Growing clover. Create a lawn using white clover. Making fertilizer from green mass

Clover is not only a good honey plant, but many people do not know about it. Flowers cover the ground with a beautiful and thick carpet, it is to the taste of farm animals, and supplies nitrogen and organic matter to the soil.


In nature it is perennial does without weeding and fertilizing. Therefore, at home there are no special problems with it - clover is quite tenacious.

For planting, it is better to choose a well-lit place (slight shade is allowed).

Seeds are used for cultivation. You can collect them from two-year-old plants. But it is better to purchase it in a specialized store. Some gardeners divide tall bushes. But such plants do not take root well.

  1. The soil should first be loosened and fertilized with organic matter.
  2. For 1 sq. m of sown area requires about 335 seeds. It is better to soak the seeds for at least 1 hour before planting.
  3. Planting material should be mixed in a large container with soil. And spread in an even layer over the entire area.
  4. Then the seeds should be covered with a not very thick layer of soil (about 1 cm).
  5. Water using a hose fitted with a fine spray nozzle. The soil should be well moistened for 7 days.
  6. The first shoots will appear in 2 weeks.

When sowing by hand, the lawn will not be uniformly thick and even. Clover is a perennial plant. But after 3 years it should be sown again.

Important! Planting should be done before mid-summer. Otherwise, the clover will not have time to gain a good foothold before the weather gets colder.

Home care

Sour clover (oxalis, lucky clover) pleases with its flowering in winter time. Quite unpretentious in care.

Where to place

The flower will feel best in a well-lit place. Light should be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the plant. When there is a lack of light, the sorrel tree stops blooming. And soon dies.

Optimal temperature

The plant should not be placed in places with drafts. With regular watering and fertilization, a temperature of 20 to 24 degrees is suitable for sorrel.

Important! During rest, the temperature should be reduced to 18 degrees.

Subtleties of care

In order for the plant to grow well, it must be watered abundantly and the leaves must be sprayed. These conditions are especially important during the period of active growth and appearance of flowers.

All species require regular feeding mineral fertilizers and loosening.


Clover is the most unpretentious plant. The main thing for him is good constant soil moisture. The plant should be watered once every 7 days. Excessive moisture can negatively affect the plant. Therefore, watering should be moderate.

Trefoil produces nitrogen on its own. Therefore, it does not require large amounts of fertilizer. Sometimes a clover lawn needs to be thinned out a bit. It is better to plant it in areas where cereals or potatoes previously grew.

Important! Clover count effective means to fight all cancers.

How to care

Although clover is an unpretentious plant, it also needs minimal care.

  1. Manure should be applied in the fall.
  2. Before sowing seeds, the soil must be fertilized with fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium.
  3. If the soil is podzolic, care should be supplemented with boron fertilizers. They are used for spraying when the plant begins to bloom.

What types exist

There are almost 320 varieties of clover in nature. Many species are successfully used not only as forage crops, but also as original decoration landscape.

Red clover (meadow)

Belongs to early ripening varieties - blooms from early spring to late autumn. It has round leaves and bright pink inflorescences. The plant contains a lot of protein, so it is a nutritious food for animals.

The most popular are its varieties Trio, Ermak and Mereya.

Three-leaf clover (creeping)

A perennial plant that blooms from late spring until the first frost.

Long-lived among all species - it can grow for about 10 years. Has increased resistance to trampling. There are several varieties:

  • “dark dancer” - bright burgundy leaves with a green border create an interesting contrast with white flowers;
  • “Dagon’s blood” - red spots located on almost white leaves;
  • “green ice” - variegated leaves, one part of which is painted light green. And the other has a dark shade.

The most famous variety of the plant. Has 4 leaves.

Important! Clover can be used in cooking. A rather original salad is made from rice and clover leaves.

Planting in autumn

For clover to take root well, you should wait for a warm autumn day. The air temperature should be within 15 degrees. Otherwise, the sprouts will appear very quickly, and frost will destroy them.

Add 3 parts of clean river sand to the seeds. Make shallow furrows for the seeds (no more than 3 cm), the distance between which should be more than 10 cm.

In spring, when the temperature rises above 5 degrees, the plant will enter the active growth stage. It will need fertilizer in the form of liquid manure.

