The best varietal tomatoes. Tomato varieties for open ground: the best of the best. The best frost-resistant varieties

Seeds of low-growing tomatoes are leaders in personal plots. The reason is that they are much easier to care for than tall bushes. Small tomatoes do not require tying or pinching; they ripen early and the tomatoes do not have time to get late blight. Let's look at the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground.

Among the variety of varieties and hybrids, every gardener who grows tomatoes chooses his favorite variety according to his preferences. To understand the varieties Here is a description of just some varieties.

Abakan pink large-fruited

The large-fruited tomato belongs to the mid-late varieties, since it takes 120 days from the first shoots for the fruits to fully ripen. The salad purpose and harvest period are extended in time, which is suitable for planting it for consumption in summer vitamin salads.

The bushes are determinate, growing to a height of up to 80 cm and do not require tying to stakes, as they have a strong stem. The variety is grown with two stems. The yield is 5 kg. with 1m 2.

The fruits of the Abakan tomato, appearing during the growth process, have pink and the weight of a single specimen is 300 grams, the pulp is fleshy and sugary.

The fruits ripen gradually, having a long fruiting period.

The fruits ripen 98-100 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The variety has a simultaneous yield. It grows quite compact to a height of 45 cm. It has average resistance to diseases.

The berries are red, round in shape and light in weight. The largest fruits reach only 110 grams. Their taste is sweet and the flesh is fleshy. Possess long shelf life and are easily transported to the point of sale.

They have the peculiarity of simultaneous ripening of fruits in one cluster.

This is an ultra-early variety of tomatoes that can be grown in small containers on the balcony and window sills. Height is only 40 cm. No need for stepson.

Fruiting is continuous from July until the first frost. The fruits are small, 25 grams each. yellow color. They have a good sweet taste. Used both in salads and in canning.

Can be grown in containers- this is suitable for city residents.

This is a mid-early hybrid, from the moment of germination it takes 105 days until the fruits ripen. Bushes of determinant type are standard. Possessing big harvest ness, which can be planted in open ground or a greenhouse. Height is only 60 cm.

The fruits have pink tint and oblong shape. The weight of an individual tomato reaches an average of 90 grams, the tomato skin is matte and dense. The purpose of the fruit is universal.

Ballerina tomatoes are well transported over long distances and can be long-term storage. Hybrid is good resists fungal infections, which can appear on tomato bushes.

Balcony miracle

As the name suggests, tomatoes do well when grown on the balcony. The tomato is self-pollinating, the ripening period is mid-season, since 90 days pass from the moment of seed germination to the ripening of the fruit. The bushes are standard and reach a height of 40 cm.

The fruits are small, only 30 grams. round in shape and red or yellow in color, it depends on the subspecies. The taste is sweet and the flesh is aromatic. The yield is quite high and can be harvested up to 2 kg. from one bush

With a minimum of space You can get a tomato harvest suitable for canning.

The variety has bushes of a determinate type, and they reach 80 cm in height. The leaf blades are tomato-type and green in color. Does not require pinching and is not susceptible to tomato-type diseases.

The fruits are elongated and yellow. The fruits are set in clusters, each containing up to 10 pieces of ripening tomatoes. The average weight of one tomato is 75 grams. The yield from one bush is up to 5 kg. tomato aligned by color.

Variety has good productivity and tolerates transportation well.

White filling – good early ripening

The bushes are low 50 cm. They have early ripening; for full ripening the variety needs 80-95 days. Does not suffer from tomato-type diseases and does not require pinching. Has high productivity in good year harvest up to 7 kg. with 1m 2.

They are round, red in color, but immediately after formation they are milky in color, which is why the variety got its name. Each individual tomato weighs in the range of 80-125 grams. transports well to different distances.

The fruits do not crack.

This ultra early ripening type of tomatoes, because ripening occurs on the 95th day from the moment of seedling germination. Grow it in a seedless way, and it does not require pinching or tying, since its bushes are 40 cm high and belong to the determinant type. Not subject to late blight.

The tomatoes are round in shape and red in color. The weight of the fruit reaches 120 g. The taste is above average, the flesh is sweet and meaty.

Well grown in areas of unsustainable agriculture.

Rich house

Belongs to the determinant type, standard, height is 45 cm. Productivity is 8 kg. with 1m 2. The ripening period is 100 days from the moment of seed germination when growing seedlings. Variety resistant not only to late blight, but also to other tomato-type diseases.

The fruits, when ripe, become red in color and weigh up to 70 grams. They have a well-defined tomato taste with a slight sourness. They tolerate transportation well.

Due to its compact size, this type of tomato can be grown in containers on balconies or in courtyards where the area of ​​land is covered with asphalt.

Low, only 25 cm, so it can be cultivated in pots on the balcony. The yield from such a bush will be up to 3.5 kg. Ripening times vary depending on weather conditions - 105-114 days.

Round and red when fully ripe. Tomatoes weigh 30 grams. dense and sweet in taste. All ripen at the same time on a bush.

Suitable for consumption in fresh.


It is an early superdeterminate hybrid with good disease resistance and grows well in risky farming areas. For tomatoes to fully ripen, it takes 103 days from the start of seed growth. The height of the bush is 55 cm.

Large up to 250 gr. red and round in shape. Universal purpose.

The Explosion variety produces a consistently large harvest in any weather and on any chemical composition earth.

This type of tomato has a friendly, vulnerable harvest. Determinate type, strong and stocky, height does not exceed 100 cm, but can be up to 50 cm in height.

