What should a pregnant woman do if she has toxicosis? What helps with toxicosis in the early stages? Rosehip for nausea

Toxicosis sometimes overshadows a wonderful time for a woman - the period of bearing a baby. Instead of enjoying this amazing period, the woman painfully seeks a way out of the unpleasant and tormenting state. Why does toxicosis develop, how does it proceed and how to alleviate its manifestations during pregnancy? early stages, we will tell you in this material.

What is it?

In medicine, the concept of “toxicosis” is a broader concept than we are used to thinking. It refers to any pathological condition that is caused by exposure to toxins. Toxins can be external, exogenous. Such toxicosis develops as a result of a microbial infection, because most bacteria poison the body of their carrier with the products of their vital activity. Toxicosis can be endogenous, caused by exposure to substances that are formed in the human body as a result of metabolism. Toxicosis of pregnant women is one of the endogenous conditions.

A whole range of changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, which ultimately lead to signs of toxicosis. A woman’s hormonal levels begin to change literally from the first minutes after conception, and these changes can make themselves felt through toxicosis.

In the cerebral cortex of women with the onset of pregnancy, a new temporary center is formed - the so-called “pregnancy center”. Its task is to control the behavior and physiological functions of pregnancy. The new center, of course, is very necessary for the body of the expectant mother, but its active work often leads to malfunctions in the work of other centers, in particular, the center responsible for the production of saliva, for vasomotor functions, and excessive activation of the vomiting center.

That is why, already in the very early stages of pregnancy, when the woman is not yet aware of her position, profuse drooling during sleep, nausea and vomiting, headaches, chills, and a slight increase in body temperature may occur.

Although gestational toxicosis is a common companion for expectant mothers, especially in the early stages, it is not a mandatory symptom of pregnancy. If there is no toxicosis, this is also quite normal and natural. According to medical statistics, up to 80% of expectant mothers suffer from early toxicosis to one degree or another. A woman’s body is exposed to toxic effects due to the fact that in most cases it fails to adapt to pregnancy in time and accept all the numerous internal changes at once, for granted.

In the concept of “toxicosis,” doctors include disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, endocrine glands, failures of the immune defense, and pathological changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. All signs and symptoms of gestational toxicosis are considered comprehensively, not one at a time, and it is by the combination of disorders that arise during the development of pregnancy that doctors can judge the degree, severity, type of toxicosis and how to deal with it, if any. necessity.

Start dates and duration

The true causes of toxicosis have not been fully studied, and much is still unclear about the inadequate reaction of the female body to pregnancy. But the main version is immune. In other words, the woman’s immunity is at a loss - there is a half-foreign object in the body, but it cannot be destroyed! From the first minutes after conception, the hormone progesterone begins to be produced in large quantities. It prepares the walls of the uterus for the upcoming implantation, takes care of the accumulation nutrients and fats, and also affects a woman’s immunity. The fertilized egg (zygote, and later blastocyst and embryo) contains only half of the genetic set similar to its native one. The second half of the genetic material is paternal, and it is its immunity that qualifies it as a foreign object.

To prevent the immune system from dealing with the embryo, progesterone artificially suppresses its mechanisms. In women with strong immunity, the manifestations of toxicosis are usually stronger, because their immune defense does not give up for a long time. The process of suppressing the immune system with progesterone causes changes at the biochemical level, and it is these new substances that cause internal intoxication.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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After implantation of the fertilized egg, which occurs on average 7-8 days after conception, the production of another “pregnant” hormone begins - hCG. Chorionic gonadotropin also contributes to the well-being of the expectant mother. Its concentration increases gradually, and within a week, around the date when the woman expects her next menstruation, the first signs of toxicosis may appear.

Usually, it is at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy (if you start counting from the first day of the last menstruation, as all obstetricians do), that a woman begins to feel sick, has attacks of dizziness, and taste preferences change. Less commonly described is toxicosis, which appears a little earlier - at 3-4 weeks, immediately after implantation. Most often, the unpleasant condition first makes itself felt at 7-8 weeks.

How long toxicosis lasts is not an easy question. Here a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Experts tend to believe that toxicosis is most likely during the period of active formation of the placenta - from 5-6 weeks to 14-16 weeks of pregnancy. Most women who suffered from early toxicosis claim that they felt significantly better after 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. For some, toxicosis “lingers” until 18-20 weeks.

The severity of a woman’s condition is determined in laboratory conditions, mainly by the level of acetone in the urine and characteristic changes in the blood count.

An increase in acetone is always associated with a lack of glucose. In the morning, the sugar level is always lower than in the evening, which is why toxicosis most often makes itself felt in the morning.


The signs and manifestations of gestational toxicosis are generally well known to all women and are actively discussed by them in specialized forums. Most often, toxicosis manifests itself as causeless nausea and even vomiting. Any little thing can provoke them, for example, the smell of a previously loved perfume, the taste of toothpaste during the morning or evening toilet, the smell of cooking food, gasoline, the husband’s toilet water - all this can cause a sudden attack of nausea.

Quite often, the first signs of early toxicosis are dizziness. They can be insignificant, rare and short-lived, or they can cause a lot of trouble - if a woman suddenly, paroxysmally feels dizzy, she experiences weakness, then loss of consciousness is possible at the most inconvenient time - when traveling in public transport, at work, in a store.

Also common forms of gestational toxicosis are belching, including with bile, signs of indigestion (diarrhea, constipation, heartburn), changes in taste preferences, headaches that accompany early pregnancy, appearing mainly in the evenings. Six out of ten pregnant women experience daily rises in body temperature within a week or two after conception. The temperature during toxicosis rises slightly - slightly above 37.0 degrees, usually in the afternoon or evening. It is caused by an increase in progesterone in the body of the expectant mother, the concentration of which reaches its peak in the afternoon.

This temperature does not require taking medications or antipyretics, it is physiological and cannot harm the unborn baby in any way. Most cases of gestational toxicosis in the early stages are also considered completely physiological and do not require treatment. Doctors say that you just need to endure temporary unpleasant symptoms associated with the adaptation of the female body to new conditions. However, constant toxicosis, which prevents a woman from eating normally, leads to significant weight loss, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in blood composition, and may require hospitalization.

