What is the best way to heat a house if there is no gas? How to heat a house if there is no gas - types of fuel, advantages and disadvantages of heating systems. Combined heating systems

The warmth of the apartment or country house on cold autumn-winter days it is always coziness, comfortable well-being, proper rest, and productive work. Even ancient man “tamed” fire, forcing it to warm the home. Modern world invented new methods of heating, possible only in civilization - with the help of gas and electricity. But the need for heating without gas remains relevant to this day, meeting the needs and capabilities of a fairly large part of the population.

How to cheaply heat your home

There are a great many options for heating units and systems. Most of them convert energy from fuel combustion into thermal energy, promoting the best distribution of warm air indoors.

Types of heating

The heating of high-rise apartments is most often central, although many houses are now switching to autonomous systems, which is considered much more profitable in terms of quality and economics. In low-rise buildings, private country houses, and dachas, heating can be installed:

  • Also steam central,
  • Autonomous gas or electric,
  • Furnace with application various types fuel,
  • Fireplace.

You can have heating installed without pipes and communications, consisting of only one heating device, or an entire system with batteries and pipe lines.

Cheapest fuel

Heating devices can use various fuels - solid, liquid, gaseous, electronic. At the same time, its traditional types are not always more convenient or cheaper for the consumer:

Stove complex with fireplace

  • Electricity is the most in a simple way heating organization, but also one of the most expensive,
  • Gas heating cheaper, but you need to take into account that main and liquefied gas are slightly different things, since the basis of the gas supplied centrally is methane, and the substance in the cylinders is propane-butane, the combustion of which is 4-5 times more expensive;
  • Diesel fuel is also quite an expensive pleasure (1 Gcal of heat will cost more than 3.5 thousand rubles), which creates bad smell near the heating apparatus, although it may become an accessible alternative to centrally supplied fuels,
  • Coal is a fairly cheap fuel, with which heating will cost 3-4 times less than with diesel fuel (1 Gcal of heat will cost about 1 thousand rubles),
  • Peat supplied in briquettes is approximately 1.5 times more expensive than coal,
  • Firewood will be quite cheap, but it’s worth considering that it’s not always convenient to use, and it burns out much faster than coal,
  • Pellets - granules based on wood waste - will give 1 Gcal for about 1.5 thousand rubles, and they are convenient to use for boilers where fuel is supplied automatically.

Pellets - alternative fuel

Alternative heating options

Without electricity and gas

In the event of a temporary or permanent absence of the types of fuel to which we are accustomed, it is quite possible to arrange heating at home without electricity and gas. As you can see from the above, if you replace them with something else, you can even save money. The options here could be the following:

  1. Of course, stoves and fireplaces - wood, coal, etc. Choosing this option will require the construction of an appropriate brick structure or the purchase of a ready-made unit. At the same time, you will get an environmentally friendly method of heating, and with some of these stoves, even cooking thanks to the presence of a stove (oven or broiler).
  2. In an original way heating will be from its own source of electricity. There are two ways to autonomously generate electricity:
    • From sunlight. To do this, you need to purchase solar collectors that convert the sun's energy into heat (a sort of “heater without electricity”) and electricity. Of course, you will have to spend money on purchasing equipment, but then you will be able to get heat and light without spending much money.
    • From wind energy. You can buy a ready-made device that converts it to generate electricity, or you can assemble it yourself. The circuit is quite simple: windmill (spinner), generator, battery.

Such methods of obtaining heat are very beneficial for suburban and country houses in areas where gas pipelines do not pass, especially for rarely visited households (dachas).

Solar collector installed on the roof of a house

Without pipes and boilers

The heating device can be equipped with a boiler with a pipe-radiator communications system connected to it to heat several rooms at once (depending on the power of the device). But with no less success, you can have heating without boilers and pipes, consisting of only one heat source. Usually this is:

  • A metal or brick stove with the function of heating one or two adjacent rooms,
  • Fireplace, like for medieval castles,
  • Electric heater (oil, reflector, heat gun),
  • At worst, the heating function of appliances such as air conditioners, etc. may be suitable.