Fruit clusters begin to form above the 4th leaf plate, and each subsequent one after one leaf. Productivity from one bush is up to 5 kg. aligned to the size and shape of pink tomatoes. The average weight of the fruit is 100 g.

The fruits are not subject to cracking.

The indeterminate type grows to a height of 2 m. Early ripening periods take 100 days for the tomatoes to fully ripen. When cultivated, it is formed into three stems.

The fruits are collected on the bush in long clusters, each containing up to 30 fruits. She with her appearance reminds bunch of grapes , for which the variety got its name. The fruits are round, about the size of large cherries red in color and weighing up to 15 grams.

Can be used in conservation.

The variety tolerates bad weather well weather conditions, early ripening, since the fruits begin to ripen 95 days after germination of seedlings. The bushes belong to the determinant type, grow compactly and are no more than 55 cm in height. The yield is 3 kg. with 1m 2.

Red, oval-shaped with smooth skin. The pulp is dense and sweet. The average weight of an individual tomato is 60 grams. They tolerate transportation well and have a long shelf life.

Fruits are universal and when canned as a whole, the skin does not crack.

An early-ripening type of determinate type tomato with a long fruiting period. Resists well against various tomato-type diseases.

They have a bright crimson hue, have excellent taste and excellent presentation. Tomato weight 200 gr.

Fruits picked at milk ripeness are stored for a long time.

Ultra-early ripening variety, ripening 85 days after emergence. The growth is dwarf only 30 cm. The bushes are standard, determinate type. This type of tomato does not require pinching. The yield is small, only 250 grams. from one bush.

The fruits differ in their yellow tint, the skin is smooth and thin, the weight of an individual tomato does not exceed 20 grams. The taste of tomatoes is sweet and sour.

Suitable for growing in containers on the balcony.

A determinate type variety with a large thick trunk. The bush itself is compact, growing to a height of 50 cm. has ultra-early maturity. It takes 83 days for a plant to grow good tomatoes. Excellent disease resistance. Productivity 7 kg. with 1m 2.

Red in color, perfect round shape and weighing 90 grams. They have excellent taste and tolerate transportation well.

Tolerates light shade when grown.

Determinate type, 45 cm high. The variety tolerates drought well, but suffers from late blight during rainy periods. Ripening occurs on the 107th day. Has high productivity at 8 kg. with 1m 2.

They are colored orange, turning into red, have the shape of cream and a tomato weight of 110 grams. Taste qualities good.

To protect Kyiv tomato bushes from late blight, they must be treated with chemicals and not planted densely in a row.

That's enough early variety with high yields, 2 kg are collected from a bush. tomatoes aligned according to weight and shape. Fruit ripening period is 95 days. Determinate type bushes up to 70 cm high. There is no need to tie them to a support, since the variety has a thick stem.

The fruits are set in bunches of up to 5 tomatoes each. Tomatoes have a small mass of 70 g., which is well suited for preservation in its entirety. The color is red, the pulp is sugary, juicy with a small amount of seeds.

Due to the high content of sugars and amino acids, it is suitable for baby food.

The variety has an average ripening period of 115 days, bushes of determinate type up to 100 cm high. The yield per bush is 4 kg. tomatoes.

Elongated shape reminiscent of cream. The color of the tomato is pink, the pulp is fleshy, good for salads. The weight of an individual tomato is 200 grams.

A variety with an average ripening period of tomatoes of 100 days from the first shoots when growing seedlings. It's surprising that when good care Up to 40 kg are collected from a bush. tomato. Bushes only 100 cm high. Determinate type.

The orange-colored, oval-shaped fruits have a sweet taste. It is better to grow in a greenhouse.

The average ripening period is 110 days. The yield is 4.5 kg. with 1m 2. The bush requires pinching of the indeterminate type.

The fruits are cylindrical in red color, the weight of the fruit is 90 g.

Resistant to cracking.

An ultra-early tomato variety that requires 87 days to ripen the fruit. The height of the bush is only 35 cm and it can be cultivated in pots And hanging planters. Fruiting is long lasting.

With good care, one bush can produce up to 300 pieces. fruits aligned in shape and color.

Pink colored fruits small size only 20 gr. There is a possibility of balcony culture.

Low-growing bushes 50 cm tall, determinate type, tolerate bad weather conditions. Resistant to various tomato-type diseases. Productivity is excellent 15 kg. With square meter .

Red color and round shape, 80 gr. each tomato weighs. The taste is slightly sour.

Suitable for growing in large areas.


Bushes no more than 60 cm high. Determinate type have early and friendly fruit ripening. The variety is resistant to diseases inherent in tomatoes.

The tomatoes are round in shape and red in color, even in size and tolerate transportation well.

Sibiriada is good for its resistance to bad weather - suitable for cultivation in northern regions Russia.

Bushes of determinate type, 50 cm high, standard. The first inflorescence forms near the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones will appear every two leaf blades. The average ripening period is 110 days. The yield is 5 kg. from one plant.

Tomatoes are red and cylindrical in shape. The skin is dense, but chews well; the weight of an individual tomato is 250 grams.

Even when ripe, it is well stored in a place with a low temperature.

Siberian Garden

Low-growing bushes of determinate type grow to a height of 50 cm. Good resists diseases and has high productivity. Large tomatoes weighing up to 350 g.

Suitable for planting in the northern regions of Russia.

This dwarf species Tomatoes are well cultivated in hanging pots. Its branches do not exceed a length of 100 cm. The fruits ripen very quickly, 85 days after germination.

Long-term fruiting with small red tomatoes weighing 20 grams. They have a sweet taste.

Suitable for growing in hanging pots.

