Treat trees against aphids with soda. Traditional methods for combating aphids: advice from experienced summer residents. What you should know

Reading time: 3 minutes

Phytopathologist (specialist in plant diseases) with 10 years of experience

Treating currant bushes with soda solutions is an environmentally friendly and safe means of combating aphids. Baking soda does not harm plants or soil. Natural additives such as laundry soap, iodine, and garlic help enhance the beneficial effect.

Baking soda against aphids on currants

Aphids feed on plant juices, which causes the taste of the berries to deteriorate, yields to decrease, and currant bushes to die. The fight against aphids on currants is effective using baking soda. This product, together with aphids, destroys ants that transfer insects from one plant to another. Apply soda solutions with a spray bottle from bottom to top, special attention is given to the curled leaves and their lower parts.

Aphids on currants

With laundry soap

Laundry soap enhances the effect of soda. The caproic acid it contains is destructive to aphids. Additionally, soap makes the solution sticky and insects stick to the sheet. You cannot use the soda mixture at the time of flowering and 2-3 weeks before harvest. The rest of the time, treatment can be carried out every two weeks. Preparation of the solution:

  1. Grate 50 grams of laundry soap (72%).
  2. Pour 2 liters of hot water over it and stir.
  3. Add 70 g of baking soda to the solution.
  4. Dilute 8 liters of water, the mixture is ready for use.

Laundry soap and soda for aphids

With garlic

Spray the leaves and trunk of the currant with garlic-soda solution for 3-4 days in a row, repeat the procedure after a week. To prepare the composition you need:

  1. Grind 2 large heads of garlic into a pulp, pour into a bucket (10 l) warm water.
  2. Leave in a dark place for 24 hours, then strain.
  3. Add 80 g of baking soda, stir until completely dissolved, after which the solution can be used.

Garlic and soda against aphids

Soda ash for aphids on currants

Soda ash is a stronger alkali, so it is added to solutions in smaller quantities. It is advisable to work with it wearing gloves. Treatment of currant bushes is carried out in the early morning or evening to avoid burns on the foliage. Do not spray in rainy or windy weather.

With bow

This vegetable contains phytoncides that are not tolerated by insects and pathogenic bacteria. Preparation of the mixture:

  1. Grate 300 g of onion, pour in 10 liters of heated water, leave for a day.
  2. Strain the tincture, add 40 g of soda ash, 60 g of tar soap.
  3. The mixture can be used every 2 weeks.

With iodine

Iodine and soda against aphids
  1. Dilute 60 g of laundry soap in 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Add 1 tsp. iodine and 2 tbsp. l. soda ash.
  3. Add 9 liters of water to the resulting composition.
  4. Apply when aphids first appear, and for prevention purposes every 2-3 weeks.


Growing vegetables and fruits on your own plots often requires the use of strong chemicals to protect against various diseases and pests. But most gardeners try to use simple remedies to grow crops without harm to health.

Food and soda ash Many housewives not only use them for cleaning and cooking, but also treat plants with them.

Article outline

Properties of soda

There are huge differences between baking soda and soda ash, although appearance they are similar. White powder, odorless and bitter taste. Soda ash is often white crystals, while baking soda is a powder that can crystallize when high humidity.

If the dosage is observed, baking soda is harmless to the body. Calcined is explosive, and under certain conditions can ignite.

Sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) belongs to the category of food additives. On product packaging it is designated as E500.

It is used as a baking powder and acidity regulator.

Baking soda has no shelf life as long as the minimum requirements are met. At high humidity, the product may clump, but does not lose its qualities.

Soda ash is sodium carbonate. This substance has greater alkaline activity and is used to remove stains during laundry, washing stoves, and heavily soiled surfaces. IN recent years Due to the production of new cleaning and laundry products, soda is not very popular.

Calcium carbonate has increased hygroscopicity. Therefore, when stored in damp room tracks quickly.

Soda ash is classified as hazard class 3. It can cause irritation and burns of mucous membranes. When working with it, the use of protective equipment is required.

