Selecting the color of a stretch ceiling is an important task. How to choose a stretch ceiling Types of stretch ceilings

The advantage of tension fabric over usual design ceiling is that it can not only hide imperfections and emphasize the interior design, but also create various visual effects. They can “expand” the space of a narrow room and “raise” a low ceiling. But all this is only possible if you choose the right color. As a rule, it depends on the texture of the canvas, the “temperature” of its tone, the presence of an ornament and such features of the room as lighting and size.

Features of the shade of the canvas

Cool shades (a mixture of blue and red) are suitable for rooms located on the south or east side. They significantly refresh the room, bringing the necessary coolness.
Warm colors (from sunny yellow to bright red) are necessary to create comfort in rooms with windows on the west or north side.

Neutral colors (mostly green) create a feeling of comfort.

Light and cold tones can visually expand the space, while dark and warm tones can narrow it.

Any of the selected shades must be supported by accessories or interior items. This will give the design a unity of style.

The nature of the texture of the canvas

The texture of the canvas can change the geometry of space. Glossy surfaces reflect light well, creating the illusion of a high ceiling. Even when made in dark colors, they help visually add up to twenty centimeters in height. Textures stylized as suede, marble, wood, and leather “heavien” the ceiling. With their help you can high walls visually do below.

Presence of ornament

The pattern of the canvas and its character can significantly “change” the size of the room. Small ornaments increase space, while large ones reduce them. A vague pattern adds volume, while a clear pattern tightens it.

Room lighting

The degree of illumination of a room can change any shade, giving the interior undesirable appearance. A dark space can make even bright colors muted, and turn pastel ones into boring and faceless ones. The situation can be corrected with the help of artificial lighting. For example, an intense overhead light can add warm tones to a room.

Some types of lighting can create an additional shade. Halogen or incandescent lamps give the canvas a yellow-orange color. If the canvas blue, then at the point of its connection with the lamps will form green tone. Conventional energy-saving lamps have several types of glow, each of which gives its own shade to the stretched fabric. The natural glow of the lamps does not distort the color of the ceiling.

One of the main stages in interior design is the selection of the color and texture of the stretch ceiling fabric. The coating should become the background for other decorative elements and emphasize the uniqueness of the design. And well-chosen shades will visually transform the room.

Criteria for choosing the color of suspended ceilings

To select a color stretch ceiling, you need to not only take into account personal design preferences, but also the characteristics of the room where the canvas will be installed:
  • Room height. Cold tones visually increase the height of the ceiling, while warm tones, on the contrary, make it visually lower. Color saturation is affected in the same way. The lower its intensity, the higher the ceiling will appear.
  • Lighting. For dark rooms where little light enters, best option- warm colors of stretch ceilings. With their help, the room will become brighter and sunny. If the room is bright, then when choosing, focus on its other characteristics.
  • Purpose of the premises. Some colors can invigorate, others relax, and still others can even arouse appetite. Therefore, when considering the color palette of suspended ceilings, you need to choose the appropriate shade for each room. In the bathroom, for example, invigorating cool shades - blue and gray - will look harmonious. But calm, soft and warm ones are more suitable for the bedroom. pastel colors.
  • Room size. Stretch ceilings can expand and reduce space. In small rooms it is better to give preference to traditional white canvas. If it seems very boring to you, then choose pastel colors. In large rooms you can use almost all color scheme, but it is not recommended to make the ceiling completely white.

Please note: if the color of the ceiling matches the color of the walls, then the room appears visually lower. It is important that the stretch fabric matches the color of curtains, furniture or other decorative elements in the room.

