Ventilation cleaning: cleaning ventilation ducts in an apartment building. Ventilation: what, how, why, when and who? Whose responsibility is it to clean the ventilation grilles in the dormitory?

Our company has extensive experience in repairing ventilation systems. We repair ventilation and climate control equipment both at the Customer’s site and in our own workshops. For this we have the necessary premises and material and technical base.
If you need major ventilation repairs and adjustments, contact us!


Name Unit change Price
Fault diagnosis (specialist visit) pcs. from 3000 rub
Fan replacement pcs. from 8000 rub
Air handling unit repair pcs. from 18,000 rub.
heater repair from 12,000 rub.
Repair of heater (heater) piping from 18,000 rub.
Replacing filters from 3000 rub
Repair of KKB (compressor-condensing unit) from 22,000 rub.
Correction of deformation of air ducts, fastenings, restoration of tightness from 3000 rub
Settings temperature conditions from 3000 rub
Air flow adjustment from 3000 rub
Overhaul of the ventilation system negotiable
Reconstruction and modernization of the ventilation system negotiable

Repair of ventilation and air conditioning systems: repair and maintenance of ventilation units, replacement of air ducts

Ventilation repair: air handling units

Ventilation repair: exhaust units

Fan repair, fan replacement

See other Our works


Ventilation repair cost

The cost of repairs greatly depends on the type of equipment, diagnostic results and the nature of the breakdown, and therefore we can calculate it only based on the results of the visit and expert assessment. In addition, the final cost of work is influenced by secondary factors, such as the complexity of the system, the difficulty of accessing system elements, current state equipment and other factors. For an accurate cost estimate, please contact our engineers.

Ventilation failure is an event from which no one is immune. Any element of the system can break. This may be a device that does not directly affect the operation of the entire ventilation network (for example, a throttle valve for regulating air flow). But it may also be one of the main elements of the system (fan, heater, etc.), without restoring its functionality, the functioning of the system is impossible or unacceptable. Note: The Contractor reserves the right in individual cases to adjust the price list prices, depending on the complexity of the work, the condition of the equipment and the ability to access it.

Why does ventilation fail?

Reasons why ventilation fails. Our experience shows that breakdowns often occur due to three main reasons:
- poor quality installation,
- errors in operation,
- disdainful attitude towards carrying out maintenance.

Periodic and high-quality maintenance strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations allows you to avoid most emergency situations. That is why we pay so much attention to ventilation maintenance work.

Why do we recommend calling a repair specialist at the first sign of a ventilation problem? The fact is that we often had to deal with situations where the situation was aggravated directly by the Customer (or the Customer’s maintenance service), who, having noticed a malfunction, decided to fix everything themselves.
However, without constant practice of equipment repair, the operation service does not know all the features of climate control equipment, as well as the relationships between various elements systems (for example, interlocking operation of an outdoor air valve and a fan, a heater and a fan, etc.). As a result do-it-yourself repair ventilation led to even greater damage.

Our company’s specialists have had to deal with many examples of worsening situations. At one of the facilities, a three-way valve in the water heater piping failed. IN winter time The operation service took action to force water to flow through the heater, which, after an accidental power outage, led to its defrosting. Instead of replacing one valve, the heater itself, pipes and fittings had to be changed.

Supply ventilation repair

Supply ventilation is the main component of any household climate control system, since its task is to replace carbon dioxide-saturated indoor air with oxygen-rich outdoor air. If you don't take into account natural ventilation through windows and other openings, then the installation of supply ventilation comes down to diamond drilling holes in the walls and installing ventilation pipes and special equipment in them. These are actually fans that pump in fresh air, as well as filters that are designed to clean the air coming from the street. It's no secret that in big cities, especially in Moscow, the atmosphere outside the window can be much more more harmful than air in a residential or industrial premises.

For supply ventilation, cleaning and replacing filters is the most common type of maintenance. It is usually carried out without dismantling the pipes, right on site. Freezing is also a common problem. ventilation ducts in winter as a result of breakdown or shutdown heating elements. R repair of heaters and ventilation heat exchangers should only be entrusted to specialists, since unprofessionalism can only aggravate the situation and force you to live with windows that are always open and drafts.