Both types of soda are suitable for gardeners and gardeners. They are successfully used to treat plants from various types fungus and protection from insect pests.

Soda against aphids on trees and shrubs

Aphids are one of the most common pests. It does not spare fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables, or flowers. It is difficult to meet a gardener who does not have to protect his seedlings from this small insect.

There are now enough resources to deal with any guests who are trying in good faith to destroy the crop. But the strong chemicals in the drugs make you think about their harm and benefits. The fashion for environmentally friendly products dictates its own rules. All more owners country beds and gardens choose simple and safe ways to combat aphids and other pests.

Soda has been used for a long time to process currants, fruit trees and berry plants from aphids and ants. Baking and soda ash are affordable and do not harm human health if the standards are met.

To treat currant bushes against aphids, plants are sprayed in the spring with a soap-soda mixture. For cooking protective agent no special skills required.

Grate ordinary laundry soap, or chop it with a knife, and dilute with boiling water. This method makes it easier to deal with the soap solution. But you can also use water at room temperature.

Cool the soap solution and add soda. The amount of soap in the solution can be arbitrary. It is necessary for the stickiness effect of soda on plant leaves. Without this, nearby precipitation will wash away the protective coating, and the result of the treatment will be minimal.

To protect currants from aphids, 2 tablespoons of baking soda per liter of water are required. The bushes are sprayed with this mixture until the buds open.

If soda ash is used, the amount of dry matter is halved. Per liter soap solution Only one tablespoon of baking soda is required. The consumption of working fluid depends on the size and age of the bush. The solution must be used on the day of preparation.

The intensity of the homemade preparation is also suitable for fruit trees. Apple trees, pears, plums and cherries are processed in the spring until greenery appears. Spraying is carried out by capturing the trunk, branches and trunk circle. Treatments with soda solution will help destroy aphids that attack buds in the spring and reduce the risk of fungal diseases.

Processing of vegetable crops

The use of soda ash to protect vegetables from aphids is unacceptable. Possessing a strong alkaline reaction, it is capable of destroying deciduous mass. Therefore, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants and other vegetables are treated against the pest with a solution of soap and baking soda.

To prepare the product, you need 3 tablespoons of soda per bucket of water. If you plan to spray, it is better to add half a pack of laundry soap to fix the solution on the leaves.

Treatments are recommended to be carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening after solar activity has decreased. On a hot day, baking soda can cause burns on the leaves. vegetable crops.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend using a weak soda solution to protect against a number of pests and diseases. It is noted that when watering cucumbers with a composition of 1 tablespoon of baking soda per ten-liter bucket of water at least three times during the growing season, the plants are not attacked by aphids and the fungus that causes powdery mildew.

It is important to remember that soda in large quantities, whether soda ash or baking soda, reduces the acidity of the soil and can slow down the development of plants.

Fighting aphids on roses

Rose lovers consider baking soda a real salvation against aphids and other pests on roses. If the proportions and frequency of treatments are observed, the product is effective and safe.

Spraying and wiping the leaves with a soda solution helps reduce the risk of fungal disease and saves roses from damage by aphids.

To prevent pests on flower bushes, it is recommended to spray 2-3 times with a solution of 2 tablespoons of baking soda (1 tablespoon of soda ash) per 5 liters of water.

The first treatment should be carried out 10-15 days after removing winter shelters. The second and subsequent sprayings are done as needed, depending on the degree of plant infestation by the pest.

Recipe against aphids and ants

The collaboration between ants and aphids brings a lot of trouble to vegetable growers. All remedies against aphids are ineffective if there is an anthill on the site.

Unlike their forest counterparts, earth ants do not build large houses, and they are more difficult to notice. But if you don’t take action against these hardworking insects, fighting aphids will be useless.

Soda ash is used to sprinkle areas where ants accumulate. If pests have settled near cultivated plants, then you should use a mixture of wood ash and soda in equal proportions.

Cover the found shelter with this mixture and pour hot water. The reaction of the components destroys insects and egg laying. In rare cases, repeated anti-ant treatment is required.


