Gravilat in the front garden - planted and forgotten. Gravilat: growing from seeds, taking into account varietal characteristics Gravilat crimson

Most gardeners and summer residents strive to select for cultivation in flower beds and flower beds perennials, which would be characterized by adaptability to cultivation conditions, ease of care and beautiful lush flowering. All these requirements are fully satisfied by Chilean gravilate, another name is “Greek rose”. This explains the popularity of this crop in landscape and ornamental gardening. In order for the plant to reveal these properties, you need to know all the intricacies of planting gravel and caring for it. open ground.

Brief description, main varieties

Chilean gravilate - perennial species plants from the Rosaceae family. Presented with beautiful herbaceous plants. According to the editorial description, the plant comes from Chile and is cultivated everywhere in many countries. On average, it reaches an average height of 60 cm, making it one of the tallest members of the Gravilat genus. The foliage is imparipinnate, located in a basal rosette. The flowers are red or yellow in color and reach up to 3 cm in diameter. They are arranged in large paniculate inflorescences. Most varieties begin to bloom in the last ten days of June and continue flowering for one and a half months. There are varieties that can bloom from May to early autumn.

Note! The culture is unpretentious and gets along well with most other plants. The gravilat flower can grow normally in the same place for up to 5 years without replanting. The plant is pollinated by honey-bearing insects.

The plant is widely used in breeding for targeted crossings. This resulted in the development of several varieties, the most famous of which are the following:

  • Aurelia. The variety has yellow double flowers reaching 5 cm in diameter. The bush grows up to 50-60 cm in height. Flowering begins in May and lasts until the twentieth of June. In addition to being decorative, it is valued folk medicine. Not winter-resistant, requires additional powder or cover winter period.
  • Mrs Bradshaw. The plants have polydouble flowers of scarlet color, the diameter of which is 4 cm. The height of the bushes reaches 50-60 cm. Flowering lasts from June to mid-July - early August. In winter, the plantings are covered with leaves.
  • Red Dragon (Fireball). The plants have bright red double flowers, the diameter of which reaches 4 cm. The inflorescences are a panicle, typical for the culture as a whole. Blooms in May-July. One of the most resistant to unfavorable factors winter period varieties of Chilean gravilate.
  • Lady Strafden gravilat. It is characterized by double flowers of rich yellow color, reaching up to 3-4 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in the last decade of June and continues until the tenth day of August. The variety is relatively winter-hardy, so it can withstand winter without additional shelter.
  • Moon Valley. This variety has golden-yellow semi-double or double flowers, 3-4 cm in diameter. Plants grow up to 60 cm in height. The flowering of this perennial begins in May and lasts until July. The variety is winter-hardy, but in northern regions with harsh winters it is still better to cover it.
  • Rigoletto. Gravilat has double inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter. The variety has straight stems and the foliage is arranged in a bunch. The flower stalks are beautiful and bright. Growing Rigoletto gravilat from seeds is considered the main method of its propagation.

Gravilate Chilean

Gravilat: planting and care

Selecting a location

To grow Chilean gravilate, it is necessary to select an area that is sufficiently well lit. The plant will be able to survive normally in a shaded plot, but its growth in such conditions will slow down significantly.

Gravilate requires non-oxidized soils. If the soil is excessively waterlogged, then before sowing it is necessary to reduce the moisture content in it by adding a certain amount of soil and slightly raising the flower bed. The soil must be pre-fed with the following substances:

  • coarse sand;
  • charcoal;
  • deciduous soil.

Deciduous soil


The plant's seeds are usually sown in the spring. Although Chilean grass is considered an unpretentious crop, before sowing it it is necessary to loosen the soil, and also be sure to add compost or peat to it. If only soil with increased level acidity, it needs to be reduced with dolomite flour. Between bushes it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 20 cm.

When planting plants the best option is the use of low oblong ridges. They are best suited for decorating paths. Good decision There are also mixborders, which are designed to put together plants that bloom constantly. The plants can be used to grow carpet lawn. Such plots are most often located in shaded conditions, and therefore the gravilate will bloom much less often, but will form a pleasant, richly colored greenery.