Exhaust ventilation repair

Household air exchange systems are rarely purely supply and purely exhaust. They usually combine both functions. There is a pitfall here that manifests itself when improper installation systems. We are talking about unbalanced air flows. Either the hood is too strong, or it is not able to effectively clean the air in the room. In such cases, Ecolife specialists, using special equipment, measure air flows with further reconstruction of existing air exchange systems.

Ventilation repair in a private house

Repair of supply and exhaust ventilation in a cottage in general does not differ from repairs in an apartment, you just need to make allowances for the large area of ​​​​a private house and the fact that the polluted air exits not through the general house ventilation duct, but through autonomous system. In cottages, ventilation is usually installed according to a special design, taking into account the areas of all rooms and calculating optimal consumption fresh air. Also, most cottages have air conditioning or climate control systems.

Repair of ventilation of apartment buildings

Performed by our specialists and ventilation repair apartment buildings . Very often, especially in old houses, standard equipment cannot cope with effective air exchange and we have to modernize it - install forced ventilation instead of natural or replace in systems forced exhaust pumps to more powerful ones. Also relevant is a major overhaul of ventilation, which is best combined with a major overhaul of the entire house. But since the temporary resource of ventilation is less than the resource of walls and ceilings, we have to solve problems as they accumulate. Naturally, ventilation replacement should be carried out in the summer or at least in the off-season.

Industrial ventilation repair

Most complex tasks must be addressed when installing and maintaining ventilation systems in production premises and on sites commercial real estate. Even in a simple office, good ventilation is much more important than in an apartment - primarily due to the abundance of magnetic fields induced by office electronics. ABOUT industrial enterprises and there is nothing to say, especially if the production process involves the release harmful substances. It is important not only to clean the air of a workshop or warehouse, but also to prevent harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Our specialists carry out diagnostics and inspections of “sponsored” production facilities at least once every six months.
The volume of repair and maintenance work on commercial real estate is much higher also because the list is wider. climate control equipment. Today it is difficult to imagine an office or store in Moscow without air conditioners, split systems, humidifiers and fragrances. In production, in addition to complex general supply and exhaust, local ventilation is involved. For example, in hot workshops, forced cooling of workplaces with cold air is organized, and in chemical production plants a powerful exhaust is required, which does not allow the concentration of harmful vapors or dust. All this equipment requires regular maintenance, as replacement and ventilation duct repair in production is several times more expensive than repairing conventional exhaust ventilation in a residential building.

Diagnostics, cost and timing of ventilation repairs

To identify defective system elements and determine the cost and duration of repairs, equipment diagnostics are performed. Based on its results, a malfunction report is drawn up. Next, based on the data obtained, repairs are made. It should be noted that a number of modern intelligent equipment have built-in self-diagnosis functions indicating error codes, so decoding is required in accordance with the repair instructions from the manufacturer. Accordingly, it is necessary that equipment diagnostics and repairs be performed by qualified personnel.

Repair of ventilation systems in some cases can be performed directly on site. This ensures low cost repair work, low overhead costs, and work can be completed in as soon as possible. It often takes one to five days to restore the system.

However, sometimes it is necessary to dismantle the equipment and replace components or repair it at the factory. At the same time, the cost of work increases due to logistics costs, and the deadlines can be increased if the required parts are custom-made items with long delivery times.

It should be especially noted that repairs of climate control equipment must be performed by qualified and experienced specialists. The fact is that modern equipment uses high-tech and intelligent solutions, and even elementary actions (such as access to the service menu of the controller, error analysis, access to internal parts system elements, etc.) require special skills and training.

That is why the staff of ECOLIFE Group specialists undergo regular training, both general and according to the programs of specific manufacturers. As a result, more and more often we have to deal with situations where any of the third-party companies that do not have sufficient level of specialists could no longer cope with the repairs.

