Not winter ones, but stored. Pear varieties that store well. Autumn late varieties of pears The best varieties of autumn and winter pears

Most popular among gardeners fruit trees After the apple trees, of course, there are pears. Any gardener tries to grow on his own personal plot this culture. But still, during this process it is necessary to take into account the climate zone. It is worth noting that not every selected variety can be grown in the middle zone of our country. For example, in the Moscow region there will be a not very favorable climate for growing many garden plants. But don’t be upset, since the breeders have done a lot difficult work concerning the creation of frost-resistant seedlings, which also have excellent resistance to various pests and diseases. Currently, many experts have developed winter and autumn varieties of pears for cultivation in harsh regions of the country. In this article we will tell you exactly about this. From it you can learn a lot of valuable and useful information, which will surely satisfy the requirements of almost any amateur gardener.

Autumn types of winter and autumn varieties of pears are practically not inferior in taste to summer ones. The fruits begin to sing in the second half of September. Older plants are capable of producing good harvest, which can be stored for a long time in cool cellars. In addition, their integrity and juiciness are not lost.

Popular varieties of autumn pears

In this article you can find winter varieties pears with a photo and with a name and description. It is worth noting that this article will help you in choosing a specific variety for your garden plot.


This species is early autumn. It was bred by breeders by crossing the Bere Mmchurina and Lesnaya Krasavitsa varieties. This variety is characterized by good productivity for 6-7 years. It will require constant watering from its owner. According to many reviews from gardeners, this type Can perfectly tolerate light frosts. In addition, they noted the excellent taste of the hearths: the pulp of this pear variety is very soft and grainy. It has a delicate and sweet taste.

Bere bosk.

French autumn-winter types of pears are very popular in Russia. Quite widely used for industrial purposes. Can adapt well to various soils and tolerate frost perfectly. But still, the best productivity can be achieved on fertile soil. The fruits begin to sing already in the first ten days of autumn. They are stored almost until December in the refrigerator. According to many experienced gardeners, most valuable quality This variety of pears is that this crop is not affected by fungal disease (scab). The fruits have a very attractive appearance and large size. They have a soft yellow tint and oily, dense flesh.

Elegant Efimova.

Winter pear varieties are listed here for you. It’s very easy to find photos and descriptions of each variety here. And it's very convenient. After all, such information will be useful when choosing a pear for the garden. In the process of long work, breeders were still able to develop autumn-winter pear varieties for the Moscow region. One of these varieties is called elegant Efimovna. This variety of pears has a long shape. The fruits are yellow-green in color, with a rich blush, and fleshy, juicy pulp. At the beginning of 1989, in the city of Erfurt, this variety received a gold award for its unsurpassed taste and quality. The main advantages of this variety include excellent resistance to various fungal diseases and frosts. This pear variety is one of the few autumn varieties that are suitable for cultivation in the middle zone. Many gardeners take great pleasure in growing this variety in their dachas. people note many positive qualities of the harvest. The most important thing is to avoid overripening. Or the pulp will be very dry and mealy. Once the crop is fully harvested, the fruit can be stored for 2 weeks in a cool, dry pestle at a constant temperature, which should not exceed 15 degrees above zero.

Yakovlev's favorite

Based on numerous user reviews, the following can be noted: this variety is one of the most reliable in terms of frost resistance. The tree has a fairly large crown. and its fruits are very sweet. Every year this pear variety gives its owners excellent harvest. It begins to bear fruit in the 6th year. And with the onset of autumn, you can already eat juicy and tasty pears. You can also start collecting fruits that are not yet fully ripened and put them in wooden containers or boxes, covered with paper. This way they will last 2 months in a cool place.

Winter ripening varieties

Along with autumn and winter pear varieties, they are distinguished by their unsurpassed freshness and tartness. These varieties are successfully cultivated in the Moscow region, since they can withstand frost better than others and can be stored longer than others. They are also unpretentious in their care.


Does not require soil. It can withstand dry weather and frost very well and is not susceptible to fungal diseases. According to gardeners, all of these factors are the main ones. And what’s most interesting is that the fruits of this variety almost never lose their freshness for 250 days. They have an attractive appearance and a slight waxy coating. The fruits have an interesting taste.

Ukrainian pear variety “Artemovskaya winter”

Probably every gardener wonders what good variety Which winter pear variety should I choose? And it is important to note that there are many points to consider here.

The next variety was bred in the city of Donetsk. It begins to bloom in the second half of December. The tree of this pear variety has a wide crown. The fruits are not subject to spoilage even with low temperatures. The culture can perfectly tolerate drought and hot weather. Not demanding in care. The fruits are quite large. They reach a weight of 250 grams. The color of the fruit is bright yellow. They have a red blush. As a rule, this variety of pears is siliconized by large industrial organizations and amateur gardeners. The pods also withstand transportation well. can be stored for a long time. According to most experts, the yield of this variety is simply amazing.

November winter.

