Ecodesign trend. How to turn “green melancholy” into a promising business. Being closer to nature while staying in the city: the essence of eco-design in the interior Ecological design as a direction of modern design

The fashion for environmental friendliness has not been losing ground in almost all areas of our lives for several years now. At her lecture at the HOMI Moscow exhibition, designer and head of the Golden Heads architectural bureau Anastasia Kasparyan spoke about the forms this trend takes in our homes.

Trends in design are taken from the general information field within which we all find ourselves, and this year eco-design clearly rules in it. The desire for environmental friendliness and natural materials set the tone in everything, Anastasia is sure.

Vertical gardening

Greenery spreads from horizontal planes to walls and facades, and this is one of the main eco-design techniques, which, however, is not yet very popular in Russia. In Europe, but here, because of the cold climate, designers prefer to experiment indoors. Phytowalls can be just a decoration, or they can become a more or less blank partition, helping to zone the space.


Tree branches of ornate shapes can be found in almost any modern interior. They are not used literally, sometimes they are just a reminder, a vaguely similar shape created from a different material, for example, forged.

Tree trunks

Often the interior includes not just branches, but entire tree trunks or parts thereof. A beautifully presented, illuminated wooden texture is already a picture, and, for example, a cut of bark can create a panel that sets the tone for the entire room. In addition, the trunks can be used as narrow tabletops, like in a Moscow apartment.

Wooden beams

A trendy decorative element is wooden beams, which we saw in this spacious room and many other places. If it's not part of the building's structure, but an element you're adding as part of a renovation, it's important to keep track of what kind of wood they're made from. Dry wood is best suited: it is more stable and almost does not react to changes in temperature and humidity in the room, which is especially important if the beams are planned to be made in the kitchen or bathroom.

Tree cuts

A round cut, often even with bark, is a very simple, and at the same time very versatile object. They can become a clock, a tray, part of a table or stool.

3D panels from boards

You can make panels from untreated or, conversely, old wood, painting them in a color suitable for the interior. The texture of the wood itself will add coziness to the interior.

Low budget stuff

Ecology is not only natural materials, but also democracy, which is associated with reducing the budget for an item. A wonderful lamp can be made literally from fallen branches collected in the nearest park.


In an era of resource scarcity, reusing materials becomes important, and this is often the case with wood. Thus, in the Like Lodka workshop, furniture is made from old boats brought from Indonesia. Unusual texture old wood good in itself, and also practical: this is not the first life for the material, and it does not react so sharply to external influences.

Vintage and second hand

When a designer starts working on a project, it often turns out that clients have old things. It’s not worth throwing it away for the sake of new, fashionable ones: it turns out much more alive and soulful. But even if you have to assemble the furniture from scratch, there are some things worth looking for on Avito. Sometimes they sell old cabinets and chairs for pennies, which can be revived by repainting or painting. These items will be much more valuable than items from IKEA.

Unexpected materials

Sometimes beautiful things for the interior can be made from scrap materials. It will take a couple of hours and nothing at all to create a lamp from chain-link mesh and clothespins or a chandelier from coffee filters, but the thing will look like an expensive art object.

Not just wood

New technologies make it possible to make things from materials that are unusual for us: basalt, resin, hardened lava. Such furniture is durable and does not react to weather changes - great alternative plastic and metal garden tables and chairs.

Variability of use

One of the global trends is the desire of object designers for ecology through the variability of use of the same objects. We are talking about multifunctional things, for example, flower pot, which can serve as a lampshade, a container, and a stand.

Substitution of valuable

There is no shame in replacing or counterfeiting rare, valuable materials. A striking example is designer Nicholas Curl, who proposes to abandon the use of turtle shells and uses its imitation for her art objects.

Domestic manufacturers

Due to the fall in the ruble exchange rate, it has become more difficult to buy things abroad, but the forced turn to local producers also fits well with the general trend towards consuming local products. So, firstly, it is easier to control the process of creating things, and secondly, fewer resources are spent on transporting things.

Caring for nature, resources (the Earth and each individual person) and encouraging creativity - that’s what ecodesign is. “You don’t have to go to a super expensive salon and buy something from an expensive brand. You can just think a little longer. You can always do something unique within a reasonable budget!” - Anastasia Kasparyan is sure.

