Storing tomatoes for the winter in the refrigerator. Secrets of long-term storage of fresh tomatoes: how to store tomatoes until the New Year? Which varieties are suitable for long-term storage?

From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, many housewives work hard in their gardens to grow tasty, healthy and, most importantly, natural products. Several beds are certainly occupied by a common favorite - the tomato!

Its bright, ripe and incredibly aromatic fruits, tomatoes, are rich in the hormone serotonin, which gives us a feeling of happiness, vitamins C and A, as well as a whole list of organic acids.

Of course, you can find beautiful, even tomatoes in every store and supermarket. Fortunately, they are full of them all year round.

But is a store-bought copy comparable to a home-made one? Grown with care, incredibly healthy, aromatic and, well, very tasty!

It is no wonder that the goal and dream of many summer residents is to preserve tender multi-nest berries until late autumn. But is it possible? And if so, how to preserve tomatoes at home?

Surprising but true...

From a botanical point of view, tomatoes are nothing more than berries. But in the 19th century Supreme Court The United States decided that when collecting customs duties, tomato fruits should be treated as vegetables.

It is this difference in views that has become the reason for the question so often asked today, what type of crop the tomato belongs to.

Which varieties stay fresh the longest?

The most offensive thing for any housewife is to throw away a product grown with love because it has spoiled. And this, unfortunately, happens, and often. It’s better to play it safe in advance and choose a variety of tomatoes for planting that definitely won’t let you down. As one wise saying goes:

“It’s better to think for one day than to work in vain for a whole week.”

Moreover, nowadays there is plenty to choose from. The number of tomato varieties bred by breeders reaches 25 thousand. Among them there are both mid-late and late varieties. And even a wonderful new product - “bed-beds”, i.e. special long-lasting varieties.

Perhaps many have already had the opportunity to meet some of them:

  • "De Barao"- round, slightly oblong fruits of various shades: red, green, yellow, black.
  • "San Marzano"- fleshy burgundy fruits shaped like plums.
  • "Long Keeper"- the fruits will remain juicy and fresh until February.
  • "Giraffe"- round juicy fruits. You can decorate the table with them even on March 8th.

Of course, you can choose one of these varieties. But what to do when you really want to plant some special, too beautiful or too tasty and attractive varieties?

Try to create a place to store them best conditions, so you will at least prolong their life as much as possible.

How to keep tomatoes healthy and fresh for a long time

Try to find a secluded, dark place in your apartment where the temperature always remains stable and is within 10 °C. The humidity is 80% and there is good air circulation.

This could be a basement, cellar or room, but in no case a refrigerator. In it, tomatoes will lose their herbaceous smell, for which they are so loved, and taste.

Here's the thing! All the flavor of tomatoes comes from acids, sugars and special volatile substances. This entire complex is extremely sensitive to temperature. environment. If it turns out to be lower than required, the aromatic berries will become less aromatic and less tasty.

Recent studies by scientists from France have shown that the optimal temperature at which the production of volatile fragrant substances is enhanced is 20°C. It is in such warm conditions Tomatoes are left to fully ripen 5 days before consumption.

However, you don’t have to completely forget about the refrigerator. This is a great and easy way to preserve beautiful berries if you intend to eat them within a few days. Or refrigerate before cutting into a salad.

What else is important to know about multi-celled berries in order to keep them fresh for as long as possible:

  • Be sure to re-sort your harvest. Do not store whole and damaged, overripe and green fruits together.

Milk ripe tomatoes are best stored when they have reached their natural size, but are not ripe. As a rule, at this moment the berries acquire a pale pink tint.

  • Pick tomatoes from the plant before the night air gets colder than 8°C. If ripe fruits freeze right in the garden, they certainly won’t last long.
  • It is better to collect during the day, when the berries are already dry after the morning dew.
  • There is no need to wash tomatoes before long-term storage; it is better to wipe each fruit with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. This way you will get rid of all germs at once.

The stem of tomatoes must be cut off immediately before slicing!

How to store tomatoes in trays and boxes

If you have already decided on the place allocated for storing fruits, it’s time to prepare boxes for them. Cover their bottoms with clean paper or fill them with sawdust.

Then wrap the paper around the fruits, each individually, and arrange them in rows. No more than 3 in one box. Cover each layer with paper or sprinkle with sawdust.

Remember to leave small empty spaces between the fruits for free air circulation. You don't need to pack them too tightly.

Wherever your berries are stored, visit them at least occasionally. Check the condition of each fruit, keep spoiled ones away from healthy ones. There is no need to feel sorry for them, otherwise you may lose the entire harvest.

Make your decision to try delicious tomatoes in advance. A week before, place the selected fruits in a light and warm room for complete, final ripening.

How to preserve tomatoes in jars

You can increase the shelf life of berries to five months by placing them in simple containers. glass jars. This method is suitable for both ripe and milk fruits.

1 option. Rinse and dry the tomatoes thoroughly. Place them in a sterilized jar, but do not press too tightly. Add a few spoons of alcohol and cover with a nylon lid.

Roll the jar in your hands. But there is no need to be cowardly and thereby damage the tomatoes. Perform the operation carefully, so that all the fruits get wet.

After this, insert the wick inside the jar and light it from the outside. As soon as the alcohol in the jar catches fire, quickly and carefully roll it up.

Option 2. You will need approximately 6 tbsp. l. dry mustard. Pour the first 2 into the bottom of a sterilized jar immediately. Then arrange the tomatoes, adding more to each layer. At the end add another 1 liter. mustard and roll up the jar.

Option 3. Place 9 mm in a sterilized jar. layer of chopped tomatoes and salt. Next we put the whole fruits, to the end of the jar, sprinkling each layer with salt. Let's roll up.

