The cheaper it is to cover the floor with linoleum or laminate. Choosing a floor covering: which is better - laminate or linoleum. Choosing a floor covering

What to give preference to - what to choose laminate or linoleum?

Completing construction new home or completing major renovation, any happy owner of a renovated room wonders which flooring is best to choose.

The variety of materials can simply baffle, but the greatest popularity in recent years use laminate and linoleum.

To figure out which one would be better suited for a certain room, you need to know at least a little more about them.

Today's market is filled with different types of laminate flooring, which differ in color, pattern, quality and cost. It should be noted that different types materials may differ in price, but this does not mean that they have a big difference in quality.


Laminate is a panel 15-40 cm wide, its length is 1-1.5 m, and its thickness varies from 4 to 12 mm.

It consists of several layers, each of which plays its own role.

  • The lowest layer consists of waterproof material- tarred or unrefined paper. It helps preserve the floor covering on the main floor side. This layer may also have a soundproofing coating or a stand-alone backing.
  • The main dense layer of the laminate is made of wood fiber, pressed into a board with a thickness of 4 to 12 mm. Its rigidity holds the shape of the panel, and there are tongue-and-groove fastenings on it, with the help of which a monolithic floor covering is created.
  • The next layer is decorative. It consists of a laminated film that has various patterns that imitate wood different breeds, stone, parquet, sand and other materials.
  • The top layer protects the laminate from mechanical stress such as scratches or abrasion. It consists of acrylic or melamine resins, which are applied in several layers. Their number varies from two or more - the more there are, the more reliable and durable the coating.
  • This top layer is used to determine the class of the laminate.

    Coating properties

    Laminate panels, like any building material, has its positive and negative qualities.


    Laminate is light in weight, but can withstand greater loads than wood flooring. It is moisture resistant and hygroscopic, it does not crack. Thanks to protective film, it is resistant to scratches and abrasions.

    This also includes its resistance to ultraviolet radiation - it does not fade or change color over time.

    Its practicality is obvious, since once you install it, you can forget about the problem of repairing the floor for decades.

    Environmental friendliness

    Laminate is based on natural materials and does not contain resins or formaldehydes harmful to the human body, unlike other floor coverings.

    Its production is subject to high material safety requirements, so it can be safely installed in any room of the house or apartment.


    Laminated film perfectly imitates the pattern of any texture, be it wood or stone.

    The laid laminate flooring is almost impossible to distinguish from natural parquet. Designers use this material for general interior design, using its aesthetic qualities.


    Since laminate is moisture resistant, mold cannot grow on it. The material is easy to put in order - just ordinary wet cleaning.

    The laminate panels fit so tightly against each other that dirt particles cannot get between them.

    This can also be attributed to its positive properties.


    This flooring has significantly fewer negative qualities than positive ones, but they still exist:

    • some types of laminate can attract dust and small debris due to the fact that they can accumulate static electricity;
    • the material is not able to make the floor as warm as natural parquet can do.

    These are almost minor negative points compared to all its advantages. But it should be noted that these shortcomings are completely correctable.

    Linoleum is roll material for flooring. It is available in several types and with a variety of patterns, has many colors and shades. It can be easily selected to suit every taste and any interior.


    • Linoleum is produced in different thicknesses - thin and insulated, in widths of 1.5 m, 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 and 4 m.
    • The thickness of the baseless thin coating varies from 1.2 to 1.6 mm.
    • Insulated has a foam backing from 2 to 4 mm, and linoleum with a warm thick base can have a thickness of 1.5 cm.

    If thin linoleum is laid, the floors under it are leveled to perfect condition.

    A coating on a thick base can easily hide small irregularities.

    Types of linoleum

    This flooring is available in several types and from different materials:

  • PVC linoleum is the most common type of this covering; it is produced without a base and on a heat-sound-insulating or fabric base.
  • This material is also divided into homogeneous (single-layer) and heterogeneous (multilayer) types:

    • Heterogeneous linoleum consists of several layers. The first, lower one is a foamed or insulated backing, followed by a decorative layer with a pattern and a transparent top one - a protective film.
    • Homogeneous linoleum is a material whose pattern runs throughout its entire thickness, so it is not afraid of abrasion. This type is good for laying in places with high traffic.

    PVC linoleum does not tolerate temperature changes well; it deforms when it significantly increases or decreases.

  • Colloxyline linoleum - made from nitrocellulose without a base, it is elastic and waterproof, but it is almost never used in residential premises, as it is a fire hazard.
  • Alkyd or glypthal linoleum - made on the basis of alkyd resin, on a fabric backing. This type of linoleum has good heat and sound insulation properties compared to PVC.
  • The disadvantage of this type of flooring is that it does not tolerate low temperatures well, it becomes brittle and can break.

  • "Relin" is linoleum made on a rubber base.
  • Its bottom layer consists of recycled rubber mixed with bitumen, which is covered on top with rubber, to which fillers and pigments have been added.

    Positive and negative qualities of linoleum

    Linoleum has a large number of positive qualities, which is why it is very popular:

    • Affordability makes it possible for even a family with an average income to purchase the most expensive option;
    • Easy to maintain - linoleum does not require much effort when cleaning, It is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth or walk over it with a vacuum cleaner;
    • The material makes it possible to move around it silently, which contributes to the creation of comfort;
    • A coating on a warm substrate, having a thickness of 1.5 cm, can create good sound insulation floors in the apartment;
    • Linoleum has a fairly low thermal conductivity, so the floor will not be cold, even if you lay linoleum on a concrete floor.

    Naturally, in this case it is better to choose thick linoleum on a warm backing;

  • The form of the material and its width generally always allows you to lay it yourself in an apartment or house, without using joints of the canvases. If you still had to connect two pieces, you can use glue to cold welding linoleum;
  • The abundance of colors, shades and patterns allows you to make necessary choice for any room;
  • Long service life, which ranges from 10 to 15 years.
  • Flaws

    The flooring also has its disadvantages, which you also need to know about:

    • The material is not made on a natural basis and is an artificial product. The exception is natural linoleum, but it has not yet become widespread;
    • Not resistant to chemical influences(solvents, dyes);
    • reacts to changes in temperature conditions, while it becomes fragile and can be deformed;
    • Vulnerability when coming into contact with hot objects;
    • Traces from furniture placed on it remain on the linoleum, which are not subsequently removed;

    Moving furniture on this flooring is strictly prohibited, as it can be easily fatally damaged, it may become deformed or, at best, scratches will remain on it.

    Material comparison criteria

    If you are faced with the question of choosing between these materials, you need to make a comparison and identify all the pros and cons of linoleum and laminate.

    Floor coverings have not only fundamental differences, but also similarities, so if you rely on them, the materials can sometimes become interchangeable.

    Comparison table
    What rooms are the materials suitable for?