Purpose of the room when choosing the color of the stretch ceiling

The purpose of the room must first be taken into account when choosing the color of the stretch fabric; let’s take a closer look:
  1. Bedroom. Pastel warm colors (yellow, coffee, peach, cream) will create a relaxing environment. They can also be combined with calm blue or light green.
  2. Children's. Contrary to popular belief that you need to use bright colors in a nursery, we still recommend choosing neutral green, white, blue, yellow or pink. These shades will not distract the child's attention. The perfect solution- image sea ​​waves or the sky.
  3. Kitchen. Bright red, orange, rich green - these colors stimulate the appetite, and therefore will harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen. Do not forget about the need to combine the color of the ceiling with the rest of the interior details (kitchen tables, chairs).
  4. Bathroom. Invigorating cool shades (blue, gray, green, indigo) are optimal for these rooms.
  5. Living room. Here the possibilities are significantly expanded. You can install a translucent monochromatic canvas with hidden lighting or a multi-level two-color ceiling. In this room you can turn any stylistic idea into reality.
  6. Hallway and corridor. These rooms usually have no windows, so it is better to give preference light colors. Ideal option- cream and chocolate glossy surfaces. It is worth remembering the rule that dark color should be less than half the area. Furniture for the hallway should be chosen several shades darker than the ceiling.
  7. Cabinet. Intellectual activity can be stimulated with solid green and blue shades. In this case, it is better to choose a matte, satin or imitation metal texture. But use bright colors on glossy canvases to organize working area not recommended. Such a coating will constantly distract and dissipate attention.

When skillfully combined, art ceilings, canvases with interesting patterns, and multi-level structures will harmoniously fit into the design.

Main characteristics of suspended ceiling colors

Each color has a unique psychedelic effect on a person, and this factor should not be missed when creating a design:
  • White. Classic, neutral, calm and relaxing. If you choose this option, be sure to make a bright accent on the walls. Pairs original with black. Oversaturation with white color causes apathy and boredom.
  • Black. Stylish, versatile, aristocratic, suitable for combination with different shades. Optimal for use in the living room. Use black in large quantities not recommended unless you are trying to create an exclusive themed design.
  • Chocolate. Noble color. Has the same properties as black. Goes great with warm tones. Suitable for offices because it is associated with reliability.
  • Light blue and blue. Doesn't irritate the eyes, calms you down, promotes reflection. Good option for sunny rooms.
  • Lilac. Soothing, but difficult to perceive and heavy. Suitable for living rooms and hallways. It is not advisable to use it in rest rooms, as it can cause attacks of depression.
  • Grey. Associated with stability and harmony. Emphasizes the strict atmosphere.
  • Pink. Fresh, original, romantic and feminine. Stimulates sensitivity. In varying degrees of saturation it is used in the design of children's rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms.
  • Green. A calming, cheerful color associated with harmony. Optimal for ceilings of large rooms, suitable for bedrooms as it improves sleep.
  • Red. Passionate, fiery, dynamic, stimulating sexual activity and appetite. Suitable for hallways and kitchens. It is highly undesirable to use it in rest rooms, as the color is very irritating.
  • Yellow. Positive, sunny and mentally neutral color. Recommended for use in organizing your work environment as it helps improve concentration. Also good for decorating children's rooms.
  • Orange. Cheerful, invigorating, warm, cheerful, appetizing. It will fit harmoniously into a room with insufficient lighting. The place for its use is the kitchen, dining room, children's room.

Please note that when installing dark and bright suspended ceilings, it is important to organize good lighting.

Features of the combination of texture and color of a stretch ceiling

The wrong combination of color and texture can ruin the overall design idea. Depending on the texture, the canvas will absorb or reflect light, so this aspect also affects the choice of color for the stretch ceiling:
  1. Matte finish. Makes the room narrower and reduces its depth. Painted in light colors Matte stretch ceilings do not irritate the eyes. It is often used for photo printing, because the image in this case is not distorted by glare.
  2. Satin material. This texture can softly diffuse lighting, shimmering in an interesting way. The pearlescent shine of cold tones looks harmonious in a large room.
  3. Glossy ceiling. Due to its mirror properties, it is able to significantly increase the height of the room, expand the space and give off a lot of light. Warm colors of a glossy stretch ceiling are the best option for small and dark rooms.
  4. Suede canvas. Suitable for installation in a bright bedroom. It completely absorbs light and creates a cozy atmosphere. It is not recommended to choose too dark colors. Otherwise, the ceiling will look heavy.
  5. textured surface. Imitation of wood, leather, stone and metal - great solution for compact rooms such as corridor, bathroom, kitchen. In combination with plain canvases, ceilings with imitation textures will make the space wider and the room more comfortable.
  6. Translucent coating. Traditionally applicable in rooms with organized hidden lighting. In this case, a plain canvas will look advantageous.