  1. For 50 liters of water you will need 17 kg of fertilizer.
  2. Stir and leave for 7 days.
  3. Then it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5.

When the first buds appear, it is necessary to spray the plant with any anti-pest preparation.

Important! For long flowering Clover can be fed with ash.

Planting before winter

This plant is a good siderite, enriches the soil with nitrogen compounds. Therefore, they are planted before winter to improve the soil composition.

Clover roots penetrate quite deep underground. This allows you to saturate it with air and moisture.

Clover has a long vegetative period. Therefore, you can mow for fertilizer both during the formation of buds and earlier, while the stems are soft. But if the deadline is missed, the fertilizer will not work.

Planting in a garden plot

Clover is an excellent alternative to the classic green lawn. It quickly takes hold; the creeping stems cover the lawn with an even carpet. The lawn turns out bright and natural.

Important! Looks good as a decoration for alpine slides and rockeries.

Clover like lawn grass, has a number of positive aspects:

  • it is unpretentious and can withstand changing climates;
  • It does not require special care;
  • perfectly fertilizes the soil, making it favorable for planting cultivated plants;
  • attracts insects for pollination;
  • proper care allows the lawn to remain attractive appearance up to 8 years old.

Important! It is better to use white clover seeds for your lawn.

The lawn should be trimmed on time. And make sure that from constant high humidity Snails and slugs did not breed in it.

Neat lawns are nothing new these days, but growing one yourself is difficult and expensive. It is known that there is a simplified option for the lazy -. But the question arises: how to plant white clover for the lawn? What materials will be needed and how difficult is the process?

Clover, popularly called trefoil, belongs to perennial plants of the legume family. The plant is presented in the form of three leaves of emerald color with a small spherical flower. If you stick to the right technology planting it, as well as caring for it afterwards, then blooming lawn will delight you every year with an even and soft carpet. To do everything correctly, consider detailed instructions: how to plant white clover for the lawn? Simple tips and some nuances from specialists will allow you to get a green carpet as a result of the work done.

Advantages and disadvantages

By choosing white clover you can get whole list advantages, since the plant has the following features:

  • pronounced decorative qualities;
  • powerful root system within several years it will be able to suppress the growth of weeds;
  • a carpet of clover forms a dense grass mass of a rich green hue;
  • the low growth of the stems eliminates the need for cutting;
  • easy to care for: does not require frequent watering or fertilizing;
  • high resistance to trampling;
  • fast growth;
  • saturation of the soil with nitrogen - a natural fertilizer;
  • the ability to plant on slopes, banks and wastelands.

Important! White clover is often included when it is necessary to sow empty areas of a rock garden, rose garden or garden bed.

Despite this, a lawn made from white glue also has some disadvantages:

  • the suppressive property will lead to the death of other flowers;
  • rapid growth in all directions (clover is dominant);
  • moisture retention leads to slipperiness - you should walk on it carefully.

Planting technology

As already mentioned, a tenacious plant does not require weeding or fertilizing. But, if you want to get an even and beautiful thick carpet, you should consider several recommendations. So, among preparatory work the location must be determined correctly. The best option is a sunny lawn or partial shade. Seeds are purchased at a specialized store for gardeners and gardeners: about 300 grains are needed per 1 m2. It is recommended to plant in spring or early summer.

  1. As in the case of a regular lawn, in order for the seeds to take root well and quickly, you should remove the top layer of soil (up to 5 cm) and level the area.
  2. Quick shoots will be ensured by simple soaking for 1 hour before direct sowing. You can also mix the seeds with a small part of the soil and then scatter them evenly over the area.
  3. To prevent birds from pecking the grains, a thin layer of soil (about 1 cm) is poured on top.
  4. For watering, it is recommended to use a sprinkler nozzle, as strong pressure will wash away the white clover seeds or drown them. Soil moisture should be maintained for 7-10 days. The possibility of walking on the lawn is excluded. After 15 days, shoots should appear.

Important! Clover grows well in areas where cereals were previously grown.


The unpretentiousness of the plant reduces all the conditions for caring for it. So, the basis includes only watering. Prolonged drought can negatively impact the growth of a white clover lawn. At the same time, severe waterlogging will also be disastrous. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to water once a week, provided that there has been no rain during these days.

