The best varieties of cabbage for seedlings. The best varieties of white cabbage: characteristics and photos. Varieties for pickling

For many who do not experience growing white cabbage, it seems that there are few varieties of it and they are all similar to each other. In fact, only if you take into account the best varieties of cabbage, there are more than 50 of them, and to this it is worth adding the best varieties of cabbage for pickling and storage, early, mid and late ripening, etc. In total, today more than 80 varieties of white cabbage are officially registered, in addition to this there are also cauliflower, red cabbage, Savoy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. But in this article we will talk specifically about the best varieties of white cabbage.

Rating of the best varieties of early ripening cabbage

These forms are ideal for spring vegetable salads - light, soft, slightly crispy leaves, very juicy and tasty. Unlike mid-season ones, they ripen faster, are not as demanding on soil quality and take up less space. In greenhouses or greenhouses you can plant up to 10 heads of cabbage per 1 sq.m. and they will all fully develop and grow.

Among the most popular are the following varieties:

Rinda F1

Hybrid variety, reaching removable maturity already 76 days after germination. Stored until mid-summer. The head of cabbage is quite dense, but not tight, and can even be used for main courses. Can grow in any soil provided the temperature is stable (in greenhouses) and the soil is not too dense. It is recommended to periodically loosen the root zone, providing air access.

Cossack F1

A hybrid variety of super fast ripening - removable maturity occurs already 40 days after planting the seedlings, and 76 days after planting the seeds. The heads of cabbage are elastic, light green in color, the taste is sweetish, without early bitterness. It is grown only in greenhouses and greenhouses, and is little susceptible to diseases. The average weight of one head of cabbage reaches 1.5 kg. Stored for 4 months.


This is also the most common cabbage; the seeds are the best varieties for open ground. Heads of cabbage can be cut 60 days after planting the seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse and 76 days after planting the seeds. The color is light green, the taste is without bitterness, the structure is dense, not loose. Stores well for 3-4 months. You can leave it on the root for up to 2 weeks after ripening, and still it will not crack or fall apart into sheets. It also grows well in open ground and tolerates frosts well, but not prolonged frosts. Suitable for middle zone In Russia, the Urals and Siberia, to obtain an early harvest, they are grown only in greenhouse shelters.


Tobia F1

Large-fruited variety, where each head of cabbage weighs about 5.5-6 kg. The top leaf is bright green, gradually turning yellowish at the stalk itself. Juicy, very sweet, ideal for spring salads and first courses. Pickling doesn't have the best taste. And stored in fresh not for long - within a month. If left on the root, it will not crack for a long time.

The best varieties of cabbage for pickling for the winter

Here we will also tell you which varieties of cabbage are best for pickling. Canning and salting early forms is not recommended. Despite its fairly dense structure and rich taste, when salted cabbage becomes like sauerkraut and absolutely tasteless. Therefore, for winter preservation, it is recommended to use those varieties that reach technical maturity after at least 140 days. They are mainly planted in the soil of grass snakes in the form of seedlings (in greenhouses and greenhouses they can also be planted as seeds), after which the cover is removed and the plant is allowed to gain sunlight. Basically, such forms are resistant to diseases, but some varieties are susceptible to disease. Among the main ones are bacteriosis, white and gray rot, very rarely, usually in closed ground, phomosis occurs.

As a rule, the epidemic starts from tomatoes and spreads to cabbage. If possible, these vegetables should be grown separately from each other, or immediately, when the first signs of disease are detected, all crops should be treated.


One of the most popular varieties, producing a harvest already 3.5 months after planting the seedlings. Excellent for fresh consumption and for fermentation. The heads of cabbage are slightly flattened, weighing 4.5-5 kg. The top leaf is light green, the center is white, the stalk is small. It is stored without processing all winter, grown for export, that is, it tolerates transportation well.

Atria F1

If you need cabbage for pickling, the best varieties are led by the Atria hybrid. Gives a large harvest, reaching full maturity 140 days after full germination. The heads of cabbage are elastic, dense, ferment well, and the leaves are also good for cabbage rolls. The taste is juicy, sweetish, without bitterness. Does not crack even after prolonged exposure to measles. Stored all winter.


Refers to the forms of medium maturation, removable maturity occurs on the 135th day after planting the seedlings. It is not afraid of frost, but slows down growth during prolonged cold spells. It is recommended to grow in greenhouse conditions; when a stable above-zero temperature is reached and the sunny day lasts more than 6 hours, the cover is removed. Average resistance to diseases - they are not breeding grounds, but may suffer during an epidemic. Stored throughout the winter.

Midor F1

Hybrid form, ripening on the 155th day after full germination. The top leaf is a rich green color with a waxy coating, which ensures excellent preservation throughout the winter. The heads of cabbage are very dense, multi-leafed, and the stalk is small. Pronounced taste, no bitterness, ideal for pickling.

The best cabbage varieties to store for the winter

It is best to use for this purpose those forms that ripen for more than 145 days, but even mid-ripening ones will last through the winter in a completely viable state and will not lose their taste and elasticity of the leaves. Fundamental difference in storage there is no difference between these two forms. But it is traditionally believed that the later the cabbage is removed from the root, the longer it will remain with all the vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Aggressor F1

This is not just one of the most productive and shelf-stable varieties, it will easily top the ranking of the best cabbage varieties for central Russia. In addition to the fact that the Aggressor does not require special soil, careful care, large amounts of fertilizers and regular watering, it is practically not susceptible to diseases, and cut heads of cabbage can be stored for more than 6 months. The vegetable is quite large - up to 5 kg, does not crack, and remains elastic throughout the entire storage period. Great for salads, first and second courses and pickling.


Snow White

Ripens 3.5 months after planting the seedlings, grows well on open areas, but it is recommended to plant seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. The heads of cabbage are dense, elastic, the leaves are snow-white and crispy. Due to the high concentration of nutrients, it is recommended for children and dietary nutrition. It can be stored for more than 6 months without cracking or rotting. The variety itself is resistant to Phoma, but requires regular watering and fertilization. It is optimal for this purpose to use rotted compost or wood ash mixed with soil.

Snow White

Valentina F1

Form late maturing, reaching removable maturity 145-150 days after full germination. Unpretentious, watering infrequently, resistant to diseases and short frosts. It is better to plant seedlings in greenhouse conditions. The heads of cabbage are dense, but the leaves are removed very easily, due to which this variety is often grown for cabbage rolls. A hybrid variety that does not produce seeds for the next year.


Kolobok F1

A late-ripening hybrid that produces large, dense fruits weighing 5-5.5 kg. It may be affected by gray rot, or in exceptional cases by fomoz. Heads of cabbage sometimes rot, so the crop should be periodically checked for rot during storage. In general, Kolobok cabbage is a productive variety that can be stored for up to 7 months.

