House with a balcony and a terrace: frame building project. Two-story houses with a balcony Ready-made house designs with a balcony

Private houses that were built by the owner himself are amazing unusual projects and designs, made conscientiously, for yourself. Quite often in this case the question arises about adding a balcony with your own hands. You can see how to do this efficiently and beautifully in the instructions below.

Advantages and disadvantages of construction

The advantages include the following:

  • It is possible to add a balcony to a private house only if the house has already had at least two floors, including an attic. Most often, this extension is used for entertainment and relaxation, although some home owners are thinking about expanding the existing space.
  • Beautiful types of extensions, the design of which is tasteful, create a presentable appearance and serve as decoration for private homes.
  • In many cases, such extensions serve not only as a way to expand the space of the house, but also act as a roof, terrace or porch, serving as a foundation for them.
  • You create additional emergency exit, which will be useful for you and your family in case of emergency.

However, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • It is best to consider financing the construction of a balcony immediately, when planning and building a house. An extension to an existing building can be very costly and complex in terms of construction work.
  • Before you start building a new building, you need accurate calculations. For this, it is recommended to contact specialists who will study your question in detail and calculate required quantity suitable materials, and will also amount to individual project. Balconies are extensions with increased danger; construction at random usually ends in an accident.
  • The presence of a balcony door can cause large heat losses; this problem is very common in cantilever structures. A building on independent supports will help you prevent heat from escaping.
  • Carefully study the question of the rationality of these works. Building in a location that is not suitable for your needs may end up being useless.

You can build

The design and appearance of a new building largely depend on the appearance and decoration of the house, as well as on the material from which it is made. An important condition is the harmonious selection of the type of balcony in such a style that it does not stand out in design from the general image of the building.

Concrete balconies

The most common option is with a concrete floor. There are several features:

  • The load-bearing elements of one of the sides are fixed in the wall of the house. Using electric welding, they are connected to pre-installed and carefully secured anchors. The reliability of the entire structure will depend on how massive the wall is. If the walls of the house, which will help distribute the weight and pressure of the new building, are not strong enough, it is necessary to attach additional supports.
  • Dimensions in reach and depth should not exceed one meter.
  • In brick buildings, concrete slabs are inserted into the load-bearing wall of the house along its entire length. They are welded to the lintel reinforcement, which is placed above the floor below.
  • Console elements are laid into the masonry in houses with stone walls.
  • The top level of the main support slab should ultimately be set 100-120mm below the final floor level.
  • The floor of the structure being created must have a slope of 2% from the main building.
  • The concrete slab should be waterproofed. To do this, a water-repellent coating is installed on the surface of the installed slab, on which a sand-cement screed is then poured.
  • Parapets must be at least one meter. For this purpose, metal gratings are used, which consist of handrails and racks. The racks are attached by electric welding to the embedded elements of the slab, and the edges of the handrails are inserted into the load-bearing wall of the building.
  • The balcony door threshold must be positioned 100 mm above the floor level.


  • The load-bearing elements are beams, for the manufacture of which we used wooden beam with a section of 10x20 cm.
  • At a depth of 25 cm or more, the beam is fixed into a load-bearing wall and covered with water-repellent substances or materials. They should be located at a distance of about 80 cm from each other.
  • The beams are secured to the walls using steel angles or strips.
  • Wooden posts 4x10 cm are attached to the installed beams with M12 bolts.
  • Then longitudinal beams made of 5x10 cm boards are fixed above the cantilever beams at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other.
  • To obtain a more rigid structure, at the intersection points of the longitudinal and cantilever beams, grooves for cantilever beams with a depth of 300-400 mm are made.
  • Floors are laid by installing prepared boards 4 cm thick.
  • The board fencing should be made of boards with a cross-section of 3x13 cm. It is attached to the posts with screws or nails.
  • The wooden handrail should have a cross-section of 4x9 cm. It is secured with nails to the posts and inserted into the load-bearing wall.
  • All elements of the finished structure must be coated with hydrophobic paint or oil, and the fences and handrails of the balcony are treated twice with frost-resistant hydrophobic varnish.