    Laminate and linoleum are divided according to their strength by the criteria of cross-country ability, i.e. wear resistance. For public organizations and buildings, you need a coating that can withstand the passage of a large number of people for a long time; office premises also need to be covered with reliable durable material. Therefore, floor coverings are available in several classes.

    Laminate classification

    It is indicated on each package with two numbers, the first of which means intended for residential or non-residential premises, and the second indicates the degree of coating strength:

    • material for living rooms are designated by numbers from 21 to 23,
    • for non-residential and work premises from 31 to 33.

    But it should be noted that recently many manufacturers are refusing to produce laminates of class 21-23, since materials of class 31-33 are more popular, since in terms of their environmental friendliness they are no different from coatings for residential premises.

    • 31 - laminate for offices where there is no heavy load on the coating, also good for bedroom ;
    • 32 - material for public organizations with more intensive traffic, for the home, it good for living room, balcony and bathroom ;
    • 33 - laminate for rooms with active traffic, where it bears heavy loads, for example, shops and hotels. In residential premises, this class of coating is installed in the hallway or kitchen.

    Classification of linoleum

    Linoleum is also divided according to wear resistance; there are three classes:

    • Household - this material is used in residential premises.

    It has high wear resistance, environmental safety, and this is one of the the most important requirements for this flooring.

    It can be placed in any room of the apartment, it will last quite a long time.

    • Semi-commercial - this class is intended for office premises and catering organizations, it has wear resistance of medium traffic.

    This class of linoleum is rarely installed in residential premises, since it is not necessary.

    • Commercial is the most wear-resistant and durable class of linoleum.

    Therefore, it is laid in public buildings such as shops, schools, hotels, etc.

    When choosing a floor covering, you need to take care not only of its aesthetic value, but also of its environmental friendliness.

    Choosing the right wear resistance class will help save your family budget. Based on all the data received, it will not be difficult to choose the right option.

    What to choose linoleum or laminate - advantages and disadvantages of materials in comparison

    Every person always strives to make their home cozy and modern. Flooring plays an important role in this. However, there is not always a clear answer to the question of what to choose – linoleum or laminate. It all depends not only on the characteristics of the coating, but also on individual preferences.

    Characteristics of linoleum

    The concept of “linoleum” in essence means a natural coating, which includes: wood flour, jute, lime powder, tree resin and flax oil. However, this material is not available to every buyer, because, firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, it is not available for free sale everywhere.

    The material that we used to call linoleum is actually a coating based on polymers or PVC coating m. It is actively used in public institutions - hospitals, schools and kindergartens, in office premises and even in residential buildings and apartments. Further, by the term “linoleum” we will mean PVC material (read also: “Which linoleum is best for the kitchen: types and features of materials”).

    If you need to figure out what is more environmentally friendly - laminate or linoleum, then, of course, it is clear that this is a laminated coating. It consists of natural ingredients, while PVC coating is completely artificial. Of course, we are not talking about natural linoleum now.

    Manufacturers produce three types of synthetic linoleum:

    The household type of coating is used mainly only in residential premises - houses or apartments. It does not have sufficient strength to withstand heavy loads. However, the variety of its textures and colors makes PVC linoleum of this type quite popular.

    Semi-commercial linoleum is much stronger than household linoleum, and therefore its service life is much longer. As a rule, such covering is laid in office premises with low traffic, as well as in residential premises. This material is also available in a wide range of patterns and textures.

    The commercial type of PVC coating is the strongest of all. It is successfully used in workshops, in public institutions with a large flow of people, for example, schools, institutes, hospitals. In addition, this coating has such a valuable quality as anti-slip.

    At the same time, if you think about what is more expensive – laminate or linoleum, then you won’t be able to give a definite answer. The cost of the coating will depend on its quality.

    Advantages of PVC coating

    • Low cost - it all depends on the type of coating.
    • Aesthetic beauty and a wide range of colors, patterns and textures make it very popular. In addition, you can combine linoleum various types to create an original coating.
    • Easy to install with your own hands. If the room is small, you can lay linoleum yourself.
    • Linoleum conducts heat poorly, so heat loss with such a coating will be minimal, and the floor will not freeze. Therefore, in this case, if you still doubt whether laminate or linoleum is warmer, you can confidently say that it is linoleum.
    • PVC coating is not prone to decomposition, since it consists entirely of synthetic fibers.
    • Linoleum provides good sound insulation (more details: “How to make sound insulation under linoleum on the floor”).
    • A number of varieties of linoleum have an anti-slip effect, ensuring safe movement even on wet surfaces. This quality allows you to quickly decide what to lay - linoleum or laminate in the kitchen. By itself, this synthetic material is practically non-slip, unlike wooden coverings such as laminate, for example.
    • As a rule, the service life of linoleum is up to 30-50 years. At the same time, it is impossible to guarantee that over time it will not lose its beauty and shine.

    Along with everyone positive characteristics PVC coating, of course, has a number of disadvantages.

    Disadvantages of synthetic linoleum

  • The synthetic composition is one of the main disadvantages of this material. Although it can last quite a long time, it is still inferior to natural ones. plank floors in appearance, environmental safety and quality (read also: “What is environmentally friendly linoleum - types and advantages”).
  • PVC linoleum does not have sufficient elasticity and strength. Therefore, if you place heavy furniture on it or move it on linoleum, the coating can be damaged - stripes and dents will remain.
  • If the coating is quite cheap, then you should not be surprised that at high temperatures it can melt or wrinkle, and at low temperatures it can become cracked.
  • The appearance of linoleum can be classified as a disadvantage rather conditionally. Some people think that it does not look noble enough, however, thanks to successful imitations of parquet, tiles or marble made by well-known manufacturers, such a coating can look very impressive.
  • Laminate characteristics

    Laminate is a multi-layer artificial material, although it is made from natural ingredients. The components of laminated panels are a substrate, a layer of fibreboard or MDF, a decorative layer that gives the laminate color and texture, as well as an outer layer of lamination, that is, protecting the material from exposure external environment. The highest quality laminate samples are treated with several layers of polymers for additional strength.

    Just like linoleum, laminate is divided into several classes depending on its purpose and strength:

  • Classes 21-23 are intended for installation in residential premises with low traffic.
  • Classes 31-33 are more durable, therefore suitable for office, public and industrial premises.
  • Water-repellent laminate - designed for rooms with high level humidity.
  • It is impossible not to note the variety of colors of the laminated coating. Just like linoleum, this material replicates the structure of wood, tile, marble or metal. They produce varieties with a glossy or matte surface.

    Advantages of laminate

    • If you compare the price of laminate with tiles or parquet, then it is undoubtedly cheaper.
    • Beautiful appearance and the ability to realistically convey the texture of other materials - wood, metal, stone.
    • Laminate is produced with ready-made locking fasteners, so when laying it you can do without glue and do it yourself.

    However, one cannot fail to mention the shortcomings of this modern material.