How to Preserve Tomatoes That Are Fully Ripe and Ready to Eat

It also happens that the red berries are already overripe, you don’t want to eat them yet, but it’s a pity to throw them away. In this case, use the following method.

Mix water with salt and 9% vinegar in a ratio of 8x1x1. Place clean tomatoes in a jar or pan and fill with the resulting mixture.

Pour on top vegetable oil so that it covers 1 cm of food.

What's the best way to store tomatoes in the refrigerator?

You also need to know how to store fruits in the refrigerator. Each of them has a special shelf for vegetables, and that’s where they need to be placed. The cuttings should face upwards, and between each fruit it is necessary to leave very little space for air to enter.

We must cover each layer with paper, or even better, wrap it around each individual fruit.

Tomatoes should not be stored in the cold for more than 3-4 days, otherwise they will become useless and tasteless.

How to save tomatoes that have started to spoil

The first sign of a tomato “disease” is the appearance of brown or other spots.

But you can fight them too. True, in a more radical way - through pasteurization.

Heat the water to 60°C. It will become like this about 7 minutes after boiling. And immerse the tomatoes in it for literally 3 minutes. After this, dry the wet fruits in the fresh air.

Save your efforts and store food correctly. Enjoy natural, tasty and aromatic tomatoes all year round!

Vegetables and mushrooms

The tomato or, as it is also called, the “golden apple” is one of those fruits that are associated with summer, sun and light, healthy dishes. A tomato acquires its extraordinary taste as a result of a combination of sugars and acids with volatile substances. And the latter, as is known, are extremely susceptible to low temperatures.

This is why a fragrant tomato loses its taste and smell in the refrigerator fresh vegetable. How best to store tomatoes so that they do not turn into insipid, tasteless fruits, and how the degree of their ripeness affects storage conditions - many housewives want to know about this.

Therefore, this article is devoted to how much, where and how to properly store fresh, sun-dried, dried and canned tomatoes.

How and where to properly store fresh tomatoes

French scientists have long studied at what temperature to store tomatoes so that their structure is not destroyed and their beneficial properties are not lost.

So, at a temperature of 20°C, the same volatile substances that were already discussed not only did not collapse, but also began to be produced even more intensely. That is, the tomato became even more fragrant.

And when it was placed in conditions where the temperature did not rise above 4 degrees Celsius, the volatile compounds immediately stopped being released, and those already present in the tomato immediately began to break down.

Milk tomatoes should be stored at 8 - 10 degrees, red ones - from 4 to 6 degrees, but brown tomatoes tolerate the cold best of all - they are best stored at 0 - 2 degrees above zero.

Storage conditions depend mainly on the degree of ripeness, that is, the ripening temperature will be determined based on whether the tomato is green, milky, red or brown.

For example, green tomatoes certainly will not ripen at low temperatures.

So, how to store tomatoes in an apartment before processing? As a rule, green tomatoes can last from 21 to 70 days, but ripe ones can last from 7 to 10 days (of course, if you know how and where to store tomatoes).

Tomatoes should be stored in one layer; it is better to place them with the top to the bottom of the container. By the way, few people know that red tomatoes emit ethylene, which can speed up the ripening of other fruits.

How to store green tomatoes

In order for green or blanc tomatoes to ripen faster, you should leave them in a room where the temperature ranges from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, if it exceeds upper limit, then the fruits will stop producing lycopene (the main coloring component). In order for the tomatoes to remain green for as long as possible, the room temperature should be about 13 degrees.

How to store sun-dried tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes are very interesting way how to store tomatoes in winter. Ready-made sun-dried tomatoes can be placed in thick cotton bags, like dried fruits.

You can also use an airtight food container to store them, after filling them olive oil. This container should be stored in the refrigerator.

You can store sun-dried tomatoes in the freezer, but be aware that they will lose color when defrosted.

How to store dried tomatoes

Dried tomatoes can be stored in the same way as sun-dried tomatoes, that is, in a cotton bag. You can place them in glass jars, which must first be sterilized and dried.

It is advisable to add spices, garlic, herbs, salt and only then dried tomatoes.

Then you need to add refined oil to the jar so that it completely covers the tomatoes, and cover the neck of the container with cling film and a clean plastic lid.

Another way to store dried tomatoes is to put them in jars, cover them with wax paper or ground stoppers; you can also fill them with varnish, resin or wax.

Dried tomatoes are also packed in boxes made of wood, plywood, cardboard, thick fabric bags, cardboard boxes, sieve, baskets, etc.

They will be stored well if you line the bottom of the container thick paper, and place it in a cool, ventilated area where the temperature ranges from 1 to 10 degrees Celsius.

It is also possible to store dried tomatoes in the refrigerator.

How to store canned tomatoes

Many people believe that canned tomatoes have no shelf life. However, it is still advisable not to store them for more than 12 months. The point is that even with vertical position cans acid may react with metal lid, and harmful compounds will penetrate there. Pickled tomatoes should not be stored in a barrel for more than 8 months, so that harmful bacteria do not penetrate into them.

Canned tomatoes can be stored at room temperature, for example, in the pantry or under the bed, but pickled ones need lower temperatures. These tomatoes should be stored correctly in the cellar or refrigerator.

How to properly store tomatoes in the refrigerator

If it so happens that this fruit needs to be cooled, then you need to know how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

It is better to place them in a special compartment for vegetables - the so-called freshness zone, where they are maintained optimal conditions for maximum long-term storage vegetables

Fresh tomatoes should be in one, or maximum two, rows in the box so that the bottom row does not choke. If tomatoes are placed on the refrigerator shelf, it is better to place them in a plastic bag.

By the way, practice has shown that a tomato that had been in the refrigerator for almost a week resumed the release of aromatic substances when placed in favorable conditions. Currently, scientists are trying to develop new tomato varieties that would be resistant to low temperatures, and until this breakthrough in agronomy has taken place, it is necessary to take into account all the features of storing this fruit.

