Indicators and average yields of garlic. Garlic business: care and cultivation, how much you can earn

Kira Stoletova

The yield of garlic depends on many factors. There are 2 varieties of the crop: winter and spring garlic. In many ways, the amount of root vegetables depends on the selected variety and region. There are special zoned varieties that are adapted to a specific climate.

  • Average yield

    Garlic is a crop that is popular all over the world. It has not only a piquant taste, but also medicinal properties, which are used in folk medicine for many years. The quality of the harvest depends largely on the type of crop.

    1. Spring varieties planted in the spring produce dense, small heads with straight, slightly pointed teeth. Shelf life is about 12 months.
    2. Fruit winter garlic, planted in autumn, are significantly larger in size than spring ones. The teeth are smooth, beautiful with a spicy, spicy taste. Shelf life is from 3 to 9 months, depending on the variety.

    The yield of garlic per 1 acre is from 100 to 500 kg. It all depends on the place of cultivation, variety and conditions. The average yield of garlic per 1 hectare ranges from 10 to 50 tons. To get a good harvest, you need to follow the rules of cultivation, crop rotation and provide the root crops with the necessary care.


    Growing garlic is a complex process in which it is important to take into account all the nuances of the variety and the climatic conditions of your region. The largest harvests are observed in Ukraine on fertile black earth soils. In Russia, when growing garlic, you need to take into account that this crop adapts to climatic conditions for quite a long time. Planting new variety, you need to understand that good harvest It will only be possible to obtain it in the 3rd year, when the culture is fully adapted, so it is recommended to use zoned varieties, especially in the northern regions of Russia.

    Should be selected good plot for growing crops. Garlic is a light-loving plant, so to plant a winter or spring variety, you need to choose a well-lit one. open area. Lands with close occurrence groundwater are completely unsuitable for growing these root crops. The culture grows well in open ground, therefore, the construction of a greenhouse will be an unnecessary waste of effort, money and time. 1 hundred square meters will be enough.

    Soil preparation

    It is very important to observe crop rotation on the site. Root crops should not be planted in one place for several years in a row. The culture can be returned to its original place after 3 years. The predecessors of garlic culture can be the following plants:

    • cucumbers;
    • zucchini;
    • legumes;
    • cabbage.

    Root crops should not be planted after nightshade crops. These include potatoes, sweet peppers, and eggplants. Fertilizing the soil for winter garlic is carried out before planting the previous crop. For summer varieties, fertilizing is usually carried out in the fall.

    For heavy soils, it is recommended to add 1 bucket of sand and peat per 1 m2. Plants respond well to the application of nitrogenous fertilizers. It is not recommended to apply manure immediately before planting. A good harvest of garlic can be obtained on sandy and loamy soils. The yield of garlic per 1 acre in such areas is 450-500 kg.

    Planting material

    The choice and preparation of planting material has a huge impact on productivity. Root vegetables can reproduce:

    • cloves;
    • heads;
    • seeds.

    Preparation seed material begin at the harvesting stage. Only the largest specimens should be selected, without visible mechanical damage. The larger the root crops are for planting, the better the harvest will be. Increasingly, farmers prefer planting material such as single-toed. This seed is equally suitable for manual and mechanized planting, while cloves are only suitable for manual planting.

    The one-tooth shoots roots exactly along the entire perimeter of the bottom, while the clove's roots appear only from the blunt end. Whatever the planting material, it must be disinfected before planting. For this use:

    • saline solution;
    • alkaline solution;
    • potassium permanganate solution.

    After processing, the heads are dried. You need to brush your teeth immediately before planting. Single teeth don't clean at all.

    Agrotechnical devices and planting

    The secret of a good harvest lies in making the right choice planting techniques. On small dacha You can process the area manually. To cultivate a garden of 1 hectare, you will already need specialized agricultural technology. This includes tractors with mounted structures for cultivating soil and sowing or a walk-behind tractor.

    Winter garlic is planted 30-40 days before the onset of persistent cold weather. This is the period from late September to mid-October. Summer varieties are planted in April. Root crops, regardless of variety, are planted in furrows. The distance between rows should be 25-30 cm.

    Planting material is laid out at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, slightly buried in the soil. When planting winter garlic, after filling the furrows with soil, you must immediately mulch the soil with sawdust or humus. If winters in the region are snowy, you can do without mulching.