    Negative sides of laminate

    • Laminate coating without special moisture-resistant impregnation usually does not have a long service life. In particular, in wet areas with high traffic, it will have to be changed after 5 years.
    • In terms of strength, laminate is still inferior to coatings made of natural wood or ceramic tiles.
    • The lamination layer in this material is sensitive to impacts from sharp and heavy objects.
    • Laminate does not like to be wet cleaned too often, as the top layer may become stained due to moisture seeping through.
    • Laying laminate on locks does not imply absolute adhesion, so dirt and moisture can gradually accumulate in the seams. Over time, this will lead to deterioration of the coating.
    • Do not allow a large amount of water to get on the laminate, otherwise it will swell and will have to be replaced.

    So, it’s difficult to decide right away which is more practical – laminate or linoleum. Let's conduct a comparative analysis.

    Comparative analysis of laminate and linoleum

    First, let's list the similar properties of both materials:

    • relatively inexpensive;
    • visually attractive;
    • do not change color when exposed to direct sun;
    • artificial origin (albeit only partially laminate);
    • easy to install;
    • do not belong to the premium class;
    • quite stable.

    At the same time, there are also quite a lot of differences between these species.

    You can wash linoleum as often as you like and using plenty of water. Laminate, on the contrary, does not like excessive moisture, unless it is moisture resistant type coverings.

    Operating time

    The service life of linoleum is from 30 years.

    Laminate cannot boast of such a lifespan. Its obsolescence occurs in 5-10 years at best.

    Fire hazard

    Both materials burn well, but linoleum is considered more fire hazardous than laminated flooring. In this case, the question is also relevant: what is more harmful - laminate or linoleum. Toxic combustion products of linoleum are much more dangerous to human health (more details: “Is linoleum harmful to health - criteria, composition and classification of the material”).

    Resistance to mechanical damage and scratches

    Linoleum may have dents and scratches from heavy furniture, animal claws, or shoes with sharp heels.

    In this regard, laminate is a stronger material and is not so easily damaged. Although everything is possible if you try hard.

    Ability to withstand flooding

    Since linoleum is a synthetic material, it is not afraid of any flooding.

    Laminate, being based on wooden elements, is extremely sensitive to such “natural disasters”.


    It is worth saying that linoleum is a rather heavy material. Transporting or carrying large rolls of linoleum on your own is quite difficult.

    Laminate, on the contrary, is quite lightweight material. In addition, it comes in small packages that are easy to carry and place.

    Environmental friendliness

    Linoleum is produced using a large number of chemicals and is therefore considered more toxic. Sometimes provokes allergic reactions.

    Laminate only partially contains chemical components. Very often, non-toxic resins are used in its production, so it is less likely to cause allergies.

    Noise absorption

    When walking on linoleum there is practically no extraneous noise.

    But laminate does not absorb sound, so walking on it cannot be called silent.

    Thermal insulation

    Linoleum does not conduct heat, so in the cold season it feels warmer to the touch.

    At the same time, the laminate takes on the temperature environment, so it heats up more in the summer and freezes more in the winter.

    Thus, taking into account all the factors, everyone will be able to conclude for themselves what is better – laminate or linoleum in the house.

    Where and what kind of coating is best to lay?

    When deciding what is better for the kitchen – laminate or linoleum, you should definitely choose linoleum. It is more stable, not afraid of moisture, and easy to clean. Laminate, of course, can also be laid, but it will not last long enough, and it will lose its appearance faster.

    Bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms and corridors in private houses can be finished with laminate. In such places it will be quite convenient, and beauty is not the last factor in the choice. In addition, it contains fewer toxic substances, which means it is safer for health.

    We also do not recommend installing laminate flooring in offices or public buildings. Firstly, it creates a lot of unnecessary noise, distracting from work. Secondly, over time it may begin to dry out and deteriorate. It’s better to stick with linoleum – it’s quieter, more durable, and easier to clean.

    In cold places, in particular on balconies, it is also better to give preference to linoleum. It is warmer and not so sensitive to temperature changes.

    If the selection criteria include the question of what is cheaper - laminate or linoleum, then we can say that the price depends on the quality, strength and manufacturer of the material.

    What to choose: laminate or linoleum? Compare and draw conclusions

    Linoleum or laminate?

    Good linoleum and laminate cost almost the same, but many people like the look of laminate more, but its durability is questionable. What to choose – laminate or linoleum? It is difficult to give an objective answer to this question, because a lot depends on the tastes of the owners of the premises.

    There is some bias when evaluating a floor covering such as linoleum. Many people consider it a relic. Often in Internet discussions one comes across such an apt definition in relation to linoleum as “scoop”. Well, what kind of objectivity can there be here? However, when making a decision, you need to be guided by reason, not emotions. Let's figure it out Which is better - linoleum or laminate. comparing these two floor coverings.

    Linoleum. Advantages and disadvantages of linoleum

    What we call linoleum should actually be called " PVC coating" Real linoleum is a floor covering made only from natural raw materials ( linseed oil, tree resin, wood flour, limestone powder and jute fabric). However, such natural linoleum is really expensive and is not sold in every building materials store. The flooring that we are used to seeing in the homes of our compatriots, as well as in offices, kindergartens, schools, etc. - this is nothing more than a PVC coating. That is, an artificial material based on plastic, which was first popularly and then officially received the name “linoleum,” although in fact it is not one.

    Of course it's unreasonable compare natural linoleum and laminate. which is a completely artificial floor covering. They are in different weight categories. As a rule, if the problem of choosing between laminate and linoleum arises, then we are, of course, talking about synthetic linoleum, and not natural.

    Linoleum in the kitchen

    There are three types PVC linoleums. commercial, semi-commercial and household. Commercial linoleum– the densest, suitable for use in high-traffic areas. This type of linoleum is purchased for flooring in educational, medical, retail, office and other public premises. As a rule, commercial linoleum has the additional property of anti-slip, so it is not only the most durable, but also safer.

    Household linoleum Suitable only for residential premises, as it is not as durable and reliable as commercial ones. But household linoleum is available in the largest number of colors: you can choose a plain linoleum or one that imitates boards, parquet, masonry, tiles, chips, etc.

    Linoleum "under the tiles"

    There is a huge assortment of colors and semi-commercial linoleum. It is more durable than household ones, and therefore its service life is longer. Semi-commercial linoleum is laid both in residential premises and inside public buildings. However, for factory floors, warehouses, etc. semi-commercial linoleum is not very suitable - for such premises it is better to give preference to commercial PVC coating.

    Wood-like linoleum

    - low cost;

    — a wide variety of colors, which allows you to choose flooring for the interior in any existing style;

    - ease of laying flooring - in principle, anyone with strong enough hands can lay linoleum in a medium-sized room;

    — linoleum has low thermal conductivity, so floors with such a coating are rarely cold;

    - linoleum does not rot, since there is nothing there to rot - after all, it is made of synthetic materials;

    — floors covered with linoleum are not noisy;

    - linoleum may have such an important additional property as anti-slip;

    - even good linoleum that does not have “anti-slip” is not slippery;

    - the shelf life of linoleum is 30-50 years - this is called “set it and forget it”; However, the appearance of linoleum even after ten years may leave much to be desired.