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How to properly store red brown and milk tomatoes?

Many housewives do not understand why they need to know how to store tomatoes if today this fruit can be purchased at any time of the year in a supermarket or vegetable market. But real connoisseurs of the product understand the difference between an imported offer without a distinct taste and a supply of tomatoes made at the peak of the season.

Storing such a perishable component is indeed not the easiest thing, but with the right approach, even at home you can find effective method. You just need to carry out quality pre-treatment items and find a suitable place to store supplies.

Preparing tomatoes for storage

To keep vegetables in optimal condition for the winter, they must be collected on time. The first harvest is harvested in July and this continues until the first frost. If the temperature is expected to drop to at least zero, tomatoes are harvested even when unripe. Delay will cause frozen workpieces to quickly turn black.

Products that will be put into long-term storage are subject to the following processing:

  • We sort them, dividing them into groups by variety, size and degree of ripeness. Large and small tomatoes need different times for ripening, and red and green also have different temperatures.
  • Only dense and beautiful components without dents, cracks, or signs of damage can be stored. Even a small dark spot on the surface of a vegetable can ruin the entire clutch!
  • How to preserve tomatoes for the longest possible time? They must be left with the stalks, then the withering process will noticeably slow down.

Tip: To preserve cherry tomatoes for the winter at home, you don’t need to resort to any tricks. Just dry them, put them in a plastic container without a lid and put them in the refrigerator. From time to time, the bookmark is sorted out, using softened specimens for food.

  • Regardless of where and how to store tomatoes, they must be thoroughly dried before storing. Moisture can cause mold.
  • The chances of achieving the desired result will increase significantly if you wipe each fruit with a cloth soaked in alcohol or vodka. Disinfection will help get rid of microbes and reduce the risk of rot.
  • There is another preventive manipulation, which, when carried out at home, helps to preserve tomatoes in perfect condition. Prepare a 0.4% solution of edible gelatin and dip each vegetable into it one by one. The products will be covered with a film that performs a protective function.
  • No less effective is the use of a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate or a 0.3% solution boric acid. We treat the tomatoes with one of them before storing them and dry them.

Of course, you don’t have to follow these recommendations, but in this case, the vegetables won’t last long at home. In just a few days they will develop rot or mold. The process will develop so quickly that it will not be possible to use the tomatoes for cooking in a timely manner and the clutch will have to be completely thrown away.

How to store tomatoes for the winter in the basement?

The room in which tomatoes will be stored must be cleaned and well ventilated. Optimal humidity is 80-90%, temperature is up to 12ºС. Temperatures should not be allowed to drop below zero. If food starts to wrinkle after a while, it is a result of excessive dryness. Mold is a result of high humidity.

  1. We lay out red tomatoes in boxes in layers, sprinkled with sawdust. The petioles should look up. We form no more than 2-3 rows. Additionally, vegetables can be wrapped in thin paper so that they do not touch. We stretch one layer of cling film on top. At a temperature of 1-2ºС the components will be stored for 1-2 months.
  2. We store brown tomatoes in exactly the same way, but at a temperature of 4-6ºС, then they will ripen slowly, but will not spoil. After the workpieces turn red, the temperature should be reduced slightly to slow down biological processes.
  3. Green and milk tomatoes are stored on racks, each fruit is wrapped in paper and placed in a box. Vegetables are sprinkled with sawdust or onion peels. In such conditions they can lie for up to 3-4 months.

The masonry is regularly checked for signs of deterioration. If any are identified, you need to sort through the entire stock, wipe the fruits again or coat them with the selected protective composition.

How to store tomatoes for ripening?

The collected green tomatoes are transferred to a warm room for ripening. They reach the desired state in about 3-4 days. It is better to keep vegetables in the dark. With this approach, it will take a little longer for the products to turn red, but they will ripen evenly.

If the situation allows, tomatoes are ripened directly in the garden according to a simple scheme. The main thing here is to think about how to keep tomatoes from freezing:

  • We remove the supports and lay out the bushes on straw or similar warm bedding.
  • We cover the blanks with film, creating a kind of greenhouse.
  • We do not stop watering, providing the tomatoes with moisture. In this case, you must act carefully so as not to wet the fruits.

We harvest the crop as it ripens. It is not necessary to wait until the tomatoes turn red; they can be harvested already brown.

We store tomatoes in the refrigerator and on the balcony

When organizing the storage of tomatoes in an apartment, you need to remember that red fruits will last at room temperature for no more than 3-4 days, pink ones - up to 5 days, brown ones - no more than a week, green and milky ones - about 10 days. True, milky specimens can be placed in a cool and dark place, for example, under the bed. In this case, they will last much longer.

In general, at home the process is organized in the following ways:

  • In the refrigerator. The optimal place is the vegetable chamber. Strong fruits without signs of spoilage are placed here. First, lay out one row of tomatoes, placing them with their tails up. Cover it with paper and make the same laying. We don’t fill the compartment completely, we leave a little space. If you additionally wrap each product in paper, it will be even more reliable.
  • On the balcony. If the room temperature is kept within 5-12ºС, then simply lay out the vegetables in clean boxes covered with cloth or paper. Between the layers of vegetables we make spacers from the same material. Boxes can be stacked on top of each other. The top one is covered with a cloth that prevents the penetration sun rays, but not blocking the access of oxygen.

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How and where to store fresh tomatoes

In spring and summer, we work hard on our plots so that when the cold weather arrives, we have fresh and tasty natural products on our tables.

By the time the harvest arrives, gardeners and gardeners are increasingly beginning to think about how to properly preserve what they managed to grow, and housewives especially often worry about how to preserve tomatoes at home.

