Horoscope for Aries woman from Globa. Not the best year awaits Libra from a material point of view. At times you will have to save a lot and lead a literally ascetic lifestyle. But all this will toughen you up and teach you how to deal with money correctly in a rather wasteful manner.

For some reason, many consider the period when the Rooster ascends the throne to be a time of loss of strength and the curtailment of all important matters.

Of course, 2016 was a busy year, because the nature itself is resourceful, energetic and enterprising. But the Rooster is also quite an interesting bird. To be convinced of this, just look Globa's horoscope for 2017, which vividly describes the main moments prepared by the owner of the year for all signs of the Zodiac.


In 2017, Aries will be full of unpredictability. A lot of amazing prospects will open up before you that you cannot refuse. Act decisively, and then any undertaking will be crowned with success. Try to always be on the alert, because luck loves the attentive and dexterous. If you make friends with her, then no obstacles will stand in your way.


Taurus will experience drastic changes in 2017. personal life. Those who have not yet found their soul mate will definitely meet a dear and loved one who will stay with them for a long time. But family Taurus should be attentive to their loved one, otherwise, after all, divorce is not far away. IN professional activity everything will work out in the best possible way - a promotion or change of position is coming.


Representatives of this sign will act decisively in the new year and will stop at nothing. Every action you take will turn out to be right. So, if the decision to change your job, break off relationships with some people, or simply leave the city for a while has been brewing in your plans for a long time, then feel free to take on this idea. The only requirement is to think carefully about your actions. Do not get involved in various kinds of adventures and dubious activities, otherwise you risk getting into an awkward situation.


This year will be quite difficult for representatives of the Cancer sign. You will be overcome by depression, a loss of strength will occur, in general, you will feel complete disappointment in life. Fight such feelings throughout the year so as not to harm your body. Avoid conflict situations, relax more and experience beauty: go to exhibitions, theaters, museums. In the middle of the month, Cancers will meet a person who can lift them out of their sad state.


Everything you have dreamed about for so long can finally come true in 2017. Good luck will accompany you everywhere and everywhere. The main thing is that Leos skillfully distinguish between a truly worthwhile undertaking and one that can be abandoned. Free signs will find a reliable and worthy person. This means that closer to the end of the year, a marriage union that can last for more than one year is possible. In the second half of the year, you may receive a travel offer. It would be better for Leos to refuse it.


From the first days of 2017, Virgos will feel a powerful surge of strength and energy. This time will be an ideal period for changing priorities and life positions. Maybe you will find mistakes in your behavior and want to correct them in order to become better. This desire will allow Virgos to improve their professional, social and human qualities. In your personal life, everything will be emotional and stormy. Perhaps this fact will play a cruel joke with representatives of this sign and long-established relationships will be severed.


Libra will have a hard time in the coming year. Their inherent indecisiveness will cause many problematic situations. Despite all this, there will be no support from loved ones. That is why people of this sign must gather all their will into a fist and heroically withstand all the attacks of fate. And it doesn’t hurt to overcome indecision either. Despite all this, Pavel Globa predicts a rapid career for Libra, and the positions offered will be well paid.


This year will be smooth and prosperous. Scorpios will be able to realize the most extraordinary ideas, which have long been lurking in the depths of the soul. Those who are not yet married will be able to find their soulmate and wear them as soon as possible wedding rings. The period in question is an ideal time to change your place of residence. It can be not only a city, but even a country. The Rooster promises to accompany you in all important matters and give you much-needed luck.


With the advent of 2017, Sagittarius will awaken confidence and desire to change their lives. You will learn to enjoy small successes and simple things. By showing maximum persistence, representatives of this sign will be able to occupy leadership positions that will bring both material benefit and pleasure. True, you will have to give up long journeys, because they will not bring the expected result.


Virtually, Capricorns will spend the entire next year trying to establish a balance between their personal life and work. In order to quickly achieve harmony in these areas, it is necessary to rethink some values, define new goals for yourself and translate some long-standing ideas into reality. Despite the fact that 2017 will be difficult for Capricorns, they will be able to find positive aspects in it.


