What to lay laminate tiles in the kitchen. What is better in the kitchen as a floor covering - tiles, laminate or linoleum? Ceramic tiles. Pros and cons

Which is better for the kitchen floor - tiles or laminate? In the article we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both options, taking into account the characteristics of the kitchen, and try to reach a verdict.

Which of the two materials is better to prefer in the kitchen and why - we have to figure it out.


To decide whether tile or laminate would be more appropriate in the kitchen.

Let's describe the conditions in which the flooring will have to exist.

  • Great cross-country ability. Alas, in most modern city apartments the functions of the kitchen and dining room are combined in one room. Therefore, if there is a room in which the whole family gathers several times a day, then this is the kitchen.
  • High humidity. When cooking and washing dishes, there is inevitably a lot of water vapor in the air.
  • Temperature fluctuations over a wide range. When enabled gas stove the temperature even at floor level can easily reach 30C. But if you open the window in winter, the temperature will drop by 20-25 degrees in a matter of minutes. Cold air goes down, remember?
  • Finally, and most importantly, water, hot and cold, inevitably spills on the kitchen floor from time to time.


Practicality is practicality, but you still need to decide whether laminate or tile in the kitchen best suits your needs.

What do you usually want from flooring?

  • It is advisable that it is not TOO hard. If only because then a plate that falls on the floor has a better chance of not turning into a scattering of fragments.
  • The floor should ideally feel warm. This can be achieved either by heating or by low thermal conductivity of the outer coating layer. Actually, the heat and sound insulating qualities of the floor covering are welcome in any case.
  • Despite the fact that the protective surface of the laminate is a fairly hard material, the floor made of it is slightly springy due to the elastic substrate and the plasticity of MDF. However, the fall of a heavy, angular object may well damage the surface of the laminate.
  • A laminate-covered floor is subjectively perceived as warm and has excellent heat and sound insulation. Both due to the laminate’s own properties and due to the use of substrates made of porous materials: cork, polystyrene foam and polyethylene foam.
  • Wear resistance of floor tiles in living conditions can be considered almost absolute. Only your grandchildren will be able to see signs of wear even in the passage through which every family member passes twenty times a day.
  • Floor tiles Can be used perfectly in any humid atmosphere. Remember: tiles are traditionally used to decorate showers and bathrooms.


If the tiles have been used in the shower for decades, how can the kitchen harm them?

  • Frequent temperature fluctuations can, in principle, cause the tile to peel off from the screed underneath. Under two conditions: very rapid heating or cooling (and repeated cooling) and the use of low-quality glue. In other cases, the tile stays perfectly on the floor indefinitely.
  • Spilled water on the floor will not harm anyone. Not only that: if the tiles are properly sealed, they will not allow water to seep into the neighbors below, which is definitely a plus.
  • Tile is a hard covering. A cup that falls on the floor will most likely turn into fragments. The opposite is also true: a heavy and hard object falling on the floor can, in principle, crack the tile. But only if there are cavities underneath.

Attention: when laying tiles with your own hands, the instructions instruct you to apply tile adhesive not in separate patches, but in a continuous layer. There should be no caverns or unfilled areas under the tiles.

  • The tile has high thermal conductivity and heat capacity. It's cold to stand on it barefoot. Soundproofing qualities are minimal. From this point of view, it loses to laminate completely.


So, how do tiles and laminate flooring compare to each other in a kitchen?

Tile is clearly in the lead on the most important points. Considering that the price square meter tiles are almost equal to the cost of laminate with a backing of the same area - the choice for the kitchen is obvious.

Useful little things

There are several nuances, knowledge of which may be useful.

  • Tile laminate for the kitchen is a class 33 waterproof laminate that imitates tiles, which, according to the manufacturer, is completely protected from swelling. However, when flooded with boiling water, it behaves the same as any other - it swells and warps.
  • A combination of laminate and tiles in the kitchen is often practiced. The work area near the cutting table, sink and stove is covered with tiles. Often a water or electrical system heating, making the tiled floor warm.

But the area of ​​the dining table is covered with laminate. Often zones are delimited by height: either for working area, or a low podium is built for the dining table.

The photo shows a combination of tiles and laminate in the kitchen. The tiles are laid where water periodically spills. Dining area The kitchen is lined with laminate.

  • Tiles, primarily glazed, have a very slippery surface. Often, instead of it, rough porcelain stoneware is chosen as a floor covering.


If some points remain unclear, perhaps useful information you will find in the video at the end of the article. Good luck with the renovation!