This variety was bred by hybridizing the Nikolai Kruger and Triumph of Vienna varieties. It was able to gain great popularity in European countries for its unsurpassed quality and long shelf life. In appearance the tree is not very large. It has a fairly spreading crown and elongated large fruits. They can reach a weight of up to 500 grams. Practically not susceptible to diseases and scab. You can try to recognize the fruits of this variety by their rather dense skin, which has a pale yellow. The very first harvest of this type of pear can be harvested after 4 years. You can plant young pear seedlings next to quince crops. It is necessary to store the fruits of winter pear varieties in the cellar until spring. It is worth noting that pear fruits will not deteriorate and change their taste. This is precisely their main advantage.

Belarusian late.

This pear variety was created from the seeds of the winter species Good Louise. If we are talking about the best winter varieties of pears, then it is worth talking about the late Belarusian variety. It pleases gardeners with good frost resistance, a not very large crown, and average resistance to all kinds of diseases, as well as long shelf life. After planting it, you should expect the very first harvest no earlier than after 5 years. There are a lot of different reviews about this variety. And they are all positive. According to gardeners, a tree of this pear variety can produce a good and stable harvest every year. In addition, the quality of the fruit remains just as good; their pulp is very sweet.

Charles Cognier.

Most winter pear species for the Moscow region were bred by French breeders. Charles Cognier is a very interesting and amazing variety. He is not afraid of frost (down to minus 9 degrees). The fruits can be collected as early as October. They are very delicate in structure and vaguely resemble chocolate.

Northern woman.

Created exclusively for harsh regions. Very popular variety. It can grow on different soils, including clay ones. The crown of the tree is quite voluminous. Constantly requires pruning from the gardener. It begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year after planting. Gives a sufficient amount of harvest. The fruits are bright yellow. are of average size. This variety is one of the most favorite varieties among amateur gardeners, as the pear fruits have a delicate and fine-grained structure. Many people cook from the fruit delicious desserts and conservation. It is worth noting that not all winter types of pear are preferred by chefs. After undergoing heat treatment, the fruits practically do not change their shape, but remain just as healthy and tasty.

Winter decanka.

This variety is also called winter duchess. The tree of such a pear is very large and massive. It has a very wide branched crown. It begins to bear fruit quite early. Pear fruits are lumpy and large. Despite its size, it can stay on tree branches very well and does not fall off for a long time. The skin of the fruit has a beautiful amber color. The pear pulp is very sweet and fleshy. Its main advantages include long shelf life, excellent transportation and resistance to frost. If you like pears, then you are probably interested in winter varieties for the Moscow region. And it’s worth pointing out that we listed these varieties for you above. Use this information and then choosing a variety will be easy.

How should you store winter pears in your home?

The duration of storage of hearths depends on the degree of their maturation. To ensure that fruits do not lose their original appearance, oily structure and elasticity, they must be collected within a certain time frame. Winter pear varieties have different periods of ripeness. Most people think that green fruits can ripen in the refrigerator. But this statement is fundamentally incorrect. When stored in this way, the pear pulp will become hard and simply unsuitable for consumption. This practice has been adopted by many unscrupulous exporters who want to earn a large income without caring about the final quality of the product. It should be noted that any variety requires an individual storage temperature.

Early autumn varieties must be stored in a room with a temperature of three degrees above zero, for no more than 2 months. You can also extend the shelf life of fruits to 150 days if you maintain the temperature at one degree. Before you leave winter pears for storage, you will need to prepare the proper conditions for them: the humidity in the room should not be lower than 85 percent. And the approximate temperature in the room should be around 1-2 degrees. Fruits must be placed in special containers or containers made of natural materials. To prevent the fruit from becoming deformed and losing its original appearance, they should be laid in a checkerboard or diagonal manner. The bottom of the container should be covered with shavings or paper.

Useful information in conclusion

So, the autumn-winter varieties of pears were listed here. According to long-term observations of leading agronomists and gardeners who have been growing winter varieties of pears for a long time, more suitable varieties for the Moscow region there are such varieties as: Belorussian late, northern, Artemovskaya winter. The listed varieties can perfectly tolerate frosts (down to minus 10 degrees). At the same time, they are able to produce a good harvest and very tasty fruits. The skeletal branches of the pear tree are not susceptible to sunburn and most diseases. Until now, active research continues on a wide range of winter-hardy pear species that would be perfect for cultivation in the central zone of our country.

When choosing a variety, the main attention is paid to winter hardiness, and if the pear is acclimatized in your region, it means it tolerates your winters well and you can safely buy seedlings.

We offer you a selection, by looking through which you can easily find a variety suitable for your region. All these varieties are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation for the central region.

The selection is based on reviews from gardeners from different regions based on the results of 2018.

Pear varieties for the Moscow region

These fruit-bearing trees are suitable for growing in central Russia, for the regions of Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Oryol, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl.

Summer pear varieties

Pear Bryansk beauty: description, reviews, photos

Late summer pear variety. The tree is medium-sized, medium-growing. The crown is round, of medium density. The shoots are arranged compactly, the ends are directed upward, round, brownish-brown, geniculate, glabrous. The leaves are medium-sized, elongated, short-pointed, dark green, shiny, smooth.