INTERESTING! For houses built on the model of ancient Russian “five-walled houses,” one heat source in the form of a stove located right in the middle, between two adjacent rooms, is more than enough. Even now, steam heating with pipes and radiators is not provided in such houses.

Heating without fuel

Modern scientists have invented a way to heat a house even without burning any fuel resources - the so-called “heating without fuel.” This is achieved through the operation of a unique device – a heat pump.

Design and operation

The heat pump consists of tubes filled with freon, as well as several chambers - throttle, compressor, heat exchange. The operation of the device is similar to that of a refrigerator. It is called by scientists after its inventor the “Carnot cycle,” which is based on simple laws of physics:

  • Liquid freon passes through tubes lowered deep into the ground or reservoir, where the temperature even in winter remains up to +8 0 C. There it becomes a gas, since its boiling point is only +3 0 C.
  • Rising upward again, the freon gas enters the compressor chamber, where it is strongly compressed, which is quite easy to do with a gaseous substance. As is known, compression of any substance by limited space leads to its heating, so the freon heats up here to about 80 0 C.
  • Transferring the resulting heat through the heat exchanger to the heating system, the freon passes to the throttle chamber, where its pressure and temperature decrease, turning it back into liquid.
  • Next, the liquid freon is sent back to the depths of the earth to warm up, repeating the cycle again.

IMPORTANT! Of course, the heat pump still requires electricity to operate, but its amount is disproportionately less than with direct electric heating coolant.

Types of heat pumps

Heat pumps differ in the way the freon is heated before turning into gas, that is, in the source of “low-level heat”:

  • Water for installation near ground-based reservoirs,
  • Water to receive heat from groundwater,
  • Earthen,
  • Airborne.

The name of the device also includes the type of coolant in the heating system you have installed, that is, the passport for it must contain the words: “soil-water”, “water-water”, “soil-air”, etc.

Warmth without heating

Finally, if the creation of any heating system is impossible for technical, economic or other reasons, or there is simply no point in doing it, because the heat will be “just around the corner,” then it is possible to warm up at home for some time without heating.

There are several methods of such heating; they can be used individually or all together:

  1. Insulating the home will retain the crumbs of heat received from cooking, breathing of residents, etc. This includes not only construction changes, but also the addition of warm carpets, heavy curtains and the like. It’s worth doing this in any case, even if you have heating complete order: This way you can save energy resources.
  2. Insulate yourself: an extra sweater, a warm blanket, a fur cape on a cold evening can help you.
  3. We use additional methods of warming: hot tea and a heating pad can really warm you up.
  4. We warm ourselves psychologically: we change color scheme rooms to a “warmer” one with yellow-brown combinations, adding knitted and wooden accessories. You can put up photo wallpaper with a sunny picture or light an aroma candle with a pleasant warm smell. At the same time, we influence not the sense of touch, but the organs of vision, thereby deceiving our body and making us feel warm.

Warm colors in the interior

Be that as it may, if you wish, you can find a suitable way to warm your home and your loved ones even in severe frosts. We hope that the methods we have described will help in any situation, under any opportunities and circumstances.

Video: how to heat an apartment for free

It is realistic to provide cheap and effective system heating. The electric convector is built on the principle of natural air circulation. Warm air moves upward from the heater, thus stimulating the movement of air inside the room and ensuring uniform heating. However, a convector is effective only in warm climates, when the temperature does not fall below 10-15 degrees.


  • No forced air blowing. Even in the cleanest home there are solid particles that lie on surfaces. With artificial blowing warm air from the heater, this dust becomes part of the air we breathe. Natural circulation air is not so active, so dust does not rise into the air.
  • Small size with sufficient power. The heating elements of convectors heat up quickly, converting electricity into heat with an efficiency of up to 80%. In addition, there is a system of operation in different modes, as well as thermostats that allow operation not constantly, but only when the air temperature drops.
  • Mobility, allowing you to move the convector around the room, to places with maximum cold flow.
  • The possibility of creating a heating system exclusively using convectors or using them as part of a more complex heating system.
  • The electric heating element does not heat up more than 100 degrees, and the body - 60 degrees. Have increased level protection from moisture, which allows you to use the convector in the kitchen and bathrooms.


