The height of the clean room is from floor to ceiling. Standard ceiling height in the apartment. Documentary standards for ceiling heights in residential, public and other buildings

The question of ceiling height most often arises when purchasing new apartment or building your own home. Its relevance is truly justified, since not only the possibility of implementation and perception of a particular design project, but also the comfort of spending time in it from the psychological side depends on the height of residential and other types of premises. For example, if the ceiling height in the apartment is above average, the owner will have the opportunity to arrange a multi-level figured suspended ceiling, hang beautiful chandelier etc.

Ceiling height is one of the decisive factors for room comfort. Our article will tell you what ceiling height is considered optimal, as well as the standards for ceiling heights in general.

Ceiling heights of residential apartments in practice

In the vast majority of apartments, regardless of the year of construction, the height from the floor to ceiling surface fluctuates between 2.5-3.2 m (see). At the same time, a height of 2.5 m is the minimum at which there is no feeling of ceiling pressure.

Modern developers also adhere to this concept, so the ceiling height in new buildings is almost never lower than 2.5 m and is usually set at 2.6 to 2.8 m. This is often enough for comfortable stay(cm. ).

In residential new buildings of the elite level, where the cost square meter housing is significantly higher than average, ceiling heights often exceed 3m.

Advice! When buying an apartment, be sure to pay attention to the quality of construction of the house, since unevenness on the ceiling and floor will most likely require elimination, that is, they will “steal” a little more of the precious height of the room.

The height of the ceilings is directly dependent on the cost of the area, which is easily justified economically. Therefore, lovers of high ceilings are unlikely to be able to save money. The optimal height from the floor to the ceiling surface, both from the point of view of comfort and financial side, is considered to be around 2.7 m. It is recommended to adhere to this value when purchasing a home.

Documentary standards for ceiling heights in residential, public and other buildings

Ceiling height standards for residential buildings

It should be noted that the only correct standard ceiling height for various types premises regulatory documents not installed. There is usually a lower height limit below which construction is not permitted.

  • Residential premises, including kitchens (kitchen-dining rooms) must have the following ceiling height: not less than 2.7 m when built in climatic regions 1A, 1B, 1G, 1D and 4A, as well as not less than 2.5 m in other climatic regions .
  • The minimum ceiling height of corridors, hallways, halls, mezzanines (as well as under them) is determined by the conditions for the safe movement of people and is equal to 2.1 m.
  • Living rooms and kitchens of apartments located on the attic floors (as well as the upper floors, where there are inclined enclosing structures) can be equipped with a lower, relatively standardized, ceiling height (see). In this case, the part of the ceiling with a lower height (relatively minimal) should not occupy more than 50% of the total area of ​​the room.

  • The ceiling height in the boiler room with installed heat generators must be at least 2.2 m. The installation of a boiler room in residential buildings does not meet safety standards.
  • In the transverse walls of technical undergrounds and in buildings where there are large-panel basements, the construction of openings 1.6 m high is allowed. The height of the threshold should not be higher than 0.3 m.

Standards for ceiling heights in public buildings

The ceiling height in public buildings is determined according to the following sanitary standards and rules:

  • The height of premises in public buildings, as well as in residential premises of sanatoriums, is provided to be at least 3 m. In public buildings with residential premises of another type they must have a height in accordance with SNiP for residential buildings.
  • The height of the main premises of bathhouse complexes and bathhouses designed for 100 people or more must be no less than 3.3 m.
  • The production premises of laundries and dry cleaners should be 3.6 m or more in height.

  • Separate auxiliary rooms and corridors, depending on the technological requirements and space-planning solution of the structure, can be equipped with a lower height. However, it should not be less than 1.9 m.
  • The distance from floor to ceiling in public buildings with a total capacity of 40 people may be taken in accordance with the height of the floor of the building in which they are built. Similar height standards are provided for enterprise premises. retail, the retail area of ​​which does not exceed 250 m2.
  • Subject to compliance with functional and technological requirements, the height of the premises attic floors can be lowered under a sloping ceiling. The area of ​​the ceiling section with a lower height should not exceed 40% of the area of ​​the entire room. According to SNiP required height the ceilings of the lowest part of the inclined section should not be less than 1.2 m with a slope of 30 degrees relative to the horizon, 0.8 m with a slope of 45 degrees, and with a slope of 60 degrees the height is not limited.