Although baking soda is considered safe for human health, working with large quantities of the substance requires the use of protective equipment.

  1. If there are wounds on the skin, the soda solution can cause discomfort.
  2. The alkaline environment of the soda solution dries the skin. After working with the drug, you must wash your hands thoroughly and apply an emollient cream.
  3. Soda ash has an aggressive effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when working with the solution and dry substance.
  4. Soda ash should not be stored near food to avoid accidental consumption.

The point of growing vegetables and fruits in a country house or personal plot is not only the pleasure of the process and dubious economic benefits. Every gardener wants his harvest to be better and healthier products, which can be bought in the store. The use of chemicals equalizes quality, so many people treat their gardens with baking soda to prevent aphids and other pests.

Meet the aphids

Meet the aphids

Science knows 4 thousand species of aphids, of which only a thousand destroy plants in Europe. This is little consolation, because voracious insects are extremely common; they feed on plant juices and infect them with viruses along the way.

The female aphid lays oblong black eggs on the bark and branches of plants in the fall, from which viable individuals emerge in the spring. The eggs are not afraid of snow or frost; they are “helped” by ants, who carefully drag the eggs underground and return them to their place when the young leaves hatch.

Living creatures can be destroyed when they reach the larval stage - the eggs are impervious to poison. If you spray the plants with baking soda during a period of increased gluttony and insect growth, you can kill all the aphids in the area. If you do not fight the aphids, they will eat the entire garden and snack on the city - the female lays 100 eggs for the winter, from each of them a female will also hatch and in two weeks will lay a new portion of eggs. IN warm time each year gives birth to up to 20 thousand hereditary pests.

The noble mission of pest control must begin with the removal of leaves and weeds from under the tree crowns. After this, the boles should be whitened with lime and copper sulfate or PVA glue, make sanitary pruning and start spraying the plants before adult insects appear.

Baking soda and soda ash for aphids

These simple substances are indispensable in everyday life. Every experienced housewife knows that alkali is a great help in keeping the house clean, replaces store-bought baking powder, saves the day when you need to disinfect surfaces, and in some cases becomes a medicine. The list of beneficial properties of household alkali is impressive, but you should understand the differences between baking soda and soda ash:

Both baking soda and soda ash are odorless powders. white. But Na₂CO₃ (soda ash) must be stored with detergents and cleaning products, and not on the kitchen shelf - the alkali is too concentrated for use in cooking, under certain conditions it can be flammable, and if it comes into contact with the skin, sodium carbonate causes a burn. Baking soda (NaHCO 3) is harmless and is often added to baked goods, drunk for heartburn, etc.

Both sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are suitable for treating plants. Gardeners have long appreciated both solutions and use them to control pests, in particular aphids. The result is manifested not only in the elimination of insects - garden crops after moderate treatment with alkali grow better, bear fruit and do not get sick.

Both types of soda can be processed:

  • Fruit trees.
  • Berry bushes.
  • Vegetables and other garden plants, such as dill.
  • Garden and indoor flowers.

When it comes into contact with insects, alkali damages the outer shells. Pests die when they get stuck in soap, which is always part of the solution. In addition, the sticky soapy consistency holds the product on the leaves for a long time.

The effects of baking soda and soda ash are similar, but if you have a choice, choose the second one. Sodium carbonate supplies plants with useful calcium, damaged areas are restored faster and crops become stronger.

Types of solutions with soda

Alkaline solutions can be selected based on personal preferences - they are all effective and easy to prepare and use.

Soap solution

Basic and universal option remedies for aphids and other pests. To prepare, you will need ordinary laundry or tar soap. The block must be grated to dissolve the shavings in hot water.

For a 10 liter bucket of water, 300 g of laundry soap or 100 g of tar soap and 10 tablespoons of food grade soap or 5 tbsp. l. soda ash. Dissolve the ingredients in a liter of warm water, pour into a bucket and stir.

Iodine remedy

Adding iodine to the solution allows not only to remove pests, but also to cure the plant, stopping the spread of diseases.

