How to make an electric heater from a cast iron battery. Cast iron heating radiators. Heat exchanger for a boiler made of cast iron battery

Search alternative sources heating has recently often become a task for many owners of private houses. This issue is especially important for owners of apartments in old “Khrushchev” buildings, since they have to replace cast-iron batteries with new ones during repairs. And the question also arises of what to do with old radiators. There is a solution - make a heater from cast iron battery with your own hands.

Many people prefer making their own heater from a battery, since the device is economical to use when compared with heating with electricity or solid fuel.

Home craftsmen have long been using a device made from a cast iron battery and heating element, which has many advantages. The main advantage can be considered economical heating of small spaces: chicken coop, garage, etc., but subject to correct connection. It is worth noting that in this option there is no need to use additional energy sources.

Such a device can be used not only as the main device for heating small rooms, but also for apartment heating, as an additional source.

A tubular electric heater consists of tubes with a spiral inside. Interior the tube does not come into contact with the spiral, since special insulation is installed. If you install such an element in a cast iron battery, you can get a lot of benefits, namely:

A garage heater made from a cast iron battery is being tested!

To install the heating element you do not need to have special knowledge in electrical installation work. Often included additional elements, fasteners and all necessary parts for safe installation. To put it simply, the heating element is only screwed into the cast iron battery socket and then plugged into the outlet.

Important! The tubular electric heater is installed exclusively in horizontal position, and it can only be turned on when the system is filled with coolant (water or any prepared liquid).

Heating elements have a good level of safety, since they have a built-in overheating protection system. Control sensors temperature conditions placed both inside and outside.

The newest models of tubular electric heaters have two operating modes. This allows them to be used for different purposes, that is, both as the main source of heat supply and as an additional one. In the first option, the heating element is turned on at full power, and a security system will protect it from overheating.

It is advantageous to use it as an additional or emergency source of heat in dachas where people do not live permanently. But you should take into account the fact that this type of heating will need to be monitored in winter so that the batteries do not freeze.

To effectively heat the room, you need to make a boiler from a battery with your own hands with a heating element of suitable power. To choose the right tubular electric heater, you need to calculate the amount of coolant in the battery, and then buy a device of the appropriate power.

Often, oil heaters made from a battery are used as an additional heat source if connecting to the central network does not give the required result, that is, it does not heat the room to the desired temperature.

In some cases, they are used as the main source of heating for small technical rooms, if they do not have other heating equipment.

Depending on how much power of the oil radiator is needed, from 1 to 4 heating elements are used during the manufacturing process. But for domestic purposes, such a device, as a rule, does not need more than two heating elements.

To make it you need to prepare:

  • one battery made of cast iron (you can use devices of the MS-140 brand);
  • one or more tubular electric heaters;
  • technical oil.

Autonomous heating with your own hands. Simple, cheap and without pipes.

There are several nuances about oil. If you believe the practical experience of home craftsmen, it is better to use electrical oil. It is usually poured into transformers. It is “not afraid” of high temperatures, so the safety of its use is at high level. The only disadvantage of transformer oil is the price. She's quite tall.

Important! Tubular electric heaters are sold ready-made and are specially manufactured to work with MS-140 batteries. There is no need to independently make power calculations and look for analogues of heating elements. It is better to immediately buy a device adapted for such purposes.

Making an oil cooler with your own hands is done in the following sequence:

  • tubular electric heater is mounted in bottom part batteries from the end of the collector;
  • the structure is grounded on the back side of the radiator;
  • a ball valve for draining used oil must be installed at the bottom of the battery, since a liquid-filled and heavy radiator is often very difficult to tilt;
  • the upper collector above the heating element is closed with a regular plug, and a Mayevsky tap is installed on the opposite side.

When pouring oil, it is necessary to fill 80-85% of the space. This is due to the ability of this liquid to expand when heated. Therefore, at a sufficiently high temperature, the fullness will increase from 80% to 90−97%.

Despite the simplicity of the design, a homemade oil heater made from a cast iron battery and heating element is very effective means for heating small and medium-sized rooms.

In order to save money on heating, home craftsmen often make their own heat exchangers for stoves and boilers. The main function of such devices is to transfer the heat obtained from burning wood, sawdust or other types of solid fuel to the water circuit.