  • Cons electric convectors is to install heaters in every room of the house.
  • In addition, if you turn them on at the same time, there is a possibility of exceeding the permissible power limits.

However, the disadvantages can be turned into advantages by installing a relay for switching on the heaters one by one. The relay will allow you to create a stable temperature in the house, reduce energy costs and remain within the permissible power limits. There is another argument in favor of a system of convectors - they will not all fail at once. Replacing one or two appliances without losing heat is not difficult.

The photo shows an electric convector from Nobo, Norway

Method 2 - tubular electric heaters

They transfer heat from a tubular electric heater to a liquid-based coolant. Typically, water and oil are used as a coolant, sometimes antifreeze. The principle of the heaters is the same as electric kettles, which is why they are also called heaters and oil radiators. In fact, it is a boiler placed in a vessel with water. The efficiency of such devices is quite high, and heat loss for heating is minimal.


  • The undoubted advantages of tubular heaters include their safety, operational reliability and versatility of use.
  • Can be used in both gaseous and liquid media.
  • Not explosive, and not afraid of vibrations and shocks.
  • Tubular heaters are available in a variety of design solutions, which allows for economical heating private house electricity without disturbing the aesthetics of the interior.


Heating heating elements have a high cost due to the expensive metals that are used in production. Since scale forms on the tubes, it is necessary.

A tubular radiator is a thin-walled metal tube with a spiral inside, so if you do not need particularly high temperatures, then you need to take a heater with carbon steel tubes. If the device must output stably high temperature or work in an aggressive environment, then you need to take a stainless steel device.

The photo shows a tubular electric heater made by yourself

Method 3 - heated floor

As the only heating source, it is chosen to free up usable area, i.e. arrange heating without using radiators. In addition, uniform distribution of heat in the room helps reduce dust in the air. I recommend purchasing electric floors in the form of heating mats - this will greatly simplify installation.

Method 4 - electric boiler with heating element

Their popularity is determined by their safety, low cost and reliability. Most consumers opt for heating element boilers - they are much cheaper than electrode and induction boilers, and they are easy to maintain.

However, due to the use of a thermoelectric heater (TEH), such heating cannot be called the most economical. In addition, before purchasing, I recommend checking the operating mode of the local electrical networks - perhaps the networks will not cope with the load you need and the purchase will be in vain.

The photo shows an electric boiler KOSPEL, Poland

Method 5 - induction boiler

This is a transformer with two types of winding. The resulting eddy currents follow a short-circuited loop, which is the boiler body. The secondary winding receives energy, which is converted into heat, which heats the coolant.

Induction boilers heat your home quickly, can operate at low voltage, and have no parts that can fail. The efficiency of such a boiler is almost 100% and does not depend on the service life.

The photo shows an induction boiler EPO Evan 9.5 kW, Russia

Method 6 - electrode boiler

Inside there are electrodes that perform the function heating element. When current passes through a liquid, heat is generated. This means that in electrode boilers there is no actual heating element on which scale could form. The absence of scale will greatly facilitate operation.

Electrode boilers are highly reliable and operate much longer than tubular heaters. In addition, they have small sizes, which is very convenient for a small residential building. The disadvantages include high requirements for the liquid used as a coolant. Water must undergo special treatment. Often, antifreeze must be exclusive - from the developer of the device.

The photo shows an electrode boiler Galan, Russia

Method 7 - infrared heaters (the most economical)

Infrared heaters are considered the most economical of all types of electric heaters. They do not need heating elements and water pipes. Infrared heaters heat objects, not the room. Then the heated objects heat up the air. If an electric boiler can be compared to a kettle, then an infrared boiler can be compared to a microwave oven.