Read on to learn about the most suitable methods for storing them and whether it is possible to keep tender fruits in the refrigerator.

Which varieties last the longest?

If you are going to keep the crop fresh for a long time at home, it is better to choose varieties for planting that are characterized by high shelf life. Thus, the varieties “Giraffe” and “Long Keeper” can be stored until spring, the fruits of the variety with the telling name “New Year” will decorate your winter holiday table.

Experienced summer residents know that when tomatoes begin to ripen, the main thing is not to miss the moment when the fruits begin to acquire a delicate milky pink hue. It is at this stage that it is better to collect tomatoes for long-term storage at home. Try to collect them together with the stalks - this way they will last longer.

Low temperature storage

Every housewife knows why you can’t keep tomatoes in the refrigerator for a long time: the fruits quickly lose their taste and become loose.

The fact is that fresh tomatoes owe their rich taste to a special combination of volatile substances, acids and sugars. Volatile substances are very sensitive to temperature effects, and if the air around is heated lower, like in a refrigerator, or much higher than normal, the aroma of tomatoes is lost.

A group of French scientists conducted research on the influence of low and high temperatures tastes like tomatoes. It turned out that at 20 °C the production of fragrant substances increases. The tomatoes become even more aromatic. And at a standard refrigerator temperature of 4 °C, on the contrary, the destruction of already existing volatile compounds begins. Moreover, first of all, the substances responsible for that fresh herbaceous taste for which we love tomatoes are lost.

In addition, when left in the refrigerator for a long time, harmful elements accumulate in tomatoes. Of course, this method should not be completely rejected - it is quite suitable for short-term storage of the product. It is advisable that fresh fruits do not spend more than a day in the refrigerator. For long-term storage of the crop, we recommend using one of the methods below.

Method No. 1

In clean, disinfected boxes with lattice walls and bottom. Don't forget to cover them with clean paper first. Tomatoes need to be placed correctly: placing each row with paper or wrapping the fruits in it, as well as pouring layers sawdust or peat.

In the area of ​​your home where tomatoes are stored, good daily ventilation should be provided to ventilate the carbon dioxide that the fruits emit. Check their condition at least once a week: under no circumstances should spoiled fruits be kept next to healthy ones.

Method number 2

Tomatoes harvested at the stage of milk ripeness, at the end of October, are best wrapped in thin black paper and placed in a lattice box. Cover each layer with straw. At home, this method is most effective if you place the containers in a dark place with a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius and good ventilation. If you carefully follow the recommendations, tomatoes can be stored until January.

As needed, tomatoes are exposed for ripening in a well-lit room with an air temperature of about 25 degrees. The process lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Method number 3

Tomatoes that need ripening are picked together with their stems and hung in a cool, ventilated place. You can also simply place the fruits in a cool, bright place for slow ripening.

Method number 4

If you are still puzzling over how to store tomatoes that have already ripened and are ready to eat, you can use the following instructions:

  • Place washed fresh tomatoes in a bowl and pour in a mixture of water, vinegar and salt in the ratio: 8:1:1.
  • Pour vegetable oil over the fruits so that the layer covers the top of the tomatoes by 1 cm.

Method number 5

Wash the strong red fruits, remove the stems and sort them by ripeness and size.

Overripe ones are also useful: we cut them into large pieces.

Place the chopped tomatoes in an 8-10 cm layer in a jar or saucepan, add a little salt, place a layer of whole fruits on top and sprinkle with salt again. We repeat the pattern until the dishes are full.

What to do if tomatoes start to spoil?

Even if you did everything correctly, there is a high probability that the crop will begin to rot. Why is this happening? Most common reason- diseases such as bacterial cancer and late blight. The fact that the fruits are starting to hurt is indicated by the appearance brown spots. The salvation is the pasteurization procedure.

IN hot water(55-65 degrees) submerge the tomatoes and keep them there for a little over two minutes. The main thing in this matter is to observe the measure and not to overcook the tender tomatoes, otherwise they will soften. Then dry the vegetables on paper in a dry, well-ventilated area.


How to store tomatoes

Some people think that it is impossible to preserve such a perishable vegetable in excellent condition. But it’s enough to remember that you can buy ripe, strong tomatoes at the market even in winter to understand that this is possible.

The main thing is to choose the right vegetables and find the optimal place to store them.

What tomatoes can be stored

Tomato harvesting begins at the end of July and continues until frost. As soon as the temperature drops below zero for the first time, all tomatoes, regardless of ripeness, are removed.

Because even slightly frozen tomatoes cannot be stored, since they begin to turn black in places where they come into contact with frosty air.

But even if, at first glance, the tomatoes are not damaged, they will quickly begin to deteriorate in storage.

The best stored are mid-late and late varieties tomatoes: De Barao, San Marzano, Kumato, Zhanina, Giraffe, Masterpiece-1.

How to prepare tomatoes for storage

  • Tomatoes are sorted by degree of ripeness and fruit size, because red and green tomatoes are stored at different temperatures. And large tomatoes ripen faster during storage than small ones.
  • Tomatoes should be strong, without dents or disease damage. After all, even a small speck of late blight on one fruit can destroy the rest of the tomatoes lying in the same box.
  • If possible, you should leave the stems, because these tomatoes store much better.
  • The tomatoes must be completely dry.
  • Before putting tomatoes in boxes, they are sometimes carefully wiped with alcohol or vodka and dried well. With this simple manipulation, microbes on the surface of tomatoes are destroyed, which also extends storage time.
  • The tomatoes are dipped one by one for a few seconds in a 0.4 percent aqueous gelatin solution and then dried. A thin gelatin film will prevent the tomatoes from spoiling during storage.
  • Tomatoes are stored well if they are treated with a 0.3% solution of boric acid or a 0.1% aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

How to store tomatoes in a cellar or basement

The cellar for these vegetables should be clean and well ventilated.