You can trim the clover as desired - as the plant grows. In this case, it is recommended to use a trimmer, after which the lawn will quickly recover and bloom profusely. Carefully monitor the growth of the lawn; it is better to limit it, as it will be difficult to remove white clover.

Important! Trefoil easily tolerates sudden changes in temperature, but in case of high heat levels, additional watering should be carried out.

Video: white clover instead of lawn grass

Arrangement dacha area attracts attention. Instead of a classic lawn, you can grow a clover plantation. The natural charm of such a site will be expressed by a thousand flower balls. Moreover, the colors are presented in pink, yellow, red, white. Often, clover varieties are mixed and instead of just a green lawn, you get a living colored carpet, very tenacious and unpretentious.

Clover agricultural technology

For red clover, humus-rich soils with low acidity are preferable. Salted and sandy soils the plant does not tolerate well. The soil should be moderately moist, without stagnation.

Pink clover is not so picky and grows well in structured loamy and sandy loam soils. It tolerates acidic substances more easily than other varieties.

White clover is the most unpretentious, it grows quietly on peat bogs, alumina, as long as it is good drainage and sufficient humidity.

Clover is not a drought-resistant crop; it is cold-resistant, but has low winter hardiness. May also suffer from summer heat. Considered relatively shade-tolerant.

Site preparation

If the predecessors of the trefoil on the site were cereals, this will have a positive effect on growth. It is advisable to grow grass in spacious areas. Clover will look good in areas of the garden with a little shade; they can be used to sow empty seats near a building or fence.

Having decided on the location of the lawn, you need to prepare the soil to sow clover.

Important! Preparing the soil using a cultivator or Fokin flat cutter is considered the most optimal way.

The selected area must be dug up to the floor, then the ground must be loosened and all weed roots, stones, and debris must be removed. At the same time, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied, and the acidic soil is limed.

Important! There is no need to apply nitrogen fertilizers to clover, since it produces nitrogen itself. An overdose will destroy the grass.

Before sowing clover on a plot, the soil must be given time to settle. Usually it is 4-5 days.

You should know that it is advisable to grow the red variety for no more than 3 years, the pink variety for 8 years, and the white variety can please the eye for almost 19 years.

Planting clover

The culture is propagated by seeds, which are collected in the second year of life. Also ready material purchased in stores. Sometimes the grass is propagated by dividing large bushes, but they have poor survival rate.

When to sow clover in the spring should be determined by the average daily weather. It should not be below 10°C. Usually spring sowing held at the end of April.

When you can plant clover in the fall, you need to calculate the time so that the shoots rise 8-10 centimeters before the first frost.

Determining when to sow clover, in the fall or in the spring, should be based on the goals pursued and the benefits of seasonal planting. To establish a perennial lawn, it is better to sow grass in the spring:

  • will grow during a prolonged spring;
  • having a creeping stem, it will quickly cover the lawn;
  • flowering will attract insects to pollinate all garden crops;
  • Periodic mowing will allow you to prepare food for the farmstead animals.

Before sowing clover, the plot is divided into sections so that sowing can be done without gaps. This will also allow you to calculate required amount seeds For 1 m² you will need about 300 seeds (10 g).

Before planting clover, carry out good hydration soil, and when the top layer is shaken a little, the seeds are sown using a seeder or independently.

For uniform sowing by hand, it is better to mix the seeds with river sand.

For uniform sowing by hand, it is better to mix the seeds with river sand. The planting depth is approximately 1.5 cm; on light soil, a planting depth of up to 3 cm is allowed. It is advisable to use seeds from stores: there they are already scarified and treated with nodule bacteria.

Experts recommend rolling the lawn after planting. To do this, you can use a roller, a barrel, or a smooth log. Watering is carried out with rain nozzles so as not to wash away the crops. After a couple of weeks, you can expect shoots. Trefoil grows slowly; moreover, it does not choke out weeds and they actively develop. Annual grasses will help to cope with weeds: before planting clover, their seeds are mixed. With the beginning of the active growth of clover, the cereals are mowed. This option is used if you have to grow crops over large areas.

At home, small lawns can be weeded, so grass cover is not needed.

Important! You need to trim the grass with a trimmer: it adjusts the height, does not clog, and is easy to clean.

If the grass was not grown for green manure and is left to overwinter, then you need to know when to mow red clover for the first time. This procedure is carried out when the plant reaches a height of 15 cm, before flowering begins, but no later than August.