    - linoleum is an artificial material, it is significantly inferior in quality, environmental friendliness, and beauty wooden floor;

    - linoleum can be pressed under the weight of furniture - if a table or sofa has to be rearranged, dents will most likely remain on the floor;

    - inexpensive linoleum is sensitive to very high and very low temperatures - in the first case it can be deformed, in the second it can crack;

    — linoleum looks cheap (subjective opinion, but it is shared by many). However, here you need to take into account that modern linoleum from leading flooring manufacturers can imitate any floor - wood, tile, etc. Moreover, the imitation is very high quality and realistic, so the appearance of linoleum may be no different from laminate. Consequently, when assessing the appearance of linoleum, one’s own attitude towards this material is often included.

    Linoleum: does it really look as cheap and outdated as many people think?

    Laminate. Advantages and disadvantages of laminate

    It is also called laminated parquet, but this is fundamentally wrong. Laminate has nothing to do with parquet, because parquet is wood, and laminate – artificial multilayer finishing material . consisting of a substrate, an inner (main) layer of chipboard or MDF, decorative paper that gives the laminate color, and the laminate itself, that is, the top polymer layer that protects the coating from external influences. Laminate. By the way, it may include several additional layers that improve the quality of the floor.

    Laminate is divided into several wear resistance classes - depending on the class, laminate is chosen for a particular type of room: residential (21-23), public (31-33). Wear-resistant laminate is purchased for offices, childcare centers, gyms, cafes, shops, etc. as well as for residential premises with high traffic (halls, hallways, corridors). There is also a special moisture-resistant laminate. It is also called “kitchen laminate.” The edges (joints) of these laminated “planks” are moisture-resistant impregnated.

    Laminate, like linoleum, can imitate various materials- wood of various species, stone, ceramics, metal, sand... The top layer of the laminate can be glossy, matte or structured (imitating the structure of a particular material - for example, wood).

    Laminate imitating stone

    - low cost compared to parquet or tiles;

    — a wide variety of colors, the ability to imitate a wooden floor very realistically;

    - ease of installation, since modern laminate does not need to be glued - the laminate is installed using the “locking” method.

    Laminate under tiles

    — the service life of ordinary (not moisture-resistant) laminate in wet rooms (kitchens, hallways) usually does not exceed 5 years;

    — laminate is an artificial material that is significantly inferior to natural floor coverings;

    — the laminate coating (top layer) may be damaged if a sharp and/or heavy object falls on the floor;

    - improper care of laminate flooring and washing it too often can negatively affect its appearance - in particular, indelible light spots may appear on the surface of the coating;

    - even with proper installation that fully complies with the requirements, the seams will not be airtight, which means that moisture, sand, and dust can get into the joints. This gradually leads to deterioration of the edge. As a result, the quality of the floor will deteriorate, the panels will become movable, the coating will begin to creak;

    — if the laminate is flooded with water, it will most likely need to be replaced.

    So, both linoleum and laminate have advantages and disadvantages. So which flooring is preferable? Let's compare.

    Laminate or linoleum: which is better?

    - do not burn out;

    - are not natural;

    Replacing the floor - headache owners, financially burdensome and troublesome. When choosing what to buy, parquet, laminate or linoleum, they always look at how much it costs, how long it lasts and how difficult it is to maintain. Parquet flooring immediately falls out of this row - the current prices for the material are beyond the means of the middle class. The indicators of the two remaining types - laminate and linoleum - are often very close to each other. As a result, a dilemma arises: what is better to choose - linoleum or laminate for your apartment or house. In order not to become “Buridan’s donkey”, who died without deciding which armful of hay, left or right, to eat, let’s compare floor coverings and find out which would be best to stop at.

    Advantages and disadvantages of laminate

    • High strength. This indicator can only be determined for companies from Belgium and Germany. Moreover, in the same class of laminate, the range of strength is so large that for the best examples of class 31 it can be higher than that of a laminate of class 33. Manufacturers from Russia and China indicate only the class. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally that the material being purchased is durable - you can buy lamellas with very low strength characteristics;
    • Long service life. This indicator depends on wear resistance, and, firstly, it can be different, and, secondly, with the same indicator value it provides in one case a maximum of 7 years of operation, in the second - more than 20 years. This is explained by the measurement technique;

    Conclusion: high strength and wear resistance are inherent only in expensive brands of laminate. In the middle price sector there is complete uncertainty - you can buy both.

    • A wide selection of textures, colors and sizes, allowing you to satisfy the most sophisticated tastes. At the same time, laminate can visually change the size of the room: lengthen or expand, highlight separate zones in the room;
    • Easy and understandable installation technology;
    • High resistance to fading - a special film is applied that does not transmit UV rays;
    • Laminate flooring does not require special care: no need to sand, varnish or wax. You can clean the dirt with a damp cloth or paper napkin;
    • Laminate boards are well resistant to sharp heels, heavy furniture, falling objects, and cigarette ash;
    • Ease of transportation;
    • Excellent withstands abrasive loads;
    • A price accessible to a wide range of buyers.

    At the same time, there are several statements that are completely untrue:

    • It has good noise absorption - the opposite is true: it resonates and amplifies sounds;
    • Retains heat - cannot be used as insulation due to its high thermal conductivity.

    Manufacturers and sellers do not like to talk about the disadvantages of laminate flooring. And they are also significant:

    • The presence of up to 80% natural wood in a laminate does not in any way guarantee its safety for health. The remaining 20% ​​are phenol-formaldehyde resins, which release harmful formaldehyde into the air ( chemical formula NSNO). This process occurs especially actively when installing a “warm floor” system;
    • One of the main disadvantages is low moisture resistance. It swells when exposed to water, especially when it floods from above or breaks pipes in the apartment. This is a complete replacement of the floor and significant financial costs. The same result can be obtained in an apartment on the ground floor, if the basement below is damp, and the waterproofing technology was violated;
    • Another significant drawback is that an almost ideal floor screed is required: smooth, strong, dry and clean, with a height difference of no more than 3 mm per 1 m2. It is expensive, time consuming and difficult;
    • The ability of laminate to resonate does not bring pleasure to either the neighbors below or the apartment owners. Correctly carried out soundproofing work partially solves the problem, but not completely. Judging by the reviews on the forums, many are trying to get rid of noise using a thicker backing. But this is a version of the “Trishka caftan”, when, solving one problem, they create several new ones - on a thick substrate, the lamella locks are very quickly destroyed;
    • The protective film of the laminate accumulates static voltage from a running personal computer. This discomfort when walking and accumulating dust;
    • Spilled grease, ink and oil paint difficult to remove, which is why experienced professionals do not recommend installing it in the kitchen and children’s room;
    • Laminate floors are very slippery after wet cleaning, which is almost never mentioned, but traumatologists are well aware of the problem;
    • The floor surface feels cold, which is especially unpleasant in the autumn-winter period;
    • The slightest failure to comply with the installation technology can lead to deformation of the laid floor when sharp fluctuations temperature;
    • Special care is required when installing furniture. Getting two legs on one panel will inevitably lead to the destruction of the lock.