    Yields can be significantly increased by implementing proper care for plants. When the first shoots appear, they begin to feed with urea. When growing winter varieties, fertilizers are applied to the soil that has not yet been warmed up. After 2-3 weeks they add mineral supplements. When 5-6 leaves appear, phosphorus and potassium are added.

    Root vegetables are loved abundant watering. During the active growing season, plantings are watered 3-4 times per month. Watering the plants should be stopped 2-3 weeks before harvesting. It is very important to care for it correctly. It needs to be loosened regularly to root system received sufficient oxygen. In order for the garlic heads to grow larger, you need to shorten the arrows on the plants by at least 15-20 cm.

    Harvesting and storage

    Planting and care is only half the battle; you still need to properly harvest the root crops in order to be able to save the seed for next year. The timing depends on the weather in the region. Usually winter varieties are dug up in early August, and summer varieties in September. A sure sign that it is time to harvest root crops is yellowing of the tops. In small plots you can harvest vegetables manually; in plots of 1 hectare it is better to use a mechanized harvesting method.

    The next stage is treatment. To do this, the root vegetables are left in the sun for several days so that they dry thoroughly. After this, they are placed under a canopy for 15-20 days and stored at a temperature of 25℃. After this you need to trim the tops. The leaves are not completely cut off, leaving a tail of 3-5 cm.

    How long your garlic harvest will be stored directly depends on the variety and compliance with the rules. Throughout winter period, you need to sort through the root crops, discard rotten and empty heads. Seed material should be stored separately. It is recommended to put it in boxes and sprinkle it with salt or ash.

    Final part

    How many root crops you will collect from 1 hectare of your plot will depend on several factors:

    • soil composition;
    • climatic conditions;
    • correct cultivation and care;
    • correct storage of planting material.

    The average yield per 1 hectare on chernozems is 45 tons, on heavy soils, subject to all rules of agricultural technology, it is 10 tons per 1 hectare. Adding peat and sand will help improve the quality of the soil.

    To grow a rich harvest, you need to choose the right crop to grow in your area because these root crops have a rather long adaptation period, at least 2 years. The culture responds well to regular fertilizing, abundant watering and loosening. To grow large heads, you need to trim the shoots by 15-20 cm in time.

    When growing winter varieties, the soil must be mulched to protect the plantings from freezing. Garlic is considered the most fertile and unpretentious crop. It is grown all over the world.

    A profitable solution if you have land is growing garlic as a business. Food crops are highly valued and popular among consumers. At the same time, there is a demand for garlic throughout the year, and the peak of sales occurs during the canning season. The process of growing crops does not require major investments or special equipment. The business is ideal for beginners and those wishing to receive a quick and stable income.

    Choosing garlic: popular varieties

    Today, farmers prefer winter and spring garlic. At the same time, the first one is more in demand and has a large number of advantages:

    • high productivity;
    • resistance to low temperatures;
    • unpretentiousness to climate and soil;
    • economic benefit.

    Anyone can start growing garlic for sale at home, even without experience or knowledge. It is enough to have a free plot and desire. The variety of winter garlic is determined depending on the weather conditions of the region where planting will take place. The most common are:

    • Lyubasha. Easily tolerates frost and dryness. Can be stored for up to 10 months without loss of quality. The average weight of the bulb is 80-120 grams.
    • Ukrainian white and purple. Two varieties, the weight of the bulbs is 60-140 grams. The varieties do not shoot, they give a good harvest of about 200 kg per 1 hectare of land. Suitable for long-term storage.
    • Saved. It has high keeping quality and productivity. The weight of the bulb is 60-100 grams.
    • Messidor. Dutch variety of winter garlic. The harvest is up to 25 tons per hectare.
    • Gulliver. A mid-late representative of garlic varieties, the mass of the bulb is about 100 grams. It produces good shoots and can be stored for a long time.
    • Benefit. One of the best varieties of garlic, bred in Romania. The culture tolerates frost well and is not picky weather conditions. It has high productivity, does not get sick and is easy to adapt.

    Which of the proposed varieties to choose is up to you. In some regions, large onions with a delicate aroma are preferred, in others small and spicy. You should be guided by the demand at the place of sale, as well as the available capital.

    Planting material

    High-quality seed material is the key to a good harvest. Since the crop is very susceptible to degeneration, it is almost unsuitable for planting on an industrial scale. However, as a home business, with careful selection of bulbs you can get a good income.