Today, many owners have to choose between floor coverings such as tiles and laminate. The article will discuss whether tiles or laminate are better in the kitchen, and will also discuss the main nuances, advantages and disadvantages of using the coating in this room.

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles(tile) is durable facing material, possessing great design and long service life.

A significant advantage is that the coating is highly resistant to the following irritants:

  • moisture;
  • aggressive effects of chemicals;
  • temperature changes;
  • mechanical impact.

In this regard, the most popular rooms for laying tiles are: kitchen, bathroom, corridor, living room and open parts of the house (balcony, terrace). Tile is also an ideal floor covering for offices, retail outlets and other premises with an intense flow of visitors.

There are other advantages:

  • weak conductivity electric current;
  • inertia;
  • fire resistance, providing additional protection against fire in the room. The tiles will prevent fire from spreading through the floor. Also, when heated, the tile does not lose its characteristics and does not deform;
  • tile design can be presented in the most different types, which causes harmonious combination material with the interior of the room where installation is carried out. By taking a photo of such a room, any owner can be confident in the success of the home sales process.

Ceramic tiles also have disadvantages:

  • The surface of the tile is always cold. This problem can be solved by organizing a good heating system. It is most practical to install a heated floor system under the tiles;
  • high cost of tiles compared to other coatings. The price of the product is formed according to several criteria: manufacturer, size, texture, etc. Do not forget that you will have to pay additionally for the process of laying tiles.


According to usage statistics, laminate is more popular than ceramic tiles.

This is due to a number of its advantages:

  • original design;
  • the cost is available to a greater number of owners than in the case of tiles;
  • ease of installation;
  • long service life.

To protect the laminate, the surface is coated with a layer of melamine or acrylate resin. In case of laminate high quality This layer contains corundum, which has high strength. This coating makes the floor impervious to chemical exposure, the appearance of stains, fading under the influence of ultraviolet rays, etc.

Caring for laminate flooring is quite easy. When cleaning rooms normally, you just need to wipe the dusty floor with a damp cloth. Mechanical impact on laminate is not fatal. Even a large, large object falling on such a coating does not leave dents or scratches after impact. Therefore, you can safely install heavy furniture and household appliances(read: " "). Thermal effects are also not a problem: an accidentally dropped cigarette butt or a regularly used heating device will not leave marks on the floor. Based on all of the above, we can recommend laminate as a reliable covering even for children's rooms.

However, such a coating also has an Achilles heel - the edges of the sheet. If errors are made during production, the edges may crumble over time, which means that the coating will wear out much faster. Therefore, you should not save on purchasing flooring, but pay attention to high-quality types from global manufacturers and make purchases exclusively in specialized construction stores. Today, products from Germany, Norway and Austria enjoy authority in this area.

Regardless of how tightly the edges of two adjacent sheets are pulled together, it is best to create an additional moisture-proof layer by covering the edges with any waterproof composition.

Having studied the characteristics presented above, you can decide whether tiles or laminate are better in the kitchen, but you need to remember the amount you are willing to spend on purchasing flooring. If you are not sure what the best flooring in the kitchen is in your particular case, you should consult with your relatives.

Let's look at the difference between these materials:

  • Laminate is cheaper, but its service life is much shorter than that of ceramic tiles. Accordingly, only the buyer can make a choice based on this criterion;
  • moisture resistance is an advantage of both materials. Laminate flooring is susceptible to flooding, which occurs when water is spilled on the floor for a long time. Tiles do not have such a drawback, which means that such a coating will be much more effective for the kitchen;
  • It was said above that tile is a cold coating. Of course, the underfloor heating system and heating devices will cope with this problem in the cold season, but it will remain a problem even in the summer;
  • at the same time, the tiles are not afraid of heat, which is inevitable in the kitchen, high humidity, hot greasy splashes, etc.;
  • tiles have no restrictions on use household chemicals and other cleaning products.

When combining a kitchen with a dining room or living room, ceramic tiles are also recommended for use. Typically, in such a room, furniture is often moved; during the day, large number people and periodically the coating becomes contaminated with food waste, which is not a problem for tiles, unlike laminate.

If the surface of the tiles is very slippery, it can cause injury. This can be avoided by purchasing products with a rough top or consulting with specialists about various products that can be applied to coatings to eliminate the slipping effect. Experts will also be able to determine the tile parameters that will be optimal for a particular room.

All of the above indicates the dominance of tiles over laminate when choosing flooring in the kitchen.