    Pros and cons of linoleum

    The large number of fans of linoleum is explained by its many advantages:

    • Having an affordable price (cheap), it is available to almost every family - the most expensive type can be afforded by a family with below average income;
    • Long service life - in the “one-room apartments” of Khrushchev’s buildings it could last 20-30 years;
    • Easy to install - most simple technology installation among all types of flooring, so any “nerd” can lay it;
    • Easy care - just a mop and a rag; in case of heavy contamination, detergents will help;
    • Can be laid on a “warm floor”;
    • Absolute resistance to moisture; if immersed in water for several days, the material will retain all its consumer properties;
    • High level of grip - it is difficult to slide on it, so it is laid in gyms and public places;
    • Is good insulation— the bottom layer of felt or foamed PVC has a low thermal conductivity;
    • No noise - the quietest flooring;
    • Large selection of designs and colors - any design idea can be done in practice.

    It is difficult to find a building material without flaws. Linoleum also has disadvantages:

    • Are changing performance characteristics when temperature fluctuates: it becomes slippery and moves in waves at sub-zero temperatures, begins to release substances harmful to health (no longer environmentally friendly) and shrinks at high temperatures (more than 27 degrees Celsius). Low-grade material becomes brittle and prone to deformation in the cold at the dacha;

    For reference: linoleum is a chemical material, so it behaves unconventionally when exposed to temperatures: it expands where other materials contract, and shrinks where they expand.

    • Constant specific smell when it’s hot outside;
    • Inconvenient for transportation - you need freight transport and manual carrying, since the rolls do not fit in the elevator;
    • Melts on contact with hot objects, including cigarette ash;
    • Damaged (marks remain that cannot be removed) when moving furniture;

    Important: in Soviet times The last drawback was circumvented with the help of lard skins - they were placed under the legs and moved. This method made it much easier to move objects, without leaving marks.

    • A visible seam under which dirt constantly accumulates - attempts to glue the joint with tape or special materials do not give a long-term effect: they begin to peel off;
    • Sensitive to chemical reagents;
    • Requires a level floor screed;
    • Traces from black soles are difficult to remove;
    • Material of any class will certainly shrink, as a result of which the connecting seam will separate after 3-4 years and begin to hurt the eyes. Therefore, the joints need to be hidden near the walls or use material 5 m wide.

    As you can see, when determining which is better - linoleum or laminate, the considered pros and cons do not make it possible to make a clear choice in favor of one type of flooring. Therefore, we will conduct a direct comparison of materials on all technical, technological and economic indicators.

    Comparative analysis of linoleum and laminate boards

    To understand which is better, linoleum or laminate in an apartment, let’s compare the flooring and draw conclusions based on the following characteristics:

    • price of 1 m 2 of material;
    • cost of laying 1 m2;
    • complexity technological process styling;
    • requirements for the floor screed surface;
    • possibility of disassembly (dismantling);
    • service life;
    • fire safety;
    • wear resistance;
    • resistance to UV rays (fading);
    • resistance to static loads;
    • resistance to dynamic loads;
    • resistance to mechanical damage;
    • waterproof;
    • thermal conductivity;
    • soundproofing properties;
    • environmental friendliness;
    • ease of care;
    • which gets polluted faster;
    • use under a “warm floor” system;
    • design.

    Which is cheaper?

    One of the main criteria for choosing a floor is its price. Therefore, you first need to decide what is cheaper - laminate or linoleum in the apartment. If we take budget building materials, then linoleum is about 2 times cheaper than laminate - the price of linoleum starts from 120 rubles/m2, laminate boards - from 260 rubles/m2.

    In the premium class, the difference is even greater - 2.3 times: linoleum can be bought for 360-600 rubles/m2, laminate - for 840-1400 rubles/m2. Conclusion: in this comparison, linoleum has an undoubted advantage.

    Which is cheaper to install?

    In addition to the price of the material itself, the cost of laying the floor has a significant impact on the owner’s wallet. To install laminate directly, you can hire a team of builders for 250-400 rubles/m2, plus 150 rubles/m2 for laying waterproofing and underlayment. Linoleum flooring will cost from 90 rubles/m2.

    Conclusion: laying laminate flooring is expensive, so linoleum has an advantage. However, when doing the work yourself, the materials have almost parity - to lay the lamellas you need a tool that you need to either buy or rent.

    What is more difficult to lay?

    Laying the flooring in both cases is quite simple - even a beginner can handle the job. However, the labor intensity of the work and its complexity still make a difference - laying laminate flooring will require good knowledge of technology, attentiveness, ability to work with tools and much more time for the entire process. Conclusion: the indicator is in favor of linoleum, although with a slight advantage.

    Which material has simpler requirements for floor screed?

    Linoleum and laminate require an equally flat base surface on which to lay. Any irregularities affect the surface of the material - linoleum is wiped off in such places, and the locks of the laminate are destroyed.

    The effect of bumps up to 3 mm in height on the floor covering is eliminated by using a laminate backing, felt or PVC film for linoleum (glued to the bottom of the material). For large differences in height, it is necessary to carry out additional leveling of the screed.

    Which is easier to dismantle?

    Linoleum can be removed in a few minutes. You will have to tinker with the laminate - very often the locks during operation are firmly glued together and are difficult to dismantle. Conclusion: removing linoleum from the floor is simpler and easier.

    Which is more durable?

    According to the service life declared by the manufacturers, both materials have an approximate parity of 10-15 years. However, during operation, linoleum is easier to damage: scratches from sharp objects, melted areas from an iron or ash from cigarettes, traces from moving furniture and black rubber soles.

    Linoleum can break through under strong pressure, retain an impact mark for a long time, etc. The listed reasons sharply reduce its service life. Laminate is not so afraid of dynamic and static loads, it is not afraid of sharp objects - it is difficult to scratch it. Conclusion: for the first time, laminate has, at least a small, advantage - it is more practical.

    Which material burns worse?

    Linoleum is made from chemical components. Therefore, its ability to burn is much higher. The inscriptions on the packaging also remind us of this, where the flammability class is indicated by the letter “G” (flammability) and numbers from 1 to 4 (class). Another problem: linoleum emits when burning toxic substances, as reminded by the classifiers designated T1-T4 (increasingly).

    Laminate does not support an open flame - it smolders. However, he also has harmful substances, however, in small quantities. All this served as the basis for laminate manufacturers not to indicate flammability and toxicity classes for their products. Conclusion: in terms of fire safety, laminate has an undoubted leadership.

