Winter varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region and central Russia. Varieties of apples: characteristics and productivity of trees Determine the variety of apples by appearance

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without an apple tree - this crop is grown widely and everywhere throughout Russia, and its fruits are familiar to everyone since childhood. These fruit trees can grow and bear fruit for many years, but even such plantings need to be renewed sometimes. Therefore, if a decision has been made to plant a new apple tree, then this issue must be approached with special meticulousness:

  • firstly, you need to know which varieties are suitable for cultivation in the region where the site is located. When purchasing an apple tree seedling, you should always take into account the climatic zone of your garden, otherwise the apple tree will freeze and the money will be wasted;
  • secondly, it is necessary to determine the ripening period of the crop, because it greatly influences the various qualities of the fruits themselves, for example, keeping quality and shelf life. It is important to know this before buying an apple tree, so as not to throw away the resulting harvest.

All apple trees are conventionally divided into summer, autumn and winter according to their ripening period. It is clear that the former can be called early ripening, and the latter patiently wait for their ripening until mid-autumn. On the one hand, this is true, but it is better to consider the features of summer, autumn and winter varieties separately.

Apple tree Summer striped

Summer varieties of apple trees ripen in the second half of August. Basically, varieties belonging to this group are characterized by a friendly harvest. On the one hand, this is good, because you can collect all the apples in one or two times and eat, process or put them up for sale.

On the other hand, it is necessary to constantly monitor and inspect the fruits on the tree to prevent falling: it is the summer varieties of apple trees that are prone to rapid yield loss, and if the moment of picking was missed, then you will have to choose the healthiest fruits from the ground.

The shelf life of apples, even with timely harvesting, leaves much to be desired - up to one month.

But at the same time, it is in the fruits with early ripening contains the most vitamins and substances beneficial to humans. It is generally accepted that summer apples have small sizes because they ripen earlier. In fact, this is not so; there are also large-fruited summer varieties.

Individual fruits ripen, weighing up to 200 g and are yellow in color with a slight pink blush. The consistency of the pulp is fine-grained, juicy, and white. Despite the fact that the variety is a summer variety, the fruits of “Melba” are well stored for up to two months.

"Welsie" is considered the best pollinator.

Recently, the Melba variety, according to gardeners, has changed. After the first abundant fruiting, the apple tree is prone to freezing. The fact is that she devotes all her energy to the development of fruits and does not have time to prepare for winter. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention and provide her with proper care after the first real fruiting (occurs in the fifth year of life), and the next year the risk of freezing will disappear.

In terms of taste, the fruits are classified as sweet and sour. Externally, they have a rather interesting light yellow color with a dashed red blush. Apples ripen weighing up to 120 g. The harvest can hardly be called auspicious, so it is possible to eat fresh apples straight from the tree for a long time. Despite the fact that the variety belongs to the summer variety in terms of ripening, the fruits stay on the tree quite firmly and do not fall off.

An excellent variety for processing and preservation. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 100...150 g, and have very juicy, aromatic pulp. Fully ripe apples are yellow with a diffuse red blush and have a sweet, honey-like flavor. It is also noteworthy that the fruits can be consumed not quite ripe. The variety is resistant to scab and is one of the most unpretentious.

The variety ripens one of the earliest, already at the end of July. The crown of the tree (rare pyramidal) gives the apple tree a special decorative effect. However, problems arise with harvesting and storing it: the fruits crumble a lot, and can only be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. The weight of the fruit is average - up to 150 g. The skin is thin, the flesh is loose, but juicy. The taste of apples is sweet and sour with a pronounced aroma. The color of the fruit is green, but richly covered with a crimson-red blush. The tree begins to bear fruit in its fourth year.

Depending on compliance with the conditions of agricultural technology, “Ligol” produces fruits weighing from 150 to 350 g. The main color of apples is yellow, diluted with a red blush. The consistency of the pulp is granular, juicy, crispy. The apples have an excellent presentation: the peel is glossy, transportability is excellent. The variety is also notable for its high dessert taste rating.

And when the right conditions storage, the crop can be preserved for six months, which is simply unrealistic for other summer varieties. The fruits themselves are resistant to scab and some other diseases, but the tree is susceptible to bark diseases.

The best pollinators for this variety are considered to be “Idared”, “Spartan”, “Lobo”, “Champion”.

It is distinguished by very small fruits weighing 30...40 g. The tree bears fruit every year and produces abundant harvests. It begins to bear fruit early, already in the third year. Apples are consumed both fresh and canned. In addition, they are used for making compotes, jams, juices, wines, etc. The apples crumble a lot and have short term storage, so collection is carried out quickly. The “Kitaiki” variety is divided into several subvarieties, differing mainly only in the size of the apples and their color.

Early summer varieties of apple trees, brief description, fruiting: video

Autumn apple tree variety Uralets

Fruits from trees autumn term When ripe, they can be harvested from late August to early September. In this case, such a friendly fall of apples will not be observed, and the collection time can be determined as follows: if at least a few large, healthy apples are lying on the ground, you can start picking.

Autumn varieties are not particularly harvestable, so they are harvested in 2-3 batches.

The shelf life of harvested apples, unlike summer varieties, is longer and averages three months.

But over time and if stored improperly, the pulp becomes unjuicy and loose. Most autumn apple varieties are excellent not only for fresh consumption, but also for processing.

The color of the fruit has a basic yellow color, covered with a dark burgundy blush. The peel is quite dense with a waxy coating. The consistency of the pulp is dense and juicy, aromatic. The taste is sweet with a pleasant subtle sourness. The productivity of apple trees is high and increases with age. However, one should take into account the fact that the winter hardiness of this variety is average, so to successfully grow it you will have to periodically resort to agrotechnical techniques to provide protection in harsh winters.

The advantages of the variety, in addition to the high commercial qualities of apples, include their keeping quality and resistance to a range of diseases.

Fruits weighing 120...150 g have golden color and covered with a bright crimson blush. The taste of apples is sweet and sour, since the acid is felt quite strongly, while the content of vitamins in such apples is very high. The tree begins to bear fruit already in its fourth year of life, produces abundant harvests, and is resistant to scab. The peel of the fruit is very thin, so special care should be taken when collecting and transporting it so as not to damage it.

Apples of this variety are considered quite large, as they weigh 160...180 g and ripen evenly. A blurred orange blush covers the yellow-green apple; the peel is very thin, and therefore the fruits have average transportability and keeping quality. The advantages of the variety include early fruiting, high productivity, the possibility of consumption in fresh or use in processing. Winter hardiness is average.

The apple fruits of this variety reach 200 g. Their color is yellow-red, the pulp has a loose consistency and has an excellent dessert taste. A feature of the variety is a clear frequency of fruiting - once every two years. The yield of the tree is very high, but you will have to wait a long time for fruiting: the first apples will appear at the age of seven years.

The fruits can weigh from 120 to 200 g, some can ripen up to 250 g. The fruits are not very juicy, sweet and sour, and ripen unevenly. When young, it bears fruit annually. This variety does not have any special distinctive qualities, and gardeners are quite neutral towards it.

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 80...120 g with thin skin and a waxy coating, light green in color with a red striped tan. The pulp is juicy, at the same time loose, aromatic and has a sweet and sour taste. The skin of the apple itself is thin. The variety is very winter-hardy.

The fruits are medium-sized - from 100 to 150 g. The apple itself is yellow, but an orange-red blush covers almost the entire surface of the fruit. The taste is close to sour with sweet notes. The harvested crop is stored on average for up to two months, and in a refrigerator - up to 5...6 months. The winter hardiness of the tree is average.

In cold climate zones it is considered an autumn ripening apple tree, in more southern regions it bears fruit earlier. But the ability to quickly shed the crop in this case remains. The fruits, weighing 150 g, are green in color with a blurred blush and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The cream-colored pulp is very juicy and aromatic. The tree is a vigorous one.

The tree is vigorous, tall (up to 5 m), spreading with fruits weighing 120...150 g (some can reach 200 g) is a fast-bearing variety and produces a harvest already in five years. Apples are yellow-green in color with a slight pink blush. The variety is considered productive, scab-resistant and winter-hardy, but the fruits are not very juicy and cannot boast of any outstanding taste characteristics.

Autumn varieties of apple trees, brief description, fruiting: video

They are intended for winter storage. During the summer season, they do not have time to fully ripen, and if you try to bite into a winter apple when picking, it will be terribly astringent and sour, which will not fit in your head with the chosen variety.

And all because winter-ripening fruits will be ready for consumption only when ripened in boxes during storage. Therefore, a gardener who grows a winter variety of apple tree will be able to put juicy and sweet fruits from his plot on the table for the New Year. Upon final ripening, the apple becomes varietal and has a characteristic aroma and taste of the pulp.

The undoubted advantages of growing winter varieties of apples include the possibility of consuming them fresh in winter period However, for this it is necessary to have space for ripening the crop in boxes and to ensure normal storage conditions.