It is important to set the optimal humidity in the room – 80–90%. If the storage is damp, the tomatoes become moldy, and due to dry air they gradually begin to wrinkle, dry out and do not ripen.

The temperature in the cellar should not exceed 12°C.

How to store red tomatoes

  • Tomatoes are placed with the petioles facing up in shallow boxes in 2-3 rows. Each row is laid with chaff or sawdust.
  • To prevent the tomatoes from touching each other, they are wrapped in soft paper.
  • The boxes are covered with a thin film. But you need to ensure that access to tomatoes is not interrupted fresh air.

Store red tomatoes at a temperature of +1…+2°. Shelf life – 1–2 months.

How to store brown tomatoes

  • Tomatoes are placed with the petioles up in clean boxes of 8–12 kg.
  • To prevent them from touching each other, they are sprinkled with sawdust or wrapped in thin paper.
  • Close with a lid and store at a temperature of +4…+6°.

How to store milk and green tomatoes

These are the tomatoes that are best stored—up to three months—since even in picked fruits the ripening process continues.

Method 1

Green tomatoes are stored on racks in complete darkness. In November, the fruits are wrapped in soft wrapping paper and placed in boxes lined with sawdust, burlap or chaff. The boxes are placed in a room with a low temperature. Store until January.

Method 2

The tomatoes are placed in boxes, sprinkling each layer with chaff or sawdust. If there is no chaff or sawdust, they can be replaced with onion peels.

Store at temperatures from -2 to +2°.

Ripening green tomatoes indoors

In order for green tomatoes to quickly turn red, they are transferred to a warm room, where they ripen within three days.

If green tomatoes are kept in the dark these days, the redness will go away more slowly, but the color will be more uniform than those kept in the light. But the latter will keep up faster.

Ripening green tomatoes in the garden

When there is no room to ripen tomatoes indoors, they can be left to ripen in the garden.

  • To do this, the supports are removed, and the bushes themselves are laid on spread straw.
  • The tomatoes are covered with film on top, making a kind of greenhouse.
  • Water carefully so as not to wet the fruits.
  • The crop is harvested as it ripens.

How to store tomatoes in an apartment

When trying to store tomatoes in an apartment, you need to know that at room temperature, red tomatoes can last no more than four days, pink ones - five days, brown ones - a week, and green ones - about ten days. And then they will start to deteriorate.

But if the tomatoes are at the stage of milky ripeness, then they can be laid out in a cool pantry or under the bed. Without access to light they will be stored for quite a long time.. True, they will be inferior in taste to tomatoes stored in the cellar.

Therefore, if there is no cellar, and the tomatoes need to be preserved for as long as possible, then they need to be put in the refrigerator or taken out to a glassed-in balcony.

How to store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Tomatoes are stored in the vegetable compartment. Strong tomatoes without signs of spoilage are suitable for storage.

They are placed in a box, laid out in one row with their tails up. Then they are laid with soft paper and the second row is laid. For better storage Each fruit can be wrapped in soft paper. Then the tomatoes will not touch each other. And if one fruit begins to deteriorate, this will not affect the quality of other tomatoes.

But you will have to forget about plastic bags, since tomatoes in them quickly disappear without access to fresh air.

How to store tomatoes on the balcony

If the balcony is glazed and the temperature on it is kept within +5...+12°, then the tomatoes are placed in boxes covered with burlap or paper. Each layer of tomatoes is separated from each other using the same spacer material. The boxes are placed in stacks and covered with fabric that does not allow light to pass through, but does not impede the flow of fresh air.

  • To make green tomatoes ripen faster, you need to take a few of them, put them in a paper bag and put an apple in it. The ethylene gas released by this fruit will help the tomatoes ripen quickly. A ripe tomato has the same effect.
  • Tomatoes in storage are periodically sorted. Tomatoes that have turned red are moved to a cooler place or used for food, and those that have begun to spoil are removed. If necessary, change sawdust and bedding.


From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, many housewives work hard in their gardens to grow tasty, healthy and, most importantly, natural products. Several beds are certainly occupied by a common favorite - the tomato!

Its bright, ripe and incredibly aromatic fruits, tomatoes, are rich in the hormone serotonin, which gives us a feeling of happiness, vitamins C and A, as well as a whole list of organic acids.

Of course, you can find beautiful, even tomatoes in every store and supermarket. Fortunately, they are full of them all year round.

But is a store-bought copy comparable to a home-made one? Grown with care, incredibly healthy, aromatic and, well, very tasty!

It is no wonder that the goal and dream of many summer residents is to preserve tender multi-nest berries until late autumn. But is it possible? And if so, how to preserve tomatoes at home?

Surprising but true...

From a botanical point of view, tomatoes are nothing more than berries. But in the 19th century, the US Supreme Court ruled that tomato fruits should be treated as vegetables when collecting customs duties.

It is this difference in views that has become the reason for the question so often asked today, what type of crop the tomato belongs to.

Which varieties stay fresh the longest?

The most offensive thing for any housewife is to throw away a product grown with love because it has spoiled. And this, unfortunately, happens, and often. It’s better to play it safe in advance and choose a variety of tomatoes for planting that definitely won’t let you down. As one wise saying goes:

“It’s better to think for one day than to work in vain for a whole week.”

Moreover, nowadays there is plenty to choose from. The number of tomato varieties bred by breeders reaches 25 thousand. Among them there are both mid-late and late varieties. And even a wonderful new product - “bed-beds”, i.e. special long-lasting varieties.

Perhaps many have already had the opportunity to meet some of them:

  • "De Barao" - round, slightly oblong fruits of various shades: red, green, yellow, black.
  • "San Marzano" are fleshy burgundy fruits shaped like plums.
  • “Long Keeper” - the fruits will remain juicy and fresh until February.
  • "Giraffe" - round juicy fruits. You can decorate the table with them even on March 8th.