The fruits are large, weighing 205 grams, one-dimensional, elongated pear-shaped, regular in shape. At the maturity stage, the color is golden yellow, the integumentary color is in the form of a light tan. Subcutaneous dots are small, gray, there are few of them. The pulp is creamy, medium density, tender, oily, very juicy. The taste is sweet with a faint aroma. Tasting taste score 4.8 points.

The Bryansk Beauty variety begins to bear fruit in its fifth year.

Pear Lada: photos, reviews

Early summer variety. Winter hardiness is high. The variety is resistant to scab. It has a high yield, early fruiting, and universal.

Characteristics of the variety

The tree is medium-sized. The crown is conical and dense. Medium-sized fruits, weighing 100-120 grams, widely pear-shaped, wide-ribbed. The main color of the skin is light yellow, the subcutaneous dots are small and barely noticeable, the outer skin is bright red, occupying less than half of the surface of the fruit. There is no funnel, there is a small influx at the place of attachment of the stalk. The saucer is narrow, shallow, lumpy. The peduncle is medium length, thick, slightly curved. The pulp is yellowish-white, tender, juicy, fine-grained, sweet and sour, very aromatic, of good taste. At state variety testing since 1980. Included in the state register in 1993.

Obtained by crossing the varieties Olga and Lesnaya Krasavitsa.

Pear Cathedral: characteristics of the variety, photo

This summer pear variety was included in the State Register for the Central Region in 2001. The tree is medium-sized with a conical crown. The leaves are large and medium-sized, oval, light green with rough nerves.

The fruits are pear-shaped, tuberous, weighing 100-110 grams, yellowish-greenish at maturity, with a faint, blurred red blush. Subcutaneous points are invisible. The pear pulp is white, semi-oily, fine-grained, juicy, with a sweet and sour taste.

Productivity 136.5 c/ha. Removable fruit maturity occurs in the second half of August. The fruits are stored for 10-12 days.

Severyanka pear: description, photo, yield

Early summer variety bred by the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding fruit plants named after Michurin. Bred through hybridization of 2 varieties - Koperechka Michurinskaya No. 12 (Ussuriyskaya pear x Bere Ligelya) x Lyubimitsa klappa.

Since 1965, the Severyanka pear variety has been zoned in a number of regions of the Volga-Vyatka, Middle Volga, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern regions. But the most widespread he received in Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Kustanai regions.

The trees are medium in size and have a fairly fast growth rate. Shoot-forming ability is high. The crown is medium dense, wide-pyramidal in shape, almost round. The variety has a mixed type of fruiting.

The fruits of the Severyanka pear are not one-dimensional in size, the average weight of the fruit is 80-85 grams, the maximum weight does not exceed 120 grams. The shape of the fruit is truncated-conical. During the period of removable ripeness, the main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow; the outer color occupies less than half of the surface of the pear in the form of a weak, blurred tan. During the period of consumption, the main color becomes more yellow with a slight green, and the outer color takes the form of a dim pink blush. The skin on the fruit is dull, quite thick and dense, but not too rough. There are few seeds in the fruits, they are large, dark brown. The pulp is creamy, medium density, normal taste - crispy, juicy, slightly aromatic, sour-sweet, not astringent. Pears are universal in purpose.

The period of removable ripeness of Severyanka occurs at the end of the first ten days of August. The consumption period lasts up to 2 weeks (when storing the crop in a basement), after which the pulp begins to turn brown. If you eat the fruits a little earlier (5-7 days before full ripeness), then the period for consuming fresh pears can be extended to two months when stored in the refrigerator. It is also worth noting that although the fruits are held very firmly on the trees, when fully ripe they completely fall off in 2-3 days. In this regard, it is also recommended to harvest fruits slightly ahead of time, 3-5 days earlier.

Pear Severyanka belongs to the early-fertile and high-yielding varieties. The first harvest can be harvested already 3-4 years after planting, after which the yield increases rapidly. A tree aged 6-7 years produces up to 20 kg of fruit. At proper care and irrigation, the average yield of an adult tree reaches 60 kg, and especially favorable years— 110 kg of fruits from one tree.

August dew pear: photo, description

A popular summer pear variety, bred through crossing the variety Tenderness with the Australian variety Triumph Pakgama. Since 2002, the variety has been zoned in the Central Black Earth region.

Trees up to 3 meters high are characterized by rapid growth rates. The crown is medium dense, slightly drooping. The leaves are medium-sized, oblong-ovate, with serrated serrations along the edges, short-pointed at the ends, painted dark green.

The fruits of the August dew pear are medium in size, average weight 120-150 grams, one-dimensional, leveled, short pear-shaped. During the period of removable ripeness, the fruits are green in color and lack integumentary coloring. During the consumer period, the main color becomes greenish-yellow, the integumentary color appears - in the form of a very faint blush on a small part of the fruit. The skin is smooth, dull, with numerous subcutaneous points. The pulp is white, fine-grained, tender, melting, very juicy, with a harmonious sour-sweet taste. On a 5-point tasting scale, the taste of the Augustow dew pear is rated at 4.6 points.