Laminate still has certain advantages:

  • the process of laying such a coating is carried out much faster and there is much less waste after completion of the work;
  • The appearance of the coating is very beautiful. You can also achieve from tiles original design, but it will look like a laminate only in the photo and upon visual inspection, without becoming natural wood. Read also: "".

Bottom line

Having thoroughly studied the characteristics of each material, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, it is easy to understand that tiles are the priority material for covering floors in the kitchen. If the owner wants to use laminate, then he should correctly plan the zones in the kitchen block and combine both materials. The process of purchasing and installation is best entrusted to specialists who will be able to determine the optimal parameters for each of the coatings, as well as take measurements and cover the floor according to as soon as possible With minimal costs cash. It is safer to pay professionals than to do such work yourself, but it will take much longer and be more expensive.

The key to successful repair is not only the use beautiful materials, but also durability and ease of use finished work. It is especially important to maintain a certain balance between beauty and functionality during execution. repair work in the kitchen. Odors, greasy splashes, and pieces of food falling on the floor can easily ruin an impractical coating. Therefore, people often try to figure out the question in advance: what is better in the kitchen - tiles or laminate? How to choose a flooring so that it is reliable and pleasing to the eye? Read more below.

What is better in the kitchen - tiles or laminate?

Before making final conclusions, you should understand the conditions under which the floor covering will be used. This is very important and will help you understand why you shouldn’t lay it in the kitchen, say, but rather replace it with some kind of easy-to-clean covering.

Features of the premises and evaluation criteria

Under what conditions will the flooring be used? Perhaps, it is the factors that will influence it that are the most significant when choosing a finishing material. So, the cuisine is different:

  • high humidity levels. There is no escape from moisture in the kitchen - it is present both when washing dishes and during cooking in large quantities. Also, hot/cold water may be repeatedly spilled on the floors;
  • significant temperature changes. If the kitchen is actively cooking and the stove is running, the air temperature will easily rise to +30 degrees or more. If you open the window for ventilation, the temperature quickly drops to +5-10 degrees in the floor area.
  • high cross-country ability. The kitchen is a room in which a person appears quite a large number of times during the day. At the same time, the kitchen is often not only a place for preparing food, but also a dining room.

The choice of flooring will largely depend on these factors. Only the right material will be easy to use and look very beautiful.

Flooring requirements

It remains to understand what the floor covering should be so that, under the conditions described above, it can serve for many years without losing its decorative qualities. So, the material for finishing the floor should not just be beautiful - it is desirable that it was somewhat pliable, not too hard. In some cases, this will help save dropped dishes from damage. And the floor itself will be more intact in case of falling dishes and heavy objects.

It is also advisable that the floors weren't too cold. If the material has low thermal conductivity, this can be achieved even without a floor heating system.

Note! The material itself will not heat up in any case. But it is well known that walking on tiles is much less pleasant because of the feeling of cold than on linoleum, wood or carpet.

The coating may have high levels of noise and heat insulation, but this is not necessary. The main thing is that the coating is easy to wash and free from grease and stains of various origins. It is important to remember that the kitchen should not have any covering with lint, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to clean it.

Comparison of laminate and tiles

The most popular types of flooring used in the kitchen are laminate, linoleum, tile and vinyl. And if linoleum is now purchased less and less often, then other types of coating compete sharply with each other. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, knowing which you can make right choice.

What is better in the kitchen - laminate or tile?

Laminate in your kitchen - pros and cons

Laminate was previously considered almost an elite type of flooring, but over time it became available to the majority of the population with average earnings. At the same time, the material is much cheaper than solid wood coating natural wood, but it looks no worse - decorative qualities can be rated a solid five.

Laminate flooring in the kitchen - photo

Laminate is a layered material that is made from wood-fiber boards that have an outer decorative and protective layer. In this case, the layer that gives the appearance of the lamellas is usually paper with a pattern applied to it, covered with a protective layer of acrylic or melamine.

Note! Laminate can perfectly imitate not only wood, but also tiles, marble, and have a single color. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to distinguish a “fake” from the original by eye.

Advantages of laminate allowing you to use it in the kitchen:

  • weak reaction to various chemicals;
  • excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • ease of care;
  • Easy to clean - just wipe the coating with a damp cloth;
  • the material does not seem cold when walking barefoot and retains heat for a long time;
  • high levels of noise insulation;
  • plasticity and elasticity.