That's enough nice option, which serves not only as a fence, but also as an elegant decoration of the building. The installation features are as follows:

  • The forged product should not exceed the size of the slab and opening to avoid cutting the grating. But small reductions are acceptable.
  • For installation, carefully consider the condition of the slab, because metal products are quite heavy. The surface must be smooth, without gouges or damage.
  • To restore the integrity of the slab, you need to restore the embedded parts, to which the decorative forged grille will be welded during the installation process.
  • To restore the reinforcement of the slab, the first layer of coating is knocked down to the base.
  • If the edges of the slab are broken or chipped, the frame is welded so that it is possible to pour a cement screed and maintain the original shape of the slab. The frame is welded from metal.
  • Iron mortgages are attached to the welded frame elements directly for installing the fence.
  • When the above-described elements are welded, they begin installing the formwork and pouring the slab.
  • The grate must be installed only when the solution has completely hardened. This also applies to other installation work. Complete drying time is about a month.
  • If the slab is either intact or has minor defects, then do not use cement-sand mortar to restore it, as it will fall off very quickly.
  • To get rid of small cracks, add tile adhesive to the solution in the same amount as the cement. If the finished layer is no more than 20 mm, only glue can be used.

French balcony in a private house

This is a fully glazed balcony with tinted or transparent windows. Tinting can be done with a special decorative film, if desired, partially or over the entire area. The features of its installation are as follows:

  • Anchor plates are attached to the boxes at a distance of no more than 80 cm.
  • The line of contact between the block and the quarter of the opening should be glued with pre-compressed sealing tape and then mount the outer block on the support blocks.
  • TO installed block attach the second one and tighten it with screws at intervals of 40 cm.
  • Next, you should align the assembled elements and attach them with dowel nails.
  • The resulting gaps are filled polyurethane foam.
  • The remaining foam is removed and covered with vapor barrier tape.
  • The last stage screw on the handles and plaster the slopes.

With awnings

If desired, you can attach a canopy to the installed balcony. The choice in this case is so great that it requires separate consideration.

For reference!

To attach a canopy, profile pipes and roofing material will be useful. The first ones are intended for assembling the frame, and the material for the roof can be very diverse.

Basically, canopies are made of slate, ondulin, polycarbonate, corrugated sheets or metal tiles. The most profitable option is polycarbonate. Firstly, it is easy to install. Moreover, it suppresses noise, is durable, and its formula creates additional protection against ultraviolet rays. Slate and ondulin are inferior to polycarbonate in terms of massiveness, as well as more complex installation.

Visors are of the following types depending on the design:

  • Single-pitch. The simplest and economical option visor equipment. A uniform angle of inclination is formed due to the triangular brackets on which the roof is attached.
  • Gable. A more complex type in the form of a gable roof, most convenient for a corner balcony or loggia. Such a canopy will be more resistant to adverse weather conditions, and will also be a solution to the problem of snow accumulation on the roof.
  • Canopy "Marquise". The advantage of this type of canopy is the impossibility of accumulation of icicles and snow layers in winter.
  • Dome type. A less popular option as it takes time to complete and is also more expensive. However, it looks very presentable in private homes.
  • Arched type. Easy to use and install, has interesting design and has great functionality when used.

Canopy installation

To install the visor you will need the following equipment:

  • Welding machine to form a frame.
  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Level, tape measure and construction marker or pencil.
  • Hammer.

Installation steps:

  • Apply precise markings of fastenings load-bearing frame, as well as places for drilling holes for dowels. Set the exact horizon and level of the structure.
  • Using a drill, make holes for attaching the frame with dowels.
  • The frame is fixed by clamping with anchors and tightening with keys of the appropriate size.
  • Between the load-bearing parts of the frame there are stiffening ribs made of the same profile pipe. They can be welded or attached with a bolt tie.
  • At this stage, the base has already been installed; proceed to the installation of the roof. The roof is attached to the stiffeners using self-drilling screws.

Roof balcony

There are three types of such balconies: pediment, roof and window-balconies. The first ones are protruding and recessed, in the form of a small terrace.