    • Bulbs. Their second name is aerial bulbs. Suitable for planting every other season: in the first season, the onion is sprouted from the cloves, in the second - full-fledged garlic.
    • One-toothed. Sprouts from an aerial bulb and is the best planting material. Sevok allows you to get garlic with a large head and a large number of cloves.
    • Tooth. Obtained from a mature bulb. Refers to the first reproduction. Serves as good seed material.

    It is best to use seed obtained independently. By purchasing through intermediaries, the likelihood of getting a good harvest is significantly reduced. Therefore, after harvesting garlic, you should always leave a bulb or clove for later planting.

    Growing: from planting to harvesting

    You can create a garlic business yourself by carefully preparing the bed and following all the steps. The winter crop variety prefers soil with sand particles, which is prepared 1-2 weeks before planting. The planting depth is selected based on the size of the teeth. There should be at least 5 cm to the soil surface. Otherwise, the crop may freeze.

    Read also: Agricultural business: ideas

    Subtleties of crop rotation

    It is best to sow garlic after cabbage, herbs, legumes or pumpkins. It is not recommended to use beds on which potatoes, tomatoes, and onions were previously collected. Sowing with fresh manure also has a negative impact on the yield. The place where winter garlic is grown should be protected from wind and melt water.


    To obtain a rich harvest, the soil must be well fertilized. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers cope with their task. In the spring, when the first shoots appear, fertilize with nitrogen. Positive effect provides a mixture of microfertilizers or soaking the cloves in solutions with microelements. Thus, Rostok fertilizer allows you to increase germination up to two times, and yield by 20%.

    Landing dates

    Landing in Western and southern regions carried out at the end of October. In the northern and eastern regions, winter garlic is planted in mid-September, and in the central regions - in late September or early October. Additionally, soil temperature will help determine planting dates. Optimal value 10-12 degrees.


    The harvesting procedure is carried out in dry, sunny weather. The lower leaves of the crop should be dry and yellow. After harvesting, the garlic must be dried in the sun. Afterwards the crop is sorted: it is cleared of soil, the roots are cut off, rot is removed and damaged bulbs, shorten the stem by 1-2 cm.

    Sales channels

    The advantages of this business for farmers are:

    • high profitability of growing garlic;
    • minimal cash investment;
    • high demand for products.

    For 1 kg of goods you can earn up to 150 rubles in retail sales. Resellers value garlic at a lower price, but are ready to immediately buy large quantities.

    The garlic harvest can be sold not only to retailers and wholesalers. Potential clients are:

    • vegetable shops;
    • supermarkets;
    • restaurants and cafes;
    • canneries;
    • catering enterprises.

    By concluding a supply agreement with a suitable company, you can forever solve the problem of marketing winter garlic. Resellers assume all risks for the further sale of products, and you receive a clean and regular profit.

    In this article we will look at growing garlic as a business: what are the benefits, how much can you earn, reviews of successful entrepreneurs in this area and much more that will help a beginner organize his plans.

    What does it represent?

    How does growing garlic differ from other farming areas? It is an excellent addition to sauces and meats.

    Growing plants in itself is not a difficult task, but it is labor-intensive only because you have to constantly monitor the production object. Most often it is advised to grow garlic in fairly small areas. This will better cover the costs, both financial and physical, than the development of large territories.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    1. Really small capital at the start.
    2. No need for specialized expensive equipment.
    3. Possibility of development of small territories.
    4. Simplicity in the technology of growing garlic.
    5. Little competition.
    6. Popularity of the plant among the population.
    • Finding a truly responsible and high-quality supplier of seed sets is quite difficult.
    • It is important to spend a lot of time monitoring the condition of the soil.
    • In addition, you will need to purchase the correct sandy loam soil, if you don’t have it.
    • Sometimes you can overfulfill the plan, thereby getting problems with selling the surplus.
    • Big money you can't make money here.

    A business project may not become the main option for earning money, but it will bring tangible financial assistance. In addition, you will be able to keep surplus products for your own family.

    Choosing material for planting

    When drawing up a business plan for growing garlic yourself, you first need to decide on the planting material. In modern farming, there are three types of material, regardless of growing conditions (greenhouse or open ground):

    1. Garlic arrow – does not have much good performance In terms of harvest timing, the harvest will only be available in two years. It is characterized by extremely low cost, and at the same time it has a really small air bulb inside, which allows you to purchase this material less than any other.
    2. Sevok is an onion with one clove. Large heads with several teeth appear later from this material.
    3. Clove - grows a head for the harvest.