Disadvantages of laminate, limiting its use in the kitchen:

  • penchant for mechanical damage, applied sharp objects- dents and scratches may remain on the coating, which can lead to moisture getting inside the material;
  • laminate is afraid of water and if it gets under the protective layer (at the joints or in places where the lamellas are damaged) it swells, bulges, and loses its appearance. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out the installation correctly, and also protect the end parts of the lamellas from moisture - this is the most weak point coatings;
  • in the event of a flood, the floors will be hopelessly damaged.

Advice! To reduce the risk of rapid wear of the material, you need to make your choice responsibly and purchase high-quality coating high class. Also, many aspects will depend on the quality of installation.

Detailed step by step instructions You will find information on laying laminate flooring in the article. We talk about the nuances, choosing a substrate and its types, the installation process and how to cut holes.


The Swedish company is considered the founder of this type of flooring and is the market leader. Today the products are in demand in different countries world, and the technological chain at Pergo factories is so improved that the laminate is of the highest quality.

  1. High level of reliability.
  2. Value for money.
  3. Excellent strength indicators.
  4. Long service life.
  5. Stylish design.
  6. Easy to use and maintain.
  7. Environmental friendliness.

Not found.

laminate Pergo


Parquet and laminate from the German company Haro are different high level quality. Some flooring models are made in such a way that it is almost impossible to leave scratches on them.

  1. There is antistatic treatment.
  2. Good locking system.
  3. Excellent sound insulation performance.
  4. Spectacular design.
  5. Long service life.
  1. The material is stylized only as wood.
  2. High price.

laminate Haro


The German company Egger has been producing high-quality flooring for over 50 years. Occupies a leading position throughout Europe.

  • possibility of installing laminate on floors and walls;
  • long service life;
  • a wide selection of design proposals and different product formats (there are waterproof collections);
  • acceptable cost.
  • In Russian batches there are defective strips.

The largest share of the domestic market in the budget and mid-price segment is occupied by Kerama Marazzi. This manufacturer of ceramic tiles manages to gain popularity due to the combination affordable price and Italian quality.

  1. Good assortment.
  2. Innovative technologies in the production of tiles and glazes for them.
  3. Durability of tiles.
  4. Developed trading network.
  5. Affordable price.

Not all collections have the ideal combination of wall and floor tiles.

floor tiles Kerama Marazzi

The world's leading manufacturer of ceramic tiles is the Italian company LaFabbrica.

  • high quality products;
  • wide product range;
  • long service life.
  • high price.

floor tiles LaFabbrica

The tiles produced by the Italian company stand out among competitors thanks to their unique design and bright, vibrant color.

  • original manufacturing technology;
  • wide range.
  • high price.

Fap Ceramiche tiles

Vinyl tiles

However, there is another type of tile that is suitable for use in the kitchen. This is a tile made of polyvinyl chloride. In appearance it resembles linoleum cut into pieces, but in fact it has little in common with it, since it is produced using a completely different technology.

Vinyl tiles are made up of four layers. The lower ones are responsible for the strength and flexibility of the material, the middle one is for giving a beautiful appearance, the upper one protects from external influences.

Advantages of vinyl tiles:

  • easy to transport;
  • has excellent sound insulation performance;
  • soft and pleasant for feet;
  • does not slip;
  • is not afraid of water and does not swell;
  • has a wide variety of colors;
  • easy to clean from any contaminants;
  • does not absorb odors;
  • It's inexpensive.

Disadvantages of vinyl tiles:

  • artificially created material;
  • the pattern can quickly fade if the tile is laid in a sunlit place;
  • traces of furniture remain on the surface;
  • has, albeit small, negative impact on environment and a person, if laid over large areas in one room.

What to choose for the kitchen - tiles or laminate? We take a scientific approach

Each floor covering has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we found out by carefully studying the information and text about them above. A summary table will help you in your choice, which demonstrates all the qualities that a floor covering should have, as well as the extent to which the materials are endowed with them.

Table. Comparison of PVC tiles, tiles and laminate.