Proper ventilation repair from Ecolife Group of Companies

Like any service company, we believe that disease is always easier to prevent than to treat. Modern ventilation and climate control equipment from leading manufacturers is highly efficient and reliable. Main - correct installation and proper operation. It is much more profitable for both us and the system operator to spend a little time on timely diagnostics than to spend serious money on repairs, during which the room is ventilated according to a temporary scheme or remains completely without ventilation.
If you still need scheduled or urgent ventilation repairs in Moscow, Ecolife specialists are always at your service!

Ecolife specialists professionally perform almost all types of work on installation, diagnostics, current and major repairs of ventilation and climate control equipment in any buildings and structures. You can also order services from us such as:

Design of ventilation systems;
. preparation of design and estimate documentation;
. current equipment of the object.

We are ready to diagnose your equipment and repair it, including, if necessary, its dismantling and subsequent installation.

If residents in their home begin to smell some foreign odors, then it is extremely necessary to clean the ventilation in apartment building. In this article we propose to discuss how ventilation systems located in multi-storey buildings work, as well as how they are checked by special services. In addition, individuals learn how they can clean the ventilation ducts themselves.

Ventilation is a special device that is designed to ventilate various types of rooms. In each apartment located in multi-storey building, has its own ventilation system installed. If an individual suddenly begins to notice different odors, presumably coming from neighboring apartments or the entrance, this means that the ventilation duct has malfunctioned and immediately requires cleaning.

Requirements for the operation of the ventilation system

The state standard number 30494, which came into force in 2011, approves a number of rules regarding the operation of ventilation ducts. Any ventilation system located in a room in which people live must satisfy the following rules:

  1. Ensure proper air quality. If the air that a person breathes contains a huge amount of harmful impurities, then problems with the lungs, as well as other organs, may soon begin. Since the functioning of ventilation ducts is based on the extraction and supply of air, its cleanliness in the apartment must be no less than the minimum limit, the value of which is 1000 CO2. This indicator is measured in cubic centimeters divided by cubic meters.
  2. Meet the permissible humidity. Depending on the parameters of the air that comes from the ventilation ducts, the humidity in the room changes slightly. If the air is too dry, the humidity drops significantly. In special situations this indicator may, on the contrary, reach its maximum value. Ventilation in an apartment building must function so that the minimum humidity level in the room does not reach less than thirty percent, and the maximum does not exceed sixty percent. If the humidity value is in the range from 30% to 60%, then the ventilation system meets the relevant requirements of the state standard.
  3. Do not exceed maximum speed air. All ventilation ducts work the same way, however, some of them are newer (located in new buildings), and some are more outdated versions (in old houses). The length of time an individual has lived in his apartment and how long he has had the ventilation cleaned also plays a huge role. All of the above, as well as additional characteristics, affect the speed of air flow through the ventilation ducts. In accordance with the current state standard, air flows should move no faster than 0.2 meters per second.

Operating principle

In order for residents of apartment buildings to independently monitor the condition of their ventilation ducts and clean them in a timely manner, it is necessary to understand general principles operation of this device. In any living space there are several exhaust ducts. As a rule, they are located in the bathroom, toilet, and closets. With their help, polluted air is pulled out of the apartment, and clean air flows in. Thus, the circulation of air masses occurs. However, the question automatically arises regarding where and how clean air gets into apartments. It's very simple. Air masses come from the street through window and door cracks.

It should be noted that in new buildings, ventilation systems operating according to the described principle are practically ineffective. This is due to the fact that almost everything modern houses are being built with plastic windows, the air throughput of which is significantly less than that of wooden windows.

Who checks the condition of ventilation ducts

Apartments are types of property that are personally owned by their owners. In addition, individuals own some other objects under common rights, which include ventilation, roofs, entrances, and so on. For all public facilities of this kind, the management organization is responsible, with which the residents apartment building entered into an agreement to that effect. In this regard, this service is responsible for monitoring the current condition of ventilation ducts, as well as taking care of their safe operation.

Government Russian Federation approved resolution number 410, which displays all the rules according to which the management organization must act when checking the condition of ventilation ducts. The inspection can be done only by those organizations that specialize in the relevant activities and also have a license to conduct them. This document also contains all the requirements that must be met when cleaning ventilation.