  1. Sudden temperature changes in the cellar (the place where apples are stored) should not be allowed; the recommended temperature in it is about +6 0 C;
  2. you need to periodically sort through the apples and eliminate the damaged ones (but this must also be done in the basement, without removing the boxes from the storage location);
  3. different varieties must be stored separately;
  4. it is necessary to collect apples in a timely manner (to determine the timing of collection, they usually pay attention to the stalk: if it is easily separated from the branch, then the apples can be collected).

Ripening time winter apple trees Depending on the variety and growing region, they fall at the end of September - beginning of October.

The fruits are medium or large, depending on the care of the apple tree, and have a yellowish color, diluted with a bright red blush. The stalk is very short, so at first glance it may seem that the apples seem to be “stuck” to the branches.

The advantages of the variety include the wonderful sweet and sour taste of apples with an incredibly juicy texture, attractive appearance and resistance to dry conditions.

But there are also disadvantages: the tree has average winter hardiness and an extremely short shelf life compared to other winter varieties of apple trees.

The fruits are medium - from 100 to 150 g with juicy aromatic pulp and have a light yellow color with a red striped blush. The winter hardiness of the tree is average, the taste of the fruit is good, sweet and sour. This variety is distinguished by its resistance to scab and a complex of other diseases.

The variety is columnar and therefore requires special care. The fruits are golden with a red blush, have a sweet and sour taste, and the pulp is juicy. white. Stored for up to 3 months. Apples reach a weight of 200 g if all rules of agricultural technology are observed.

The apples are bright green, weighing from 150 to 200 g, and have crisp, dense flesh. The taste is sweet and sour. The fruits are well transported and stored under proper storage conditions until the summer, so this variety is widely popular among gardeners.

Sinap Northern

The tree is vigorous with fruits weighing 120 g and is characterized by high winter hardiness and early ripening. The apples are yellow with a brown blush and have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and juicy white flesh. The keeping quality of apples is excellent, until May next year. In addition to fresh consumption, the fruits are also suitable for various types of processing.

The fruits grow unusually weighing up to 160 g orange color. The pulp is sweet and sour, juicy, and has a pleasant aroma. The best pollinator for "Welsey" is "Melba". The fruits are characterized by high shelf life until the end of February and are mainly intended for storage and consumption fresh when fully ripened.

The tree of this variety is not tall - it grows only up to 3 m, which simplifies harvesting. It begins to bear fruit relatively early, already in the third year. As the fruits ripen, they change color from bright green to golden yellow.

The size of one fruit can reach up to 200 g when grown in the southern regions; of course, in the middle zone you will have to be content with the average size of apples. The taste of dessert apples is sweet with noticeable sourness.

The best pollinators for Golden Delicious are Idared and Semerenko. The main disadvantages of the variety are low winter hardiness and susceptibility to a range of diseases.

The tree is very compact, yet productive and early-fruiting. The taste of the fruit is very good, sweet and sour, the pulp is juicy and aromatic, contains large number vitamins Disadvantages of the variety include fruit shedding and frequency of fruiting.

The variety is old and has long been known to gardeners. The fruits weigh 100...140 g, have a golden yellow color and juicy white pulp. The harvest can be stored until February. The best pollinator is the White Pouring apple tree. The tree is characterized by very high winter hardiness.

The fruits ripen, weighing up to 190 g, and are covered with a natural waxy coating. Apples with a sweet and sour taste have a weak aroma and excellent shelf life for up to six months, and when stored in the refrigerator - until summer. Despite its high resistance to a range of diseases, “Idared” cannot boast of high winter hardiness.

Winter varieties of apple trees, brief description, fruiting: video

Apple tree varieties suitable for growing in cold climates

If the purpose of growing apples has been determined, you can begin to search for a variety that will successfully grow and bear fruit in the region in which the plot is located. You need to proceed from the fact that not all varieties grown in zones with a warm southern climate are suitable for the conditions of the Moscow region, let alone more severe zones, such as the Urals or Siberia.

Of course, it will be a shame to choose a seedling, plant it, care for it, and still not see fruiting. Therefore, apple tree varieties suitable for growing in areas with unfavorable cold climates will be listed below. They are particularly winter hardy and at the same time give good harvest apples

Apple tree varieties for the Moscow region: “Zhigulevskoe”, “Medunitsa”, “Lobo”, “Grushevka”, “Orlik”, “Bogatyr”, “Semerenko”, “Gala”, etc.

Apple tree varieties for the Middle Zone: “Spartan”, “Orlovskoe”, “Sinap”, “Champion”, “Idared”, “Florina”, “Golden Delicious”, “Glory to the Winners”, etc.

Apple tree varieties for the Urals and Siberia:“White filling”, “Summer striped”, “Autumn striped”, “Beauty of Sverdlovsk”, “Ural bulk”, “Anis Sverdlovsky”, “Ligol”, “Antonovka”, “Candy”, “Melba”, “Welsey”, “Chinese”, “Currency”, etc.

Once a list of apple tree varieties suitable for cultivation in the region in which the site is located has been compiled, you can become more familiar with their features and characteristics, choosing the most suitable variety.

When choosing a variety for a site, they are usually guided by:

  • external characteristics of the fruit (color, presence of plaque, size),
  • gustatory (dessert taste assessment, aroma),
  • pulp consistency (dense/loose, juicy/not juicy, grainy),
  • as well as some properties of trees (their height in adulthood, spreading, early ripening, resistance to diseases, drought conditions, etc.).

Taking into account the winter hardiness and ripening time of the apple tree, you can choose the ideal variety suitable for a specific area. A reasonable analysis of these criteria, and not the pursuit of the largest and most beautiful apples, will allow you to get high yield apples in any climatic zone of Russia. In addition, when choosing a particular seedling for garden plot, it is recommended to be guided by the parameters of the tree in its adult state, especially for gardeners with small areas.

IN modern world There are many different varieties of apples. Every gardener tries to choose the right variety of apple tree, with the goal of collecting as much harvest as possible, which will not only suit the taste, but also suit the timing of fruiting.

This article will help you get acquainted with some of them and make the right choice.


The crown of the tree is oval, the height is average. Distinctive feature, which is typical for this type of apple tree, is considered to be a large amount of harvest and the ability to collect fruits annually. The tree begins to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting in the soil.

The fruit has a round-conical shape, weighs 100-120 g and is greenish-white in color with a bright red blush. The taste is sweet and sour. The apple ripens at the end of August and can be stored for 30 days. This variety is also characterized by excellent transportability.


The height of the tree of this variety is medium. The densely leafy crown has a round-oval shape. A distinctive feature of the apple tree is that it begins to bear fruit 4 years after planting in the ground and produces a harvest annually.

The fruits ripen in mid-August and are stored for 10-15 days, and also have low transportability. This fruit has a round-conical shape, its weight reaches 100 g. The fruit tastes sweet and sour. This variety of apple trees has average winter hardiness and is resistant to pests and diseases (with the exception of scab).

Stark Erliest

The tree is of medium height and compact pyramidal shape. You can harvest apple trees of this variety almost every year. After planting the apple tree in the ground, the fruits will appear in 4-5 years. Ripening begins already in August. Apples have a round-conical shape, a shelf life of up to 20 days and a weight of up to 100 g.

Apples are highly transportable. The entire surface of the fruit has a bright red color. This variety is highly resistant to frost and is slightly affected by powdery mildew and scab.

Autumn varieties

Anise striped

The birthplace of this variety is the Volga region. The crown of the apple tree is wide-pyramidal or rounded, the tree is tall. Its peculiarity is that it has high yield and low early maturity. The fruit has a smooth and shiny surface, as well as a flat-round bulbous shape.

Its weight reaches from 70 to 90 g, the fruit tastes sweet and sour. This variety of apple trees has high winter hardiness and drought resistance, and average resistance to scab.

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya

The apple tree has medium or tall growth, and also has a compact dense crown and high yield. A distinctive feature of this variety is its high shedding and ripening of fruits at different times. The fruit size is average, weight reaches 133 g.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round, the skin is smooth with a high intensity of waxy coating. The apple has a sour taste with a subtle sweet note. The fruits of this variety have a high content of vitamin C.


Apple trees of this variety grow predominantly tall. Their advantages include the fact that they are fast-growing (they begin to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting) and have high level productivity. The fruit is larger than average in size, weighing from 200 to 250 g.

The skin of the fruit is smooth and durable, the flesh is juicy and dense. The apple has a sweet and sour taste. The tree has average winter hardiness. The leaves of the apple tree are less resistant to scab than the fruits.

Green varieties

Antonovka vulgare

Antonovka is one of the most popular apple varieties. Apple trees are tall trees with rounded and elongated crowns.

It is almost impossible to confuse Antonovka with other trees - its distinctive features are branches located close to the trunk, oval asymmetrical leaves, bright brown bark of shoots and white flowers.

Typically the fruits are large, oval and begin to ripen towards mid-autumn. If all storage rules are followed, apples can retain their original appearance for up to 2-3 months.

White filling

White filling is considered an analogue of Papirovka, because they are similar both in appearance and taste. The height of the trees is usually from 3-5 meters, they are considered medium-sized.

The crown of apple trees is pointed at a young age, but over time it acquires a rounded shape. The leaves are oval and bright green, the petioles are elongated. The apples are small, their weight rarely exceeds 80-100 g. The fruits usually ripen by the end of August and are stored for no more than 3 months.