CharacteristicLaminateCeramic tilesPVC tiles
Moisture resistance Low moisture resistance, or rather lack thereof. The material is afraid of exposure to water and is deformed if it gets under or between the slats (the only exception is moisture-resistant laminate).It has an extremely high level of moisture resistance and is absolutely not afraid of water.Excellent moisture resistance, the material does not swell or deform when water gets on it.
Wear resistance Depends on the class of material. The higher the class, the longer the material lasts. But in any case, the performance is lower than that of tiles.Absolute, practically does not wear out over decades of use.It has fairly high wear resistance, but it is still lower than that of ceramic tiles. May fade over time. The service life is usually about 10 years.
Elasticity It depends on the thickness and characteristics of the substrate, but it is definitely higher than that of ceramic tiles.Its complete absence.Has good indicator elasticity, quite soft material- softer than laminate.
Comfortable operation The material is pleasant to the feet, you can walk barefoot. It won't feel cold at any time of the year. Excellent thermal insulation performance.IN winter time very cold, walking barefoot is not comfortable. Installation of a heated floor system is required.It has good sound insulation and is more pleasant to walk on than on tiles. In this respect it resembles linoleum.
Slip Depends on the texture of the surface, but, as a rule, the material is not slippery.Depending on the texture, it can be slippery or, conversely, rough.Slips no more than laminate.
Difficulty of installation Must be purchased additional materials. Installation is easier and faster than laying tiles.The most expensive activity financially, in terms of time and effort. Even during installation, you can damage the tile by dropping it. You need to purchase glue.Installation is carried out quickly, the tiles are laid with glue, but you need to wait until the surface dries.
Ability to resist pollutants The surface cleans well, but if debris or other contaminant gets between the cracks, it can only be removed after disassembling the floor.It practically does not get dirty, and if it gets dirty, it is very easy to clean without the use of any expensive products.The characteristics are the same as those of linoleum - pollutants are removed well.

Conclusions: preferences and trade-offs

On most points, ceramic tiles have become the undisputed leader, but the main disadvantages are so significant that they force many to abandon them and give preference to laminate or PVC tiles. At the same time, laminate, even of the highest class, will swell when the apartment is flooded. The likelihood of this happening is low, but the risk still exists.

The problem with tiles is the lack of comfort in the room where they are located. With laminate or PVC tiles, the kitchen will look much more attractive. But the tiles are not afraid of water. In general, you should still focus on personal preferences and budget. Laminate, of course, will cost less than ceramics.

Advice! If you want to cover the kitchen floors with both laminate and tiles, then you can combine them. This combination looks very harmonious. For example, you can cover floors near work areas with tiles, and lay laminate where dining table. By the way, both types of flooring need correct installation and careful leveling of the subfloor.

Video - Which is better, laminate or tile?

Installation of PVC tiles

PVC tiles are something in between operational characteristics between ceramics and laminate. That is why it is worth getting acquainted with the installation of this flooring.

Step 1. All subfloors are first cleared of debris.

Step 2. Some planks will have to be cut, because the covering must be laid so that the joints of the two planks are offset. The tiles are cut as follows: first, the required distance is measured on one strip, equal to the length from the end of the last whole tile in the row to the wall. Marking is made, an incision is made stationery knife. The tile is bent along the cut line, broken and cut to the end.

The required distance is measured

PVC tiles are being cut

Step 3. The floor area is divided into 4 parts. Two lines are drawn perpendicular to each other through the center of the room.

Step 4. Next, the tiles are calibrated - laid out on the surface of the subfloor as they will be glued. You need to start from the identified center in the direction of the wall farthest from the door. You can also lay tiles starting from the far wall in rows.

Step 5. Before you start laying tiles, close the window in the kitchen - there should be no drafts. Special adhesive for vinyl tiles is thoroughly mixed to a uniform consistency. To apply and level the glue, purchase a special notched spatula.

Step 6. Since the drying time of the glue is short (about 20 minutes), the glue is applied in small portions in an even thin layer and leveled.

Step 7 Next, the tiles are laid strictly in one direction according to the arrows on it. back side. It is not glued all at once, but starting from one edge. The tile is slammed down and then processed with a roller to compact it. This will remove excess air from under the tiles.

Attention! There should be a gap of about 5-7 mm wide along the wall. It will subsequently be covered with a plinth.

In this way, vinyl tiles are laid over the entire surface. Excess adhesive from the surface can be removed with a damp cloth.

Video - Laying PVC tiles

What is better to use - tiles or laminate - to decorate the floor in the kitchen, you will still have to decide on your own. Much will depend on the wishes of the person and his demands in terms of comfort or, on the contrary, durability.

Kitchen renovation requires, first of all, a competent approach. You need to carefully study all the features various materials, pick up kitchen set and decide on exhaust system. But the greatest attention should be paid to the floor covering. When faced with flooring, many people wonder which flooring is better for the kitchen: tiles or laminate?

To make your choice, you need to study in detail the features of each material and the requirements for kitchen flooring.


Kitchen floor requirements

The kitchen room is the most visited place in the entire house. In the kitchen, people gather with friends over a cup of coffee or have a family dinner with their family. That is why kitchen flooring must meet the following requirements:

  • Initially, the kitchen floor should be as comfortable as possible.
  • The coating must meet hygienic requirements.
  • The kitchen floor should be highly wear-resistant.
  • All contaminants should be easily removed from the surface.

