Find out how many entrances the world's longest residential building has. The longest buildings in the world (11 photos) The longest building in the world how many meters

There are buildings in the world whose length is calculated in kilometers. Moreover, in Europe among such “horizontal skyscrapers” there are more than a dozen residential buildings. And people living in them have to get to their neighbors by trams

There are buildings whose phenomenal length does not raise questions. For fortification walls, fortresses, airports, it is explained by the functional purpose of the structures - military, technical, etc.

As for record-breaking residential architectural buildings, the purpose of their construction is not always clear. But we can assume that some of them became the embodiment of the author’s imagination. Some projects received their length due to the configuration of the development site, for economic reasons (the desire to optimally use the area, reduce the costs of connecting communications).

What long houses have in common is that most of them were built in the 1970s and 1980s in residential areas of European cities.

1. Residential building Corviale, 1974 (1st stage), 1982 (2nd stage), reconstruction in 2009

Rome, Italy
1000 m

This house was built as part of a program for the construction of residential residential areas, designed to relieve the central part of Rome from new development.

The project was developed in 1972 by a group of architects led by Mario Fiorentino. The kilometer-long house is conceived as a condominium for 8 thousand people. In addition to housing, the complex was to include schools, shops, recreation centers, and a church. In fact, this urban planning idea became the prototype of modern multifunctional centers.

During the implementation process, the project was changed several times. Now the building has a total of about 1.2 thousand apartments. In the central core of the complex there are city services, a psychological center, a cultural center, a farmers' market, and artisan retail outlets.

2. Lange Jammer residential building, 1974

Berlin, Germany
1000 m

This is one of the houses in the Märkisches Viertel residential area. The area was built on abandoned plots of West Berlin from 1964 to 1974 under the social housing construction program and was designed for 50 thousand residents of the capital. The number of apartments was 17 thousand.

The Lange Jammer house, 1 km long, became one of the dominant features of this area. The project was carried out in the style of modernism.

Most often, this name is translated from German as “Long Weeping” (although the word jammer has other meanings: “poverty, cry”). Moreover, the alternative name of the house has a meaning that does not correspond to the main one - Champagner-Burg (“Champagne Castle”).

A feature-documentary film of the same name was shot in 1975 about the life of the inhabitants of Lange Jammer. One description of this social picture characterizes the house as "a huge, monotonous housing project" and the entire area as "endless blocks of ugly apartment buildings used only to house the poor." “At best, such housing created despair among residents and, at worst, served as a breeding ground for serious criminal activity,” the reviewer continues.

3. Residential building Le Lignon, 1967

Geneva, Switzerland
1065 m

Photo: Depositphotos/Fotoember

The building was built as part of an urban planning program to create new autonomous mini-centers (satellites) around Geneva with a developed high-speed public transport system. For the experiment, the cantonal authorities chose Le Lignon in the commune of Vernier. The area was built from 1963 to 1971.

In 1967, the largest residential building with a variable number of floors from 16 to 9 floors with a total number of apartments of 5.7 thousand was erected in the area. The length of the building is 1065 m. That is, in order to walk from one end of the building to the other, it will take about fifteen minutes .

The house is oriented to the cardinal points so that each apartment receives the maximum possible amount of sunlight.

4. Residential building for workers of the Transmash plant on the street. Rimsky-Korsakov, 1980s

Moscow, Russia
1100 m

The experimental site is known as the "Bastille" or "Chinese Wall".

The longest building in Moscow, its length along the facade is about 1.1 thousand meters. Formally, these are several houses that were built one after another and at different addresses. In total, the construction of all buildings took about five years.

Old residents of the area say that in the late 1970s this house was built with the aim of protecting the entire residential area from the harmful effects that were exerted on residents due to the High-Voltage Testing Institute located in the area. It is not very clear who should have been accommodated in the protective house in this case. It can be assumed that the housing was intended for people who came to work in Moscow “according to the limit.” After the collapse of the USSR, testing stopped, and now its additional barrier function has been lost.