Fruit harvesting time is mid-September. Ripe fruits are firmly held on the branches. In a cool place, the shelf life usually does not exceed 2 weeks. In the refrigerator, pears can retain their taste and freshness for up to 3 months.

The early fruitfulness of the August Dew variety is high, the trees bear fruit regularly, starting from the 3-4th year after planting. The variety is highly productive. Already in the 4th year after planting, up to 15 kg of fruit can be collected from one tree. During the period of full fruiting, the yield reaches 200 c/ha.

The level of winter hardiness and drought resistance of this pear is high. The trees are resistant to major diseases and pests; leaves and fruits are not affected by scab. The variety is unpretentious in care.

Clapp's Favorite Pear: description, photo

American pear variety. Other names: Favorite, Clapp's Favorite. The variety is recognized as one of the best among summer pear varieties, as it is ideal for production, home and farm gardening.

The trees are vigorous. At a young age, they are distinguished by rapid growth rates and form a sparse pyramidal crown. With age, the crown becomes sparse, slightly “weeping” (with hanging branches) and acquires a broadly rounded shape. The average lifespan of this pear tree is up to 70 years.

The fruits of the Klappa's Favorite pear are large in size, with an average weight of about 200 grams. The shape of the fruit is short pear-shaped, with a large expansion towards the apex. The skin on the surface is tender, smooth, slightly lumpy. The main color of the fruits is yellowish-green; when fully ripe, they are yellow; the outer color is noticeable on the illuminated side of the fruit in the form of a bright carmine blush. Subcutaneous points are small, numerous, barely noticeable. Rarely, slight rustiness may be present on the fruits - at the base of the apex in the form of small specks. The pulp is white, very juicy, tender, melting, with a light aroma, very good sour-sweet taste.

The purpose of the fruits is universal - due to their excellent taste and beautiful appearance, they are consumed mainly fresh, but are also suitable for canning, drying, etc.

Removable fruit maturity is in mid-August.

The early fruiting of the Lyubimitsa Klappa variety is low: the fruiting period for trees usually begins 7-8 years after planting in the garden.

Marbled pear: yield, photos, reviews

Summer, fruitful, dessert variety pears. Winter hardiness is above average. Relatively resistant to scab. Precocity is above average.

The tree is medium-sized, with a wide-pyramidal crown of medium density.

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 120-160 grams, round-conical, smooth. The skin is greenish-yellow with noticeable rusty subcutaneous spots. The cover color is brown-red, blurred with streaks. The funnel is of medium depth, narrow with a bead in the area where the stalk is attached, slightly rusty. The saucer is small, wide, slightly ribbed. The peduncle is medium long, thick, curved. The pulp is white or creamy, tender, coarse-grained, very juicy, melting, sweet, of excellent taste. The Mramornaya pear variety was included in the state register in 1965.

The variety was obtained in 1938 by crossing Bere winter Michurina x Lesnaya krasavitsa.

Pear Chizhovskaya: description of the variety

The variety is early-fruiting, late-summer, with high winter hardiness, high yield and resistance to scab. Universal. The crown is oval, medium density.

The fruits are of medium size or below average, weighing 100-120 grams, elongated pear-shaped. The surface of the skin is smooth, matte, dry. The main color is yellowish-green with noticeable green small subcutaneous dots, the integumentary color is absent or very weak, reddish. The funnel is narrow, medium depth, smooth. The saucer is small, narrow, smooth. The peduncle is short, of medium thickness, straight or slightly curved. The pulp is dense, juicy, semi-oily, sweet and sour, of very good taste.

The Chizhovskaya pear variety was included in the state register in 1993.

Obtained by crossing the Olga and Lesnaya Krasavitsa varieties.

Rogneda pear: variety description, reviews, photos

Late summer pear variety. Tree medium strength growth with a wide pyramidal dense but compact crown.

The fruits are round, smooth, shiny, with an average weight of 125 grams. When ripe, the color is light yellow, the integumentary color is absent or appears on individual fruits in the form of a faint, blurry red blush. The pulp is beige-white, medium density, juicy, slightly oily, good sweet taste with a nutmeg flavor and aroma. Taste 4.1-4.2 points. The fruits reach removable maturity in the second or third ten days of August. The fruit consumption period is late August - early September.

The average yield is 140.5 c/ha.

The Rogneda pear variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2001.

Vidnaya pear: photo, description of the variety

Summer pear variety with high winter hardiness. The tree is medium-sized with a narrow pyramidal crown. The shoots are curved, round, brown, bare. The leaves are oblong, green, smooth.

The fruits weigh an average of 120 grams, are elongated pear-shaped, lumpy. The peduncle is short, oblique. The funnel is small. The color is greenish-yellow with a slight tan. Subcutaneous dots are gray and barely noticeable. The pulp is white, tender, juicy. Taste 4.4 points.