Greater demands are placed on the material for kitchen flooring than on the floor in the bedroom, hallway or living room. The thing is that during the cooking process, the kitchen surface is subject to greater contamination, as a result of which it is necessary to clean and wash the floor more often. Therefore, flooring materials must be resistant to various chemical cleaning agents.

Another important requirement is the resistance of the coating to moisture and the possibility of waterproofing. In addition, the kitchen floor must be resistant to mechanical stress. After all, in the process of cooking or washing dishes, it happens that sharp or heavy objects fall on the floor.

And, of course, the kitchen covering should be attractive in appearance. If the room is designed in a certain color scheme or style, you need to take this into account in order to choose the appropriate floor.

Laminate features

Laminate is a very common floor covering today. It is a laminated chipboard or fiberboard. The structure of the laminate consists of the following materials:

  • The top layer of the coating carries protective function. This is a lamination film that is made from melamine or acrylic resin. The main task of this material is to prevent fading and abrasion of the surface.
  • The second layer is paper on which a pattern is applied that imitates various textures.
  • The third layer is the main one, it is made of chipboard or fiberboard.
  • The final layer is waterproof melamine. Its task is to protect against deformation.

Depending on the degree of wear resistance, laminate is divided into classes:

21 – perfect for living space (bedroom).

22 – also perfect for living rooms with a high degree of use (children's room, living room).

23 – perfect for rooms with frequent traffic (kitchen, hallway)

31 is a great option for office space with low traffic (meeting room, manager's office).

32 is the most best option for the office.

33 – for commercial premises with high traffic (hall, reception area).

Many buyers mistakenly believe that laminate is unsuitable as flooring in the kitchen. This is absolutely not true, because modern laminate meets all the requirements for a kitchen floor. The advantages of laminate include:

  • Simple and quick installation. The unusable part of the floor covering can be replaced without much effort.
  • Reasonable price. The price range is quite wide, which allows each buyer to choose an option according to their financial capabilities.
  • Durability. With proper care, laminate flooring can last for quite a long time. Laminate (starting from level 32) can last for decades!
  • Wide range. Rich color palette and the presence of a variety of textured elements allow you to choose a laminate to suit any interior.
  • Warm surface. Unlike tiles, laminate has low thermal conductivity, which means it can remain warm even in the winter.
  • Possibility of combination. Laminate flooring can be safely laid over a heated floor system.

Unfortunately, no floor covering has ideal qualities. The disadvantages of laminate include:

  • Low moisture resistance. With prolonged contact with water, especially at joints, the laminate may swell. Numerous customer reviews prove that this drawback does not apply to waterproof laminate; exposure to liquid will not cause any harm to it.
  • Possibility of sliding. Laminate flooring with a slippery surface may be unsafe. When choosing a laminate, you need to pay great attention to the texture.

Tile features

Tiles for kitchen flooring are available in a larger range than laminate. Among the varieties of kitchen floors on the market are the following:

  • Ceramic tiles. This coating consists of plates various sizes. Ceramic tiles are perfect for wall and floor cladding. This coating is made from natural materials such as sand and clay. Ceramic tiles are available in a wide range of colors; the pattern can even imitate various coatings, such as laminate or linoleum.
  • Porcelain tiles. This material is the most common for laying on the floor. It is characterized by a small number of pores in its structure, which provides high protection against moisture penetration.
  • Cotto tiles. Cotto coating belongs to the Country style. This flooring is exclusively in terracotta tones. These tiles are often placed on kitchen floors, although they require additional waxing after installation.
  • Glass tiles. Recently in modern interior In kitchens, glass tiles are used as flooring. This excellent material is characterized by low contamination and high wear resistance. Glass tiles with built-in indicator lights will add newness and modernity to the kitchen space.

The main advantages of tiles include:

  1. Moisture resistant. The ceramic surface can retain moisture for a long time.
  2. Wear resistance. Tiles can surprise you with their service life. Without special care, such flooring can last for decades and still look almost pristine.
  3. Easy care. The tile does not need much attention and special care. To maintain an attractive appearance, timely wet treatment is sufficient.
  4. No slippery surface. This applies to tiles with a rough texture. This coating will be absolutely safe.