Advice! The ceiling height in the case of an intermediate slope value can be determined by interpolation.

  • The optimal ceiling height in technical floors is determined individually in each case, based on the type of equipment placed in them. utility networks And engineering equipment, as well as guided by the conditions of their operation. The height in places where service personnel move is up to lower parts protruding structures are chosen to be no less than 1.8 m.
  • When designing technical floors or technical undergrounds intended only for the placement of utility networks in the form of pipelines and pipeline insulation (made of non-combustible materials), the height from floor to ceiling is taken to be at least 1.6 m.

As for the height of office and other administrative premises, the ceiling height cannot be lower than 3 m. However, an exception to this may be small offices that are not located in public areas. administrative buildings. Their height is allowed to be taken in accordance with other types of buildings, for example residential. Here, as mentioned above, the ceiling height is allowed 2.5-2.7 m.

Thus, we found out what height is optimal for the ceiling of certain types of buildings and premises, and what height is considered to be the minimum acceptable. In any case, determining the height of the room at the design stage of the building should be made taking into account its future performance characteristics, taking into account the comfort and safety of the people living or simply in it.

The issue of ceiling height is one of the most important when building your home or buying an apartment.

And the relevance of this issue is fully justified.

After all, the psychological comfort of spending time in the room depends on the height of the ceiling.

Homeowners with low ceilings often hear that the ceiling “presses.”

There is no space and freedom that is so necessary for a person.

A high ceiling is an opportunity to hang a large chandelier.

Create a tension or multi-level plasterboard ceiling decorating your home.

It should be said that regulatory documents do not establish standard parameters for various types of premises.

The documents stipulate the lower height limit.

It is prohibited to build less than this value.

  1. Residential premises and kitchens, including (kitchen-dining rooms) when building houses in climate zones 1A, 4A, 1B, 1G, 1D - 2.7 meters. If the building is built in any other climatic zone, then the minimum value can be 2.5 meters.
  2. In corridors, halls, hallways, and mezzanines, the minimum ceiling height is determined by the safe movement of people and is 2.1 meters.
  3. For kitchens and living quarters, which are located on the attic and upper floors of buildings where there are inclined enclosing structures, the minimum height may be less than the normalized one. However, the structure that is smaller than the norm should not exceed 50% of the entire area of ​​the room.
  4. In the boiler room where heat generators are installed - 2.2 meters or more. It is generally prohibited to install boiler rooms in the basements of residential buildings.
  5. In transverse walls of basements and technical undergrounds, the opening height is allowed 1.60 meters. In this case, the threshold should be no more than 30 cm.

For public buildings, the standards are slightly different:

  1. In public spaces and living rooms of sanatoriums, the minimum ceiling height should be 3 meters or more. Residential premises located in other types of public buildings must have a minimum height in accordance with SNiP standards for residential premises.
  2. In baths, saunas and bath-health complexes that are designed for 100 people or more - 3.20 cm or more.
  3. IN production premises dry cleaners and laundries - at least 3.6 meters.
  4. In corridors and individual auxiliary rooms, depending on the space-planning solutions used and the technological requirements, it is permissible for the ceiling height to be less than the standardized one. But, in any case, it cannot be less than 1.90 meters.
  5. In public buildings with a total capacity of 40 people, the indicator may correspond to the height of the floors in the building where the room is built. Exactly the same standards are provided for premises housing retail trade enterprises whose area does not exceed 250 square meters. meters.
  6. The height of ceilings in attic rooms, provided that the functional and technological requirements are met, can be reduced under a sloping ceiling. The area of ​​the ceiling, which has a height less than the standard, should be no more than 40% of the total area of ​​the room. In the lowest part of the inclined section, according to SNiP, the indicator must be at least 1.3 meters if the slope relative to the horizon is 30 degrees, and 0.8 meters if the slope is 45 degrees. If the slope of the slopes is 60 degrees, then there are no restrictions.

In office and other administrative premises, the ceiling cannot be less than 3 meters.

The only exceptions are small offices that are not located in administrative buildings.