It will bring representatives of this sign many new discoveries. First of all, you will realize that you are capable of experiencing emotions that you never suspected before. We can say that Aquarius will have a reassessment of values ​​and priorities. Trust your intuition - it will not let you down. In addition, you should not listen to the opinions of others, because they are not always right, and their suggestions can negatively affect your life.


Pisces will be nowhere without energy and charisma in 2017. These two qualities will help you cope with the difficulties that have been hanging over you for a long time. A radical change in life priorities is very important for Pisces. This is exactly what needs to be done in the coming year. In addition, the owner of the year will definitely like this behavior, and he will give you generous gifts, not skimping on their quantity.

The coming 2017 promises to be sunny and positive for many zodiac constellations. In the Ancient East, the Rooster bird, the patroness of the coming period in time, personifies a clear and spiritual glow; she adores the truth and is always afraid of injustice and malice. Horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2017 for zodiac signs confidently foretells an interesting and unusual period for everyone. Now luck and fortune will be on the side of open optimists. The Rooster does not like passivity, so he will put all sorts of tests to individuals who live with sorrows and worries. The coming year will bring sincere joy and a piece of happiness for almost all star representatives, but at this moment you can only rely on yourself.

Horoscope for Aries for 2017 from Pavel Globa

A very positive and positive time is expected ahead for Aries. If earlier zodiac representatives made frank plans for themselves, now is the ideal time to reap the fruits of their worries. Aries are advised to think more often about their own meaning in life, because it often happens that they are interested in circumstances that are completely unnecessary for them.

The year promises many changes in terms of career and professional success, but you shouldn’t hope for luck in life, it’s only important to use your full potential yourself in order to reach heights that are important to your destiny.

The negative of the year may be the aggressiveness of Aries, which will prevent them from moving forward in life. If this quality is not eliminated, then at the end of this year Aries may experience nervous tension.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2017 from Pavel Globa

In the coming year, bright Taurus homebodies are encouraged to fully open up and show what they really are. The ruler of the year - the Rooster - adores optimistic and beautiful people, so Taurus is advised to leave the walls of their home, spend more often their free time in interesting society and, of course, radically reconsider their own view of their appearance.

The time for change has come for Taurus; zodiac representatives need to take advantage of the chance from fate and dramatically change something in their own destiny. The Rooster is favorably disposed towards representatives of Taurus, so if the latter show even the slightest activity and their own desire, then they will receive endless happiness from life.

Horoscope for Gemini for 2017 from Pavel Globa

The horoscope for 2017 from Globa accurately and confidently indicates that in the coming time, Gemini is advised to dramatically change their own judgments about life. Now representatives of the zodiac need to change something in their own appearance; it is important to forget about the dullness in life and learn to be bright and beautiful.

Geminis should not fall into despair, even when fate throws them difficult trials. It is important to move only forward, and the Rooster will appreciate this. You need to be very wary of your own mistakes; during this period, Gemini will think more with their “heart” rather than with their head.

In this period of time, Gemini will experience positive changes in their professional activities, which will lead to excellent material benefits.

Horoscope for Cancers for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Since the Rooster loves and helps in every possible way true careerists, Cancers can now hope for great luck and open success. In the coming time, wonderful opportunities are opening up for representatives of the stars; it is only important to have time to take everything from everyday life. Cancers will be very lucky in professional matters; they can rise to career heights without much effort and effort.

The moral side of life for Cancers also requires big changes. The latter need to forget all the past years and leave the accumulated negative weight there. Only after Cancers let go of their negative years will the gates of happiness and personal success open before them. At the end of the year, zodiac representatives will have such an optimistic mood that they will surprise everyone around them with their behavior.

Horoscope for Leo for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Brave and strong Leos will have to work hard in the coming time. First of all, professional activities will require a large investment of effort. In order to get the desired benefits from life and destiny, Leos will need to change their own moral policies. It is important not to show selfishness, which almost always interferes with them; it is necessary to learn loyalty and understanding.

Small changes are planned in personal life. If Leos stop living in past relationships, then they will be able to cross the line that prevents them from living with dignity and happiness.