Gravilat is relatively drought-resistant and can easily endure some time without watering, but its cultivation is impossible without adding moisture. Regular and abundant watering is especially important during dry summer periods. Irrigation can restore plants, even if they have already suffered from severe drought.

Important! Excess moisture is also dangerous for gravilates, since in such conditions they develop fungal diseases, and there is also a risk of rotting of the root system. To protect the roots, it is recommended to build a drainage system.


The best option for fertilizing for gravilates is mineral preparations. A mandatory component should be nitroammophoska - a granular fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Additional Information! It is enough to carry out such fertilizing twice a season in order to obtain lushly flowering plants.

Soil care

The soil on which gravilat grows requires periodic loosening with the simultaneous removal of weeds. This procedure is recommended to be combined with irrigation, since this root system it is saturated with air and moisture faster and better. If the soil is excessively waterlogged, the plants need to be raised by adding soil or transplanted to another place.

In some cases, gravylates may require pruning. With its help, it is possible to get rid of old faded inflorescences, to rejuvenate the bush, giving it a certain shape. As a result of properly carried out pruning, new shoots begin to form, and flowering becomes more lush, bright and rich.

Plant propagation


Wild varieties of gravilat are usually propagated by seeds. Seed material needs preparation, which consists of preliminary stratification and soaking of seeds. These procedures can significantly increase seed germination. They are placed in wooden boxes with a nutrient substrate and deepen it to approximately 2-2.5 cm. The seedlings are covered with plastic film on top, which allows them to be protected from frost. Seedlings require moderate watering. When the seedlings form three leaves, they are moved to the garden bed for further permanent cultivation.

Note! This is usually done in the spring or August.

Dividing the bush is usually carried out in the spring. It is not recommended to hold this event more than four times a year. The daughter rosettes, on which particles of the root system are located, are carefully separated from the mother plant. Immediately after this, the divisions are transplanted to a permanent place and irrigated abundantly.

Protection before wintering

Chilean gravilate has sufficient winter hardiness, and in some varieties this trait is even more pronounced. However, in our conditions, it is recommended to cover the plantings with spruce branches for the winter. As an alternative to this remedy, it is possible to use dry leaves, which are laid out in a dense carpet over the area. The fabric materials used for wrapping plants need not be used - the gravilate under them will still freeze.

Important! Covering the soil is carried out from spring to autumn. In this case, mulching materials are used: sawdust, cardboard, crushed stone, etc.

Diseases and pests

Before planting, it is recommended to disinfect the soil, destroying pathogens of fungal diseases. For this purpose, special fungicides are used. During the growing season, plants are rarely affected by diseases, but in case of high moisture, root rot may develop. Affected plants are dug up and removed from the site along with a clod of earth. Healthy specimens are treated with fungicides.

Lack of water causes spider mite. Appropriate acaricides are used against this pest. In the future, the plantings should be provided with normal level irrigation.

Use in landscape design

In mixed and group ornamental plantings, the flowers of the plant in question look especially advantageous. Gravilate red is suitable for use in:

  • alpine slides;
  • flower beds;
  • rockeries;
  • mixborders;
  • discounts, etc.

With proper selection of varieties, you can achieve constant flowering of the plant from May to September inclusive. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid unsightly looking empty spaces in the plot.

Chilean Gravilat can also be used in single plantings. In this case, the plant looks beautiful on alleys, borders, and flower beds. Flowers are ideal for cutting and adding to bouquet arrangements. The rich yellow and red color of the gravilates allows them to combine quite well with the following plants:

  • bells;
  • phlox;
  • cloves, etc.

Caring for and growing Chilean grass is not a very complicated procedure and can be done by most summer residents and gardeners. At minimum costs manages to achieve bright and long flowering plants in various types of ornamental plantings.

Many people know this plant under the name Greek rose. Indeed, Chilean gravilat is very reminiscent of the miniature semi-double varieties of the queen of the garden and is even considered its distant relative. The herbaceous perennial, unlike flowering thorny shrubs, does not form woody trunks. But gravel is rightfully considered an excellent border plant, used to decorate the shore artificial reservoirs, finds application in rock gardens.

Decorative garden flower has and medicinal properties. Using an alcoholic infusion from rhizomes, you can relieve toothache. The plant also has anti-inflammatory properties, helps stop bleeding and treat wounds that take a long time to heal.