In order for the heat exchange installation to be effective in operation, it is necessary to follow self-production several rules:

  1. 1. The material for making the container must have good heat transfer.
  2. 2. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the larger the heating area, the more heat it will give off.
  3. 3. Temperature changes are a very common occurrence in the operation of a heat exchanger, so the material must be prepared for this.

Autonomous heating with your own hands. Economical battery boiler for heated floors

When creating, cast iron batteries are often used. Firstly, old batteries are often available on the household, since they were very common in Soviet times, that is, such a design will not cost much. Secondly, such a battery has all the necessary parameters to create a high-quality heat exchanger.

It is worth choosing it for these purposes and for the following reasons:

If you use radiators as heat exchangers, then all gaskets are first replaced with asbestos threads, which are impregnated with graphite lubricant.

If the stove is of impressive size, then you can install two rows of radiators converted to serve as a heat exchanger, or install several sections.

Installation and assembly in this situation is carried out in the same way as when connecting a conventional radiator to central heating. For work, various angles, bends, brackets, etc. are used. After installing the structure, it must be checked for leaks. To do this, water is poured into it under pressure.

If the design has not been checked for quality, including tightness, then it is strictly forbidden to install it on the stove, as this can lead to an explosion or other serious consequences.

The ideal option for the stove would be installation directly into the chimney. There is no open flame and this will ensure the safety and long operation of the battery.

If such a battery is installed on an open fire, then the temperature will be very high. outside and cold coolant from the inside can lead to radiator failure. It may simply crack from this and begin to leak liquid.

There are no difficulties in converting a cast iron battery into a heat exchanger for a stove or an oil radiator. At high-quality implementation work, availability necessary tools and an old “accordion” can be made into a good device for heating both small technical and medium-sized rooms.

It is worth noting that in addition to cast iron, ordinary radiators from cars can also be used as a base. They are also good for a heat exchanger. In addition, copper (and car radiators are usually made from it) has higher heat transfer, so the efficiency of such devices will also increase. It is very easy to make a heater from a car radiator with your own hands. The operation process itself looks the same as when using a classic battery.

In order to make a heater from a battery based on a heating element, you first need to thoroughly rinse the inside of the radiator from rust and other contaminants that have formed over a long time. You also need to paint the outside and check for leaks.

  1. 1. Before pouring liquid into the battery, you need to attach it to the wall. If you do everything the other way around, the installation process will become more complicated, since the weight will be greater.
  2. 2. The heating element is screwed into the place of the lower side entrance and “sits” on the paronite gasket.
  3. 3. An air vent is screwed into the upper hole on the opposite side.
  4. 4. All other holes are closed with ordinary plugs.
  5. 5. A wire is connected to the heating element and the system starts.

First, be sure to remember to fill the battery with liquid and then start it.

After manufacturing, installing and connecting the battery, you must follow some rules for safe operation.

Please remember that the device must not be used without human supervision. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to additionally equip an emergency shutdown system by installing a sensor and a thermal relay.

The water inside should not reach a temperature of more than 80 degrees. This will lead to increased pressure. And also you cannot connect to the electrical network “with twists”. All wires must be insulated. In rooms with high humidity The device is not recommended for use.

In this way, making a heater with your own hands from scrap materials is not difficult, and using a cast iron radiator will significantly reduce the cost of production.

Cast iron heating radiators - classic version space heating, which has been used for many decades. These are reliable and durable devices that provide quick heating of the air without spending a lot of energy resources.

Our assortment includes large selection cast iron batteries for a different number of sections from which you can choose suitable option for any room area. We only offer quality products and attractive prices for cast iron heating radiators. At the client's request, we will paint the battery in any RAL color with powder paint.

Product advantages

Despite the emergence of new heating systems and more advanced battery designs, cast iron radiators have not lost their popularity. These products remain in demand due to the following advantages:

  • Cast iron is resistant to corrosion, high temperatures and most external influences. Inert to aggressive components contained in coolants of modern heating systems. Withstands high internal pressure.
  • Prices for cast iron heating batteries are among the most affordable and budget-friendly, while the service life of the products is at least 50 years.
  • Radiators have inertial efficiency - they retain heat excellently, and in the event of an emergency shutdown of heating, they do not cool down for a long time.
  • The products require virtually no maintenance and are highly repairable - cleaning and eliminating leaks is not particularly difficult.

The disadvantages of cast iron batteries include the large weight of the device and the inability to quickly regulate the temperature in a heated room. In addition, cast iron batteries have a uniform and rather boring design. However, recently new models with more interesting designs have appeared.