Average yield over the years of testing was 97 c/ha.

The Vidnaya pear variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation and is approved for cultivation in the Central region.

Autumn varieties of pears with photos and descriptions

Moskvichka pear

This autumn pear variety was included in the State Register for the Central Region in 2001. The crown is dense, medium-leafy, funnel-shaped when young, and conical during the period of full fruiting. The flowers are non-double, medium in size, cup-shaped in shape, the corolla is colored white.

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 120-130 grams, round-wide-conical and broadly obovate, uneven in size. When fully ripe, the fruits are yellowish-green, yellow, without any outer color. The skin is dense, thin, oily. The pulp of the fruit is yellowish-white, very juicy, fine-grained, semi-oily, sweet and sour. Tasting score 4 points. Harvesting maturity occurs in the second half of September.

Pears are stored for 25-30 days. The average yield is 126.5 c/ha, exceeding the control variety Lyubimitsa Yakovleva.

Pear Beauty Chernenko: description and characteristics of the variety

This autumn pear variety was included in the State Register in 1996. The trees are vigorous, with a sparse narrow pyramidal crown.

The fruits are large, weighing 150-200 grams, medium-sized, pear-shaped. The peduncle is long, curved. The skin is tender, with a slight fatty coating. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow with a diffuse red blush on most of the fruit. The pulp is white, medium density, juicy, tender, semi-oily, melting. Fruits of high commercial and consumer qualities. Tasting score 4.3 points.

Winter hardiness at the level of zoned varieties. Fast-growing, high-yielding, average yield 127 c/ha, which is 2 times higher than the control variety. The variety is resistant to scab.

Flaws: high uncomfortable crown, with bountiful harvest the fruits become smaller.

Pear in Memory of Yakovlev: reviews, photos, description

Early productive variety autumn term consumption with excellent winter hardiness. Fast-growing and scab-resistant.

The fruits are medium-sized, broadly pear-shaped, slightly ribbed, weighing 125 grams. The skin is light yellow, with a faint orange blush. The funnel is missing. The saucer is narrow, of medium depth. The peduncle is long, of medium thickness, straight. The pulp is semi-oily, sweet with slight acidity, with a pleasant aroma.

The Pamyati Yakovlev pear variety was included in the state register of the Russian Federation in 1985.

Pear Lyubimitsa Yakovleva: characteristics of the variety

Early fruiting, table pear variety for autumn consumption. Winter hardiness is above average. Affected by scab. Productivity is average. Partially self-fertile. The crown is broadly pyramidal and sparse.

The fruits are medium and above average in size, weighing 130-190 grams, round-rhombic or round-bi-conical in shape, wide-ribbed. The main color is greenish-yellow with large, numerous gray subcutaneous dots, the integumentary color is weak, blurred, dark red. The funnel is wide and shallow. The saucer is wide, shallow, ribbed. The peduncle is long, thin, straight. The pulp is coarse-grained, rough, medium juicy, mediocre taste.

The Lyubimitsa Yakovleva variety was included in the State Register in 1965 in the Central (Vladimir, Moscow regions), Central Black Earth (Belgorod, Lipetsk, Tambov regions), Middle Volga ( Penza region) regions.

Pear Memory of Zhegalov, description, reviews, photos

An autumn pear variety included in the State Register for the Central Region. The tree is medium-sized with a fast-growing sparse conical crown. The leaves are medium-sized, elongated, ovate.

The fruits are regular pear-shaped, with an average weight of 120 grams, greenish or lemon-yellow at maturity. The outer color appears in rare, well-lit fruits in the form of a light reddish blush. The pulp is light yellow-white, very juicy, tender, melting, semi-oily, sour-sweet, slightly tart. Tasting taste score 4.2 points. Removable fruit maturity occurs in the second or third decade of September. Pears of the Pamyat Zhegalov variety are stored for up to 25-30 days.

The average yield is 122 c/ha.

Veles pear: description, photo

An autumn pear variety with high winter hardiness. The ovary is frost-resistant down to -2° C. The tree is medium-sized with a drooping pyramidal crown. The shoots are arched, round, cherry-brown, glabrous. The leaves are medium-sized, elongated oval, yellow-green, smooth, shiny, with delicate nerves and curved edges.

The fruits average weight 120 grams, regular shape, slightly sloping. The peduncle is slightly curved. The funnel is blunt-conical. The saucer is small, wide, smooth. The color is greenish-yellow with a slight orange tan. Subcutaneous dots are small, gray, barely noticeable. The flesh is creamy, semi-oily, tender and juicy. Tasting score of the fruit: 4.6 points.

The average yield is 126 c/ha.

The Veles pear variety was included in the State Register for the Central Region in 2001.

Pear Vernaya: description, photo

Late autumn, productive variety. The tree is medium-sized with a drooping crown. The shoots are curved, round, reddish-brown, glabrous. The leaves are ovate, green, smooth.