Quite rarely, toxicosis manifests itself as dermatological problems - skin rashes with or without itching, exacerbation bronchial asthma, osteomalacia. Symptoms of early gestational toxicosis are very individual and can be present either individually or in combination, much depends on the extent and form in which it is observed in a woman.


As already mentioned, toxicosis in a pregnant woman can have various forms and types. It is necessary to distinguish several main types of female malaise in the very early stages of gestation:

    Poisoning. We are talking about poisoning if vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain appear suddenly. This toxicosis is also called bacterial. It is associated with poisoning of the body by toxins that bacteria have released into low-quality food products during reproduction.

    Evening. Unpleasant symptoms with such toxicosis appear exclusively in the evening. It may be due to the fact that the woman was tired, did not eat enough during the working day, or experienced stress.

Despite the fact that nausea and dizziness make it difficult to fall asleep normally, such toxicosis is not considered dangerous; it passes quickly enough.

    Morning. This type is the most common. It is in the morning, after a long sleep, that the level of glucose in the human body is minimal, and against this background nausea and even vomiting appear. Such symptoms at the very beginning of the day also do not pose a danger to the woman and child.

    Early. Unpleasant symptoms with it are characteristic of women up to 14-16 weeks of pregnancy. If the symptoms are mild, the woman is not experiencing rapid weight loss and there are no signs of dehydration, no treatment is required.

    Preeclampsia(late toxicosis). This is toxicosis that develops at the end of the second or third trimester. This is the most dangerous type of toxicosis; it can lead to placental abruption and fetal death. Among the causes of maternal mortality, gestosis also occupies one of the leading positions. It requires mandatory medical intervention.

A woman can easily assess the severity of the symptoms herself, but it is better to report any concerns to the attending physician. A minor degree (first) is usually characterized by infrequent vomiting (no more than 3-4 times a day) that occurs after eating. Light weight loss does not exceed 3-4 kilograms, the woman’s mucous membranes remain sufficiently moisturized, and the skin is elastic. Pulse and blood pressure levels are most often within normal limits. This stage does not require medication treatment.

Severe toxicosis (second degree) is characterized by more frequent vomiting, which can occur up to 8 times a day. The woman's health is deteriorating. Acetone appears in the urine, a characteristic acetone odor from the mouth may be observed, blood pressure decreases, and this causes attacks of weakness. The pulse is rapid, the skin is dry, the woman loses weight up to 6-8 kilograms. This stage necessarily requires medical intervention.

Threatening toxicosis (third degree) is characterized by frequent and debilitating vomiting (more than 15 times a day), severe dehydration, and large loss of body weight. This degree poses a threat to a woman’s life and cannot be avoided without medical intervention. The woman's skin and tongue become dry, blood pressure drops, and the pulse exceeds 120 beats per minute. The composition of the blood changes; not only acetone, but also protein is found in the urine.

Who is threatened?

Since the mechanism of toxicosis has not yet been fully studied, its causes are not obvious, and it is quite difficult to determine the circle of women who are at risk. But long-term observations of obstetricians and gynecologists show that there are quite good reasons to believe that in the early stages women are most susceptible to the development of toxicosis:

  • those who became pregnant before the age of 18-19 and women who became pregnant after 30 years of age;
  • suffered from various pathologies and kidney diseases before pregnancy, immune system and those who had problems with the endocrine system;
  • whose previous pregnancy was accompanied by toxicosis;
  • with gynecological problems, in particular with inflammatory processes in the endometrium;
  • abusing alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • those born from a pregnancy accompanied by toxicosis, as well as if their mothers and sisters have an obstetric history of other pregnancies with unpleasant symptoms of intoxication;
  • moved from central Russia or its southern regions to the north and became pregnant within the first five years after moving;
  • which are characterized by latent anemia.

And this is not a complete list of prerequisites for the development of intoxication in the initial gestational stages. When registering for pregnancy, the doctor must collect a complete medical history; he is interested in how previous pregnancies proceeded, what they were like for close relatives of the expectant mother.

If an obstetrician-gynecologist has reason to believe that a woman is in a state of pretoxicosis, he can prescribe preventive treatment and make recommendations. Pretoxicosis does not always develop and become full-fledged toxicosis, but such a possibility cannot be excluded.

Why is it missing?

In the generally accepted view, toxicosis is almost an obligatory symptom of pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Actually this is not true. Many pregnant women do not experience it and carry their babies easily. Why is this happening?

First of all, a toxic-free pregnancy is possible when a woman has no chronic diseases, no problems with immune pathologies, metabolism, or excess weight. The absence of gestational toxicosis as such may be genetically determined - the mother and grandmother of the expectant mother did not suffer from nausea and vomiting while carrying their babies.

In any case, if there is no toxicosis, this is normal. This suggests that the woman’s body easily adapted to the onset of pregnancy, all organs and systems began to be rebuilt to work in new conditions, there was no “protest” from the mother’s body.

The absence of toxicosis should not frighten you. But if it was there, and then suddenly disappeared before 12-14 weeks, this may be a sign of fading pregnancy, stopping the development of the embryo. If a woman’s toxicosis lasted for several weeks or months, and then suddenly disappeared, she should definitely visit her doctor and make sure that the pregnancy is developing.

The absence of toxicosis in the early stages is the most favorable prospect for a woman and her baby. If there is no vomiting and accompanying “troubles”, the likelihood of premature spontaneous abortion is lower, the child receives a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and other necessary substances from the mother’s blood, the mother’s mood and well-being are stable and this creates good preconditions for the development of the fetus.

Treatment with medications

Treatment with medications medicines is prescribed only for moderate and threatening degrees of toxicosis, and for severe toxicosis. With a mild degree, you can completely get by with traditional medicine, of course, having previously agreed on their use with your doctor. Moderate degree may require treatment with prescribed medications at home or in a day hospital. In case of severe toxicosis, the woman is indicated for hospitalization.