If representatives of the star sign systematically calculate their own time, then fate will allow them to reach certain heights. You cannot now give in to feelings of powerlessness or loneliness; it is important to take initiative even where it is not needed.

Horoscope for Virgo for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa's accurate horoscope for 2017 states that at such a moment in time, bright Virgos will become somewhat two-faced. At the beginning of this period, representatives of the zodiac will develop a sense of doubt, so all matters will seem unresolved and complicated to them. After summer everything will change dramatically. Virgo will have a determination and desire in their soul to achieve a better life.

Virgos will have to spend the whole year in work and worries; they will not be able to sit idly by. Zodiac representatives have some small difficulties ahead that they will need to resolve on their own. But you cannot show a feeling of despair, otherwise all difficulties will take on a chronic meaning.

Horoscope for Libra for 2017 from Pavel Globa

It will depend only on Libra themselves how fate will unfold in their future. Representatives of the star sign need to become more decisive, it is important to find meaning in own life. In this case, all things in life will turn out favorably and positively. Now Libra should not accumulate debts related to material goods. It is very important to pay off all the debts that the representatives of the zodiac have accumulated.

There is a time of change ahead that will affect personal life. Libra will rethink their behavior, and all this will serve as an impetus for future positive circumstances. It is necessary to say goodbye to past situations, as they prevent Libra from moving forward in life.

The end of the year must be devoted to improving your own health, otherwise existing diseases will develop into a chronic form.

Horoscope for Scorpios for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Global changes are planned in the upcoming life of Scorpio. Mainly, everything will change thanks to a new person who will appear in the fate of the zodiac representatives. If Scorpios calculate correctly and harmoniously own strength and aspirations, then great success awaits them ahead.

The year of communication and fruitful acquaintances is coming, now you can quickly and actively move up the career ladder. At the same time, professional affairs will also undergo some changes; perhaps Scorpios are destined to change their place of service in order to be more able to appreciate the delights of life.

At the end of the year, special attention should be paid to your own family; probably, household members have become not as important for Scorpio as they were before.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 from Pavel Globa

A positive and favorable time is coming for Sagittarius. The Rooster is very favorable towards this sign, so the latter are destined to go through the many joys of life. A positive attitude will settle in the soul of Sagittarius, in connection with this, they will be filled with additional energy, which will be important to spend only on good deeds.

Sagittarius has a huge number of new acquaintances ahead. Among the new people, representatives of the zodiac will meet both positive and very negative personalities. There is no need to resist communication, since negativity in life will be sent to Sagittarius in order to strengthen their position in life.

Sagittarius has a very successful year in terms of romance and mutual love. Now single representatives can meet on their way the ideal person for later life. And family Sagittarius will have good luck in partnerships; their union will be strong and faithful.

Horoscope for Capricorns for 2017 from Pavel Globa

A somewhat difficult period begins for Capricorn. At this time, various difficulties and obstacles will arise on their way, which will require a quick and decisive solution. Capricorns are advised to take a break from their own career; it is important to devote a period of time to relaxation and their own self-development.

A good period for wellness treatments. If Capricorn has diseases, then now everything can be healed without much difficulty.

Determination and optimism will help Capricorns cope with life's small adversities. The most important thing is that now you can’t strive for something and decide something instantly. Before taking important actions, you need to carefully weigh and think about everything.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017 from Pavel Globa

As the horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa states, the zodiac representative of Aquarius is almost similar in character to the Rooster, which is why representatives of the star sign are expected to have a successful and fruitful year. Unusual heights are prophesied for Aquarius, and he will not need to strive excessively to obtain ideal material benefits.

If Aquarius strives for change, then it is necessary to boldly move in this direction. Now all the cards of life are revealed to the zodiac sign, and the latter only needs to have time to take the best from fate.

A wonderful time for personal changes. Singles can meet their ideal soul mate, and family members can strengthen their own positions in the family.

Horoscope for Pisces for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Until this time, Pisces were in slow motion, they did not strive for anything and did not want to get anything at all from their own destiny. But the Rooster, with its appearance, will awaken the soul of Pisces, after which they will turn from passive individuals into optimists and determined people.

