What type of eggplant is best to plant? What varieties of eggplant are suitable for growing in open ground. Late varieties of eggplant

Eggplants, previously considered exotic, have firmly settled in the beds of summer cottages in all regions. Today, from the variety of species presented, you can choose the best varieties of eggplant. During the period of breeders' work with this vegetable crop, in addition to purple fruits, eggplants appeared unusual flowers, sizes and shapes. The vegetable's palette consists of milky white, green, yellow, orange and red. There are eggplants that have variegated colors and amazing pink. Under the skin there is the same fleshy fruit, which will delight you with the unforgettable taste of dishes made from it.

Today, from the variety of species presented, you can choose the best varieties of eggplants

Types of eggplants

Plants that produce fruits of the usual purple color are popular among owners of summer cottages, but they do not refuse to experiment with other species.

Purple varieties

The Black Beauty variety deservedly takes first place. The plant is unpretentious and can grow in open ground and a greenhouse. Fruits weigh from 200 to 350 g. The pulp does not have an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. Harvested eggplants store well.

The Almaz variety boasts similar properties. It produces oblong-shaped fruits weighing up to 200 g. No signs of bitterness are observed, the pulp is dense.

In addition to the two favorites, other types are worthy of attention:

  • Purple miracle. High-yielding crop with small (up to 150 g) elongated fruits.
  • Banana. This variety looks like an exotic fruit of an unusual color. Its advantages are a long shelf life without loss of taste and beneficial properties.
  • Black Beauty. Gives vegetables weighing up to 900 g.
  • Albatross. The plant grows in the form compact bushes. A large harvest is harvested in the form of fruits weighing up to 450 g.
  • Black Moon. The round shape attracts culinary experts to create unusual dishes. The weight of ripened vegetables varies from 200 to 350 g. To do this, after planting, it is enough to wait about 115 days. Resistance to low temperatures allows the plant to develop normally and produce crops.
  • Bourgeois has fruits in the form of a sphere. Their weight can reach 600 g. It belongs to the early species.
  • Policeman F1. The species is more suitable for growing in greenhouses. The bush has a height of up to 1.8 m and allows you to get fruits weighing up to half a kilogram. In terms of ripening time, it belongs to the average type, pleases with good yield and properties.
  • Airship. You can enjoy the fruits after about 130 days. Their size is small (up to 120 g), but the yield is no less than that of the previous species. It is important to thin out in time, remove shoots and excess leaves.

Greenhouse variety of purple eggplant Gorodovoy F1

White varieties

Eggplants with white skin no longer cause surprise and are planted on summer cottages. Its popularity is explained by the presence of dense pulp with a small number of seeds, lack of bitterness, and mushroom taste. Vegetables of unusual color are unpretentious and can please you with a decent harvest in any conditions.

  • Mushroom taste. The plant allows you to harvest eggplants weighing up to 250 g after just 100 days. Suitable for growing in greenhouses, greenhouses and open ground. The species lives up to its name, as it truly has a pleasant mushroom aroma.
  • Icicle. Maturity occurs after 115 days. The vegetable is characterized by excellent taste and is suitable for any dishes.
  • Pelican. It differs from the previous species in shape (the fruit looks like a saber).
  • Iceberg. Eggplants are egg-shaped.
  • Ping pong. As the name implies, the variety pleases with vegetables in the form of a ball.

Varieties in lilac-pink tones

Vegetable selection does not stand still and surprises with new finds. Unusual pink-white, lilac, striped fruits - the palette of shades is amazing. Plants not only delight with a variety of colors, but have not lost other qualities.

  • Lilac. Eggplants weighing 150-250 g are harvested approximately 105 days after emergence. The bush has a small shape and grows up to 0.6 m high.
  • Joker. The variety bears fruit abundantly and ripens early. The weight of the fruit is 150 g.
  • Pink flamingo. It is used in heated greenhouses. The bush grows up to 1.8 m. Up to 3-6 fruits weighing from 250 to 450 g appear on the clusters. The vegetable has white flesh, without signs of bitterness.
  • Bumbo. White and lilac balls weighing up to 700 g will delight gardeners. Maximum yield can be achieved in a greenhouse.
  • Sailor. Small fruits (100-150 g) are striped in color and resemble a pear in shape.

Greenhouse blue variety - Pink flamingo

Green varieties

There are several types of eggplants with this color:

  • Thai or Chinese. As it ripens, the color of the ball-shaped vegetable changes from light green to golden bronze.
  • Green. The fruits, reminiscent of a pear, reach a weight of 300 g. They have excellent characteristics: lack of bitterness and mushroom taste.
  • Emerald. The ultra-early variety is used for growing in open ground and greenhouses. The plant is unpretentious and can withstand moderate temperatures. The harvest will delight you with fruits (300-400 g) with tender pulp without bitterness.

Red, orange and yellow varieties

Their difference from other species is the increased content of carotene in the pulp. Otherwise, they are similar to the more familiar options. The Golden Eggs type of eggplant presents oval fruits yellow, obtained through selection in Holland. Small orange vegetables striped grow in Turkey and Africa. As they ripen, their color changes from green to yellow.

Bright yellowness indicates the appearance of a bitter taste. Red eggplants resemble tomatoes. Upon reaching full maturity they begin to taste bitter.

Red eggplant from Rotunda

Selection of varieties for open ground

The requirements for the species are short ripening times and good yield. Small or medium sized bushes with many branches are preferable. The shape of the fruit may vary, but the color is preferable to purple. Eggplant varieties for open ground can be mid-season. In this case, you will not be able to obtain seeds.

The best varieties eggplant for growing this way: Balagur, Vakula, Negus, Sancho Panza, Simferopolsky 12/105.

  • Balagur pleases with the carpal method of fruiting. Depending on external factors the number of fruits can vary from 50 to 100 pieces. This requires the installation of supports. Productivity ranges from 6.8 to 7.2 kg per 1 m 2. Dropping of ovaries and flowers is rare. The plant is disease resistant.
  • Vakula has an amazing yield - from 9.8 to 12.2 kg per 1 m 2. From 3 to 5 plants are planted in this area. The weight of the fruit is 400 g, so staking of the bushes is necessary. Eggplants can be harvested after 100 days. The absence of thorns makes maintenance easier. The plant has the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions.
  • Sancho Panza represents the average early varieties. Its yield is slightly lower than that of previous species, but the size of the fruit (up to 900 g) compensates for this. The maximum height of the bush is 1.5 m. The ripening period is from 120 to 130 days from the moment of emergence. Kind of not afraid tobacco mosaic And spider mite. The shape of the vegetable is spherical.
  • Negus is an ultra-early variety. From germination to full maturity, 70-90 days are enough. The bushes are low. The maximum height is 0.6 m. The weight of the fruit is small (150-300 g), but a large number of them are formed on the bush. This fact provides a significant yield indicator. Harvested vegetables can withstand long-term storage and transportation.
  • Simferopol 12/105 will delight you with fruits in about 125 days. The weight of individual eggplants can reach half a kilogram. The yield is quite high, the fruits have an attractive presentation, but are not suitable for canning.