Doctors begin to fight severe toxicosis after determining the degree and severity of the course. The usual classical treatment regimen includes Droperidol. This drug belongs to the group of antipsychotics that suppress the vomiting center in the cerebral cortex. The frequency of vomiting attacks decreases. Droppers with this drug have a faster and more pronounced effect than administering the drug intramuscularly. Often a woman is prescribed Relanium tablets; sometimes the drug Cerucal is recommended. This therapy makes it possible to provide effective assistance at the first stage - the activity of the central nervous system is regulated, the urge to vomit becomes less.

The second stage of inpatient treatment is aimed at replenishing the water-salt balance, which is significantly disturbed due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea. In case of severe vomiting, a woman is given IV drips with saline solutions, saline, and vitamins. Be sure to administer glucose, B vitamins and give ascorbic acid(vitamin C). The woman is shown enterosobrents - “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel”. If the woman’s condition continues to be severe due to dehydration, hormonal therapy is prescribed - “Prednisolone” (hydrocortisone).

For expectant mothers with severe toxicosis, antihistamines “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Diprazin”, “Diphenhydramine” are recommended. These drugs, according to classic scheme treatments are indicated for intramuscular administration. Along with taking medications, it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks, bed or semi-bed rest.

Today, the method of immunocytotherapy can also be used. They resort to it if treatment with medications does not produce a noticeable effect. An extract from her husband's lymphocytes is injected under the skin in the area of ​​the forearm of the expectant mother. Within a day, relief should come, because the woman’s immunity will “switch” to a new object of increased danger - foreign cells. However, this method has only a temporary effect and exists in order to temporarily make a woman feel better.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons is carried out in case of severe threatening toxicosis in cases where the medicinal methods of influence described above have not brought results within 12 hours from the start of therapy, if the woman’s condition continues to be threatening. Also, termination of pregnancy is strongly recommended as the only life-saving option if a woman develops liver dystrophy, kidney failure, or nephropathy against the background of severe toxicosis. Pregnancy is terminated in the early stages using an induced abortion.

Numerous homeopathic medicines (for example, “Nux vomica-Homaccord”, “Mercurius”, “Colchicum-6”, “Vomicumheel”, “Cocculus indicus” and others), although recommended by manufacturers as effective remedies for any form of toxicosis in pregnant women, have been proven have no effect. Clinical trials of these drugs have not been carried out, and the doses of active ingredients in the drugs are so small that, by and large, a woman will receive only small fractions of sugar, water and only a few molecules (!) of the active substance.

If you have severe toxicosis, you should not try to treat yourself with homeopathic remedies, which are considered harmless. You may miss precious time that is necessary for a woman to receive qualified medical care.

Homeopathy is harmless, but, alas, completely useless, especially in threatening conditions. Mild stages of toxicosis usually do not require the use of medications and homeopathy, and in severe cases, treatment should be quick, competent and qualified. Therefore, you should not prescribe medications for yourself, and even more so, you should not keep silent about the fact that you feel unwell, believing that this is how it should be during pregnancy.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has hundreds of recipes that help pregnant women get rid of unpleasant and obsessive nausea and dizziness. These recipes have been tested by dozens of generations of women, but it should be understood that resorting to them makes sense only when a woman has a mild degree of toxicosis that does not threaten her life and health.

Aromatherapy helps relieve nausea and pathological perception of odors. Even pregnant women resorted to it in ancient Rome, in Ancient Greece, treatment with essential oils was widely used in Rus'.

A few drops of peppermint essential oil can help cope with morning sickness - apply them to your wrist or handkerchief. It is enough to put it next to you while washing your face or having breakfast.

Aromatic ginger oil helps reduce nighttime toxicity and eliminate bouts of vomiting that occur after eating. Just apply a drop of oil on your palms, rub well, bring it to your face and take a deep, calm breath. If a woman suffers from attacks of dizziness, she is recommended to carry with her a small bottle of pine or fir essential oil. A few drops of this pine oil on the wrist will help cope with unpleasant sensations.

When choosing an essential oil, you must take into account your own tendency to allergies, because aromatherapy is not suitable for everyone. If it is not possible to visit an aromatherapist, you need to start from what groups of substances you have an allergic reaction to. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, you should not use essential oils of orange, lemon; if you are allergic to pollen, you should avoid essential oils and extracts of tropical and exotic plants, flowers and fruits.

If, after using the oil, redness appears on the wrist, a runny nose, watery eyes, or itchy skin begins, this method of helping with toxicosis should be categorically abandoned, giving preference to other options.

Historically, phytotherapeutic methods of combating gestational toxicosis have become more widely used in Russia. If you experience nausea in the morning, it is recommended to drink tea with mint leaves. If a woman vomits frequently, lemon water can help. To prepare it in a clean glass drinking water take about one teaspoon lemon juice. Also effective, according to reviews from pregnant women, are rosehip decoctions and homemade juice made from sour fresh cranberries. Such drinks will not only relieve an attack of nausea, but also enrich the body with vitamin C.

In Rus', even before the advent of qualified obstetricians, when all hope was only in midwives, women took pumpkin tea for nausea. To do this, they took pumpkin pulp, chopped it finely, and then brewed it with boiling water. We drank it like regular tea. Tea with oregano was also popular, or rather, a decoction made from dried oregano and boiling water. For 300 grams of water, take no more than 10 g of herbal raw materials. Similar decoctions were prepared from lemon balm, weeping grass, and calendula flowers.

A decoction of chamomile and sage, as well as tea with the addition of an aqueous tincture of motherwort, is used selectively, in small doses.

Honey and bee products are usually not recommended for pregnant women, but in some cases it is allowed to drink tea with the addition of a teaspoon of fresh and high-quality honey.

Anyway, Before using herbal remedies, you should definitely consult your doctor, since herbs are not at all as harmless as most people think. They can lead to the development of a severe allergic reaction, disruption of digestion, sleep, decreased or increased blood pressure, and even early termination of pregnancy.


It is with food intake that most often big problems arise with early gestational toxicosis. In addition to the fact that taste preferences change, a woman’s appetite is disturbed (either it is absent or it is increased). Special attention should be paid to menu design. If it is compiled and planned correctly, many unpleasant manifestations and symptoms can be avoided.

