Bathtub coating restoration product. How to update an old cast iron bathtub at home. Filling a bathtub with acrylic

Like any coating, enamel becomes thinner over time, rust spots, stains, and chips appear on it. When the most effective chemical cleaning products containing abrasives fail to correct the problem, most owners decide to change equipment.

But after assessing the labor intensity installation work with material costs, they begin to look alternative options related to updating the old cast iron bath. Despite the aesthetically unsightly appearance, the design is quite suitable for performing the main function in accordance with all performance characteristics, will last another half century. It's all about the enamel coating. This means that something new is required, and thanks to new technologies, this manipulation is carried out in as soon as possible.

Restoring or replacing a cast iron bathtub?

A radical method is to replace the sanitary tank. First of all, you need to calculate how much this procedure will cost. Let's sum up the cost of a regular classic bath with the costs of its delivery, including transportation and loading, taking into account the required floor. Dismantling of old equipment and installation of new equipment is carried out in accordance with the company’s price list. According to the most conservative estimates, you will need at least 13,000 rubles. This does not include damage to the wall and flooring, which is inevitable for any type of installation work. Will be required partial replacement cracked fragments and cosmetic repairs. Conclusion - getting rid of the old one and installing a new bathroom is quite troublesome and expensive.

Isn't it better to think about restoration, if the functionality is good? old bath with thinned or washed away white surface? Especially large sum does not guarantee excellent result, since initially it was meant to purchase the least budget capacity. When choosing a better quality convenient or design project costs may increase significantly. If this method is not suitable for owners, they think about affordable and effective options restoration. It is important to approach this issue wisely, choosing the optimal solution.

Restoring the old surface layer by “pouring” acrylic is the most popular method. Most consumers appreciate the know-how technology due to its simplicity and low cost. With this method, a liquid synthetic mass is poured onto the inner lining of the bathroom.

Advantages of self-leveling acrylic:

  • long-term wear resistance. When applied correctly, the service life is designed for a period of 8-15 years;
  • Thanks to the density and plasticity of synthetics, an even, smooth surface structure is formed;
  • The flowing mass smooths out all kinds of defects and scratches;
  • Acrylic is applied at high speed, simple technology application allows you to increase the volumetric layer of the surface to 6 mm;
  • The filling is characterized by the absence of a specific odor, so allergy sufferers, children and the elderly will not need other housing during the renovation.

Significant disadvantages of self-leveling acrylic are:

  • long drying time of the composition - 3 days;
  • Coating sensitivity. It is unacceptable for dust to get on the drying surface, otherwise it will deteriorate;
  • The apparent simplicity of the technological operation is extremely deceptive. In fact, pouring acrylic requires certain skills in working with liquid mass;
  • Relatively high material costs compared to enameling. But the cost is worth it considering extended term operation and high quality.

Painting is often considered the oldest method of restoration, when special enamel is applied to a worn-out coating. The owner must think about how to refresh old equipment? There are two types of enamels: for professional use and for domestic purposes. The structure of the former is very thin; at least 3-5 layers will be required. This is a labor-intensive procedure. The latter are characterized by a thicker structure and, accordingly, two-layer styling is easier to apply. The liquid coating is applied with a roller or brush, trying to distribute evenly over the cleaned canvas.

Advantages of the enameling method:

  • is the most economical restoration option;
  • there will be no need to dismantle the drain and the overflow will not require reconstruction;
  • This method is intended not only for cast iron products, but also for steel containers.

Enameling has the following disadvantages:

  • short service life, less than 5 years;
  • Drying time is about a week;
  • the resulting coating is non-glossy, uneven, and sensitive to deformation;
  • a thin layer of enamel is not able to mask dents and chips that may appear over time;
  • appearance yellow tint during operation, since the original factory epoxy coating radically different in composition;

Cold enameling is considered the cheapest and in a simple way restoration. It can be compared to painting a canvas with a special composition. To extend the service life of enamel, you must listen to the following recommendations:

  • To wash a renewed cast iron coating, you do not need abrasive cleaning agents that violate the integrity of the coating, but a solution washing powder or soap;
  • the new container must be protected from impacts; sharp objects can scratch the acrylic sheet;
  • enamel does not tolerate boiling water, it may crack. Filling the bathtub before turning on the tap hot water, they let in the cold one first, and not vice versa.