Sancho Panza presents mid-early varieties

Types of eggplants for the Moscow region

Eggplants count heat-loving plants, the development of which requires a sufficient amount solar energy. But if breeders have created varieties for growing in Siberia, then residents of the Moscow region can easily select a crop for their conditions. The best types of eggplant for the region:

  • Giselle F1, when used in open ground, allows you to get from 7 to 9 kg of eggplants per 1 m2. In a greenhouse, the figure can reach 14-16 kg. The average fruit weight ranges from 300 to 500 g. The ripening period ranges from 107 to 117 days. The fruits have high taste, long shelf life and proper presentation.
  • Alenka has something unusual for an eggplant green, and this miracle can also grow and mature in the conditions of the Moscow region. The yield indicator is 7.5 kg per 1 m2. In greenhouse conditions it increases. The average weight of the fruit is 325 g, length 15 cm. Ripening period is 108 days.
  • Agate F1 is characterized by a small bush size and a yield of 6.8 kg per 1 m2. No more than 6 plants are planted in this area. The average weight of eggplant is 250 g. Maturity occurs after 100-110 days from the moment the first shoots appear. However, the species is afraid of frost.
  • Bagheera F1 is a mid-season, high-yielding species (from 6.3 to 10.5 kg per 1 m2). The average fruit weight is approximately 300 g. Full ripening occurs after 110 days, which is important for the conditions of the Moscow region. Growing in a greenhouse is guaranteed to produce a rich harvest.
  • Albatross allows you to get up to 8 kg of eggplant from 1 m2. The maximum height of the bush is 0.7 m. Full ripening time is 135 days. The plant is disease resistant and has no thorns. Shows good performance when planting in a greenhouse and open ground, ideal option for the Moscow region.

Bagheera F1 is a mid-season, high-yielding species

Choose suitable variety culture is half the battle. When working with eggplants, it is worth knowing the intricacies of caring for the plant. By listening to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, you can achieve a rich harvest.

  • Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse after the twentieth of May. The soil is pre-moistened. For species that produce small plants, 40 cm between them is sufficient for lush bushes the figure increases to half a meter.
  • In open ground, eggplants are not in danger after the onset of real warm weather. Seedlings up to 10 cm in height and with 6-7 true leaves are suitable.
  • No watering is carried out during the first ten days. This technique is designed to protect fragile roots.
  • After the first watering, the plant is fed with a solution organic fertilizer. The procedure is repeated after 20 days and at the beginning of the appearance of fruits. In these cases, supplement the diet with mineral compounds.
  • Watering is carried out warm water to the root area. To reduce air humidity in a closed greenhouse, it is necessary to ventilate.
  • Loosening eggplant beds has a positive effect on yield.

From the wide variety of varieties you can choose suitable look for your region. This will make it possible to grow good harvest and please your loved ones with your favorite dishes. The main thing is to provide proper care for plants at all stages of growth and maturation.

By choosing the best for your garden, you automatically choose not only the quality of vegetables, excellent characteristics and taste, but also give yourself the opportunity to use a minimum of labor costs. Eggplant is a vegetable among the varieties of which any gourmet can find something to his liking, and no matter what size, color, or yield you prefer, there is plenty to choose from. Let's look at the best of them.

Early eggplants are good not only for the rapid ripening of long-awaited vegetables, but also for the opportunity to get a full harvest in the northern regions. If you do not have the opportunity to plant eggplants in the ground in May, and night frosts are possible in June, you should choose early varieties for your garden. Choose hybrids for your garden that have proven themselves among farmers and gardeners.

King of the North

A hybrid with high frost resistance, provided young shoots are hardened. Ripeness occurs at 90–100 days, but many note that in 70–80 days, the fruits may already be fully formed.

From one plant it is possible to remove from 3 to 4 kg of even purple cylinders.

The taste is quite delicate, a small amount of voids even with maximum ripening. Stored at a temperature of 12 - 15 degrees for up to two months, ideal for preparing preparations.

King of the North Eggplant Bibo Black Handsome


This is a white-skinned eggplant with super early ripening. In 60 - 70 days you will remove from one bush up to 15 even and smooth snow-white vegetables weighing up to 500g. It is unpretentious, and pollinates well and ripens both in the greenhouse and in the ground.

Black handsome

The variety is ideal dark shade, the fruits are small, up to 200g, but up to 3 kg can be removed from one root. After 70 - 80 days it gives a healthy harvest, but it should be protected from the first frosts, it requires additional shelter.

These eggplants are best used for regions where there are no unexpected frosts, or grown in a greenhouse. Due to the longer ripening period than early ripening ones, it is worth carefully monitoring the temperature in the greenhouse. The more stable the temperature and humidity, the richer the harvest will be.


If you like teardrop-shaped eggplants, round, fleshy, without voids, then this is your option. Variety for use in fresh, conservation and long-term storage. It is easy to transport, has high shelf life, this has become the main reason for choice among farmers.

Eggplant Almaz Variety Albatross Eggplant Marzipan


One of my favorite gardeners middle zone. It is considered a dwarf bush, but it is very branchy and forms in the form of a ball. Decorative. The ripening period is up to 80 days. From one bush you can get up to 8 kg. Fruit weight up to 180g. Flower formation occurs from June to August, and fruiting is therefore long-lasting.


Connoisseurs of the tender and tasty pulp of this eggplant prefer it not only for this reason. Ripens in 110 – 120 days, has a beautiful pear-shaped, deep purple shade.

High-yielding plants grow well in greenhouses; they require care, but respond to it with friendly and good fruiting. Stable temperature and humidity allow you to choose tall plants– from each such bush you can remove from 5 to 12 kg of vegetables.

Robin Hood

A mid-season hybrid, it requires the formation of a bush, but has a short height of up to 60 cm. The plant has thorns. Pear-shaped, rounded fruits with low bitterness, ripening in 90 days. Medium shelf life, for all types of canning and cooking.

Description of the variety Robin Hood


Tall, up to 240 – 260 cm, matures up to 120 days from the time of planting. The fruits are from 20 to 35 cm in size, the yield is up to 9 kg. Requires the formation of a bush; it is enough to leave 2 stems, on which up to 15 fruits ripen at the same time.
Excellent taste for both fresh consumption and pickling.