Pisces are planning personal changes; for the latter, it is only important to change the negative aspects of their own character. Shyness and indecision prevent Pisces from achieving positive results in relationships.

Positive changes should also be expected from professional activities. Pisces are destined to change jobs or dramatically change their own financial situation. But the stars warn that you need to be very careful with financial benefits; you cannot spend more money than you earn.

What will the year of the Rooster be like for each zodiac sign?

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa believes that next year will be prosperous and fruitful for almost all zodiac signs. Leap year, which has been particularly difficult for many, is coming to an end. This means that all the troubles are left behind and only good things await us ahead. What does an astrologer promise for each zodiac sign?


For those born under this zodiac sign, the coming year will be interesting and a little unpredictable. New prospects will open up for Aries, but luck will accompany only those of them who show determination and ingenuity. At the same time, we must not forget about restraint and carefully control every word or action.

2017 – good time to gain new knowledge and master a new profession. Any information received at this time will definitely be useful in the future.

But money in 2017 should be spent with caution. It is better to postpone large purchases until the summer, and not take out a loan at all. In general, the year will be calm in terms of money, and many representatives of this zodiac sign will even be able to pay off all debts and loans, if they have any.

For lonely Aries, the Fire Rooster promises to find a soul mate, and for family Aries - to improve their living conditions. In summer, you should be careful: conflicts in the family or among friends are possible. But in the fall, the honeymoon will not keep you waiting.


Taurus will have more than enough energy in the year of the Rooster. Chronic illnesses and depression will no longer bother you, serious illnesses will be avoided. Taurus will be able to maintain energy and efficiency almost all year, but it will not be a bad idea to take care of rest in the summer.

In 2017, representatives of this zodiac sign can change their profession, try themselves in new field, open your own business.

Family Taurus should pay more attention to children, and single Taurus should start an affair with a person to whom they have been partial for a long time. Marriages created next year promise to be strong and promise large offspring.

Useful meetings, promising acquaintances, original ideas and amazing performance will provide Taurus with a good income next year.


For representatives of this zodiac sign, 2017 should be a year of change. Gemini will finally find the strength to change their boring job, end an outdated relationship and start new life. However, you should be careful in everything and not rush headlong into the pool.

For free Geminis, the year of the Rooster promises bright romances. Those with families should pay more attention to their older relatives, listen to their requests and advice. It is very important next year to set priorities correctly, not waste time on trifles and focus on the most important thing. A little patience - and the result will not be long in coming. 2017 will be especially successful for representatives of creative professions.

As for health, it will depend on your mood. Tired? Go on vacation and have a good time. Most the right time for relaxation - the end of autumn or the beginning of winter. And, most importantly, do not doubt your abilities. Fortune favors the determined.


A rather difficult year awaits Cancer. Disappointments, depression, loss of strength, conflicts with friends and work colleagues await representatives of this zodiac sign in the first half of the year. Therefore, the astrologer advises Cancers to “go underground” for a while, but the end of the year will bring prosperity and harmony in all areas.

You should also pay attention to your health. Emotional experiences and overloads can make themselves felt in the spring. Cancers should save their strength and rest more often.

The Year of the Rooster is ideal for self-education and self-development. In family terms, Cancers need to be more decisive. Single representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to find a soul mate. But the choice of a spouse must be approached responsibly: the possibility of unrequited love cannot be ruled out.


Luck will be Leo's constant companion next year. Circumstances will be as good as possible, so representatives of this sign will be lucky in work, in creativity, and in family life. Health will not let you down either, and Leo will feel cheerful and energetic all year.

Year of the Rooster good period in order to assemble your team and start your own business. But if you continue to work not for yourself, then be careful in communicating with your superiors and colleagues.

For those Leos who have already managed to create their own family, the Rooster promises harmony and well-being in the home. Single Leos will also be able to meet their soulmate. Most likely this will happen in August, but here it is very important not to miss the moment and recognize your one or only one in a crowd of faces.