Our range

At the Gulfstream company you can buy cast iron radiators in Moscow of any modification. We offer both classic and modern improved models:

  • Standard cast iron batteries have a different number of sections, on which the level of heat transfer of the device depends. These products are time-tested and over decades of existence have shown their reliability and energy efficiency.
  • Heating radiators MS-140. They are characterized by increased resistance to external influences, high temperatures and pressure changes. Universal - can be used both in open and closed systems heating.
  • STI NOVA batteries. Designed specifically for Russian climatic conditions, meet all GOST requirements. They have excellent performance characteristics, resistance to water hammer and high aesthetics. The surface of the product is protected by a special coating that prevents yellowing of the enamel during the entire service life of the device.

Find out more about all the models and compare them technical specifications you can in our catalog, which presents cast iron batteries from leading manufacturers and suppliers. The product is sold both retail and wholesale, for each client we offer favorable conditions purchases. We organize delivery throughout Moscow or to any region of Russia.

There are situations when it is urgently necessary to organize heating for temporary housing, construction trailer, basement.

In this material, we will use an example to tell you how to literally organize electric heating from scrap materials and old cast iron radiators.

In our case, it was urgently necessary to organize a heating system for the semi-basement. This room was once centrally heated, and the old cast-iron radiators were left on the walls, which made the task a little easier.

All that needed to be done was to make an electric boiler.

For a homemade electric boiler you will need a piece of pipe with a diameter of 100-150 mm. 500-700 mm long. and an electric heater with automation, used in electric boilers for heating water. Automation allows you to regulate the temperature of the coolant from 0 to 90 degrees, and in case of emergency, turn it off.

The power of the heating element is 1500 W, which is quite enough to heat a room for about 15-20 square meters area, that is, you can connect 20 ribs of cast iron batteries.

Making an electric boiler with your own hands.

When manufacturing an electric boiler without welding work can't get by. Segment steel pipe We weld on both sides with pieces of metal, make holes for the “supply” and “return”. We weld sections of pipes with a diameter of 25 mm. with thread for subsequent connection to heating radiators. To install the heater, we weld a steel coupling with a diameter of 57 mm. We cut a hole.

All that remains is to check our electric boiler for leaks, and then you can connect it to the heating system.

The electric boiler was connected to the radiators using plastic pipes, intended for heating systems using the soldering method. “Supply” is at the top of the radiator, “return” is down.

An open-type expansion tank was fixed to the highest point of the radiator.

Attention! Observe electrical safety! To exclude damage electric shock, before connecting, the body of a homemade electric boiler must be grounded, or the heating element must be connected through a differential circuit breaker or RCD. Ideally, you should use both methods.

Our heating system, shown as an example in the photographs, does not look very aesthetically pleasing, to put it bluntly. We did not need beauty, since the system was temporary. Well, the principle of organizing the system electric heating of cast iron radiators this does not change.

The heating system is important for any room. During overhaul radiators are changed. You can find it on the market large number their models, but in such a variety it is difficult to choose reliable and high-quality designs. All types of heating batteries in an apartment have their advantages and disadvantages. There is no need to try to find the cheapest models, as they are unlikely to be of high quality.

System Features

Selection of radiators depends on the heating system. In most apartments in Russia it is centralized and has a number of features. Taking them into account, it is worth choosing the type of batteries. Heat is supplied to apartments via trunk lines from the central hub. The circulation is closed and is carried out by pumps. The average load is 16 operating atmospheres, and the choice of radiator should be made in accordance with this parameter. The technical data sheet of the device indicates information about the maximum permissible pressure.

The water temperature is not constant. Its fluctuations negatively affect batteries, causing accidents and technical problems. Not all radiators can withstand such operating conditions.

Weak point central heating system - these are pressure differences. They create water hammers that can damage networks. In some cases, this leads to serious accidents.

It is not always easy to understand which radiator is best to choose. Difficulties often arise with the quality of the coolant. Most aggregators are produced for European Union countries, where the climate is mild and good quality water. The material from which they are made is not suitable for Russian conditions. The inner shell of such products quickly wears out and is erased. All this reduces the service life.

The combination of materials also plays a role. The choice of a specific radiator model depends on the type of pipes. Incompatibility of these two components will lead to reduced service life or failure.

What is the difference between aluminum radiators and bimetallic ones and which ones are better?