When fresh, it can be stored for up to 2.5 months, somewhat loses its presentation and dries out, but the taste remains.


Late-ripening variety, distinguished by large fruits. Ripe fruits reach 30 cm and weigh up to 900g. The bush is up to 150 cm high, forms itself, but requires pinching. You can remove up to 17 kg from one plant. very dense purple fruits. It is perfectly stored and transported, the shelf life is the highest among all varieties with such productivity - up to 3 months.

Eggplant Sophia

Varieties for open ground

If you plan to grow eggplants outside, you need suitable frost-resistant varieties. In the middle zone, even the most patient vegetable to temperature changes requires shelter during the period of night frosts. Only zoned hybrids are ideal for the greenhouse.


If you are patient enough with temperature changes, you can plant seedlings at the end of May. Height up to 120 cm, has a strong and dense stem. No pinching is required, the bush forms itself. You can remove up to 8 kg of eggplants from one bush.

Bull's heart

It does not tolerate spring frosts, therefore, plant it in open ground after they are over. Round fruits weighing up to 300g, bush up to 80cm, yield approximately 8 - 12 kg. It is unpretentious in agricultural technology, but does not tolerate overwatering.

Variety Alekseevsky Bull's heart Eggplant Vakula


One of the best for the street. The height of the bush is up to 70 cm, very branched, the fruits weigh up to 150 g, but in one season it is possible to collect up to 9 - 10 kg. A garter is required, as the bush is very fragile.

White-skinned varieties were bred to get rid of the bitterness that is contained in the coloring enzyme. Eggplants of other colors were obtained by crossing.


One of the best white eggplants. It not only has white skin, but also pulp. Can be grown both in the ground and in a greenhouse. The height of the bush is up to 70 cm, the weight of the fruit is up to 250 g. The yield of one plant is up to 6 kg.


Unusual due to its shape, which makes it attractive. Bush up to 80cm. Fruits up to 300g. You can remove up to 5 kg from one bush.


The name speaks for itself - beautiful pink, curved fruits weighing up to 40xg. They ripen at 130 days. Bush up to 180cm, spreading and high-yielding. From one plant you can collect up to 16 kg.

Variety Flamingo Eggplant Icicle Swan

Lilac fog

Dark pink fruits weighing up to 180 g, ripen on average in 120 - 130 days. Bush up to 150cm, branched. It is afraid of frost; in a greenhouse you can remove up to 5 kg from one plant.


Unusual - green fruits, reminiscent of bent corn. Each weighing up to 250g, length up to 20cm. Bush up to 80 cm, semi-spreading, does not require shaping. The pulp and peel have no bitterness.


Bright green fruits weighing up to 300g, ripen on average up to 100 days. The plant tolerates temperature changes and mild drought. From one root you can get up to 5 kg of vegetables in 120 days.

Chinese lantern

80 - 110 days after sowing, at 70 cm, the bush begins to turn red with unusual eggplants. Unusual bright color, and the shape makes them look like jewelry. Weight up to 180g, yield – up to 3 kg per plant.

Eggplant Chinese Lantern Variety Yoga Lilac Fog Eggplant Emerald

Even the fact that new bright colors of the vegetable with low bitterness appeared did not distract from the standard purple favorites. Among them the leading varieties are:

King of the North

Resistant to frost, technical ripeness at 90–100 days, but can be harvested at 70–80 days. Up to 4 kg of even purple, very beautiful fruits are removed from the bush.

Purple miracle

Hybrid. Tolerates drought patiently, but requires a lot of water at a time. Bush up to 90 cm high. Beautiful elongated fruits, weighing up to 250g. Ripening at 90 – 115 days. You can get up to 8 kg of eggplant from one plant.

Purple miracle


Dwarf variety. Height up to 50 cm, but the bush is very branched. Looks very decorative, in the form of a ball, does not require shaping. Ripeness at 80 days. Fruits up to 180 – 200g.

During the season you can get up to 8 kg of beautiful bright purple fruits.

The best varieties for the Moscow region

The middle zone is a fairly mild climate zone, but late summer and early autumn do not allow late-ripening varieties to fully ripen. Greenhouses help with this, but it is still worth choosing early and mid-ripening varieties.

These varieties will give excellent harvest, and will bring a minimum of hassle:

  • King of the North. Will give an excellent harvest in the absence of frosts in early summer. It showed excellent performance both in greenhouses and in the ground;
  • Black Prince. It is worth choosing not only because of its decorative effect. Saturated purple hides tender pulp without bitterness, and from one bush you can get up to 8 kg of fruit;
  • Sophia. Even when planted in the ground and covered in the first week, you will get up to 15 - 17 kg of large ones, up to 900g, per season. Eggplant.
  • Albatross. Mid-season, but ripening quite early. On day 90 you can harvest the first fruits. Beautiful cylindrical shape and delicate taste. Tolerant of drought;

If you dream of a friendly and high yield, about minimal labor costs and pleasing to the eye vegetables, you should choose seeds zoned for your area, provide proper care, and do what you love with pleasure.

Growing the crop is not widespread, but most summer residents still grow vegetables on their plots. How to choose eggplant varieties that are suitable for planting in your region of residence. Differences and characteristics of species from each other. Correct selection types of culture - half the success.

It is difficult to definitively answer the question of which manufacturer’s seeds are the best. The main thing when choosing is to take into account those characteristics that are necessary for cultivation in a certain region:

  • cold resistance;
  • fruiting in changeable weather conditions;
  • high immunity;
  • productivity and other important characteristics.

Many eggplants are grown everywhere, and the manufacturer guarantees that they will have 100% germination. The acquisition of any type of crop will be successful if you follow all the subtleties of care when planting.

The most successful eggplant varieties for open beds

Planting a crop in open ground is not a problem. You should carefully select the variety or hybrid that will be grown. The summer resident pays attention to species that are popular among vegetable growers. It is better to choose from early or mid-season varieties, since later ones may not ripen. The only option to get a harvest from plants is to plant seedlings.

A short description of the types of crops for open ground will help you choose early-ripening, tasty and unpretentious species plants.


The variety ranks first among eggplants adapted for growing in open ground. The peculiarity of the species is that the plants can tolerate sudden temperature changes, are not picky and independently fight pathogens.


  • bushes 70 cm;
  • highly branched;
  • ripen in 115-125 days;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • purple color;
  • fruit weight 150 g;
  • the pulp is dense, tender, no characteristic bitterness;
  • harvest volume 9 kg per 1 m².