The minimum value in such offices is accepted as in residential buildings: 2.5 - 2.7 meters.

If the inclination angle is intermediate, then the minimum height is determined by interpolation.

Ceiling height and ergonomics

Ergonomic issues are very important and therefore are now receiving a lot of attention.

And a special place is given to the height of the ceiling.

If the regulation of the minimum value is dealt with by the Building Codes and Rules, then ergonomics is responsible for the optimal development of parameters.

Ergonomics is tasked with calculating the parameters of a room so that a person feels maximum comfort in it.

Everyone knows that if the ceiling in a room is low, then a person experiences a feeling of some pressure.

At the same time, a person also feels uncomfortable in a room with very high structures.

In such a room he feels like in a well.

In order for a person to feel maximum comfort in any room, it is necessary that this room be built in accordance with certain ergonomic requirements:

  • there should be a lot of fresh air in it;
  • it must have sufficient natural lighting;
  • The humidity conditions in the room should be optimal.

And it will be possible to comply with all these requirements practically only with the appropriate size of the room and the height of the ceilings in it.

Dürer was the first to substantiate the optimal height.

Then the research was continued by the famous German architect Ernst Neufert.

It was he who was the first, by virtue of his profession, to take up the development of modules with ideal parameters.

When drawing up SNiP standards, its calculations were also used.

What we have in practice: measurements in residential premises

In a room with such a ceiling, a person should not have the feeling that it is hanging.

Let's see how things really stand in the apartments that are currently available throughout the country.


These apartments are so called because they were built in the 30s - 50s of the last century, when the Soviet Union was headed by Joseph Stalin.

In Stalinist apartments:

  1. The height of the room is 3 - 4 meters.
  2. These are bright, large apartments with spacious rooms, bathrooms and kitchens. The corridors are wide, and the door and window openings are large. We can say that these apartments are one hundred percent compliant with ergonomic requirements.
  3. Stalin buildings were built reliably and efficiently. They were built with a soul for people and did not skimp on materials or space.

By the way, it should be said that before the revolution, apartments were built with ceilings of 4.5 meters.

So high-rise apartments did not appear in Russia under Stalin.

Already from the name it is clear that such housing was built during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev.

These are the same five-story buildings in which more than half of the population of our country lives.

These apartments have their own distinctive features:

  • the height of the structure in such an apartment is very small (a tall person can easily reach the ceiling with his hand);
  • The area of ​​such an apartment is very small: the kitchen is only 6 square meters, the rooms are 12 - 17 square meters (bathrooms, as a rule, are combined).

Many people think that the ceilings are very low.

In such apartments the standard measurement is 2.5 meters.

And if a person can reach the ceiling with his hand, then either the floor is raised or a suspended structure is installed.

However, thanks to the low ceilings, such apartments also have undeniable advantages:

  • much less energy and money are spent on heating the apartment, respectively;
  • Unlike Stalin buildings, the ceilings in such houses are reinforced concrete, that is, there is a guarantee that wooden beams will not rot.

Apartments in new buildings

Nowadays builders use different standards when building apartments.

After all, if the apartment has rooms of 3 meters or more, then this is an “elite” class apartment.

And not everyone can afford it.

Most budget apartments have a parameter of 2.7 meters.

This is, of course, more than in “Khrushchev” buildings, but less than in “Stalin” buildings.

Design subtleties

It very rarely happens that a person wants it to visually appear that his room is low.

You always want the opposite - for the room to visually look taller.

To do this, certain design methods are used to visually raise the ceiling.

It can be painted in a cool light tone.

Such shades tend to move away visually.

These are soft green, gray-blue and light blue colors.

The room is further enlarged by a pattern that extends from the walls to the ceiling surface.

This could be wallpaper, for example.

Or two-color stretch fabric.

The mirror design is very effective.

With it, it is generally impossible to tell whether the room is high.

Ceiling height is a parameter that affects not only the price and maintenance of housing, but also how the person who is in this room feels.

Comfort, coziness and atmosphere in the room depend on this parameter.

Video about the height of ceilings in the house:

This parameter is also decisive when a designer chooses interior solutions.