The development of environmental design and architecture today is becoming an urgent need not only for specialists, but also for each of us. No one denies that the connection between a person’s physical and mental health and the visually perceived environment is extremely strong.

On the one hand, the appearance ecodesign was a response to a sharp deterioration in quality surrounding a person environment, but to a greater extent resort to techniques environmental design and architecture occurred due to the need to green consumption.

General principles of ecodesign

Direction to design and architecture, focusing on protection environment and comfortable, harmonious existence of a person in this environment. Dedicated special attention not only the beauty and ease of use of the design “object”, but also the characteristics of the materials used are taken into account - both during design and during manufacturing, use and disposal.

Environmentally friendly materials, as well as unique and at the same time easily applicable in everyday life methods of energy production (wind, solar generators) are gaining increasing popularity in the world.

Basic requirements of ecodesign:

* safety in using the product;
* no harm to health;
* minimizing noise, emissions, radiation, vibration;
* simplicity and safety of disposal,
* the possibility of reusing materials with minimal environmental damage;
* significant savings customer funds in the future.

This is where the principles of ecodesign come from:

* saving resources in design, manufacturing, use and disposal,
* increased attention to the origin of materials;
* taking into account many aspects, starting with environmental protection by the manufacturer (supplier) and ending with respect for the rights of workers at enterprises, humane treatment of animals, correct attitude towards suppliers.

Ecodesign standards

Today, special methods and standards have been developed that allow for a comprehensive analysis of all these aspects. BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) is widely known - one of the most famous and widespread assessment methods environmental efficiency buildings. BREEAM defines standards for sustainable design and construction and makes it possible to compare different buildings based on their environmental impact. BREEAM allows customers, developers, designers and all participants in the construction industry:

* create a reputation in the real estate market thanks to construction eco-efficient buildings;
* guarantee the use of the best eco-efficient practices during construction and operation;
* stimulate the search for new, innovative solutions that reduce environmental impact;
* form an evaluation criterion that exceeds state-regulated standards;
* reduce operating costs, improve the working and living atmosphere;
* demonstrate progressive views on social and environmental development.
The BREEAM standard allows developers and designers to clearly demonstrate the benefits of using eco-efficient technologies to its partners and customers. BREEAM:

* uses a simple, clear rating system based on scientific research and practical experience
* has a positive impact on the design, construction and operation of the building
* establishes and maintains a sustainable technical standard that guarantees high quality and certification.

Other rating system– American, called The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design or LEED (translated into Russian means “ leadership in energy and environmentally friendly design"). Certification system green house building LEED is recognized throughout the world, compliance with its standards is the third most important in quality control of design and construction.

LEED standards are designed specifically to promote building that is more environmentally friendly. They monitor the implementation of efficient use of energy and water, reduction of CO2 emissions, ensuring the most suitable indoor climate, managing resources and monitoring the impact of human activities on their condition.

LEED does not take foreign economies into account well. However, in the USA, where incentive programs are used energy efficient and green technologies through tax incentives or direct subsidies, LEED provides significant economic benefits.

“In Europe, research in this area has been ongoing for about 20 years. However, in many countries, including Russia, government support programs green technologies not yet developed. Therefore, the application of LEED outside the United States, although internationally recognized, is not mandatory. However, having a certificate will allow, for example, to attract large foreign tenants of commercial space, etc.” – says Vadim Kondrashev, architect, head of the ARCHIDO bureau.

Green eco-friendly architecture

Since the mid-1970s, when western world concerned about preserving natural resources and environmental problems after the next energy crisis, they began to talk about the emergence of the so-called "green architecture". Walls, roofs, facades began to be turned into gardens, first in countries with a mild climate and short winters: in Southeast Asia, Latin America. Australia and the Mediterranean, and then they began to appear in the landscapes of world capitals.

"Green building" is a bridge that connects nature and man. Such a house is not only attractive in appearance, but also economical: the roof of the house will not allow rainwater to go to waste, and the plants constantly and freely produce oxygen for the people living in the house. Green walls experienced a second wave of popularity at the beginning of the century: offices, museums and private homes began to widely use hanging greenhouse gardens in interior decoration. This has proven to be very beneficial for business - plants that create a pleasant atmosphere relieve stress and increase customer loyalty.