The best varieties of cauliflower

Compared to white cabbage, cauliflower- a relatively new guest on the Russian table, but she has long been loved by our fellow citizens. A whole complex of valuable amino acids, including lysine and arginine, easy to prepare, pleasant taste, low calorie content - useful properties quite a lot. Today it is grown in many greenhouses, especially since it is unpretentious in care and is little susceptible to diseases.

Among the most popular varieties are Snow Globe, Express, Flora Blanca and others.

Snow globe

A productive variety that produces about 4 kg from just one bed. The weight of the heads of cabbage depends on the growing conditions and reaches 1200 grams at favorable conditions. Suitable for fresh consumption, preparation of first and second courses, as well as for fermentation.

Snow globe


Small socket and maximum weight up to 0.5 kg. Strong and healthy, little susceptible to diseases and pests. Refers to forms early maturation and gives removable maturity already 60 days after planting the seedlings. It is afraid of prolonged frosts, so it is recommended to grow it in greenhouses or hothouses, and when the temperature rises to 15 degrees and above, the film can be removed. Productivity is average - up to 2 kg per 1 sq.m.


Flora Blanca

A real decoration for garden beds. The rosette is quite tall, which makes it stand out among other varieties and is dense. Stores well for 3-4 months. It is recommended not to cut it from the root immediately after reaching ripeness (100-105 days), but to leave it for a few more days, which will only add flavor. It is planted in greenhouses, after a month and a half you can open the film.

Flora Blanca

It is clear that this is only a small part of the varieties, but these are the most proven and truly better variety white cabbage and cauliflower, the quality of which even we were convinced of.

VIDEO: The best varieties of early and late ripening

Cabbage as an agricultural crop does not require care at the ripening stage. But experience has proven that such misconceptions harm cultivation. A common place for growing cabbage is open ground, and choosing a variety for it is a difficult matter. Characteristics of varieties will help determine the best types, how to properly care for them, which garden crop to choose, and for what purposes cabbage can be used after ripening.

Growing cabbage in the garden is profitable and easy

What are the rules for growing vegetables in open ground?

The preface mentioned that cabbage requires care, contrary to popular belief among gardeners. There are many dangers awaiting the fruit in open ground than in a greenhouse. Threats can be classified into basic categories, they look like this:

  • Diseases.
  • Pests.
  • Animals.
  • Unsuitable soil.
  • External conditions.

It is better to buy cabbage seeds from trusted companies

Each factor has a detrimental effect on the development and growth of cabbage, and it is not recommended to turn a blind eye to these points.

The best varieties for open ground


This variety of cabbage is a discovery for gardeners who grow crops in open ground. Gribovsky-147 is classified as an early-ripening species: its distinctive feature is medium-density heads of cabbage. The weight of each of them varies between 1-3 kg. Heads and leaves are a pale shade of green. The Gribovsky-147 variety is one of those characterized by friendly formation. It is better to sow cabbage in mid-April, planting in mid-May. Planting on a land area of ​​40 by 60 centimeters.

Variety Gribovsky 147 is excellent for private farming

  • This variety of cabbage must be grown in open ground carefully; attention should be paid to the acidity of the soil and shade.
  • It is also important to protect the plant from pests and insects, for which it is recommended to stock up on specialized preparations.
  • Frosts are also dangerous for the Gribov culture; the species is planted late. Ripening of this variety occurs, depending on conditions, in 90-120 days.

Growing through seedlings accelerates harvest ripening

For one square meter soil, you can get a harvest of up to 7 kilograms of heads of cabbage. Gribovsky-147 is indispensable for culinary masterpieces.

No. 1 polar K-206 (early ripening species)

Mid-early cabbage variety “No. 1 polar K-206” is a common and good variety for open ground. Experienced gardeners prefer early ripening varieties K-206. Distinctive characteristics of this variety: a compact rosette (half a meter diagonal), half-raised leaves and a rounded head of regular shape. The leaves have a grayish tint, although this variety is naturally devoid of them.

Variety No. 1 Polar K-206 was bred for industrial cultivation in the northern regions

The diameter of the head of cabbage ranges from 15–25 centimeters, and the weight is up to 2.2 kilograms. It is important to note the yield. The minimum value is 6 kg, maximum up to 11 kg. The advantage of K-206 is its resistance to cracks on the head of cabbage. This variety has minimal flowering. In cooking would be better suited for raw consumption, salads and pickling.

Of the varieties suitable for open ground, this one contains maximum quantity vitamins C and K.


This variety is smaller in size, although it compensates for this with rapid growth and productivity. This variety, which also grows in open ground, has a head weight of 1.5 kilograms. The “Transfer” variety is also highly resistant to cracking. The color is light green and the inside is white.

Agronomists classify the variety as one that produces crops quickly. Hybrid. “Transfer” also withstands frosts positively.

Transfer cabbage cannot be picked, but sown in separate containers

The variety is grown for raw consumption. But it is also suitable for preparing cabbage soup, borscht, cabbage rolls and other dishes. Seating starts in April. Seeds are sown through peat pots - “Transfer” does not tolerate transplantation well. The variety is susceptible to red flea beetles, and therefore requires spraying with appropriate preparations to protect against the pest. “Transfer” ripens quickly, in 50 days - a record among varieties that are suitable for growing in open ground.

F Sprint

The positive features of “Transfer” were also borrowed by another hybrid – F Sprint. Among the similarities, the rapid ripening of the variety is noted - in open ground this process takes 55 days. The head of cabbage of this variety is round, the leaves have a faintly visible waxy coating. F Sprint is distinguished by its density, which has a better effect on weight. The weight of a single specimen starts from 900 grams and reaches 1.8 kg. It is resistant to cracks; cabbage seeds can be planted early - already in early April. Friendly maturation is another characteristic feature varieties. Productivity reaches 10 kilograms per square meter of open ground. Already in June - July, the first plants for human consumption are produced.

The Sprint variety is very productive and can be stored well until spring.

F Sprint performs best as an ingredient in salads. The yield of marketable products is 92% - a record figure for cabbage.

Best Features:

  • Early variety.
  • High yield.
  • Maximum yield percentage.
  • Frost resistance.
  • High density of heads of cabbage.

F Rinda

Variety F Rinda is the complete antipode of its twin brother F Sprint, it is several times larger in size and weight than an individual head of cabbage. One plant weighs 4-6 kilograms. The density of the variety is average, and the leaves are arranged compactly - using a standard mesh for planting, you get acceptable yields. F Rinda resists frosts well, but in conditions of lack of moisture it does not live long - gardeners lose their harvest due to the fact that they did not bother to better monitor the condition of the soil.

Rinda cabbage - a new product for farms

Among the disadvantages of the variety, there is an increased requirement for the level of lighting - a price paid for the large size of heads of cabbage and high yield.

Cabbage F Rinda is juicy and soft, which makes it the best ingredient for salads and other dishes national cuisine. A distinctive feature of the variety is the ability long-term storage. It can also be transported over long distances - the strength of the heads of cabbage is above average.

