Repair of sewerage in a residential building. Repair and replacement of sewer risers in an apartment building. The sewer pipe is leaking. Can neighbors sue?

The Celsis company offers to order sewerage repairs in apartment building turnkey in Moscow. This need arises both during planned repairs of premises and after unforeseen breakdowns and breakdowns of utility networks in the apartment. The same applies to hot and cold water supply. You can order all this work with high quality and inexpensively from the engineering company Celsis.

Why is it profitable to work with us?







Our advantages

  1. Any work in a short time. Regardless of what service you need - repair of a sewer riser in an apartment building, replacement of water supply networks, installation of internal sanitary installations, or even inspection of a well - our specialists will cope with all tasks efficiently and on time.
  2. Experience and skills of specialists. Our technical staff has sufficient experience and knowledge that allows us to carry out the construction and repair of communications of any level of complexity in residential buildings and apartments.
  3. Repair of any engineering communications. If necessary, work is also carried out on other utility networks, for example, heating. Despite our high professionalism, the price for repairing the water supply system of buildings by our company is affordable and allows us not to spend large amounts of money on the work.

Specifics of repairs in apartment buildings

Despite the fact that sewer and water supply networks in private and apartment buildings, office buildings and industrial enterprises differ little from each other, multi-storey buildings There are also features that determine the specifics of repair and maintenance.

Many residents of our country live in apartment buildings, inside of which there is an integrated sewer system that collects wastewater in each apartment and discharges it into the main sewer collectors. This is a rather complex engineering construction structure consisting of several parts. And like any complex device, sewage systems in apartment buildings tend to wear out and therefore . What to do? This is the question arises when there is a need to repair the sewerage system in an apartment building.

Schematic diagram of the sewer system

Possible signs of a sewer malfunction

If your apartment begins to feel unpleasant odors, blockages constantly arise in the sewer system, which can even lead to flooding - it’s time to take preventive measures routine maintenance or major repairs sewerage.

Sewage system design

To clean or repair collection systems waste water in apartment buildings - you should know the composition and principles of operation of such a system.

If you study engineering systems apartment buildings built during the Soviet period, it turns out that the apartments small sizes usually have a bathroom, toilet and kitchen located next to each other. All sanitary fixtures are equipped with pipes that direct wastewater first into prefabricated horizontal sewer pipes, and then into a vertically located “riser”, which discharges wastewater into the main sewerage collection system.

Repair of cast iron pipeline sewer system

A well-designed and competently constructed sewer system should not cause much trouble during operation. It must be remembered that in an apartment building the owner of the property is responsible for that part of the sewer system that is located directly in his apartment. The repair and maintenance of common sewer risers remains a controversial issue - according to general rule it is believed that their repairs should be carried out by the management company. However, damage to the riser running in your apartment can lead to dire consequences, so it is better to monitor its condition yourself, rather than rely on the efficiency of plumbers from the housing office.

All apartment buildings, built during the Soviet period, were equipped with sewer systems with cast iron pipes, which are a very durable structure that can serve faithfully for several decades, but any structure has its own strength limit and maximum service life.

Externally, the need to repair or replace cast iron sewer pipes may result in the appearance of leaks or fistulas. At the same time, the room can receive bad smell. In order not to one day encounter a sewer pipe break, it must be inspected regularly, including hard to reach places. Please note that despite its strength, cast iron is a rather brittle material and is very sensitive to impact.

If you detect a leak in a cast iron sewer pipe, then initial stage You can try to stop the damaged area. To do this, you can use the following technique.