When choosing suspended ceilings of two colors, keep in mind that dark shades should occupy less than half the area of ​​the room, since they exert depressive pressure on a person.

How to combine colors when installing a two-level stretch ceiling

Using a plain stretch fabric is easier to understand. It should be combined with interior details - furniture, decorative elements. Another thing is the combination of colors in tensioned two-level structures. They need to not only be correctly combined with the rest of the decor, but also with each other.

Therefore, it is important to know which shades are in harmony with each other, and which ones are obviously losing:

  • Different tones of the same color combine well with each other. For example, light green and bright green, blue and dark blue.
  • Red and orange colors will harmonize well with white, gray, black and yellow tones.
  • Light brown, yellow, orange and white patterns look great on green ceilings.
  • The yellow ceiling can be diluted with black, light green, blue, brown and green patterns.
  • The combination of pink with purple, gray and chocolate looks winning.
  • The beige fabric harmonizes with yellow and white.
  • Blue color can be complemented with turquoise, pink, burgundy, gray and purple shades.
  • Black, light green, white and pink look impressive against a gray background.
  • A black and white combination is considered successful, especially when there are red details in the interior.
The following combinations are not recommended to be combined with each other: blue and red, pink and yellow, brown and purple, dark green and burgundy.

By following the rules of color, you will be able to choose the most harmonious combination of colors for a stretch ceiling yourself, and you will not need to resort to the services of a designer.

Create original design interior design and transform the room beyond recognition using simple tips:
  1. It is not recommended to decorate the walls and ceiling in the same color.
  2. It is necessary to combine correctly not only colors, but also tones. Canvases of different colors and the same tones can mute each other.
  3. Monochrome design is considered one of the most good options design. Well-chosen beige and gray shades will look impressive with properly organized lighting.
  4. Ideally, a suspended ceiling should become a kind of background for other interior items.
  5. It is desirable that there is a contrast between the ceiling and walls. If the suspended ceiling is light, then the walls should be darker and vice versa.
  6. It is not recommended to use more than two bright colors in the decoration, so as not to overload the interior.
  7. Longitudinal contrasting stripes visually lengthen the room.
  8. You can visually expand the room with transverse colored patterns on the stretch fabric.
  9. The diagonal pattern will figuratively increase the space.
How to choose the color of a stretch ceiling - watch the video:

Such a simple question at first glance about what colors of suspended ceilings to use in interior design, in fact requires taking into account many nuances. Harmoniously chosen shades will not only emphasize the originality of the design, but will also help create a unique atmosphere.

The colors of suspended ceilings must be selected before the overall design of the interior of the home. Earlier at checkout fashionable interior it was customary to give preference to tension structures white, which, in principle, is universal solution and to this day.

But when an unimaginable assortment of canvases appeared on sale, designers began to create interesting, exclusive interiors with film ceilings. With the help of an excellent selection of photos, we offer to get acquainted with the flight of their creative imagination.

Shades and their characteristics

The emergence of diversity has led to a decrease in market prices for tensile structures. Today, almost every home owner can afford to install such a structure in their home. The main thing is to correctly select the color of the stretch ceiling.

  • Initially it may mistakenly seem that this is simple task, but you should remember that an incorrectly selected range can significantly spoil the interior.
  • It turns out that not all colors are equally useful, and not everyone knows how much of an impact tone has on mood and well-being.