The main mistake of expectant mothers is a misunderstanding of the essence of toxicosis. They believe that the less they eat, the less sick and nauseous they will be. This is wrong. The second big misconception concerns a diet based on one food or one food group. You can often hear that a woman suffering from early toxicosis is advised by more experienced mothers to eat what she wants and not to eat what makes her sick.

In the early stages, the fetus and the expectant mother need vitamins and minerals in full, and therefore a “skew” in favor of only cottage cheese or only apples can cause metabolic disorders and the development of allergies, both in the mother and in the future and in the fetus.

A balanced diet during toxicosis should exclude foods to which a woman has a vomiting reaction, but they definitely need to find a worthy replacement. For example, if you have an inadequate reaction to pork, you can cook veal or poultry. But meat in one form or another must be in the diet. If a woman experiences nausea from cabbage and beets, she should add zucchini and pumpkin to her diet. You need to make sure that you have enough fruits rich in vitamin C. If you are vomiting, you should not under any circumstances stop eating salt, because it allows you to partially restore the minerals lost in the vomit.

Unlike the second and third trimesters, when salty foods are undesirable, at the very beginning of pregnancy you can afford lightly salted cucumbers and fish, but in very moderate quantities. Carbonated drinks and fatty foods, canned food, and smoked foods are completely contraindicated for toxicosis.

It is also worth giving up a lot of sweets, because sugar promotes fermentation processes in the intestines.

It is best to eat during this period raw vegetables and fruits, cereals (dairy and non-dairy), boiled and steamed meat and dishes made from it, fish, cottage cheese, dairy products. It is better to replace nuts and seeds, which some people use as an emergency aid for nausea, with white bread crackers prepared at home without spices. Nuts can cause severe allergies, but white crackers will not cause negative consequences.

It is important not to forget to eat first courses every day. Food should be taken fractionally, in small portions, but often - every 3-4 hours.

Compliance simple tips will help cope with early toxicosis. General recommendations include the following tips:

  • Start your morning right. Don't get up too quickly when your alarm goes off. The rise should be gradual and smooth. Keep a plate of white crackers or dried fruits on your bedside table. One piece of dried apricots or a cracker right after waking up can relieve morning vomiting. Use children's toothpastes - they are less harsh and usually do not lead to vomiting. For breakfast, be sure to drink sweet tea after porridge or omelet to increase blood glucose levels. ​​​​
  • Eliminate strong odors. Try not to be in smoky rooms during the day, do not use a lot of perfume, if necessary, do not hesitate to ask others to reduce the amount of perfume or eau de toilette you use.

If you need to go to work or school by public transport, take with you a clean hygiene bag, like those that used to be given on airplanes (anything can happen). Carry with you in your bag wet wipes, a bottle of non-carbonated clean drinking water, maybe with a slice of lemon.

  • More on fresh air. If distance allows, replace the bus ride with a walk, and in the evenings make it a rule to walk before bed. For walks, choose quieter and secluded places, parks, squares, forest belts, located away from highways.
  • Rest often. If possible, try to lie down during the day for at least half an hour. But in the evening after dinner, don’t go to bed right away, first go for a walk. This will promote better digestion and solve problems with night toxicosis.
  • Sleep with the window open. Constructions modern windows allow you to sleep with the door slightly open even in winter. The better the room is ventilated, the less nausea the expectant mother will feel. In summer you can sleep with open window or a slightly open balcony door.

  • Avoid stress and sudden movements. An attack of nausea can be triggered even by a sudden change in body position. Therefore, accustom yourself to be sedate, measured, move more smoothly and carefully. Avoid physical activity that causes noticeable fatigue, as well as active sports that can cause you to lose consciousness and get injured (bicycles, roller skates, treadmill in the gym). Swimming and skiing will be beneficial winter time year.
  • Stay in a good mood. Psychosomatic reasons toxicosis - rejection of the child, unwanted pregnancy, fear of childbirth, leaving the baby's father, fear of losing the child. Get more positive emotions, tune in to the fact that everything will be fine and the symptoms of toxicosis will subside faster than you can imagine.

If toxicosis suddenly intensifies, do not waste time - consult a doctor. Complaints about toxicosis are not as insignificant and ridiculous as they might seem, because behind its manifestations there may be a serious pathology.

​​​For toxicosis in early pregnancy, watch the following video.

The period of time when a woman is expecting the birth of a baby is one of the most wonderful and desirable. But things don't always go smoothly. Within a few weeks after conception, toxicosis appears in pregnant women. It is worth noting that not every woman experiences these delights. Many representatives of the fair sex manage to avoid this condition or successfully correct it.

First difficulties

Toxicosis is a clear sign the onset of fertilization after a delay in menstruation. Almost 80 percent of the fairer sex who are in interesting position, feel this state.

Don’t worry if there is no toxicosis at all in the early stages. This does not mean that pregnancy occurs with pathologies. Quite the contrary. If symptoms of toxicosis do not appear, it means that normal hormonal levels predominate in the body. In this case, the woman will not have to suffer from illness in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Toxicosis appears around the fifth week of pregnancy, but there are cases when malaise can occur to the expectant mother much later. Normally, poor health ends with the first trimester of pregnancy. This happens during the period from 12 to 14 weeks of embryo development. If poor health began very early, then it can end as soon as possible. Each pregnancy is individual and proceeds completely differently.

Signs of toxicosis

Toxicosis in the early stages can manifest itself in varying degrees of intensity. Some women experience only slight fatigue, malaise and slight nausea in the morning or after eating. Other representatives of the fair sex are forced to give up their usual lifestyle and go to the hospital, since toxicosis is a condition that does not allow them to live normally. So, the main symptoms of the disease are:

  • morning sickness (possible vomiting after eating, which does not bring any relief);
  • weakness and malaise;
  • drowsiness and desire not to leave your bed;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • decreased blood pressure with a simultaneous increase in heart rate;
  • increased salivation;
  • the occurrence of a runny nose for unknown reasons (rhinitis during pregnancy).

In addition, toxicosis in pregnant women is often manifested by a desire to eat something like that. Sometimes women begin to be drawn to different smells, and cravings arise that were not there before pregnancy.