Infrared panels are especially popular. They are installed on the ceiling or walls of residential and production premises. Since the heating area is increased, the room becomes warmer faster than usual. Such a panel can be used as an independent heating source or as an addition to an existing system. Goes well infrared heater with electrode boilers. For example, an infrared heater can only be turned on in spring and autumn, when it is too early to turn on the main heating, or when it suddenly gets cold outside.

Pictured is a GROHE infrared panel, Germany


  1. It is generally accepted that heating a house with electricity is not cheap. This is certainly true if we only mean payment according to tariffs. However, to the price of heating you need to add the cost of the equipment, as well as the costs of its maintenance and repair.
  2. If you compare bills for electricity, firewood, coal, pipes, boilers and other equipment, you can come to the conclusion that private heating with electricity is cheaper than stoves and other systems alternative to gas heating.
  3. In addition to money, there is another argument in favor of electric heating - it saves time: turn it on, leave and forget. The only downside is a sudden power outage.

Below, watch a video about how we managed to create cheap heating with electricity for a large private house.

We calculated the cost of obtaining 1 kWh of heat from various types of fuel, as well as the costs for the entire heating season, plus payback periods for heating systems.

It is generally accepted that the most profitable heating option is main gas. But not everyone can say exactly how quickly its connection will pay for itself, even if gas pipe has already been laid along the border of your site. Therefore, the question “what is cheaper to heat a house” will be very relevant. To answer this, we have prepared two tables and a chart. The first table contains information on the cost of obtaining 1 kWh of heat from various types of fuel at prices at the beginning of 2016. The diagram shows fuel costs for one heating season. And in the second table - the payback period of heating systems in comparison with an electric boiler.

Table of the cost of obtaining thermal energy for heating from various types of fuel

Fuel type Price per unit, rub. Cost of heat received per 1 kWh, rub. Typical efficiency of boilers (furnaces), % Cost of heat received per 1 kWh taking into account efficiency, rub.
Eco-pea coal, kg. 3 0,39 0,8 0,48
Main gas, cubic meters 5,04 0,54 0,9 0,60
Dry pine firewood (20%), kg. 3,9 0,99 0,7 1,41
Air-to-water heat pump, kW.** 1,1 1,10 1,10
Pellets, kg. 6 1,26 0,8 1,57
Firewood natural humidity, coniferous (40%), kg.* 3 1,33 0,7 1,90
Liquefied gas, l. 15,3 2,71 0,9 3,01
Diesel fuel, l. 29 2,86 0,85 3,37
Electricity (day/night)*** 4,11 4,11 4,11

* - taking into account the density of folded chopped wood and the density of the wood itself
** — taking into account efficiency at average temperatures around -5° C, which corresponds to winter near Moscow
***—the average value of tariffs for Moscow Region is taken in proportions of 2/1.

The data in the table is sorted by cost of heat produced when burning each type of fuel, converted to kWh. We deliberately did not sort the list taking into account the efficiency of the boilers, since there may be variations here. Although the bulk of high-quality boilers for various fuels have an efficiency of 80%. We will also leave aside issues of ease of use of a particular type of fuel. Of course, the most problem-free options here will be electricity, a heat pump, as well as main gas, albeit to a lesser extent. In other cases there will be more trouble.

Next we will calculate heating season cost for the Moscow Region, based on a house with an area of ​​100 m2 insulated according to SNiP. Conventionally, we will assume that it is necessary to actively heat from approximately November to March (150 days a year). Moreover, with an average temperature difference of 25 degrees (we take the average temperature of all five months as -4°C), the total heat loss will be approximately 2.3 kW. Those. per day, you need to spend 55.2 kWh to heat such a house. For a season – ~8280 kWh.

Heating season costs for different types fuel for an insulated house 100 m2

The most profitable types of fuel are coal and gas. The most expensive is electricity.