Amber has a unique sweet and sour taste, which makes it no less popular. Apple trees can tolerate severe frosts, but with minimal precipitation, because fruits and leaves may be significantly damaged. Twisty and slender trees with thin and long shoots are colored gray-brown.

The fruits are small and have a distinctive amber-yellow skin. The apple pulp has a creamy, milky hue. Fruit ripening begins in late summer - early autumn and ends by mid-September.

Pyramid varieties


Ostankino is an early winter variety, the fruits of which can be reaped already in the first half of autumn. The trees are small, medium-sized and compact. The shoots are medium thick, the leaves are long, green and rounded.

The fruits are large, bright red, their weight can reach 250-300 grams. The apples are strong and can be stored until late autumn. The pulp is white, fine-grained and very juicy.


An apple tree of this variety is a wonderful decoration for the garden. Despite the fact that the height of trees rarely exceeds 2 meters, they are noticeable in any part of the garden. Distinctive Features are a thick trunk, large white flowers, a long branched crown and dark green oval leaves.

The apples are large, there are a lot of them - usually up to 15 kg can be collected from one tree. The fruits are yellow-pink, turnip-shaped. A huge advantage of the apple tree is its frost resistance, which allows it to withstand frosts down to -30 degrees.


Constellation is a winter variety, with apple sizes up to 150 grams. The color of the fruit combines dark red and lilac shades. The trees are medium-sized, with few branches and dark green and oblong leaves. The apples are large, sweet and sour, with yellowish flesh.

Trees are resistant to low temperatures and can withstand up to -40 degrees. In addition, they have high immunity to various diseases, and therefore do not require annual special treatment.

The best varieties


Apple trees are usually tall, with a spreading crown. The advantage of this variety is that the fruits can be harvested every year, and the yield is consistently high. Ripe apples have crisp, fine-grained flesh. They become ripe in early autumn, but it is recommended to harvest no earlier than October, but before the onset of cold weather.

After picking, you should refrain from consuming apples (due to the dense pulp) and wait a couple of months. The weight of the fruit is 160-400 g, the taste is sweet and sour. This variety is a winter variety.


The trees of this variety are dwarf (2-2.5 m high). A distinctive feature is that the harvest can be harvested 3-4 years after planting in the soil, and also that apple trees need pollination. Has high productivity. The fruits should be collected in September.

Apples can be stored until mid-February. The weight of the fetus reaches 110-160 g, in rare cases 200-250 g. Apples taste sweet and sour. The trees are frost-resistant and also resistant to bark diseases.

Northern synapse

Trees of this variety come in two types: dwarf and tall. Tall apple trees have a wide crown with an average density. The difference between this type is that the variety has the ability to form an ovary without the help of cross-pollination, but the yield level will not decrease.

The fruits grow juicy with a sweet and sour taste, weighing up to 95-150 g. They become ripe in mid-autumn, but apples should be picked after the leaves fall. The harvest, harvested at the right time, will delight you with its taste until the beginning of summer. The trees have high frost resistance. Almost exposed to diseases.

You can learn more about the above and other types of apples from the following video:

The apple tree is the most popular fruit tree. The first thing anyone, even a novice gardener, wants to see is this tree on their plot. But how can a beginner figure out which variety to choose from all of them in order to enjoy these magnificent fruits for as long as possible. After all, different varieties of apples are good in their own way.

Classification of apple trees

To choose an apple tree that will be easy to care for and produce a good harvest with juicy and sweet fruits, you need to get acquainted with what apples are like. It will not be very correct to get acquainted with apple varieties in an alphabetical list. To select a suitable crop, you first need to take into account the climatic conditions where the fruit tree will grow, and some other factors.

The next step is to decide when you want to get the long-awaited harvest. To do this, you need to take a closer look at the classification of trees. Well, the last step is getting to know specific varieties and their yield (how many kg of apples from one tree) and characteristics.

Apple trees are classified according to several criteria. When choosing a seedling, each of them must be taken into account, otherwise the long-awaited harvest may be disappointing.

Variety of species

Every gardener needs to know what varieties of apples there are in terms of ripening, early fruiting, winter hardiness, application, tree height and crown type.

According to precociousness:

  • late-fruiting - the harvest should be expected in 9-11 years;
  • medium-fruited - fruiting begins at 6−8 years;
  • early-fruiting - the apple tree produces its first harvest in 3-5 years.

According to winter hardiness:

  • highly winter-hardy varieties - can withstand severe frosts of more than -40 degrees and not freeze;
  • medium-winter-hardy - can withstand temperatures down to -35 degrees;
  • low winter hardiness - can withstand temperatures of -27 degrees, recommended for southern regions.

According to the use of fruits:

  • fruit - all numerous varieties for food and household purposes;
  • decorative - small trees or shrubs with a lush crown and cute flowering. For the most part, the plant is frost-resistant. When choosing a type, give great value duration of flowering, density of green mass and shade of foliage.

By tree height:

By tree crown type:

  • weeping - these are mainly decorative species. The branches are drooping, it seems that the branches are simply drooping;
  • columnar - the crown needs shaping, it is compact. Life expectancy 15−17 years;
  • standard or spreading - the crown of the tree is spreading, the branches grow in a horizontal direction.

By apple size:

  • very large - have a fruit weight of 150 g;
  • large - can weigh 100−150 g;
  • medium - 50−100 g;
  • small - 10−50 g.

Apples of all varieties are equally healthy and contain a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body.

The benefits and harms of fruits for the body

The benefits of apples have been proven since ancient times. One fruit contains a huge amount of useful microelements that are necessary for the human body. Apples contain a whole storehouse of useful substances.

Fruit composition:

Apples are good for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, with the help of these wonderful fruits you can get rid of constipation and cholesterol accumulations, remove waste and toxins from the body, improve digestion, and normalize the circulatory system. Apples are a low-calorie product, so it is recommended to be consumed as part of a diet.

The product is often consumed raw, and can also be used to prepare various confectionery dishes, compotes, jams, and light alcoholic drinks.

People with gastrointestinal diseases should not use the product; when taken, a relapse may occur and the disease may worsen. This is the only case in which eating apples is not recommended.

In order to decide which variety to choose for planting, you need to take into account several recommendations from experienced gardeners.

  • for preservation and preparation you need to choose aromatic apples;
  • Columnar trees can further decorate the garden and increase overall productivity;
  • varieties for planting need to be selected that are suitable for a particular area;
  • seedlings are selected only according to the condition of the root system;
  • When choosing sweet apples, you need to take into account that they will be stored much shorter;
  • It is necessary to take into account that sour and sweet-sour apples bear fruit more often and more.

In order to get a good harvest every year, it is necessary to correctly plant planting material, according to the type of apples with names, this is the main condition for an excellent future harvest.

Characteristics of varieties

Every gardener has a great desire to harvest a good harvest from the plot, so he needs to familiarize himself with the characteristics different varieties with high yields of different varieties.

The best summer varieties:

Autumn Harvest:

  • Zhigulevsky is a very common variety. Its fruits have a red tint with pronounced stripes. When cut, the pulp is cream-colored, coarse-grained, and has a sweet and sour taste. Fruiting is very abundant. Morozov is afraid, but is very resistant to diseases.
  • Brown striped - the variety has been known for a very long time. The tree begins to bear fruit in September. The fruit has a yellow-green hue, all with bright red stripes. The apple has a delicate, specific taste with a hint of cinnamon. When cut, the flesh is yellowish with red streaks. The fruits are well stored and remain in excellent condition until mid-winter. Of all the autumn ones, the most winter-hardy variety.
  • Anis Sverdlovsk - compact variety short in stature. Apples have a sweet taste, the flesh is juicy and loose. The seedling begins to bear fruit at the 4th year. The variety is frost-resistant and susceptible to diseases. From one bush you can get a harvest of up to 75 kilograms of excellent tasty apples.

Autumn apples have an excellent taste and store well. Apples from this period are great for canning.

Winter varieties:

Winter apples are great for fresh storage. Some varieties can be stored until May next year.

The apple tree is the most popular garden fruit tree in our country. Their varieties differ in summer, autumn and winter. They differ in terms of ripening and storage. The harvest can be used both fresh and processed, for example, canned. Here are collected only a few of the most popular and in demand varieties on the market.

Name of summer varieties

If you want to know the varieties of apples, then in our article you can see their photos with names and descriptions. First, we will list those varieties that ripen in summer. They are usually characterized by early ripening and short storage.


A low tree with a round-oval crown has abundant foliage. It has average frost resistance, but excellent resistance to diseases and pests. Only scab can affect it, and very badly, especially in rainy years. After 4-5 years have passed after planting, it will be possible to get fruits from the tree. . Then fruiting occurs every year. Apples ripen by mid-August. But the harvest is stored for no more than two weeks. Can't stand transportation at all. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste, and they weigh about 100 grams. In this case, there is a seam on the fruit along the entire rounded-conical shape of the apple. Apples are distinguished by a pale yellow color.