When choosing a place to plant gravilat, you need to take it into account natural features: many plant species colonize open areas on mountain slopes, on the edges of forests, and along the banks of reservoirs. The area designated for planting gravel should be located in a well-lit place. Light shading in the middle of the day is acceptable. Chilean gravilat will grow very well next to ornamental shrub or tall herbaceous plants. Therefore, most often it is planted in flower beds as a border, despite the average height of some varieties (up to 60 cm).

Gravilat is very demanding on soil quality: it grows poorly on marshy soils with an acidic reaction. When planting, you need to focus on the natural drainage capabilities of the area. Even near a pond, it is best to choose a place where water does not stagnate after snow melts or precipitation falls.

If on garden plot If acidic, heavy and dense soils predominate, then when laying out a flower bed in which you plan to plant Chilean grasshopper, it is best to raise the flowerbed above the general level. You need to add chalk, fluff lime or old plaster to the ground to slightly neutralize the acidity. Sand is suitable for loosening the soil. It needs to be applied in fairly large quantities, up to 1 bucket per 1 m² of flower garden.

How can you plant a plant?

There are 2 ways to propagate gravilat: growing from seeds and dividing the bush. When choosing seed method the gardener will have to be patient, since the plant will not bloom during the first year. In order to quickly obtain flowering specimens, you need to purchase parts of an adult bush. Gravilate - perennial flower, so for wintering he stores nutrients in the rhizome. It is this part of the plant that is used for propagation by vegetative means.

To sow purchased seed material, you need to prepare seedling boxes in the fall with a substrate of 1 part fertile soil (taken from the garden or vegetable garden) and 1 part river sand without clay. If the soil on the site is dense, there is a possibility that it has increased acidity. For good growth seedlings per 1 bucket of such soil, when preparing the mixture for sowing, you can add 100 g (half a glass) of ground construction chalk or crushed egg shells. In the case when the seeds were purchased in winter or spring, but there is no prepared soil, you can purchase soil at the store for planting roses or growing seedlings. These are quite suitable mixtures for gravilate.

Sowing is done in early spring - in March or early April. The soil in the box needs to be leveled, well moistened with a watering can with a sieve or with a spray bottle, and the seeds scattered over the surface. After this, they must be covered with clean, dry sand or the soil mixture that was used for sowing. The layer of soil on top of the seeds should not be more than 0.5 cm. To maintain moisture and provide a microclimate for the germinating seeds, the box must be covered with glass or film.

Seed germination occurs within 2 weeks. After seedlings appear above the soil surface, the glass needs to be raised slightly, providing air access and gradually reducing humidity. The next day you can remove it completely.

Caring for seedlings before the appearance of 2 true leaves consists of timely watering room temperature. To prevent fungal diseases, you can add a little potassium permanganate to the water (until it turns pale pink), and after watering, pollinate the soil surface with sifted wood ash. When 2 true leaves appear, the gravilat needs to be planted in separate pots with a diameter of 7 cm.

You can transfer the seedlings to open ground at the end of May, when the threat of return frosts has passed. You can plant young plants immediately in a permanent place if the flowerbed consists of perennials or if you plan to decorate a rock garden or pond with gravity. For a flower bed of annuals, it is better to choose a different border for the coming summer season, and grow the gravilata seedlings in a separate ridge until the fall. The plants will begin to bloom only next year.

With the vegetative method of propagation, a new bush develops from already formed buds on the rhizome, and therefore flowering occurs soon after planting. To propagate by dividing the bush, you need to dig up the gravel, examine the plant and cut the common root so that there are 2-3 buds on each division. Gravilata bushes can be propagated vegetatively in spring and autumn periods. In the fall, it is advisable to carry out such an operation no later than 1.5-2 months before the onset of frost, so that the new bushes have time to take root.

How to care for a flower?

Care comes down mainly to timely watering. Adult Chilean gravilat tolerates severe drying out well and will not die even in a dry summer if the owners cannot water it on time. Only young seedlings of the current season or 2-year-old plants that have recently been transplanted need constant soil moisture.

Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries to a depth of 1-2 cm. If the planting site for gravilat has natural drainage (located on an elevated area or on a slope), then there are no problems with draining excess moisture. It happens that the above-ground part suffers greatly due to drought. In this case, you need to water the soil near the bush very generously. The plant will recover from underground buds.