Installation of a gable balcony:

  • One of the roof gables is built deeper, in proportion to the width of the desired balcony. To finish the roof, a hanging rafter system is used.
  • The slab bordering between the floor below and the balcony being prepared is covered with insulation, waterproofing is applied on top of this layer and then a screed is applied.
  • The next step is to install the fence. Here the choice is quite large, it will be metal, wood or brick.
  • The wall separating the attic should not be massive.

Roofing type installation:

  • An opening in width and height is created in the roof for future passage.
  • From top to bottom of the opening, the door and partitions that will serve as the entrance are installed. The holes formed on the sides of the entrance are filled with bricks and the joints are sealed.
  • The attic floor between the partition and the roof is your future balcony. It is carefully insulated, waterproofed and tightened, similar to the previous gable version.
  • You can increase the space using a concrete slab. It is laid out slightly forward. Next, the slab is reinforced along the perimeter and a fence is erected.

Installation of a balcony window:

  • This type of design consists of upper and lower sashes. When opened, the lower one usually serves as a railing, and the upper one as a canopy.
  • The hinges allow the lower sash to make translational movements or fix it in the required position. The upper sash rises along the upper axis, if it is made in a suspended technique, and if in a mid-turn technique, it rises along the central axis.
  • When open, the window-balcony forms handrails.

The variety in the choice of attached balconies allows you to choose exactly the option that will best suit the style of execution and decoration of the house. Wooden, concrete, metal options with a variety of designs will be designed to emphasize the individuality of the house, and will also allow you to find time to relax and contemplate the panorama.


The video contains the most beautiful houses with original balconies.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Private houses open up opportunities for the owner to realize large quantity design ideas. A balcony is a beautiful and aesthetic addition to any facade. It is quite possible to do it yourself. To do this, just carefully study the instructions and perform the work efficiently. At the first stage, it is necessary to decide on the type and features of the chosen design.

Features of the DIY construction process

Among the advantages self-construction design, the following points should be highlighted:

  • can only be built if the building contains at least two floors. It will be comfortable to rest on such a structure in the future. Also, the balcony can be used to expand the room.
  • There are many designs available today. Among them there is guaranteed to be one that everyone will like. Such decoration will make any home presentable.
  • An extension is used to increase space. On the ground floor, the balcony plays the role of a roof or porch. In this case, the structure can perform two roles at once.
  • The balcony is additionally used as an escape option in case of fire or emergency.

The design has certain disadvantages:

  • Funds for construction must be planned during the construction phase. In some cases, the owner must be willing to shell out a significant amount of money.
  • The construction process can only begin if preliminary calculations have been made. This question needs to be addressed to experts in this matter.
  • In a room with a balcony, the risk of heat loss increases. The likelihood of a negative process will be reduced to zero if the balcony is built on independent supports.
  • It is important to carry out the work rationally. Otherwise, the extension will not bring any benefit.

Today there are a huge number of balconies that differ appearance and construction features. The material should match the external style of the entire house. The design should be harmonious and aesthetically fit into the yard.

Features of the construction of concrete balconies

This design option is used most often. To strengthen it, it is necessary to additionally use floors. It is also important to take into account the following nuances during the construction process:

  • To secure the load-bearing elements, you will need to mount them into the wall. The process is carried out using electric welding. Anchors must be carefully secured to the wall mass. The reliability of the design as a whole will depend on this indicator in the future. In new buildings, quite often the walls of the house are not strong, so additional supports will need to be installed.
  • The depth of the balcony is fixed at one meter.
  • If construction is carried out in a brick house, then the slab will have to be installed along the entire length of the wall. Additionally, you will need to install reinforced lintels at the junction of floors.
  • Consoles will need to be added to the stone structure.
  • Please note that the main slab must be placed at a level not lower than 100 mm from the floor.
  • The design will be convenient to use if it is tilted by 2% during the construction phase.
  • The slab must have the proper level of waterproofing. The coating is considered normal only if it has the ability to repel moisture. To do this, it is advisable to use a screed made of sand and cement.
  • For safety reasons, the parapet should not exceed one meter. For this, it is allowed to use metal or forged elements.
  • If there is a need to make a threshold, then its height should not exceed 100 mm.