Attention! If there are any repairs or construction work, then after they end, the management company must check the condition ventilation system. In addition, the condition of ventilation is checked in cases where residents have received any complaints regarding its operation. If the test results are unsatisfactory, the ventilation must be cleaned.

How to clean the ventilation yourself

In some situations, individuals want to clean the ventilation ducts themselves. Most often, this happens either when the management office delays a visit, the purpose of which should be to clean the ventilation, or when the contamination is insignificant. However, if the ventilation system is covered from the inside with a sufficiently thick layer of dirt, then take on the task of bringing it back to normal. normal condition not recommended. If the plaque is small, then in order to clean it, you must follow the instructions:

  • Step #1. The first thing you need to do is remove ventilation grilles. Sometimes you have to do this with a screwdriver. After this, the grates need to be thoroughly cleaned of accumulated dirt, rinsed thoroughly under water, wiped, or wait until they dry themselves.

  • Step #2. Then you will need to prepare a brush made of metal. The ruff should be as long as possible. If it is not possible to get it, then you can take a metal wire. Then, using a brush or wire, you need to clean the channels that became open to access after removing the grille. The deeper you can get, the more effective the result will be.
  • Step #3. And as a final step, clean the channel from dust. You can do this using this household appliance, like a regular vacuum cleaner, which will help you quickly and easily remove all the accumulated dust and dirt.
  • scheduled inspections and elimination of all identified system faults;
  • replacement of broken exhaust grilles and their fastening;
  • eliminating leaks in ventilation ducts and shafts;
  • eliminating blockages in channels;
  • troubleshooting dampers and throttle valves in exhaust shafts, umbrellas over shafts and deflectors.

Who is responsible for the operation of ventilation in an apartment building?

5.7.1. Design temperatures, rates and air exchange rates for various rooms of residential buildings must comply with established requirements. Natural exhaust ventilation must ensure the removal of the required volume of air from all premises provided for by the project at current outdoor temperatures of 5 degrees. From and below….

How to clean ventilation in apartment buildings

Judging by the even flame, which does not deviate towards the decorative grille covering the ventilation hole, we can conclude that the shaft is clogged and needs urgent cleaning. With normal air circulation in houses, the flame leans towards the shaft, and in some cases simply goes out. With this behavior, cleaning the ventilation is not necessary, but if it was last cleaned at least six months ago, it is still advisable to do a little work.

Cleaning ventilation in apartment buildings and in production

Cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building should be done regularly and much more often than many owners believe. Specific deadlines are set by specialists after analyzing the condition of the air ducts. Recommended cleaning frequency is 2 times a year (summer and winter), preventive examination– quarterly.

Ventilation: what, how, why, when and who

At the dawn of mass housing development, each apartment had an individual ventilation duct, which eventually connected to the exhaust shaft. Over time, when houses became higher and higher, horizontal channels began to be installed between floors, and from them they directed air upward to the ventilation shaft.

Ventilation cleaning: cleaning ventilation ducts in an apartment building

The decrease in ventilation efficiency in old houses is, in principle, a fairly predictable process. The main reason is a simple blockage of the ventilation duct, which over time accumulates debris, dirt, dust and other waste coming from the premises. As a result, the outlet narrows and becomes unable to fully process the dirty air taken in.

Periodic inspection of smoke and ventilation ducts

c) during operation of smoke and ventilation ducts (periodic checks) - at least 3 times a year (no later than 7 calendar days before the start heating season, in the middle of the heating season and no later than 7 days after the end of the heating season);

Ventilation system maintenance

  • conduct service with strictly approved frequency. You must not violate the terms of technical inspection of equipment and the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • start and stop the operation of the ventilation system in a certain sequence (such measures ensure the complete release of accumulated harmful substances from the air ducts);
  • check fan units once a month;
  • Check the duct heater for leaks once every 2 weeks;
  • control timely oil changes when servicing oil filters;
  • check ventilation grids and grilles for blockages once every 3 months;
  • monitor the integrity of the sound-absorbing material.