How to feed correctly?

For abundant flowering, plants need more than just water. In the most fertile soil nitrogen compounds are most often present in large quantities. This substance is very important for the growth of green mass, but phosphorus and potassium are needed for the formation of buds.

To obtain a large number of large, bright flowers, the gravilate must be fed with a solution of fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus compounds before flowering begins. It could be ready mix For flowering plants or mineral complex fertilizer (nitrophoska, Kemira or other brands). They must be applied according to the instructions on the package.

At home a large number of potassium and phosphorus can be provided by watering the plant with an infusion of wood ash: place it in a 3-liter jar, fill the container halfway, add water to the neck. Leave for 3 days, then strain and mix the liquid with 10 liters of water. This feeding is also carried out before flowering, after the plant awakens from the winter dormancy period.

After the crop has flowered, fertilizing must be repeated to ensure the formation of flower buds for the next season. When using complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, the addition of organic matter in the form of compost, humus, etc. should not be done. Only if an infusion of wood ash, which does not contain nitrogen, is used for fertilizing, well-rotted compost or humus is introduced into the soil in the autumn.

How does flowering occur?

The plant produces many flowers about 4 cm in size. There are non-double and semi-double varieties. The color is varied - shades of red and yellow flowers. The height of the peduncles above the basal rosette of leaves is 30-60 cm.

A typical variety can be considered “Fireball”. Semi-double buds of bright orange color reach 4 cm in diameter. The variety is considered cold-resistant and begins to bloom in May. Flowering duration is up to 30 days. You can increase the period by constantly trimming fading flowers. This provokes the growth of new shoots and the formation of buds.

The variety "Aurelia" has yellow flowers. This is also a semi-double gravel, the height of the peduncles reaches 50-60 cm. They look good when cut, thanks to the lush “bouquets” of bright flowers.

Among the gravilate varieties that have recently appeared on Russian markets, - “Lady Stratheden” and “Mrs Bradshaw”. Semi-double, but very lush flowers of bright yellow with a dark core “Lady Strafden” can serve as a real decoration for a garden with a pond. The red "Mrs. Bradshaw" gravy will look great both as a cut flower and in a flower bed, reminiscent of some varieties of roses.

Even more beautiful pink varieties Cosmopolitan, Mai Tai, Mango and Tequila Sunrise. What distinguishes them from others is the light color of the petals. In combination with each other and with dark red varieties, these gravilates will help to create a very beautiful parterre flower garden, reminiscent of a miniature rose garden, because these varieties are low-growing and do not exceed 40 cm in height.

The shore of a reservoir or a rock garden in which the Chilean gravilat grows will always attract attention. Fiery reds, golden yellows and pink flowers look great in any flower bed. Low and medium-sized plants are suitable both for the border and for planting independently on the edge or along garden paths.

IN landscape design The modest, but at the same time sophisticated gravilate is widely used. This amazing perennial is used to decorate stone rockeries, alpine slides, as well as flower beds of various shapes, including flowerbeds. In the front garden it gets along well with carnations and bells. Velvet inflorescences of fiery red and yellow-orange stand out in contrast against the background of dark greenery. Growing this flower does not require academic knowledge. It is important for a gardener to understand the nature of a plant in order to make friends with it.

Landing nuances

At your dacha you should find a well-lit area that is heated by the sun for more than 8-10 hours a day. These are heat-loving crops and do not tolerate heavy shade. The basic principles of planting gravel and caring for it (photos and descriptions of varieties are given below) include the following:

  1. Properly selected soil. Wet areas must be dried using special methods. Some people recommend making a mounded bed or buying varieties that like moisture. In the hole, it is necessary to make drainage from stones or expanded clay. When digging the area, the soil should be mixed with sand.
  2. Distance between bushes. It should be between 15 and 20 cm so that the leaf rosette can develop freely.
  3. Maximum distance of roots from groundwater. In overly moist soil, the root system begins to rot, and gray mold also appears.