This variety is indicated for open ground, but unlike the others presented above, it is mid-early - its ripening period is slightly longer than the presented varieties of cabbage. This period is at least 100 days, and if there is a lack of heat - 150 days. The weight of heads of cabbage varies from one and a half to three kilograms; in warm climate zones it can exceed this figure. Golden hectare better resists frost and is transported over long distances. It is better to plant in the ground according to a pattern of 60 by 60 centimeters.

Golden Hectare cabbage has been tested by time

The yield is at least 5 kilograms per square meter. With proper care and absence of diseases, the yield is up to 9 kilograms, which is above the average for mid-early varieties.

Golden hectare is better suited for fresh consumption, as well as for preparing cabbage soup, borscht and cabbage rolls.

Golden hectare cabbage collection

Salient and Best Features:

  • Long ripening.
  • Disease resistance.
  • Early disembarkation.
  • Undemanding to care and climate.


When talking about cabbage varieties that are suitable for planting in open ground, it is important to note late varieties. A popular representative is Kolobok. Similar varieties of plants are stored during the winter. The ripening period is at least 130, and sometimes even 150 days. Heads of cabbage with a minimum weight of 3 kg, although they can reach 5 kg. 50-day-old seedlings are planted in the ground at the beginning of summer, and the seeds are pre-treated with heat to resist pests.

The Kolobok variety sells well on the market

Head harvesting begins in October, which is convenient for many agricultural farms and gardeners: the load on them is less than in other months of the year.

Heads of cabbage with a density above average. Cabbage of the Kolobok variety is better suited for salads and pickling. It can be stored until early summer next year. Advantages and best qualities:

  • Undemanding to climatic conditions.
  • High resistance to frost.
  • Storage.

What diseases are cabbage varieties exposed to in open ground?

Diseases are a common factor that deprives gardeners of crops - they cause damage. Agronomists call Alternaria blight as a disease of cabbage grown in open ground. Another name for this disease is black spotting. The symptoms are easy to recognize: the plant is abundantly covered with necrotic formations in the form brown spots irregular shape: more often - ellipse, less often - round.

Cabbage rot is an insidious disease that can destroy the crop.

As the disease develops, the formations become concentric and cover the surface of the plant. A black coating is noticeable around them - fungal spores, which become breeding grounds for the disease.

To prevent this, the seeds are heated at a temperature of 50 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Cabbage aphids suck juices from plants

White rot is no less common. Rotting is possible from the head and outside. In 80% of cases, the first symptom is a coating on the lower part of the leaves, which to the touch and visually resembles a cobweb. Infection occurs in open ground due to increased acidity. Other common diseases: leukemia, penosporosis, downy mildew and vascular bacteriosis pose a much lesser danger to this crop.

It is not always possible to sow cabbage seedlings for various reasons. But don’t despair, you can plant the seeds directly in the ground, in a permanent place. In this situation there is important rule, seed placement should occur no deeper than 1.5–3 cm, so the holes are made small. As soon as the cabbage sprouts, it is thinned out so that there is 40 cm between the bushes. To grow cabbage in open ground, you need to take into account climatic conditions.

Important: When planting cabbage without seedling method the growing season can be significantly reduced, since seedlings do not need time to rehabilitate in a new place.

By climate

It's worth remembering that cabbage is sown directly into the ground very early so that the first seedlings appear before the summer heat. The sun can have a detrimental effect on young, immature plants, since during this period cabbage requires a lot of moisture and cool conditions. The approximate time for planting seeds in open ground is the beginning of April; you should not be afraid of frosts, they will not harm the cabbage.

According to the purpose of cultivation

This is also an important factor, since the sowing time will directly depend on what the cabbage is needed for:

  • If for salads in the summer, then cabbage is sown, the growing season of which does not exceed 70–90 days. In this case, you can get two harvests over the summer by sowing early spring and in the second half of July.
  • For salads and sourdough, mid-season hybrids can be planted; the time for sowing in the ground will be in late April, early May, and the harvest can be harvested on the 120th day. Mid-season varieties give good harvest, have good taste and are well stored, up to 3 months.
  • Mid-late varieties are also planted. These hybrids have a shelf life and allow you to enjoy fresh cabbage salads until the next harvest. But before planting late cabbage, you need to understand that its ripening period is 170–190 days.

Difference from domestic species

To get a good cabbage harvest when planted in open ground planting material you need to choose frost-resistant hybrids, which will not be afraid of spring and autumn frosts. If you decide to sow seeds in the ground in the middle zone, then you can use such a trick as covering material. After the seeds are planted in the ground, the area is covered with film or mulched - this will protect the crops from frost.

Most Popular

There are several best varieties of cabbage that are ideal for planting in open ground.


An early ripening variety that germinates well in open ground, the growing season is 110 days. The heads of cabbage are round, with good taste and medium density. The weight of one head reaches up to 2.5 kg, with a diameter of 20 cm. This variety tolerates frosts down to -5, so it can be planted in open ground, even in central Russia.

Watch a video about the features of late cabbage “Iyunskaya”:

Dumas F1

Early ripening, salad variety, zoning period 110 days. The head of cabbage is small, round, weighing only one and a half kilograms. Tolerates thickened planting well. It grows in open ground, tolerates frost, and can be harvested at the end of August.


An early variety that produces a harvest on the 123rd day from planting. Cabbage is only suitable for making salads, as the heads of cabbage are loose weighing up to 1.7 kg.


A variety with an average ripening period of 135 days can begin harvesting. Heads of cabbage can grow up to 4.5 kg each. It is worth noting that this variety feels very good when planted in open ground, as it is adapted to different climatic conditions. It is not afraid of frost, tolerates lack of moisture well and practically does not get sick.


- the most popular and often planted variety in open ground in our country. The growing season is 130 days, the heads of cabbage are round, dense, weighing up to 5 kg, and have excellent keeping quality. A variety with a long shelf life, universal, with excellent taste..

SB-3 F1

Mid-season hybrid, ripens in 135 days. The weight of a dense, round head of cabbage can reach 5 kg. In addition to the fact that the hybrid tolerates frost, it is high-yielding, undemanding to care and resistant to disease. You can store fresh heads of cabbage until the end of January.

Kolobok F1

This is a late hybrid that will mature in 150 days. One head of cabbage reaches 5 kg in weight, while having excellent taste and increased density. The variety grows well when planted directly in the ground, but it is worth taking into account weather conditions so that it can ripen well. The harvest can be stored until the end of May, provided it is harvested at the end of October.

Watch the video about the features:

Moscow late

Large-fruited, late-ripening variety with a head weight of up to 15 kg and a growing season of 160 days. Due to its frost resistance, it grows well in open ground; only young seedlings need to be covered with film to protect them from severe frosts. The variety is perfectly stored until the next harvest, and has an excellent taste when fermented.

Attention: It is wrong to say that one variety is better than another, since everything depends on the region of planting. Some late-ripening varieties may not ripen in the Siberian climate.