The height of the ceilings in the room plays a significant role. On the one hand, the implementation of certain design solutions depends on this factor. On the other hand, the feeling of comfort of the room as a whole depends on the ceiling height.

Low structures create a stable psychological feeling of pressure. If a person with claustrophobia is in such a room for a long time, this can be fraught nervous breakdown. High ceilings, in turn, deprive the space of comfort, because they are no longer associated with non-residential buildings. What should the height be? It's worth looking into it in more detail.

Standard ceiling height

Standard building measurements are determined by building codes and regulations (SNiP). They are regulatory documents that are used during construction.

For modern buildings, the ceiling height parameter (the distance from it to the floor) according to SNiP should not be less than 2.5 meters. According to this parameter, the vertical dimension of the walls cannot be lower. Deviations from the standard in the direction of increasing the parameter are not only possible, but also quite common in life. In new buildings, the ceiling height is usually higher than the standard, while in Khrushchev this is not always the case.

The height of the ceilings directly depends on the type of building. Let's look at the main types of residential buildings and the standards for the distance from floor to ceiling in them.

Panel house

First, you need to decide which houses are classified as panel houses. First of all, these are new buildings. But this category also includes buildings built during the time of Brezhnev and during the time of Khrushchev. The names more familiar to the average person are “Brezhnevka” and “Khrushchevka”. Apartments of this type are not particularly different from each other. “Brezhnevki” are a little larger than “Khrushchevka”. But in general the apartments are small in size. After all, for construction work of that era, the main priority was saving materials.

They are characterized by the following parameters:

  1. Ceiling height in panel house Khrushchev - 2.5 meters.
  2. During Brezhnev’s time, this parameter was raised to 2.7 meters. This meaning has remained relevant to this day.
  3. For standard new buildings (meaning the most common “nine-story buildings”), the ceiling height is 2.6 meters.

More modern buildings boast a ceiling height of 2.8 meters.


The buildings of Stalin's time, on the contrary, are distinguished by their scale. Spacious rooms and high ceilings. The ceiling height in an apartment built at that time can reach up to 3-3.5 meters. High ceilings were often decorated with stucco, which created a feeling of harmony and comfort.

Own house

The height parameters of the walls in a private house are determined according to the building design. Here the imagination of both the architect and the client is given full rein. Under conditions of not particularly grandiose construction, the ceiling height in a private house is usually in the range from 2.7 to 3.5 meters.

Higher ceilings are also possible. Most often they are done in order to fully realize design solutions. It can be multi-level suspended ceilings or a chic Victorian-style pendant chandelier.

Non-residential premises

For buildings such as a garage or sauna, there are no strict regulatory frameworks. In this case, the ceiling height is determined by expediency.

For baths and saunas, high ceilings are undesirable, since warming up such a building will be much longer and more difficult.

The height of the garage walls is determined by the vehicles that are in it. For standard passenger car there is no need to build a garage with high ceilings. But if you have a fairly large vehicle, there is a reason to increase the length of the walls to 3 meters.

Public buildings

For public buildings, ceiling heights are also regulated according to SNiP. In this case, it should not be less than 3 meters. For industrial buildings this parameter increases to 3.6 meters.

The height of the ceiling is determined at the design stage of the building. If you are faced with a similar task, you should not skimp on space. High ceilings have many advantages:

  • give more light and air to the space;
  • allow you to implement interesting design solutions (attic floor, suspended ceilings, etc.);
  • allow you not to set the exact ceiling level (small errors will be less noticeable).

Entering the room and paying attention to the interior, few people think that the existing ceiling height in the apartment is standard. Meanwhile, from the height ceilings The space around us largely depends. How comfortable and airy it is, or vice versa, how depressing it is.

When purchasing an apartment in new buildings or old housing stock, many, when inspecting the premises, pay attention to the height of the ceilings. When building your own home, the design includes parameters for the height of the ceilings.

Based on the definition - the height of the ceiling in the house - you can create design project apartments, design of floors, think over lighting, type of lamps or chandeliers, which undoubtedly affects the entire decor of the room.

There are no maximum parameters for the distance from the floor to the ceiling, there is only an estimated minimum ceiling height.