  1. Rub a quarter of a bar of laundry soap (40-50 g) and dissolve in a liter of hot water.
  2. Add two full tablespoons of baking soda or 8-10 tablespoons of baking soda and stir.
  3. Pour in a teaspoon of pharmaceutical iodine.
  4. Bring the solution volume to 10 liters and mix well.

Garlic spray

The active antibacterial effect of garlic enhances the effectiveness of the soda solution. The pungent odor repels insects, some aphids die on the plants, others leave the area.

For a bucket of water you will need a glass of crushed garlic. You need to infuse the garlic for 6-10 hours, and then add sodium carbonate (2 tbsp) or bicarbonate (10 tbsp) and grated laundry soap (half a bar).

How to spray

Spraying with soda helps get rid of aphids, but when the alkali settles on the plants, it damages them and causes leaves and flowers to fall off. To achieve a harvest, adhere to the recommended dosages and rules of use.

Attention! Spraying can be done no more than once a week. Stop treating plants 20 days before harvesting.

Treat plants with a spray bottle, moving from bottom to top, as aphids like to settle on the underside of leaves. Before planting seedlings, it is useful to treat them with soda, soaking the roots in the solution for several hours.

Spraying is best done in the morning or evening, in dry and windless weather. If it rains, re-treatment can be carried out a day after the previous procedure.

Soda for trees and shrubs

Favorite fruit bush aphids - currants, although raspberries and gooseberries also do not go unnoticed. In spring, the bushes need to be sprayed with a soap-soda solution. The crushed soap is dissolved in hot water, and after cooling, soda is added.

  • Spray bushes with unopened buds with a solution of 2 tbsp. l baking soda or 1 tbsp. l. calcined and liter of water. The amount of soap is arbitrary. Do not prepare the composition for future use; it must be sprayed on the same day.

Fruit trees are treated in the same way; be sure to treat the area of ​​land around the tree, the trunk and branches. You need to start fighting the pest when the leaves have not yet blossomed.

How to cultivate a vegetable garden

You cannot spray vegetables with soda ash - a strong alkali will burn the leaves. For processing cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, etc., a mixture of water, soap and baking soda is suitable.

  • Dissolve three tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate in a bucket of water, add a quarter of a bar of laundry soap. To avoid burning the leaves, choose a cloudy but dry day or evening-morning hours for processing.
  • If you water cucumbers with a weak solution of baking soda (a tablespoon per bucket of water) three times during the growing season, they will be protected from aphids and powdery mildew.

How to Preserve Rose Bushes

For roses, soda is a panacea for fungus and aphids. An alkaline solution for spraying and wiping leaves protects flowers from disease.

  • For preventive purposes, spray roses 2-3 times a season with a solution of sodium bicarbonate (2 tablespoons) or sodium carbonate (1 tablespoon) in five liters of water.

A week or two after removing the winter shelter, carry out the first treatment. In the future, spray at regular intervals, but no more than three times per season. If aphids are found, carry out an unscheduled procedure.

How to drive away ants

Aphids and ants live in symbiosis and bring a lot of trouble to gardeners. As long as there are ants on the site, it will not be possible to completely get rid of aphids. We are not talking about forest ants building anthills, but about their earthen brothers who do not form settlements visible to the eye. Ants take care of aphids, one might say, nurture them with all their legendary diligence.

  1. Sprinkle soda ash in areas where ants gather. If insects have settled in vegetable beds, sodium carbonate should be mixed with wood ash in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Fill the area sprinkled with soda with boiling water. The alkali will react, and the insects will be destroyed along with the clutch of eggs. Sometimes this operation has to be repeated.