White cabbage has excellent taste, that’s why the people of our country fell in love with it. With proper care and choice of planting time, it can be grown by sowing directly into the ground and get excellent harvest, which will be stored all winter.

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If you decide to plant white cabbage in your garden, you are probably wondering what variety of this vegetable you should choose? Each variety of cabbage has its own pros and cons, which you need to know about before purchasing seeds. Next, you will learn what varieties of white cabbage there are and their characteristics.

Early ripe white cabbage

The best time for sowing early ripening cabbage is early March. When 4-5 leaves appear, young seedlings are transplanted into the ground under open sky. If you plant seeds directly into the ground, then best time for this - with last days April and until mid-May. Such varieties ripen within 55-100 days. This period may vary depending on the type of cabbage itself. There are some vegetable crops that will ripen in two months.

Its yield is small, on average 150-500 c/ha. Sometimes it reaches 700 c/ha, but not higher. Selective harvesting of already ripe cabbage occurs in mid-summer. Early varieties have medium-sized rosettes with 10-15 leaves, loose forks. But their advantage is rapid growth. Kochany early species cabbages may crack and become bloomy.

Early ripening varieties are not used for long storage and for pickling.


The most popular early ripening variety. The head of this species is denser than that of other early crops. June cabbage grows well even in cramped environments, but it requires a lot of light. Any darkening leads to growth stagnation.

This is a cold-resistant variety that can withstand light frosts down to -5 ° C, which makes it possible to plant cabbage in early spring. However, it does not tolerate excess moisture.

Another advantage is that it is grown throughout Russia. Moderately resistant to pests such as cabbage fly and cruciferous flea beetle. This vegetable crop, like all early ones, is used only fresh or in hot dishes in the summer. It is not at all suitable for storage.


This variety is an early ripening hybrid, for which gardeners and summer residents value it. Compared to the “Iyunskaya”, its forks are twice as dense. Cossack is grown by seedlings or by sowing seeds directly into the soil. It is preferable to plant in not too hot sunny areas, avoiding lack of moisture and cold northern winds.

Plantings can be attacked by insects. Cossack is susceptible to diseases such as clubroot, bacteriosis, powdery mildew - they can destroy the entire crop in just a few days. A good preventative measure is a layer of mulch when planting young shoots. To combat powdery mildew, a solution of potassium permanganate is an excellent measure.

The variety is resistant to slight sub-zero temperatures. Disadvantages include poor resistance to head cracking. Cabbage leaves are very tender, so they are more suitable for fresh cooking.

Farmers are aware that vegetable heads may burst as they form. The reason is excess moisture. By reducing watering 2-3 weeks before harvest, you can prevent this unpleasant moment.

Mid-season white cabbage

The growing season of this cabbage is 80-170 days. The finished harvest is harvested towards the end of summer. The heads of mid-ripening cabbage are larger than those of early-ripening cabbage and have an average density. Types of mid-ripening vegetables are more productive than early-ripening ones, but inferior to late-ripening varieties. These varieties of cabbage are characterized by the presence of 20-25 small leaves.

Unlike its predecessors, mid-season cabbage is better suited for quick pickling autumn period. But it is often used in its natural form. Stuffed cabbage rolls, vegetable pies, stews and pies are especially tasty. Another advantage over early vegetables is a longer shelf life. If all conditions are met, it can sit well for a couple of months.

A popular hybrid among gardeners due to its high yield, which reaches 343-626 c/ha. The maximum yield was recorded in the Volgograd region - 895 c/ha. Cabbage ripens in about three months after it is planted. The plant loves water and light. Very resistant to many common diseases and pests.

Contains an ideal set of minerals and vitamins, has a good taste and good shelf life. Suitable for first and second courses, for fermentation.

A time-tested old variety of cabbage. Her forks are large, juicy, and white. Unlike other varieties, “Slava” is well suited for growing in dry regions because it is unpretentious to moisture. It is not worth watering it too much, as the heads of cabbage may burst. Needs plenty of loosening. Productivity – 320-400 c/ha.

To keep cabbage juicy, it is harvested after the first frost. But you shouldn’t delay this, as it is prone to cracking. Easily tolerates sub-zero temperatures. Cabbage Slava is sensitive to diseases such as powdery mildew, clubroot, and blackleg. Included in the list of the most best views for preparations for the winter, pickling, salting. The shelf life of this type of cabbage lasts only 90 days.

For storage, choose medium-sized, denser cabbage. Different varieties don't mix. Leave 2-3 top leaves and up to 4 cm of stalk. Cracked heads of cabbage cannot be stored.

Mid-late varieties

Heads of mid-late cabbage are denser, and the taste characteristics are higher than those of early and middle varieties. They are less picky about growing conditions than their earlier counterparts.

Symphony loves good watering and sunlight. It is grown on an industrial scale. Symphony cabbage grows well in fertile, soft soils with a neutral acidity level. Requires a lot of light and good things, abundant watering.

It resists Fusarium fungus well. This is a universal variety, intended for different types processing. Without special conditions, it is not recommended to store until spring.


This is a reliable, ancient variety of cabbage, known since 1961. In Russia, this vegetable is classified as a mid-late vegetable. not demanding on soils. It is planted in sunny areas, not under trees. Even in a little shade, the heads of cabbage grow loose and the leaves become small. Requires good watering, especially at the end of summer, when the forks are being laid. It has strong immunity, but preventive measures must be taken, as it can be affected by clubroot.

Podarok cabbage has high taste characteristics and is universal in use. Typically harvested in late summer, early winter. But if the cabbage gets exposed to a little frost, then it will be even tastier in winter preparations. It has a long shelf life - 6-7 months (until February-March). Due to the fact that the leaves of this variety are thin, they make excellent cabbage rolls.

The density and size of the head of cabbage depend on the time of ripening. The longer the period, the denser and larger the plugs will be.

Late white cabbage

This cabbage ripens for a maximum of 220 days. The varieties are resistant to low temperatures and are not afraid of the first autumn frosts. Vice versa, low temperature helps heads of cabbage form faster. But, unfortunately, it does not tolerate such temperatures in early spring. Therefore, it is grown only by seedlings.

Unlike other types of cabbage, late cabbage has tight heads and is intended for longer storage. Moreover taste qualities and they only get better. This type of cabbage takes longer to ripen than others, but it is stored until spring, or even summer. It depends on the variety.

The variety appeared thanks to Belarusian breeders . The ripening period is approximately 165 days. Very resistant to rotting, but not very resistant to various diseases. Distinctive feature- noticeable bluish tint.

Tolerates frost and lack of moisture well. Unpretentious to grow. Does best in slightly acidic soil. It is used for fermentation, both in shredded form and as whole heads. It can be stored for a long time, up to 8 months.

Any cabbage loves alkaline soil. It grows difficult on heavy, loamy soils, and even worse on acidic ones. Therefore, knowledgeable gardeners deoxidize the soil before planting. To do this, add a little ash, chalk, lime or dolomite flour.