The fruits are pear-shaped, slightly oblique, with an average weight of 100 grams. The color when ripe is greenish-yellow with a slight tan. Subcutaneous dots are gray and barely noticeable. The pulp is creamy, tender, semi-oily, very juicy. Taste 4.4 points.

Winter hardiness is high, at the level of the Bessemyanka variety. The ovaries are frost-resistant down to -2° C.

The average yield is 232 c/ha.

The Vernaya pear variety is included in the State Register for the Central Region of the Russian Federation.

Thumbelina pear: variety description, photo

Autumn, winter-hardy variety of pears for middle zone Russia. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded crown. The shoots are round, brownish-brown, glabrous. The leaves are elliptical, green.

The fruits are small, with an average weight of 70 grams, pear-ovate in shape. The peduncle is long, thin, erect. The funnel is missing. When ripe, the color of pears is golden yellow with a slight tan. The pulp is creamy, tender, semi-oily, very juicy. Taste 4.8 points.

Productivity: 68 c/ha.

The Thumbelina pear variety was included in the State Register for the Central District in 2001.

Pear Simply Maria: description, photos, reviews

Autumn variety of pears. The tree is medium-sized, fast-growing. The crown is medium dense, broadly pyramidal. The leaves are medium-sized, oblong, short-pointed.

The fruits weigh an average of 180 grams, pear-shaped. The funnel is small, blunt-conical. There is no rustiness. The calyx is non-collapsing, open, the saucer is small, wide, smooth. The main color at the moment of ripeness is light yellow, the outer color on the smaller part of the fruit is in the form of a light tan, pink. In the state of consumer ripeness, the main color of the fruit is light yellow, the outer color on the smaller part of the fruit is in the form of a light tan, blurry, pink. The pulp is yellowish-white, medium density, tender, oily, very juicy, fine-grained, sweet and sour taste with a weak aroma. The fruits contain: sugar 8.15%, acid 0.1%, vitamin C 3.1 mg%. Tasting taste score 4.8 points.

Average yield: 72 c/ha (subject to agricultural practices).

The Prosto Maria pear variety was included in the State Register for the Central Region of the Russian Federation in 2003.

Winter varieties of pears with photos and descriptions

Belorussian pear late

Winter variety of pears. The tree is medium-sized, with a round, dense crown. The leaves are small, oblong, elliptical, long-pointed, light green in color.

The fruits are medium, weighing 110-120 grams, medium one-dimensional, broadly pear-shaped. The main color is orange-yellow, the outer color is crimson, blurry. The pulp is white, medium density, tender, oily, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, with a slight refreshing acidity. Tasting score 4.2 points.

Productivity: 122 c/ha.

The Belorusskaya late pear variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2002.

What are the benefits of winter pear varieties? Their fruits must ripen when picked to gain juice and sweetness, and they are stored for a very long time. Accordingly, you can enjoy them when the supply of ordinary fruits is already running low. The best varieties of pears with late maturation - in our review.

Early winter pear varieties bear fruit in early to mid-autumn. The harvest is stored on average until the new year. Like other varieties, the harvested fruit needs to sit unpicked for a while to develop flavor and sweetness, otherwise it may taste too tart and tough. Often this winter-hardy varieties pears that are suitable for northern regions.

Chizhovskaya. The variety was bred at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Fruits up to 140 g, with medium-juicy, semi-oily pulp. The taste is refreshing, sweet and sour. At a temperature of 0 °C, the crop can be stored for 2 to 4 months. The variety is resistant to scab, diseases, and adverse conditions.

Curé. Tall spreading tree with a dense crown. The fruits often grow in whole bunches, with an average weight of 160–190 g, but there are specimens weighing 250 g. The harvest can be harvested at the end of September. At this time, the fruits are light green in color; when ripe (after 15–20 days), they acquire a lemon tint and become tastier. Can be stored for up to 2 months. A very productive variety; at the peak of fruiting, the tree can bear up to 300 kg per year. Needs warm summers, but can withstand frosts well in winter. Tolerates drought well.

The Etude pear produces a harvest in late October - early November. Large fruits up to 250 g have a gray-green tint at the time of picking, and after ripening they are gray-yellow with orange. Very juicy, with a pleasant aroma, similar to the smell of roses. The pear is frost-resistant and has high immunity to diseases and pests.

Winter glazkova also shows excellent resistance to frost. Fruits up to 300 g are stored until the new year.

November. Harvesting occurs at the end of September, the fruits are well preserved until the new year. The fruits are small, 64–74 g. Juicy, sweet and sour, with a pleasant aroma. They can be frozen; after defrosting, they retain their taste for 2-3 days. Holds well on branches, does not fall even due to strong wind. The variety is resistant to scab and fungal infections.