  • You should wear rubber gloves when working with soda ash - the alkali can cause skin burns.
  • If there are scratches or abrasions on the skin, gloves should also be worn when coming into contact with a solution of baking soda and soap.
  • Alkali dries out the skin. After work, wash your hands well and lubricate them with cream.
  • Try not to inhale vapors of dry sodium carbonate, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  • Do not store soda ash with food products, so as not to confuse it with food.
  • Do not increase the recommended dosage to enhance the effect. An alkaline solution that is too concentrated will destroy the plants or reduce yields.
  • With frequent spraying, there is a risk of damage to leaves on trees and shrubs.
  • Excessive alkalization of the soil as a result of intensive control of aphids inhibits plant growth and negatively affects the harvest.

Video: soda for aphids

Defeat aphids in your garden or summer cottage is possible only with constant and systematic actions. Alkaline spraying, if the dosage is observed, does not disrupt the natural development of fruits and allows you to obtain environmentally friendly fruits and vegetables.

If you have experience using soda against aphids, we would be grateful for good advice and reviews.

To protect garden crops from various diseases and pests, a lot has been created chemicals, differing in composition, release form and cost. However, many lovers of gardening give preference to products that are safe (subject to compliance with standards) and easy to use. One of these is soda against aphids.

Types of product

Every housewife has such a product as soda in her home. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is used as a baking powder and acidity regulator. If the minimum requirements are met, it has no shelf life restrictions. In the presence of moisture, lumps may form, but this does not affect the properties of the product.

For cleaning various surfaces and washing things, soda ash (sodium carbonate) is used, which has high alkaline activity. The composition has increased hygroscopicity, so it can cake in damp rooms. The product belongs to hazard class 3, which requires compliance with basic safety measures when using it. Otherwise, skin irritation and mucous membrane burns may occur.

Both types of soda are widely used in the vegetable garden. The white powder has bactericidal properties. Therefore, soda solution is used in the fight against various diseases and plant pests; it is also effective against. Its contact with the body of insects is accompanied by the occurrence of irritation and wounds, which forces pests to leave the territory they inhabit.


In addition, treatment with soda is also beneficial for the plants themselves: thanks to calcium, damaged areas of leaves are restored, and the crop’s resistance to disease increases.

Processing Variations

You can use baking soda against aphids in various ways.

Soap and soda mixture

Baking soda and soap for aphids is one of the simplest and effective ways protecting plants from pests. A solution of these ingredients helps to retain soda particles on the surface of the leaf plates, which increases the duration of the protective period.

It is preferable to use to prepare the solution. It is taken in quantities of 100 g and 300 g, respectively, grated and dissolved in a liter of warm water. Then add 1 tbsp. l. baking soda (for 10 liters of water you need 10 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate, respectively). The mixture is thoroughly mixed until homogeneous mass and used to spray aphid-infested plants.


Soda ash is no less effective against aphids, but to prepare the solution you need 2 times less of it.

Iodine-soda composition

  • laundry soap – 40 g;
  • soda ash - 2 tbsp. l. (if baking soda is used for aphids, then 10 tbsp is required);
  • iodine – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 10 l.

The necessary components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting solution should be used to treat all plants affected by the pest.

Garlic soda mixture

A solution of soda against aphids, to which it is added, has also proven well. The pungent and persistent odor of this plant antibiotic forces harmful insects to leave the plants they have infected. Prepare the slaughter mixture as follows:

  • garlic - 200 g;
  • soda ash - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soap – 100 g;
  • water – 10 l.

Garlic and soap must be chopped. Add soda ash or baking soda (10 tbsp) to the mixture and mix thoroughly. The resulting solution is infused for at least 6 hours, after which it can be sprayed on plants.

What you should know

Despite the safety of the soda solution, working with large volumes of it requires taking certain precautions.

  1. Spraying plants with soda will give a positive result if the exact dosages are observed. Excessive amounts of the product can cause the development of various pathologies.
  2. The frequency of such treatments is no less important: they should be carried out no more than once every 7 days.
  3. In addition, when working with soda solution (especially if a calcined composition is used), it is necessary to use rubber gloves. This will help prevent the aggressive effect of the alkaline environment on the skin and mucous membranes.
  4. After handling plants, you must wash your hands. running water and use an emollient cream.
  5. Sodium carbonate should not be stored near food.