Of course, you can choose one of these varieties. But what to do when you really want to plant some special, too beautiful or too tasty and attractive varieties?

Try to create the best conditions for storing them, so you can at least extend their life as much as possible.

How to keep tomatoes healthy and fresh for a long time

Try to find a secluded, dark place in your apartment where the temperature always remains stable and is within 10 °C. The humidity is 80% and there is good air circulation.

This could be a basement, cellar or room, but in no case a refrigerator. In it, tomatoes will lose their herbaceous smell, for which they are so loved, and taste.

Here's the thing! All the flavor of tomatoes comes from acids, sugars and special volatile substances. This entire complex is extremely sensitive to ambient temperature. If it turns out to be lower than required, the aromatic berries will become less aromatic and less tasty.

Recent studies by scientists from France have shown that the optimal temperature at which the production of volatile fragrant substances is enhanced is 20°C. It is in these warm conditions that tomatoes are left to fully ripen 5 days before consumption.

However, you don’t have to completely forget about the refrigerator. This is a great and easy way to preserve beautiful berries if you intend to eat them within a few days. Or refrigerate before cutting into a salad.

What else is important to know about multi-celled berries in order to keep them fresh for as long as possible:

  • Be sure to re-sort your harvest. Do not store whole and damaged, overripe and green fruits together.

Milk ripe tomatoes are best stored when they have reached their natural size, but are not ripe. As a rule, at this moment the berries acquire a pale pink tint.

  • Pick tomatoes from the plant before the night air gets colder than 8°C. If ripe fruits freeze right in the garden, they certainly won’t last long.
  • It is better to collect during the day, when the berries are already dry after the morning dew.
  • There is no need to wash tomatoes before long-term storage; it is better to wipe each fruit with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. This way you will get rid of all germs at once.

The stem of tomatoes must be cut off immediately before slicing!

How to store tomatoes in trays and boxes

If you have already decided on the place allocated for storing fruits, it’s time to prepare boxes for them. Cover their bottoms with clean paper or fill them with sawdust.

Then wrap the paper around the fruits, each individually, and arrange them in rows. No more than 3 in one box. Cover each layer with paper or sprinkle with sawdust.

Remember to leave small empty spaces between the fruits for free air circulation. You don't need to pack them too tightly.

Wherever your berries are stored, visit them at least occasionally. Check the condition of each fruit, keep spoiled ones away from healthy ones. There is no need to feel sorry for them, otherwise you may lose the entire harvest.

Make your decision to try delicious tomatoes in advance. A week before, take the selected fruits to a bright and warm room for complete, final ripening.

How to preserve tomatoes in jars

You can increase the shelf life of berries to five months by placing them in simple glass jars. This method is suitable for both ripe and milk fruits.

1 option. Rinse and dry the tomatoes thoroughly. Place them in a sterilized jar, but do not press too tightly. Add a few spoons of alcohol and cover with a nylon lid.

Roll the jar in your hands. But there is no need to be cowardly and thereby damage the tomatoes. Perform the operation carefully, so that all the fruits get wet.

After this, insert the wick inside the jar and light it from the outside. As soon as the alcohol in the jar catches fire, quickly and carefully roll it up.

Option 2. You will need approximately 6 tbsp. l. dry mustard. Pour the first 2 into the bottom of a sterilized jar immediately. Then arrange the tomatoes, adding more to each layer. At the end add another 1 liter. mustard and roll up the jar.

Option 3. Place 9 mm in a sterilized jar. layer of chopped tomatoes and salt. Next we put the whole fruits, to the end of the jar, sprinkling each layer with salt. Let's roll up.

How to Preserve Tomatoes That Are Fully Ripe and Ready to Eat

It also happens that the red berries are already overripe, you don’t want to eat them yet, but it’s a pity to throw them away. In this case, use the following method.

Mix water with salt and 9% vinegar in a ratio of 8x1x1. Place clean tomatoes in a jar or pan and fill with the resulting mixture.

Pour vegetable oil on top so that it covers 1 cm of food.

What's the best way to store tomatoes in the refrigerator?

You also need to know how to store fruits in the refrigerator. Each of them has a special shelf for vegetables, and that’s where they need to be placed. The cuttings should face upwards, and between each fruit it is necessary to leave very little space for air to enter.

We must cover each layer with paper, or even better, wrap it around each individual fruit.

Tomatoes should not be stored in the cold for more than 3-4 days, otherwise they will become useless and tasteless.

How to save tomatoes that have started to spoil

The first sign of a tomato “disease” is the appearance of brown or other spots.

But you can fight them too. True, in a more radical way - through pasteurization.

Heat the water to 60°C. It will become like this about 7 minutes after boiling. And immerse the tomatoes in it for literally 3 minutes. After this, dry the wet fruits in the fresh air.

Save your efforts and store food correctly. Enjoy natural, tasty and aromatic tomatoes all year round!

The taste of a tomato is the result of a combination of sugars, acids and volatiles (compounds perceived by our senses as aromas). It is in volatile substances that the cause lies. They are extremely sensitive to temperatures, so exposure to these substances kills the wonderful flavor of the tomatoes.

Chemistry of tomato

The French know a lot about food, and it was French scientists who studied the effects of temperature on the taste of tomatoes. In particular, the effects of storing fruits at room temperature and in the refrigerator were compared.

The result is this: at a storage temperature of 20 °C, a ripe tomato not only does not stop the release of volatile fragrant substances, but also enhances their production. Simply put, the tomato becomes even more flavorful.