November winter (Ksenia). The description of the variety deserves special attention. This is a columnar, that is, very compact variety, the crown height is only 1.5–2 m. An important characteristic of the Ksenia pear is its very tasty fruits, which many consider impeccable: juicy, tender and slightly oily pulp has a sweet and sour, refreshing taste. On average they weigh 190–360 g, but some can reach 700 g. They are removed from the branches in the first half of October, ripening occurs in early December, but the taste is best revealed during the New Year holidays.

At room temperature stored until January. The coolness allows them to be preserved longer - until April. Transportable. The variety is resistant to fire blight and scab. Thanks to its excellent taste, it is often included in ratings of the best early winter pears. This columnar variety is well suited for small areas.


Let's consider winter varieties of pears, which are stored on average until March. Their advantages include excellent transportability.

Kyrgyz winter pear. The fruits weigh up to 245 g. When harvested, they are yellow-green, after ripening they are beautiful, golden, with a red blush. The pulp is dense, tasty, slightly tart. Stored refrigerated until the end of March. Attractive appearance and good transportability make them suitable choice for commercial breeding.

Pear Concord. English variety. After picking, the pears are green; after ripening, a red blush appears.

When using quince rootstock, the weight of the fruit can reach 350 g.

The Artemovskaya winter pear is highly valued for its yield: up to 500 centners per hectare. Fruit weight is from 210 to 250 g. The surface is slightly lumpy, yellow-green when fully ripe. The pulp is sweet, with a dessert taste and a pleasant aroma. They begin to harvest the harvest from mid-September, and it is finally ripe by January.

The Kondratyevka pear is distinguished by its large fruits (about 300 g). The pulp is juicy, oily, without dense particles. The harvest is harvested at the end of September and can be stored until January. The tree is highly resistant to cold and disease.

New Year's pear is a fast-growing variety; economic harvest can be obtained 5 years after planting. The fruit is dense, sweet with tartness. When picked green, fully ripe ones turn yellow. Often arranged in bunches.

Blanca. Harvesting can begin in October, and it is stored until April. It is advisable to grow on a rootstock, preferably on a quince. Pears are very large, 300–500 g, some can reach 700 g. The flesh is aromatic, juicy, oily, and sweet. Medium density. High resistance to disease and cold.

The Novella pear produces a harvest at the end of August, and it is stored for a long time. The average fruit weight is 170–270 g. They have a sweet and sour pleasant taste. When ripe, yellow with a red area. Novella pear has high immunity to fungal diseases and excellent winter hardiness.

Winter malvina appeared relatively recently. The harvest is stored until early March. The fruits are yellow-green with a blush, sweet, weight from 130 to 170 g. Malvina pear has good winter and frost resistance.

Late TSCA pears are characterized by medium fruit size (120–140 g). The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. Oiliness is average. Shelf life at 0 °C is about 3.5 months. They hardly fall off the branches. Transportability is average. This pear tree is characterized by high winter hardiness and average resistance to diseases and adverse conditions.

Late winter

Late winter varieties have a particularly long shelf life.

Roksolana pear. The average weight of the fruit is from 240 to 300 g. The pulp is without granulations, oily, sweet with a slight sourness. Has a pleasant almond aroma. Final maturity occurs in early January. To ensure an especially good taste, the fruit should be kept at room temperature for 7–10 days. Scab resistant.

A pear variety like Winter Dekanka needs a warm climate, fertile soils And abundant watering, so it is mainly suitable for the southern regions. But it is one of the top owners of the largest fruits: on average 400–600 g, there are specimens up to 700 g. When picked (in October) they are green, at final ripening (December-January) they are grassy-yellow with a golden side. The skin is thick, but tender. The pulp is melting, moderately sweet, with a refreshing sourness. The Dekanka winter pear begins to bear fruit at 6–7 years of age, and on quince rootstock at 4–5 years of age. The yield of one tree is 80–100 kg. Stored until early April.

Maria. On a seed rootstock, a tree begins to bear fruit already in the 3rd–4th year, on a vegetative rootstock – in the 2nd year. Winter-hardy, resistant to frost and thermal burns of leaves. The weight of the fruit is 220–350 g. At the time of picking (early October) they are yellow-green, and when fully ripe they are golden with a bright red blush. The pulp is creamy, juicy, buttery, melting. They can be stored in the refrigerator until May, at room temperature until March.

Video “Grafting and pruning a pear”

From this video you will learn how to properly graft and prune a pear.

Pear is a heat-loving tree, which is why for a long time only early and mid-season varieties. But breeders have succeeded in developing frost-resistant species, which are now in great demand. Winter varieties of pears have a lot of qualities and can be stored for a long time without losing external and taste qualities. The characteristics, features and varieties of winter varieties will be described below in the article.

What is special about winter pear varieties?

Winter varieties of pears are very different from early and mid-ripening varieties. A long ripening period affects various quality characteristics. So, what makes them special?