Determinant type has early ripening fruits The height of the bush is 65 cm. If the temperature in the region rises to 40 degrees, then it is necessary frequent watering and shading from the scorching sun.

The red fruits grow in the shape of a heart and weigh 600 grams. The pulp is fleshy and sugary. Universal use.

Needs tying up large fruits.

It has early ripening, bushes of indeterminate and determinate types.

The fruits cover the bush heavily, as they are formed in large clusters, they are red and not large in size, only 15 grams each. They have a strong aroma and a very sweet taste.

Can be grown in 5 liter pots.


An early variety that needs only 102 days to fully ripen the fruit. Bushes of determinate type and standard, grow up to 55 cm in height. The species resists well various diseases that appear on tomato bushes. The yield of the variety is 2 kg. s m2.

Fruit orange color with a nose reminiscent of a duckling’s nose, for which the variety got its name. The fruits gain weight up to 80 grams. They have excellent presentation and sweet taste.

Possesses long shelf life.

First of all, this variety is self-pollinating and short-growing, so it can be planted in containers. The height of an adult bush is 35 cm. With good care, however, the yield is record-breaking and amounts to 10 kg. s m2.

Round red tomatoes have smooth, dense skin and good pulp density. A single tomato weighs 90 grams.

Absolutely Ephemeral variety not subject to late blight, which is a huge plus.

Comparison table for tomato varieties

Variety Without stepson For the Urals For Siberia Dutch variety Ultra-soon-ripe Early Pink Standard Mid-ripe Indeterminate Determinant
+ +
+ + + + +
+ + +
Balcony miracle + +
+ + +
+ + + +
Rich house +
+ +
Explosion + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
Sibiriada + + +
+ +
Siberian Garden + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
Duckling + +
+ + +

Tomatoes up to 100 cm tall are always popular with gardeners, since almost all varieties do not require pinching

The tomatoes described above are a godsend not only for beginning gardeners, but also for people with extensive experience in cultivating tomatoes. Because tomatoes are planted on large areas with greater yield and less care, since tying and pinching takes a lot of time, farmers prefer varieties with small growth.

26.07.2016 169 961

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground are a guarantee of a tasty and rich harvest!

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground will allow you to harvest not only tasty, but also bountiful harvest. There are many varieties of tomato that bear a small amount of fruit, but delight with their taste. Breeders are constantly developing new tomato products that displace their old predecessors with their excellent qualities.

The best varieties of early ripening tomatoes

Every year the variety of tomato varieties grows, but the early ripening of tomatoes is of particular importance when choosing. Early tomatoes are always valued by vegetable growers precisely because after a long winter you can already enjoy delicious and useful vitamins from your garden. Let's look at the most popular and early ones:

in the photo - tomato variety "Alpha"

Tomato Alpha. Very early, the fruits ripen already by three months after sowing (from 85 to 96 days). The plant is standard, the stem is very dense and thick, low-growing, approximately 50 centimeters high. The best Alpha tomato varieties are sown directly into the ground, there is no need for pinching. The fruits grow red, medium in size, weighing 60-80 grams. The taste of tomatoes is excellent. Valued for what it doesn't need, as tomatoes ripen early. The fruits are good fresh and pickled;

in the photo - tomato variety “Sanka”

Tomato Sanka. A very early ripening variety. Tomatoes ripen by 85 days after the first shoots, and if the weather permits, even earlier. The plant is short, does not exceed 50-60 centimeters in height. The fruits ripen together, their weight is within 100 grams. The variety is resistant to. The peculiarity of this tomato is not only that the tomatoes ripen early, but also ripen before the first frost in the fall. The taste is excellent, very appetizing in its natural form and preserved. It is one of the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground. Seeds are also collected from these tomatoes for the next season;

in the photo - tomato variety “Carotene”

Tomato Carotene. Mid-early ripening variety. These best varieties of tomatoes are valued for their high content of beta-carotene, here its amount is several times higher than in ordinary varieties. It is very good for preservation due to its increased acid content, as well as its unique taste. The fruit weight can reach 140-150 grams. Good disease resistance.
Tomato Betalux. This variety is ultra-early, the fruits ripen already at 95-98 days of growth. The plant is short, up to 50 centimeters. Tomatoes grow weighing 90-110 grams, round in size and red in color. The fruits are suitable for consumption in their natural form and are very good for preservation. Stepchildren practically do not grow, this makes it easier to care for tomatoes throughout the season;

in the photo - tomato variety "Betalux" in the photo - variety of tomatoes "Betalux"

It is better to select varieties of tomatoes for open ground according to the region of residence and climatic conditions. The market offers a large variety of different tomato seeds suitable for cultivation in almost all regions of Russia. All you have to do is choose.

Tomato varieties for open ground - choosing the most productive ones

Gina's Tomato. It is considered one of the best varieties of tomatoes, as it combines high yields and magnificent fruits. The plant is not tall, in height 50-60 centimeters, medium-branched, so it does not need to be pinched and. The fruits are round and red, the pulp is juicy, the peel is dense. Fruit weight fluctuates between 200-280 grams. A variety of medium ripeness, yield up to 10 kilograms per square meter;

in the photo - “Gina” tomatoes

Tomato Budenovka. Good productive variety tomatoes weighing 450-500 grams, do not crack. One bush can produce 7-8 kilograms of fruit. The plant is mid-early (110-115 days). Unpretentious in care, therefore it consistently produces a good harvest even with unfavorable conditions. The tomatoes are pink with a raspberry contrast, heart-shaped, sweet and fleshy;

in the photo - tomatoes of the “Budenovka” variety

Tomato Stolypin. Researching the best varieties of tomatoes, Stolypin is one of the high-yielding ones. From one square meter it is possible to harvest up to 9 kilograms of tomatoes. It is a cold-resistant plant, resistant to late blight. The fruits are pink with a red tint, small in size, weighing up to 130 grams. Valued for its excellent yield and excellent unique taste. A good variety for canning and eating in its natural form;

in the photo - tomato variety "Stolypin"