Read also: Balcony design options

Features of wood construction

  • Beams are used as the main load-bearing elements. The timber must be of sufficient thickness, only then will it be able to withstand the required pressure.
  • The beam should go at least 25 cm deep into the wall. Additionally, it is treated with agents against moisture absorption and against pests.
  • For better fastening, it is advisable to use exclusively steel corners or strips.
  • Wooden posts are secured with M12 bolts.
  • The structure will be rigid if small grooves are made at the intersection of the beams and the console.
  • It is recommended to use boards as floor covering. Their thickness must be at least 4 cm.
  • Safety fencing can also be made of wood. It is recommended to use screws or nails to secure individual elements.
  • The balcony will last for a long period of time if all its elements are coated with hydrophobic paint. Some owners prefer to paint with oil.

Main characteristics of a wrought iron balcony

This design option is very popular. This is largely due to its excellent appearance. A balcony can become a decoration for any building or structure. During the construction process, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The forged product must exactly match the size of the opening. Otherwise, the grille will not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • The metal is heavy. This indicator must always be taken into account when determining the weight of the slab. It is convenient to walk only on a flat and soft surface that has no grooves or cracks.
  • A decorative metal lattice is placed inside the mortgages. They must be designed in such a way that the integrity of the slab is not compromised.
  • When using a reinforced slab, it can be restored. To do this, the top layer is removed from it to the very base.
  • By using cement screed it will be possible to change the shape of the slab or defects in its edges. In some cases, this is only possible if metal is added.
  • Iron mortgages can be secured by welding. At the first stage, the formwork is welded, and only then the slab is completely poured.
  • After the surface has hardened, you can proceed to installing the grating. All installation work will take the owner no more than one month.
  • To eliminate damage, it is strictly not recommended to use a solution of cement and sand. He can't stand the bad ones weather conditions and can fall off at any time.
  • Owners with experience advise adding glue to the solution. The thickness of the screed should not exceed 20 mm. In some cases, it is allowed to use only glue without additional impurities.

Unusual French balcony design

The design is not only unique, but also incredibly stylish. It doesn't have decorative elements. The balcony is completely glazed using clear or tinted glass. The installation process cannot be imagined without the following elements:

  • High strength can be ensured if the anchors are secured at a distance of 80 cm from each other.
  • Before fixing the support deck around the perimeter of the balcony, it is advisable to place a sealing tape.
  • The blocks are connected to each other using screws, which are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other.
  • You can align all the elements with each other using dowel nails.
  • The owner must also seal all holes with foam. Only after this is it possible to apply a thick layer of vapor barrier.
  • The construction process is completed by screwing the handles and leveling the slopes.

Balcony - the highlight of the house or unnecessary problems?

In modern architecture, a balcony is not just a familiar attribute, it is rather an integral part of an apartment or hotel room. Balconies are widely in demand, both in residential construction and in office construction. Its presence greatly simplifies and decorates our lives. Each family finds its own purpose for the balcony. It could be like utility room for storing vegetables in the cold season, and a room for rest. Often offices, workshops, small winter gardens. In general, anything. On the balcony with beautiful view It's nice to have a cup of morning coffee or a leisurely dinner. But, this is in multi-storey buildings. Although, lately, you can increasingly see private houses with balconies, and Russia is no exception. In such a house, it is unlikely that anyone will store potatoes on the balcony, because there is a cellar in the yard. You don't need it for a bicycle either; there's a garage for that. But even in a private home there should be favorite places where you can read a book or, wrapped in a blanket, watch an interesting movie on your laptop.

A balcony is a great blessing in any home. There will always be something for him good use. But so that this benefit does not turn into “ headache“, its construction requires the right approach. Projects of houses with a balcony allow you to avoid many mistakes during construction and get a high-quality and beautiful result at the end. The peculiarity of the balcony is that this structure protrudes beyond the facade and is supported by beams protruding from the wall. Hence the name “balcony”, which means beam in Old High German (balko). It is in the project that everything is laid necessary information and calculations about how thick and what the beams should be made of, how they are attached to the wall, what load they should withstand. When is it being built new home, then it’s even simpler here. It is enough to buy a ready-made house project with a balcony or order an individual one. The house will still be built from scratch, which means that everything will be laid as it should from the very beginning, including the beams for the balcony. It’s worse when you have to attach a balcony to an already finished house. Here you need to calculate everything correctly and do it skillfully so that the balcony turns out strong and the wall is not damaged. Changes will have to be made to the house design to match the actual buildings.