Except "green houses", ecodesign in relation to architectural solutions is characterized, first of all, by the use natural materials. The apartment and the rooms in it are oriented according to the cardinal directions, according to the wind rose, the location of the rooms is consistent with the size of the windows, depending on the required illumination. Ventilation of premises is planned taking into account their area, and selection heating devices consistent with the area of ​​the premises and window openings.

Eco-friendly building materials

Eco-friendly building materials– those whose use does not harm the environment. For example, these are stone and wood - they are safe for health and create a favorable microclimate in the room. Wooden surfaces It is better to use in combination with natural stone both when finishing walls and when finishing floors and ceilings. By the way, today it is very popular eco-friendly bathroom design, which involves the abandonment of plastic shower cabins, a shower that pours directly from the ceiling (tropical rain), wooden consoles, a bath bowl made of natural stone, which retains heat much longer than composite plastic and ceramics.

When painting surfaces, it is better to choose paints with a low content of volatile organic substances. Wallpaper - paper or made of bamboo or reed. By the way, an indispensable attribute eco-interior The most natural technique is the use of fresh flowers.

In order to save energy, it is necessary to improve the thermal insulation of the roof and walls - this will reduce energy consumption, and at the same time heating costs. One of the most environmentally friendly materials Stone (mineral) wool is considered for thermal insulation. Install a programmable thermostat - this device changes the temperature in the room according to a schedule, where the desired value is set for every hour of every day of the week (lowers the temperature at night or during the absence of the owners).

Already become familiar energy saving lamps consume 70–80% less energy than incandescent lamps. To reduce energy consumption, modern lamps are increasingly using LEDs and low-power halogen bulbs.

It is better to heat a fireplace or stove not with ordinary wood, but with fuel pellets. This environmentally friendly biofuel is called pellets and is obtained from peat, wood waste and waste agriculture; When they burn, one and a half times more heat is released.

To reduce water consumption, you need to install several inexpensive and effective devices, such as spray heads for showers and faucets, dual flush toilets, a rainwater tank (which can then be used in the toilet or for watering flowers and trees in the garden), water recycling systems. use of domestic wastewater.

Domestic developments in eco-design

In Russia, an example of modern eco-design is the Eco-TEREM project, which is represented by the St. Petersburg design bureau Archido and its owner Vadim Kondrashev. This project entered the second round of the all-Russian competition for residential areas in the Technopark area of ​​the Skolkovo innovation city.

Vadim Kondrashev took as a basis the abstract silhouette of the architectural ensemble of the Kizhi churchyard of the 18th-19th centuries. This architectural monument, protected by UNESCO, carries a cultural code in which the uniqueness and originality of Russian architecture is expressed in wood.

The materials supported the idea of ​​combining academic knowledge about Russian architecture and ultra-modern hi-tech technologies. Shindel was taken as the main façade material; it has temperature-controlled properties - it is cool in summer and very warm in winter. "Smart glass" in the avant-garde form of window openings adds an ultra-modern aesthetic to the image of the house.

The prototype of the Skolkovo innovation city quarter in the Archido project was bee hive. The architects took the principle by which the apiaries were arranged as an allegorical basis for the general plan of the quarter. ECO-TEREM organically fits into the natural landscape of the area and the characteristics of the Russian climate. Archido used an ergonomic roof shape, which allows the houses to be placed as close to each other as possible, without creating shadow spots.

Vadim Kondrashev:
- If all people are different, why do we live in the same houses? In the ECO-TEREM project, the idea of ​​anthroposophical architecture is implemented in the silhouette of the houses, their location on the site and appearance. Archido deliberately did not use the techniques of orthogonal architecture - the facades, covered with shingle, have a pentahedron shape. This non-standard form of buildings makes the internal spaces individual, and this creates a living environment that is designed to positively influence human work and activity. Architects call this a technique of ecopsychology, according to which standardization is reduced to a minimum.