It is also a medium-height tree, but its crown is wide and oval in shape. It also has an average winter and is susceptible to scab. Fruiting of the variety can only be expected 5 years after planting. Every year the harvest comes by the end of August. Keeps for about a month. But its transportability is high. With a mass of 100 - 120 grams, the fruits are distinguished by their rounded canonical shape. At the same time, bright red ruddy stripes are located on a greenish-white background. The apple pulp is snow-white. It has a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Stark Erliest.

Tree of medium height. The crown of this variety has the shape of a pyramid. Belongs to winter-hardy varieties, but is susceptible to powdery mildew and scab on a small scale. Fruiting of this variety can be achieved only 4 years after planting. Then this process occurs almost annually. Ripens a week earlier than Papirovka. Can be stored for no more than 20 days. The fruits have a rounded canonical shape. Their weight can reach more than 200 grams. The entire shape of the fruit is blurred with blush on a greenish-yellow background. The pulp is highly juicy, and its taste is pleasantly sweet with a slight sourness. Apples ripen unevenly, so it is recommended to pick them in several stages.

Early sweet.

A low-growing apple tree with a flat-rounded crown. This variety is winter-hardy and does not succumb to scab. And it bears fruit after 3 years of cultivation. You will harvest the harvest almost every year and 10 - 12 days earlier than Papirovka. The mass of apples is 90 - 100 grams, they are flat round in shape with a light yellow color. The pulp has a sweet taste and is white in color.

White filling.

A medium-tall apple tree with a pyramidal crown in youth and rounded in maturity. It overwinters moderately and is susceptible to scab. With a dwarf rootstock it bears fruit already in 2-3 years, and on a vigorous rootstock - only in 5-6 years. But there will be a harvest every year. It ripens in August and the weight of apples can be 100 grams. They have a broadly ovoid or rounded-conical shape. The color of the fruit is greenish - yellow and with white, tender pulp, which has a sweet and sour taste.


We list for you summer varieties of apple trees and offer photos of them so that you can eat apples in the summer. The next variety is different in that it has a medium-tall tree. A winter-hardy variety, it is highly susceptible to scab, due to which ripe apples can crumble very quickly. You can wait for apples to appear after planting only for 5-6 years. Ripens almost annually in mid-August - September. It is recommended to store for about a month. Apples grow flat and round in shape and weigh 100 grams. The striped blush is located throughout the yellow fruit. Apples have a sweet and sour taste and juicy flesh.

Belfer is Chinese.

Medium tall tree with average yield. It bears fruit annually, apples weigh 100 grams and their taste is sweet and sour.

Variety Grushovka Moskovskaya.

The variety can withstand the cold winters of Russia without any problems. . The tall tree has a spherical or broad pyramidal crown. It bears fruit almost every year in early August, but is not at all transportable. Apples are 100 grams and light white in color. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste, and their pulp is very juicy.

Chinese gold.

Medium height with a crown that somewhat resembles a broom. Moreover, the broom-like shape lasts only when the tree is young. And in maturity the crown becomes weeping. Winter-hardy, but susceptible to scab. The fruits are already ripe from the end of July, but quickly fall off. Apples 80 grams, yellowish in color. Their pulp is also juicy and has an excellent sourish-sweet taste. It also has a pleasant aroma.


Winter-hardy. If on a dwarf rootstock it begins to bear fruit only after 2 years of planting. If you are very tall, only for 5 years. You can shoot in the first days of August. The fruits have a rounded canonical shape. Their minimum weight is 80 grams, and their maximum is 100 grams. The color of apple fruits is greenish-yellow. They may have brown streaks and each apple tastes sweet.


The height of the tree of this variety is average. It has good yield and is not afraid of frost. Excellent resistance to scab. From the 4th year, the apple tree bears fruit on a seed rootstock and by the 2nd year - on a dwarf rootstock. And this is every year, in August you can pick apples, which can reach a weight of 200 grams on a dwarf rootstock and 100 - 150 on a seed rootstock. It has a rounded-conical shape. On each apple you can see a bright red streaked blush. And the apple tastes sweet and sour. The flesh is cream-colored.


We hasten to list for you the summer varieties of apples with photos and descriptions. The next apple variety is frost-resistant. The tree is tall and durable, with a high crown. They begin to collect fruits from the tree in early August. And they can lie for about a month. It weighs 100 grams, yellow, with the same yellow flesh, a little rough in taste, but sweet at the same time.


This variety has a medium-tall tree, with a dense crown, which can be spherical or round. The variety is winter-hardy. It begins to bear fruit on a dwarf rootstock at 3–4 years, and on a vigorous rootstock at 6–7 years. The fruits of the variety are ready for harvest at the end of August or at the beginning of September. Average weight - 100 grams, flat-round shape with a striped pinkish blush. The apples are yellow-white in color, and they taste sweet and sour, with fine-grained pulp.

Super Prekos.

Medium tall and compact tree. Fruiting can only be expected after planting for the 4th year. Then, this process occurs regularly. The variety differs in that ripening occurs. much earlier than the ripening of the White Naliv variety. They store and transport just fine. Average weight - 60 -70 grams, juicy and sweet in taste with a slight sourness.


Tall apple tree with a dense crown. Winter-hardy, disease-resistant and drought-resistant. The harvest can be collected for the 5th year. Further, fruit ripening occurs every year. You can take them closer to the end of July - the month, and they are stored for about 3 weeks. Weight can be 100 - 150 grams, the shape of the fruit is flat - round with a blurred, striped blush. The taste is very pleasant. As always, sweet and sour.

Autumn varieties

It is worth noting that medium grade We were able to list apples above. They are usually summer. Now we list those varieties that ripen in autumn.

Scarlet anise.

The tall tree has a broad pyramidal crown. Winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but susceptible to black cancer. Harvest in 6 - 7 years after correct landing And good care. You can shoot in early September. From a tree you can get 200 - 300 kg. apples with an average fruit weight of 60 - 70 grams. They can be stored until the beginning of winter. The shape is flat and slightly ribbed, the color is green with a dark cherry blush. There is a coating on the apples that is somewhat reminiscent of wax. Also, the apple variety is distinguished by its juicy and sour-sweet pulp. Fruiting is periodic.

Striped anise.

Tall variety with a wide pyramidal crown. It is also a winter-hardy and drought-resistant variety, but is susceptible to scab. Fruiting does not occur immediately. You can only wait for it for 6 years. After which you can enjoy delicious apples every year. At the end of August you can start harvesting. The variety is high-yielding, which means that you can get up to 250 kg from one tree. apples Can be stored until February. The average weight of an apple is 70 grams. Its shape is flattened, rounded or ribbed. The color is light green with a flat, speckled blush. The fine-grained pulp is very juicy. Its taste is sweet and sour. In general, it is a winter-hardy and productive variety.

Anise Sverdlovsk.

A medium-height variety with a sparse and compact crown. Although winter-hardy, it is very susceptible to scab. It bears fruit in 4-5 years, and every year. Already in mid-September the fruits ripen. You can collect up to 75 kg from a tree. Harvest. It can be stored for about 3 months. On average, the mass of an apple can be 90 grams, with a round-oval shape. The peel is greenish-cream in color. You can see a red blush on her. The pulp is characterized by a white color. It is juicy, with a sweet and sour taste. The advantages of the Sverdlovsk Anise variety include excellent winter hardiness and a wonderful, dessert taste of apples.


If you want to have autumn apples in your garden, then you should remember their varieties, as well as photos. The tree of the Auxis variety is of medium height and its crown is of medium density. Winter-hardy, moderately resistant to scab. It bears fruit in 5-6 years and then annually. You can rent in September.

Average weight 140 grams, flattened or turnip-shaped. The apple is light yellow, with a red blush, with dense, yellow flesh, which is very juicy, tastes sweet and sour. You can store it until January, and if in the refrigerator, it can last until March. The advantages include the excellent commercial quality of the crop, which tends to last for a long time.


The tall tree is crowned with a paniculate crown. However, there is an average density of foliage here. The variety is both winter-hardy and scab-resistant. In the 5th year of normal tree growth, fruiting occurs. Then the fruits can be collected annually. Ripening occurs at the beginning of September. Up to 200 kg are removed from the tree. harvest. You can store it for two months. On average, an apple weighs 120 grams. It is turnip-shaped or round in shape. Yellow in color with striped pink blush. The pulp is dense and quite juicy. Its color and taste are sweet and sour apples. Advantages: high yield and excellent commercial qualities.

Seedless Michurinskaya.

A tall tree with a spreading and dense crown. It winters well and is resistant to scab. In the 5th - 7th year it begins to bear fruit; the harvest collected in September can be stored until December. The weight of an average apple is 130 grams, it is round or flat - round. The color is yellow-greenish, with streaks of red or orange on the sides. The pulp is also yellowish-green, juicy and tender, with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantages include the uneven ripening of the fruits and their partial shedding due to this, but the advantage is the excellent quality of the apples.