Projects of houses with a balcony will not differ much in price from projects of similar houses without a balcony. After all, this is not a large structure, and there will not be so many calculations and diagrams relating to it. The price depends more on the overall size of the house and its complexity. So don’t neglect your balcony project. There is no saving, but problems may arise due to its absence.

Project of a house with a balcony from the company DOM4M

In order for both the house and the balcony to please both the eye and the soul for a long time, designs of houses with a balcony must be purchased from specialists. After all, the design of amateurs and their hack work does not tolerate. The Dom4M company offers a wide selection and high quality finished projects. The company's employees will help you choose the right design for a house with a balcony. If necessary, it can be adapted to a different soil or other building materials. If none of the standard projects catch your eye, then you can order an individual design. It will cost more, but you won’t have to adjust your dreams to someone else’s templates. In this case, the specific wishes of the customer will be translated into reality. His task is to explain in detail what he wants. How to implement it is the concern of the designers. Modern technologies and materials significantly expand the capabilities of architects and builders. So it won’t be difficult for them to make their dream of a private house with a balcony come true.

Beautiful and cozy private house 1-2-3 floors cannot be imagined as complete if there is no balcony. Beautiful and varied in shape, area, glazing, insulation, placement, balconies delight the eye and give the outside of the house its unique appearance. Of course, not only him external view is the goal, it also carries a number of functional loads that increase the value and dignity of the house in general.


It must be remembered that constructing a balcony for a finished building can lead to high costs, so its design must be carried out together with the general layout of the house. A balcony can become a high-risk area, so it is better to entrust its design and construction to specialists.

A balcony extension can serve as a place of relaxation, entertainment and even a workplace creative person. Many books and scientific works written by thinking people sitting in armchairs and sun loungers on the balcony. A balcony with its base can serve as a roof over the porch, protecting it from rain, snow and other influences of natural and human factors. A balcony installed above the veranda helps to divide the façade of the house into two parts and creates the effect of a large airspace and increases the apparent volume of the house.

And one more point - fire safety. This refers to the possibility of evacuating through such an emergency exit in case of emergency.


  • complexity of design and construction,
  • partial heat leaks through balcony doors,
  • in the case of concrete cantilever slabs, heat leaks through technological thermal bridges are possible,
  • the need to agree on the visibility from the balcony at the planning stage external environment and neighbor's buildings,
  • additional structures on the facade of a private house complicate and lead to higher costs at all stages of the construction of the house.



This is the most common type, but it requires a special approach. The concrete base of the balcony is quite heavy and puts a significant load on the walls of the house. If the walls are not massive enough and there are doubts about their strength, additional supports are installed. Of course, they must be well made and match the overall design of the house.

Balcony slabs can be attached to the wall of a house in various ways:

  • a slab clamped into a wall is only suitable for concrete and brick houses because of its weight. The width of such a balcony is up to 1 meter;
  • a slab laid on several beams clamped into the wall at a distance of at least 80 centimeters from one another. Balcony width up to 1.2 meters;
  • slab on thrust brackets, where the strut can approach the edge of the cantilever part. This fastening makes it possible to decorate the structure with any finish from attic to modern. Width up to 1.5 meters;
  • the support at the end of a cantilevered slab in the main wall significantly expands its width;
  • the balcony slab on 4 supports already stands on its base and the balcony can be built after the main construction of the house is completed; it is practically a terrace on the second floor.

Reach and depth of the balcony concrete base with embedding in the wall should not extend beyond one meter, the slope angle balcony slab from the horizontal position must be about 2%. It is necessary to install a water-repellent coating on the surface of the concrete slab, which must be covered with a cement-sand screed. Welded to embedded steel elements metal racks, you need to worry about their artistic appearance in advance when deciding on the overall design.