Growing the Alekseevsky variety will not cause any trouble even for a beginner. And the resulting harvest will satisfy the need for this vegetable.


Excellent for growing on site. The only negative is that the abundance of fruit breaks the branches of the plants, so it is recommended to tie it up. The bushes have no thorns.


  • bushes grow up to 1.5 m;
  • ripen on the 100th day;
  • ellipsoidal shape;
  • color dark purple;
  • the pulp is without voids, dense, has no characteristic bitterness;
  • maximum weight 400 g;
  • harvest volume per 1 m² is 9-12 kg.

A distinctive feature of the variety is the uniform ripening of vegetables. Therefore, Vakula is often grown on an industrial scale.


The vegetable received its name due to its external resemblance to the fruit. The variety bears fruit amicably and does not require special care. Grows on almost any soil and is not picky.


  • low bushes up to 60 cm;
  • short stem;
  • pubescence is weak;
  • cylindrical shape, sometimes curved;
  • color deep purple;
  • the pulp is light, not bitter;
  • eggplant weight 150-160 g;
  • harvest volume from 1 m² 4 kg.

The vegetable is easily transported, lasts a long time without losing its commercial qualities. The taste characteristics allow the vegetable to be used for winter preparations and any dishes.

The peculiarity of the fruits of this variety is that eggplants grow red. In addition, the plant is suitable for decorating the site. Skillful arrangement of bushes will help decorate any corner.


  • size of an adult plant is 70 cm;
  • flowers are large, white;
  • ripen within 110 days;
  • round shape;
  • color bright orange;
  • the pulp is yellowish in color, without characteristic bitterness;
  • weight 180 g;
  • harvest volume 3 kg from 1 plant.

The fruitful appearance of the Chinese lantern is loved by many summer residents. Growing plants is no different.

Emerald F1

The hybrid is unpretentious and has immunity to diseases. Unusual green fruits are the hallmark of plants.


  • grows up to 100 cm;
  • spreading;
  • matures on the 105-110th day;
  • elongated cylindrical shape;
  • weight up to 400 g;
  • the pulp is dense, beige, without bitterness;
  • harvest volume is 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m².

Preventive treatment against insect attacks is required. Use chemicals or folk remedies.

It is better to use proven methods from the people's piggy bank. These methods will not harm the human body.


For planting in open ground, it is necessary to select varieties that bear fruit, regardless of weather changes and other related factors. Example good looking The crop for the plot is eggplant Negus. The variety is very different early ripening, ready for consumption much earlier than its counterparts.


  • plant size 50-60 cm;
  • round, barrel-shaped;
  • dark purple skin;
  • vegetable weight 150-300 g;
  • the pulp is light, tender, without characteristic bitterness;
  • harvest volume 4.5 m2.

This species has several features. Except early maturation, it differs in that with timely harvesting it extends the growing season. With the relatively small weight of one eggplant, their number on one bush is 15-25 pieces. Suitable for any method of use, consumption.


It has high immunity to diseases. It ripens early, so it is often grown in open ground. For propagation, you should not collect seeds yourself; the crop will not repeat its parental properties in the second year.


  • height 80-95 cm;
  • erect;
  • semi-spreading;
  • vigorous;
  • the trunk is pubescent;
  • ripens on the 90th day;
  • drop-shaped, elongated shape;
  • 5 cm in diameter;
  • length 26 cm;
  • weight 200-250 g;
  • the pulp is beige, without characteristic bitterness;
  • harvest volume 3 kg per 1 m 2.

A small number of seeds in a vegetable is characteristic feature varieties. In addition, Valentina is valued for maintaining its presentation and taste characteristics after 30 days of storage in a cool room.


A hybrid that requires attention during cultivation. The yield is high, stable, and ripens gradually over 1.5 months. Most valued by summer residents for its unusual appearance and rich color. Some fruits on plants grow large, up to 1 kg.


  • height 1.6 m;
  • not branched;
  • not spreading;
  • practically without thorns;
  • slightly pubescent;
  • ripen within 100-115 days;
  • spherical shape;
  • purple color;
  • in diameter 13 cm;
  • a vegetable weighs on average 330 g;
  • harvest volume is 4.7 kg per 1 m 2.

In addition to these characteristics, gardeners note the taste of the vegetable. The undemanding nature and disease resistance inherent in Bourgeois eggplants is also welcomed by vegetable growers.


The formation of carpal ovaries is regarded as a feature of this variety. About 100 fruits are produced on one plant. The size of eggplants varies, the ovaries do not fall off.


  • adult plant size 1.3 m;
  • highly branched;
  • ripens in 85-100 days;
  • the shape of the vegetable is elliptical;
  • color lilac or hot pink;
  • length 17 cm;
  • diameter 6 cm;
  • the pulp is compacted, light, without the characteristic bitter taste and voids;
  • yield 6-8 kg per 1 m 2.

Many people plant the crop for sale because it tolerates transportation well over long distances. Balagur retains its presentation well.


The Drakosha eggplant variety was bred especially for regions with risky farming. The peculiarity of Drakosha eggplants is their ability to grow in soils with poor fertility.


  • bush size 1 m;
  • medium leafy;
  • medium branched;
  • slightly pubescent;
  • ripens on the 100-120th day;
  • pear-shaped;
  • the skin is smooth and shiny, purple in color;
  • weight 300 g;
  • length 21 cm;
  • harvest volume is 5 kg per 1 m 2.

Drakosha has excellent field health and is undemanding in care, for these reasons it is the choice of many summer residents.

The hybrid grows in the most favorable conditions. Does not require gartering or shaping; the plant can withstand the weight of vegetables. The harvest is stable and high. The hybrid was bred specifically for regions with risky farming.


  • powerful bush;
  • height 55-60 cm;
  • stems and veins on leaves are purple;
  • without thorns;
  • oblong shape;
  • dark purple color;
  • length 20-30 cm;
  • diameter 6-7 cm;
  • the pulp is tasty, tender, light in color, without streaks and characteristic bitterness;
  • harvest volume up to 4.2 kg per plant.

The cold resistance of plants allows them to be grown in regions where weather conditions are unstable. Productivity and long shelf life allow the fruit to be grown on an industrial scale. Another advantage of this variety is that it has high immunity. Since the fruits have no bitterness, they are used for preparing dishes and preparations for the winter. The disadvantages are that the King of the North does not tolerate heat, and seed material cannot be collected from it.


Developed by breeders, the Premier type of crop tolerates light frosts and drought well. Has high immunity. When grown in regions with a warm climate, direct planting in beds is provided.