    Which material has higher wear resistance?

    In terms of this indicator, the materials are approximately equal - in residential premises they cannot be wiped while walking. When exposed to abrasive materials, they also quickly become unusable - traces remain that cannot be removed. Conclusion: the indicator can be ignored - none of the materials has an advantage.

    Which burns out less?

    There is no strict connection to a specific type of material. Everything is determined by the absence or presence of a special film (by the way, whether it is on the surface of the material or not does not affect the price) that protects the decorative layer from ultraviolet radiation. It is difficult to independently determine the presence of a protective film. Therefore, ask consultants or gym managers. Conclusion: the materials are completely equal.

    Which is stronger

    Here we compare the materials according to three indicators: resistance to static and dynamic loads, as well as mechanical damage. In all three characteristics, the undoubted leader is laminate. When installing furniture, it is important to prevent two or more legs from getting on one laminate board - the locks will be destroyed.

    Linoleum can withstand heavy furniture, but traces from the legs remain almost until the end of its service life. Sharp objects leave scratches that cannot be removed. When an office chair with legs is used for a long time in one place, abrasion appears on the linoleum. Conclusion: laminate is definitely stronger.

    Which material has higher moisture resistance?

    There is no need to go into details here: linoleum will withstand not only accidentally spilled water, but also a real flood. Laminate is hygroscopic - damp weather is enough for it to become unusable. Conclusion: if we are talking about a room with high humidity or frequent flooding, then only linoleum is needed here.

    Which is warmer

    Here, contrary to popular belief, linoleum is in the lead. A thin chemical material conducts heat less well than a thicker wood fiber laminate. The situation is evened out by thermal insulation of the floor under the laminate. Conclusion: linoleum retains heat better, although, as noted on the forums, it is colder in tactile sensations.

    Which is quieter?

    Laminate is a very good resonator. Almost everything that happens in the apartment can be heard by the neighbors below. Such a floor also disturbs the residents themselves - sounds scatter well throughout the rooms. Carrying out perfectly executed soundproofing work solves the problem by 90 percent. For example, the clicking of thin heels cannot be drowned out no matter how hard you try.

    Linoleum not only absorbs all types of extraneous noise well, but also does not conduct apartment sounds to the walls and ceilings. He is the most silent floor. Conclusion: linoleum is the undisputed leader in noise absorption.

    Which is more harmful?

    Regarding the health hazards of the analyzed materials, the situation is a little confusing. IN optimal conditions operation, each material is environmentally friendly, so much so that it can play on both laminate and linoleum small child without any health consequences. In case of deviation temperature regime from optimal, for example, upward, both materials begin to release harmful substances into the air. But this, we emphasize, is subject to force majeure circumstances.

    Conclusion: despite the chemical components included in the materials, they are both safe for human health.

    Which is easier to wash?

    It is very easy to care for both types of material. If necessary, detergents can be used. The only limitation: laminate flooring must be washed with a wrung-out cloth. Yes, black shoe marks on linoleum can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in acetone. Conclusion: there is complete equality here.

    Which gets dirty faster?

    Due to the accumulation of static electricity, the laminate becomes dirty faster. But this minus, oddly enough, has its own plus: less dust on the walls, shelves, lamps and various decorative elements, which is much easier to wipe from the floor than from the items listed above. Conclusion: paradoxically, experts give preference on this issue to laminate, although it gets dirty faster.

    What type of material can be laid on a “warm floor”

    “Warm floors”, which have become popular recently, can work in conjunction with both laminate and linoleum. Manufacturers directly indicate that they can be laid on “warm floor” systems. Conclusion: benefits this indicator Neither species has a gender.

    What's more beautiful

    The varied designs of laminate and linoleum have led to the fact that it is often visually difficult to determine the type of flooring. Different colors, textures, patterns allow you to implement the most unexpected solutions for flooring when decorating the interior of a room and apartment as a whole. Conclusion: both materials do not create problems for the designer.

    In conclusion to the topic of which is better, laminate or linoleum, here is the opinion of an expert: linoleum is more likely kitchen view floor, although it can spread in any room of the apartment, it is less desirable in the bedroom and nursery because of the slightly noticeable odor. In addition, it is ideal for loggias and balconies. Laminate was conceived and produced for residential premises - it has a more presentable appearance. It is undesirable in the kitchen and unacceptable in the bathroom.

    Which is better and in which room?

    Before we begin to consider the question of what is better and in which room, let’s look at two particular issues.

    1. In new buildings, linoleum should always be laid on the ground floor. While the house is not in use, it is difficult to predict what the basement will be like: damp or dry. Only when replacing the floor can you lay laminate flooring. If dampness comes from the basement, you will have to do double waterproofing: under the screed and along its top.
    2. A similar situation is in a private house. Until there is clarity on the humidity under each room, linoleum should be on the floor.

    Attention: in practice, there are frequent cases of disruption of water metabolism in construction site when pouring the foundation, as a result of which increased humidity suddenly appears in a dry area under the building.

    Returning to the main question, we note that in living room laminate is preferable. This is explained by the status of the premises: the central place in the apartment (house), where guests gather for holidays and get-togethers are held. It is here that the level of wealth and taste of the owners can and should be demonstrated, which is possible with a presentable laminate.

    IN bedroom It is also better to lay laminate panels. They are odorless, look beautiful, do not collect dirt - there are no static charges. IN hallway and in corridor Linoleum is better suited - dirt from the street is easier to wash away. However, the presence of mats on both sides of the door allows you to successfully use laminate flooring in these rooms.

    On kitchen and in bathroom Linoleum looks more functional - high humidity and constant water on the floor are not for laminate. On balcony there is no alternative to linoleum - regular wetting during rain excludes the option of laminate, and in the loggia you can use any of the materials in question.


    When comparing materials for each position, conclusions were drawn. Let us summarize them and present them in a concentrated form. In terms of money, linoleum is a very profitable flooring option - its material price and installation cost are several times lower than laminate flooring.

    Laminate is more durable reliable material: withstands higher static and dynamic loads. It is difficult to damage it with thin heels, hot and sharp objects. If you choose more quality material, then it’s difficult to give preference to anyone here. Both materials have approximately the same service life, and both look equally beautiful. Both types of material are not hazardous to human health.

    Have you planned and are deciding which is better: laminate or linoleum? Yes, it’s really difficult to determine the leader: the price of laminate good quality and linoleum are almost the same. Each material has its pros and cons; it is necessary to analyze the characteristics in more detail along with visual perception. Before choosing, you should decide for which room the coating is selected; traffic, humidity, and the likelihood of mechanical impacts play an important role. In today's review, the editors will try to help you choose between these two materials, revealing some of the nuances of operational parameters. All you have to do is choose the color.