This cabbage became known back in the 40s and is in demand to this day. Suitable for cultivation throughout the Russian Federation, except for the northernmost regions, where the heads of cabbage do not have time to ripen. Requires regular watering and sufficient quantity mineral fertilizers. With prolonged exposure to hot weather, forks may slow down their growth.

May be subject to vascular bacteriosis and black rot. "Amager 611" is perfectly preserved until the next harvest, but can be subject to gray mold and spot necrosis. With long-term storage, the taste improves. Fresh cabbage a little harsh and has a bitter aftertaste, which disappears closer to spring. It is better to ferment this cabbage a couple of months after harvesting so that the bitterness goes away.

The most valuable varieties vegetable crops are mid-late and late. They are stored for a long time, practically without accumulating nitrates. These types of cabbage are considered the best for pickling.


The heads of cabbage of this crop are light green in color, dense, sometimes reaching 4 kg. The leaves are very juicy. When watered cold, it can be affected by the “black leg” disease.

High adaptability to different light conditions. This variety requires a lot of water to grow. But, excess moisture can negatively affect growth. One of the most suitable varieties for pickling.

The heads of cabbage grow small, up to 3 kg. Fertile, with a neutral reaction - the most best soil, so that this variety produces a good harvest. This crop is resistant to diseases and pests. Designed for different types of processing.

The leaves are juicy, so Filibuster cabbage is ideal for pickling and for preparing fresh dishes. Filibuster is considered one of the best in terms of taste. Gives high yield, which reaches 448-549 c/ha, 20-80 c/ha higher than the Krumont and Kolobok standards.

Modern varieties

A large number of varieties and hybrids are created by specialist breeders. This helps to grow cabbage in different regions with different weather conditions, adapting it to different habitats.

Each region creates its own types of cabbage. This vegetable crop is considered moisture-loving, but not in all regions the weather is favorable for growing the vegetable. Today, cabbage hybrids are being created that can produce a good harvest in any conditions without any problems.

This is a medium-late ripening variety that is resistant to adverse weather conditions. An exception may be heavy rains, which cause the heads of cabbage to burst. It is unpretentious in cultivation and can produce good harvests even in depleted soils.

At high humidity and low temperatures are affected by powdery mildew and gray mold. Before tying a head of cabbage, preventive measures against diseases must be carried out. One of the best means This produces an infusion of onion and garlic peels, which are then sprayed on the plants. Does not require frequent feeding. Very dense forks, resistant to cracking. This variety is considered one of the best for pickling.

Baby (2010)

This is an early ripening miniature hybrid. The weight reaches only 0.8 kg. The value of the hybrid lies in obtaining an early harvest. The growing season reaches 100 days. This vegetable is suitable for compacted plantings.

Good internal structure. Resistant to cracking. It is recommended to eat fresh.

Early maturing domestic hybrid. Suitable for growing only by seedlings, like all varieties of early cabbage. The growing season is only 60-95 days, thanks to which the crop is harvested twice a year. Cabbage Express loves well-lit areas without strong winds.

The density of the head is average. The disadvantage is that this variety of cabbage is only suitable for eating fresh, but it is very tasty due to its juiciness.

The most productive varieties

The most productive varieties and hybrids include mid-ripening, late-ripening and late. Early varieties do not produce big harvest. They are more valued for their short ripening period and are intended for consumption in the summer.

Medium-ripening crops have a growing season slightly longer than early ones, but they are more productive. Those farmers and summer residents who want to get a high yield prefer later-ripening varieties and hybrids. As a rule, such vegetables have a much larger head and a higher shelf life.

This is a hybrid. It was bred by Dutch breeders. The variety belongs to the average ripening period. Grows well in various climatic conditions. resistant to temperature changes, but she does not like to be without water for a long time. The vegetable really needs sunlight, otherwise growth is noticeably reduced.

Immunity to various diseases is strong, but can be attacked by pests - cruciferous flea beetles and slugs. This variety of cabbage is well suited for preparing salads, soups, cabbage rolls, and stews. It is also used for fermentation, pickling and other types of processing. Its leaves are very juicy and sweet, and have an excellent taste. Commercial yield reaches 900-914 c/ha.

This is a late-ripening variety, the fruit weight of which reaches 15 kg. Despite its large size, cabbage is not susceptible to cracking. It is one of those types of cabbage that is widely used for pickling and other types of processing, such as pickling and canning.

This vegetable crop always brings a high yield, which reaches 4000 c/ha. This is a very high figure. Common diseases mainly arise not due to the characteristics of the variety, but due to improper watering, non-compliance temperature regime.

Cabbage is a mid-early variety. It has been popular with gardeners for 80 years. This record holder appeared in 1938, and in 1943 it was included in the state register of the Russian Federation. Sometimes the name Golden Hectare 1432 is found. It is the same thing. It is considered one of the most productive varieties, which yields up to 800 c/ha. Usually the harvest is harvested in several passes, as the heads of cabbage ripen one by one.

Tolerates long periods of lack of moisture and light frosts. Medium density head. Golden hectare is resistant to various diseases, but is more sensitive to cabbage clubroot. The leaves of this crop have an excellent taste, very juicy and sweet.

When ripening, it is good to apply fertilizers such as wood ash, ammonium nitrate, mullein infusion, once a month. chicken droppings. Thanks to this, cabbage heads grow larger and more dense.

Standing varieties

Standing varieties differ in the density of the heads. For long-term storage, mid-late and mid-late varieties are best suited. late storage. Some of these types of cabbage only improve their properties when stored. Such varieties include, for example, “Zimovka”, “Snow White”, “Turkiz”, “Belorusskaya”.

Late ripening variety. It is valued because it is well stored until the next harvest. Moreover, its taste only improves over time, the bitterness goes away, and the sweetness increases. This happens after about 3-4 months. Therefore, it is good to eat it fresh from the second half of winter.

Appearance Wintering cabbage is well preserved due to the density of the heads. Tolerates lack of moisture well. Adapts well to various temperature changes. Adapts well to various temperature changes. Wintering has a strong immunity to diseases, but is not resistant to pests such as cruciferous flea beetles, white butterflies and aphids.

Turkis came to us from Germany. The heads of this variety reach 3 kg and are cast in a dark green color. It prefers loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil. Tolerates cold well. Moisture-loving plant. It loves light very much, so it grows best in the southern regions.

Has good immunity to various diseases. It is good to use fresh after long-term storage.

Refers to mid-season varieties. Despite this, it is stored until April. This variety has many advantages. Therefore, it has been very popular for 70 years. One of the advantages is the ability to produce a good harvest in cold regions, up to 785 c/ha.

The seedlings are transplanted to those areas of the garden where the sun shines well. Daytime and evening sun is not as important for her as morning sun. “Belarusian” cabbage is sensitive to vascular bacteriosis, clubroot. In general, it is very resistant to diseases, but only with proper care during its cultivation. This variety is mainly grown for pickling and pickling. But borscht, soups, and stews also turn out very tasty.