Advice. It is best to listen to the opinion of experts even before decorating your home. Depending on the purpose of the room, the designer will select the right color palette which will create a harmonious atmosphere in the room.


You can never say for sure: this shade is good and this one is bad. Absolutely any tone can be harmonious if it is correctly combined with other shades.

Advice: Having chosen, you should not paint the walls with the same background, but it is better to add a little bright colors or contrasts - and then the room will flourish significantly. As an option, a glossy ceiling surface looks good against the background of matte walls, as we see in the example below.

  • Colored stretch ceilings from red to yellow palette will give the room a boost of energy and optimism. This range is suitable for an office and living room, but should be used with caution in a children's room.

Note. When decorating a room with these flowers, it is worth considering that they love free space.

  • Where can I use it? soft shade suspended ceilings? This palette will be an excellent decor for a bedroom or relaxation area. The highlight of the design will be the interweaving of the colors of the walls and ceiling.
  • Using blue and gray suspended ceilings(cold shades), you can visually “raise” the room.
  • Canvases with shades of soft blues and greens can be used in the bathroom or.
  • , characterizes confident and courageous owners who are not afraid of experiments. White and black tones are quite universal, so the combination of shades will perfectly complement the living room and emphasize the aristocracy of the owners.
  • Combination of shades of suspended ceilings will allow you to create bright interior in a room of any complexity.

Attention: Please note that the color of the ceiling plane must necessarily match the interior and vice versa. If everything is done correctly, then accents will be placed on the necessary details, and shortcomings will be hidden somewhere.

Colored ceilings: all about harmony

Please note: It is always necessary to remember that choosing the optimal color is not something that catches your eye, but something that will pleasantly harmonize with the surrounding objects. If you have doubts about which color stretch ceiling to choose, then you can safely give preference to beige. You definitely can’t go wrong with it, and you can always make a bright accent with the help of textiles or lamps.

What you need to consider when registering:

  • When decorating a room, you should not make the interior entirely in one color.
  • A contrasting solution for the ceiling and walls is the best option for decorating a room.
  • And repeated use of the same color will overwhelm the room with one tone.

Advice. You should pay attention to characteristic features and area of ​​the room before using several shades at once.

  • In a room where mental work is planned, bright colors should be used.
  • The monotonous shade of stretch ceilings can evoke a feeling of freshness.
  • Greenish blue and marine shades are great for stimulating brain activity.


Stretch ceiling: colors and texture

There is another feature for ceilings: there are colors that can reflect and absorb light. Satin and matte textures have the ability to reduce the depth of the room and narrow it. Therefore, in the case of a small room it is better to use a matte ceiling structure, and for large rooms - glossy, rich dark colors of stretch ceilings.

  • The glossy surface is a mirror and deep effect. This texture can give off light and expand boundaries.
  • If we talk about the bedroom, then a suede ceiling is best suited here. This option cultivates comfort and warmth. Although, as you can see in the picture above, black gloss fits perfectly into the bedroom.
  • The color palette of suspended ceilings and the texture of metal, wood and stone are perfect for rooms such as a kitchen, corridor or bathroom. It will also be the right choice for styles such as hi-tech, fusion or loft.

Canvas with “stains” - an option for loft-style design

Advice. When decorating a room, it is especially important not to use more than 50% of a dark background, as the color will be oppressive and depressing. Also, dark colors should not be used in relaxation areas and sleeping place— light shades are conducive to rest and relaxation. Although there are exceptions to every rule.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a color

Today, there are not only matte and glossy surfaces of tension ceiling structures, and art ceilings are also very popular, thanks to which you can create real masterpieces indoors. There are such colors of suspended ceilings that, under the influence of natural light, behave like a chameleon.

How to choose the color of a stretch ceiling?

You just need to use little tricks:

  • Before you decide on a color, you should remember that some colors mute each other.
  • Other colors make the room brighter and richer, and create a unique play of shadows.
  • Today, choosing multi-colored stretch ceilings is not difficult, thanks to the variety of palettes.
  • Stretch ceilings are suitable for absolutely any room and interior. beige color. For lovers of a strict style, you can offer monochrome colors.