Now let's count payback periods for heating systems for different types of fuel. Let's assume that the house has water heating with an electric boiler with a power of 9 kW (15 thousand rubles). Let's take this as basic version. To switch to main gas, you need to replace the boiler (15 thousand rubles), install a chimney (30 thousand rubles) and connect to the main line (from 50 to 400 thousand rubles, for calculations we used 200 thousand). To switch to coal, firewood or pellets, you also need to install a chimney and replace the boiler with an appropriate one (40 thousand rubles for a regular one and ~80 thousand for a boiler with automatic feed), plus prepare a storage room. For liquefied gas, on top of everything else, you will need a gas tank with installation (190 thousand rubles). And for a heat pump – the system itself with installation (~350 thousand rubles). In this case, we will assume that the owner then carries out the removal of ash and maintenance of the systems independently.

Payback period of various heating systems in comparison with an electric boiler

Everyone should draw their own conclusions from this table in accordance with their needs and capabilities. Let’s just make a reservation that for houses larger in area than we took into account, heating with electricity is not applicable, since electric boilers with a power of 10 kW or more, they already require connection to a three-phase 380 V network. Also, payback calculations will be slightly different for houses with an area of ​​more than 200 m 2.

Important note! All calculations in the article are given without taking into account ventilation losses, which for one reason or another are usually absent in small country houses. If we follow SNiP in this matter, when the air in the room of the configuration in question must be renewed approximately once an hour, then heating costs should approximately triple! But in practice, ventilation, if not forgotten about, is ensured supply valves and vents, which ultimately can increase the costs shown in the diagram by 1.5 times. Accordingly, this will lead to a decrease in the payback period in the table.

Today I will try to cover a useful topic, the whole point is that now many citizens of our country live in private houses, and when winter comes, they wonder what is really more profitable to heat a house? The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, gas, electricity, firewood (coal can also be included here), there are, of course, more unconventional sources for heating, such as diesel or gasoline, but using them is difficult and sometimes even dangerous. In general, let's think about what is more profitable now and what is preferable...

In this article I will try to give a full assessment of certain heating systems, that is, we will estimate according to calculations and derive the optimal heating source. Of course, it's starting to progress now electric heating, however, approximately 60–70% of households are still reliably “hung” on gas, and many apartments now have the so-called! So why is it so beneficial? For example, I want to take an apartment or house with an area of ​​100 square meters, this is exactly what I consider “optimal” for a family of three to four people (whatever area is comfortable). In general, read my reasoning and calculations below. Let's start with the condition.

Specified conditions

As I already wrote above, the task is to heat a house - an apartment of 100 square meters, if you believe our SNIPs, then we can say that for comfortable heating you need to apply thermal energy of 100 W - square meter, that is, if we have 100 square meters, we need energy - 100 X 100 = 10,000 W or 10 kW, is that a lot? Of course yes, a lot!

I suggest simple diagram, but it will show the complete picture:

  • Let’s say it’s frosty now, the heating of the house (apartment) works in the mode - it warms for 5 minutes, rests for 5 minutes! Thus, it turns out that the heating works exactly 12 hours a day! Of course, if your home is well insulated, then this interval will not be 50/50, the heating will turn on less often, but this is very good insulation with foam plastic on the outside and thick walls, of which there are still few in ordinary (ordinary) houses!

The conditions are set, we begin to identify what is more profitable:

Gas heating

Firstly, you have gas, which in itself costs money, and quite a bit.

Secondly, for such an area a boiler with a power of only 10 kW will be sufficient, that is, you do not need to buy 20 - 25 kW, there is simply no need. You can still consider 15 kW, however, if the boiler is not operating at 100% load, its resource increases.

Third, now on at the moment gas costs about 2.5 - 3 rubles, it all depends on the geography of our homeland. In my city it’s 2.5 rubles, so I’ll count at this rate.

Gas is a very “energy-intensive” product; when burned, a lot of heat is released! Heating boilers, now have very high efficiency(often it is not lower than 80 - 90%) - takes up little space, works autonomously and requires virtually no maintenance. As it becomes clear, the boiler itself cannot heat the room; it needs a heating system, usually cast iron or aluminum batteries that are “tied” to - a reasonable solution.