  • bush height 60 cm;
  • highly branched;
  • heavily leafy;
  • erect;
  • ready for use on the 115th day;
  • pear-shaped;
  • color deep purple;
  • dense white pulp, without characteristic bitterness;
  • harvest volume 3.5 kg per 1 m 2.

Excellent taste, long shelf life and preservation of commercial properties allow the fruit to be grown on an industrial scale.

The unpretentious plant grows in any conditions and produces record yields if the rules of agricultural technology are observed. The growing process is no different.


  • height of bushes 60-80 cm.
  • semi-spreading;
  • stems and leaves of a dark shade;
  • plant with thorns;
  • ripens on the 90-110th day;
  • pear-shaped or cylindrical shape;
  • the skin is glossy, deep purple in color;
  • a vegetable weighs on average 200 g;
  • length 18-20 cm;
  • the pulp is pale yellow, very tender;
  • few seeds;
  • there is no bitterness, it is completely absent;
  • harvest volume is from 3 to 6 kg per 1 m 2.

It can be grown by any method and forms ovaries constantly. It has high immunity, independently fighting pathogens. Of the minuses important point The fact is that the Black Prince variety categorically does not tolerate shade.

A good option for growing in open ground, which does not require much care and attention. Its cultivation has no special features. It is enough to follow the usual techniques.


  • plant height 0.8-1.2 m;
  • semi-spreading;
  • loose;
  • vigorous;
  • fruits 2-7 pcs. on the plant, are they arranged in a bunch or radially;
  • ready for use after 125-135 days;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • length 18 cm;
  • diameter 5 cm;
  • pink skin;
  • weight 200-450 g;
  • yield 7.6 kg per 1 m 2.

Pink flamingo eggplants are not at all difficult to grow in your garden. They have high immunity to cultural diseases. They are stored for a long time, maintaining their presentation and taste.


The vegetable is suitable for any method of consumption; it is used for preparing main courses and wraps for the winter. The plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil and are not picky in their care.


  • reach 1 m in height;
  • spreading;
  • matures on the 110th day;
  • drop-shaped or pear-shaped;
  • the skin is glossy, purple in color;
  • weight 350 g;
  • n when grown correctly,If all care standards are observed, the weight of one vegetable reaches 800 g;
  • length 12 cm;
  • the pulp is light, without characteristic bitterness;
  • harvest volume is 5 kg per 1 m 2.

During long-term storage, the vegetable does not lose its presentation. Hybrid is not suitable for self-collection seeds It is necessary to purchase planting material from a special store.

The best mid-season eggplant varieties for open ground

Another name for the fruit is blue. The variety of options from different manufacturers amazes the imagination of even the most sophisticated gourmets. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the region of residence and the necessary properties that are necessary to meet family needs.


A variety of crop that has been on the market for a long period of time. Summer residents trust the variety due to its good germination. Diamond is a species that almost always produces a rich harvest.


  • plant size 70 cm;
  • highly branched;
  • compact;
  • many stepsons are formed;
  • ready for use after 150 days;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • dark purple skin;
  • average weight 160 g;
  • length 18 cm;
  • diameter 6 cm;
  • the pulp is greenish in color, with a small number of seeds;
  • maximum yield per 1 m 2 7.5 kg.

Almaz is a proven eggplant variety that has been tested over the years. Inexperienced summer residents consider it the most unpretentious and undemanding to care.


A productive crop variety that has high immunity. The shoots appear quickly and the bushes grow quickly if the rules of agricultural technology are followed.


  • grows up to 70 cm;
  • bush compact, closed;
  • ready for use on the 135th day;
  • pear-shaped;
  • skin color dark purple;
  • average weight 200 g;
  • length 20 cm;
  • diameter 4-6 cm;
  • pulp without characteristic bitterness;
  • The harvest volume per 1 m2 is 7-8 kg.

In addition to the listed characteristics, plants are resistant to temperature changes. There are no differences in the cultivation of the variety. Planting material is collected independently. Albatross eggplant is undemanding when it comes to fertilizing; it develops and bears fruit in any soil mixture.

A popular crop variety, the cultivation of which will not only benefit the body, but will also please the eye. There are no special features for caring for plants. They are grown in the same way as other varieties.


  • grows up to 60-75 cm;
  • compact bushes;
  • medium height;
  • medium branched;
  • ripen on the 120-135th day after planting in a permanent place;
  • round or oval shape;
  • color orange;
  • diameter up to 8 cm;
  • the pulp is tasty, yellow, without characteristic bitterness;
  • yield 2-3 kg per 1 m 2.

Those fruits that are slightly reddish are eaten. The more intense the shade of a vegetable, the higher the percentage of bitterness of the vegetable. The Brazilian orange variety of eggplant is not very popular among summer residents. It is grown by gourmets and exotic lovers.


Plants of this variety are unpretentious and do not require special care.


  • grows up to 0.75 m;
  • medium height;
  • ripen within 145 days;
  • oblong shape;
  • skin color dark purple;
  • taste without characteristic bitterness;
  • the pulp is light;
  • average weight 250 g;
  • harvest volume 7 kg per 1 m 2.

If you properly care for the plants and comply with all the requirements of agricultural technology, you will get the maximum yield.


A variety with high immunity, bears fruit in hot weather, right up to severe frosts.


  • grows up to 65-75 cm;
  • ramified;
  • there are a lot of fruits on the bushes;
  • pear-shaped;
  • skin color dark purple;
  • the creamy pulp is very dense, without characteristic bitterness and without seeds;
  • average weight 300 g;
  • length 18 cm;
  • diameter 8 cm;
  • harvest volume is 3-4 kg per 1 m 2.

Planting the Marzipan variety will not cause any trouble. for an experienced summer resident, nor a beginner. Carefully following the advice of experienced vegetable growers will help you get a record harvest.


The unusual appearance of the fruit is the hallmark of this variety. Fruit small size, with excellent taste characteristics. Used for preparing hot dishes and cold appetizers.


  • grows up to 50-65 cm;
  • highly branched;
  • leafy;
  • round shape;
  • weight 80-100 g;
  • color yellow-green.

Used to decorate the area. But experienced housewives find use for them on the table.


A productive hybrid with enviable characteristics, high immunity and low maintenance requirements.


  • reaches 145 cm;
  • moderately pubescent;
  • ripens in 100-115 days;
  • pear-shaped;
  • color purple;
  • glossy skin;
  • weight 200-300 g;
  • length 14-16 cm;
  • diameter 7 cm;
  • yield up to 6 kg from 1 bush.

High harvest volumes have made the variety a favorite among many summer residents.


The hybrid is large-fruited and high-yielding.