Advice. For those who are afraid of gloom, a gray stretch ceiling is quite suitable - especially since in daylight the ceiling will shimmer and softly turn into a blue tint.

Matching wall color

In order for the ceiling not only to improve the visual perception of space, but also to harmonize with the rest of the interior, you need to take into account:

  • Wall finishing color. The color scheme of the room should be harmonious to make it pleasant to be in. Combining colors correctly is a whole science, and not everyone manages to master it. That is why those who make renovations without the participation of a designer often go to two extremes: either they don’t take risks and leave the ceiling white, or they don’t think for a long time about how to choose the color of the ceiling, and the result is color chaos.

Advice. In such cases, the so-called color wheels and color combination palettes are very helpful.

Look at the examples:

Conclusion: if you are not confident that you can cope with the right choice colors, and no instructions helped you make a decision, stop at one of the most neutral and calm shades of those that are already present in the interior.

  • Stylish unity of the interior(cm. ). If you decide to install suspended ceilings, the choice of color for them should be such that this color is repeated in the decor of other interior details - lamps, upholstery, curtains, paintings, etc. But you shouldn’t overdo it, especially with bright colors, so as not to get the result as in the next picture.

Often after installing a ceiling, the question arises: how to choose a color? ceiling plinth. As a rule, it is matched either to the color of the ceiling or to the color of the walls.

But if the design of the room is based on contrast, then it will be ideally emphasized by a wide white or dark baseboard that delimits the bright surfaces of the walls and ceiling.

Stretch ceilings color selection and design

Ceiling tension structures themselves make a great contribution to the interior design of a room, especially since their price is affordable for every user. They are able to emphasize important details of the interior or draw attention strictly to themselves, as was done in the interior presented below.

The polyvinyl chloride tension structure combines perfectly with drywall. And at the same time, you can use stretch ceilings of two colors and select different effects using lighting fixtures.

In addition, PVC film has more than 300 colors on the RAL scale. Tensile structures are also found with photo printing, which allows you to create interesting modern interiors.

What types of PVC ceiling structures are there:

  • If you choose a matte option, then there will be no light and color reflections in the room, and the design itself will not be reflected.
  • The matte canvas itself is a classic, since the interior of the room itself will immediately come to the first stage. Also, a matte surface is often used for rest rooms. It does not attract attention to itself and creates a feeling of comfort.
  • Tension structures made of satin are also very similar to matte materials, but their surface is smoother, this effect makes the surface more contrasting. And if it's excellent natural light, then the pearlescent tint is very clearly visible.
  • The design of such a structure provides for many combinations, including two-color stretch ceilings.

Today, the most popular option is glossy tension structures. The mirror surface contributes to the visual expansion of the room, as the entire interior is reflected.

The gloss looks great in combination with vinyl film and drywall. Instructions for installing multi-level structures are also available on our website.

Design techniques with PVC ceilings

Considering that multi-colored canvases are produced on machines with current high frequency, then during installation it is important that the boundary zone does not succumb to deformation, especially if the installation is done by hand.

Designer designs:

  • Using special photo printing, you can produce various films depicting the sky, animals and birds; portraits will also look great - it all depends on your interior.
  • A magnificent design can be created by designing a multi-level structure with different colors and textures. An instructional video will show you how to do this yourself.
  • It is best to make a multi-level structure from PVC film and drywall. Thanks to the rigidity of gypsum board, you can create unique designs, including designs with lighting fixtures.

The interior and magnificence of the design of lamps that can be installed either under the material or on top, for example, imitating a starry sky or creating another unique visual effect, will be very beneficial to emphasize the interior. In the rest room, it is best to use a matte design and a calm tone; when looking at the ceiling, there should be no negative or acute feelings.