Toxicosis: causes of occurrence

Why this condition appears is still unknown to medicine. Many doctors are sure that after fertilization, a set of chromosomes begins to release so-called toxic substances. The more cells divide, the more stronger woman feels toxic. This is just an assumption that has not yet been proven.

Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, colossal hormonal changes occur in the female body. Some hormones begin to be produced more strongly, while others stop working altogether. Human chorionic gonadotropin also appears. The amount of this hormone increases until approximately the end of the first trimester. It is during this period that a woman experiences severe toxicosis. As soon as the body adapts to the new state, the expectant mother’s well-being returns to normal.

As you can see, toxicosis has very diverse causes. It is worth noting that the same woman can feel differently while carrying babies. If for the first time she did not experience a disease called toxicosis, this does not mean that it will not occur in subsequent pregnancies.

What to do if you have toxicosis?

Many obstetricians and gynecologists often hear a similar question from expectant mothers. There are several options to prevent early toxicosis. A specialist will tell you in detail how to deal with an illness that has already appeared.

Depending on how severe toxicosis manifests itself, different correction methods are chosen.

If a woman has a weak stage of toxicosis (nausea and vomiting no more than three times a day), then she is offered to deal with this condition folk ways and a change in lifestyle.

When a moderate stage appears (deterioration in health, vomiting up to 10 times a day), anti-toxicosis tablets are prescribed to help cope with the unpleasant condition.

If the expectant mother loses weight, complains of vomiting up to 20 times a day and general malaise, she is admitted to a hospital and treated under the supervision of medical personnel.

Correction of the condition with medications

If a woman cannot lead a normal life and complains of frequent vomiting, then she is prescribed pills for toxicosis.

In most cases, doctors prefer the drug "Hofitol". It is created from plant components and does not have a negative effect on the fetus. In addition, the tablets have a beneficial effect on the liver, ridding it of harmful toxic substances released by the body.

Toxicosis is a condition that also affects a woman’s nervous system. The expectant mother begins to worry a lot about the baby’s health, which can cause various problems. That is why doctors recommend taking sedatives that reduce toxicosis. Treatment in this case is carried out by taking Valerian tablets or motherwort tincture.

In addition, doctors prescribe medications that block the gag reflex. These include the drug "Cerukal", injections of the drug "Atropine", as well as tablets "Droperidol". It is worth noting that these medications should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. They are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. When prescribing these medications, the doctor takes into account the harm caused to the baby by toxicosis and compares it with the negative effects of drugs. Only after this is a decision made whether to prescribe such drugs to the patient.

Treatment of illness in hospital

In case of severe toxicosis, a woman is recommended to go to the hospital for correction. In most cases, such patients are prescribed the same medications as for drug treatment. The difference between the correction is that these substances are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Also, in case of severe, uncontrollable vomiting, glucose drips and vitamin C injections must be prescribed. In addition, the expectant mother should take pills folic acid. If necessary, oral administration can be replaced with intramuscular administration of the vitamin.

Frequent gagging can lead to loss of fluid in the body. This is very dangerous for the expectant mother and her baby. In this case, the patient is prescribed intravenous administration of the drug "Reopoliglucin" or Ringer's solution.

Self-correction and prevention of toxicosis

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a weak stage of toxicosis, then she is offered to cope with this condition on her own. Also, the tips below will help expectant mothers avoid morning sickness, vomiting and weakness. So, what to do if you have toxicosis?

Proper nutrition

First, you should completely reconsider your diet. Try to avoid eating spicy and fatty foods. Avoid salt and spices. Eliminate fast food and instant food from your diet.

Toxicosis in a girl, as in a boy, can only be cured proper nutrition. Eat more vegetables and fruits, especially if they are in season. Eat meat cooked steamed or in the oven. Your body needs protein now more than ever.

Also, do not forget that the expectant mother’s diet should include dairy products every day: cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, kefir and fermented baked milk. Eating this food will help cope with the calcium deficiency that every pregnant woman suffers from. Fermented milk products will improve digestion and help improve immunity, as well as strengthen the body.

Drink plenty of fluids. In addition to tea and soups, the expectant mother should consume up to two liters clean water per day. This will help quickly remove harmful and toxic substances from the body and cope with nausea.

If you suffer from low blood pressure, then cocoa and green tea. You should stop drinking coffee. A few pieces of dark chocolate will also normalize blood pressure and improve your mood.

Get more rest

Try to go to bed on time. If you want to lie down, then by all means do so. The expectant mother should sleep at least nine hours a day. An afternoon rest is also encouraged if possible.

Remember that in the near future you will become a mother, and you will no longer be able to relax when you want. Take advantage of your position and delegate household chores to your closest relatives. Involve your husband or future grandmothers in the cleaning process. Let them get used to helping you now.

Take a walk in the fresh air

The expectant mother needs oxygen. In the fresh air, you will feel how nausea recedes and your body is filled with new strength. If possible, go to the forest or go to the mountains. However, remember that you need to be careful on such a vacation. Especially in your position.

For a walk through the forest, choose comfortable shoes and thick clothes. It will help avoid insect and tick bites. For mountain trips, be sure to use stable boots and the support of your husband or relatives.

If it is not possible to go out for such walks often, then try to ventilate the room in which you are. In the office, periodically open the windows and create a draft. It is better to do this at lunchtime, when no one is at work. At home, ventilate your rooms every evening and morning.

Buy a humidifier. It will help you get rid of allergic rhinitis and improve your overall health.

Listen to your body

Listen carefully to what your body is telling you. If he demands to eat something special, then by all means do it. However, be careful. The food you eat should not harm the small organism growing inside you.

Very often, pregnant women crave salty or sour foods. Many women save themselves from toxicosis with oranges, tangerines or pickled cucumbers. Eat what you want.


If you did heavy exercise before pregnancy physical activity, then you should give them up for a while. Give preference to yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women.

Light physical exercise will help you distract yourself and also cope with malaise and low blood pressure. By doing morning exercises every day, you can feel great and enjoy your interesting position.

Give up bad habits

Women who have bad habits are more likely to experience early toxicosis. As soon as you become aware of your situation, stop smoking and eliminate alcohol from your diet. Many women believe that drinking a glass of red wine once a day will not affect the health of the unborn child, but this is a big misconception.