Raspberry giant tomato. A very high-yielding hybrid, up to 20 kilograms of fruit per square meter. Fat tomatoes weighing from 150 to 250 grams, bright crimson color. The variety is determinate, up to 120 centimeters high. The variety is resistant to various diseases. Tomatoes are great for winter preparation and fresh consumption.

raspberry giant tomatoes - pictured

Tomato Stick – Columnar, there are other names for tomato, Terry-leaved, Curly-leaved, Stick Tomato, Curl Tomato. A rare mid-season variety, the fruits ripen 105-100 days after the seeds germinate. The main stem can reach one meter in height when grown in a greenhouse or in open ground. The trunk is almost bare, small branches with leaves resemble roses. The fruits are small, round, weighing 50-60 grams. The tomatoes taste sweet with a slight sourness, perfect for eating in their natural form and for winter preparations. A feature of tomatoes is the small number of leaves and the absence of the need for pinching. When planting in the ground, the distance between the holes is made no more than 20-30 centimeters, this is enough for air exchange and ventilation to avoid late blight;

in the photo - variety of tomatoes “Stick” in the photo - tomatoes variety “Stick”

in the photo - “Palka” tomatoes
in the photo - “Palka” tomatoes

Tomato Mushroom Lukoshko suitable for growing under film and open plantations, mid-season variety with limited growth (up to 0.9-1 meters), requires staking and shaping. The seeds sprout together. Seedlings are sown in March, and planted in the ground in a permanent place in the second ten days of May. The fruits are large, fleshy, weighing 250-350 grams. The tomato is bright red, with a pink tint, and strongly ribbed. The taste is pleasant, sugary, the flesh is tender and juicy. Consumed fresh, good for preservation. The original shape allows you to use tomatoes to decorate dishes;

in the photo - tomatoes of the “Mushroom Basket” variety

in the photo - tomato variety “Mushroom Basket”
in the photo - tomato variety “Mushroom Basket”

Tomato Puzata Khata refers to early ripening varieties, grown in greenhouses and open ground. The fruiting period is long and the yield is high. Up to 11 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one square meter. The plants are powerful and tall (1.4 - 1.5 m). The fruits are red, wide, pear-shaped, slightly ribbed. The weight of one tomato is 280-300 grams. The pulp and peel are dense, the taste is sugary, without sourness. When planting tomatoes, place 3-4 plants per square meter, form them into one or two stems, and tie them up;

in the photo - tomato variety “Puzata Khata”

Flaschentomaten, a tall tomato variety (1.7-1.9 meters), requires staking and shaping. It is grown in open ground, in greenhouses with one or two stems. A high-yielding, low-maintenance variety with good resistance to late blight. Large quantity tomatoes on bunches, ripen until frost without loss of taste. The weight of one fruit is 40-50 grams. The shape of the fruit is bottle-shaped, elongated. The color is red with a slight orange tint, shiny glossy. The taste is magnificent, sweet, aromatic and rich. Consumed fresh, excellent for drying and winter canning, the fruits do not burst.

in the photo - “Flaschentomaten” tomatoes in the photo - Flyashen tomatoes

in the photo - tomatoes variety “Flaschentomaten”
in the photo - tomatoes of the “Flyaschentomaten” variety

When choosing tomato varieties for open ground, consider the weight of the fruit, their shape, and the ripening period of the tomatoes. An important point when choosing the best varieties of tomatoes is the form in which they will be used, fresh or for canning. The taste of salad tomatoes differs from those specially grown for winter storage. The taste of fruitful varieties is not so great, but the abundance of fruits will always please.

It is not for nothing that the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground are called “the best”, since they have all the basic qualities: high yield, early maturation, good fleshy fruits, excellent taste, and of course disease resistance.

February - the right time to select and purchase tomato seeds, which we will sow in March. I have been growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground for only 6 years, but I have already managed to create my own hit parade of tomato varieties.

The best varieties of tomatoes

There are varieties must have, which I always plant every year. I like them not only for their taste and unpretentiousness, but also for the way they look on the bush. I’ll paraphrase one bearded joke: “I don’t really like tomatoes... But the process itself...”. I love going into the greenhouse and admiring the tomato plantations. And I don’t hesitate to show off especially spectacular ones to my neighbors, and then post photos on the forum. It’s a shame to hide it - we all love it!

The following varieties are among the favorites also because they do not need to be fanatically cultivated and shaped. And they will always produce a harvest: small, large, and a lot, depending on the variety and what I grow them for - for salads, for preparations, or, the smallest and sweetest ones, so that “like seeds, they click.” .

Variety "Rocket" Suitable for both open ground. The fruits are identical in shape and sweet. We love to eat them by the handful. Look good in blanks. The bush requires garter, despite the fact that the package says the opposite. This is because a lot of fruits grow, and the bush bends from the weight. Its height in open ground is about 40 cm, and can reach up to 60 cm. This is a mid-season variety; it does not need to be pinched.

Rice. 1. “Rocket” matures smoothly and is well stored in both technical and biological maturity.