  1. Winter varieties may not spoil for a long time. The shelf life is completely different and ranges from several weeks to months, so before choosing, it is worth clarifying this indicator.
  2. Their taste is less sweet than the early ones, but no less juicy; this fruit contains a lot of useful substances even after long-term storage.
  3. It is these varieties that are more often used for processing and canning, since they are harder and can be different sizes(the smallest ones can be preserved whole) and do not lose their taste when cooked.
  4. Once collected, they should not be eaten immediately. They will be hard and sour in taste. They are consumed some time after collection. As a rule, by this moment they change color a little (from green to yellow or a ruddy side appears) and become softer (when pressed, the peel is pressed, but not much).
  5. Such trees not only bear fruit well, but are also characterized by increased frost resistance. They are rarely insulated for the winter, except for varieties bred for the southern regions.

What varieties are there based on shelf life?

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There are three types of winter pear varieties depending on their shelf life.

  • Early winter ones last until the end of January. These include: “Cure”, “Nart”, “Elena”, “Noyabrskaya”.
  • Winter varieties can be stored until March. They have high rates of transportability. Among them, the main ones that stand out are: “Saratovka”, “Kyrgyz Winter”, “Pass-Crassan”, “Olivier de Serre”.
  • Late winter varieties can be stored at the right conditions until the arrival of May. They are the most popular for sale as they can be transported over long and short distances. Of these, the following deserve special attention: “Zest of Crimea”, “Emerald”, “Tikhonovka”, “Maria”, “Winter Dekanka”.

Which varieties are the most productive and in demand?

Among the winter varieties of pears, those that are in demand have always been considered productive and those that are able to survive at extremely low temperatures - in the northern regions.

  • "Cure" gives big harvest annually. 50-100 kg are collected from young trees, and from mature trees (20-25 years old), best years you can get 300-400 kg of juicy fruits! These are practically record numbers. The variety is winter-hardy. During the picking period, the color of the pear is light green, during ripening it turns yellow to a dark point. The shape of the pear is regular, elongated. The pulp is sweet, very juicy, with a slight tartness. Lack of storage: after ripening, the pear does not last more than 1.5 months. Moreover, if you take it out of a cold room after 3 days, it can deteriorate.
  • "Bere winter Michurina" has high productivity. Young trees produce up to 50 kg of fruit, but adults that are more than 10 years old can produce 200-250 kg of fruit. Pears weighing 120-140 g, light green, normal, pear-shaped, after storage they acquire a slight blush on one side and change color to yellow. The pulp is juicy, with a tart aftertaste. It is stored for 4-5 months.
  • "Saratovka" produces 100 kg of fruits weighing 200 g per tree. Harvested from the end of September and stored for 4-6 months. Each pear is yellow-green in color when picked, but as it ripens, it takes on a nice golden hue. The taste is without astringency, very sweet, juicy, and children really like it. The tree does not tolerate drought well, but is resistant to frost, scab, and powdery mildew.
  • "Nika"– high-yielding variety – 80 kg/tree. The crop grows up to 4 meters, bears fruit from 5-6 years old, this is, in fact, its only drawback. Otherwise, it should be noted that it has a long shelf life (3-4 months), a juicy, sweet taste without astringency, and a pleasant aroma. Winter hardiness is high, but the tree is powerless against diseases - regular treatment is required.
  • "Lyra"- a medium-sized tree; by the time it matures, you can collect up to 70 kg of fruit from it. It bears fruit only from the age of 4, and from that moment on it produces a regular, stable harvest every year. Fruit ripening is observed from the end of September, but they are eaten no earlier than 1 month later. The fruit weighs 200 g, green, white flesh, very sweet, juicy. It is stored only until December.

High-yielding varieties also include “Ardanpont”, “Parizhanka”, “Bergamot Mleevsky”, “Saint Germain”, “Yanvarskaya”.

Which varieties of pears last the longest?

Winter varieties of pears should also be stored for a long time. Therefore, below is a list of the most time-resistant varieties.

  • "Pervomayskaya"– leader in shelf life, can be stored for up to 8 months without losing taste and external qualities! The fruits have a familiar shape and have an oily coating on the skin. During the harvest period, pears weigh around 220 grams and have a green color with brown spots. But by the time it ripens, the color becomes yellowish with the same brown spots. The pulp of the fruit is white, sweet and sour, the juicy astringency is weakly expressed. The variety is not afraid of frost and fungal infections.
  • "Winter cube-shaped" brings every year more than 100 kg of delicious pears from one tree. The shape of the fruit is round, green in color with a dark side. During storage, the color becomes light and characteristic subcutaneous dark spots appear. The taste is sweet and sour, rich, strong aroma. The variety is frost-resistant and practically immune to scab. Can last 5-6 months. The weight of one fruit is 180-200 g.
  • "Belarusian late" has high productivity, with young tree 70-100 kg of fruits are collected, and from an adult – 110-180 kg. It is stored within 5-6 months. The tree is medium-sized, up to 4 m, bears fruit from 3-4 years. Fruits weighing 110-120 g during the harvest period are green in color with brown spots, but after full ripening they become yellow with a crimson blush. The pulp is sweet, quite juicy, fine-grained.

Pears of the “Gera”, “Thumbelina”, and “Otechestvennaya” varieties are also stored well.