    The modern organization of the garlic business uses mainly the last two materials, leaving the first as a reserve for future harvests. Purchasing cloves and sets is quite expensive, so materials are often purchased from China, which are cheaper. If you don’t want to lose quality at a low price, plant domestic materials.

    Selecting the best variety

    You may already be aware, but the varieties of many plants for farming are divided into winter and spring varieties. Garlic is no exception. The first ones are needed for autumn plantings(around October), the second - for spring (in April). Let's find best variety garlic for business, having considered the most popular varieties for the Russian Federation and surrounding countries:

    • Lyubasha - boasts excellent tolerance to frost, and is also not afraid of lack of moisture. That is why it is often used in the southern regions. Shelf life – 9 months. It has truly high productivity.
    • Gribovsky Yubileiny is a variant of the winter variety, producing an average of 9-10 cloves. Is mid-season.
    • Ukrainian Violet and Ukrainian White - both varieties are suitable for both types. Although it does not produce shoots, it boasts a large number of cloves. The weight of one clove sometimes reaches ten grams.
    • Komsomolets is a variety rich in pungency and richness of taste. It is also mid-season, shoots arrows, and produces a large onion of ten cloves.
    • Spas - the bulb here is small, but the variety itself is perfectly resistant to various diseases such as nematodes and others.
    • Guliver - belongs to the later ones. It has white flesh with a dense texture and a truly rich taste. Shelf life is about 7.5 months.
    • Sofievsky is another winter variety. Is different purple bulbs. Like Spas, he is not afraid of diseases like nematodes.


    Typically, the future entrepreneur chooses one of legal forms for business registration: LLC, individual entrepreneur or peasant farm (peasant farm).

    The latter organizations usually pay taxes according to a specific agricultural unified tax, while a tamed tax scheme is provided for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. When registering, do not forget to indicate the OKVED code. 01.13 – “Production of vegetables, fruits, crops for the production of drinks and spices” is most suitable for you.

    Setting up planting technology

    Few beginning farmers know how to plant garlic correctly. You need to start growing a plant by preparing the soil. Typically, farmers use humus or compost to fertilize the land, however, remember that fresh manure is unacceptable.

    Afterwards you need to sort the materials for planting. The head is divided into individual cloves. Those, in turn, are divided into different-sized fractions. These fractions remain to be planted at a specific size distance from each other. The most advantageous location: small fractions - 5 centimeters, medium - 10 and large fractions - 15 centimeters.

    To increase profitability, it is worth using various herbicides and other auxiliary preparations that help protect plants from weeds.

    We purchase equipment

    As mentioned earlier, you should not really plant big sizes territories. Any cultivation of garlic in open ground or in a greenhouse will bring significant income even on 15-20 acres; besides, it is easier to cultivate such areas with your own hands. In addition, small areas do not require the purchase of special equipment, but equipment will still have to be purchased.

    1. Veder.
    2. Shovel.
    3. Rake.
    4. Hoe.
    5. Containers.
    6. Gloves and other small items.

    Already with an increase in profits, it will be possible to rent and develop large areas of land. Only then is it worth spending money on agricultural machinery so that you no longer have to work manually. All you need is a tractor (preferably a diesel one), a sowing machine and a combine harvester on a trailer.

    Setting up sales channels

    How much you can earn from selling garlic products depends on how well the sales channels are established. It is most correct and profitable to sell goods directly to the client, and not to wholesalers.

    The cost of a kilo of garlic can be sold at a price of about 100-150 rubles. But for this it is important to find your own place in the sales market, and this is difficult to do. Undoubtedly, there is a benefit in the case of sales to intermediaries between the manufacturer and the buyer, but it is much less.

    Grocery stores, for example, buy a kilo of this product at a price of about 50-60 rubles, the difference is noticeable. Of course, it makes sense to go to different places in search of a profitable option, listening to the feedback of other entrepreneurs. There is also an option to earn money by selling large supplies in bulk. Canning companies often do similar things and their purchasing prices are even lower.

    As a sample, you can download the finished one for free.

    Profitability and amount of starting capital

    As an example, let’s take a fairly large plot of a hectare with preliminary rental of agricultural equipment and hiring of workers. Naturally, investments for smaller areas look much smaller. The table of this business plan looks like this:

    Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
    1 Initial land lease 5
    2 Agricultural equipment rental 75
    3 Purchase small equipment 30
    4 Purchase of materials for sowing 380
    5 Paperwork 10
    6 Employees' wages 40
    7 Purchase of fertilizers 10
    8 Taxes 10
    9 Unexpected expenses 10
    Total: 570

    It is easy to see that even when using more expensive technology, renting special equipment and hiring workers, the owner receives the cost of the starting capital of this project, which is several times lower than the same cost for most other projects. Having convinced yourself that it is easy to start, you should make sure whether it is profitable to open this enterprise at all.