The parapet handrails are attached to the risers, the ends of the handrails are securely inserted and secured into load-bearing wall. The height of the parapet is not lower than 1 meter. The artistic metal sheathing of the balcony should not have cell sizes that pose a danger to children. Balcony door should have a threshold height of 10 centimeters.

Bay windows

The word bay window, rarely used in everyday life, does not even make many people think, like many foreign words. This word means one thing - it is a balcony-type structure protruding beyond the facade of a building. Almost the same glazed balcony, but inside it is a continuation of the room. Bay windows can be of any shape; this is a huge field for imagination and real implementation.

There are various types of structures: rectangular, semicircular, with many edges, divided and solid windows, colored, mosaic and many others. The bay window is part of the wall of the house, it is not an extension element and the base under it is the same as that used by the house. Above the bay window, part of the structure is made in the form of slopes, but even here they try to add some kind of addition in order to distinguish it from the neighboring house. Often above the bay window you can see something similar to a turret. A bay window is hidden very well outside under a roof, usually a gable one.

One of the main functions of a bay window, as well as a balcony, is to change the shape interior space, in increasing its area and illumination due to additional windows. Interior decoration, design, furnishing of a bay window makes it possible to turn this small corner of the room into a fabulous location. It all depends on the desires and tastes of the owners of a private home.


First, we make beams, for which we use a wooden beam measuring 10x20 centimeters. The beams will become load-bearing elements balcony Beams are impregnated with DL-3 solution and covered with waterproof materials. To a depth of at least 25 cm, every 80 cm, the beams are attached to the load-bearing wall with steel corners. You need to attach racks made of 4x10cm wooden blocks to the beams. Then we lay and fasten 6x9 centimeter boards on the cantilever beams at a distance of 30x40 cm between them. Next, we lay the floor using 40 mm boards.

We fasten the fence made of boards 3x13 cm with screws to the posts, handrails made of wood measuring 4x9 cm are attached to the posts and are firmly fixed in the load-bearing wall. There should be no burrs or unevenness on the wooden handrail. The entire surface of the handrails must be thoroughly sanded and coated twice with water-repellent frost-resistant varnish. All elements of a wooden balcony are either oiled or treated with hydrophobic paint.

It is always advisable for cantilever structures to be supported by vertical columns to ensure the stability of the structure for a long period of time.

A little about the French balcony

As a rule, the balcony in a private house is open to be closer to nature, the fresh flow of forest air, and the smell of herbs. But there is also a closed type, the so-called “French”. In a private home, you can decide on installation all sorts of options extensions in accordance with the tastes and wealth of the owners. Closed, fully glazed with wrought iron grille, with beautiful windows made of clear or tinted glass, with a stylish frame, such a balcony will decorate any home.

But there is one peculiarity in this. It's not the balcony we tie to general appearance home, but on the contrary, even at the design stage of the entire house, you will have to coordinate the entire external design with the future French balcony. Detailed step by step instructions According to this design, this is a separate complex topic. It is necessary to coordinate the design of the room associated with the French balcony, their interior decoration, color scheme. All these are topics for the inspired work of artists, designers, and creative blacksmiths to create genuine masterpieces.

Erect country houses It is becoming not only popular, but also a necessity due to the busy everyday life of the city. Today, there are many companies that offer ready-made designs for houses of various types, by ordering which the customer will receive ready house with all construction work done: from project development to finishing works. House projects with a balcony and a terrace are becoming very popular today due to their simplicity, quick turnaround time for construction, reliability and relatively inexpensive price.

Frame house with balcony and terrace

A frame house with a terrace is a convenient option that combines stylish interior, elegant design of facades. A frame house with a balcony will expand the boundaries of the house and create additional space for relaxation and communication. A frame house is an excellent and inexpensive option. Regular size frame house, offered by construction companies, 6x6.

The frame house consists of internal frame, which, after construction, is sheathed with special materials on the internal and outside. Externally frame house sheathed with sheet and molded materials, internally with special insulation.

The main load is borne by the frame, which is most often made of wood; metal frames are less commonly used.