Medium height, with a pyramidal crown, sparsely dense. Susceptible to scab. After the tree has grown, namely in the 6th year, you can begin harvesting. The harvest ripens in early September. After this month, the fruit harvest can produce 200 kilograms. You can store them until January. An average weight apple of 100 grams. They are distinguished by their flat, rounded shape, and golden-yellow color with an orange or red blush. The pulp has a pleasant taste. The advantages include the excellent taste and good appearance of these apples.

Cinnamon is new.

Here you can see varieties of apples that5 are intended for central Russia. The tree is very tall and topped with a rounded crown with very dense foliage. Winter-hardy and resists scab well. It bears fruit from 5 to 7 years after planting. Harvests are irregular. Ripens in September, shelf life - until January. The average weight of each fruit reaches 130-160 grams, its shape is conical, flat-round. The color is greenish-yellow. A striped, mottled blush can also be observed. The pulp has a light cream color. It is juicy and also very tender. Its taste is sweet and sour. The advantage of this variety is its wonderful appearance, which many people like so much.

Cinnamon striped.

The tree is of medium height and is crowned with a wide rounded or pyramidal crown. The variety is frost-resistant and scab-resistant. It begins to bear fruit at 6–8 years. Ripe fruits are stored for two months from mid-September.

Apples have an average weight of 80 - 90 grams. And the shape is turnip-shaped and flattened. They are colored greenish-yellow with dark red stripes and speckles. The pulp of the fruit is tender and has a high juice content. The pulp, like other varieties, is sweet and sour. Disadvantage: very late onset of fruiting.

The beauty of Sverdlovsk.

The apple tree is of medium height and has a medium-dense, rounded crown. Winter-hardy and scab-resistant. Like other apple varieties, this variety does not bear fruit in the first year. Here fruiting occurs in the 4th or 6th year. The yield per tree is 70 - 100 kg. And you can store it until March - April. The weight of an apple fruit is 120 -160 grams. Each fruit is different in that it has a broadly rounded or rounded conical shape. The fruit is cream-colored with a crimson-red blush. The flesh also has a creamy tint. And everyone will like its taste without exception. The advantages include the fact that each fruit contains a high content of ascorbic acid. Their long shelf life and generally excellent taste and product qualities are significant advantages.

Oryol garland.

A low apple tree with a rounded crown that has dense foliage. Winter-hardy and scab-resistant. Fruiting occurs in 4-5 years. High-yielding variety. Apples ripen in mid-September.

You can store apples until mid-February. The average weight of the fruit is 90 grams, turnip-shaped. Painted in a golden-yellow hue. There is also a red blush. The greenish-white flesh is juicy and tender. It is also fine-grained and tastes sweet and sour.

Autumn striped.

Tall apple tree with a rounded crown. It overwinters moderately, but recovers well. Not afraid of scab. The fruiting period begins from 6 to 8 years. The harvest begins at the end of September. You can get up to 200 kg from a tree. harvest. It is stored until November - December. The average apple weighs 120 grams, round - conical, slightly ribbed in shape. It is colored light yellow with a striped blush of orange or speckled red. The pulp is white, tender, juicy, and tastes sweet and sour. The advantages include high yield and excellent commercial quality.

Riga Dove.

It is impossible to imagine autumn apple varieties without this variety. Here we can already see a medium-tall tree, with a dense, widely rounded crown. It winters averagely, but is highly resistant to scab and rot. Fruits in 4-6 years from planting. Productivity is periodic. The fruits are harvested from mid-September, and they ripen only after 1-2 months.

The harvest can be stored until December. The average weight of an apple is 120 grams and has an elongated conical shape. The apple is picked greenish-white, and when ripe it becomes milky-white with a slightly blurred blush. Its pulp is white and juicy, tastes sweet and sour. They can't stand transportation!


The tree is tall, with a crown of medium density and a pyramidal shape. It winters well and is resistant to scab. Fruiting should be expected in 5 - 7 years. The harvest is harvested approximately in the middle of the first month of autumn. . Up to 140 kg are obtained from the tree. apples with an average weight of 130 grams. They are conical-round in shape. Their color is greenish-yellow with light stripes, yellow flesh, it is sweet and sour in taste and juicy and tender in consistency. They are stored for a couple of months. The excellent quality of the fruit is their main advantage.


A tall and spreading tree, with a sparse crown. Although winter-hardy, it is not very resistant to scab. Brings the first harvest in 5-7 years. It ripens by early September. His harvests are good, but irregular. The average weight of the fruit is 130 grams, they are oval-conical with bright red splashes. The color of the peel is light cream, and the pulp is snow-white, it is juicy and fine-grained, sweet with a wine flavor. You can store them for 2 - 3 months. The advantages are excellent taste and commercial quality.


The apple tree variety is tall, with a thick and strong crown, which is distinguished by a pyramidal shape. Winter-hardy and excellent scab resistance. It bears fruit already in 3-4 years. Ripens from late August to early September. Up to 70 kg are obtained from the tree. apples Apples 60 - 70 grams, truncated, rounded - conical shape. Its creamy color is accompanied by a striped carmine blush. Its pulp is juicy and fine-grained, tender, with a sweet and sour taste. Advantages of this apple variety: excellent yield, winter hardiness and early fruiting.

Ural liquid.

The tall tree has a rounded crown of medium density. Winter-hardy and well resistant to scab. Already from 3-4 years of growing the variety, fruiting begins. Ripens by early September. Keeps for a couple of months. The apple has a round shape and an average weight of 40 g.

The tasty fruits have a light yellow tint, with white, juicy and fine-grained pulp, which has a sweet and sour taste. The advantages are winter hardiness with excellent adaptive qualities.

Saratov saffron.

Winter-hardy variety, excellent resistance to scab and powdery mildew. A medium tall tree with a round or wide pyramidal crown and medium density. The harvest comes in 5-6 years by mid-September. You can get 150 kg from a tree. apples with an average weight of 120 - 130 grams. They are elongated or rounded - conical, with red stripes - specks. The color of these apples is yellow-green with creamy flesh. The pulp is granular and has excellent juiciness. It has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The advantages of the variety include the excellent taste quality of the crop and a very beautiful appearance.

Winter varieties

Above in our article you were able to see white apples and what variety they are. Today, many varieties are winter varieties. And now it’s worth listing them.

Antonovka vulgare.

Tall tree with an oval crown. Winter-hardy, but susceptible to scab. It bears fruit only from 7 to 8 years of age. Ripens from mid-September. In terms of yield, up to 200 kg are harvested from a tree. apples They are stored for almost 3 months. Average weight - 200 grams. The shape is slightly flattened and round. The color is greenish-yellow, the flesh is yellow and the taste is sweet and sour. The disadvantages are the periodicity of the harvest and its lack of long-term storage, Advantages - excellent quality of apples and high productivity of apple trees.


Winters average. A tall tree with a crown that is round in shape. Fruits from 5 to 6 years of age. The harvest begins in mid-September. The average weight of apples is 220 - 250 grams, the shape is broadly conical, with a red blush. They can be stored until January - February. They are green-yellow in color with yellow-green flesh, tender, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste.


A tall apple tree with a medium-dense rounded crown. Winter hardiness is high, insensitive to scab. The fruits ripen in the second half of September and are stored until December. The average weight of an apple is 125 grams, it has a medium-flattened, wide-ribbed shape, with dark crimson stripes and specks on a greenish-yellow background. The pulp is juicy and white, fine-grained and has a sweet and sour taste. The advantages include its excellent taste and consumer quality of the crop.


Want to know the best varieties apples, then in this article we have collected all the interesting ones. The Aelita variety winters well and resists scab. A tall apple tree with a broad pyramidal crown shape and medium dense foliage. Will be able to produce a harvest from 5-6 years of growth. Then the fruits can be collected in early September. Moreover, this can be done every year. Productivity reaches 140 c/ha. You can store it until the beginning of January. Apples with an average weight of 120 grams and a regular, round-conical shape. Their color is greenish-yellow. The pulp is tasty and also rich in juiciness. The taste of the apple fruit is sweet and sour, with a fine-grained pulp consistency. The advantage is the high yield of this variety.

Bezhin meadow.

Apple trees grow large, with rounded crowns. Winter-hardy and excellent against scab. The fruits also ripen in mid-September. They can be stored until February. The weight of an average apple is 150 grams. They are oblong and widely ribbed.

Color: yellow-green with a crimson blush. With juicy and tender pulp, fine-grained, with a sweet and sour taste. Advantages: productivity and excellent transportability.

Belarusian synap.

A tall tree with a medium dense, wide pyramidal crown. Winter hardiness and scab resistance are excellent. The harvest is received by the end of September. And they are stored until April - early May! Their average weight is 100 grams, oval in shape with a faint pink-red blush on sunny side. The main color of the fruit is yellow-green. The pulp is dense green, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantages are that the fruits are not juicy and have a so-so taste, but the advantages are the long storage and winter hardiness of the variety.


This variety of large apples has a medium-tall tree with a medium-dense, rounded crown. A winter-hardy variety, as well as drought-resistant, but very unstable to powdery mildew. Harvests are annual with an average fruit weight of 150 grams, round in shape with dark red stripes over the entire surface. The pulp is greenish-yellow, dense, juicy and fine-grained, with a sweet and sour taste. Advantages: annual harvests on a compact crown and their long-term storage.