We think that from what has been said and shown above, every reader will understand that the color palette of suspended ceilings allows you to implement almost any solution.

Stretch ceilings in the color of the sky, sun, grass or even black are chosen today modern people when finishing an apartment or house. The interior of suspended ceilings is wildly popular. A stretch ceiling will attract attention, decorate the interior, and become the main design solution.

Before installing a suspended ceiling, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the room. Ceilings can have different colors and shapes.

The forms are as follows:

  1. Classic. This shape suits any room. The canvas is placed horizontally in one level.
  2. Multi-tiered. Using this solution, you can visually raise the ceiling and divide the room into zones.
  3. Arched. Great option to completely change the geometry of space.
  4. Unusual shape of Dune. With this solution, the room acquires a unique look, since the ceiling smoothly turns into columns.
  5. Starry sky. A very popular option. Special spotlights are built into the ceiling.

Placing suspended ceilings in the interior is an excellent solution for modern renovation. Such ceilings are suitable for almost everyone style directions, look good in classic and modern style.

Textures and colors of suspended ceilings

To add something unusual and make a competent accent in the interior of the room, it is better to choose a good, high-quality stretch ceiling. Ceilings come in a variety of colors and textures. Some people like matte canvases, some like gloss, and others like combined options. If you arrange the ceiling in different colors, you can zone the space advantageously, for example, the living room area can be highlighted in red, and the dining room in white.

The red and white combination is a classic of the genre, it looks advantageous and interesting.

Sometimes installing a simple white stretch ceiling in a room looks boring and banal, so designers recommend not being afraid of color and making bright accents on the ceiling. This solution helps to diversify the space and make the design complete. It is important to remember that if the ceilings are low, then colored fabric will only worsen the situation, in which case the only option is a glossy, snow-white stretch ceiling. The choice depends on the preferences of the residents of the house, on the shape of the room, on the height of the ceiling, on the lighting of the space.

The following colors are popular today:

  • Silver;
  • Golden;
  • Champagne;
  • Ivory;
  • Yellow;
  • Lilac;
  • Turquoise.

The options can be the most unusual; you can safely install a stretch ceiling in cream, green, light green, orange, pistachio, peach flowers. The trend is ocher and burgundy tones. Gold, red colors, dark ceiling are suitable for classic interior. The combination of different shades and textures is an interesting solution. Such ceilings can be installed in country house, in a cottage located in a village, village, town or in an ordinary modern apartment. Interesting solution, the use of suspended ceilings with photo printing. Photo printing is done only on satin or matte canvas.

The advantages of this type are as follows:

  1. Practicality;
  2. Availability;
  3. Fire resistance;
  4. Environmental friendliness;
  5. Aesthetics;
  6. Long service life.

The types of canvases with photo printing can be different, but today clouds, artistic canvases, animals, and nature are very popular. Multi-colored films can also be used on the wall; it can be an insert that will visually expand the space.

Color is a kind of weapon that can change the interior beyond recognition. Selecting the color of the ceiling is not an easy task, as designers say - it is an entire art. It is necessary to select a colored ceiling when the floor and walls have already been finished. The color design must be compatible. The palette must correspond to a specific group.

Conventionally, colors can be divided:

  • Warm colors;
  • Cold tones;
  • Black;
  • White.

The gamma must be chosen perfectly. You should be extremely careful when choosing contrasting colors. Almost any color of the stretch fabric goes well with wooden floors. Using color, you can eliminate the shortcomings of a room and emphasize its advantages. Light-colored canvases will visually expand the space. Red and yellow will create a feeling of harmony, warmth, but at the same time visually reduce the space. Cool shades will add solemnity to the room and visually expand the room. You also need to remember about the interior style. For classics, you need to select ceilings that are a couple of shades lighter. The shade should match the color of the furniture.

When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the psychological side of the issue.

Each color has an impact on a person, so blue calms, green encourages communication, yellow gives energy, but you need to be careful with red, as it can also irritate. Black stretch ceilings are an effective solution, but if you want to install dark canvases, then you need to take care of lighting, there should be a lot of it.