    Depending on the thickness of the layer and the purpose of linoleum, three categories can be distinguished.

    Category Description
    DomesticLayer thickness - no more than 4 mm, coating with a complex structure made of foam material. On top of the linoleum is covered with a decorative layer, which performs protective function.
    CommercialThe floor covering has a denser structure, due to which it has increased wear resistance. Sometimes manufacturers treat the surface to reduce slipping.
    Semi-commercialIts composition is very similar to commercial linoleum, but with a thicker (up to 7 mm) protective layer, which makes semi-commercial linoleum the most popular on the market.

    Base structure

    Based on its structure, the coating can be divided into the following types:

    • homogeneous, or single-layer,− it is made from granules with the addition of dyes. Its thickness is no more than 2 mm, the pattern is applied not to the top coating, but throughout the entire thickness. This explains the low abrasion of the single-layer material. It is suitable for high traffic areas. It is important to remember: the thinner the layer, the higher its wear resistance;
    • heterogeneous- This is a more versatile linoleum; it can contain up to 6 layers. The thickness of the coating reaches 6 mm. The top layer is made only of PVC; sometimes granules are added during the production process, due to which the material acquires a 3D effect. For reinforcement, polyurethane may be included in the composition, which improves wear resistance.

    Coating thickness

    Thickness is one of the important parameters of linoleum; it can reach up to 0.7-5 mm. Material with a thickness of up to 1 mm is quite rare, and it is not suitable for apartments and houses at all. Ideal option For household use opt for linoleum with a thickness of 2-4 mm, and it is important to remember that heat and sound insulation will depend on this parameter. In addition, the characteristics of a thicker base are much better.

    You should know this! You may come across the opinion that durability is primarily affected by the thickness of the coating, but this is a misconception. The increase in service life is affected by the thickness of the protective layer, or, to be more precise, by its wear life.

    Linoleum classes by wear resistance

    Wear resistance is the ability to withstand mechanical and physical activity that arise during operation. Another indicator is abrasion, which determines the time at which the thickness of the upper protective layer decreases over the entire period of use. The laminate class, depending on its purpose, consists of two numbers:

    • the first digit is the area of ​​application of the coating: residential, office or industrial premises;
    • the second number (1−4) is the intensity of the load.

    For use in residential premises, you should choose a coating of class 21-23; class 23 has the best performance. Classes 31 and 32 are intended for offices, but for shopping centers and stores the choice should be made on classes 32 and 33, their characteristics are much higher.

    Linoleum: pros and cons

    In order to objectively compare in the future which is better - laminate or linoleum in a house, you need to analyze their parameters: service life, wear resistance, environmental friendliness, heat, noise and moisture insulation, risk of injury and price. Let us highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of linoleum.

    1. Affordable cost - almost anyone can afford such a purchase.
    2. Moisture and vapor resistance - therefore it is recommended to install it in kitchens, corridors and bathrooms.
    3. High wear resistance, resistance to mechanical damage. He is not afraid of women's heels and movement.
    4. High sound and heat insulation - the coating is equivalent to wood in these qualities.
    5. No additional protective layer is required.
    6. Injury-proof - even the glossy coating has additional slip protection.
    7. Linoleum can be laid on a substrate or placed underneath it.
    8. The pattern on the coating is made by adding dye to the material; therefore, the pattern will remain the entire period of operation.
    9. Easy care - can be used during cleaning.

    For an objective assessment, the negative aspects of linoleum should also be noted:

    • it consists of artificial materials, all layers are glued together, and it also contains rubber. Only in some types can you find natural fabric in the structure. Therefore, it emits a rather specific smell, which disappears 2 weeks after installation;
    • stripes from shoes with black soles remain on the surface, which are quite difficult to remove;
    • requires prior .

    Main characteristics of laminate

    Laminate is a great alternative parquet board, but at a much lower cost. In addition, it has undoubted advantages that are characteristic of parquet.

    Board structure

    A high-quality laminate with a thickness of 5-11 mm consists of five layers; budget coatings can have only 3 layers. Let's consider the composition of the material for grades 31–33.

    Layer Description
    UpperMade from malamine (acrylic) resin. It performs a protective function; the higher the coating class, the thicker this layer.
    2nd layerPaper layer with a decorative pattern.
    3rd layerMoisture-resistant film.
    4th layerThe basis of the laminate is an HDF panel; it is a load-bearing layer; all the main characteristics of the coating depend on it: sound and heat insulation, moisture resistance. It contains a lock for connecting the panels to each other.
    5th bottom layerMoisture-resistant kraft paper impregnated with polymer resin.

    Manufacturers can add or change layers to improve technical characteristics.


    Laminate is widely used in all residential premises, with the only exception, as well as in offices, warehouses, shopping centers. Manufacturers produce coatings in six classes: 21-23 are intended for housing, 31-33 - for public institutions. For the hallway in an apartment, it is recommended to use a higher class - 23 or 31, but for the bedroom, where the load is low, you can save money and limit yourself to 21 class. There is another coating class - 34, it appeared in 2005 and is characterized by increased strength, due to which its service life is much longer.

    Strength criteria

    The strength criteria of the laminate are determined after testing, in which the panel is fixed on a special device and acted upon using an abrasive disc. The study requires two indicators:

    • After what number of revolutions will the first scratches appear?
    • After what number of revolutions will the top layer be completely destroyed?

    The arithmetic mean of these values ​​determines the quality standard of the laminate.


    If you compare laminate with linoleum in appearance, it is difficult to identify a leader in this characteristic. Manufacturers offer imitation wood, parquet, stone and tiles in both coatings, a variety of colors and tint solutions.

    Laminate: advantages and disadvantages

    To objectively evaluate both coatings, we will highlight the positive qualities and disadvantages of the laminate.

    1. High wear resistance, resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress.
    2. Fire resistance is higher than that of linoleum.
    3. Easy care - no special products required.
    4. Anti-allergenic - environmentally friendly materials are used in production. In this regard, it is recommended for installation in children's rooms.
    5. Simple installation - laying on a substrate or “warm floor” is acceptable.
    6. Service life at correct selection and installation can last up to 20 years.
    7. Low cost - it is affordable for the average buyer.

    The disadvantages of laminate include:

    • it is important to correctly determine the wear resistance class of the laminate for each room; to do this, you should first study the main characteristics and recommendations of the manufacturer;
    • required preliminary preparation base to perfect evenness;
    • laminated panels do not tolerate excess moisture. After installation, it is recommended to treat the butt joints with special products with a protective function;
    • if it is broken, the surface may swell and a squeak may appear during operation;
    • cost of coverage high class may exceed the price of even a parquet board.

    We compare the parameters and draw conclusions about what to choose: laminate or linoleum

    To determine which coating is better, you need to compare all the pros and cons of linoleum and laminate. The decisive word will not be the cost at all, but the purpose of the room for which the material is selected, because it is from the right choice and depends on the durability and quality of use.