In the year of the Rooster, Virgos will want to change and become even better. Representatives of this zodiac sign should be prepared for a radical change in prejudices and principles.

The first months of 2017 promise changes in your personal life and success at work. But, in pursuit of wealth, you must remember to take care of yourself and find time to look back and take a break.

Conflicts at work or school are not excluded, especially in the first half of the year. But if Virgos manage to keep peace of mind and faith in the best, any negative consequences will be avoided. Restraint will not hurt in your personal life: you should not make unreasonable demands and claims on your significant other.

And those Virgos who have not yet managed to build a family should not be afraid to get rid of loneliness and make promising acquaintances.


A difficult year awaits Libra, however, if they can show determination in some issues, they will not only be able to avoid problems, but also achieve significant success. More independent decisions, courage and faith in a bright tomorrow - and everything will work out.

In the first months of the year, Libra will suffer from a lack of stability, and therefore be irritable and nervous. But you just have to get through this time. By summer everything will get better and spiritual harmony will return.

Those who want to achieve significant career growth at work should sort out their relationships with colleagues and settle with old problems.

In the year of the Rooster, don’t forget about health. Walk more fresh air, relax, drink herbal teas and spend time with health benefits. It is possible that you may have problems with blood pressure and headaches, which you can get rid of without resorting to medical help.


Pavel Globa promises representatives of this zodiac sign a fairly calm year. Scorpios will be able to realize their plans and ideas, so they can start any global changes, change jobs if they don’t suit them, and solve housing issues. In 2017, it will not be amiss to listen to your intuition, be honest in everything, and boldly move towards the implementation of your plans.

Health will not fail Scorpios if they learn to control their emotions. In summer you should take a short trip. The idea of ​​going sailing will be a good one.

Not everything will be so simple in the Scorpio family. Loud scandals and stormy showdowns can be avoided, but omissions can be felt especially acutely. It will not be easy for Scorpios to find a new permanent partner in the year of the Rooster, but if they already have a relationship, they will be able to maintain it.


The Year of the Rooster will give Sagittarius a huge number of opportunities. You just need to be able to use them by showing determination, hard work and patience. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to gain confidence, harmony and meaning in life, achieve their goals and realize cherished dream. In family terms, Sagittarius will be able to strengthen relationships, and single people will be able to find their other half.

In the summer, Sagittarius will have so much energy that they will be able to work for three. The opportunity to climb the career ladder is not excluded, especially in the first half of the year. Those who have not yet found themselves professionally should try to find their dream job - the Rooster will certainly help with this.

Regarding health, exacerbations of chronic diseases and colds are not excluded, so you should monitor your well-being and take timely measures.


Capricorns in the year of the Rooster need to rethink their lives and be ready for changes. It is very important to determine for yourself what is really important, and discard everything unnecessary as unnecessary. It is extremely important to find a balance between personal (family) life and career.

The year promises to be productive and eventful. New opportunities will open up for Capricorns and as a result they will be able to get a promotion or a solid profit. There may be problems that can be safely resolved if you show perseverance and determination.

In family terms, the Rooster guarantees Capricorns mutual understanding and harmony. Single representatives of this zodiac sign need to be prepared for stormy relationships that can develop into a strong family.


A time of discovery awaits Aquarius in 2017. You will be able to discover something new not only in the world around you, but also within yourself. Therefore, it is very important not to rely on the opinions of others, but to listen to your inner voice.

Aquarians should reconsider their principles, change their views and learn to feel when the body's reserves are depleted. Periods of excitement this year will be followed by periods of fatigue and weakness, so do not forget about rest.

IN professional field stability will be observed, only in the spring some problems may arise. There may also be minor difficulties in your personal life that can be overcome through joint efforts. The coming year will be promising for single Aquarius, who will have a stormy and passionate romance at the beginning of the year. It is possible that it can develop into a strong marriage.


In the coming year, the astrologer advises Pisces to forget about absent-mindedness and indecision. Only energetic and collected representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to achieve the desired success. In 2017 there will be many chances to change your life, but you need to have time to take advantage of them.