  1. We prepare the necessary tools. To repair a cast iron pipe we will need: scissors, construction knife, steel bristle brush and plastic container.
  2. If your cast iron pipe has a crack, you can fix the leak by applying a rubber clamp. We take an old car camera and cut a piece out of it required size and attach the patch to the pipe using clamps. Can be used as clamps ordinary wire, which must be tightened with a hard object. As a rule, this repair method is used to repair cast iron pipes that are not subject to intensive use. In addition, a small fistula in a cast-iron pipe can simply be caulked with a chisel (but with some caution) or hammered with a lead gag.
  3. If a cast iron sewer pipe is constantly used, then it is better to try the following method: take a regular medical bandage and prepare a solution of water, cement and liquid glass. You can simply use a mixture of liquid glass and cement, and use old women's tights as a reinforcing mesh. Place a piece of bandage in the prepared solution, wait until it saturates the fabric and wrap the damaged area on the pipe. The top of the drying bandage can be sprinkled with dry cement. Repeat this operation until a durable protective layer is formed at the site of damage. On final stage soak the top layer of the bandage with silicate glue.
  4. If the damaged area is large in size, then a more drastic method can be used. Treat the damaged area with a steel brush, removing the damaged layer of metal and paint. Try to get to an intact layer of metal, but be careful - brittle cast iron is very sensitive to external influences. The cleaned surface must be degreased. This can be done with gasoline or acetone. Next, prepare the repair mixture. In her the composition will include 2 parts of phosphoric acid and 3 parts of copper oxide. Immediately after preparation, apply this mixture with a spatula to the damaged area. The composition hardens very quickly, so don’t hesitate.

If all the steps you have taken to repair cast iron drain pipes have not been successful, then you should consider replacing the wastewater collection system in your home. The most popular material for new construction and replacement cast iron sewers are plastic pipes.

Plastic sewer pipes

We install plastic sewer pipes

You can replace cast iron sewer pipes with plastic ones either locally, in a specific area, or completely throughout the entire apartment.

Installation of a plastic sewer system

The big problem is replacing a cast iron riser with a plastic one. You should resort to it only in conditions of extreme necessity - when large cracks and leaks are detected in a cast-iron sewer riser. In this case, you will have to examine the junction of the riser with its upper and lower neighbors. There are options for constructing sewer risers such that replacing them can only occur along the entire vertical at the same time. But very often it is possible to form a transition from the cast iron pipe of your neighbor’s riser to the plastic pipe of your riser. In the vast majority of cases, this will require hollowing out part of the interfloor ceiling, so cooperation with neighbors cannot be done without this, especially considering the fact that during repairs they should not use their part of the sewer system at all.

Replacing a sewer riser

Prices for plastic pipes for sewerage

plastic pipes for internal sewerage

In order to study in more detail the issue of sewer repair in apartment buildings, watch the training video.

Video - Sewerage repair in an apartment building

Many residents of multi-storey buildings try to replace or install them themselves sewer systems. DIY repair allows you to save money, but does not always guarantee quality. Depending on the nature of the breakdown, sewer repair in an apartment building can be simple or complex. With large-scale repairs, the slightest mistake can cost additional financial costs. Therefore, in certain situations, matters should be trusted exclusively to professionals.

Often, a plumbing problem extends beyond the apartment and the entire riser needs to be repaired. Unfortunately, housing and communal services employees do not always respond to calls immediately. Therefore, to quickly solve the problem, they trust private craftsmen.

The Plumbers Service company will not only competently install communication systems, but will also save you money. A properly installed sewer pipe will save you from a number of troubles, including quick leaks.

The most common mistake is violation of installation technology during construction or renovation. Failure to comply with installation rules causes internal blockages and, as a consequence, flooding. There are many ways to construct new pipes, clean them, and troubleshoot problems. For selection optimal method It is important to analyze the state of the system, including the year the house was built. First of all, it is important to correctly draw up a project and estimate. Experienced craftsmen will save you from making calculations and unnecessary work.

Types of work and prices

Large-scale repair of sewer pipes in an apartment building - general concept, including a set of works. IN difficult situations, the installation and replacement process goes beyond interior work. The cost depends on the urgency of completion and the scale of the repair.

Our company offers the following services:

  • replacement of sewer riser;
  • water supply to plumbing fixtures;
  • insertion into a sewer riser;
  • installation of pumping station;
  • insulation of the sewer pipeline;
  • installation check valve sewerage;
  • installation of PVC sewerage;
  • well cleaning;
  • installation of the ring, bottom, cover of the well;
  • installation of a sewerage point;
  • sewer cleaning;
  • night and emergency departure of the brigade.