Variety "Big Man" I got it from a neighbor. During a tour of her greenhouse, I really liked the way it looked on the bush. The neighbor said that she has been planting it for a long time, that it is unpretentious and always sets fruit, even if the ventilation regime in the greenhouse is not followed. Of course, I took one fruit for seeding. “Zdorovyak” can grow up to 100 cm in height, so it is better to grow it in a greenhouse, although it produces large tomatoes in open ground.

Rice. 2. There is almost no need to pin the “Big Man” wrist.

Rice. 3. It ripens in batches, gradually, which is very convenient.

Among the vigorous-growing tomatoes with large fruits, I highlighted variety "Red Giant". This amateur variety was bred by simple gardeners. Despite the fact that it grows a lot of leaves, it does not have to be pruned too often. The fruits on the lower tiers are the largest. If I had not been lazy and plucked out the inflorescences, leaving no more than 3-4 in the brush, the fruits would have been even larger. It is fleshy inside and contains few seeds.

Rice. 4. “Red Giant” in mid-July.

Rice. 5. You can take your own seeds, but the fruit must ripen on the bush and come from the second cluster from the bottom.

Rice. 6. The fruits are slightly ribbed, quite transportable, there is never a yellow-pink top from unbalanced care, as in pink-fruited varieties.

Rice. 7. Both from the side of the stalk and from reverse side always have a marketable appearance.

Rice. 8. The only drawback of the “Red Giant” is that the largest fruits require a garter.

However, almost all large-fruited tomatoes require additional tying of the brushes. Except my next favorite, "Bull's Heart". I also always grow it year after year, as my grandmother advised me. “He will never let you down!” - she said, and every year I am convinced of this. Even if I took my own seeds and not factory ones, “ Bull's heart" invariably bears fruit and does not require pinching at all, although it is vigorous. Somehow I didn’t have enough space in the greenhouse, and one bush of “Bull’s Heart” grew outside without shelter. It grew to 1 m instead of 140-150 cm in the greenhouse, but still pleased me.

Rice. 9. The hands grow in such a way that they do not need to be additionally secured with a garter to prevent them from falling.

Rice. 10. There is one peculiarity of the “Bull’s Heart” - a predisposition to the formation of such gnarled fruits.

Therefore, if you see a bud or flower that is too large, feel free to cut it with scissors, it will still take a long time to ripen, even though it will be large, the skin will be hard and gray, you cannot take seeds from it.

Rice. 11. But the bulk of the “Bull’s Heart” fruits are very beautiful, tasty and fleshy. By the way, this variety comes in both orange and red.

Tall tomatoes for the greenhouse

I definitely plant the listed varieties, but there are also some that I just liked, and I periodically grow them in the greenhouse, but I have not become a fan of them. Of the indeterminates, I like the raceme varieties the most. Again, this is primarily because they look beautiful on the bush. There are only three varieties, and each has a special reason to grow it.

"Intuition F1"- a mid-season hybrid, but I would classify it as late-ripening. Not only does it reach harvest ripeness only by mid-August, but biological maturity also comes quite late. Some specimens of these tomatoes ripen even until the end of October. But, on the other hand, this is convenient because as a result, we have our own houses for a very long time fresh tomatoes. That's why I sow it in February.

Rice. 12. Photo from the end of July, but the fruits have not yet begun to ripen.

But "Intuition F1" very lightweight. This hybrid is great for freezing for future use. In winter, I make pizza and frittata with them, as they do not defrost like porridge, but retain their meatiness well when sliced.

Rice. 13. The fruits are all smooth and beautiful.

Rice. 14. In this form, I send “Intuition F1” to deep freeze.

"Scarlet Candles"- carpal variety, mid-season. They don’t have a special taste, but what a shape! Looks impressive in preparations with cucumbers. However, this is why I grow them. It’s nice to admire such a jar later in the winter.

Rice. 15. The length of “Scarlet Candles” is almost like pickling cucumbers.

Rice. 16. “Scarlet candles” look neat, they all have a characteristic “spout”.

"De barao" Quite late-ripening, I sow it earlier than the bulk of the tomatoes. I really like it in preparations, it does not crack and is very tasty, both fresh and pickled.

Rice. 17. "De Barao" is resistant to disease. I always plant it on the north side, tying it above the entrance to the greenhouse, because it is very tall, and the upper tier ripens even in the last ten days of August, despite the first cold nights.

Rice. 18. The fruits are beautiful, all as one.

I have tried a great variety of salad varieties, I still want to find the most delicious one. Of the tomatoes with unusual colors, I really like the taste " Malachite box" And "Black Prince". Both are tall and require pinching, gartering, and formation into 1-2 stems, but the effort is worth it, the fruits are magnificent. "Black Prince" - dark burgundy at full ripeness.

Rice. 19. “Malachite box” in biological maturity - green.

Rice. 20. All these “Malachite Box” tomatoes are already ripe, although they seem unripe in appearance.

Yellow giants are not inferior in taste, of them the most fleshy and tasty for me are "Truffle yellow" - unusual shape, "Persimmon"- indeed, the cut flesh is like the fruit of the same name, "Golden King" and sweet as a melon "Golden Bull". Less impressed "Heart of Gold" And "Altai yellow".
But it should be noted that the shelf life of yellow tomatoes is inferior to red ones. From salad reds I grew "King of the Large", "Cardinal", "Canary", "Bear's Paw", "Mazarin", "Altai Red". What can I say about them - they are all equal, as if by selection. It tires them to constantly tug and tie them up. One good thing is that they are large.

Rice. 21. Everyone looks the same on the bush. This is Cardinal.

Rice. 22. “Cardinal” is well kept.

Rice. 23. "Canaries".