Color combination of suspended ceilings

The combination must be correct. As already mentioned, you need to combine tones from the same group: warm with warm, cold with cold. Even if you have skillful hands and design abilities, it is better not to experiment with a combination of cold and warm, as you can ruin everything.

An excellent combination would be the following options:

  • Black and white;
  • Red and white;
  • Green and yellow;
  • Blue and blue.

With white and black you can use almost any shade. We must not forget about the light. Bright light can make blues and cyan colors darker, while orange, green, and red colors, on the other hand, become lighter. Intense light can even change the hue of a color, turning purple into a dark blue and yellow into a duller color. Therefore, if the windows face south, you can choose both warm and cool colors. Indoors with insufficient quantity sunlight It is better to arrange a suspended ceiling in yellow or orange.

Stretch ceiling color chart

An online table of colors for suspended ceilings will help you decide on the choice of shade of the canvas.

The table usually shows examples of combinations:

  • Flowers;
  • Shades;
  • Invoice.

Numbers are indicated that will help you decide what shade the future ceiling will be. It is important to take into account the fact that the colors indicated in the table may not exactly match the actual color of the film. This is due to the fact that the color rendering capability of the computer monitor does not match with real flowers. When choosing, you need to take into account the names of the manufacturer of suspended ceilings.

Gray walls and ceiling: design features

White glossy ceiling- this is always a suitable solution, but what if you experiment and arrange it in a room where gray walls, same color canvas. Since ancient times it has been believed that gray tones are dull, boring and gloomy, but is this really so? No, today, using all sorts of design tricks, you can beat up a gray room and make it bright, stylish, and harmonious.

Features of auxiliary materials are as follows:

  1. It is better to make the lathing from wood. However, we must remember that the wooden sheathing will “steal” 3 cm from the ceiling height.
  2. The design of the frame, made of lightweight aluminum, makes it possible to reliably arrange the canvas, and the distance between the canvas and the ceiling will be minimal.
  3. If you plan to arrange a multi-tiered ceiling, then the lathing can be made of metal-plastic.

In the interior, made in gray color you need to use enough light. These can be spotlights, an excellent option to create a gap between the wall and the ceiling.

Experts also advise using spots, LED backlight, chandeliers, LED strips or halogen lamps. Spots are one of the advantageously functional and convenient lamps for ceilings and tension systems. A gray stretch ceiling will look great in an office, apartment, or country house.

How to choose the color of a stretch ceiling (video)

By listening to the advice, you can avoid mistakes when choosing a ceiling and its colors. It is better to entrust the installation to a professional, then the result will please you for many, many years. Without the skills to work with stretch fabric, you can ruin expensive material. Remember, ceilings are expensive, so it’s better not to take risks.

Each owner has his own imagination and his own view of what kind of ceiling canvas should be in his apartment. And new opportunities due to the appearance on the domestic construction market Equally new technologies have led to the fact that two-color stretch ceilings in the hall today are not only not uncommon, but most likely just a natural tribute to fashion.

At the same time, an inexperienced developer (and sometimes an experienced builder), due to ignorance of the basic rules for color selection, simply makes gross mistakes. Which in turn leads to additional financial costs. After all tension PVC this is not a canvas; you can’t repaint it. We have to change it. And this is from 400 rubles for each square meter floor area.

For example, when standard size halls of 20 m2, the price of a hasty decision will be from 8,000 rubles. What if this private house? What if photo printing was used? In such cases, the cost of the ceiling can soar to 40-50 thousand.

Remember, choosing the color of a stretch ceiling in a hall is quite difficult. Therefore, such a choice must be approached with all possible seriousness and responsibility and in no case should you make your choice in a hurry. By the time you order a ceiling, you should already have an exact idea of ​​what you want to get as a result.