5. Karl-Marx-Hof, 1930

Vienna, Austria
1100 m

Photo: Depositphotos/graphia76

The Karl-Marx-Hof house currently holds the official world record for the longest residential buildings in the world with a continuous form of structure (many buildings, which in various sources are considered to be the longest, are part of a single architectural ensemble, but are buildings that are open in some places). It was erected in 1927-1930 by the architect Karl Ehn.

The building has almost 1.4 thousand apartments. To get from the first to the last - 98th - entrance, you need to travel four stops by tram.

In 1934, Karl-Marx-Hof was the most important stronghold of the February anti-fascist uprising. The building was taken by government forces and right-wing groups on the second day of fighting using artillery.

6. House on the street. Grimsha and Nikolai Otrada, 1979

Volgograd, Russia
1140 m

Photo: ITAR-TASS/ Dmitry Rogulin

The Volgograd residential building, according to some sources, can compete with the Karl-Marx-Hof in length among continuous buildings. The length of the facility is about 1.15 km. However, its world record length has not yet been officially registered.

The house was built in 1975-1979 by a local tractor factory for its workers, who for several years had to work four hours extra every day to get an apartment in the house.

The facility is located in the Spartanovka microdistrict, at the entrance to the city from the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station. This is a solid nine-story residential building with administrative premises, assigned to eight addresses. The building has about 1.4 thousand apartments, 38 entrances and about 3.5 thousand residents. The complex includes two kindergartens, a post office, a clinic and a dozen shops. The total length of communications is about 80 km, and the roof area is 15 thousand square meters. m.

The originality of the house was first noticed by one of its residents, who measured the length of the building and posted the data on a social network. The information was double-checked and confirmed by Volgograd cartographers.

7. Residential building on the street. Academician Zabolotny, 1980

Kyiv, Ukraine
1240 m

The building was built over 11 years, from 1969 to 1980. It became the base complex for the residential Kyiv microdistrict Teremki. Nearby is the Teremkovsky forest park with an area of ​​93.8 hectares.

The complex consists of 68 sections and is legally assigned to different addresses. It has almost 4.5 thousand apartments, in which more than 12 thousand people live. The total area of ​​the complex is 375 thousand square meters. m.

The design configuration is a honeycomb core with two long beams extending from it. The central part has a height of 21 floors. Along the rays, the number of storeys gradually decreases.

8. Residential building, 1974

Copenhagen, Denmark
1475 m


The longest residential building in Europe is located in Lutsk in Ukraine. The length of the building is 1.75 km (that’s about four stops on public transport), and taking into account all the “shoots” and extensions - about 2.8 km. In the city, the house is called the “Great Wall of China.” It was built over 11 years (from 1969 to 1980) according to the design of architects Vasily Malovitsa and Rostislav Metelnitsky.

From a bird's eye view, the complex is shaped like a honeycomb and has a variable number of floors. It consists of 40 houses closely adjacent to each other, with a total of 120 entrances. The complex is adjacent to Molodezhi Street and Sobornost Avenue.

Prepared by Vladimir Mironov

A residential building in Lutsk, located on Sobornosti Avenue and Molodezhi Street, is jokingly called the Great Wall of China. This is the longest residential building in the world, its length is 1,750 meters ( including branches – 2,775 meters).

« This house was built between 1969 and 1980 by architects Vasily Malovitsa and Rostislav Metelnitsky“- said Yaroslav Matveev, an employee of the city architecture department.

The building was constructed in the shape of a honeycomb and unites 40 houses of different heights - from 5 to 9 floors. It has 120 entrances.

« Many new residents were confused at first and often made the wrong entrance, says Matveev. – But when the courtyards were landscaped and flower beds were laid out, residents began to navigate them».