Diseases and pests generally do not affect this member of the Rosaceae family. Moreover, the bushes are very easy to propagate on their own personal plot. It is enough to sow the seeds in a container in the spring (March), and in the last days of April, transplant the seedlings into open ground. It is worth considering that the threat of frost still remains, so the sprouts need to be covered. For these purposes they use

  • agrofibre;
  • film;

However, the young growth will only shed color the next year. The second method of propagation is dividing the bushes. In spring or early autumn, you need to dig up the bush and carefully divide it into two parts. Before planting, pour water into the hole to prevent the roots from wilting.

If necessary, it is important to reduce the acidity of the soil. To do this, add several parts of wood ash to it.

Features of care

Although you can’t call it gravilat capricious plant, nevertheless, it needs to be regularly fed with minerals and. You can add potassium phosphate substrates, peat, manure or leaf humus, as well as nitrophoska (three in one - nitrogen, potassium and sodium). In addition, it is important to provide the flower with favorable conditions:

  • water as the soil dries out;
  • loosen the soil, removing weeds;
  • clean the bush of dried leaves and peduncles.

However, much depends on the type of crop. There are varieties that are frost resistant. Other species live comfortably in lightly shaded gardens. For still others, river valleys are their favorite place. Therefore, you need to get to know each of them personally.

In winter, the greens must be cut off at the root and the bed covered with mulch. Dried leaves, as well as pine or Christmas tree needles (layer up to 10 cm) will become reliable protection from severe frosts.

Rod Gravilat

Total for globe There are about fifty species of this exquisite flower. And only 20 varieties of gravilat are classified as herbaceous plants that are used for planting in open ground. Of these, only 7 can be found in Russia, which are adapted for cultivation in temperate and cold latitudes. The European climate is also suitable for some varieties of this genus.


In many countries it is called St. Benedict's herb. The flowering period of urban gravilate lasts about four months - from May to August. Miniature flowers, 2 cm in diameter, resemble the sun thanks to 5 bright yellow petals. The terry center is of the same shade, but in some specimens it has a brown edging made of small stamens. The entire stem is covered with delicate fibers. The leaves are collected in a triple rosette, which is mounted on long roots.

The height of the wild plant varies from 40 to 80 cm, which makes it possible to use urban gravilat for decorating rectangular flower beds. Here are the main points in growing:

  1. Frost and drought resistant.
  2. Do not tolerate overly moist (swampy) soils with a high salt content.
  3. Planting is carried out with seeds in early spring.
  4. The width between the beds should be more than half a meter.

It has been scientifically proven that the roots of the plant have medicinal and antidote properties. At the same time, many housewives add it as a spice to soups and alcoholic drinks (wine or ale).

You should not bury the seeds deep into the ground; it is enough to deepen them 1.5-2 cm. Then the shoots will appear earlier, in 2-3 weeks.


Unlike most of its “relatives”, the river gravilat gets along well in damp and slightly shaded areas. These can mainly be:

  • damp banks of ponds, swamps and rivers;
  • clayey, sandy or silty soils;
  • fields or meadows with nutritious soil;
  • bushes and forests.

In most cases, it tolerates acidic as well as limestone areas. This is one of the few varieties that perfectly adapts to the most unfavorable conditions. Starting from the May holidays and ending with everyday life in September, purple avens (as the Americans call it) delights gardeners with its carmine-red blooms.

Leaves in neutral and slightly acidic soils begin to change color. Violet veins protrude from them. This can be used when creating original landscape design.

Such herbaceous plants for open ground grow up to one meter, while river gravilate is able to independently fertilize the soil around itself. Ripe stamens serve as a kind of organic fertilizer for him.


The name eloquently suggests where this variety comes from. Thanks to Chilean gravilate, breeders have developed many other varieties of crops, among which the following are popular:

These cute flowers will decorate the garden for about one or two months. The buds begin to bloom on the 15th of May. By mid-July, fruits form on 60-centimeter stalks. The favorable temperature for seed germination is 15 degrees. The seedlings in the box need to be thinned out so that the flower becomes larger.

As soon as the temperature outside drops to +6°C, the front garden must be covered with agrofibre.


At one time, botanists crossed Chilean and scarlet gravilate, and the result was a rivulet variety. Its flowers look like bells, bent down, as if from hard work. The coloring of this variety will appeal to many lovers of burgundy tones, because the stems of the crop are made in exactly this shade. They elegantly display yellow petals with a terry center. In other varieties there are pink and even white inflorescences that have a paniculate or corymbose shape. Dense leaves imitate dissected feathers or blades. Prirucheiny gravilat reaches 0.7 m in height, so this variety herbaceous plants Most suitable for open ground.