Clover care

Caring for a lawn with shamrocks is simple and easy. All care involves watering, aeration, fertilizing, and removing emerging weeds.

Clover blooms twice: in June and August. Most of the trouble is between these events. The lawn should be mowed and dried stems and flower heads removed.


Watering is the main condition for the normal development of culture. Any variety of clover is demanding of moisture and does not tolerate drought well. The greatest need for water for a plant occurs in the first year, especially if it grows under the cover of another crop. Lack of moisture leads to the death of sprouts, and the undeveloped surface root system can freeze out in the winter cold.

Watering clover

A trefoil that receives a sufficient amount of moisture, thanks to enhanced development, accumulates a sufficient supply in the root collar nutrients and winters better.

Water consumption in clover increases in direct proportion to the growth of greenery, and decreases sharply after mowing. However, if there is a lack of moisture after cutting the green mass, thinning of the grass stand and the appearance of bald spots may occur.

Clover's neighbors

The least suppression of trefoil occurs with Timothy grass, which is why it is recognized as the best component. Meadow fescue coexists well with clover. Other cereals partially inhibit clover seedlings.

Fertilizer and feeding

In order for clover to grow and develop normally, it should be provided with quite a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, micro and macroelements:

  • During autumn digging, manure is added. It is the autumn input of organic matter that significantly improves the grass stand;
  • Before sowing, be sure to enrich the soil with potassium and phosphorus;
  • Podzolic soils are flavored with boron. Trefoil is also treated at the beginning of flowering.

The plant also needs microelements such as copper and molybdenum, but in small quantities. During its life, clover experiences different nutritional needs, which change depending on the dynamics of green growth. Thus, the need for phosphorus increases during the beginning of growth and during periods of regrowth after cutting.

Potash fertilizers

Clover responds well to early spring feeding with potassium fertilizers. They can be distributed according to small area scattered

How to care for a plant in the fall, preparing for winter

To ensure that your dacha is not left without a lawn, you need to preserve the lawn for the next season. To this end, it is necessary to carry out proper autumn care and prepare the clover for winter. Autumn work includes mandatory activities:

  • watering, haircut;
  • aeration and fertilizing;
  • leaf removal and restoration.

Each process has its own deadlines and nuances. If all autumn work is carried out carefully, then the open clover lawn will withstand frost and endure winter hibernation.

Autumn care

In autumn, the grass cover begins to gradually wither away, and with the first cold snap, it begins to freeze. Therefore, the first priority is to strengthen the root system. To do this, you need to adjust the watering regime.

Seasonal rains allow the plant to obtain moisture naturally. The last watering, in the absence of rain, is carried out no later than the first days of October. Further irrigation is not done so that the soil does not become waterlogged, as a result of which the roots of the grass may weaken and die.

Since summer lawn mowing has greatly depleted the soil, it is necessary to apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Otherwise, the lawn will become very thin and faded.

To prepare the grass for overwintering, you should apply special complex fertilizers. They reduce growth processes and intensively nourish the roots. Best option- diammofoska.

Diammofoska fertilizers

IN autumn period Diammofoska is used within 2 kg per one hundred square meters of lawn. Potassium reduces moisture accumulation in roots and increases disease resistance. The comprehensive action of the element prevents cellular damage to the grass by ice microcrystals.

Very large stock nutrients contain ash and bone meal. They are crushed to strengthen the roots only until mid-October. If there is a dry period, the lawn should be lightly irrigated.


Mandatory condition for autumn care beyond the trefoil lawn is the aeration of the earth. Piercing the soil performs many useful and necessary tasks:

  • water will not accumulate on the surface, forming puddles and ice crusts, but will penetrate deep into the earth;
  • During the summer months, the soil becomes very compacted, as a result of which the supply of food to the roots becomes more difficult. Aeration promotes loosening and good access of oxygen;
  • Due to the low thermal conductivity of the air, the soil freezes less and plant roots will not die.
  • aeration technology is carried out in two ways: using an aerator with hollow teeth, and metal pins, for example, forks.

Note! The time for aeration is September-October, the soil should be slightly moist. The procedure is carried out until autumn feeding, after it they don’t walk around the area for 2-3 days.

