, one should not forget about other nuances: as a rule, everything modern technologies are not designed for multi-storey buildings, therefore an accurate and high-quality calculation of the load and filling of buildings is required. And, of course, not the last point – materials. Manufacturers offer a huge range of products characterized by excellent quality indicators at reduced costs.

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IN last years new technologies for building cottages appear almost every day: in addition to the fact that the speed of building a house has increased significantly (if previously this process could take a couple of years, now it can actually be completed in a month), builders are relying on the environmental friendliness of the materials used. We have prepared short review the latest world developments, which are gradually beginning to take root in the Russian expanse.

Frame construction

Houses with metal or wood frames first appeared in Europe in the late 60s, and since then this technology has been one of the most popular in the world. The house is actually assembled, like a designer kit, from ready-made panels that are produced at the factory; panels can be wooden (made of laminated veneer lumber), polyurethane foam, or aerated concrete. This is the most quick way get a new one warm house to the maximum short time. In recent years, the Canadian EcoPan technology and the domestic NESST have attracted widespread interest - we will talk about them below.


This technology involves the use of heat-insulating panels for the roof, walls and ceilings, consisting of three layers (“sandwich” structure): two pressed boards made of wood chips (OSB) are connected to each other by a layer of insulation, the functions of which are performed by solid polystyrene foam.


A house using the Ecopan technology can be built on any foundation: first, a wooden frame is installed (boards or beams are used; however, you can do without a frame if you use panel technology). Then panels of three begin to be assembled onto the frame various types– the thickest (about 200 mm) for the roof and walls, and thinner (100-150 mm) for internal floors. In this case, the main supporting function will be performed not by the frame, but by OSB boards: due to the fact that the layers of chips in their structure are oriented perpendicular to each other and are compressed when high temperatures, one such slab can withstand the same load as a beam 70-80 cm thick (tested by laboratory tests).


Our compatriots still don’t really trust “imported houses”, preferring the logic “the thicker the walls, the warmer the house.” Meanwhile, in the northern states of the USA and Canada, the average annual temperature is sometimes lower than in middle lane Russia, and cold winds and snow storms are frequent guests in autumn and winter period. Nevertheless, frame technology has successfully proven itself even in unfavorable conditions weather conditions: the plates are hermetically fitted to each other during assembly, and the house can easily be operated in a wide temperature range, from frost to -45 degrees Celsius to forty-degree heat.

In addition, when assembling such a house, all communications are mounted into the wall, so you immediately get a cozy and aesthetic home. If you started a renovation, then inner plate OSB is easy to dismantle, get to the pipe or cable, and then install it back - thermal insulation properties the houses will not be disturbed. And, of course, unlike log houses, the design of the walls allows the use of any interior and facade decoration.

In addition to heat resistance and practicality, one of the most attractive advantages is the speed of assembly of the EcoPan house: different developers give a period of one and a half to three months with a guarantee of quality and reliability. The sizes of houses are also not limited by anything: standard 6*6 and 8*8, and any other parameters; OSB boards are made in different sizes, maximum – about 7.5 * 3 m.

What about the cost? Here we can also please future owners: according to estimates, the construction of an Ecopan frame-slab house will cost 1.5-2 times less than the construction of a brick or cobblestone house of the same area.

LSTK (NESSST technology)

This is one of the types of frame construction based on metal structures: on a steel frame with outside on top plasterboard sheets are mounted facade slabs, which can be made of any material: fake diamond(fiber concrete), a natural stone, professional sheet, wooden beam, siding, cassettes and any other materials at the request of the customer.


After installing the LSTC frame, the internal space of the wall and voids are filled with polystyrene foam or high-density foam concrete: thanks to its fine-porous structure, it provides excellent heat and sound insulation, and also practically does not accumulate water at any level of air humidity (which, for example, ordinary wood cannot boast of, which in winter it collects up to 3 liters of water per cubic meter).

Communication channels and ventilation ducts are also laid in the voids of the frame, with output to inner part Houses. The formwork is glass-magnesite sheet: environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, it provides additional thermal insulation and is suitable for any finishing - painting, wallpapering, etc.

The roof is also made from steel profile galvanized, often in combination with wooden rafters. As roofing material Ceramic (soft) tiles or metal tiles can be used.


The main advantage of NESST, which determines its virtually universal use in office and industrial construction, is the speed of construction finished house– perhaps this is the fastest type construction technology. Average term turnkey houses - about 5 days, almost all parts are manufactured according to individual drawings at the factory; no lifting mechanisms are required.

Compared to other types of frame construction, installation from LSTK will allow you to implement almost any architectural ideas using a single material for the entire building: add an additional floor or add a terrace, design curved and asymmetrical surfaces, as well as crossbars, columns, arches and bay windows. A smooth, leveled wall surface will save you from additional hassle during repairs.

It is impossible not to note the economic benefits: in addition to the fact that you will significantly save on construction (when compared with brick houses), the expanded polystyrene concrete filler has very high thermal insulation properties, which will reduce heating costs and provide a comfortable temperature at any time of the year. In addition, walls made of LSTK are vapor permeable, seismically resistant and non-flammable.