This is a late-ripening hybrid. The heads of this cabbage sometimes reach 5 kg. The harvest is usually harvested from November to December. If harvested too early, the vegetable may quickly wilt. Harvesting too late can cause the cabbage heads to burst.

Varieties for pickling

Cabbage that ripens early does not have time to collect enough sugars and vitamins. Therefore, it is not suitable for pickling and pickling. Some late-ripening varieties, for example, “Amager” and “Kolobok,” are also not suitable for this. They contain a glycoside substance that imparts bitterness.

The sweetest and juiciest sauerkraut obtained from mid-season. Particularly good are “Slava 1305”, “Belorusskaya 455”, “Moskovskaya Pozdnyaya”, “Kharkovskaya Zimnyaya”, “Vyuga”.

This vegetable was bred in Siberia. Belongs to mid-late varieties. Many farmers consider it one of the best for winter storage. "Vyuga" is resistant to unstable weather conditions and temperature changes. But she has one peculiarity. You can’t moisten the soil too much; it really doesn’t like it. In another case, the roots begin to rot and mold appears on the lower leaves.

Powdery mildew, butterflies, caterpillars, cabbage fly, blackleg are the main pests of this variety. Preventive measures are definitely needed.

This is a late ripening variety. It grows well in lowlands. Loves fertile soil and good watering. It has a high stump and large heads of cabbage, so it can fall over on its side. To do this, the cabbage is hilled high.

Its disadvantage is the tendency of the heads to burst when there is an excess of watering. The main advantage is the high yield, which ranges from 602-885 c/ha. The maximum reached 1015 c/ha. This type of cabbage does not require care. It ferments very quickly, which is why it is used.

This is late cabbage. Most farmers advise watering this variety daily after planting the seedlings. This variety can be grown without problems by sowing seeds. In this case, the heads reach large sizes, due to the fact that the roots are fixed very deeply in the ground and the culture becomes viable.

The advantage of this cabbage is that it can withstand hot weather well. Tolerates temperatures down to -2°C well. Cabbage is resistant to diseases such as spot necrosis and bacteriosis. This variety is versatile in nutrition.

Varieties and hybrids of cabbage for different regions

Different varieties and hybrids of cabbage are suitable for different regions. Some are well adapted to hot weather. Others are cold-resistant. There are universal varieties that can produce good harvests in different climatic conditions.

For Ukraine and Southern Russia

In these regions, the climate is very hot and there is not the amount of rain necessary for normal cabbage growth. But here the summer is longer than in other regions, so cabbage is harvested twice a year. There are special varieties that tolerate hot climates and lack of moisture well. Early varieties that ripen before the first hot days are especially in demand.

For central Russia and the Moscow region

For these regions there is large number varieties. The climate here is well suited to many types of cabbage, due to its stability and the small number of days with high temperature.

For the Urals and Siberia

It is cold-resistant varieties that grow well in these regions. These are mainly early, mid-season varieties that produce a harvest even before the first frost arrives. They tolerate short, cold summers well. Late-ripening varieties are unpopular here.

For Ukraine and Southern Russia For central Russia and the Moscow region For the Urals and Siberia For all regions
  • Aigul;
  • Bourbon;
  • Flash;
  • Katarina;
  • Eliza;
  • Ritsa;
  • Goryanka 5;
  • Derbent local improved;
  • Nozomi;
  • Flash;
  • Legate;
  • Parel;
  • Dawn.


  • Gloria;
  • Grace;
  • Juliet;
  • Caporal;
  • Kozak;
  • Coronet;
  • Pilot;
  • Samur 2;
  • Centurion;
  • Potomac;
  • Brigadier;
  • Jeant;
  • Taurus;
  • Bagaevskaya;
  • Quartet;
  • Marlo;
  • Sati;
  • Slav;
  • Sorcerer;
  • Yuzhanka 31;
  • Beruchekutskaya 138.
  • Zarya;
  • Baroque;
  • Kilagreg;
  • Pandion;
  • Golden hectare 1432;
  • Stakhanovka 1513;
  • Transfer;
  • Dot;
  • Malachite;
  • Aurora;
  • Admiral;
  • Zenith;
  • Capital.


  • Krautman;
  • Kilagherb;
  • Losinoostrovskaya 8;
  • Taininskaya;
  • Megaton;
  • Aggressor;
  • Grandma's pickle;
  • Barton;
  • Countess.
  • Albatross;
  • Wintering 1474;
  • Ramkila;
  • Kilaton;
  • Kronos;
  • Stone head;
  • Knight;
  • Vestri;
  • Duchess;
  • Idyll.
  • Express;
  • Transfer;
  • Bronco;
  • Kevin;
  • Artost;
  • Dot;
  • Amazon;
  • Eton;
  • Cumbria;
  • Malachite;
  • Parel;
  • Pructor.


  • Tobia;
  • Siberian 60;
  • Hope;
  • Tequila;
  • Devotor;
  • Krautkaiser;
  • Leopold;
  • Megaton.
  • Megaton;
  • Florin;
  • Prestige;
  • Valentina;
  • Extra;
  • Thomas;
  • Orion;
  • Atria;
  • Vestri;
  • Crewmont.
  • June;
  • Cossack;
  • Number one Gribovsky 147.


  • Present;
  • Kolobok.

Main characteristics of popular varieties of white cabbage:

Name (year of inclusion in the state register of the Russian Federation) Variety/Hybrid Head weight (kg) Soil for growing Ripening time (days) Harvest Commodity
Appearance, features Storage
June (1967) variety 0,9-2,4
(maximum 5)
slightly acidic
light loamy
90-110 end of June
(in the southern regions 20 days earlier)

The leaf is small.
The head of cabbage is light yellow when cut.

not intended
Cossack (1996) hybrid 0,8-1,2 fertile 106-112 early July 318-461 The leaf is small, dark green with blue tint. When cut, the head of cabbage is white with a yellowish-cream tint. stays well until autumn

hybrid 2,8-3,1
with a neutral reaction
85-90 end of September - October 343-626 Medium leaf, green with gray tint.
The head of cabbage is white when cut.
short-term, before the beginning of winter
Slava 1305 (1940) variety 2,4-4,5 slightly acidic
rich in humus
101-132 second half of July + two weeks 570-930 The leaf is medium-sized, dark green with a bluish tint.
The head of cabbage is white with a cream tint when cut.
up to three months
hybrid 1,7-3,0 the most favorable lowland peat-boggy soils up to 160 September 356-832 The leaf is large and green.
The head of cabbage is white when cut.
until January
Filibuster (2014) hybrid 2,7-3,1 well permeable, fertile, with a neutral reaction 125 September 25-October 10 448-549 The leaf is medium-sized, gray-green with a strong waxy coating.
The head of cabbage is yellowish when cut.
no longer than 5 months