Cleaning the ventilation in the apartment

Ventilation can be called the lungs of a living space. The benefits of an efficiently operating air exchange system are obvious to any person living in an apartment or private house. It directly affects the well-being, health and safety of residents. Regular cleaning of the ventilation in the apartment will ensure a comfortable stay in the house, and will also reduce the possibility of dangerous situations associated with ventilation shafts.

Installation of ventilation and shafts in multi-storey apartment buildings

If an apartment building is not equipped with a ventilation system, all waste products of people remain in the premises. Conditions are created that are dangerous to people’s health and the safety of their property. Mold eats away walls and furniture, and residents suffer from allergies and asthma. Children and the elderly feel the worst in such apartments.

The construction of a residential building, even at the design stage, requires the presence of channels for natural ventilation. From a safety point of view, this applies primarily to houses with installed gas appliances. Improper circulation or insufficient air supply can also lead to negative consequences.

Checking ventilation as a vital necessity

By ventilation of premises we mean the entry of air from outside into the apartment, ensuring its ventilation, displacing gaseous waste products of humans, animals, etc. Ventilation systems include devices and equipment that provide regulation of air exchange. There are several types of ventilation systems, but in multi-storey buildings residential buildings Basically, the supply and exhaust type of ventilation operates.

Its absence or ineffective operation will be immediately noticed by apartment owners in a multi-storey building. Main features:

  • deterioration of people's well-being;
  • penetration of odors from neighbors;
  • the formation of mold and mildew in the bathroom and toilet;
  • high humidity in the rooms, laundry that takes a long time to dry;
  • the spread of odors from the toilet and kitchen throughout the apartment.

If such symptoms are present, a ventilation check is performed. Its main goal is to eliminate the listed problems and prevent damage to household items and furniture. The main requirement is the creation of a healthy microclimate.

Analysis of ventilation efficiency: tasks to be solved

  • Identification of compliance (non-compliance) of the microclimate with sanitary requirements.
  • Analysis of work separately for inflow and exhaust gives a factual picture of the functioning of the home household appliances, devices ( gas boiler and slabs).
  • Deficiencies identified during the inspection may serve as a reason for cleaning ventilation ducts, installing air vents, and installing additional equipment ( supply valves, fans for forced exhaust, etc.)

Attention! Regulatory documents regulating the operation of ventilation, this is SanPiN (PDN of the microclimate and air environment of premises), an addition to SNiP 2.08.01-89 Reference manual “Heating and ventilation of residential buildings”, SNiP 31-01-2003 on types of ventilation systems and other. According to them, regular inspection of ventilation shafts and ducts is carried out once a year (at least). If heating and cooking installations are operated all year round, ventilation should be inspected at least 2 times.

How can you organize an inspection?

During the examination supply and exhaust systems the compliance of air exchange in rooms with different purposes with the requirements of the project is determined and sanitary standards. When in good condition, properly designed ventilation shafts are visually hidden and their operation is inaudible. There are several ways to check the ventilation in an apartment.


The effect of a lit candle (match). Bringing a burning flame to a ventilation grille in a bathroom or kitchen to a duct closed by the grille will show the operation of the ventilation. If the vertical column of flame, when the vent (window) is open, deviates into the room or remains in the same position, then the system is not working properly. But this method is dangerous and is not recommended by employees of the gas supply organization. If there is a gas leak in the house, an open candle flame can cause an explosion.


A safe, but no less effective “paper” option. At open window a sheet of newspaper or other thin paper placed against the grill should adhere tightly to it and be held in place by a pull rod.

These methods are justified only in the cold season. In the heat, at almost the same temperatures outside and inside the room, the laws of physics regarding the displacement of warm light masses by colder air do not apply. Therefore, regular ventilation is organized. If malfunctions in the ventilation operation are detected, measures are taken to eliminate them.


A professional ventilation inspection assesses the degree of blockage in floor and building ventilation ducts. The power of air draft and the degree of “suction” that occurs due to the formation of low pressure are checked.