Luxurious bloom This will only work if the bush is in an open area. During the flowering season it needs large portions sunlight. However, on hot days, only the root should be watered abundantly, and not the entire area, so as not to create Greenhouse effect. It is advisable to trim the bush, then it can grow wider.
Such curly exhibits will become original decoration.

It is advisable to add peat, wood ash, dolomite flour, sand and vegetable humus to the soil. Experts recommend treating the soil with fungicidal preparations before planting.


Inflorescences reach 3 cm in diameter. They are often yellow, red and orange. Moreover, the stamens of each type look like scatterings of amber jewelry. The leaves, located on long stems, have a wrinkled structure and are strewn with almost imperceptible hairs. Contrasting veins are clearly visible on each of them. The serrated and slightly wavy edge gives the leaves a luxurious appearance. At the roots, they are collected into a compact but relatively dense rosette.
Hybrid gravilate has many bred varieties, among which the following are popular:

  • Princess Juliana;
  • Prince of Orange;
  • Gladys Perry;
  • Dolly North;
  • J Bradshaw;
  • Ruby.

You can admire these double blooms on dense stalks for almost two months: May and June. If the weather is warm in September, the bush will again throw out a batch of young buds.
Growing and caring for the hybrid gravilate is no different from the Chilean one, since it is derived from it.

Autumn planting should be done long before frost. The seedling must become well established and rooted so as not to freeze when the temperature drops.

Fire ball

Fireball differs from other representatives of the Pink Gravilat family by its caustic red hue. Although there are varieties of acid orange color. Large double flowers perfectly decorate unsightly borders of front gardens.
Picking plays an important role in sizing the variety. After sowing the seeds in a container, you need to wait until a few leaves appear, and then separate them and transplant them into a new container.

Bushes should be divided 1-2 times every four years. They should be planted 20 cm apart. If possible, trim the stems to give the bush more volume.


Its official name is Red Dragon. This variety of terry gravilata is a favorite of many summer residents because the flower has a three-dimensional shape. The petals are arranged in several rows, which gives the plant gorgeous view.
An unusually flashy shade of red flowers looks great on alpine slides. When caring for the crop, you should enrich the soil with humus. To prevent the soil from being too wet, the flowerbed can be raised a couple of centimeters above ground level. Among other things, you need to apply the basic recommendations for this type.

The conclusion follows from this. An outwardly unattractive flower, with proper care, can become an amazing exhibit in a modern garden.

Is . In this article we will tell you what the Chilean gravy plant looks like, how to plant and care for it in open ground, and also provide a photo of the plant.


Gravilat belongs to the Rose family. The plant is represented by small perennials with straight stems. Has a basal rosette with large leaves pinnately lobed or pinnately dissected. Among the inflorescences there are corymbose and paniculate. Bell-type flowers; white, pink or yellow color. Pollination occurs with the help of. The genus has about 50 species, and the culture - 20.

Important! Before planting, think carefully about the location for the flower. It may die during transplantation, so it is better to immediately provide it with a permanent place.

The flower has a creeping, blackish, slightly woody root that grows deep in the soil. The height is usually 60 cm. Flowering occurs in July and August.

Choosing a landing site

To grow healthy and please the eye, you need to choose the right place to plant it.


To plant a plant you need to choose well lit, which is exposed to the sun's rays. In the shade, the flower will also be able to survive, but its growth will not occur very quickly.

The soil

When planting, it is better to give preference to non-oxidized ones. It is recommended to pre-fertilize the soil with a mixture of coarse sand and deciduous soil. Do not plant a flower in waterlogged soil- add some soil and raise the flowerbed.

How to plant Chilean gravilat?

The plant should be planted in the spring. Despite the fact that the flower does not belong to the whimsical crops, It is recommended to loosen the soil a little first. It is necessary to enter or. If there is only high-grade soil for planting, it is worth adding a little to it. When planting a crop, adhere to the recommended distance between bushes - at least 20 cm.