    From the above example, the owner receives enough big harvest. Depending on the type of materials, proper soil care and other conditions, the yield figure varies from 10 to 50 tons. Even by selling goods to wholesalers, the entrepreneur will receive a profit of about a million rubles, which will fully cover all the start-up costs of the project. Profitability comes after the sale of the crop, that is, approximately 2-3 months after the start.

    Video: growing garlic is a profitable business.

    Garlic is a natural antiseptic and has been used for many centuries as a therapeutic prophylaxis against acute respiratory diseases. Vitamins D, C, E, B, which are part of garlic, help strengthen the immune system and, accordingly, reduce the likelihood of developing a runny nose and colds in general. It is worth noting that garlic is second only to lemon in the amount of vitamin C.

    This vegetable can be found in food markets, as well as in many supermarkets. Many culinary dishes cannot do without the smell and taste of garlic, so it is considered an always in demand product in the kitchen of every housewife. The business of growing garlic fruits is quite profitable, at least in terms of the fact that rare, frost-resistant varieties are always supported high level demand.

    Rent of land for growing garlic.

    To set up a business for growing this vegetable, you will need an area of ​​land of approximately 20 acres. This is exactly the area needed to produce a product on a business scale. It is worth giving preference to soil such as chernozem, because any plants require large quantity vitamins, minerals, salts and acids, which are vital for proper development and rapid growth. The average cost of renting land for agricultural needs in the Moscow District is approximately 2,500 rubles per hundred square meters, that is, 20 x 3,500 = 70,000 rubles per year. 20 acres is a plot of at least 10 x 20 meters. When renting, a big advantage is the connection to a water supply or the presence of a nearby water source, since very often it is necessary to add water to the garlic bushes.

    Equipment purchase costs.

    Growing any vegetables forces the owner to work hard on his land, as well as purchase the necessary agricultural equipment, without which it is sometimes quite difficult to achieve the desired success.

    Basic agricultural and technical equipment:

    Tools for cultivating the land - 10,000 rubles;
    - walk-behind tractor with plow and cultivator - 30,000 rubles;
    - container for watering beds - 400 rubles;
    - containers for storing water - 1000 rubles;
    - sprayer for the garden - 2200 rubles;

    For processing land plot a lot of technical equipment won't be needed. Total costs: 10,000 + 30,000 + 400 + 1,000 + 2,200 = 43,600 rubles. All you need to grow garlic is: a couple of shovels, a cultivator, a sprayer and a walk-behind tractor for plowing the land.

    Working personnel and purchase of raw materials for production.

    The size of the territory does not provide for the presence of a large number of working personnel; one or two people who know and understand the field of agronomy are enough to carry out agricultural work, plant seedlings, cultivate the land and harvest. These could be amateur gardeners or individual workers who know a lot about their work. Average wage for workers in the Moscow District it is approximately 30,000 rubles per month, respectively, for the year 30,000 x 12 (months) = 360,000 rubles.

    The first time when the crop is planted for the first time, seedlings and seeds will be required different breeds garlic It is worth noting that business requires expensive, high-quality and frost-resistant varieties of vegetables. Most popular varieties are “Lyubasha”, “Spas” or “Sofievsky” - the yield of which reaches about 10 tons from 1 hectare of land, respectively, from 20 acres you can collect at least 500 - 700 kilograms. The bulb of these varieties weighs about 70 - 140 grams, this is quite a large garlic that has excellent taste and an attractive appearance. The cost of seedlings is at least 2,000 rubles.

    Technology of planting and processing beds with garlic.

    Garlic is planted in rows in beds, which are prepared 1.5 - 2 weeks in advance before planting. Only healthy and large bulbs are often selected for planting. Plant the vegetable by pressing the cloves into the soil, previously moistened with water. The bulb is peeled and disassembled into slices immediately before the planting process itself. Garlic is planted approximately in the third ten days (western regions) of October or the second ten days (east and north) of September, respectively, the central ones in the third ten days of September or early October. The planting dates coincide with a drop in soil temperature to 12 - 10 degrees.