Significant influence of texture on color

The first thing you need to do is decide on your material. Since the color will also look different on different textures, this is where you need to start.
First you need to know that there are 6 main textures of ceiling fabrics

  • Satin

The structure of the canvas with this texture has a microrelief up to 0.05 mm deep, which is enough to create a light pearlescent shine.

The structure of the fabric with this texture has a microrelief with a depth of 0.1 mm. This eliminates any mirror effect, but gives the ceiling made in this texture a natural color that is not tiring for the eyes.

  • Gloss

A very stylish “mirror” texture, which, thanks to the reflective effect, visually expands the space.

The special pile texture is most conducive to comfort and tranquility. It looks extremely natural and rich.

  • Metallic

An expensive and rather unique texture, much like gloss, but not giving a mirror effect.

  • Translucent

The name speaks for itself. The canvas has a translucent appearance and is ideal for placing hidden lighting behind it.

The influence of room color on the psyche

When choosing colors, one cannot also ignore the long-established fact of the influence of the color of a room on the human psyche. You can believe in it, you can not believe it, but it is what it is and there is no escape from it. It’s better to figure out what color works, how and what.

  • White

Classic. In moderation, it gives peace, expands space, and symbolizes purity.
When excessive, it leads to boredom, apathy and depression.

  • Black

The color of curiosity and mystery hidden threat. Also a manifestation of strength. Solid color. But in large quantities, it is fear, depression and emptiness. You always have to be careful with black.

  • Grey

A neutral color that does not particularly affect the mood of the residents, but also does not contribute to improving their vitality.

  • Silver

Calming color that stops any disputes. But at the same time, it is an “optional color” that destroys any discipline.

  • Pearl

Symbolizes luxury and prosperity. According to experts, it promotes digestion.

  • Red

Dynamics, leadership and cruelty. It is the most powerful irritant. Extremely unconducive to peace and harmony.

  • Pink

Romance, femininity and friendliness. Although it has a calming effect, it can excite sensitivity.

  • Yellow

The color of the sun. Positively affects concentration and promotes making the right decisions.

  • Orange

Helps keep the body in good shape and generally has all the benefits of red, but unlike the latter, it does not cause aggression.

  • Green

Calming casino color. Removes all negative emotions, improves sleep.

  • Blue

Another calming color. It has bottomlessness and some magical mystery. Extinguishes any emotions.

  • Brown

The color of peace and disappointment. In moderation, it induces a feeling of security.

  • Violet

It contributes to the development of personality, but at the same time it is a very heavy color that can easily drive you into depression.

Based on this information, it should not be surprising that when choosing the color of suspended ceilings for a hall today, different shades of red and orange are often used, since it is this color that prevents guests from “falling asleep” and shows the strength and solidity of the owner of the house. Conversely, romantic pink coloring is the least suitable for such a serious room.

The combination of colors in the ceiling interior of the hall

In principle, “variegated” has never been synonymous with the word “solid,” and therefore any combination of colors in the halls on the ceiling is a rather dubious decision. Best choice for a not too experienced designer there will be a game with shades of the same color. Although, if the area of ​​the canvas allows, you can play a little with contrasts by choosing perfect combination paints (no more than two primary colors) for your room. In this case, it is desirable that only one color be present on one plane.


Red + blue, yellow + pink, purple + brown, burgundy + dark green – these combinations have been tested and are the least compatible with each other and can “kill” almost any interior.


If your ceiling canvas is single-level without any ceiling figures, an ordinary ceiling pattern made in the colors you need will help you play with colors.

Although, of course, all these recommendations have a solid basis, they should still be used with caution, taking into account the character and health status of permanent residents, the purpose of the space, and even the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions. (Yes, that’s right, because a warm peach color can “warm up” even a cold, northern room, and vice versa, blue or blue will slightly cool a stuffy, southern room).

If you doubt that you can take into account all these nuances yourself, trust the choice color scheme your ceiling in the hall to an experienced designer. This may be cheaper than replacing the entire ceiling later.