Frame house construction technologies:

  • Frame-panel. This technology involves the installation of the material, after which it is processed and insulated. In order to install, you need to buy everything separately. consumables, and all construction work should be carried out in stages. This technology is labor-intensive, but cheaper.
  • Frame-panel. This technology provides production work according to a previously prepared project. Special panels are manufactured in production, into which insulation is immediately built. After which the finished structures are brought to the site where the house is installed.

Although these technologies differ in execution techniques, the installation of a house will cost almost the same, you just have to take into account that in the first option you will have to pay extra to the builders for additional types of work: cladding, insulation, finishing.

House with a balcony and a terrace (video)

Drain for balconies and terraces: an important stage of construction

An important step in building a house is the correct choice of drains for balconies and terraces. It’s worth paying attention to them when developing a house project. With them making the right choice, installation and use, the house will be reliably protected from water and its destructive effect in case of stagnation in the drains.

Important points when choosing ladders:

  1. To correctly determine the type of drain required, you need to take into account the type of roof of the house, the layers of its covering, the type of waterproofing, the material of the drain pipe and the load on the drain.
  2. It is necessary to correctly determine the drainage area for each drain. When choosing a ladder, you should pay attention special attention for the estimated amount of water and the throughput of the ladder.
  3. To avoid water leakage, it is necessary to pay attention to the compliance of the drain and the selected waterproofing material.
  4. If the balcony or terrace is covered with a parapet, you should be careful about removing water. Heavy rainfall or large amounts of water entering the drain can cause the roof to collapse. Therefore, drains and inlet grates require regular inspection.
  5. It must be remembered that rain and melt water must be discharged strictly in storm sewer. In the case of drainage of water into a combined sewer system, drains with an odor-blocking and anti-freezing device should be used.

When choosing drains, it is also important to pay attention to purchasing additional elements for water drainage. For example, a drainage ring, an extension element with a flange, an extension, a storage element. It is these auxiliary elements that ensure reliable drainage of water from roofs of any type and content.

Why lay a terrace board on the balcony?

Today the balcony is often extra space in a house reserved for recreation. That’s why the owners do everything to create a cozy atmosphere there. An important element Creating an interior on the balcony is a matter of flooring.

There are traditional ways floor coverings such as tiles, laminate or wood flooring. However, they all have their drawbacks. The tiles are heavy and susceptible to temperature changes. Laminate flooring can quickly deteriorate by getting wet and swelling. Wooden materials cheap, but short-lived.

Projects of two-story houses with a balcony and a terrace

A ready-made project for a two-story house with a terrace is presented on the construction market today. In most cases, projects offer rational houses that will combine high-quality building materials, efficient structures, and beautiful facades convenient layout, reasonable prices.

Project of a two-story house: main stages:

  • Creating a title page;
  • Explanatory note;
  • Floor plans;
  • Facade design;
  • Sections of the house;
  • Roofing project;
  • Floor design;
  • Drawings of reinforced concrete lintels;
  • Roofing drawings.

Construction companies offer a wide selection of house designs with comfortable balconies and beautiful terraces that are a natural extension of the house. These additional seating areas will be very useful in the spring and autumn.

What is the difference between a terrace and a balcony?

Sometimes when designing houses and various construction work Customers and performers have problems with the correct naming of such types of premises as balconies and terraces. This question is very important, since the calculation of the area of ​​the room depends on the correct definition, which affects the determination total area and market value.

The main and main difference between a terrace and a balcony is that a terrace is an open area that can be attached to a building, and can also be located above the roof of the lower floor. The terrace can be located on the ground and have a roof.

Balcony and terrace regulatory documents can be used in summer. But given the wide range quality materials for glazing, rooms can be made suitable for all seasons.

Project of a house with a balcony and a terrace (video)

Nowadays, the construction of houses with balconies and terraces has received widespread. Many construction companies present ready-made projects developed by professionals. Such projects include all stages of creating a house, calculated down to the smallest detail. When creating a house project, they take into account modern materials, which are widely represented on construction markets. Projects also take into account the individual wishes of each customer. Before drawing up a project, it is important to study the features construction technologies and the quality of materials used in the construction of houses.