  • grows up to 1 m;
  • ripens within 120 days;
  • oval-shaped fruits;
  • dark blue;
  • the pulp is white, without bitterness;
  • length 25 cm;
  • diameter 10 cm;
  • weight reaches 1.5 kg;
  • yield from 1 m 2 6 kg.

The Dutch hybrid has high immunity and is stress-resistant, does not respond to low temperatures.


A variety of hybrid crop that has a number of positive properties, for which it is valued and chosen by summer residents.


  • grows up to 2 m;
  • matures within 80 days after planting in a permanent place;
  • elongated pear-shaped shape;
  • color dark purple;
  • the skin is smooth, glossy;
  • the pulp is light, without bitterness;
  • length 22 cm;
  • diameter 8-10 cm;
  • weight up to 250 g;
  • yield 5 kg per 1 m 2.

Harvest well kept. And the plants themselves are resistant to diseases.

The peculiarity of the variety is that the plants are able to bear fruit at unfavorable conditions.


  • ripens within 140 days;
  • elliptical fruits;
  • dark purple color;
  • glossy peel;
  • length 15 cm;
  • diameter 10;
  • the pulp is beige, without a characteristic bitterness;
  • yield 12 kg per 1 m 2.

The fruits are used for any type of cooking, from stews to winter preparations.

An excellent variety for growing in open ground. Its fruits are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes.


  • grows up to 1.5 meters;
  • ripens in 120 days;
  • color black-violet;
  • spherical shape;
  • diameter 15 cm;
  • weight up to 700 g;
  • yield 3-4 kg per 1 m 2.

Sancho Panza eggplants are resistant to diseases characteristic of the crop. They do not require any effort to grow.


The fruits of this variety are of an unusual white color. Summer residents value eggplants for their excellent taste and lack of bitterness.


  • grows up to 50-70 cm;
  • ripens in 115-120 days;
  • fruit shape is elongated-cylindrical;
  • weight 250 g;
  • length 20 cm;
  • diameter 7 cm;
  • the flesh is white;
  • yield 18 kg per 1 m 2.

The swan variety of eggplant is valued for its positive properties, including a long shelf life, preservation of presentation and taste characteristics. The plant is immune to diseases and is easy to care for.


It deserves the attention of summer residents due to its characteristics: unpretentiousness and low maintenance requirements. The variety got its name because of its striped color.


  • grows up to 1 m;
  • forms many side shoots;
  • pear-shaped;
  • length 17 cm;
  • diameter 5-8 cm;
  • weight up to 400 g, following all the techniques, fruits weighing up to 1 kg are obtained;
  • yield up to 8 kg per 1 m 2.

No less exotic fruit of unusual color. Suitable for those summer residents who dream of decorating their plot with useful plants.


  • tall spreading bushes 70 cm;
  • ripen on the 115th day;
  • oblong shape;
  • color: the surface is divided into strips of various shades: from pink to lilac;
  • weight 250 g;
  • diameter 10 cm;
  • length 17 cm;
  • the pulp is light, without bitterness;
  • yield up to 6 kg per 1 m 2.

Growing this vegetable will help decorate any area. And the benefits of using it for cooking have not diminished at all.

Late ripening varieties

Any late variety for open ground is grown through seedlings. Otherwise, there is a high probability that all future harvest will be ruined by the first autumn frosts. The choice of variety remains with the summer resident. It is important to take into account all the necessary signs and conditions for successful cultivation.

Summer residents choose this variety because of its high yield. In addition, the fruits of the Black Beauty are used for any method of preparation.


  • plant height 70 cm;
  • moderately spreading;
  • stem pubescent;
  • matures within 135 days;
  • pear-shaped;
  • fruit weight 300-400 g;
  • length 15-17 cm;
  • the pulp is yellow, without bitterness and with a small number of seeds;
  • the skin is thin, glossy;
  • yield 6-9 kg per 1 m 2.

A stable harvest and high disease resistance make the variety popular among summer residents. But besides positive aspects, there are also negative ones. The black beauty does not tolerate low temperatures and is picky about the composition of the soil.


A relatively new variety of eggplant. It is characterized by high disease resistance and excellent yield.


  • grows up to 1.5 m;
  • ripens in 145 days;
  • pear-shaped;
  • color dark purple;
  • length 30 cm;
  • weight 800 g;
  • the pulp is light, without bitterness;
  • yield 5-7 kg per 1 m 2.

The peculiarity of the Sophia type of eggplant is that they are stored for 3 months without loss of taste and presentation. Forms ovaries even in unfavorable weather conditions.


An eggplant variety that is capable of producing a large harvest. It is popular among summer residents because it is not picky and easy to care for.


  • reaches 80-90 cm;
  • medium leafy;
  • medium branched;
  • ripen on the 145th day;
  • round, sometimes pear-shaped;
  • the color is almost black;
  • weight 250 g;
  • length 13-16 cm;
  • diameter 8-10 cm;
  • the pulp is light without characteristic bitterness;
  • the yield is 5 kg per 1 m 2.

A unique feature of plants of this variety is the simultaneous formation of several ovaries from one raceme. The variety has excellent field health and is able to form ovaries, regardless of the climatic characteristics of the growing region.

The best varieties of eggplants for central Russia

It is not difficult to select the types of crops; it is enough to take into account that plants have different characteristics. Varieties are selected that bear fruit in this climate zone. In addition to choosing the type, the specifics of planting and caring for eggplants are strictly observed. In return, the plants will be rewarded with the stated yield indicators. The short summers of the middle zone are mostly cold. When choosing a variety to grow, you need to look for suitable plants.

Hybrids must be resistant to temperature changes. Be able to form ovaries in conditions of limited daylight.

The abundance of varieties from different manufacturers is amazing. The vegetable grower just has to choose the right one and start growing.

Cold-resistant species:

  • Lilac fog;
  • King in the North;
  • Valentina F1;
  • Long purple;
  • Siberian early ripening;
  • Dwarf early.
  • Czech early;
  • Diamond;
  • Northern Blues;
  • Alenka;
  • Fluff;
  • Amethyst;
  • Kirovsky.

It is advisable to grow eggplants using the seedling method. This way they grow much faster than those sown directly in the garden. The variety of varieties helps the summer resident choose a plant that fully meets his expectations.

Central Russia is distinguished by a temperate climate, cool summers, and the absence strong winds. In summer and autumn period There is a large amount of precipitation, spring is early, but with possible frosts, and it often rains. Compared to the southern regions, there are not enough sunny days for eggplants, but recently their number has been increasing and this crop can be grown without greenhouses.