When moving into a house, residents negotiated with a special service, like this Balashikha furniture removal service, because in this way things can be transferred conveniently and quickly. It is also interesting that many people do not even suspect that they live in the longest house in the world, because no one tells them about it. The local government should put up some kind of plaque to make the house a real landmark. After all, many tourists would probably like to see for themselves that this house is almost two kilometers long.

You can verify that a residential building in Lutsk is the longest in the world by going to Wikipedia.

The longest residential building in the world is on the right side of the photo.

Russia stimulated unusual ideas. One of them was the construction of a building that is now known as the longest house in Russia and glorifies the city of Murmansk.

House characteristics

The length of the unique building is 1,488 meters. Sections of the house represent microdistrict No. 305 of the city of Murmansk. The building is not elongated, but bends in a semicircle. Several sections of the longhouse are built to open onto the courtyard. The longhouse consists of nine-story buildings that connect block sections.

Sections of the house have addresses on Bering Street and Kola Avenue. In the courtyard of the longest house there are two schools, a kindergarten and shops. As in other residential buildings in our country, the first floors of the nine-story sections of the building are occupied by grocery stores and commercial banks.

Buildings with which a Murmansk house can be compared:

The creator of the famous house is Alexandra Rastorgueva. The architect who designed the houses of Murmansk was born in another part of the country, in Tashkent, in 1925. When she was five years old, her father (a party worker) died at the hands of the Basmachi. For the next few years, the girl lived with her mother, and after her death, with her aunt.

In the first years of the war, Alexandra studied and worked in a brigade collecting cotton needed for the front. In 1943, the girl began studying at the architectural institute, which she graduated after the war. Having completed her training, Alexandra Rastorgueva was assigned to Murmansk. She herself, in search of romance, asked for directions to this part of the country. For the next thirty-four years (until her retirement) she worked in this northern city.

She has worked on many projects under her belt. In the 1950s, Alexandra Rastorgueva worked on a project for the “five corners” area, which was not implemented.

Construction of residential complex No. 305 was carried out in the late 1970s – early 1980s. On the site of the future house-neighborhood there were peat bogs. The builders first had to carry out work to clear the soil of peat so that the piles would stand firmly. Their depth was 22 meters.

A feature of the architectural solution was its compactness, which made construction cheaper and saved space in the part of the city under construction.

The architecture of the building provided for a wind shadow in each corner, which is important in the region of cold winds. The architects placed playgrounds and children's facilities in the wind shadow zone.

Even at the design stage, the architects thought through a solution to this problem. Using wind tunnels, they “blowed through” the model of the house and measured its speed in the construction area. As a result, the wind speed in the courtyard of complex No. 305 is two to three times less than outside it.

Near the residential area there were necessary buildings - schools, a kindergarten, a grocery store, a savings bank. Further on there is a green area.

For the design of a new housing complex, Alexandra Rastorgueva received a prize from the Council of Ministers. In addition, she received a separate award for designing the southern part of the city of Murmansk.

Harsh living conditions and restrictions often prompt architects to find unusual solutions to problems. Living conditions and the need for rapid construction on the Kola Peninsula prompted the idea of ​​a building that would become known as the longest house in Russia and would be a home for thousands of Murmansk residents.

There are very large residential buildings in the world. This is what our article is about today.

Where is the biggest house?

Do you know where the world's largest residential building is located? No, this is not another skyscraper in New York or Dubai, as many thought. This is Ukrainian Lutsk.

The shape of the giant resembles a honeycomb; the townspeople call it the “Great Wall of China.”

It is located on two streets: Sobornost Avenue and Molodezhi Street. Just imagine, it is 1750 meters long, and if you also count the “shoots”, it will total 2775 meters. For comparison, the Kremlin walls are shorter - 2235 meters. This giant took almost 11 years to build. It has forty houses of different heights and 120 entrances. Many new residents even got confused in the entrances at first, until the surrounding area was landscaped.

Interestingly, many residents do not even suspect that the house is a record holder. Although you can’t tell from the outside, because the building is not straight.