Rice. 24. In the foreground is “Mazarin”. It differs only in shape, in taste - like all other red-fruited ones.

Rice. 25. “Altai Reds”, however, can be praised for their friendly maturation.

I would especially like to mention pink-fruited tomatoes "Miracle of the Earth." If you are lucky with the summer and it is not very hot, then you can get a good harvest from this variety.

Rice. 26. “Miracle of the Earth” are also tall.

But, if there is not very good ventilation in the greenhouse, then this variety will give a characteristic light yellow border, I don’t like it, and I cut it off before use.

Rice. 27. “Miracle of the Earth” - on the right. They are the same size as the Red Giant on the left.

Separately, it should be said about tall cherry tomatoes, for example, “Chio-chio-san”, “Sweet Cherry F1” and others. Yes, many of them are sweet, they look elegant both in the greenhouse and in pickles, but many of them are thrown away and require careful care. No matter how much I refuse to plant them, I still “break down”, I really want to admire the brushes.

Rice. 28. “Red date” is, of course, delicious.

Rice. 29. “Goldilocks” also tastes good if you resist and don’t eat it half-ripe - and it can be eaten even half-ripe.

Tomatoes for open ground

Among the tomatoes for growing outside, I liked only five. Although all tomatoes for open ground can be grown in a greenhouse, if there is space. It is simply more efficient to occupy a greenhouse not only in width, but also in height, so it is customary to place low varieties outside, under temporary shelter or without it at all.

Hybrid "King of the Market III F1" No wonder it got its name. I grow it under cover and without, depending on how much space remains in the greenhouse after the main plantings. It is considered early ripening, although I would not say so. I plant it with pleasure, because in any summer - both cloudy and hot - it produces a stable harvest. Most likely, this is because it is resistant to various diseases. In a greenhouse it grows slightly higher than in open ground. A garter is needed because the fruits, especially the lower ones, are very large.

Rice. 30. “Market King III F1” produces aligned fruits (in the red basket).

Rice. 31. “Apple tree of Russia” on a bush.

Rice. 32. “Apple Tree of Russia” stores well, including when frozen.

Rice. 33. “Buyan” is a long-known trouble-free variety for open ground.

Rice. 34. “Buyan” is good for pickling.

Rice. 35. I bought “Leningrad Chill” in economical packaging - 200 seeds in one. It lived up to its name, did not freeze during frosts, and grew well both in the greenhouse and outdoors.

Rice. 36. But the yellow-fruited variety “Wonder of the World” turned out to be the most cold-resistant for open ground. It sets an incredible amount of fruit.

I also tried from the low ones “Kremlin F1”, “Peach”, “Orange Sun”, “Darling”, “Tiger”, “Sanka”. Despite the hype, these varieties disappointed me.

And finally, dwarfs. These tomatoes are suitable for even the laziest or busiest gardeners. They do not require gartering, watering and, especially, pinching.

Rice. 37. Dwarfs only need to be mulched in mid-June and come to harvest in early August.

This article describes the best varieties of tomatoes for 2019, suitable for growing in different regions countries. Since many people prefer to grow tomatoes with my own hands, such information will be very useful, given all the diversity existing varieties. In addition, new types of tomatoes appear on the market every year, and it is quite difficult to keep track of all the new products.

Variety of tomato varieties

All tomatoes are divided into two main types. These are varietal tomatoes and hybrids. It is quite easy to distinguish them, since the name of the hybrid plant necessarily contains the designation F1. Hybrids are artificially bred and differ in that the seeds of such tomatoes do not retain hereditary characteristics.

The following characteristic, which is indicated by the manufacturer seed material, is the method of cultivation. You can cultivate tomatoes without shelter or in greenhouses. This information must be present on any package of seeds.

Another parameter that distinguishes various varieties tomatoes from each other is the ripening period. This is the time it takes a plant from the moment it is planted until its fruits reach ripeness. According to the ripening period, tomatoes are divided into the following:

  • ultra-early (less than 80 days);
  • early ripening (80–85);
  • mid-early (85–95);
  • mid-season (95–105);
  • mid-late (110–120);
  • late (over 120 days).

This classification is very arbitrary, since it does not take into account the characteristics of the growing region. The same tomatoes in different climatic conditions can ripen with significant differences in timing.

Tomatoes also differ in height, or degree of growth. There are several main types:

  • indeterminate;
  • semi-determinate;
  • determinant;
  • superdeterminant;
  • standard.

The shortest are standard tomatoes; their height may not exceed half a meter. Indeterminate tomatoes are not limited in growth and can reach a length of 2–3 m. In addition, tomatoes are distinguished by color (red, pink, yellow), fruit size and culinary purpose.

How to choose the best tomato varieties for 2019

The choice of tomatoes for the upcoming planting in 2019 must be approached in detail. This article contains photos and descriptions of the best varieties of tomatoes, however, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account not only the quality of the seed material, but also the characteristics of the growing region, climate, soil composition and other factors. The method of cultivation is also important: it will be a greenhouse or open ground. For example, in areas with cool climates for growing on open beds It is worth choosing early-ripening standard tomatoes. In areas with more favorable conditions Later tomatoes can also be planted.

When choosing planting material It would also be useful to take into account the culinary purpose of the tomato. Some tomatoes are good for pickling, others are high in sugar and are more suitable for slicing and salads. Some are grown only for technical purposes for processing into tomato paste, ketchup or juice.