New prospects in work, the opportunity to engage in creativity or what you love are likely. Career growth awaits those Pisces who are active and courageous and forget about laziness. At the beginning of the new year, interesting acquaintances, flirting, and romantic relationships are expected. But closer to summer, you should already decide and have a wedding.

In terms of health, Pavel Globa strongly advises Pisces to forget about bad habits. Otherwise, in the summer, every cigarette you smoke or drink can remind you of yourself.

The science of the influence of celestial bodies on human destinies finds thousands of adherents in our turbulent times. According to Chinese horoscope, the patron saint of 2017 will be a symbol of creative energy, friendliness and carefreeness. Astrologers suggest that the next 12 months will bring us success in our careers and studies, new travels and romantic feelings.

They enjoy the greatest trust. The Russian astrologer is known for his loud forecasts of political events. Many of them did not come true, which did not shake the reputation of the seer. Residents of the CIS still trust Globa's horoscopes. According to the astrologer, 2017 will be difficult for the whole world due to the financial crisis. But for Russia the year will end successfully.

Find out detailed horoscope from Pavel Globa for all signs!

The coming 12 months will be full of surprises. Tempting opportunities will arise before you, especially in the professional field. To use the gifts of fate in the best possible way, remain vigilant and restrained. Take care of your health. Anxiety and lack of time can cause various ailments. To avoid troubles, establish a daily routine and do not deny yourself rest. The last months of the year promise you clashes and quarrels with loved ones. Be patient and the relationship will improve over time. If you are looking for a life partner, 2017 is the perfect year to start a strong and happy relationship. So don't miss friendly meetings and parties, especially in February-April. Regarding financial situation, then in the near future it will remain the same.

Get ready for changes in matters of the heart. The Rooster will give you new acquaintances, among whom may be your soulmate! Don’t be afraid to take the first step, because the stars promise strength to your union. “Family” Taurus may have difficulties raising children. However, peace and quiet will reign in the marital haven. In 2017, serious illnesses and disappointments will pass by. The first half of the year will bring you a charge of vitality and inspiration. But before autumn you need to get plenty of rest, otherwise your energy will be exhausted. Spring months are good for searching new job and starting your own business. Before doing this, do not forget to pay off your debts and give some funds to charity. In this case, income will not be long in coming.

It's time to say goodbye to the past: quit a boring job or put an end to a relationship that is leading to nowhere. But be careful. A risky and rash act will lead to trouble. The year will be eventful in terms of the heart. The stars predict a bright romance for you (or even two at the same time). But in the end you will have to make difficult choices. If your lover was born under the sign, pay attention to the words of his parents, even if they seem far from the truth. Astrologers recommend focusing on several goals at work and setting aside secondary tasks. This way you will get rid of the eternal doubts inherent in Gemini. Be patient and success will surely come. Remember your health. Refuse to work overtime, do not neglect training and vacations - and you will spend a year without visiting doctors.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancers

The next 12 months will not be easy. Fate has prepared failures and frustrations for you, which must be avoided at all costs. Avoid quarrels and risks, keep promises and show management what you are capable of. In this case, the year will end on a positive note. Finances will bypass problems. In terms of money, 2017 will be a time of constancy and will be suitable for accumulating funds. But your personal life will resemble a roller coaster. The stars predict numerous romances and even unrequited feelings for free Cancers. Representatives of this sign, who have already started a family, must overcome their negative qualities to bring peace and happiness to your home. Cancer's constant worry can lead to health problems. Get plenty of rest and go to the hospital if necessary.