In such a growing season it is not difficult to grow big harvest of eggplants, but the choice of plant varieties must be approached with special care, despite the fact that eggplants grow well in this area, bear fruit abundantly and are generally not a problem to grow. However, this is taking into account proper cultivation and timely care. In order for the harvest to please you with large fruits and high yields, you need to select early-ripening varieties that are characterized by high fruiting, varieties that are as resistant to various kinds of infectious and bacterial diseases as possible. Many people prefer hybrids for these purposes.

The best varieties of eggplant

Eggplant varieties “Boomer” and “Clorinda” are suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. However, open ground conditions are the most favorable, as plants get sick less and grow strong and healthy. Multi-colored representatives of this crop of the “Desyatka” and “Ogonyok” varieties are suitable. The early ripening plant called “Redhead” produces a harvest very quickly; the variety has become ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions due to its small bush. Small fruits can be obtained from early ripening plants “Robin Hood” and “Czech Early”.

It is appropriate to cultivate “Black Beauty”. If the summer turns out to be particularly sunny, then in open ground conditions the harvest will be simply amazing, although such a representative can be grown in greenhouses. The fruits are large, tasty, and there is no bitterness. The fruits of this variety are ideal for long-term storage.

Vegetable growers distinguish “Almaz” as one of the best varieties capable of high fruit production in almost any climate. Long fruits, sometimes growing up to 20 cm, will delight you with their taste characteristics and lack of bitterness. The same can be said about “Albatross”, in this case the fruits gain weight of almost half a kilogram! The bushes themselves are low and strong.

Hybrid varieties

In the climatic conditions of central Russia, it is customary to grow various hybrids, for example, “Epic F1”. Already 60 days after planting, the early ripening plant will begin to bear fruit. The drop-shaped black-purple fruits will surprise you with their amazing taste. These eggplants are suitable for both canning and preparing hot dishes. There are no problems when growing, since the hybrid is maximally resistant to diseases and pest attacks. Productivity is high.

“Purple Miracle” has small cylindrical fruits, but very tasty. Also grown are “Vikar”, “Iceberg”, “Golden Eggs”, “Banana”, “Fat Master”, “White Egg”, “Black Beauty”, “Black Moon”, “Swan”, “Pelican”, “Ping Pong” "

You can plant “Chinese Green”, “Red Ruffled”. These varieties are distinguished by the unusual color of the fruit, which makes them a real highlight in home preparations. The same can be said about the varieties “Sailor”, “Rosa Bink”, “Pink Flamingo”, “Othello”, “Japanese Red”, “Orange”, “Turkish”, “Nautilus”. In central Russia, they grow “Solara”, “Donskoy”, “Arap”, “Maria”, “Donetsk Harvest”, “Valentina”, “Barbentane”, “Epic”, “Delicacy”.

Many varieties of eggplant can be successfully grow in the middle zone our homeland. Only when growing, you need to take into account some features, so to speak, preferences of a particular variety. Namely, what kind of soil he prefers, how many times it is advisable to water in greenhouse conditions and in open ground, next to which crops the growth of eggplants will be most favorable and other little things. Depending on the composition of the soil, it is necessary to periodically apply the necessary fertilizers, and, if necessary, treat plant bushes and roots with preparations to protect the crop from diseases and pests.

Gardeners and summer residents from different regions try to choose the best varieties of eggplants (, cucumbers, ...), most adapted to specific growing conditions. This plant can bear fruit various forms and colors. When choosing the best varieties of zoned, and not only, eggplants, it is worth considering many conditions. These include the whimsicality of the variety of these vegetables to one or another weather conditions, watering regimes, subtleties of fertilizing, soil requirements. Eggplants prefer highly fertile, light-textured soil.

According to the growing season, eggplant varieties are divided into: early, mid-early, mid-ripening, mid-late and late-ripening. The best of them (with description) are those that consistently bear fruit even with minor deviations of growing conditions from acceptable ones. Since the period of warm weather, favorable for the growing season of plants in different regions differs, the choice of eggplant variety for open and protected ground for any area has its own characteristics, and there is a large difference in yield from 1 square meter of one or another variety of vegetables, indicated below, exactly corresponds to the weather for which the summer will be generous.

Considering that in most climatic zones of Russia there are no conditions in which eggplant initially grows in nature, it is most preferable for planting in unprotected soil at a dacha or garden plot are early varieties. They are highly resistant to pests and have fairly large fruits. Their short ripening period allows them to be harvested even in areas with a fairly cool climate. Vegetables are mainly represented by low-growing plants. Also, these varieties can be successfully grown in greenhouses.

Varieties and hybrids that require a warm climate grow in protected ground. They are characterized by a long ripening period, due to which they have a more pleasant taste of the pulp. The average duration of fruit development is 120 days. To avoid spoiling the taste, you should not allow them to overripe.

The best varieties of eggplants for open ground in the Moscow region

There are several good varieties, perfectly existing in the open ground conditions of the Moscow region:

Black handsome

The variety, which is considered mid-season - 115-125 days, grows to a height of just over half a meter. Eggplants are distinguished by their beautiful color and firmness. They have a round shape and small sizes. Fruits can weigh from 210 to 220 grams. Productivity 9-11 kg.

Alyonka F1

Early ripening, one of the early ripening eggplants, with a standard shape for these vegetables, which has very good fertility. It is chosen by gardeners for cultivation not only for the Moscow region, but also for the Urals, North-Western and Far Eastern regions. The growing season varies from 110 to 115 days. Medium height bush. The pulp of the fruits (250-300 g) is colored greenish, they themselves are about 14 cm long. The yield of the variety is 6.5-7 kg.

Giselle F1

It is an early ripening hybrid with excellent cold resistance. After harvesting, the fruits (up to 23 cm) can be stored for more than a month. Giselle eggplants are grown both in greenhouses and in unprotected soil. The fruits are usually cylindrical vegetables. They are distinguished by their glossy dark purple skin (leaning toward black). The pulp of eggplants (each weighing 320-450 grams) has a white tint. In greenhouses the yield can reach up to 13-15 kg, in open ground about 8 kg.

When choosing eggplant varieties, it is worth remembering that this plant is heat-loving. The best early-ripening vegetables for the Moscow region, grown in greenhouses, are:

Othello F1

An early hybrid with richly colored fruits that gain weight up to 330 g. Even if the harvest is untimely, they are not able to lose their taste benefits, since seeds do not form in the fruits for a long time. Productivity from 6 kg and above.

King of the North F1

An early and cold-resistant eggplant hybrid with elongated fruits (up to 30 cm long and weighing 250-350 g) of a dark purple color, a very productive variety. Fruits grow in abundance.