Bad habits lead to an increase in toxins in the body of the expectant mother. As a result, nausea and weakness occur.

There are several tips to help a woman cope with morning sickness. Many expectant mothers successfully use them throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.

  • Start breakfast without getting out of bed. In the evening, put a cracker, banana or apple on your bedside table. As soon as you wake up, eat the product and only then get up. This meal helps to cope with increased salivation and morning sickness, which causes vomiting.
  • Drink lemon water or pomegranate juice. An excellent way to combat nausea are sour drinks. These include regular sweet lemon water or pomegranate juice. You can prepare this drink in the evening and drink it during breakfast. Remember that if you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, it is better not to use this method. Since increased acidity in the stomach can worsen the general condition of the body.
  • Learn to hold your breath. In some cases, when a certain smell causes nausea, it makes sense to hold your breath for a few seconds. You can also start breathing through your mouth. This will help you avoid the nauseating aroma. If you have a favorite perfume, apply it to a cloth and carry it with you. As soon as you feel nausea starting or an unpleasant odor appears, smell the prepared fabric. You will immediately feel much better.

  • Prepare for pregnancy. Doctors recommend planning your pregnancy in advance. In this case, conception will not be unexpected for you. According to statistics, with a desired pregnancy, toxicosis appears much less frequently. This is due to the fact that the woman does not experience stress from the news she received.

Also, during planning, it is worth being examined and taking the recommended tests. Change your lifestyle and review your diet in advance. A healthy body will more easily tolerate early toxicosis.

Whether you have a boy or a girl, it doesn’t matter. The intensity of unpleasant sensations does not depend in any way on the gender of the child. Therefore, do not think that while waiting for a baby of a certain gender, you will be able to avoid the disease or, conversely, experience all its “charms”.

Before conception and already in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman needs vitamins. Most special complexes for pregnant women help prevent early toxicosis. Take the vitamins your doctor prescribes. These may be the following drugs: “Elevit Prenatal”, “Vitrum Prenatal”, “Multitabs Prenatal” and other complexes.


Now you know how you can fight toxicosis. It's no secret that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. That is why you should not wait for discomfort and malaise to appear. Prevent toxicosis. Use all practical advice. Perhaps, based on all of the above, you will develop your own action plan that will help you cope with the disease.

If you experience severe discomfort or deterioration in your health, be sure to contact the gynecologist leading your pregnancy. The doctor will sensibly assess the situation and suggest the treatment method you need. Be healthy and enjoy your position!

Experts have still not come to a common conclusion who is to blame for the occurrence of toxicosis during pregnancy, but this does not make it any easier for expectant mothers. And although the so-called early toxicosis (morning sickness, vomiting, heartburn, selective attitude to smells, products, ready-made food) is not considered a serious disease, unlike late toxicosis (preeclampsia and eclampsia), it can significantly worsen your well-being and mood. I know from my own experience...

Is it true? Not true!

Not true that nausea and vomiting during pregnancy occurs only in the morning and usually stops between the 12th and 16th weeks (although it is believed that it is by the fourth month that the female body gets used to its new state). Many women have no idea what toxicosis is despite having three children, others suffer from it day and night for nine months. What will happen in your specific case is still unknown. But, perhaps, everything will really cost you two or three weeks of mild attacks, which will only confirm your interesting situation.

Not true that severe early toxicosis occurs in those for whom the news of pregnancy was very unexpected or even unpleasant. Most expectant mothers who are looking forward to pregnancy experience the same bouts of morning sickness and everything else as those who met the news of impending motherhood without delight.

Really, for most expectant mothers who are “aged” (especially after 35 years), attacks can be stronger and longer lasting. Moreover, no matter what kind of baby - the first or fourth - the woman is expecting. There is an explanation for this: the body is no longer so young, and it tolerates stress differently, even such wonderful ones as pregnancy. According to statistics, first-time mothers are more likely to suffer from toxicosis. Take comfort in one thing: next time it will be easier (at least a little), because it will be more familiar.

Really, heredity plays a significant role in this matter - you should expect strong manifestations of toxicosis if your mother experienced all its “delights” more than twenty years ago. Although it’s still not worth tuning in and programming yourself: what if it works out?

So someone needs this...

As in any difficult situation, the attitude towards the problem is very important. If you can convince yourself that “if toxicosis exists, it means someone needs it,” it will become easier, honestly!

Your relationship with toxicosis will change during pregnancy: some symptoms will gradually disappear, but something new may appear. For example, my persistent dislike of all dairy products without exception in the first half of pregnancy was replaced by a relative tolerance of at least yoghurts after 6 months. I was happy!

Nausea and its frequent consequence, vomiting, are, of course, unpleasant. But still, after the “process”, which is quite short in time, significant relief comes. Changes in lifestyle are much more depressing: if before pregnancy you were active and cheerful, then the constant desire to lie on the sofa, lethargy and apathy can be very annoying. This is a real test of toxicosis...

There are many ways to combat toxicosis. But you need to treat all possible recommendations with caution - this is always the experience of other people. In addition, “advice from outsiders” is sometimes contradictory: for example, some experts recommend constantly chewing (or sucking) menthol or mint lozenges during toxicosis. Others also strongly discourage the use of products and hygiene products with mint, even going so far as to completely exclude mint toothpaste and chewing gum. I recently found an explanation for this: mint has a fairly strong choleretic effect, and also has a calming effect on the stomach and intestines, which is very useful for nausea and vomiting. But at the end of pregnancy (and “early toxicosis” may drag on), products containing mint are significantly stronger due to relaxation of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach.

Traditional recipes for toxicosis

  1. Melissa - 4 parts, mint - 3 parts, chamomile flowers - 3 parts. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry mixture into 1 glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink... 4 times a day.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of mint into 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew. Drink 1/3 cup several times a day.
  3. You can drip aromatic oil mint on a handkerchief and carry it with you, inhaling the aroma if necessary.