Lawn mowing

In regions with a harsh climate, many summer residents are wondering about winter grass cutting. There is only one argument - the winter is cold, the roots under the foliage will be protected. However, experts insist on mandatory haircuts for several reasons:

  • the load on the roots will be reduced due to low nutrition;
  • young roots will have the opportunity to prepare for the first frosts;
  • under the snow, the long stems will die and form felt, which attracts rodents, insect pests, and pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! The health and further condition of the grass depends on proper and timely cutting. If you mow too early, the grass will rise quickly and will not give the roots a chance to prepare for the cold. If you are late with mowing, the lawn will die out.

Last haircut in different regions carried out depending on weather conditions. The optimal time is 2 weeks before frost.

It is important to use a trimmer to trim clover in the fall. It can be installed on required height- 5 cm. This is a sufficient height and the stems will have time to recover.

It is important to use a trimmer to trim clover in the fall.

Before the procedure, fallen leaves are removed. If this is not done, the leaves will inevitably wither and there will be bald spots on the lawn in the spring. On alumina soils, cutting is accompanied by drainage. All grass clippings must be removed.

Lawn cover

You need to decide on how to cover your lawn for the winter - if the winters are severe enough, then it is advisable to cover the area with a covering. With more warm winters no additional cover is required.

With proper preparation in the pre-winter period, clover will tolerate the cold quite calmly. In winter, the lawn does not need special care. You just need to follow some recommendations:

  • There is no need to remove fallen snow, just clear the paths;
  • It is extremely undesirable to walk on the lawn if the snow is thin;
  • when a dense crust of ice appears on the lawn after a thaw, it needs to be broken garden rake, providing air access for plants.

Such simple measures will prevent clover from freezing and damping off. Shamrock will keep well until spring.

A beautiful lawn can be a wonderful decoration personal plot. Various plants are used for these purposes. White clover is great for lawns. Reviews indicate its unpretentiousness, you just need to properly care for it.

What kind of plant is this?

Clover is a perennial plant small size. Belongs to the legume family. It has delicate bright green leaves of an original shape. There are 3 leaves per stem, which is why the plant is called “shamrock”. Flowers are collected in inflorescences similar to the shape of a ball. They can be white, pink, red.

The plant is considered a honey plant, it is fragrant, bees live near it constantly. Clover is unpretentious and grows on clay, sandy, acidic and neutral soils. It can be in sunny open meadows. He doesn't need frequent watering, and this plant tolerates winters well.

If the lawn is damaged, it should not be replanted; in a short time, the white clover on the lawn will grow on its own. And in dark areas and if there is large quantity moisture the plant deteriorates. If you choose clover for your lawn, it will bloom from late spring to mid-autumn. But in the year of planting it does not bloom; this must be expected for the next season.

Lawn Features

The lawn with white clover is called "Sloth". Reviews confirm that the plant is added to the grass mixture to soften the coating. This type of lawn is good for arranging children's lawns with slides, swings, benches and houses.

Creeping clover is a low-growing plant, so many gardeners do not prefer to cut it. But they tolerate haircuts well. The minimum recommended mowing height is 3-4 cm, and the maximum is 10-12.


Many summer residents prefer to decorate their plots with beautiful clover. This is evidenced by numerous reviews. But there are those who consider it a weed.

The benefits of a clover lawn are as follows:

  1. White clover looks very nice for a lawn. Reviews confirm it decorative look. Everything looks especially beautiful together with flowers planted in pots. A perfect combination with compositions and flower beds, peonaries and rose gardens, fountains, ponds, alpine slides and tapeworm plants. Clover perfectly decorates large and small areas.
  2. The green plant has powerful roots that crowd out various weeds. Because of such a powerful root system, it grows near banks, wastelands and on hillsides.
  3. Clover does not require special care. It also does not need cutting or watering.
  4. Clover supplies nitrogen to the soil thanks to bacteria found in its rhizomes. When it is part of a lawn grass mixture and grows in an area with other cereals and flowering plants, then performs the function of fertilizer and improves resistance to diseases.
  5. The lawn tolerates trampling well, making it ideal for picnics.
  6. Low cost of seeds.

The photo of the white clover lawn looks beautiful. Reviews from summer residents confirm the ease of maintaining the area.