A tall tree with a sparse, but spreading crown shape. It overwinters moderately, but is resistant to scab. After budding, it begins to bear fruit at 6–7 years. The apple tree yields about 50 kg. apples They can be stored for up to 250 days, and their marketability is 98%. These apples are 100 grams each with a flattened round shape and a light green ridge on the surface. Their pulp is juicy and white, with a sweet and sour taste. The advantages include annual abundant harvests and their long-term storage.


In this extensive article you will find the best winter apple varieties. The next variety has a large tree with a rounded crown. It winters well and resists scab. In early September you can harvest. They amount to 130 c/ha. Can be stored until mid-February. The average weight of apples is 15 - 160 grams. They are flattened and widely ribbed, greenish-yellow in color. Their flesh has a greenish color and is distinguished by its density, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantages of this variety include shedding when harvested late, but the advantages are excellent quality and a large amount of harvest.


Dwarf apple tree with a flat, rounded crown. Winter-hardy, but can be affected by scab. After grafting, it begins to produce crops regularly in 3–4 years. They can be stored for about 140 days. Their average weight is 100 grams, with an oblong-round shape and a greenish-yellow color. The pulp is white and slightly juicy, but coarse-grained and with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage is high yield, with excellent commercial and taste qualities of this variety.


A medium-height tree with a medium-dense rounded crown. Although the variety is winter-hardy, it is not resistant to fruit rot. Begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years. From a tree you can get 270 - 350 c/ha. The average apple weighs 150 grams, and the maximum can reach 300 grams. Its shape is round or slightly ribbed, green in color with white flesh, it is juicy and has a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantages include the short shelf life of the crop, while the advantages include good yield and non-shedding, as well as resistance to scab and excellent commercial quality of the crop.


This variety of green apples is very popular. A tall and large apple tree with a rounded crown, where the foliage is medium. Winter-hardy properties, as well as resistance to scab, are excellent. The harvest ripens in mid-September, and the yield per tree is 150 c/ha. An apple weighing 130 grams has a conical, flattened, beveled or widely ribbed shape, green in color with white or greenish flesh, dense and coarse-grained, with a sweet and sour taste. The advantages are excellent yield and excellent commercial quality of the fruit.


Medium tall tree with a spherical compact crown of medium density. It winters averagely, but is resistant to scab. By 4-5 years it begins to bear fruit. The harvest ripens by the end of September and can be stored in the refrigerator until mid-March. The yield per tree can be 220 c/ha, with an average apple weight of 100 grams with a flattened shape. Its color is yellowish-green, with brownish-yellow, tender and juicy flesh. Their taste is sweet and sour. Disadvantage - shedding of leaves, advantages - high yield, suitable option for an intensive garden, amazing taste and product qualities.


A medium tall tree with a drooping and sparse crown. Winter-hardy and scab-resistant. Moderate yields are characterized by variable frequency. The fruits begin to ripen in early September and are then stored until the end of March. The average weight of apples is 140 grams, their shape is flattened, ribbed, and regular. Their color is greenish, with dense and greenish flesh, and a sweet and sour taste. The advantages include a high shelf life.


A large apple tree with a drooping crown. Winter hardiness and scab resistance are excellent. The harvest ripens from late September to early October and can be stored until May. With an average weight of 140 grams, the apple is conical or rounded - conical in shape and yellowish - green and white flesh. Advantages: high yield, long storage, and excellent harvest quality.


The apple tree is of medium height and is crowned with a rounded or flattened and dense crown. It winters moderately, and is also moderately resistant to fungal diseases. The fruits ripen from the beginning of September, and then are stored until mid-winter. The fruits weigh 115 grams and are greenish-yellow in color. Their pulp is fine-grained and white. It is snow-white in color. A taste qualities very nice. The undeniable advantages are the high yield and dessert taste of apples.


If you want to know all the varieties of apples with photos and descriptions, then our article was created for you. Here you can find the most popular varieties. This variety has a very tall tree, with a spreading, wide and slightly drooping crown. Moderately winter-hardy, but resistant to scab. After budding, it begins to bear fruit every 5–7 years. The harvest can be stored until February - March. The apples weigh 100 grams each and have a flattened, round shape with slightly visible ribs. And they are painted light green with a red blush. Their pulp is juicy, fine-grained, green with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantages are that regular pruning is required to avoid crushing the crop, but the advantages are that they last a long time and have a great taste.


A medium-tall apple tree with a round and dense crown. Winter-hardy and excellent scab resistance. It ripens in early September, and can retain its qualities well until February. The yield is 230 c/ha. The average weight of these apples is 140 grams, their shape is flattened and regular, with a greenish yellow with red specks and wide blurry stripes. And the pulp is green and sweet and sour in taste. Differs in graininess. High yield and excellent taste are the advantages of this variety.

Winter striped.

Medium tall tree with a rounded and elongated crown. Moderately winter-hardy, leaves are susceptible to scab. It bears fruit from 3 to 4 years of age at the end of September. The harvest is stored until April. You can get up to 80 kg from a tree. apples with an average weight of 140 - 170 grams. They are round or flat-round. The color is greenish-yellow with red stripes and streaks. The pulp is cream-colored, juicy, tender and loose, with a sweet and sour taste. Annual fruiting, beautiful shape of fruits and their good taste, long storage - all these are the advantages of this variety.


The tree has a spherical crown. His height is average. Winter hardiness is average, and resistance to scab and powdery mildew is high. From 6-7 years it begins to bear fruit. From the tree they get 200 c/ha. Maximum shelf life of 250 days. And the average weight of apples is 100 grams with an elongated conical shape. They are greenish-yellow in color with a red blush. Their flesh is white, fine-grained and juicy, with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is freezing in cold winters, but the advantage is high yield with good quality, long storage and excellent transportability.


The varieties of apples that you will find here are suitable for the Moscow region. The Imrus variety is also popular. This apple tree is medium tall with a rounded crown of medium density. The variety tolerates winter well. And he is not afraid of scab. Fruiting occurs already in the 3rd year! Ripening occurs in mid-September. It can be stored until the end of February. The yield per tree reaches 90 c/ha. Average weight of 100 grams with a flattened and slightly ribbed shape. The color is green with a red blush. The pulp is characterized by a creamy color, juiciness, density, and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage is the thin skin, but the advantages are long storage, huge yield, and good commercial and consumer properties of apples.

Kandil Orlovsky.

The apple tree has a medium height with a rounded crown and drooping branches. Winter hardiness and scab resistance are excellent, ripens by mid-September. Stored until mid-February. The mass of an average apple is 120 grams and has an oblong-conical, one-dimensional shape. Their color is yellowish-green with a crimson blush. And the pulp is white, juicy, tender and fine-grained, with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is good commercial and consumer qualities of the crop.


Our article contains everything late varieties apples An apple tree of medium height with a dense and rounded crown. The variety is both winter-hardy and resistant to fungal diseases. Brings a harvest from 3 to 4 years. it ripens in mid-October and lasts until February. The yield is periodic and average in terms of the number of apples at the beginning, increasing over the years, with an average weight of 130 grams. They are round and regular in shape, greenish-yellow. Their pulp is light cream in color, semi-oily, and sweet and sour in taste. Advantages - high-yielding variety with beautiful fruits.


A tall apple tree, in youth it has an oval crown, and in maturity it is spherical. It overwinters moderately and is affected by scab. After budding, it brings a harvest for 6–8 years. In general, the variety is high-yielding, with increasing fruiting a couple of years after the start. If the harvest is stored in a vegetable store, it can be preserved until May. The average weight of an apple is 100 grams, it is flattened - round in shape. They are greenish-yellow in color, with a thick pink blush. Advantages: long storage, good commercial quality and high yield.


The very tall tree has a wide conical shape with a crown of medium density. Although it overwinters well, it is susceptible to scab and fruit rot. In 5-6 years it brings a high harvest. Ripens in mid-September. You can store until February or more. The weight of an average apple is 110 - 130 grams with a flat, round, regular shape. It is painted yellow with a red blush. The pulp is creamy, juicy, tender, fine-grained and has a sweet and sour taste. Advantages - annual fruiting with high yield, and good quality harvest.


Medium tall apple tree with a rounded crown. Winter-hardy and scab-resistant. Productivity reaches 272 c/ha. Ripens in mid-September. Stored until the end of March. Apples with an average weight of 100 grams and a regular round shape with a greenish-yellow color with a blurred purple blush. The pulp is white with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage is that pruning is necessary to avoid crushing the fruits, but the advantage is long storage, high transportability, and annual high-yielding fruiting.


A medium-tall apple tree with a pyramid-shaped crown. By the 3rd year it can already bear fruit if it is grafted on insert 3-4-98. Productivity per tree is 150 c/ha. Ripens at the end of September. Can be stored until February. The apples weigh an average of 130 grams, and are oblong-conical, slightly ribbed, greenish-yellow in color with pink stripes. The pulp is creamy, fine-grained, dense and juicy, and tastes sweet and sour. Advantages: high-yielding variety with good commercial and consumer properties.