Text: Oksana Krapivko
Consultant: Vadim Kondrashev

Landowner №5(81) 2013

Eco-design in the interior is a reflection of the fact that people strive to bring their existence closer to natural natural conditions. This one suits the design will help create natural interior, where a person can feel unity with nature, contribute to the harmony of the surrounding world and simply relax from the hustle and bustle.

The concept of ecological design of a house or apartment emphasizes the desire of the owners to appreciate and take care of what the surrounding world gives to a person. Therefore, eco-design is not just a trend in interior design, but a whole philosophy. The philosophy is aimed at protesting against the depletion of natural resources, supporting environmental safety and cleanliness.

What is the essence of ecodesign?

Every year the development of ecological architecture and design is gaining momentum. Many studies have been conducted that have proven the connection between physical and mental health a person with the way he perceives the surrounding space.

The emergence of ecodesign was initially associated with a sharp deterioration in environmental quality. It was a response to the crisis of excessive resource consumption. Modern society is still a consumer society. Old things in the apartment acquire their own history, it’s a pity to throw them away. New things and interior items are constantly appearing. As a result, the living space becomes cluttered and people feel uncomfortable in it.

The concept of eco-design is that we need to remove everything unnecessary from our apartments, houses and even offices, simplify our lives and restore connections with nature. Within this approach, what comes first is not the perfection of form and function, but rather the reduction of the excess amount of products and things that surround a person.

What are the general principles of ecodesign

This interior style focuses on protecting the environment, on the comfortable and harmonious existence of people in this environment. The beauty and functionality of an interior item in eco-design are important, but additional. The characteristics of the materials used in the construction and decoration of the premises are taken into account. The conditions for the manufacture, use and disposal of these materials are also important.

Of course, when creating an environmental design, owners try to choose only environmentally friendly materials, as well as methods of energy production that are applicable in everyday life. Additionally, houses can have wind or solar generators.

The main requirements that an architect and designer of a house in eco-style face:

  • safety in the use of materials;
  • they do not cause harm to health;
  • materials help the customer save cash in the future, during the operation of the premises;
  • noise, emissions, emissions and vibrations are kept to a minimum;
  • simplicity, safety of disposal;
  • Reuse of materials is encouraged, but with minimal damage to the environmental situation.

All information received helps to highlight the basic principles of ecodesign. First of all, we are talking about saving resources during design, production and disposal. The origin of the materials is also important. The manufacturer's environmental protection is always taken into account, as well as humane treatment of animals.

Mandatory components of ecodesign

The room for which this interior style is chosen should have a lot natural light and space. Therefore, it is important to free up space as much as possible from unnecessary things. When creating sources artificial lighting we must abandon complex combinations and use only simple shapes, silhouettes, decor items.

In the style described, large ones are welcome panoramic windows, and if it is not possible to install them, you can use imitation. Aquariums and live plants will also fit perfectly into the interior.


The right materials are the second important component of eco-design. This has been discussed a lot earlier in this article. Once again, it is worth emphasizing that all materials should be as environmentally friendly and natural as possible. The most common eco-style materials include:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • glass;
  • cork;
  • silk, linen, cotton;
  • artificial rattan.

The safety of products, including furniture, is also important. They must be completely safe for humans. No evaporation or radiation or vibration is allowed.

Eco-design is not just another interior style, it is a whole philosophy. If you decide to use the ideas of this style, then you must pay attention not only to external beauty, form and functionality, but also to many other small but important nuances.

Unity with nature helps a person quickly restore strength and restores original harmony. Eco-design helps even in an ordinary city apartment to achieve naturalness and maximum connection with nature. This is a mutually beneficial relationship that only brings benefits.

"at 95 Vzletnaya str., is preparing for delivery and reception of new residents. In this residential complex, one of the first in Barnaul, the concept of a closed courtyard has been implemented, which strictly demarcates parking areas and recreational areas for children and adults. Simply put, in the courtyard of the residential complex "Seasons" there will be no cars - all the space is given over to children's and sports grounds, a lot of space is given over to landscaping and places of relaxation. That is why the Soyuz Investment and Construction Company offers ideas for apartment design within the framework of an eco-concept that is harmonious for this quarter.