Batteries central heating There are several types. They differ in material, technical data and appearance. IN Soviet era Cast iron radiators were common. They are heavy and not particularly aesthetically pleasing. . The features of such structures include:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • long heating period;
  • slow cooling.

If an accident occurs, the cast iron battery will retain heat for some time. In this regard, it is superior to units made of steel and aluminum. Durable and reliable material withstands pressure up to 30 atmospheres. Another advantage of cast iron radiators is their versatility. They are compatible with any pipes.

Cast iron is resistant to rust, so products made from it will last for decades. The surface of the batteries is covered with protective paint, which prevents the collection of dust. Radiator maintenance is simple. They do not require deflation or other procedures.

Modern manufacturers produce units different sizes and design. You can find devices made in retro style or decorated with forged elements. Modern models have floor mounts.

The disadvantages of cast iron structures include poor inertia. Slow cooling is not always an advantage. Sometimes such a system is difficult to adjust for the optimal temperature. Another drawback is the complex installation.

Choosing a heating radiator// FORUMHOUSE

Aluminum models

It depends on how the heating batteries work in the apartment comfortable accommodation. Aluminum radiators are not suitable for Russian conditions. Thin material very sensitive to corrosion. In five years, such units will fail.

If the heating system is autonomous in nature, then such batteries can be installed. They have a stylish appearance and high heat dissipation. The Stout brand is especially popular. Its products are manufactured in Italy, but they are fully adapted for use in Russia. Features of radiators from this manufacturer:

  • modern design;
  • warranty up to 10 years;
  • Suitable for use with antifreeze.

Aluminum batteries are designed for pressure up to 20 atmospheres. But the material has low resistance to water hammer. Tests have shown that it can withstand pressures of up to 12 atmospheres. When choosing such radiators, experts advise installing conical shut-off valves on the heating pipe. This will allow you to gradually increase the pressure in the system.

Installation is easily carried out by one person, but the process has a number of features. Copper, brass and steel fittings must not be used. When combined with these metals, corrosion occurs. It is best to connect the battery to plastic pipes.

A Mayevsky valve must be installed to bleed air. You can choose a unit of any size, shape and design. The disadvantages of aluminum radiators include their short service life and low resistance to water hammer.

Heating radiators - which ones are better?

Steel radiators by design can be tubular or panel. Like other types of heating equipment, they have their advantages and disadvantages. The panel battery is made of two ribbed plates. Inside them there is a sealed circuit that is filled with coolant. All this allows for circulation warm air indoors and high heat transfer. Thanks to thin walls, heating occurs faster.

The steel unit can withstand pressure up to 12 atmospheres. Some models are equipped with special ventilation holes. Due to them, a thermal curtain is created that protects from cold air.

The entire panel is covered with protective paint, which prevents physical and chemical damage. The disadvantages of the unit include small capacity (this is especially true for autonomous systems) and the absence of an internal protective layer.

Tubular steel radiators consist of individual pipes connected to each other by welding. They cannot be replaced or additional sections added to them. If one section fails, the entire battery will have to be replaced. The absence of connections allows you to avoid leaks and extend the service life.

The steel structure can withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres, so it is better to equip it with a reducer. Radiators of this type are resistant to poor water quality. Their disadvantages include low heat transfer and increased sensitivity to pneumatic shocks.

How to choose heating radiators Which heating batteries are better

Selection criteria

The heating system is installed to last for decades, so the choice of batteries should be approached with all responsibility. First you need to correctly calculate the number of sections. The more there are, the warmer the room. If they are lacking, the room will not warm up properly.

The selection of specific radiators should be based on the maximum system pressure. It is advisable to take units with a small margin of parameters. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the coolant and its composition. Some materials are more sensitive to negative effects.

It is imperative to know the physical characteristics of the material from which the radiator is made. In some cases, its design appearance plays an important role when choosing a battery.

In terms of durability, cast iron batteries take first place. They can last up to 50 years. Steel structures at correct operation work up to 25 years.

Central heating is not available to everyone, and not all consumers are satisfied with its quality.

Therefore many country houses and city apartments are used - that is, without connection to the central engineering infrastructure.

terms of Use

One of essential elements Such systems are heating radiators. Another well-established name for these heating devices is batteries.

Independent heat supply is softer compared to centralized system, operating conditions of radiators. Therefore, the requirements for heat devices used for individual heating are not too serious.