Using instruments to evaluate ventilation efficiency

The most accurate check of ventilation in an apartment building is instrumental measurements. An anemometer is used. Can be purchased for personal use the simplest model. Representatives of the sanitary service work with more advanced instruments to calculate the air exchange rate in rooms of different purposes. Such anemometers have remote sensors and built-in computing modules.

According to current standards, natural air movement should be:

  • for the kitchen – 60 m3/h (without gas stove);
  • for a bathroom and a bathroom – 25 m3/h.

The anemometer reading is the speed of air movement in the ventilation duct. Knowing it, as well as the cross-section of the lattice, you can use special tables to calculate the performance of the system.

Important! Measurements are taken for each exhaust shaft and the causes of identified failures in ventilation are determined.

Measuring algorithm

  • Opening the window slightly creates an air flow.
  • The ventilation duct is released from the grille.
  • The impeller of the switched on anemometer is placed in the channel.
  • The instrument readings are read.
  • Actual measurements are compared with standard data.

Attention! In the exhaust ventilation shaft, the air speed must be at least 5 m/s. In bends - at least 3 m/s.

What problems does professional expertise solve?

Most often, the cause of fogged glass, the formation of fungus, dampness and stale air in the room lies in the mistakes of designers and builders. Their correction is impossible without radical measures: overhaul or home renovation. An independent inspection reveals flaws of builders when installing shafts, ducts, and highways, and also proposes measures to eliminate them.

The management company should check the ventilation in the apartment on the basis of the “Rules for Maintenance common property in an apartment building." The document contains a list of sequential steps to maintain it in good condition. This includes:

  • analysis of system performance and maintenance;
  • troubleshooting problems that cause vibration and noise levels that exceed standards during operation;
  • development of restoration and repair measures, etc.

Important! The company is responsible for the technical serviceability of the ventilation ducts, therefore it is obliged to carry out inspections of the systems every six months (summer and winter). Regardless of the type of air exchange organization, the maintenance of residential buildings is confirmed by an inspection report.

If a building with inefficient ventilation is a new multi-apartment building, then it is covered by a warranty (at least 5 years). It is necessary to require the developer to conduct an inspection of the ventilation system and troubleshoot problems.

If controversial situations arise in an apartment building, an independent examination is carried out. The examination allows us to identify the reasons for ineffective ventilation and non-compliance with construction and installation rules when installing ventilation shafts. Indicates a list of works to improve aeration. All proposals are documented. Recommendations are given to improve the efficiency of the system in different zones apartments and houses.

In apartment buildings, especially in Khrushchev-era buildings, the ventilation system often becomes clogged. This is indicated by the settling of steam on the surface of glass and furniture, as well as the appearance of foreign odors in the room. When this happens, cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building is urgently needed, because it does not fulfill its functions.

Who should clean ventilation in an apartment building?

If there are foreign odors coming from the ventilation, then it’s time to clean it.

The ventilation system is a common property of the house. Responsibility for its contents and safe work lies with the management company, which is guided by the rules for checking and cleaning in-house ventilation ducts prescribed in Government Decree No. 410.

In accordance with these rules, companies with special licenses are required to inspect and clean chimneys and ventilation systems. Control is carried out during reconstruction, after repairs or when a lack of traction is detected.

Scheduled inspections are carried out three times throughout the year - before the start of the heating season, in the middle and at the end of it. At the same time, a special log of technical inspection and repair of ventilation systems is maintained.

The performance of the ventilation system is checked by technicians using special equipment. The canals are cleaned using a pneumatic brushing machine. At the same time, they are disinfected.

How to clean the ventilation in an apartment

You can clean the ventilation walls inside with a special brush.

Often, management companies ignore existing rules and do not monitor the performance of the ventilation system for years. For this reason, residents of apartment buildings often diagnose and clean exhaust ducts themselves.

You can clean the ventilation in your apartment yourself only if it is slightly clogged. To remove dirt that has accumulated for decades, it is better to invite qualified specialists.

To carry out self-cleaning you need:

  1. Remove the protective grille and clean it from dust and dirt, rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. Use a brush to clean the walls of the ventilation.
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect debris.