A clover lawn also has disadvantages:

  1. The territory looks attractive only during flowering, because then the inflorescences-balls, like beads, are scattered across the carpet. But after this, the dried flowers make the appearance not entirely beautiful, even unkempt. It will be necessary to remove dried inflorescences.
  2. The lawn grows quickly, and therefore if the plant is in a grass mixture, then after some time it will dominate over the others.
  3. Clover has wet turf, which makes the surface slippery. It will be unsafe to play on it.

Experts advise purchasing white clover for the lawn at the initial stages of building a house. Reviews indicate that it will not allow weeds to grow. In addition, this allows you to fertilize the soil with nitrogen, and this is necessary for the subsequent planting of cultivated plants. Such renovation of the site will be required when engaging in beekeeping. Only then will it be impossible to walk on this territory.


Before planting white clover for the lawn (reviews confirm this), you need to buy high-quality seeds. It is advisable to purchase them in specialized stores. Such clover needs to be mowed in rare cases, since the variety is creeping and low-growing. If the covering has pink and red flowers, then the plant will be tall.

Ideal for sowing:

  1. White creeping - “dukhmyana”, “volat”, “sorceress”.
  2. Pink hybrid - “Tursky”, “daubyai”, “handsome”.
  3. Red meadow - “vichay”, “raya”, “maro”.


How to plant white clover for your lawn? Reviews say that any period of the year is suitable for this, except winter. The plant tolerates heat and drought well, but frost has a negative effect on it. If you want to sow seeds in the fall, you should do this 1.5 months before frost. This period is enough to prepare for winter and strengthen the roots.

The site is prepared in the spring. After the ground has warmed up, the area needs to be leveled. Weeds should be removed and the area should be covered with a hand roller. The seeds are mixed with sand or soil and scattered over the entire area. Peat or soil is poured on top. It is advisable to sow in moist soil.

The sown area is watered with a hose equipped with a spray nozzle. During the first week, the lawn should be watered, preferably in the evenings. The soil should not be dry, otherwise the crops will be uneven. If everything is done correctly, then green shoots will appear after 2 weeks.

The lawn needs to be watered every week. No feeding is required for it. If desired, it can be trimmed to give it a decorative and neat appearance. It is advisable to use a trimmer for cutting. With regular care local area will always be attractive.

All types of clover are combined into one genus Clover, or Trifolium, which means “shamrock” in Latin, and belong to the Legume family. In addition, there are specimens with 4 petals, which are considered great luck to find in trefoils. The delicate green leaf of clover is the symbol and emblem of Ireland, and among the Russian people it is identified with the Trinity. The leaves can be oval, elongated or narrow, and their edges can be smooth or jagged. Some types of plants are used in medicine, others are used to feed livestock, and others decorate lawns and flower beds with their blooms and aroma.

Small, modest shamrock flowers smell pleasant and can be painted in a variety of colors: pink, white, red and even yellow. This aroma attracts many bees and bumblebees, who collect nectar on these inflorescences for future honey. Where clover grows, there is a subtle scent of flowers in the air and a light, calming sound made by the wings of insects can be heard. There is nothing more attractive to the eye than a clover lawn, which is a fluffy, fragrant, multi-colored carpet with bees buzzing over it. Moreover, this carpet will bloom twice from May to November, which makes the trefoil a universal ornamental plant.

A lawn with shamrocks is simply irreplaceable if you plan to place hives with bees on your site.

Special bacteria accumulate on clover roots, which absorb nitrogen from the air, process it and form specific growths - nodules with nitrogen. Thus, any soil on which trefoil grows is automatically enriched with nitrogen fertilizers and becomes more fertile. Gardeners and gardeners often use this property of the plant by sowing it as a natural fertilizer.

You can choose clover for your lawn to suit your taste from many varieties. Moreover, not only the inflorescences, but also the leaves can be different in color. Their color varies from soft green to dark purple, and leaves with colored spots are often found. The most popular varieties of clover in our country are:

  1. 1 A pink hybrid species of medium height, represented by varieties such as Krasavchik, Daubai and Tursky. It is not picky about soil and blooms from early June to late September.
  2. 2 Red meadow trefoil, which is also used by designers to create various compositions, flower beds and slides, although it is mainly used for livestock feed and for plowing the soil, since it is too tall for a lawn. And after cutting it, there are ugly thick remnants of stems sticking out in all directions. The following varieties of this species are actively used: Maro, Segur, Dolgoletniy, Raya, Titus, Amos, Vichai and many others.
  3. 3 White clover lawn is used most often in meadow design because it stunted appearance grows well in middle lane, which allows you to successfully plant varieties Dukhmyany, Charodey, Matvey, Volat, Klondike, Rivendell, Atropurpurea with leaves on your lawns purple tint and others. The roots of this species go underground only 30 cm, in contrast to the red one, which takes root to a depth of 2 m.