    The depth depends on the specific variety, clove size and soil type. It is necessary to ensure that there is at least 4-5 cm from the clove to the top of the soil. If planted too high, the seedlings will freeze, and if deep enough, they will simply rot. During the planting process, fertilizers in the form of urea or potassium nitrate can be used. After planting, the beds are weeded every week to give the soil a softer state. Garlic should never be planted in places where water accumulation or, conversely, dryness may occur.

    Advertising for business is a technique of broken telephone or word of mouth, when people, having heard information from other people, pass it on to the next ones, already embellished. This method of advertising works very effectively. Also, as an advertisement, you can place your own ad in a well-known popular newspaper on general topics or on gardening matters. If the product differs positively from others in its characteristics, then you won’t have to wait long for an increase in customer turnover. Your own website can be of great help, and specifically on it there is the opportunity to organize an online catalog for the sale of certain products. The cost for creating a professional project is approximately 200,000 rubles with promotion.

    Product sales plan and possible payback periods.

    As you know, the main sales area for vegetables is the food market. This is where the purchase and sale of all thematic goods takes place. Beautifully lying, large garlic really attracts the attention of customers. The cost for 1 kg of homemade garlic is approximately 150 rubles.

    It is worth noting that you can sell not only products for household needs, but also to sell new, disease-resistant varieties to other farmers and gardening enthusiasts. Large restaurants and establishments with their own kitchens that prepare dishes for visitors and therefore need vegetables, in particular garlic, can become frequent buyers.

    The payback period for a business growing garlic on 20 acres of land depends on the quantity and quality of the crop, as well as the presence of demand. Total costs are: 675,000 rubles, profit from the sale of 500 kg of goods at a cost of 150 rubles per kg = 500 x 150 = 75,000 per month, respectively, for a year of active sales it will be possible to earn 75,000 x 12 (months) = 900,000 rubles, with taking into account that the harvest will be stocked as the business develops. Deduction of expenses from total annual profit = 900,000 - 675,000 = 225,000 rubles.

    The business will pay off in no less than 8 - 12 months after the capital investment. The amount of profit may change significantly in the future, since in the first year it was necessary to purchase basic tools and materials, in particular seedlings of different types of garlic.

    Garlic is one of the most common vegetable crops in the world, it is healthy, tasty, and helps give dishes a completely unusual taste. In addition, the plant is unpretentious in cultivation, although knowledge of certain secrets is required that will help increase productivity. That is why this vegetable is not only an honored guest in any garden, but is also grown for sale, becoming an additional source of income. However, it is very important to know the yield of garlic, as well as methods for increasing it, this will help you not to be disappointed in the fall when harvesting.

    The essence of the term

    Garlic is grown almost all over the world, as this vegetable helps improve the quality of many dishes. It can be used in fresh, although not everyone likes to do this because of the specific smell, pickle, stew, add to soups, salads, roasts, even salt. That is why many would like to know how much garlic can be harvested per hundred square meters, that is, what is the yield indicator of the vegetable.

    This term comes from agronomy and means the amount of crop produced (usually in kilograms) per certain unit of area. For gardeners and farmers, this indicator is very important, because the richer the harvest in the end, the more vegetables they can either stock up for the winter for the family’s needs, or sell and benefit from.

    Garlic varieties are usually divided into 2 groups:

    In addition, garlic can be divided into shooting and non-shooting. The first ones have impressive sizes, the head is up to 50 grams, but the number of cloves is insignificant - from 4 to 10 pieces. Non-shooting varieties have small heads, each with up to 30 cloves.

    Norms and numbers

    The sowing rate of garlic per 1 hectare is not a constant value and depends on a number of factors, primarily on the variety, the mass of cloves used, and the scheme.

    In addition to the obvious benefits, garlic is a real assistant to its owner, since its specific aroma repels pests. Therefore, the plant can be grown next to strawberry or strawberry bushes; it will become a powerful preventative against the appearance of ticks, snails, and slugs. In addition, compliance

    Significant Factors

    There are several circumstances on which the yield of a healthy vegetable directly depends. First of all, this is the quality of the soil; garlic should be planted exclusively in nutritious soil, so it is recommended to add bone meal to the soil before planting; this substance will saturate the soil with nitrogen, as well as manure, which must be rotted. In general, the plant prefers loamy soils with neutral or low acidity.

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    Factors also include:

    All this will help increase crop productivity. It is equally important to start collecting on time, so it is best to do this at a time when the stems turn yellow and begin to break. You can also focus on the period of appearance of the first shoots - after this 100 days are counted, the harvest must be harvested.