Now that we've decided, let's move on to gas calculations

I have very clear example such a house (it is not insulated very well, there are old places that need to be additionally insulated), the gas consumption per day (in cold weather) is approximately 10 - 12 cubic meters, let's take the maximum of 12.

If we derive final consumption then 12 X 2.5 r = 30 r. Then for a month it turns out 30 X 30 days = 900 rubles! Tolerate it!

Electric heating

Such systems do not require complex utility networks, in fact, just ordinary poles with electrical wiring - this makes such systems very attractive.

I would like to immediately note that now there are a lot of systems that strive to make electric heating cheaper and more efficient, I will list them point by point:

  • Heating element boilers are a boiler in which there are electric heating elements, and like a gas one, it heats the coolant (usually water or antifreeze) in the system.
  • Electrode boilers, instead of heating elements, they use special plates that heat water more efficiently.
  • Separate heating elements, just cut into each battery.
  • Warm floors, both film and wired. Usually they are laid in the floor, or in the version with film they are hung on the ceiling under the main covering.
  • Infrared heaters. The form of panels that hang on the wall and heat the room with infrared radiation.

I could go on and on for a long time; now there are still a lot of varieties, and every manufacturer wants to claim that he simply invented “know-how.” But in essence, again, it all depends on how your house is insulated! The walls must be warm - otherwise you will simply drown the street.

Now a kilowatt of electricity costs about 3 rubles (I take the national average).

Well, let's assume that some manufacturers still managed to reduce energy consumption to 80 W - meter, with a heat output of 100 W - meter like gas.

We have already decided that our heating works for 12 hours. Then multiply 80 W by 100 meters = 8 kW/hour. And since we heat the house for 12 hours, then: - 8 X 12 = 96 kW per day!

If you break it down by money, then it’s 96 X 3 rubles. = 288, per month 288 X 30 = 8640 rubles! Just “HOLY FUCK”!

Not very profitable heating!

Firewood, coal, etc.

Many people may now ask me a question: why are we considering this option, no one has been heating like this for a long time, and you can’t heat an apartment like that! But no, guys, this is still relevant, remember the same “pellet” boilers, of course, this is only logical for a private house; rightly, we will not install such a system in an apartment.


I don’t even know how to present the calculation to you; here it is impossible to somehow deduce the amount of firewood and heat received from it. It all depends on the material, what kind of firewood it is (oak, birch, pine, etc.) because everyone burns differently and gives different heat. But I can say with confidence that you need to make some kind of shed to store this firewood or coal - 100%, which already burdens many owners.

Heating with wood can be really cheap and even free if you cut it yourself somewhere and bring it. But if you buy, then a KAMAZ (about 6 cubic meters), which is exactly how much you will need for the heating season, costs approximately 10 - 12,000 rubles, if divided by 6 months of heating, it is approximately 1.5 - 2,000 rubles. in a month!


Coal will be a little more expensive, but you need less of it and it holds the temperature longer (we buy about 3 cubic meters). If you beat the bottom line, it’s the same 2000 rubles. - month.


A new heating system, special expensive boilers, which, by the way, can be quite automated.

They are heated with special granules - “pellets”; calculating consumption is also not easy! But again, based on my experience, I will say that the consumption of pellets per month is 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles - our 100 square meters.


Well, as you yourself understand, GAZ is really in first place, while in terms of efficiency it has no competitors even close.

The second is to burn with wood, pellets, coal - but in our case this is not an option at all (troublesome, garbage, dirty and dangerous), unless you have a private house and the “ash” from burning will be useful for seedlings.

The third thing is electricity itself, of course many people can now tell me - what have you counted here, everything is much less for me, I spend 4000 - 5000 rubles per 100 square meters. - a month for electricity! Guys, this may be true, but think about how much you would spend on gas then? Totally pennies! Many people heat themselves with electricity only because there is no choice and there won’t be one, because the area is remote and there is simply NO gas nearby!

Now the video version of the article

This is how the article turned out, I think it was useful to you, read our construction site.