Kutuzovets is a variety that is distinguished by a not very tall tree, the crown of which is flat and round. After several years of cultivation, it becomes spreading and medium-dense over time. It is moderately resistant to frost, and also moderately resistant to scab. After occulation, it begins to bear fruit in 5-7 years. The yield is 123 c/ha. Ripens towards the end of September and is stored until May. It produces apples weighing 130 grams, flat round in shape and greenish in color, with a dull striped blush. The pulp is white, juicy and fine-grained, dense and sweet and sour in taste. Advantage - considered one of the best Russian winter varieties of apples.


The apple tree is of medium height and has a sparse, rounded crown. Its winter hardiness is average, and against scab and powdery mildew it is generally weak. But the yield is stable and high with an average weight of apples of 130 grams with a flattened, round and slightly ribbed shape. They are greenish-yellow in color with a crimson blush. They have white flesh, it is juicy and tender, finely grained, and has a sweet and sour taste. Among the advantages of this variety, they note the stable large-fruited yield, and the excellent commercial and taste properties of the crop.


A fast-growing and vigorous garden tree, with a broadly pyramidal crown shape and medium dense foliage. Although it is winter-hardy, it is not very resistant to scab. The harvest appears in the 5th - 6th year at the end of September, and it can be stored until March. You can get 110 kg from a tree. with an average weight of one apple of 145 grams with a rounded, flattened shape. It is painted green with a red blush. The pulp is also green or white, juicy and semi-oily, fine-grained, with a delicate sweet and sour taste. The disadvantages are that the tree is very tall, and unripe fruits can become tanned. Among the advantages are annual high-yielding fruiting, a convenient crown for pruning, and, of course, good commercial quality of apples.

Moscow winter.

A very tall apple tree with a spreading and wide, rounded crown with very dense foliage. Excellent resistance to frost and scab. The harvest begins to bear fruit in the 6th - 7th year at the end of September; these apples are stored until the month of April. With an average weight of 130 grams, it has a flattened - round, regular, one-dimensional shape. They are light green in color with blurred dark red shading. The pulp is light green, of medium density, but at the same time juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantages of the variety are large fruits, long shelf life and excellent taste.

Moscow red.

A low tree with a dense and well-leafed crown. Winter-hardy and practically not affected by scab. The fruits last until May! The average weight of apples is 130 - 190 grams. And their shape is round-conical. The color is yellowish-green with a blurred dark red blush. The flesh is yellow with a sweet and sour taste. Advantages: long shelf life, low tree height, excellent marketability and taste of the crop.

Moscow later.

A very tall tree with a broadly pyramidal crown when young and broadly crowned when mature. Resists both frost and scab perfectly. The harvest begins to be harvested in the 6th - 7th year by the end of September, and is stored until May - the month! The apples are large, their average weight is 165 - 235 grams! The shape is round-conical with a greenish-yellow color with a pinkish blush. The pulp is juicy and white, dense and fine-grained, with a sweet and sour taste. Disadvantage - strong dense crown, and the advantages are that they last a long time and have excellent consumer qualities.


A low apple tree with a flattened, medium-dense crown. Although it is a winter-hardy variety, it is only mediocrely resistant to scab. It bears fruits in the 4th year; the tree yields 170 kg/ha with an average weight of apples of 100 grams; they have a rounded and flattened shape and are greenish-yellow in color with red stripes. Their greenish flesh is prickly and fine-grained, dense and sourish-sweet in taste. The advantages include the very high yield of this variety.


The tree is of medium height and has a rounded and medium dense crown. It has good resistance to frost, but not so much to scab. Ripens towards the end of September, the harvest is stored until mid-February. Productivity can reach 172 c/ha with an average fruit weight of 100 grams; they are slightly ribbed in shape and green in color with brownish-reddish stripes. The pulp, although green, is tender and juicy, sweet and sour. The disadvantages include loose pulp, and the advantages include excellent marketability and consumer properties of apples with high yields.


In order to choose the most sweet variety apples, you need to study the characteristics of all varieties that are popular. A medium-sized tree with a round and compact crown shape. With good winter hardiness, it is very mediocre resistant to plow. But the yield is 220 c/ha. It is collected by the end of September and can be stored until mid-February. Apples weigh on average 100 grams with a slightly conical and slightly flattened shape. Their color is yellow-green with a reddish blush with creamy flesh; it is fine-grained, but dense and juicy, with a sweet and sour taste. Partial fall of the crop is a disadvantage, but the advantage is high yield with excellent taste.

Oryol dawn.

At an average height, the tree has a reverse pyramidal crown shape. Winter-hardy and scab-resistant. The yield is 180 c/ha, the average fruit weight is 10-120 grams and they are widely ribbed, with a flattened and slightly beveled shape. Color: green-yellow, with a bright red blush. The white pulp is juicy and tender, the taste is sweet and sour. You can save them until the end of January. Advantages: good product and taste properties with high yield of this variety.

Oryol Polesie.

The apple tree is medium tall with a medium dense rounded crown. Winter-hardy and scab-resistant. The yield is 133 c/ha, harvested in mid-September, stored until mid-January. The average weight of the fruit is 140 grams, with a broadly ribbed, beveled and oblong-conical shape. These apples are yellow-green in color with red stripes and specks. And the pulp is white, coarse-grained, although prickly, but juicy and has a sweet and sour taste. The advantage is the excellent quality of the hearths with high yields.

Pepin Orlovsky.

The large tree is crowned with a medium-dense rounded crown. It is highly resistant to both scab and frost. The yield can be 162 c/ha, harvesting begins at the end of September and is stored until January. The average apple weighs 140 grams, with a broadly conical and broadly ribbed shape. They are green-yellow with a crimson blush. With white, fine-grained, juicy and dense pulp, the taste is sweet and sour. The advantages include high yield with excellent commercial qualities of the variety.

Renet Tatar.

Medium tall variety with a dense and wide, rounded crown. It overwinters well and is moderately resistant to scab. But it bears fruit after 3 - 4 years at the end of September with a storage period until April. The average fruit is 100 grams; it has a strongly flattened, slightly ribbed and broadly conical shape. The fruits are green-cream in color with a pinkish blush. The pulp is characterized by white color, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The advantages include both productivity and good transportability of the variety.


The average height of the apple tree is completed by a rounded, medium-dense crown. Both winter-hardy and scab-resistant. The harvest is harvested at the end of September, the yield per tree is 187 c/ha. Apples weigh on average 110 grams, with a barrel-shaped, flattened and widely ribbed regular shape. A greenish-yellow apple has red touches and stripes. There is green pulp, dense and prickly, fine-grained, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Can be stored until May. The advantages include high yield with good commercial quality of the fruit.

Northern synapse.

A large and tall apple tree with a wide crown in the shape of a pyramid, with medium density of foliage. It is only so-so resistant to scab and powdery mildew, but it tolerates frosts to a degree. On a dwarf rootstock (62-396) it can bear fruit already in 2 (!) years, while a simple one will bear fruit only in 5 - 8 years. Apples are harvested at the beginning of October with an average weight of 120 grams; they are round-conical in shape, yellowish-green in color with a red blush. Their white flesh is juicy, fine-grained, and tastes sweet and sour. If you store them in the refrigerator, they will last until May! With a bountiful harvest, the quality of the fruit decreases - this is their disadvantage, but the advantage is long storage, quality and productivity.

Sinap Orlovsky.

Also a massive apple tree with a spreading and wide crown. Excellent resistance to scab and frost. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th - 6th year and ripens at the end of September, then you can get 170 kg/ha from the tree with an average weight of one apple of 130 grams. Its shape is oblong - conical, one-dimensional and oblong. They are yellow-green in color with a slight blush. And the flesh has a greenish-creamy, sour-sweet taste and is very tender. They can be stored until the month of May. The disadvantage of this variety is that if there is a lack of calcium in the soil, bitter pitting can affect the fruits. And the obvious advantages are rich yield, long shelf life and excellent commercial quality of the crops.


This is a natural dwarf, maximum 2 meters in height, with a flat-horizontal crown. Winter-hardy, but scab resistance is average. After grafting, the harvest can be obtained in 3-4 years. Approximately 65 kg are obtained from the tree. with an average fruit weight of 120 grams, their shape is flat-round, and their color is greenish-yellow with a red blush. The pulp is creamy, juicy, tender, fine-grained and has a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage is that during prolonged summer heat, the quality of the harvest decreases, but the advantage is large, tasty fruits with good commercial qualities.


Medium high variety, with a rounded crown shape. It is both winter-hardy and highly resistant to scab. At the end of September, you can get 170 kg/ha from the tree with an average apple weight of 140 grams, its shape is oblong, widely ribbed and beveled, green in color with a red plane with specks. And the flesh is also greenish or white, coarse-grained and dense, prickly, but juicy and tastes sweet and sour. They are stored until the end of February. The advantage is that it is a convenient variety for an intensive garden, plus high yield.