The best varieties of tomatoes in Russia

It is hardly possible to choose the best varieties of tomatoes among the entire variety of tomatoes, since the climate and growing conditions in different regions of the country differ radically. Therefore, reviews about the best varieties of tomatoes will always differ. It is possible to note only those that have good recommendations from gardeners from different parts of Russia. The following tomatoes stand out among them:

  1. Bull's heart. The absolute leader in the opinion of most gardeners. Ripens in 120 days. The average weight of one tomato is 0.5 kg.
  2. De Barao. A long-known and largely deserved variety of late-ripening tomatoes with a ripeness period of 120–130 days. The yield from 1 bush can reach up to 4 kg, although the fruits themselves are small - on average 100 g.
  3. Golden domes. Mid-season tomato, ripening in approximately 110 days. Tomatoes have an average weight of 0.2–0.4 kg, and with good care, up to 8 kg of fruit can ripen on the bush.
  4. Cio-Cio-San. Mid-early variety, ripening in 100–110 days. Tomatoes are small in size, on average 0.05 kg, but up to 4 kg can be harvested from a bush. Tomatoes are very presentable in appearance and have excellent taste.
  5. Eagle beak. Reaches maturity in 110–115 days. The weight of the fruit varies from 200 to 400 g, and you can harvest up to 8 kg from 1 bush.

A video about the best varieties of tomatoes can be viewed at the link below.

Rating of the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

As a rule, standard varieties with early or medium ripening are grown without shelter. The most promising in this category are:

  1. Gina. These tomatoes can be grown in open beds. The length of the vines is 0.5–0.6 m. Each tomato weighs on average 0.2 kg, per bush - up to 4 kg.
  2. Lojane. Mid-season variety. The bush does not grow higher than 0.7 m, and you can get up to 8 kg from each. The fruits are large, 0.2–0.25 kg. The variety is particularly resistant to drought and high temperatures.
  3. El Dorado. Shoots up to 0.9 m high require garter. Tomatoes of this variety ripen in approximately 110 days. The fruits weigh up to 400 g, are yellow, and have a sweetish taste. The yield from each bush can be 3–4 kg. Recommended for the southern regions of the country.
  4. Red Fang. It is classified as low-growing, the height of the bush is no more than 0.8 m. It has characteristic elongated fruits weighing 40–60 g. Each bush can produce 3–4 kg of tomatoes.
  5. Giant. The variety is loved by many precisely for the weight of the fruit, which is 0.2–0.5 kg, and some weigh up to 1 kg.

10 best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Most tomatoes will grow better in greenhouses. The most interesting for gardeners may be:

  1. Tornado F. Mid-early hybrid. Ripens in 105–110 days. At proper care on a bush it can ripen up to 8 kg. It does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, but has good immunity to most diseases.
  2. Empire F. This is an indeterminate type hybrid that matures in 100–105 days. The fruits are shaped like a plum, weighing from 90 to 140 g. Recommended for canning.
  3. Druzhok F. Early hybrid, determinate type, growing only up to 0.6 m. Fruits 100–110 g, good transportability.
  4. Sprinter F. Early hybrid. The fruits are red, weighing 150–200 g, universal.
  5. Samurai. Mid-early variety, ripening in 105 days. The fruits are pink, weighing up to 200 g. Productivity up to 4 kg.
  6. Swallowtail F. Early hybrid, ripening in 95–100 days. Fruit weight 180–220 g. Dessert variety excellent taste.
  7. Verlioka Plus F. High-yielding hybrid, early ripening, resistant to most diseases. Fruits 120–150 g. Good taste.
  8. Harlequin F. Early hybrid (90–100 days). It is distinguished by good yield and unextended fruiting. Fruit weight – 150 g.
  9. Funtik F. Mid-season hybrid, ripening in 120 days. The average fruit weight is 200–240 g. Resistant to many tomato diseases.
  10. Yakimanka F. Young but promising mid-early hybrid. Fruits 220–240 g. Is immune to most tomato diseases.

The best varieties of early ripening tomatoes

Early tomatoes usually ripen in 80–90 days. The most promising of these are the following:

  1. Alpha. A salad superdeterminate variety that grows only 0.5 m. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 50–70 g. Ripens in 88–93 days.
  2. Amur standard. Salad variety grown under film and in open ground. Height 0.4–0.5 m. Fruits up to 150 g.
  3. Aphrodite F. Super early hybrid, ripening in just 75–80 days. Fruits 100–110 g, universal.
  4. Doll F. Ultra-early hybrid with a ripening period of 85–95 days. The fruits are universal, each 150–200 g.
  5. Maksimka. A super early variety, the fruits ripen in 70–80 days. Tomatoes weighing 80–100 g, purpose – universal.

The best varieties of late tomatoes

Tomatoes that ripen in 120 days or more are grown mainly in southern regions countries. Among these, in addition to the Oxheart and De Barao tomatoes mentioned above, the following can be noted:

  1. Russian size F. Large-fruited variety, ripening in 125–130 days. Fruit weight is from 0.6 to 2(!) kg. Used for salads or for industrial processing.
  2. Grandma's gift. Yield variety with a ripening period of 125 days. The weight of the fruit is 150–200 g. It is often used for processing, but can also be eaten fresh.
  3. King of Kings F. A late hybrid that appeared relatively recently. Indeterminate, grown only in greenhouses. The weight of the fruit can vary from 0.2 to 1.5 kg.
  4. Bobcat F. A hybrid originally from Holland with a ripening period of about 125–130 days. Fruits 180–240 g, universal purpose.
  5. Rocket. Late variety ideal option for those who like to preserve whole tomatoes. Smooth, elongated fruits of small size and bright scarlet color look great in jars and have excellent taste.