    Difficulty of installation

    Linoleum or laminate: which is cheaper to operate?

    Linoleum of different classes is still cheaper than laminate with the same characteristics, this is due to its composition: environmentally friendly materials are used for the production of panels. But as for operation, you need to keep in mind that if the linoleum is seriously damaged in a visible place, you will have to replace the entire canvas, while with laminate it is possible to replace the deformed section with a similar one.

    What is more expensive: linoleum or laminate

    The cost of some classes of laminate can exceed the price of linoleum by approximately 2-2.5 times.

    Which is better: laminate or linoleum, according to an expert

    We have analyzed all the main parameters and have already determined for ourselves which material is better. I wonder if our conclusions will coincide: what is better in an apartment: laminate or linoleum, according to a professional? According to experts, laminate has an undoubted advantage - environmental friendliness, a wide variety of textures, durability, and resistance to mechanical damage. Otherwise, linoleum exhibits best performance: it is easy to maintain and install, is moisture resistant, and has higher sound and heat insulation.

    Conclusion! Linoleum is better suited for office premises, loggias, kitchens and entrance areas. Laminate should be chosen for bedrooms, living rooms and hallways, as it has a more presentable appearance.

    Which is better: laminate or linoleum, according to reviews on forums

    If we analyze consumer reviews, their opinions on popular sites are divided approximately equally. Some people like the moisture resistance characteristics of linoleum, while others like the environmental friendliness of laminate. Therefore, before choosing what to lay on the floor in an apartment, our advice is to analyze the relevant topics on construction forums, see what consumers are dissatisfied with over time, and only then make a choice in favor of one of the materials. Many speak out in favor of linoleum thanks to simple care, however, at the same time they emphasize that price matters, since “the more expensive, the better.”

    More details on MasterGrad:

    But the next consumer talks specifically about the environmental friendliness of laminate.

    More details on ForumHouse:

    Another opinion in favor of linoleum for a family with small children, although deficiencies in the coating were discovered after repair during operation.

    And in conclusion, we invite you to watch another professional opinion in the video.

    Many of us have faced renovations in an apartment or private house at least once in our lives. And if the repair involved the floor, then the question of replacing the floor covering probably arose. Some people lay linoleum or carpet on the floor, others lay parquet or laminate flooring. Naturally doesn't exist perfect coverage For flooring, each material has its own strengths and weaknesses. The choice of floor coverings nowadays is simply huge, and it is impossible to describe all the coverings in one article. Therefore, in this article we will look at the two most commonly used materials: linoleum and laminate.

    Which is better: linoleum or laminate? Surely, many will immediately be able to answer this question with confidence. But if you ask a person to justify his answer, you won’t be able to get a clear explanation. Many people believe that laminate is definitely better than linoleum, because it is more expensive and more modern. But linoleum, whose characteristics are not inferior to, and in some ways even superior to, those of laminate, also has a right to exist. Let's look at the pros and cons of these two coatings in more detail so that everyone can decide which is better, linoleum or laminate.

    Advantages and disadvantages of laminate.

    What is laminate? Quite often, laminate is confused with parquet, considering that it is a type of parquet. But this is not at all true, laminate and parquet are completely different materials. Laminate is, as a rule, an artificial covering that has a multi-layer structure. The topmost layer is responsible for the wear resistance of the laminate and consists of either various resins or a special protective film. Under the protective layer is decorative coating, which externally imitates various materials, such as parquet, stone or old boards. Next comes the thickest layer, which is often made of special MDF. Well, the bottom layer is polymer.

    The main advantage of laminate is its resistance to ultraviolet radiation, which allows it to maintain its original color and shade throughout its entire service life. You can rearrange the furniture or re-lay the carpet as many times as you like and will not notice any changes in the shade of the floor covering. The laminate coating is resistant to impact high temperature. For example, a dropped cigarette will not leave a scorched mark on the floor. The legs of cabinets, chairs, tables, as well as the heels of women's shoes are not at all afraid of laminate. Caring for laminate flooring is quite simple and will not cause you any difficulties. possible without dismantling the old coating. The laminate can be laid, for example, on wooden boards or Of course, it’s not advisable to do this, but it’s possible. If you are planning to install a heated floor, then it can also be successfully placed under the laminate.

    Despite the fact that laminate is so good, this coating also has disadvantages. When they say that a laminate coating is wear-resistant, this does not mean that it lasts forever. Of course, everything eventually falls into disrepair. So with laminate, having laid it, say, in the hallway or in the kitchen, prepare after some time to replace the flooring in these rooms. Laminate flooring is not recommended for installation in rooms with high humidity and the flow of people. Laminate can withstand the pressure of heavy objects for a long time, but is not able to withstand impacts. So if you drop something on such a floor, the coating may be damaged. As already mentioned, caring for laminate flooring is simple, but requires the use of only high-quality detergents. If you use too aggressive cleaning agents, the coating may become covered with stains that cannot be removed. Laminate does not tolerate the hands of amateurs when laying, since the seams between the laminate panels are the most vulnerable point of this coating. Poor installation and frequent subsequent cleanings will quickly render the entire coating unusable.

    Advantages and disadvantages of linoleum.

    Unlike laminate, linoleum is much cheaper and this is an important advantage for many. Laminate will never be able to boast such a wide color scheme and a variety of designs, like linoleum. Almost anyone can lay linoleum without having any professional training for this. What could be easier than laying on the floor and cutting off the excess if necessary. But, of course, it is better to entrust this operation to professionals. If you are wondering what is better than linoleum or laminate in terms of thermal conductivity and noise absorption, then laminate is an outsider. Linoleum is warm and has excellent sound-absorbing properties. In addition, linoleum can have a special PVC coating that is not at all afraid of water, so you can wash linoleum as much as you like and with anything.

    The disadvantages of linoleum include the fact that over time the color of the coating becomes less saturated. Linoleum is not able to withstand long-term local heating of the surface. It is difficult to set fire to high-quality linoleum, but the same dropped cigarette will leave a lifelong imprint on the coating. If you have chosen linoleum as a floor covering, then you should think carefully about what will stand and where. This is due to the fact that furniture legs press down on the linoleum and leave noticeable imprints on it. Before laying linoleum, you need to carefully prepare the floor surface. Remove all uneven surfaces, protruding nails, etc. If you are laying linoleum on a plank floor, then it should be perfectly flat and the boards should not “move” relative to each other. If you do not comply with these requirements, then in places where there are unevenness and the slightest differences in height, the linoleum will very quickly begin to crack and tear.

    As you can see, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which is better, linoleum or laminate. Before choosing a coating, you need to take into account all the individual nuances of the premises and compare everything with your financial capabilities. Laminate is undoubtedly a modern and fashionable material, but the cost of such a coating deters many. Linoleum, of course, has its drawbacks, but after reading this article, it will probably be easier for you to make the right decision in choosing the flooring you need.