In older standard series apartment buildings, cast iron pipes were used. Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon. This material, despite its massiveness, has a limited service life. It is susceptible to corrosion and gradually deteriorates under constant mechanical stress. Over time, such wiring must be dismantled and a new one installed in its place. Planned repairs should be carried out by utility services, but the work can be carried out on your own by informing them. good performance characteristics have plastic products. They are not subject to corrosion and have a smooth surface, which increases their throughput. When planning a replacement of a sewer riser in an apartment, they are used.

Replacing a sewer riser in an apartment

In what cases is repair necessary?

  • A planned event that is carried out by public utilities with a certain period. It takes place 40 years after commissioning multi-story building at the end of the service life of obsolete prefabricated elements. This standard was established by order of the State Committee for Architecture of the USSR State Construction Committee dated November 23, 1988 N 312. Plastic products installed on all floors.
  • Leak or other malfunction requiring prompt intervention. In this case, dismantling is inevitable, since it is impossible to weld the gap or put a patch on the rusted surface.
  • Major repairs or reconstruction at the initiative of residents. These measures are not mandatory if the service life established by the regulations has not yet expired. They are needed to prevent leaks and other emergency situations. Since the eighties, the percentage of defects in production and construction has increased. In the nineties and early 2000s, it reached its critical point. This factor does not require urgent replacement in the apartment, but makes it quite reasonable.

Do I need to pay for work and construction materials for housing and communal services?

In case of leakage or expiration of service life, there is no need to incur extra costs. The pipe belongs to shared property. Housing and communal services receipts have a separate column where the amount of the monthly payment for major repairs is indicated. These funds are used to maintain common property in proper condition. If housing is owned by the state, expenses are paid from the municipal budget. These rules are stated in current legislation.

Reinstallation is carried out management company or an organization with which it has entered into an agreement for the provision of such services. This is their responsibility and they do not have the right to refuse the applicant. The purchase of non-standard parts, for example, tees for double entry, is made by the property owner. Standard prefabricated plastic elements are available from utility companies.

During the planned replacement of a sewer riser in an apartment building, it is also prohibited to take money from residents.

Under certain conditions, the owner of the living space cannot count on free services and must carry out repair work at his own expense.

When you can't count on free services

  • There is no need to install a new pipe. Similar decisions are made during reconstruction, when the position of communications changes and additional inputs are required. This is usually associated with the purchase of new plumbing, washing and dishwasher. Often owners go for reinstallation due to inappropriate appearance communications or a smell that only they can hear.
  • The applicant has debts on housing and communal services. In this situation, you can only count on help in case of an accident. To solve the problem, you need to pay off the accumulated debts, thus making the missing payment for major repairs.
  • The owner changed the pipe himself. All manufacturers follow this principle when they refuse warranty service to the buyer after he attempts to repair the product on his own.

In other cases, replacing the sewer riser in an apartment is the responsibility of the housing and communal services. To call a specialist, you must submit an application to the management organization. In case of severe leakage or serious damage, contact emergency services.

How to write an application correctly

A completed sample and a blank form can be found on the Internet. The form must be filled out in two copies. On one of them official puts a mark of receipt and transfers it to the owner of the property, the second one keeps it. You may have to show paid receipts or provide copies of them. Information about repaid debts sometimes arrives late.

What should be in the document

  • Organization details
  • Details of the person applying and the head of the company
  • Address of the apartment and floor on which it is located
  • Information about the absence of debt
  • Requirement to change the riser
  • Causes of failure

It should indicate how urgently assistance is needed.

The company will give consent or refuse after inspecting the property. During the inspection, a report is drawn up indicating the cause of the problem. If it is caused by the actions of residents, the work is carried out at their expense. For example, they are considered to be the culprit of the problem if they damaged the surface of the pipe during repairs. If the malfunction arose due to the fact that the cast-iron wall collapsed over time, the housing and communal services are responsible. The act is submitted along with the application.

You can submit a collective application from residents of all apartments. This will significantly speed up the process.