Did you know? If you add a tincture of orange peel and gravilate rhizome to light low-alcohol drinks, they will acquire the taste of vermouth.

Planting a flower We recommend using some tips:

  1. An excellent option when planting is to use low, long ridges. They will fit harmoniously into the frame of the paths.
  2. One more a good decision are . They are necessary for a collection of plants that bloom constantly. By planting gravilate with other flowers, you can create a beautiful composition.
The flower can be used to create a carpet lawn. Due to the fact that such areas are often in the shade, the bush will bloom less often, but will delight you with beautiful greenery.

Features of care

Like any crop, Chilean gravilat needs care. Let's look at what you should pay attention to.

Plant can withstand slight drought, but this does not mean that you don’t have to water it. In summer, when the air temperature is especially high, it is necessary to perform abundant and regular exercise. Even if the flower has suffered from severe drought, using abundant watering it can be revived. To prevent rotting of the roots, it is worth building.


Best used for drugs based on. Please note that they must contain. This fertilizer is in the form of granules and contains, and. Thanks to this feeding, done 2 times a season, the gravilat will delight you with lush and beautiful flowering.

Soil care

The soil in which the gravilate is planted must be loosen periodically, and also add to it once a season. If a flower grows on waterlogged soil, it is worth either replanting it or raising it by adding more soil.

Important! If germination does not occur after planting, do not think that the seeds are dead - they can sprout in a year or two. If you need a plant this particular season, it is better to plant its seedlings.

Sometimes there is a need for pruning. It may be needed to remove inflorescences that have bloomed, to rejuvenate the plant and give it shape. Pruning will have a beneficial effect on the vine and will promote the growth of new shoots and brighter, more lush flowering.

Reproduction graft

If you decide to plant Chilean grass on your plot, you can choose one of two methods: growing from seeds or dividing the bush. Let's look at each of them.


Before planting the seeds, they pre-soaked in water. Thanks to these measures, germination can be significantly increased seed material. Seedlings are covered with help, thus protecting them from frost.

Avens(from Latin Geum) – plant short in stature, but with a well-branched rhizome. Gravitate is often used to create alpine slides. Due to the fact that the root holds the soil well, the rock garden is compact.

Description and features of gravilat

Gravilat is a perennial from the “pink” family, grows throughout the planet, with the only exception being Antarctica. It has many different names, each nation has its own.

The first mention is found in Greek medical books, where they describe beneficial features gravilate root, stems and rhizomes have a light clove aroma. That is why it was used to flavor many tinctures and medicines.

Gravilat is considered a meadow plant; less often it can be found in forest thickets. Stem small sizes, erect. At the base there is a rosette with larger leaves (pinnately lobed, pinnately dissected), at the top the leaves are smaller, shaped like three cut lobes. The topmost leaves small size, whole.

Inflorescences perennial gravilate There are paniculate and umbrella-shaped. collected in brushes of 3-5 pieces, the colors are yellow, white and pink. The open flowers look up, resembling bells.

Pollination occurs with the help of insects. Flowering occurs in May/June. The fruit is concentrated in a multi-nut with a large number of seeds. The seeds are slightly elongated, with tails or curved ends. After ripening they fall off easily.

In nature, there are more than 50 types of gravilat, approximately 20 varieties have been cultivated by humans. The plant is distributed on all continents in temperate zones. The steppe zone is the abode of the gravilate; it can be found in forest plantations or on the outskirts of mixed forests.

Planting and propagation of gravilat

Avens– the plant is not particularly demanding, both in planting and in care. The only caveat is that it does not tolerate highly acidified soil and swampy areas. Since it concentrates its strength more at the root, loose, light soil is important for it.

The main methods of planting: dividing the bush, from seeds and seedlings. They're imprisoning in early spring into soil with normal acidity and fairly loose, but not too waterlogged.

Typically, compost and a mixture of peat and leaves are added to improve soil indicators. Acidity is “leveled” with lime or. For better looseness, use a mixture of ash and sand.

Before planting, seed material is soaked for several days in warm water. Then they are dried well with a napkin and sown in the ground. The soil temperature should not be lower than +1 °C. Gravilate from seeds sprouts after 20-30 days.

They resort to dividing the bush when an intensive growing season has passed, its root system is fully developed and it is strong enough. Usually part of the bush is separated at the end of summer or early autumn.