Donetsk fruitful

Feels great in the Non-Black Earth zone. On 1 bush (up to 45 cm high), cylindrical fruits of 110-130 grams are formed. The harvest (3.7-4.9 kg) begins to be harvested after 125 days.

Eggplants of the best varieties for the Central Black Earth Region

This region is dominated by a temperate and mid-continental climate. Eggplants, which are preferably grown in this climatic zone, are represented by the following varieties:


It is a mid-season hybrid, bred for large quantity regions, including the above, for closed ground. Tall bushes grow up to 1.6 m. The vegetables themselves are slightly curved in shape with a pointed tip, have a purple hue and weigh 350-380 grams. They reach ripeness on days 96-102 with a yield of up to 13.5 kg.


It is the most prolific variety with friendly branching, grown in unprotected soil. The plant reaches 55 cm in height and, after 130-150 days, the vegetable (15-16.5 cm) is ready. The weight of the fruit is 110-145 g. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. Under favorable conditions, the yield is 6.5-7.5 kg.

The best eggplants for planting in the Volga-Vyatka region

For growing in unprotected soil of the Volga-Vyatka region, the following eggplants are optimal for planting:


This variety (65 cm in height) and the vegetable weight of 190-240 grams was bred specifically for this area. Its main difference is the color of the fruits (19-21 cm long): they are snow-white both inside and outside. Absolute absence of bitterness in taste. Growing conditions do not have any special subtleties. It takes 105-115 days before harvesting with a yield of 12-15 kg.


The plant is of medium height (about a meter) with dark purple early ripening fruits (weight, about 130 g and 10-11 cm long). The pulp is creamy, dense, the shape of the fruit is cylindrical. Grown in greenhouse conditions. Productivity - up to 4 kg.

Eggplant varieties for the Urals

Lolita F1

A popular hybrid among local gardeners, it has a ripening period of 115 to 120 days. The bush is distinguished by its small height in open ground - up to 80 cm and up to 2 or more meters in high greenhouses. The elongated fruits (20-22 cm) are colored black and purple. The average fruit weighs 230-280 grams. The pulp is white in color and has a small amount of seeds, as well as a lack of bitterness. Productivity rises to 13 kg.

Behemoth F1

Mid-season hybrid, ripening from 107 to 118 days. The vegetables (19-20 cm long) grow in the shape of a pear and have a dark lilac hue. The average fruit weight (without bitterness) can be 310-320 g. The pulp has a greenish-white tint. The marketable yield under very favorable conditions is 16 kg.


An early ripening variety, recommended for planting both outdoors and in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The pulp of ripe vegetables (16-17 cm in length) has a snow-white color. The ripening period is from 95 to 110 days from the moment the first shoots appear. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. The average weight of an eggplant varies from 160 to 190 grams. The yield of the variety is 11-14 kg.

Which open ground eggplants are useful for Siberia

Based on the peculiarities of the climate of vast Siberia, and it is oh so different in each region and region, but still sharply continental, we can assume that growing eggplants in the Siberian climate is best done in a greenhouse, and then as you decide.


It has a short ripening period (105-130 days). The vegetable is a pear-shaped fruit. The yield of low-standard eggplants of this variety rises to 6 kg. White pulp is diluted with a creamy tint.


Mid-season (120-125 days), which is intended for cultivation both in closed and open ground. The bushes grow spreading, with an average height of 60 cm. The fruit (120-210 g) has a pear shape, purple skin and greenish flesh. Productivity 4.5-6 kg.


Refers to mid-season varieties with a ripening period of 126-138 days. The plant produces fruits (150-200 g) in the shape of a cylinder 13-18 cm long. Productivity is 5.5-7.5 kg.

What varieties of eggplant are recommended for planting in the Far Eastern region

Average humid climate Far East, with a not very long summer, indicates specific names for eggplants to plant. Vegetables for it are represented by the following varieties:


Early ripening, with a short ripening period - from 112 to 125 days. The fruit grows in a shortened pear-shaped form. The skin color is violet-green. The pulp is white-green in color and has no bitterness. Each vegetable produces a large number of seeds. The average weight of the fetus (11-13 cm) is 100-115 g. Plants with a yield of 10-11 kg are resistant to bacterial rot.


It is a mid-season variety, represented by plants of small height. The fruits are cylindrical in shape with a dark purple skin. The pulp is whitish. The weight of each (total yield 3-3.5 kg) varies from 130 to 230 g.

King in the North

See above (for the Moscow region).

The best varieties of eggplants for planting in the North Caucasus District

The climate in the North Caucasus is quite favorable for growing such a heat-loving vegetable as eggplant. The following varieties develop most favorably in the conditions of the North Caucasus:


An eggplant variety zoned for cultivation in the Lower Volga and North Caucasus regions. It is early ripening, productive and neutral to many diseases. The bush produces fruits (16-17 cm), which have a dark purple hue, with creamy pulp. The average weight of each is 140 grams. The yield of Alekseevsky eggplants is 8-10 kg in good weather (usually 7-7.5 kg). The fruits ripen 100-105 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Plants have good immunity to major potato diseases.

Anet F1

An early-ripening hybrid (4.1-4.4 kg) is this eggplant, which produces cylinder-shaped fruits 15-22 cm long, black-purple in color, with whitish pulp, not containing a large number of seeds, weighing 170-220 g .


Represents mid-season variety with a ripening period of 120 days. Bushes can gain height up to one and a half meters. Eggplants are pear-shaped vegetables with dark purple skin. The average fruit weight varies from 100 to 150 grams. The pulp is greenish in color and contains a small amount of seeds. Productivity - 4.1-4.3 kg.


A mid-early variety with spreading bushes up to 0.9 meters high. The harvest is harvested by gardeners after 125-130 days. It is grown on the site, mainly in open ground by direct sowing. Vegetables 17.5-18.5 cm long have a cylindrical shape and a purple tint to the surface, the weight of which reaches 120-160 g. Average yield varieties 5-6 kg.

Fabina F1

A hybrid that produces fruits (each weighing 180-200 grams) of a dark purple color. Their pulp is whitish-green in color and does not contain voids. Fruits can form on the plant, each 21-22 cm long. The maximum yield is 5.5-6 kg.


Excellent for caviar and canning, represented by plants with semi-spreading bushes and slightly pubescent stems. The fruits (150-160 g) are cylindrical in shape and dark purple in color. Productivity 3.3-4 kg.

Eggplants grown taking into account regional climate characteristics not only provide bountiful harvest, but also more protected from attacks by diseases and pests. When choosing the best eggplant varieties for your region, be sure to take into account climatic conditions and soil characteristics.