What to do in case of refusal

Disagreements arising during inspection and execution of papers are resolved in court. Affected residents and their neighbors can file a claim for damages. The basis for the claim is the inspection report. Without this paper it will be difficult to prove anything.

If your home is insured, you can contact the insurance company. Its employee will determine whether there is an insured event. The guilty party will be charged.

How to change a sewer riser in an apartment with your own hands

A small crack can be repaired and tightened with a clamp so that it does not spread under the influence of internal pressure, but such measures are not enough if the wall is severely worn. In addition, solid deposits accumulate on the inner surface, affecting it with their weight. WITH outside they are not visible, but from the inside they may be enough to cover most of the section.

Which material is better

The appearance of a sedimentary layer is facilitated by porous structure old cast iron and the presence of irregularities that trap solid particles.

Modern parts, as well as plastic products, do not have these shortcomings. They seem less reliable, but in reality they are not. The polymer is lighter and it creates less stress on building structures and fasteners. It bends well and, thanks to its elasticity, can withstand loads without breaking or losing strength.

The material is usually used. The pipes are sold complete with rubber O-rings. They are produced according to standards and can be selected to suit any diameter. Unlike some metals, polypropylene can be installed together with cast iron. It is not subject to corrosion and has an unlimited service life.

The drainage scheme must be well thought out. Back to top repair work you need to purchase the necessary parts, check their serviceability and completeness. When remodeling or rebuilding, this expense item is the least expensive. If you do the math, it turns out that the main funds are spent on finishing and plumbing.

You can change cast iron to plastic only on the upper floors.


The work should be coordinated with the management organization and neighbors at the entrance. During repairs, none of them should use the drain. Water will have to be turned off on all floors.

Required tools:

  • Circular saw
  • A hammer drill if you have to open the floor slab
  • Crowbar or pry bar
  • Sledgehammer or heavy hammer
  • Chisel
  • Hacksaw
  • Well-sharpened carpenter's knife
  • Cement mortar, polyurethane foam, sealant
  • Ladder
  • Blowtorch
  • Gloves, safety glasses, respirator, old clothes
  • A clamp with which prefabricated elements are attached to the wall.

As a rule, replacement is carried out within the apartment, but sometimes it is necessary to remove the area between floors. To do this, you will need to open the ceiling - otherwise it will not be possible to free the area.


  • Using a grinder, a section is cut out and removed from the lower socket. Sawing is allowed at a height of at least 1 m from the tee and 10 cm from the ceiling. First, cuts are made with a saw. Then the upper cut is widened with a hammer and chisel, then the lower one, after which the fragment is completely removed.
  • To remove the remaining part, it must be loosened. It is not always possible to do this right away. If you used a rope with carbolic acid when sealing, there should be no problems. The rope can be easily pulled out with a screwdriver and pliers. If sulfur or plastic sealant was used, you can use a crowbar or pry bar. Experienced experts advise heating the surface blowtorch to melt the substance. You should act carefully.
  • First, remove the upper parts, trying to disassemble them at the joints, then the lower ones. After removing the areas to be dismantled, the surface is cleaned of debris and old remnants.

Installing a new pipe

Typically, prefabricated elements with a diameter of 11 cm are used. Tees and crosses have the same parameters. The kit includes connecting cuffs. They allow you to connect plastic and cast iron products together. You will need clamps for attaching to the wall and plastic bends with a diameter of 11 cm. Assembly will not take much time.

  • It is advisable to prepare the parts before joining them and trim them if necessary. All irregularities must be removed from the inside and chamfered from the outside. To make the edges fit into each other more easily, they are rubbed with soap.
  • Fixed first bottom part. Rubber cuffs are put on it on both sides, and a plastic adapter is placed on top.
  • When the bottom is fixed, a part of the riser with a compensator is put on it. The elements are attached to the wall with clamps.
  • When the parts are connected to each other and are in place, a leak test is carried out. Before replacing the sewer riser in an apartment building, you need to make sure that the water has not been turned off. Otherwise it will be difficult to carry out the test.