Plant the separated element in loose, well-moistened soil. The gravilate should take hold and send out young shoots. Next year, a young one will grow from the root again.

Landing gravilat seedlings carried out at the beginning of summer. Holes with a diameter of 5-10 cm are made in loose soil and young plants are planted, while the soil is well watered. If you plant hybrid varieties gravity, then you need to take care of drainage.

Selected varieties They are highly susceptible to fungal diseases; stagnation of moisture in the root zone is contraindicated for them. Before planting, you can treat the soil with a fungicide to kill the fungus.

Caring for gravilate

For Gravilata plantings They choose well-lit areas, but it also tolerates partial shade. So that the flowers are colored bright colors, then it is advisable to have a lot of light.

The soil is loosened and weeds are removed regularly. The latter often become carriers of rot. It usually blooms in May/June, but there are varieties that bloom all summer.

It is important not to miss the ripening of the seeds; they crumble very quickly. Therefore, to select quality seed material The fruits are tied with cloth.

Watering is carried out moderately, at the root. In hot weather, you can water once a day (evening time). After heavy rains or on cloudy days, watering is carried out when the soil is very dry.

A complex set of fertilizers is suitable for feeding; it is applied twice during the growing season. Hybrid terry varieties gravilata very sensitive to severe frosts. Therefore, during the winter they are covered with polyethylene.

If the gravel is planted in a rock garden, then it is important to trim it in time. This is done to form the aesthetic appearance of the bush and in general. An adult plant does not tolerate transplantation well, this is due to its highly branched root system. It is better to immediately find a permanent place for it.

Gravilat has virtually no natural pests due to its specific aroma and essential oils. But the stems and roots are often affected by fungal diseases.

Prevention includes: soil treatment with fungicide mixtures; selection of high-quality seed material; spraying seeds before planting with antifungal agents.

Types of gravilate

In nature gravilata flower has only the usual shape and three colors, but breeders have developed varieties with double petals and a wider range of shades.

* Gravilate Chilean- one of the tallest representatives of the family. Perennial, reaches a height of 60-70 cm. It has a long flowering period (over two summer months). are painted in purple color, the inside is terry.

* Gravilate "trifluorum". Relatively low perennial (up to 30 cm tall). An excellent specimen for creating flower beds and rock gardens. Prized for its brightness yellow tint flowers, sometimes there are specimens: orange petals with red stripes. IN growing gravilat, like its relatives, is not whimsical, the only condition is high-quality drainage.

* Gravilat "river""(streamside) - perennial, native to Eurasia and North America, reaches a height of 25-80 cm. They acquire a pale yellow color with red stripes. Grows in moist soils with weak acidity.

The variety has acquired protected status in Russia (Irkutsk and Saratov regions) and in Ukraine (Kharkov region). The roots contain up to 23% tannins, a large amount of acids, alkaloids and essential oils.

* Gravilat "urban"– perennial, reaching a height of 30-60 cm. It grows on almost all continents. The rhizome contains 40% tannins; tinctures from the root have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, astringent, diaphoretic and tonic effects.

* Gravilat "red dragon""is a miracle of breeding efforts. The plant was created specifically for producing large double flowers. It deserves attention due to its bright colors, ease of care and long flowering period. Use red gravilate For decorative design flower beds, alpine slides, for creating flower arrangements.

* Gravilat "Rigoletto""- a perennial, reaching a height of 40-60 cm. It has a paniculate inflorescence with double flowers of a bright red hue (4 cm in diameter). Excellent for planting in well-lit areas, when decorating coastal flower beds. Demanding on drainage soil, it blooms in the second year after planting.

* Gravilate "fireball""- perennial, cold-resistant, reaching a height of 30-60 cm. It is distinguished by large flowers (diameter 4-5 cm) and equally large petals. It has a bright, almost purple tint of flowers. Suitable for landing on open areas and in partial shade. Once every three years, the rhizome of the plant must be renewed. It has a long flowering period (over two summer months).

On photo gravilat always pleases with large, bright flowers. This plant takes pride of place in compositions and is used to create artificial natural parks and flower beds. Gravilate is not only useful, but also quite beautiful, thanks to its diversity color range petals.