hybrid 1,7-2,8 well permeable, fertile,
with a neutral reaction
115-125 September - October 214-500 The leaf is medium, gray-green. The head of cabbage is whitish when cut. before winter
variety 2,6-4,4 fertile 114-134 August-September 582-910 The leaf is medium-sized, gray-green with a waxy coating, wrinkled. The head of cabbage is greenish-white when cut. 6 - 7 months
variety 2,5-3,2 slightly acidic 165-175 October 800-1000 The leaf is elastic, dark green, densely covered with a waxy layer. The head of cabbage is green with a whitish coating. up to 8 months

variety 2,6-3,6 With increased acidity 117-148 end of September – October 350-600 The leaf is smooth or slightly wrinkled, gray-green, with a strong waxy coating.
The head of cabbage is medium-sized, greenish-white when cut.
until April
hybrid 2,5-3,0 unpretentious, grows well in depleted soils 130-150 with the onset of cold weather 431-650 The leaf is medium-sized, rounded, gray-green.
The head is medium-sized, whitish when cut, with yellow veins.
5 months
hybrid 1,8-2,6 fertile 120-125 from late August to mid-October 487-566 The leaf is medium, blue-green. The head of cabbage is whitish when cut. 4-5 months
Baby (2010) hybrid 0,8-1,0 fertile up to 100 August 195-384 The leaf is small. The head of cabbage is small in size, whitish when cut. short-lived
hybrid 0,9-1,3 fertile black soil and neutral pH 60-95 July 330-385 The leaf is small, light green with a faint waxy coating.
The head of cabbage is small, whitish when cut.
not intended

hybrid 3,2-3,7 medium sour with added minerals and organic fertilizers 120–130 August-September 900-914 The leaf is thin, light green, elastic.
The head of cabbage is yellowish white when cut.
up to 4 months in a cool place
variety 10-15 nutritious and fluffy 145-160 September-October 4000 The leaf is grey-green. The head of cabbage is white when cut. up to 8 months

variety 1,6-3,3 loamy, rich in humus, black soils are not suitable 102-110 July-August 500-850 The leaf is small, gray-green with a slight waxy coating, smooth.
The head of cabbage is small, white-green when cut.
up to 1 month

variety 2,0-3,6 unpretentious, for better harvest- loose, nutritious 130-145 in mid-October 450-523 The leaf is large, with a grayish tint, green in color. up to 8 months
Turkiz variety 2–3 nutritious and fluffy 160-175 October-November 800-1000 The leaf is dark green.
The head of cabbage is milky in color when cut.
until March

variety 1,3-4,1 medium acid fertile
105-130 end of September – beginning of October 474-785 The leaf is medium-sized, gray-green or dark green. The head of cabbage is whitish when cut. until April
hybrid 3,5–4,5 slightly acidic 130–150 from November to December 1 700-900 The head of cabbage cut is milky. up to 7 months

variety 1,8-3,3 grown on soils of varying composition 140-160 September 508-673 The leaf is medium, gray-green. The head of cabbage is white and yellow when cut. up to 8 months
Moskovskaya 15
variety 3,3-4,5 neutral or slightly acidic 115-141 October 602-885 The leaf is large, gray-green with a faint waxy coating, wrinkled. The head of cabbage is yellowish-white when cut. until February

variety 3,5-4,2 slightly acidic, fertile 140-160 September - October 583-832 The leaf is medium, gray-green. until May

Approach the choice of varieties taking into account your goals. If you need slow-growing cabbage, choose late varieties. If you prefer varieties that are good for pickling and pickling, then choose mid-season varieties with a high sugar content. To obtain large yields, plant the highest-yielding varieties.

Cabbage grows in every garden. Therefore very important task becomes right choice variety that will give bountiful harvest. Cabbage seeds are sold in garden stores in huge quantities. Variety makes you happy, but it also makes choosing difficult. How to choose best seeds cabbage for open ground? What characteristics should you pay attention to? Finding answers to these questions can take a long time.

Quality indicators

The State Register of the Russian Federation includes 421 items. Of these, 196 are domestic and 225 foreign selection. Our breeders have created cabbage for cultivation in all twelve regions of the country.

Cabbages such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, Kohlrabi, red cabbage, collard cabbage, Beijing cabbage, Savoy cabbage, cauliflower and Japanese cabbage cannot compete with white cabbage in terms of prevalence. The State Register of the Russian Federation lists only 295 varieties of all these vegetables. There is no need to choose the best from 12 types of Brussels sprouts or from 22 varieties of Savoy.

Important! Currently, breeding is mainly focused on developing new first-generation hybrids. This made it possible to provide the population with year-round consumption of fresh vegetables.

Hybrids have a number of undeniable advantages: they ripen faster, are stored longer, and have better taste. However, their advantages are revealed only with a high agrotechnical background.

Comprehensive quality indicators of white cabbage seeds:

  • varietal purity;
  • precocity;
  • productivity;
  • productivity;
  • taste qualities;
  • seed germination;
  • head shape;
  • commercial quality (thick, tasty fork, attractive color, short stump, succulent leaves, increased amounts of sugars, vitamins, solids and other nutrients);
  • high quality vegetables (large amounts of vitamins, sugars, biologically active substances, low fiber content);
  • resistance to diseases, especially clubroot (for areas Far East And Leningrad region), fusarium wilt, vascular bacteriosis;
  • genetic resistance to thrips (for southern regions);
  • tendency to the least accumulation of nitrates;
  • keeping quality for at least 4–6 months;
  • transportability;
  • heat resistance;
  • drought resistance;
  • salt tolerance;
  • crack resistance;
  • uniformity of head sizes;
  • unity of maturation;
  • universal use;
  • high technology in cultivation;
  • suitability for mechanized cultivation;
  • recyclability;
  • the complexity of cleaning the forks (ease of cutting the fork and clearing the leaves);
  • output of commercial products.

The best varieties for open ground for commercial use were bred abroad, however, domestic cabbage has varieties that are unsurpassed in reliability for use in private farms.

It is worth remembering that new varieties and hybrids meet the characteristics necessary for industrial production. Many are not required when planting on private farms.

The economic indicators of cabbage, which are necessary for production in the south of the country, are completely unnecessary in the central or northern regions. And the characteristics of a winter vegetable differ from those of an early one.

Therefore, it is too early to abandon the seeds of old and proven varieties that produce a stable harvest in any conditions. It is imperative to choose zoned plants. New selections should occupy 10–15% of all crops.

Below are descriptions different varieties and cabbage hybrids suitable for commercial production and cultivation on private farmsteads in the central regions of Russia.

Early cabbage

In the southern regions of our homeland, the climate is favorable for cultivating early vegetable crops. However, the climate is absolutely unsuitable for the production of mid- and late-season vegetables. That's why southern regions are a supplier of early products. White cabbage is often grown here in protected soil. Almost the entire harvest is sold.

Important! Early vegetables are characterized by small, loose sprouts of excellent flavor, which are used fresh and in cooking. However, they are not shelf-stable and are also not suitable for preservation.