Eco-design in the modern world

The growth of cities and the emergence of new technologies and materials took people further and further from nature. The high-tech interior and ultra-modern materials were signs of wealth and “advancement” of the apartment owners.

But at the end of the 20th century, people began to get tired of the city, of the greyness, metal, noise and air pollution. Man again reached out to nature. In interior design, this manifested itself in a new style - eco-design.

The concept of eco-design involves creating an interior that gives a feeling of unity with nature. The interior, made in this vein, reproduces the elements natural environment, and is also created using as many natural materials as possible. Today it is one of the most popular modern styles.

Materials for eco-interior

Eco-design is especially different from other styles in the materials used. This is the case when content determines form. Wood, stone, clay, glass, and fabrics made from natural materials are widely used. Reed or other foliage wallpaper, river stones, which can be used as wall cladding, are also perfect. These materials do not require the application of additional textures and shapes - without processing they will complement the interior with naturalness and simplicity.

The possibilities of natural materials allow you to create an interior from “rustic”, imitating rural houses, to ultra-modern, ideally combined with the most advanced technology.

Such building materials are good not only for their aesthetic qualities, but also for their environmental cleanliness - being in an eco-room, you can be sure that your home does not poison you with chemical fumes. Therefore, eco-design is recommended for rooms where children spend a lot of time.

Color range

The interior, made in eco-style, creates the feeling that you are in nature. Hence the colors used in eco-design: beige, brown, white, delicate pastel colors. More often used natural colors: pale green, pale blue, colors of grass, water, stone, wood, soil. So that the interior is not “colorless”, faded, light colors combined with contrasting ones - black or dark wood.

An eco-interior requires a lot of free space, a feeling of “air”, and does not accept clutter. It is important not to block the windows and use various artificial light sources.

An "ecological" design style was created by mixing shapes different styles. This is a natural beginning, the use of natural materials, correct forms. Man in the modern technogenic world strives to preserve nature in his own home.

Eco style in interior design gives a feeling of unity with the living force of nature. Among modern eco styles, this style is one of the most popular. Natural fabrics and glass, clay and wood, and, of course, stone are used here.

Eco-design prefers natural colors in any interior. These are the colors of grass and soil, stone and wood. Required element of this style is a variety of colors. You can create winter garden or decorate a separate area with flowers. You can also put an aquarium here or place birds.

Eco style wall decoration

Eco interior design is a new trend in decorative design that appeared during a period of intensive technological development. Individuals who feel responsible for nature and prefer to decorate the interior of their home in this style. It is characterized by the use of natural materials.

Eco-style wall decoration includes the use of:

  • clay;
  • solid aged or waxed wood;
  • bamboo stems;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • paper wallpaper;
  • stone slabs.

Eco style ceiling

Eco design in the interior creates the most comfortable environment in the house, which has relaxing properties and distracts from the bustle of the city. When decorating the interior, it is very important to focus on the ceiling - it must fully correspond to the style.

Eco-style ceiling can be decorated wood panels or presented in the form of a whitewashed ceiling with wooden beams. Many designers prefer regular matte painting in pastel colors.

Eco style floor

The interior composition should be complemented by an eco-style floor. The main materials are wood and parquet boards, stone and ceramic slabs and cork panels.

Additional decoration should not be ignored - in eco-interior design it is decorated with lush pile carpets (bedroom, living room), and mats and mats are used for bathrooms.

Choosing furniture for an eco-style apartment

Eco interior design requires a special approach to choosing furniture.

The main criteria that guide designers are:

  • natural composition of materials;
  • conciseness;
  • regular geometric shapes and smooth corners;
  • massiveness;
  • presence of patina, scuffs and scratches.

Very often, eco-style furniture is reused, restored furniture that fits perfectly with the overall interior style.

Lighting for eco style

Eco-friendly interior design is characterized by laconic, slightly noticeable lighting: spot lighting, hidden halogen lighting, cylindrical lampshades, as well as the use of additional light sources.

Lighting for eco style is original lamps, which are made from natural natural materials: wood, textiles, stones and crystals. They complement the overall theme of the interior and also fit perfectly with other style trends.