It is advisable to prevent attacks of nausea and vomiting. In the morning, right in bed, without getting up, you can eat a dry cracker or a small sandwich with cheese, some raisins or dried apricots. During the day, have the opportunity to snack as often as needed so that you don’t feel sick right on the subway or at the bus stop. But perhaps this advice will not be relevant for you - some women find it easier to endure and get home to eat what they want and like in a familiar, calm environment. Another simple way to avoid nausea is sniffing and sucking lemon: put two or three slices in plastic container and always carry it in your bag. If you can tolerate lemon, then sour fruit drinks - cranberry, lingonberry, lemon - are also suitable for you.

Eat often, but in small portions. When the stomach remains empty for a long time, stomach acid begins to digest its own “contents,” which can also cause nausea.

Avoid foods and smells that make you feel sick. It is better to immediately leave the kitchen where the fish is being prepared than to show unnecessary at the moment good manners. The owners will not be offended, believe me!

Drink enough fluids daily, especially if you vomit frequently. The most suitable “liquids” are fruit and berry juices, table mineral water (preferably still), green tea (not strong!), light vegetarian fresh vegetable soups. But sometimes it is the consumption of liquid that contributes to vomiting, especially if, out of habit, you wash down the first and second courses with the third. In this case, you will be helped by drinking and eating separately, which, by the way, is a very good habit at all times, regardless of pregnancy. You need to drink between meals.

Soup recipe. Throw potatoes, carrots, green beans, zucchini or some cauliflower into boiling water and cook until soft. On top of the plate are greens and a little grated cheese. Prepare this “soup of the day” for one meal.

Avoid sudden movements after eating - do not jump out of bed immediately after a morning snack in it, do not bend over after a meal. There is another tricky tip: after eating, you need to maintain a vertical body position for some time, because in a sitting or lying position, food does not pass down, but is thrown “up”, which causes an attack of nausea.

Consult with your doctor about taking special vitamins for pregnant women - they are necessary to replenish the missing substances due to your temporary “diet” caused by toxicosis. The most suitable are considered balanced vitamin complexes containing not only vitamins, but also microelements (selenium, silicon, zinc, etc.). However, if attacks bother you after every meal, there is a chance that the vitamins will not reach their “destination”, because it is recommended to take them after meals.

There are no special medications for morning sickness. Usually recommended by therapists and gynecologists, Cerucal, Hofitol and other drugs improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder, that is, they affect not the cause, but the effect. On the other hand, pregnancy is a happy state of life, and it doesn’t matter if toxicosis completely torments you. It is difficult to experience joy while bending over a basin all the time... Perhaps Cerucal will come in handy, as well as the balls prescribed by a homeopathic doctor.

Multivitamins for nausea have not yet been invented, although the French drug Elevit Pronatal, recently introduced to specialists, has been shown to have such pleasant “side effects,” as studies have shown. The main purpose of these multivitamins is the prevention of congenital malformations in the baby due to the presence in their composition. True, for this you need to start taking the drug even before.

Variety against allergies

With severe toxicosis, it is difficult to talk about a varied diet: you only want to eat what does not make you sick. However, you cannot constantly eat only “allergenic” foods (eggs, red fish, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, honey), even if you tolerate them well. And besides, even a short-term mono-diet (that is, eating mainly one product) during pregnancy can cause the baby to develop allergies. If you yourself suffer from allergies, your older child had atopic dermatitis (diathesis) in childhood, or the future baby’s dad is allergic (for example, he has hay fever), a mono-diet is not suitable for you - you need to look for ways to diversify your table even with toxicosis, fortunately there are no shortages of products now .

If you have toxicosis, you should not use perfumes, deodorants, strong-smelling shower gels and scented soaps. You may also have to give up decorative cosmetics: for example, lipstick, even hygienic, can worsen your condition. Although I really want to be attractive!

If you feel sick in a car or the smell of gasoline is unpleasant to you, perhaps the solution to the problem will be to transfer to ground transport (bus, trolleybus, tram). In this case, use only the front platforms; on the rear platforms, motion sickness and shaking are stronger. You don’t get motion sickness in the metro, but it can be very stuffy and psychologically uncomfortable: during rush hour the number of people per square meter and the train and station platforms exceed all reasonable limits. And your tummy...

Apartment renovations in the first months of pregnancy are excluded for everyone! But if you have toxicosis, you will simply “die” from unpleasant odors. Not to mention that it is very harmful for the baby. If circumstances do not allow you to do without repairs at all, it is better to postpone it until the last 1.5-2 months before giving birth, and it is advisable for the expectant mother to leave the room being repaired for a week or a week and a half.

Good sleep and rest, frequent walks in the fresh air, a pleasant (anti-stress!) environment at work and at home greatly contribute to improving your well-being. When talking with friends or sitting at a concert, you completely forget about your unpleasant state - it’s just some kind of paradox...

Toxicosis can haunt women throughout pregnancy. But the hardest thing is to bear it in the first trimester, when the body has not yet adapted to the changes and every little thing can provoke, at best, mild irritation.

Severe toxicosis may occur in early pregnancy every woman, regardless of age, psychological state and the presence of any diseases.

As a rule, early toxicosis occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and throughout the entire period symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, weight loss, increased salivation, drowsiness and general deterioration in mood.

Also a symptom of toxicosis in the early stages may be atypical reactions for some smells.

Currently, doctors do not undertake to say for sure about the specific causes of toxicosis. In general, doctors identify several most likely causes.

Causes of toxicosis

First of all, it is considered changes in hormonal levels. Hormonal changes begin from the moment the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity and the concentration of hormones in the body changes dramatically.

However, some women complain of deterioration in health already in the first days after unprotected sexual intercourse, which doctors are skeptical about.

Another logical theory is formation of the placenta. This process occurs throughout the first trimester.

The manifestation of early toxicosis, as the body’s rejection of a number of food products, is attributed to the natural defense system of the fetus

This can explain increased sensitivity pregnant women to tobacco smoke and the body’s rejection of many products: in this way the body protects the fetus from the possible penetration of toxic substances and toxins into it.

Often the cause of early toxicosis is indicated presence of chronic diseases, but when toxicosis occurs externally healthy woman– doctors tend to assume possible disorders of psychological and emotional state.