If independent cleaning of the ventilation duct does not lead to the desired result and the draft does not improve, this means that the common shaft is clogged. It should be cleaned special service. You can call a specialist through management company.

How to clean a bathroom hood

To clean the hood in the bathroom, it must be removed.

Low efficiency of air exchange in the bathroom is indicated by the deposition of steam on all surfaces. In this case, water droplets are formed. It may also appear bad smell, which enters the bathroom from the ventilation when the air flow changes its direction. If the ventilation system is not functioning correctly, it is necessary to clean the hood in the bathroom.

When severe contamination of the canal is detected, you need to call specialists, because it is problematic to deal with the contamination on your own.

Before removing the hood in the bathroom to clean it, be sure to protect the wall underneath. ventilation hole paper, old wallpaper or film. This will protect it from contamination.

The panels masking the exhaust ducts must be dismantled, providing direct access to them.

If a forced exhaust fan is installed inside the duct, it must also be removed and the blades thoroughly cleaned of dirt, and then washed under running water. warm water. Remove small debris and dust accumulated inside the air duct with a vacuum cleaner.

After cleaning is complete, install everything in reverse order to their places.

Check for traction. If it is missing, you should contact the management company by writing a written statement about the need to clean the ventilation system of the entire house.

Timely cleaning of ventilation systems ensures proper air movement in the apartment. Forced ventilation reduces the frequency of cleanings, but does not eliminate them completely.

Ventilation cleaning products

Any dishwashing detergent will help to thoroughly clean the ventilation system, protective grilles and ducts. The grease layer will dissolve better if you use thick cleaning products for kitchen hoods.

In this case, you need to disassemble the air duct, which will allow you to better clean the channel from contaminants. At the same time, problem areas need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide - this will kill pathogenic microorganisms living inside the exhaust system.

Cleaning a branched ventilation system will require the use of chemicals and special equipment.

Folk remedies

If the ventilation grille does not have a strong grease deposit, it will not be difficult to wash it using ordinary detergent for dishes.

For significant contamination, you can use a soda solution. To prepare it, put 3 liters of water in a saucepan and add half a glass of soda. Place a grate in the resulting solution and boil for several minutes.

Helps get rid of old stains ammonia. In 3.5 liters hot water add half a glass of alcohol. Carry out the procedure only with a mask or respirator and a window open for ventilation. This will prevent burns to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynx by ammonia. Soak the dirty grate in the resulting product for 60-90 minutes, then rinse it under running water.

Acetic acid will also help remove grease from the ventilation grille. When working with it, you should open a window, because the acid has a pungent odor. Soak a sponge in vinegar and rub the grate, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse under running water.


The ventilation is cleaned with a special brush on a steel cable

Efficiency ensures special equipment for cleaning ventilation air ducts. It is divided into household and professional.

IN household equipment For cleaning exhaust ducts, various brushes, filter units and replaceable filters are included.

When professionally solving problems associated with impaired ventilation functions, a thorough inspection and study of the degree of contamination of the system using special devices is used. This helps to identify the most problematic areas.

Professional equipment includes a video camera mounted on a small moving platform. It helps to see the internal state of the exhaust duct and assess the degree of contamination.

Prevention of ventilation pollution in an apartment building

Preventative ventilation inspections are carried out once every 3 months, that is, quarterly. At the same time, all fasteners, bendable elements, and the integrity of the engine insulation are visually inspected.

The inspection is carried out in the following order:

  1. Moving parts are checked for extraneous noise, especially bearings, and overheating of more than 700 C.
  2. Belts are inspected. The tension force and correct location are assessed.
  3. Electrical wiring is subject to control, and along with it, wire connections.
  4. Ventilation system heaters are carefully checked to identify faults and remove air from the circuit.
  5. Air filters are inspected and replaced.
  6. The condition of the dampers is checked, if necessary they are repaired and cleaned of dust.
  7. The degree of wear of electrical mechanisms is assessed, they are repaired or replaced, depending on their condition.
  8. During seasonal maintenance of supply and exhaust systems, they are inspected once every 6 months.

    If you carry out preventive maintenance in a timely manner, ventilation problems will appear much less frequently.