They have their own for buildings for various purposes. For example, in sanatorium-type buildings, the standard ceiling height cannot be lower than 3 m. This applies to living rooms and public areas. Sports and recreation complexes are being built with an average ceiling height of 3.3 m.

Building codes and regulations (SNiPs) oblige the construction of premises where the minimum ceiling height is observed. For residential buildings, the ceiling height in the apartment should not be less than 2.5 m. It is worth noting that such ceilings are not common. When buying a home, new residents try to level the ceilings and make good flooring, so each such procedure reduces the standard.

IN different time, during construction, there were unspoken standards for ceiling heights in apartments:

  • the famous “Stalinists” have not lost their value to this day thanks to their high apartments at 3-3.5 m, large windows And spacious rooms, despite the fact that communications in such houses are morally and physically outdated;
  • post-war devastation and overcrowding forced the government to quickly build “Khrushchevka” buildings. The rooms and hallways in houses of this type are small, and the toilets and bathrooms are combined. Despite the fact that the ceiling height in the apartment was standard, reaching 2.5 m, the entire space seemed low and uncomfortable. The effect was created confined space where the ceilings “press”;
  • “Brezhnev” houses and panel high-rise buildings are distinguished by a floor height of 2.5-2.7 m. Apartments of this generation were considered “improved layout” in comparison with houses of earlier development;
  • new buildings can be considered the best option for housing construction. The premises here are built without partitions, and the new owners plan a living room, bedroom or children's room based on their preferences, especially since in such apartments the optimal ceiling height is 2.7 m, so you can diversify the ceilings in each room.

General measurements of a standard house

Design solutions and ergonomics

From an ergonomic point of view, the parameters of the room should be such that a person feels comfortable in an apartment, gym, or cinema.

There are several basic postulates of room comfort:

  1. optimal microclimate (comfortable temperature and humidity);
  2. necessary supply of fresh air;
  3. sufficient natural or artificial lighting.

Standard height the ceiling in the apartment will allow you to create almost any ceiling design, except perhaps for heavy multi-tiered suspended devices. When making such design solutions, the height from floor to ceiling should be maximum.

In other cases, you can use any materials:

  1. ceiling tiles;
  2. tensile structures;
  3. simple suspended ceilings.

Suitable for finishing rooms with any wall height. It practically does not hide or reduce spatial scales. Easy to install and maintain. Anyone can handle gluing during repairs. House master. The only drawback is that it will not be able to level the floor slabs; moreover, when gluing them onto uneven surface may move away and reduce all the work to nothing in the future.

When leveling the ceiling with plasterboard slabs, all the savings in height will not matter, since the frame of the structure will “eat up” the required centimeters.

The most acceptable option for finishing ceilings. They do not require special surface preparation. The width of the profiles on which the canvas is attached is not too large.
But it is worth noting that multi-level structures should not be used in rooms with low ceilings. In such rooms, a single-level glossy or matte canvas with spotlights would be optimal.

Original lighting is also possible, which can be selected taking into account the fact that the ceiling will visually look higher.

Suspended ceilings can bring to life the most daring design solutions. The installation of structures is carried out without preparing the base, especially since it is possible to hide light fixtures and other communications under such a ceiling.

With high ceiling heights, you can create a multi-level, stylish and elegant form. In a room with low ceilings, it is better to opt for a single-level option with original built-in lamps or a chandelier that allows you to illuminate the ceiling surface from below.

Color and lighting solution

With a low level of overlap, the problem is solved by choosing a color. For example, a mirror ceiling or glossy canvas will visually increase the height of the room. You can raise the structure by painting the surface in cool light colors (light green or bluish shades). Tension fabric contrasting colors will allow you to zone the room; correctly selected shades will visually raise the ceiling.

The right design furniture will allow you to raise the level of ceilings. Dark lower cabinets and made in light colors The upper shelves will increase the vertical space of the room.
The ceiling framed around the perimeter by an LED strip will appear higher.

Illumination with spotlights mounted correctly into the surface of the coating will increase spatial perception.

When choosing a new place of residence, you need to pay attention to the height of the ceilings, but it is worth noting that you can visually change your spatial perception by knowing little secrets about the design of the room.