A completely different situation was observed at a storage temperature of 4 °C. The fragrant substances not only ceased to be released - similar compounds already contained in the tomato began to break down. Moreover, different compounds have different resistance to low temperature. First of all, and more than others, the substances that give the taste of the fruit the so-called herbaceous tint were destroyed. This is what we perceive as a sign of a fresh tomato, and the substances responsible for this quality are destroyed in the refrigerator first.

The problem here is not just chemistry. The structure of the fruit also plays a role. Tomatoes are delicate, and not only sub-zero temperatures can harm them. It is enough to lower the ambient temperature to 10 °C, and the fruit will begin to deteriorate at the cellular level. It's essentially massive frostbite, resulting in a bland, tasteless tomato.

Exceptions: soups and sauces

Against such a backdrop negative influence refrigerator for fresh tomatoes, it seems strange that soups and sauces based on the same tomatoes, when stored in the refrigerator for a short time, not only do not lose their taste, but often even become better.

Why? The fact is that in the case of a ready-made dish or sauce, we are no longer talking about the pure taste of one product, but about a mixture of tastes, and there is practically no taste of tomatoes there.

After heat treatment of tomatoes, there is no talk of any volatile aromatic substances - they are not there. Therefore, manufacturers simply do not rely on the true taste of tomatoes. The taste of tomato paste is imparted with the help of spices. Just add freshly grated tomatoes to the tomato soup at the very end and you will feel the difference.

If you still need to cool it down

Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, but if you really need to refrigerate them, consider the following fact.

Even if the tomato had been in the refrigerator for 6 days, after it was placed at room temperature for a day, a renewed release of aromatic substances was observed. Of course, in a smaller volume, but still.

Scientists are trying to develop special varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to low temperatures. To do this, wild varieties of plants that successfully grow in the Andes are being studied.

Tomatoes are one of the most famous vegetables that are canned for the winter. You can easily keep them fresh for 10-15 days if you place them in a paper bag and put them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. How to properly store tomatoes at home so that they remain fresh until the New Year or even longer? The answers can be found in this article.

Shelf life of tomatoes

Having no idea how long tomatoes can be stored, it is better not to purchase them in large quantities. They just won't stay fresh for long. You should definitely know how to properly store tomatoes. And then you can keep the vegetables fresh for several months or all winter.

If you need to buy a large batch of tomatoes, it is better to choose those varieties that:

  • have a fleshy consistency,
  • thick peel,
  • not divided into large number cameras

The storage conditions for tomatoes are chosen based on the stage of ripening they are at. Brown fruits require one storage temperature, and red fruits require another. And they are not at all capable of ripening at low temperatures.

There are some types of tomatoes that tolerate storage better. These are mid-late and late ripening varieties.

So, the shelf life of tomatoes in a city apartment before they are processed:

  • green fruits – from 25 to 70 days;
  • ripe red ones - from 7 to 10 days.

If the tomatoes are overripe and have already become soft, they cannot be stored.

Storage conditions for tomatoes

Fruits at different stages of ripening require individual storage temperatures:

  • milk-ripe tomatoes are stored at a temperature of +8°C -+10°C;
  • red - +4°С - +6°С;
  • brown – 0°С -+2°С.

Tomatoes should be kept in cool, dark places. It is best to store tomatoes in an apartment in the freshness zone of the refrigerator. The best place in your home is basements or cellar.

  • Tomatoes should be stored at a humidity of 80%, in a room equipped with ventilation.
  • The fruits are placed with the stalk up, trying to prevent damage, in containers made of wood or plastic.
  • Tomatoes are very sensitive to temperature changes thanks to volatile substances that provide their taste. Therefore, any change in climate where tomatoes are stored will cause them to become soft, wrinkled and lose their flavor.

Preparation for storage

First, the tomatoes are sorted: whole, dent-free fruits that have reached milky ripeness are selected. These are vegetables that have grown to normal size and have already begun to turn red.

Before sending tomatoes for storage, they should not be washed. It is better to lightly wipe with alcohol, applying it to a piece of cotton wool. This “disinfection” will get rid of various bacteria and microorganisms that may be on the surface of the fruit.

When preparing tomatoes for storage, the stems are not removed. You can cut them only immediately before use.

Storage in cellars and basements

Tomatoes are placed in layers in wooden or plastic containers, sprinkled with chopped wood or covered with paper. If there are not many tomatoes, it is better to wrap each tomato in paper. Afterwards the boxes are sent to cellars or basements. The temperature in the basement must correspond to the storage standards for fruits of a certain degree of maturity.

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In containers made of cardboard or wood, tomatoes are placed in no more than 3 layers. Otherwise, the fruits located at the very bottom will be deformed under the weight of the upper layers.

You need to check the condition of the crop at least once a week. Then it will be possible to notice in time if some fruit begins to deteriorate. In this case, you should immediately isolate it from the rest of the crop.

Cold storage

Tomatoes, stem side up, are placed in layers in plastic container refrigerator intended for vegetables. The layers are separated using paper, and for greater safety they wrap each fruit with it so that they do not touch. This will significantly increase the shelf life of tomatoes. You need to place the fruits in the container in a maximum of 2 layers, and if they are already ripe, in one.

Tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.

These vegetables cannot be kept in a plastic bag. It is not capable of allowing air to pass through, and condensation forms very quickly inside the bag. In such conditions, the fruits will soon deteriorate.

If tomatoes have been at too low a temperature for some time, their taste may change. But if after the cold you let them lie for a day at room temperature, some of them taste qualities will return.

Freezer storage

You can store tomatoes for the winter in the freezer. Tomatoes are frozen by first cutting them into rings, pieces or slices. Small fruits can be frozen even whole. But large tomatoes are not recommended to be frozen entirely. You can peel them and freeze them in the desired form:

  • The peel is removed with a knife from a well-washed tomato using crosswise cuts in its upper part.
  • The tomato is immersed in boiling water until the cut skin begins to curl (20 seconds).
  • After which it is quickly removed and cooled with cold water.
  • Then they are carefully removed from the skin and frozen in food containers or special ziplock bags.