The disadvantages include:

  • Fragility. Despite the dense structure of the material, the tiles can become deformed due to heavy objects falling on them.
  • Base rigidity. If the dishes fall on a ceramic floor covering, the chance of their preservation will be minimal.
  • Cold surface. Without the additional presence of a heated floor system, ceramic tiles will create discomfort due to the cold surface.

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There are many materials for floor finishing today. Depending on the purpose of the room, budget and taste of the customer, they are used natural wood and stone, artificial tiles and linoleum of many varieties. Each of these materials has a set of characteristics, more positive than negative, that must be taken into account when choosing a floor covering. Therefore, the question “which is better, tiles or laminate in the kitchen” is quite reasonable.

There are several popular coatings for finishing kitchen floors, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's consider these types of floor finishing materials from the perspective of their use when tiling the floor of a kitchen, profile or combined with a dining room. Let's compare their advantages and disadvantages in order to make the right choice in favor of a certain type of flooring when applied to a specific situation.

In this group of materials, there are 3 subgroups suitable for finishing kitchen floors:

Hard tiles (in descending order of strength):

  • natural stone (granite, marble, limestone);
  • porcelain stoneware (gres);
  • Mettlach tiles;
  • clinker;
  • ceramic floor tiles made of kaolin (tiles).

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) tiles:

  • single-layer (homogeneous);
  • multilayer (heterogeneous).
  • Laminate flooring.

Floor tiles are thicker and stronger than wall tiles

Natural stone

Floor tiles from natural stone has many advantages, which naturally affects its price and narrows the circle of consumers. This cladding is hard, wear-resistant, easy to routinely maintain and durable. Natural stone has a high density, which determines its high moisture and frost resistance. The natural material is also resistant to high temperatures and chemicals. The listed advantages allow you to confidently use tiles from natural stone for finishing kitchen and dining room floors, including heated floors.

Modern technologies for extracting and processing stone make it possible to create floor tiles from many natural minerals

But this cladding also has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • complexity of cutting and processing;
  • limited artistic performance;
  • dropped dishes are doomed to be broken;
  • radioactivity (for granite up to 30 μR/hour at a rate of 60 μR/hour).

The amount of radioactivity corresponds to the SNiP norm, but is not tolerated by people in the same way, so making the final decision on the choice of material better leave it to the customer.

Porcelain tiles

Gres floor tiles are produced by hot pressing a dry mixture of certain components, which also includes natural stone chips. As a result, the mixture is sintered into a dense material that is not inferior in physical characteristics to tiles made of natural material. Accordingly, the characteristics of porcelain stoneware differ little from the properties of granite or marble, but there are still differences:

  • relatively wide range of colors;
  • more affordable price;
  • 2-3 times lower radiation level.

Finishing a kitchen floor with gres tiles will last for many years, and if a system of “warm” floors is installed underneath, such cladding can be considered almost flawless.


Metlakh tiles are small-format ceramics, which are produced by pressing a dry powder mixture of natural components with simultaneous high-temperature firing (sintering).

Metlah is water- and frost-resistant, does not react to the effects of chemical reagents, is environmentally friendly, has high strength and wear resistance, almost not inferior in these characteristics to porcelain stoneware, and is suitable for laying on underfloor heating systems.

Metlakh tiles perfectly resist abrasion

The variety of colors of this material, unlike natural stone and gres, will satisfy any taste, which is ideal for decorating kitchens and dining rooms.

The small format of this ceramic results in a high density of seams between tiles, which increases the coefficient of friction of the cladding and makes walking on the surface of even a wet kitchen floor safer.


Clinker tiles have everything necessary qualities for use as floor covering in a kitchen or dining room. It is durable, wear-resistant, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

Clinker tiles are made by single firing and have a high density

Unlike porcelain stoneware, clinker has a uniform porous structure, which facilitates processing of the material and makes the surface lined with it non-slip. But at the same time, if oil is spilled on clinker, it is impossible to completely remove it from the pores of the material. Therefore, for finishing the floors of kitchens and dining rooms, it is better to use clinker ceramics with a glazed but embossed surface to neutralize the slipperiness of the glaze.

The porosity of clinker makes it difficult to transfer heat, so laying these tiles over a floor heating system is not practical.

Floor tiles with kaolin base

Due to the wide range of prices, variety of varieties and artistic performance, this ceramics is the most common in floor finishing. Knowing all the requirements for the kitchen floor covering, and being guided by the characteristics markings on the tiles and packaging, you can choose a cladding that meets all the operating conditions of the room. However, the porosity of the clay tile base prevents heat transfer, so such ceramics are not rational for installation on a heated floor system.