The best tomato varieties for 2019

Forecasters do not predict any weather disasters for 2019. Therefore, preference should be given to proven, reliable varieties. The undoubted leaders here are everyone's favorite Bullheart and De Barao. For those who like to try new varieties, we can recommend the following tomatoes:

Tomato seeds: the best varieties

Good seeds are not a guarantee good harvest. However, this is an important factor. Of the varieties that produce the best seedlings tomato, the following can be noted:

  • Idol. A versatile, productive variety that is resistant to many diseases.
  • Glad. A universal variety, grown both in greenhouses and in greenhouses.
  • Whist. Indeterminate variety for greenhouses. High-yielding.
  • Family. A productive variety with a large number of fruits from 100 to 400 g, suitable for preservation.
  • Fortress. Fine famous variety, grown both under film and in open beds.

The best high-yielding tomato varieties for 2019

Yield indicators depend not only on the variety, but also on the method of cultivation, weather, watering and fertilizing. In addition, many tomatoes need bush formation, pinching, and pinching to increase yield. Among the tomatoes that traditionally delight gardeners with excellent productivity, we can highlight the following:

  • Rio Grande (up to 8 kg from 1 bush)
  • Snow leopard (up to 8 kg);
  • Asvon F1 (up to 8 kg);
  • Academician Sakharov(up to 5.5 kg);
  • Red rooster (up to 5 kg);
  • My love F1 (up to 5 kg);

The best frost-resistant tomato varieties

In many regions of Russia, the climate is far from ideal for growing tomatoes. Therefore, such a characteristic as cold resistance is a decisive factor for many gardeners when choosing the best tomato varieties for planting. In this case, you should pay attention to the following tomatoes:

  • Taimyr;
  • Snowdrop;
  • Bullfinch;
  • Little Red Riding Hood;
  • Leader of the Redskins;
  • Danko;
  • Siberian Troika.

All of them are characterized by a short ripening period and resistance to short-term cold snaps.

5 Best Tomato Varieties Resistant to Late Blight

Late blight is the most common disease that affects tomatoes and often leads to the death of the entire crop or a significant part of it. All tomatoes without exception suffer from this disease, and the incidence factor depends more on the weather and care than on the variety. The following tomatoes suffer less than others from this disease:

  • Katya F1;
  • Verlioka + F1;
  • Casanova;
  • Royal gift;
  • Gigolo.

The best tomato varieties for 2019 for regions

The same variety in different climatic conditions will feel completely different. The yield will also differ. Therefore, when choosing tomatoes, you should pay attention to zoned varieties.

For the Moscow region

The climate of the Moscow region is quite variable, so it is better to grow tomatoes under film. The following types have proven themselves well:

  • Andromeda (ripening period 90–100 days);
  • Nevsky (90–100 days);
  • Sweet bunch (85–90 days);
  • Alenka (90–100 days);
  • Medok (85–90 days);
  • Mongolian dwarf(90–100 days)
  • Rose honey (100–110 days).

It is impossible not to mention here De Barao (pictured below), he is considered the best in the Moscow region and has a reputation as deserved and respected.

For the Urals

For the Ural climate with its short, cool summers, determinate and standard varieties with short term ripening, resistant to changing weather. The following tomatoes may be suitable for growing in greenhouses:

  • Bersola F1 (ripening period 90 days);
  • Kostroma F1 (105–110 days);
  • Titanic F1 (110–115 days);
  • Lovely Lady F1(95–100 days);
  • Lelya F1 (95–100 days).

For open ground you can use the following varieties of tomatoes:

  • Siberian early ripening(ripening period 100–110 days);
  • Siberian Express F1(100 days);
  • Gina (100–110 days);
  • King of Siberia (100–110 days);
  • Sugar bison (105–110 days);
  • Oak F1 (110–115 days).

For the middle band

Climate middle zone Russia differs little from the Moscow region, so you can grow the same tomatoes there as in the Moscow region. In addition, you can grow the following tomatoes:

  • Red Arrow F1(Maturing period 100–105 days);
  • Sunny (95–110 days);
  • Doris (110–120 days);
  • White filling (100–115 days);
  • Alpatyeva 905A (100–105 days).

Tomato varieties for 2019: the best producers

There are quite a lot of agricultural firms in Russia engaged in the production of seed products. Some of them have been on the market for a long time and have a well-deserved reputation for reliability. Here are some of them:

  • Item no. The company has been on the market for quite a long time (since 1990), but its name is not familiar to everyone. The lack of advertising is partly to blame here, however, the company’s clients almost unanimously note high quality seeds
  • SeDek. The company was founded in 1995 and is one of the leaders not only in seed production, but also in breeding work. Suffice it to say that more than 450 species of crops bred by the company’s specialists are included in the State Register.
  • Russian vegetable garden. The company carries out serious breeding and educational work and publishes its own magazine. It has its own department at the All-Russian Exhibition Center and in the Netherlands.
  • Gavrish. A company with more than 20 years of experience. Moreover, breeding work on tomatoes is one of the main activities of the company.
  • Aelita. A reputable company that entered the market more than 20 years ago. More than 400 varieties different cultures, bred by this company, are included in the State Register.

Of course, the list is far from complete. Breeding work is carried out by many agricultural companies, so new varieties of tomatoes appear with enviable regularity.


Listed in the article best seeds tomatoes for 2019 are only a small part of the large tomato family. When choosing a variety for planting, you should remember that the rating of the best tomato varieties is different for each region and that not everything depends on the seeds. Much of the success comes from caring for the plants in the first place. Without proper care it will not bear fruit even best variety, while the most ordinary one, with proper agricultural technology, will show miracles of productivity.