To freeze tomatoes whole, you don't need anything other than ripe, firm fruits with firm skin. Small tomatoes are placed several pieces in one bag. Remove as much air from the bags as possible, tie them up and put them in the freezer.

Freezing in pieces

  • In order to freeze tomatoes cut into circles, you will need fleshy fruits with a dense peel.
  • Washed and dried tomatoes should be cut into slices up to 1 cm thick. If the slices are very thin, they will lose their shape during defrosting.
  • Then the slices are laid out in layers in a food container, not forgetting to separate the layers with foil or cling film.
  • Then put it in the freezer for 6 hours.
  • After 6-12 hours, the frozen tomatoes are transferred to bags and sent into the cold for long-term storage.

When freezing tomatoes into pieces or cubes, you can first remove the skin, then cut them and place them in small batches into portioned bags. It is not necessary to ensure that the pieces are crumbly. They are added without defrosting to already prepared dishes.

You can make it out of tomatoes homogeneous mass and freeze it in special molds. To do this, the fruits are crushed using a blender or meat grinder to a puree consistency. Then put into molds for freezing. As a last resort, you can use silicone baking molds or plastic ones for ice. It is important not to put tomato puree in each mold all the way to the top: when freezing, the mass will expand and go beyond its limits.

After freezing (8 - 10 hours), the puree should be removed from the molds and placed in freezer bags, packaged in small portions.

Delicious fresh tomatoes are a rarity in winter. They are expensive, and the quality of vegetables sold in the cold season leaves much to be desired. If you know how to freeze tomatoes, you can provide yourself with delicious and healthy products for the whole winter. Frozen vegetables are not much different from fresh ones and are much better than tomato paste or juice. How to freeze tomatoes at home?

General rules for freezing tomatoes

If you decide to store tomatoes in the freezer, you need to follow some rules:

  • Before freezing tomatoes, you need to carefully select and prepare them. Choose dense, elastic, but not too hard, fresh fruits without dents, holes or other flaws;
  • after the vegetables are washed, they should be dried, otherwise the tomatoes will simply stick together;
  • It is better to store large fruits in the freezer, after cutting them into pieces or rings. Small varieties can be frozen whole.
  • When placing fruits in a container, pack them as tightly as possible so that the moisture does not evaporate;
  • packaging must be sealed;
  • freeze in small containers or batches.

Freezing methods

Whole fruits

This is the least labor-intensive process and will take a little time. If you are wondering whether cherry tomatoes can be frozen, you can safely store them whole. Varieties such as “cream”, medium-sized and fleshy, are also suitable.

  • Wash and dry the selected tomatoes.
  • Place on a tray in 1 layer and place in the freezer.
  • When the fruits freeze, they can be transferred to bags.
  • Tomatoes should be defrosted for use in winter at room temperature without exposing them to heat treatment or heating. The fruits are suitable for making sauces, for main courses and stuffing.

    You can eat thawed tomatoes fresh, but everything will depend on the quality of storage, shape and consistency of the fruit. If vegetables have been stored correctly, they will retain their taste even after cold treatment.


    This type of freezing is well suited as a preparation for pizza or salads. Those who don’t know how to freeze tomatoes for the winter can be advised to cut the vegetables into rings. This way they will take up less space and will be ready to use immediately after defrosting.

  • Wash and dry the tomatoes well.
  • By using sharp knife cut the fruit into thick rings.
  • Place cling film on a plate, and on it - tomato rings in 1 layer.
  • When the pieces are frozen, they can be placed in a plastic container.
  • Tablets

    For those who are wondering how to freeze fresh tomatoes, we can offer the “tablet” method of freezing. For this purpose, the fruits are crushed into a puree, which is then molded.

  • Wash the tomatoes and pass through a meat grinder. You can add to them sweet pepper, herbs and spices.
  • Divide the puree into muffin tins or freeze into ice cubes.
  • When the tomatoes are frozen, you can remove them from the mold and place them in bags. To ensure that the puree separates well, the molds should be dipped in hot water or simply turned out.
  • Molded tomato mass is suitable for preparing gravy for main courses and dressing for borscht. It will be enough to throw a few of these “tablets” into boiling water.
  • The prepared puree can be frozen in small plastic containers. This measure will help maintain the tightness of the product and its convenient form for storage.

    Juice or sauce

    Can tomatoes be frozen as sauce or juice? Of course you can, if volume allows. freezer and there is a suitable container.

    To prepare the juice, you need to pass the well-washed fruits through a juicer and boil for 15-20 minutes to remove the acid. Salt is added to taste. The juice is then placed in small containers and in the freezer.

    You can prepare the sauce according to the following recipe:

  • Grind the tomatoes by rubbing through a sieve.
  • Cook the puree over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Finely chop the onion and bell pepper.
  • A minute before removing from heat, add vegetables to tomato puree.
  • Cool the sauce, pour into containers and place in the freezer.
  • Before using, dip containers of sauce or juice into hot water and place frozen tomato puree in a large container. To speed up defrosting, warm the dish slightly.

    Is it possible to freeze tomatoes in the freezer? Of course, the process is limited only by the volume of the freezer and the desire of the housewife. This unique opportunity provide your family with vitamins throughout the winter. Fresh tomato slices and tomato juice will give dishes an incomparable charm.

    2015-12-02T05:00:05+00:00 adminhomemade preparations

    Delicious fresh tomatoes are a rarity in winter. They are expensive, and the quality of vegetables sold in the cold season leaves much to be desired. If you know how to freeze tomatoes, you can provide yourself with tasty and healthy products throughout the winter. Frozen vegetables differ little from fresh ones and are much better than tomato paste...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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