This is very effective way, and improvements occur within the first day.

The main danger of this method is the likelihood of infection, therefore, before therapy, the child’s father must undergo a thorough examination for the presence of hepatitis B and C infections, as well as be tested for HIV.

Less effective, but still safe wayshomeopathy and aromatherapy. Such methods are quite suitable in the earliest stages, when medical intervention can be avoided.

How to cope with toxicosis yourself

Many pregnant women, for various reasons, prefer not to see doctors and cope with toxicosis on their own.

Certainly, self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since it can only aggravate the situation, but some tips on combating toxicosis will still be useful for women in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • Very often in the first trimester, women carry with them ginger essential oil. By rubbing a drop of this oil on your palm and inhaling its vapor, you can quickly get rid of nausea.
  • If you often have to leave the house in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to carry nuts, mints or a bag of dried fruits. These foods also help relieve nausea.
  • In general, in the early stages of pregnancy, in case of toxicosis, it is necessary to
    Better eat food more often, but in small quantities, and if possible, you should exclude everything fried, salty and spicy from your diet.
    By the way, chocolate will also have to be excluded: Despite some women's claims that this product helps them, in general chocolate can only make things worse.
    But fish, eggs, a small amount of chicken and legumes on the contrary, they must be present on the menu of a pregnant woman: these products are rich in vitamin B6, the lack of which provokes toxicosis.
  • If possible it is necessary drink more liquid: starting with a full glass of boiled water on an empty stomach from the very moment you wake up and up to a glass of water before bed.
    You should also drink any liquids regularly throughout the day, but, as with meals, You need to drink often, but little by little.
    The only exception is sparkling water. It is better to give preference juices, rosehip infusion and tea.
    It is better to drink tea with lemon, and you can chew lemon slices separately throughout the day, if during the period of toxicosis there is no feeling of disgust towards this fruit.
  • And of course, the most harmless and effective remedy fight against toxicosis - fresh air. Short walks on the street help to cope with toxicosis and endure its possible manifestations as painlessly as possible.

Severe toxicosis poisons many women not only the joy of news of pregnancy, but also its entire first trimester. True, everyone has different levels of patience and feelings. Let's figure out what is considered severe toxicosis and how to deal with it.

To begin with, it is worth saying that during pregnancy a woman can encounter this phenomenon twice. Early toxicosis of pregnant women usually begins at 5-7 weeks and lasts until 12-16 weeks. Expectant mothers encounter late pregnancy after the 28th week of pregnancy.

Toxicosis, in any case, is a pathological symptom. But if early toxicosis, in most cases, is simply unpleasant for a woman and is manifested by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, then late toxicosis may not show any visible signs for a long time. However, its danger to mother and baby is much higher.

Symptoms, types and treatment of early toxicosis

Classic signs are morning sickness and vomiting and increased salivation. Sometimes it can manifest itself as dermatoses, cardiac dysfunction and the development of a condition such as asthma in pregnant women.

Toxicosis is a signal that the body gives, reporting some kind of trouble. Vomiting, nausea and drooling in and of themselves are not too dangerous. They only signal changes in hormonal levels and changes in the nervous and immune systems.

The severity of toxicosis and the need for treatment is indicated by the woman’s general condition.

Moderate toxicosis is accompanied by morning nausea, mild dizziness and drowsiness. Vomiting does not happen every day and only once during the day.

Moderate toxicosis is characterized by constant nausea, loss of appetite and daily vomiting up to 3-5 times a day. Appetite is reduced.

With severe toxicosis, vomiting occurs more than 5 times a day. Nausea both from hunger and after eating. There is no appetite at all. There is a weight loss of more than 5 kg. The general condition of the woman is accompanied by weakness, lethargy, and dizziness. The number of urinations is sharply reduced due to the minimum intake of fluid by the body. A general blood test reveals a decrease in hemoglobin; due to frequent vomiting, vitamins and minerals, including iron, do not have time to be absorbed by the body. In a biochemical blood test, the bilirubin content is noticeably increased, which indicates disturbances in liver function. In such a situation, immediate hospital treatment is required.

Severe toxicosis during pregnancy is dangerous for both the unborn child and the woman. Uncontrollable vomiting, combined with loss of appetite and increased salivation, can soon lead to dehydration. Alarm signal The daily urine volume may also become less than 600 ml. If you notice a decrease in body weight of more than 5 kg, which continues to progress, dry mouth and complete loss of appetite, it seems that you have developed severe toxicosis; what to do in this case, the doctor must decide. After all, this condition poses a threat not only to the health of the baby, but also a real danger to the life of the mother. In exceptional cases, very severe toxicosis can cause artificial termination of pregnancy.

In any case, if there is weight loss and signs of dehydration, hospital treatment cannot be avoided. Most likely, treatment will be carried out in two directions. First, it is necessary to stop vomiting and increase intestinal motility. Your doctor may prescribe injections of Cerucal or other antiemetic medications in combination with a diet rich in fiber. Fresh vegetables and fruits will make the intestines work more actively, and this will increase the absorption of nutrients.

The second direction of treatment will be the fight against dehydration and restoration of salt balance. Most likely you will need IVs. In this case, the basis of infusion therapy will be drugs such as saline and salt solutions (disol, trisol). If significant depletion is present, glucose may also be needed.

When toxicosis begins during pregnancy, measures must be taken without waiting for severe consequences. Timely correction of diet and drinking regimen, as well as lifestyle, will help avoid critical situations. It is necessary to exclude mental and physical overload, while ensuring an adequate level of activity and sleep.

Many women who suffer from nausea and vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy are interested in the question of which week the most severe toxicosis usually occurs. The peak of hormonal activity occurs at 6-10 weeks and gradually subsides. By 12-14 weeks, women feel much better. In rare cases, symptoms persist until week 20.

If toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy forces a woman to go to the doctor due to debilitating symptoms, toxicosis in the third trimester is dangerous due to its hidden course. At the same time, it is much more dangerous for a child than an early one, because it threatens hypoxia. If, after the 28th week of pregnancy, swelling of the legs and fingers occurs or blood pressure rises, this is a reason to immediately seek medical help.

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