PVC tiles

PVC flooring is made from polyvinyl chloride. Essentially, this is the same linoleum covering, but consisting of individual elements of a small format. PVC cladding is characterized by high strength and noise insulation characteristics, is resistant to wear and is relatively durable. The material is easy to work with and is available in a wide range of prices. Tiles made from it are elastic, waterproof, non-slip, and are easy to use for everyday maintenance and spot repairs. In addition, this flooring is available in a variety of colors, including those imitating coatings made from natural materials.

This material also has disadvantages:

  • durability is limited to 10 years;
  • relative environmental friendliness (made from synthetic and chemical raw materials);
  • lack of resistance to solvents such as dichloroethane and acetone.

According to the structure of the material, PVC tiles are available in one- and two-layer, the thickness of the cladding varies from 0.5 to 3.5 mm.

Single layer PVC coating

PVC tiles of homogeneous design have the same structure and color throughout the entire thickness, so even in places of abrasion, the color of the finish remains unchanged. Homogeneous PVC tiles has characteristics common to the family, but the artistic execution is not diverse. The color of the material is monochromatic, or the cladding is decorated with simple ornaments, and therefore the popularity of this type of PVC tile is low.

Multilayer PVC tiles

This type of PVC cladding is made from high-strength vinyl, polyvinyl chloride and plasticizer additives. Heterogeneous tiles consist of the following layers (from bottom to top):

  • basic (foamed polyvinyl chloride - sound-insulating, heat-conducting, rigid);
  • art;
  • protective (laminated).

Self-adhesive PVC materials have an additional sticky layer for fastening to the base.

Unlike homogeneous PVC cladding, multilayer tiles are available in a variety of color shades and with a variety of designs allowing you to fit this finishing material to any interior.

Based on the listed properties, the use of polyvinyl chloride flooring in the kitchen is quite justified, especially if the renovation budget is limited.

PVC tiles have good sound insulation due to their multilayer structure

Laminate (HDF board) – common name four-layer floor covering produced on the basis of high-density fiberboard (fibreboard).

Laminate structure (layers from bottom to top):

  • stabilizing – prevents board deformation;
  • load-bearing – the main layer that carries the moisture-resistant, heat and sound insulating properties of the material;
  • decorative - paper layer with a pattern;
  • protective and decorative – an acrylic resin coating that protects against abrasive and impact influences, with a surface texture that imitates natural wood.

High-quality laminate flooring can be installed in the kitchen, as the coating is easy to clean

Strength of HDF board

According to strength characteristics, laminate is divided into 4 classes:

  • 31 (AC 3) – for home use;
  • 32 (AC 4) - for commercial use with low load and for home use - with increased load;
  • 33 (AC 5-AC 6) – for commercial use with heavy loads;
  • 34 – for industrial and sports use.

For kitchen floor cladding, it is better to use a slab of class 32 or higher.

Laminate is a worthy alternative to wooden floors

When laying a laminated coating, to ensure sound insulation and vapor protection, a substrate of one of the four manufactured varieties is laid under the slabs.

When placing heavy kitchen appliances (refrigerator, stove) on a laminate-lined surface, it is necessary to install stands on the floor, which will distribute the weight of the units from their legs over a large area and prevent the destruction of the laminate locks.

Moisture resistance of laminate

Laminate is a wood-based material protected on top and bottom by a durable shell. However, on the sides (locks) the laminate is vulnerable to moisture, especially to water in open form. With the exception of short-term contact with water during cleaning, HDF must be dry; accidentally spilled liquid must be removed without delay.

We produce moisture-resistant types of laminate suitable for finishing floors in rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom, toilet), the packaging of which is marked with the phrases Aqua-Protect or Aqua Resist. However, even these types of HDF are not designed for prolonged contact with open water, especially hot water. To extend the time the coating is resistant to water, when installing in the kitchen, laminate locks are treated with a special sealant.


After reviewing the characteristics of laminated boards and tiles, we can draw a definite conclusion that these coatings have more advantages than disadvantages, and the use of any of them for finishing floors in the kitchen will be justified. If we strive for the ideal, then if there is sufficient area it is advisable to consider combined use these materials, that is, dividing the floor into zones.

The food preparation area, as it is used more aggressively, should be finished with hard tiles made of natural or artificial materials. And the part of the kitchen that serves as a dining room will be more comfortable if, to finish its floors, you use materials similar in texture and properties to wood - PVC or HDF tiles.

With high-quality installation and interfacing of these types of cladding, the kitchen floor will make a worthy contribution to the interior of the room.