Distinctive features of the autonomous system:

  • working pressure, in comparison with, is much less;
  • The composition of the coolant (water) is of much better quality. In most cases, filtering equipment is used that removes mechanical impurities from the liquid;
  • water hammer - the installed hydraulic accumulator will accept excess liquid, extinguishing the water hammer, and will also allow you to have a certain amount of water in reserve. The likelihood of gusts is also minimized when using automation, which smoothly increases the pressure when starting up the equipment. For this problem in a private home, in addition to those indicated, there are other effective solutions.

Classification of heating devices

The material of manufacture has the most significant influence on heat transfer (that is, on the future temperature in the room). Therefore, the main classification is made precisely according to this criterion.

Steel heating devices Manufactured from high quality, corrosion resistant mild steel and then factory painted. They are suitable for use in autonomous systems heating, since the pressure in them is low.

  • panel;
  • sectional;
  • tubular.


  • low thermal inertia;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature using a thermostat;
  • small volume of coolant;
  • wide range of standard sizes;
  • low cost.


  • cannot withstand serious water hammer;
  • appearance. This drawback does not apply to tubular welded structures - exactly in this case. However, they also lack such an attractive advantage as low cost;
  • the inner surface quickly corrodes, especially when in contact with air (for example, when draining the coolant, as well as in open systems). The lack of water treatment also has a negative impact on the service life.

Cast iron heating appliances have firmly entered our lives and are not losing their positions. New, modern designs, like their predecessors, provide high-quality heating of the room, but unlike them they have a more attractive design.


  • high heat capacity due to thick walls and large volume of coolant;
  • ability . That is, when the heat supply stops, the temperature in the room will not drop sharply, but will fall gradually and for a long time;
  • strength, resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high corrosion resistance;
  • undemanding to the quality of the coolant;
  • uniform heating of the room. More than half of the heat is obtained by radiation, and only a smaller part is transferred by convection;
  • durability. Average term service - about 50 years.


  • slow warm-up;
  • unattractive appearance, rough surface of old models;
  • new-style products are more aesthetically pleasing, but still require careful inspection for cracks and manufacturing defects;
  • large weight and dimensions. This fact causes difficulties during transportation and installation;
  • heat transfer decreases over time due to the formation of plaque on the internal walls;
  • some difficulties in operation: batteries require painting, periodic washing and changing of intersection gaskets.


Due to the fact that the iron-carbon alloy takes a long time to cool, old system heating systems with cast iron radiators cannot be equipped with automatic thermostats. This problem has been practically solved in new models. Despite their high inertia, they can still be connected to thermal automation.

Currently, highly efficient radiators remain the most in demand. Their success is ensured by technical, performance characteristics and attractive appearance.

Thermal appliances are manufactured in two ways:

  • injection molding method;
  • extrusion method.


  • fast heating;
  • high heat transfer rate;
  • ease of installation due to low weight;
  • it is possible to equip with a temperature regulator;
  • modern attractive design;
  • affordable cost with good efficiency.


  • poor corrosion resistance;
  • high requirements for coolant quality;
  • formation of air in the system;
  • not suitable for individual systems using antifreeze and other chemical compounds;
  • service life usually does not exceed 15 years.

Saving energy resources

An undeniable advantage of aluminum radiators is the ability to install a thermal valve, which will reduce energy consumption by 30 percent. This device blocks the access of the coolant (water) when the temperature rises to a certain temperature.

The durable tubes inside are made of steel, the upper part is made of aluminum. Due to the outer layer, heat quickly spreads in the room, and due to the inner layer, strength is ensured.


  • high strength;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • durability;
  • modern design;
  • ease of installation;
  • good heat dissipation. Slightly lower only in comparison with aluminum models;
  • small volume of coolant;
  • This best option in the case of using a thermostat, the bimetallic system responds very quickly to its commands.


  • high cost;
  • in cheap models, aluminum can come into contact with the coolant, which leads to corrosion and, accordingly, rapid failure of the device.

What to pay attention to

When choosing radiators, one of the important indicators is the number of sections. Moreover, when calculating this amount, the height and width of the radiator do not have priority.

You need to know the power of the proposed purchase (it changes in Watts and is indicated in the technical documentation), as well as the area of ​​​​the room that is supposed to be heated. Then the calculation is performed using the formula: number of sections = room area multiplied by 100 and divided by the power of the device.