Frameless technologies

Frameless technologies are already familiar to many of us from urban multi-story construction: due to the use of large panels, the need for additional supporting structures is eliminated; the system of walls and ceilings itself provides an excellent load-bearing support. But gradually, construction from concrete and gas silicate blocks is giving way to environmentally friendly technologies using plant materials - reeds and even straw. Are these houses really safe?

Reed panels

Houses based on layers of reeds have been known to mankind for at least five thousand years: it is known that in Asia Minor, reed huts were built on the basis of wooden hollow frames, the cavities in which were filled with bunches of reeds - such a house retained heat for a surprisingly long time and did not become damp, good air permeability. Modern builders decided to adopt technologies developed in antiquity; they tried adding reed stalks to both concrete and cement, and eventually developed wood-frame panels called “reed panels”.

The design of the panel is a “sandwich”: two wood boards are laid between each other with bundles of reeds, and the cavities are filled with rigid polyurethane foam, which combines lightness and excellent thermal insulation properties. Such a “union” of plant base and modern materials is not afraid of dampness or fire and is not subject to rotting.


Almost the entire mass of the panel falls on the wooden frame, and even then the weight of the structure is small: the weight of one square meter does not exceed 40 kilograms. Thanks to this, a lightweight foundation can be suitable for installation, and lifting equipment is not required. Moreover, thanks to the presence wooden frame As part of panels, they can independently perform a load-bearing function.

The speed of assembling the house will also pleasantly surprise future owners: two-storey house with total area about 100 square meters The construction team completes the construction in a maximum of a week of work.

The structure can withstand earthquakes up to magnitude 9. If a house is destroyed, the panels retain their integrity, and due to their low weight, they are safe for human life. Unlike most technologies for the construction of prefabricated low-rise buildings, reed panels have high level sound absorption. All characteristics are confirmed by the State Unitary Enterprise "NII MOSSTROY".


Combination thermal insulation materials allows you to significantly save on heating in the cold season - compared to brick buildings, 60-70% less fuel is spent on heating; At the same time, the house stays warm even when the heating is turned off (about 3-5 days), and in hot weather, on the contrary, the rooms remain pleasantly cool.

Secondly, careful treatment with fire retardants and antifungal compounds, combined with the natural resistance of reeds to water and rot, makes reed panels a virtually universal material, suitable for any climatic conditions and any soil: successful experience has already been gained in constructing houses on such a basis in the Far North. If desired, the house can be easily completed with any elements (new floor, attic, extension, etc.) or disassembled and transported to a new location.

An ordinary house one to three floors high looks like it is assembled from wooden panels; external finishing involves painting, plastering, siding or brick cladding - in principle, the panels are compatible with any finishing materials. At a relatively low cost, manufacturers provide an excellent guarantee of house service: at least 60 years; this allows us to conclude that the “well-forgotten old” can indeed be trusted.


In Europe, the technology for producing formwork blocks based on natural wood and stone has been known since the late 30s of the last century: it was developed in Holland and quickly became widespread in the northern countries. Subsequently, Durisol blocks began to be used not only as formwork, but also as independent Basic structure, which does not require additional support.


The production technology of Durisol blocks is as follows; Coniferous wood (pine, spruce, fir) processed into chips is mineralized and bonded with Portland cement M400. Depending on the thickness of the block, which usually varies from 150 to 370 mm, Durisol blocks can be used for the construction of almost any building element: from external walls to interior partitions.

Assembly is carried out according to the principle of a construction set or a 3D puzzle: the blocks are connected to each other with special protrusions and grooves, sequentially along the contour of the wall from the corner - no binding solution is required. Portland cement is poured after the blocks are assembled; as a result, the cavities are filled with heat-insulating material and “cold bridges” are eliminated.


Here we get all the benefits natural materials: hypoallergenic and non-toxic, porous structure, which allows air to pass through and retains heat. Additional bonuses are the properties of coniferous species: the resins contained in their composition prevent rotting, the development of pathogenic bacteria and mold on the surface of the slab. At the same time, treatment with fire retardants and mineralization of wood chips practically negates the flammability of the material. The sound insulation characteristics are also very good: the 15 cm thick slab absorbs up to 98% of noise.

From a construction point of view, Durisol has also proven itself to be excellent: firstly, special qualifications of workers are not required, and the lightness of the blocks does not require the use of lifting equipment. Work can be done at any time of the year, including in winter: the slabs can withstand up to 400 cycles of temperature changes without loss of properties (for example: the first houses built in Europe using this technology before the war are still in excellent condition). At the same time, the material can be easily cut and drilled for laying utilities and pipes, and also allows for any method of interior and exterior finishing.

And again, as in the case of the previous technologies we described, the cost of building such a house will be at least 20-30% lower than traditional brick or log masonry; Therefore, we once again urge you to think about whether it is worth unconditionally following “grandfather’s” advice?

Experiments continue!

These are far from the only possible experiments in the field of cottage construction: for example, literally in the last decade, the technology of building houses based on straw blocks, additionally reinforced with piles or wooden stakes, has become widespread. This technique is very similar to the reed construction we described above, and straw houses also show heat-saving and energy-saving properties excellent results. However, so far only very brave people have decided on such options - perhaps straw does not inspire confidence in everyone who remembers the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.

There are also unique, extravagant solutions, such as a house made of beer cans or glass - however, they have not yet gained popularity. It can be assumed that in the near future we will be able to see new options for cottage construction technologies.