Many people want to buy housing outside the city. But, when building a country house, a problem arises. How and with what to heat country house? Usually, on plot of land There is no possibility of connecting to central heating. Therefore, you need to think about which type is best to use.

Several years ago, every home owner tried to gasify their home. Currently the situation has changed a little. Other methods of heating a home have also emerged. And prices for space heating have increased several times.

Therefore, many owners of private houses began to think about alternative methods heating the room. Below we will describe heating options for country houses.

When building a house away from the gas line, you can install a wood heating system. With this option, it turns out to be more profitable to heat a country house. How does a wood stove work?

The operating principle of this design is as follows: you buy a stove, put firewood in it and heat it. When wood burns, the stove equipment heats up. It gives off its heat, and the air in the house warms up.

With simplicity of design this method heating has a number of advantages:

  • furnace equipment heats up quickly;
  • does not require installation, pumps or pipes;
  • the reliability of the design allows you to use this stove for a long time;
  • Buying firewood will not take a lot of money.

Currently, modern ones are not like the well-known old potbelly stoves.

The design and mechanism of the stove are designed so that the installation gives off a lot of heat and operates for a long time from one load of wood.

IN this system you can build in a boiler. When buying a boiler, it is better to choose a design pyrolysis type. With such a boiler, heat will be generated due to the combustion of pyrolysis gases. This type of boiler equipment operates without electricity.

Below we will understand how a solid fuel boiler works. At elevated temperatures and complete absence oxygen, the fuel decomposes into gas and solid waste. In this case, it is possible to obtain maximum heat transfer from fuel combustion.

Now let's write about cons this type of heating:

  • all furnace installations are large in size, so you will have to think carefully about where to put it; The weight of the stove is quite large, so it will not be possible to install the stove yourself;
  • You will need additional covered storage space for firewood. It is very important that there is enough firewood for the entire heating period;
  • if oven equipment is used incorrectly, its combustion products can be dangerous to humans;
  • it is necessary to equip the pipe;
  • with large areas of the house, the stove will heat the rooms unevenly.

Heating with coal

As we wrote above, you can heat a country house without gas using stove equipment. But, since purchasing firewood in some regions is difficult, you can consider the option of heating a country house using solid fuel.

These furnaces have boilers with special sensors for temperature regulation. The use of coal during combustion reduces the amount of harmful volatile substances.

Consist of:

  • heat exchanger;
  • the furnace in which the combustion process takes place;
  • grate

The heat exchanger is made from cast iron or steel. Therefore, the markets are mainly presented in steel and cast iron. It is worth noting that steel boilers have a low cost compared to cast iron boilers. The reliability of boilers made from these materials is very high, and if you wish, you are unlikely to damage the furnace structure

On to the pros
Coal stoves can be attributed to their durability and increased heat output. Such heating system does not require availability electrical energy.

As for coal, it is better to purchase it in advance and build a room for its proper storage.

Electric heating

If the country house is located in close proximity to power grids, then you can heat the country house with electricity. It is worth noting that the country house will be heated not by electricity, but by heated water.

How to arrange electrical system heating

The first thing you need to do is buy a boiler for heating water.

The stores offer them designed for different powers, with one or more circuits. System with one circuit It only warms the house. System with double circuit heats water for the bathroom and kitchen. Typically, two boilers are installed. And in the summer, one of them is simply turned off. The second heats water for personal needs.

Types of electric boilers

For private homes, as a rule, wall-mounted or floor-mounted electric boilers are purchased.

Floor standing boilers have larger size and weight. Therefore, they must be installed on a horizontal surface.

The water entering the boiler heats up and expands. Due to this, the water pressure increases, and the liquid moves independently through the pipes to the radiators. heat up and heat the entire house. When the water cools, it returns to the boiler again to be heated. The whole system has a closed loop.

Sometimes installed boiler with forced water circulation system. But for this you will need an additional pump and tank.

If the house has electricity, but a water heating system is not installed, you can use other heating options. Currently you can buy in construction stores different types heaters powered by electrical energy. Usually buy oil