A medium-tall and fast-growing apple tree with a wide pyramidal crown. The foliage is of medium density. The variety winters well and is resistant to scab. By mid-September, 117 c/ha are harvested from the trees with an average weight of apples of 100 grams; their shape is conical, flattened, slightly ribbed and slightly slanted. The color is greenish-yellow with a crimson blush. Their pulp is white or green, dense, fine-grained, juicy and with a sweet and sour taste. Advantages - also a suitable option for intensive gardens, a high-yielding variety with excellent commercial properties.


The tree is of medium height and ends in a rounded crown. Moderately resistant to frost and scab. The fruits are born in the 5th year at the end of September; they weigh on average 120 grams, round, flattened, greenish in color with a crimson blush and a bluish bloom. The pulp is tender, light green, fine-grained and tastes sweet and sour. You can save the harvest until mid-May. This, along with its commercial and consumer qualities, is the undoubted advantage of this variety.


This is a vigorous tree with a highly rounded, compact and sparse crown. It is both winter-hardy and highly resistant to scab. The harvest can be obtained in the 4th - 5th year in early October. These apples are stored until the beginning of December. With an average weight of 120 grams, they have a flat, rounded shape and a greenish-yellow color with a blush. Their flesh is pale creamy, juicy and fine-grained, dense and has a sweet and sour taste. In cold summers, the taste quality decreases, this is a minus, but the advantage of this variety is long-term storage with abundant yields and, being transportable, have good consumer qualities.


A very tall apple tree with a pyramidal crown. It tolerates winter well, but has average resistance to scab. It bears fruit only in the 7th - 8th year, the yield is up to 80 c/ha. The fruits are usually harvested in mid-September and weigh 125 grams. They are flat round and one-dimensional. Painted yellow - lemon color with a red blush. The pulp inside is creamy, fine-grained, medium density, tender and juicy, with a sweet and sour taste. They are stored until March. The advantages include annual harvests with good commercial qualities.


With an average height, it has a broad pyramidal crown in youth and a rounded crown in maturity. Scab resistant and moderately frost resistant. In the 4th - 5th year, the harvest is harvested at the end of September. Usually they are plentiful, with an average weight of apples of 100 grams, turnip-shaped or round in shape and yellowish-green in color with dark red stripes. The pulp is either green or white, tastes sweet and sour. They can be stored until the end of February. The disadvantage is that with abundant harvests, the fruits become smaller and fall off, but the advantages include both excellent commercial quality of the fruits and good transportability, abundant harvests and long-term storage.

Anniversary of Moscow.

A medium-sized but fast-growing apple tree with a rounded crown. The variety has a medium winter and is resistant to scab. Productivity reaches 83 c/ha with an apple weight of 100 grams. They are collected in the second half of September. The apples have a wide-ribbed, slightly beveled, oblong-conical shape and a yellowish-green color with a crimson blush. Their flesh is greenish or white, dense and prickly, coarse-grained and has a sweet and sour taste. They can be stored until the end of February; their advantages include the excellent commercial quality of the fruit.

Let's sum it up

In this extensive article you were able to get acquainted with many varieties of apples. But it is worth noting that this is not a complete list of all kinds of varieties that are deservedly popular in different regions our country. After all, with such a variety of characteristics and commercial qualities, you can choose the most suitable variety for any gardener, even the capricious or selective taste.

How to determine the variety?

Gardeners often bring apples or pears to agronomists and ask them to identify their variety. And when you say that not a single self-respecting, competent agronomist would undertake to name an unknown variety based on the appearance of one- two fruits, some visitors express doubts about our agronomic knowledge.

Well, let's figure out why it is impossible even for a specialist to determine the variety of apple or pear tree by their fruits.

According to modern concepts of pomology (description of the characteristics and properties of a variety), the variety- this is a group of individuals identical in genetic properties and morphological characteristics, which in its origin is a clone. Complete identity of plants of a variety in appearance and behavior is observed only under identical growing conditions.

The fruit has the most pronounced pomological characteristics and properties. It would seem that look at an apple and name the variety. But this is impossible, because it is the fruits that are most strongly influenced by the age and condition of the tree, its load with the harvest, the intensity of growth, weather conditions, the position of the fruit in the tree crown and much more. From his own experience, any gardener knows that even on one tree there are fruits. different types and size: sunny side- brighter, inside the crown, in the shade- smaller and greener.

To reliably determine a variety, it is necessary to have a complex of pomological characteristics. I will list these parameters.

Maturing period. Varieties are divided into summer, autumn and winter ripening. The keeping quality of the fruit depends on this- from one week to ten months.

Coloring of fruits. Main- this is the color of the fruit, the cover- in the form of a solid or striped blush.

Fruit shape An apple, for example, can be round, oval, flattened, conical, with or without ribs. Pears have round, pear-shaped and oval shapes.

Fruit size depends on the age of the tree, crop load, so it is important to do formative and sanitary pruning of branches. According to the classification, fruits, including depending on the variety, are very small up to 25 g in weight, medium- 75-100 g, large- 125-175 g and very large- more than 175 g. The largest fruits are formed from the ovaries of the central flowers of the inflorescences.

Skin surface It can be smooth, rough, shiny, matte.

Pedicels vary in thickness and length. They are long, short, thick, medium thick, thin.

Funnel - depression at the stem- It can be deepened or in the form of an influx, when it is practically invisible. When cutting an apple longitudinally, it is the funnel (closed, half-open, open) that can become the decisive factor in determining the variety.

Cup - the opposite side of the apple from the funnel- is a very important characteristic of the variety. A cut near the calyx in the upper part of the fruit shows the shape, width and extent of the subcalyx cavity (tube), the outline of the heart, the seed nest, its location, size, shape, shape of the seed chambers and seeds.

Seeds - This is also one of the characteristics of the variety, depending on the variety they are: large, small, medium, dark, light, flat, long.

Fruit pulp color - is also a very important feature of the variety. It can be snow-white, white, with a green, yellow or cream tint, with the presence of colored areas.

Taste of fruit pulp most optimally expressed in consumer maturity. It is difficult to describe it, but a rough assessment distinguishes between sweet-sour or sour-sweet (the second word determines the predominant taste, the first- shade). The taste can be sweet, tart, sour, freshish. When assessing taste important add flavor. It is characteristic of ripe fruits. For example, the fruits of Anise and Antonovka have a pleasant smell.

Pulp consistency. There are dense, loose, tender, rough. Varieties are also distinguished by the juiciness of their pulp.- from very juicy to dry.

The fruits typical for the variety are located on the periphery of the crown, in conditions of good sunlight. To determine, it is necessary to select not the average, but the most developed fruits, occupying a central position on the fruit bag. The most typical fruits for the variety are those with a frequently repeating shape. Up to ten such fruits are required for testing.

In addition, the variety is determined by the characteristics of the tree. Accurate identification of a tree is possible if it is healthy, free of pests, not overloaded with crops, and has sufficiently good growth.

Tree size depends on many factors and can be large, medium, small.

Habit(morphology, external manifestation) of growth and fruiting.

Crown shape: broom-shaped (highly oval), pyramidal (cone-shaped), spherical, wide-round, wide-spreading, wide-cauldron. Any crown can become weeping if the tree's branches bend down and the ends of the branches droop.

Height. Depending on varietal characteristics Trees can be slow-, medium-, or fast-growing.

Crown density There are medium-thickened, thick and sparse.

The angles of departure of the main branches, depending on the variety, can be acute, medium or close to a right angle.

Branches differentiated as thick, medium and thin.

Bark color: grayish-green, gray, dark gray, light brown, yellow-brown, red-brown, etc.

To determine the variety, shoot characteristics are also important.- stem and leaf shape, and there are a lot of variations here. Especially in the position of the leaf blades on a vertical shoot: raised upward, located at right angles to the shoot, drooping leaves, etc.

I have only briefly listed the characteristics by which agronomic science determines a variety. And not by eye, but according to special reference guides (tables). Draw your own conclusion: is it possible to name its variety based on one apple?

And yet, there are a number of characteristic features that will help gardeners navigate the sea of ​​modern varieties. For example, at Anisa apples are brightly colored, flattened in shape, and have white flesh. Antonovka it is easy to recognize by the pronounced apple smell and rustiness near the stalk, diverging in the form of rays. All varieties bred on the basis of Antonovka have this characteristic feature: Magnitogorskoe winter, Yuzhnouralskoe, White filling, Papirovka, Daughter of Papirovka.

By appearance experienced gardeners apples can be easily identified Melba , which has an incomparable aroma and snow-white flesh. Easily recognizable by appearance and taste Ural liquid , Sverdlovsk Amber, Welsey and many other varieties that have been growing in the Urals for decades. But with new varieties it is much more difficult, since even specialists have practically no modern pomological literature. But seedlings are brought from everywhere. In addition to the varieties of the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing widespread in our gardens we received varieties of fruit and berry crops from Sverdlovsk and Altai selection, from the western and eastern regions of the country. Perhaps over time they will be as easily recognizable as Antonovka apples or Severyanka pears. In the meantime, all that remains is to improve the culture of gardening: preserve the labels of new seedlings, replacing them in the garden with indelible tags, keep notes on your site in special journals or notebooks, accumulating experience and knowledge about varieties.

Lyudmila Pashnina , agronomist of the RO "Union of Gardeners of Russia"