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo

The rooster favors you. Under his patronage, your aspirations will become reality, and luck will follow on your heels. You will achieve what you want in work, hobbies and relationships. This year will be especially prosperous for the family life of Leo. Representatives of the sign who are just looking for a loved one will be disappointed. After all, alas, you cannot order your heart. The second half of the year is conducive to the beginning of a successful relationship, so be on the lookout. 2017 will fill them with vigorous energy and strengthen their health. Creative inspiration will allow you to reach professional heights or start your own business, which will bring a solid profit. But working until you drop is a bad idea. Moral exhaustion will overshadow your professional success and family well-being. We also do not recommend sharing secrets with unfamiliar people. It is possible that trust will turn into betrayal.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgos

You are among the signs that the Rooster will generously give vital forces. will be on the path to self-improvement in all areas of life. Don't be surprised if your outlook changes. The first place will be taken by relationships - existing or new. Your romantic interest can overshadow your professional interests and distract you from your daily activities. Take your work and home responsibilities responsibly, take the chance to climb the career ladder and take care of your health. In this case, returning from heaven to earth will not be a blow to you. 2017 is suitable for investing in someone else's business. The money spent will pay off in full, the main thing is to choose reliable partners. The Rooster may reward you with a bonus or a win in the lottery, but we advise you to save some money for the winter.

Those born under this sign will suffer due to their inherent doubts and anxieties. You may be discouraged by what is happening, but some situations will require decisive action. Autumn and the beginning of winter will be an unfavorable time for you, especially in personal relationships. Try to control your emotions and maintain balance. Meditation or talking with a psychologist will help you cope with difficulties. IN professional life you will face problems that you did not solve last year. Be vigilant in communicating with old and new colleagues. Some of them may be plotting against you. 2017 will be a year of financial difficulties and savings, but this experience will be beneficial in the future. In the second half of the year, your situation will improve.

The coming 12 months will pass without surprises or setbacks. You will be able to realize what you have planned for a long time and change what you don’t like. 2017 is suitable for starting a business and looking for a new occupation. Take on something that sparks your sincere interest, be it a profession or a hobby. Be careful with investments and other monetary transactions. In addition, your peace of mind will be shaken by problems in your personal life. Lonely Scorpios will have a hard time finding a soul mate. But if the relationship starts, it will be long and happy. Those who are already married will face hidden misunderstandings from their wife or husband, which may lead to thoughts of cheating. However, the conflict will not last long. If discord pushes us to move to the left, it will end in trouble.

This year you will feel unprecedented confidence in your abilities. Peace and prosperity will come to your family and professional life. Fortune will show favor to Sagittarius, the main thing is to use the opportunities that it gives. You will have a chance to mend your shaky relationship with your spouse, and the relationship that begins in the summer will certainly bring happiness. A successful 2017 will help you find a new job and be highly productive. If you show courage and vigilance, financial affairs will go well. Weak point Sagittarius will become healthy. Next year, chronic diseases may worsen, and a harmless cold may knock you off your feet for a long time.

Your task is to find harmony between home and work. Change awaits Capricorn at every turn, requiring determination and quick action from him. Only in this case will they bring a substantial reward. In the first half of the year, marital relations will improve, and single representatives of the sign will begin a new romance. Prosperity will last until summer. Then misunderstandings will appear and, possibly, conflicts will begin. Only sincerity will help improve relationships. In addition, the Rooster will endow Capricorns with indestructible energy and efficiency. In the first months of 2017, you will avoid illness and be able to devote yourself to work. But in the fall, your energy supply will run out, so watch your health. Show courage and enthusiasm in your professional life, and your bosses will reward your efforts.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

2017 will be a time of discovery. You will show an unexpected side of yourself, think about your judgments and plans. The main thing is to rely on your mind and instincts, without succumbing to the manipulations of others. The next 12 months will be full of emotions. love awaits (perhaps for an already familiar person), which can develop into happy marriage. If you have a spouse and children, your relationship with them will become more difficult in the first half of the year. Be patient and the storm will subside over time. Serious pressure awaits you at work, but your income is unlikely to increase, and tasks will require effort and attention. Worries and stress can lead to loss of strength, so don’t forget about rest.

The next year will bring difficulties in your professional life. must show all their perseverance and efficiency in order to stay afloat. But excellent opportunities that are not related to your career will literally fall on you. 2017 is a great time to start a new hobby or start a romantic relationship. Perhaps you will find “the one”, and a little flirtation will result in marriage. Take care of your health and finances in the coming months. It's time to say goodbye to bad habits and extra pounds. Although your income will be stable, refrain from spontaneous purchases.