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Every gardener will tell you that growing fruits and vegetables personal plots This is a very troublesome task, which often involves the use of potent chemicals.

This is necessary to protect the plants themselves and their fruits from pests and diseases that lie in wait for the crop at literally every turn. One of these “enemies” is aphids - an unpleasant insect that causes many problems for gardeners.

But most lovers of homemade vegetables and fruits prefer to use them to control pests that do not harm human health. Such a remedy is baking soda, which is used by housewives in everyday life when preparing various dishes and for cleaning. How can soda help against aphids, what rules for its use exist?

Useful properties

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Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a white powder that can crystallize in conditions of high humidity without losing its properties. It is used in the preparation of various baked goods as a leavening agent and a regulator of the acidity of dishes. The shelf life of baking soda is not limited, and consumption in accordance with the permissible dosages is completely safe for health.

The options for using this product in the garden are very diverse. Baking soda helps protect plants from pests and reduce soil acidity. It is completely safe for plants, so it can be used to treat both young and mature shrubs, trees and vegetable crops. In addition, it does not harm bees and other beneficial insects, does not have any effect on pollen and does not harm the crop.

It is important not to confuse baking soda with soda ash or sodium carbonate, which are highly alkaline and are used to remove stains during laundry, stoves, and other heavily soiled surfaces.

Soda ash belongs to substances of hazard class 3; contact with it causes irritation and burns of mucous membranes and skin, so you must wear gloves when working with it. It is most often used to control unwanted grass and weeds, since upon contact with leaves it causes burns and subsequent wilting of the plant.

But if you dilute soda ash in the proportions suggested in this video, you can also treat plants in the garden with this solution.

For spraying plants with baking soda to be effective, you must adhere to following rules:

  1. The solution cannot be prepared in aluminum cookware or PVC containers. It is best to use enamel cookware;
  2. Use as much water as possible to prepare the solution. clean water without impurities;
  3. Use the prepared solution within 3 hours;
  4. Do not allow the solution to heat above 50 degrees, otherwise it will lose most of its beneficial properties.

Using soda against aphids on currants

Aphids are a ubiquitous pest that does not spare trees, shrubs, or flowers. Therefore, owners of gardens and country beds are in constant search effective means for pest control, one of which is soda against aphids.

It has long been used for processing currants, berries and fruit trees. In the spring, currant bushes are treated with a soap-soda mixture, which is very simple to prepare.

To do this, you need to grate the most ordinary laundry soap, add boiling water to it and mix thoroughly. Cool the resulting solution and add baking soda in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons for every liter of water.

As for the amount of soap, it can be arbitrary, the most important thing is that the resulting solution provides the required stickiness of the soda to the leaves and stems. The bushes are sprayed with this solution even before the buds open. On the day of its preparation. It is best to carry out processing in cloudy weather or in the evening.

Treatment of roses against aphids

Wiping the leaves and spraying them with a soda solution helps reduce the likelihood of rose bushes becoming infected with fungus and saves from aphid invasion. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to spray with a solution prepared from 2 tablespoons of baking soda per 5 liters.

The first treatment with such a solution is carried out 2 weeks after removing the winter shelters, even if there are no signs of damage and the bushes look quite healthy. The second and all subsequent sprayings are done once every 14 days and as needed.

If plants are infected with aphids, the bushes should be sprayed every other day. You can also wipe individual leaves of the plant with this solution more often if the damage is not total, but focal.

Soda for treating trees

For processing fruit trees(pears, peach, apple trees, apricots, etc.) especially if they have already borne fruit, soda is practically the only means to combat the disease because no chemicals can be used.

You need to prepare a solution for spraying as follows: dilute 75 g of baking soda in 10 liters of water, mix well and treat the trees with this solution. A solution of this concentration is also suitable for processing vegetable crops and shrubs.

In addition to getting rid of annoying aphids, this product will help prevent the appearance of rot on cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants and bell pepper. The frequency of using soda solutions must be adjusted independently depending on the degree of damage to plants.