And more record holders

Another giant is located in Volgograd, in the Spartanovka microdistrict, at the entrance to the city from the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station. The nine-story giant stretches one kilometer and one hundred and forty meters in length.

The house was built in the second half of the seventies of the last century. There is no point on earth from which you can view it all at once. This building can only be seen in its entirety from a bird's eye view.

Just imagine: there are 1,400 apartments and many administrative offices here. Do you know what the locals call it? "Intestine". It’s not particularly euphonious, but it fully characterizes this giant.

The house has as many as, just imagine, eight addresses: st. Gramsci, 43, 47, 49 and 51 and st. Nikolay Otrada, 34, 36, 40 and 44.

This is how experts explain such architectural “miracles”. A single large house is a single heating station, a single pumping station, and so on. In Soviet times, housing construction was industrial, requiring minimal time and minimal costs. As for beauty, the building was quite aesthetic. Large blocks and large courtyards were considered fashionable and progressive; standard buildings did not bother anyone. Now, of course, the demands on the housing market are slightly different, so developers are trying to create more unique projects. And from a geological point of view, such houses are quite complex: after all, two identical-looking plots may require a different approach to construction.

Moscow giant houses

Such houses were not uncommon in Soviet times. So in Moscow in Otradnoye there is a house 1.4 thousand meters long. True, it is difficult to call it one building. It is, rather, an architectural ensemble of adjacent buildings without common spaces or passages.

Another long house in Moscow is located at st. Grizodubova, 4 in Khoroshevsky district.

It reaches 700 meters in length. Another Moscow long length is located at Varshavskoye Shosse, 125, its length is 750 meters.

This masterpiece of architecture is, in general, some kind of “recumbent” skyscraper.

But don’t think, it wasn’t only Soviet Russia that loved such gigantic buildings. The Karl-Marx-Hof house in Vienna also has impressive dimensions: its length is 1100 meters.

The house was built between 1927 and 1930 by architect Karl Ehn.

Built in 1930, Karl-Marx-Hof still retains the title of the longest residential building in the world, and with the current trend to build upward, it has a chance to remain so.

The house was built on the initiative of the Socialist Party of Austria, and it was intended for poor Viennese. The house can accommodate 5,000 residents, and the area of ​​the largest apartments is 60 meters.

Only the unusual length made the house so famous. Of course, it is longer than a kilometer. The house is built from several buildings closely adjacent to each other and directly faces two opposite streets. A truly large courtyard is formed inside it. The house was called the Ring Street of the Proletariat in Vienna; in a sense, it embodies the idea of ​​a large commune. The long building contains medical offices and office space.

Now Karl Marx Gough is one of the popular attractions in Vienna. The guide will also tell you the history of the longhouse. You can, for example, find out that once the territory of the current house was flooded with water and was even navigable. A large reservoir was here until the 12th century; a smaller pool remained until the 18th century, but it was also drained to create gardens. And on the site of these gardens, the socialists decided to build Karl Marx Gough - one of the most famous manifesto buildings.

However, here's what else is on the Internet:

The world's longest residential building, 1,140 meters long, was discovered in Volgograd.

People call this high-rise building “gut” or “Chinese wall” - the Russian nine-story building was built in 1975-1979 and consists of 1,400 apartments.

This wonderful house is located in the Spartanovka microdistrict. The house was assigned nine addresses on two streets: Gramsci Street, 43, 47, 49, 51, and Nikolai Otrada Street, 34, 36, 40 and 44.

The building's fame was brought by its resident, who measured the house using a program that takes pictures of the Earth from space. When he posted this data on the city forum, professionals became interested in it.

Let me note on my own behalf that the first house is still more than a kilometer long, and the second one has a perimeter - these are somewhat different things, you will agree!

Well, Naberezhnye Chelny also joined the race for the record:

House 51/01 in the New Town of Naberezhnye Chelny can be recognized as the longest five-story building in the world. 62 entrances stretch over more than one kilometer and one hundred meters