The most interesting variety for lovers of everything esoteric is Good Luck, with three, four and even five petals on the leaves. Those who sow it on their lawns will always have good luck talismans in stock that can be used as gifts and souvenirs for their loved ones and acquaintances.

Landing rules

Clover is a very hardy and unassuming plant that grows wild almost everywhere. However, in order to get an even and beautiful clover carpet, it is better to choose a suitable sunny place and prepare it well. Site preparation involves deep plowing of the soil and complete removal of weeds.

Trefoil is highly dependent on soil moisture; in addition, it loves neutral and slightly acidic fertile soil. All types of this plant equally need good watering, but are afraid of excess moisture. Red meadow clover especially does not like waterlogged soil. The pink species is not so sensitive and can even grow well in lands with high level groundwater. White is somewhere in the middle.

For all types of clover, the following statement will be true: it is better to over-water than under-water.

Sowing white clover is preferable, as its seeds have a high germination rate. This perennial with creeping stems forms a dense, dense carpet, but only in well-lit lawns. It is better not to sow it in the shade. In addition, when choosing a place for planting, you should take into account that the plant grows quickly and will occupy all the free areas of land around it. Therefore, it is better to plant it away from plants with underdeveloped root systems.

Planting clover in open ground It is carried out either from April to June, or in late autumn, when the average daily temperature drops to 10°C. Under these conditions, the plant will take root better. In the latter case, it is necessary to remember that the plant needs to grow to 7 cm before the onset of frost. Before sowing clover, you should thoroughly moisten the area at least 24 hours before, if there has been no rain for a long time.

It is recommended to take seeds for sowing from second-year plants, they are more mature and tenacious, or purchase them in specialized stores. You will need approximately 320 seeds per 1 m2 of future lawn. It is recommended to pre-soak them in water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about an hour. Seeds can be mixed with soil in a separate container, for example, in a garden wheelbarrow. The resulting mixture should be sequentially distributed over the soil, planting to a depth of no more than 2 cm and sprinkled with a layer of earth about 1 cm thick, or peat. Tamp down, water using a fine hose attachment and leave for 2 weeks, occasionally moistening the white clover lawn if necessary. The first shoots will appear by the beginning of the third week.

Shamrock care

Flowers and leaves with three petals grow in nature everywhere completely independently and are even considered by some gardeners to be annoying weeds. Therefore, caring for a lawn with clover involves periodic mowing as it grows, otherwise it will look uneven and sloppy. You can treat the lawn with a trimmer; the trefoil quickly recovers after this procedure and begins to bloom again. It blooms 2 times per season: from late May to July and from August to November. However, it must be borne in mind that the plant begins to bloom only in the second year of life. White trefoil tolerates mowing better than all other species. The minimum cutting height should be 3-4 cm, and the maximum - from 10 to 12 cm.

You should take care not only of clover, but also protect other plants from its aggressive expansion. If you let everything take its course and not pay attention to it, then soon all the beds on your site will be covered with white flowers.

No feeding is needed for the shamrock, since it produces itself. nitrogen fertilizer not only for yourself, but also for others. A lawn covered with clover will not only be beautiful, but also very resistant to trampling, so there is no need to protect it from children’s feet, let them run as much as they want. The lawn will also not require weeding.

The only thing that is truly important to maintaining a beautiful and fresh lawn is maintaining optimal soil moisture levels. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but its waterlogging will also be undesirable. Therefore, you need to water your lawn regularly, about once a week, but in moderation. It is best to install a sprinkler on your lawn.

If you want to collect your clover seeds, you need to select several large brown heads, clean them and put them in a dry, warm place away from the sun for a week. By the way, all dried inflorescences will have to be removed manually from time to time if you want to preserve the beauty of the lawn and its decorative appearance.