Early cabbage has three ripening periods:

  • very early;
  • from very early to early;
  • early (early ripe).

Very early hybrids:

  • Angelina;
  • Baroque;
  • Granddaughter;
  • Daughter;
  • Legate;
  • Magnus;
  • Nakhalenok;
  • Daughter-in-law;
  • First love;
  • Prelate;
  • Prize-winner;
  • Dawn;
  • Sympathy;
  • Speedon;
  • Sprint;
  • Stalker;
  • Cook;
  • Express.

Nakhalenok F1 is a round green head of cabbage, yellow inside, good taste, weighing 1.7–2.5 kg. Productivity is 20–40 t/ha, which is higher than the Transfer standard. The yield of marketable products is 90%.

Express F1 – time to harvest 60–95 days, small round head weighing 0.9–1.3 kg with thin loose leaves, excellent taste. The yield is 33–38 t/ha with uniform ripening of the buds and the yield of marketable products up to 98%.

  1. Surprise F1 – early ripening with a period of technical ripeness of 90–110 days. A flat green head of cabbage with a short stalk, weighing 0.8–1.4 kg, good taste. Marketable yield is 30–35 t/ha at the level of the Cossack F1 standard. Gives a reliable harvest with 97% yield of marketable products, aligned and simultaneously ripening forks.
  2. Ritsa F1 is early ripening, resistant to fungal diseases, with a yield of up to 34 t/ha, absolutely not prone to cracking. Excellent presentation and uniform size of heads of cabbage weighing 0.9–1.2 kg with excellent taste.

From the early (early ripening):

  1. June - bred in 1071, has not lost its popularity and remains unsurpassed in some characteristics. Grown from Moldova to the Far East, it gives an excellent harvest of 36–64 t/ha with a marketable yield of 97%. Disadvantages - forks of different weights from 0.9 to 2.4 kg.
  2. Number one polar K 206 - recommended for cultivation in almost all regions, including the Far North. The round-flat head weighing 1.6–3.2 kg has a good taste. High yield of 33–66 t/ha with a marketable yield of up to 96%.

The widely zoned Kazachok F1, Transfer F1, Number One Gribovsky 147 have become standards for comparison with new domestic and foreign varieties.

Mid-ripening cabbage

Producers from the Central and Western regions specialize in growing mid-early and late varieties and hybrids. This is due to the climatic conditions of these regions.

Of course, grow a few kitties in a private yard early vegetable For own consumption quite possible. But on an industrial scale, medium and medium-sized vegetables grow well in these regions. late date development.

Important! Mid-season vegetables have excellent taste characteristics and are used fresh and for preservation. Can be stored for several months in cellars and vegetable stores.

Medium-ripening cabbage is divided into three categories:

  • mid-early;
  • mid-season;
  • mid-late.

Among the mid-early ones, Golden Hectare 1432, Stakhanovka, Slava, Gribovskaya are widespread. These varieties, unsurpassed in yield, have a common drawback - various sizes forks.

  1. Amazon F1 – used fresh, has medium shelf life. A gray-green head of cabbage with a short stalk weighs 1.4–1.6 kg and has an excellent taste. The high yield of 47–66 t/ha far exceeds the Kazachok standard.
  2. Bronko F1 – technical ripeness occurs on day 115–125. The dark green round cabbage weighing 2.6–2.8 kg has an excellent taste. Good yields of 52–78 t/ha are far superior to Belorusskaya 455 and Transfer F1. The hybrid is disease-resistant, high-yielding, and has uniform maturation of forks of equal size.

From mid-season varieties Soviet selection:

  • Glory 1305;
  • Belorusskaya 455;
  • Losinoostrovskaya;
  • Slava Gribovskaya 231.

They have no equal in resistance to any weather changes, excellent taste and extraordinary high yield.

Modern hybrids are more focused on the indicators necessary for commercial use: equalized head sizes, small stalks, immunity to diseases.

  1. Krautman F1 – suitable for fermentation. It takes 120–140 days until technical ripeness. A medium-sized green head measuring 1–4 kg has good taste and is not prone to cracking. Productivity ranges from 31 to 92 t/ha.
  2. Semko Yubileiny 217 – in addition to fresh consumption and fermentation, it can be stored for 5 months. The gray-green oval head of cabbage weighing about 4 kg has an excellent taste. High yield 76–88 t/ha, resistance to fungal diseases makes this cabbage very popular.
  3. Nadezhda – bred in 1975. The excellent taste of medium-sized, slightly flattened heads of cabbage weighing 2.4–3.4 kg and the highest yield up to 110–140 t/ha make it a top seller.

Mid-late cabbage is characterized by high yield and universal use.

Megaton F1 - light green round heads weighing 3-4 kg and excellent taste, resistant to diseases and high-yielding - maximum yield 103 t/ha.

Late cabbage

Fresh cabbage is good in any dish, as well as boiled and stewed. Fermented and soaked dishes are necessary on tables in autumn and winter. The amount of useful substances in them is enormous. The best-tasting pickles will be made from late vegetables.

Important! Late varieties characterized by the most impressive fork sizes - up to 10 kg. Their taste improves with storage. They have a very dense structure, as they can be stored until the next harvest.

Familiar and very common varieties of Soviet selection such as Amager 611, Kharkovskaya Zimnyaya, Moskovskaya Pozdnyaya, Old varieties are reliable, but have many disadvantages:

  • susceptibility to disease;
  • low yield;
  • mediocre taste.

There are new hybrids on sale that have significantly better characteristics.

The ripening time of late vegetables varies:

  • late (late ripening);
  • from late to very late;
  • very late.

The first group includes:

  • Amrak hybrids;
  • Dominant;
  • Counter;
  • Lennox;
  • Paradox;
  • varieties Moskovskaya late 15;
  • Moskovskaya late 9;
  • Wintering;
  • Amager 611;
  • Crewmont;
  • Kharkov winter high-yielding, with high-density plugs.

Kolobok F1 is the most popular hybrid. More than 30 tons of its seeds are sold annually in the country, which is almost half of the total production. The advantages include excellent taste and high yield of 86–100 t/ha. It produces dense plugs weighing 4.2 kg, is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country, and can be stored until May next year.

Amager 611 is unsurpassed in its characteristics, included in the State Register in 1943. The first domestic variety bred for industrial production. Its advantages include good keeping quality, resistance to cracking, transportability. Sturdy forks weigh 2.6–3.6 kg.

The vegetable was specially bred for winter storage. The taste when harvested is satisfactory, but it improves significantly with long-term storage.

Disadvantages: low yield 35–60 t/ha, susceptibility to diseases during development and during storage.

There are only two hybrids from late to very late ripening: Kronos and Expect. They have heads weighing up to 3 kg, good taste and stable yields on average up to 60 t/ha.

There are quite a few late varieties and hybrids, but they are often limited to certain climatic conditions and adapted for growing in a particular region. The exception is the Valentina hybrid.