Ceiling height is an important parameter, the value of which determines the level of comfort in the room and the possibility of implementing certain design ideas. For different types premises have their own standards. Such values ​​are indicated in regulatory documentation, and ergonomics also deals with these issues.

Calculations of the distance from the floor to the ceiling surface in the room should be determined at the design stage

Ergonomics of residential premises

The science of ergonomics develops parameters for the optimal ceiling height at which a person would feel as comfortable as possible.

To create a comfortable atmosphere during construction, the following ergonomic conditions must be observed:

These requirements will vary depending on the size of the room.

First optimal values were calculated by Dürer and Ernst Neufert (about 2.7 m). They are the basis for calculating standard ceiling heights in SNiP - building codes and rules used during construction.


It is worth noting that regulatory documents do not establish the only correct value, but only indicate the minimum ceiling height for residential premises different types. Construction below it is not permissible.

  1. Living quarters and kitchens – 2.5-2.7 m.
  2. Corridors and halls – 2.1 m.
  3. Boiler rooms – 2.2 m.
  4. Baths, steam rooms, saunas – 3.2 m.
  5. Dry cleaners and laundries – 3.6 m.
  6. Offices and other administrative facilities – 3 m.

On practice

The modern indicator of the distance from ceiling to floor depends on many factors. The main one is the standard of living of the owners of the premises. In apartment and private buildings, as well as cottages that are built for further sale, developers can take into account the wishes of customers. As they say, every whim is for your money.
Typically, the height of ceilings in a panel house fluctuates between 2.5-3.2 m. It is believed that a value of 2.5 m is the lower threshold at which there is no feeling of discomfort and a “pressing” effect.

The height of Stalin's ceilings

The height of apartments in Stalinist buildings is 3-4 m. They were built back in the 30-50s of the twentieth century during the reign of Stalin. These apartments are large and bright, have wide corridors, voluminous door and window openings, spacious bathrooms, kitchens, and rooms. We can safely say that such premises fully comply with ergonomic requirements.

Spacious rooms in Stalin buildings meet all ergonomic requirements

Ceiling heights in Brezhnevka

High-rise Brezhnev buildings (from 9 to 16 floors) appeared in the USSR in the 70s. At first, the premises in them were called apartments with an improved layout. If you compare them with the rooms in Khrushchev, then it really looked like the truth. The distance from the floor to the ceiling surface in Brezhnev’s houses is 2.5–2.7 m. total area apartments – 20-80 sq.m. m.

Brezhnevkas are characterized by average parameters, which are considered optimal for life

Ceilings in new buildings

Today, different standards are applied when building houses. Elite class apartments can have a height of 3 m or more. The cost per square meter of such housing is significantly higher than average. IN budget options they stop at 2.7 m, which is considered optimal both from a financial and comfort point of view.
The average height of rooms in a nine-story building is 2.6–2.8 m.

Tall rooms in new buildings allow you to embody the most original options design

Stretch ceiling

Tensile structures are recommended to be installed in high rooms from 2.7 m, as they tend to hide space.
How much the ceiling height will be reduced depends on the type of mounted lamps and utilities. Typically this value is about 10 cm. Minimum distance between main and tension ceiling covering should not be less than 3 cm.

In low rooms (less than 2.4 m) stretch ceiling must be used with caution. The best option in this case, simple single-level structures. If the room allows, then the space for design imagination is not limited, and it is quite possible to settle on three- or four-level structures with complex configurations.

How to visually increase the height of the ceiling

If the room is low, you can add space to it visually:

  • choose correct finishing ceiling, for example glossy coating;
  • use materials of the same shade (white, milky, cream) when decorating walls and ceilings;
  • highlight the boundaries between the wall and ceiling with a mirror strip;
  • cover the walls with a pattern with a vertical orientation (the pattern should not be too frequent and not too bright);
  • install cornice lighting (the cornice should be hung at a height of 5-10 cm from the ceiling).

LED lamps and LED strips along the perimeter of the room will visually increase its space and diversify the interior with original lighting effects

The height of the room affects not only the cost of the housing itself and its maintenance, but also the well-being of those who live in it. This indicator determines the design options that can be used for finishing and is responsible for comfortable atmosphere and comfort in your rooms.