Acrylic liner

For option 3, additional equipment will be required - an acrylic liner, which is mounted using the “bath in bath” method. This two-layer construction will last about 15 years. At the same time, a new acrylic liner is installed inside the old structure, which perfectly follows its outline. The stability of the additional element is ensured by technical adhesive foam.

This method has advantages:

  • acrylic is more durable material than enamel;
  • thanks to perfect alignment all defects and deformations of the cast iron sheet are smoothed out;
  • the inert material does not turn yellow until the end of its service life;
  • The two-layer design successfully combines all the advantages of acrylic and cast iron.

Disadvantages of acrylic liner:

  • the drain siphon will need to be dismantled;
  • the acrylic structure must not be applied to areas made of lightweight or thin cast iron, otherwise the bath will sag and the adhesive layer will move away from the fastening liner;
  • with the “bath to bath” method, the materials must meet the standards. Low-quality inserts or a composition not intended for gluing metal will negate all efforts;
  • careful measurement of the insert is required, down to the millimeter. The slightest discrepancies with the parameters of the main design are unacceptable.

All 3 methods of restoration are simple and effective, they require preliminary degreasing and removal of contaminants and limescale. You can get rid of greasy marks using oxalic acid or baking soda. Then they begin thorough cleaning, removing plaque and deformed fragments until a smooth plane is obtained. The next stage is grinding, the purpose of which is to obtain a rough surface. Irregularities in the fabric upon contact with the adhesive will ensure the maximum degree of adhesion.

To restore or not - objective conclusions

After weighing all the pros and cons, the owner must decide whether to dismantle or restore the much-needed plumbing equipment. But with competent and qualified restoration work using high-quality materials, the updated bathtub will look like new. If possible, you should trust experienced craftsmen who have proven themselves to be good. Then an excellent result for relatively little money is guaranteed.

Restoration of a cast iron bathtub video

It’s no wonder that cast iron bathtubs are extremely popular among buyers. Even though the market is filled with acrylic and steel taxes, cast iron models not only do not go out of fashion, but are also strengthening their position. The reason for this demand is quite simple - a cast iron bathtub is durable, and at the same time it retains heat well. However, over time, the coating of a cast iron bathtub wears out and chips, stains and cracks appear on it. In such a situation, there can only be two options for solving the problem - restoring the enamel on a cast-iron bathtub or buying a new one.

If we talk about purchasing, then it is worth considering a number of points that significantly affect the price of the issue, namely:

  • In addition to the cost of a new bath, dismantling should be taken into account old model, and its disposal;
  • the costs of delivery, transportation and loading of the purchased bath significantly increase its final cost;
  • restoration of cast iron bathtubs allows you to avoid such issues as installation and connection, because when restoring the enamel you will not have to overpay for installation and dismantling.

Restoration of cast iron bathtubs

If you are not used to wasting money and time, you will certainly be interested in such a service as restoring cast iron bathtubs. Modern technologies and innovative materials They allow you to quickly return the bathtub to its radiant appearance and presentability without any special expenses.

Our advantages

High-quality materials from Germany direct from the manufacturer

The material is non-toxic, odorless! Hardening - 20 hours

We work without prepayment, under a contract. Responsible approach

Experienced craftsmen. We have been restoring bathtubs for over 10 years

Warranty up to 5 years! Material service life 15 years

Prompt order fulfillment. Technical support

Price for restoration of cast iron bathtubs

Bath 120 cm.

  • German quality.
  • Drying time: 20 hours.
  • Service life 15 years!

RUB 3,800

3,500 rub.

Bath 150 cm.

  • German quality.
  • Drying time: 20 hours.
  • Service life 15 years!

4,000 rub.

3,700 rub.

Bath 170 cm.

  • German quality.
  • Drying time: 20 hours.
  • Service life 15 years!

4,200 rub.

RUB 3,900

Restoring enamel on a cast iron bathtub

Restoration of cast iron bathtubs in Moscow is one of the services offered by our company. Even if your bathtub has completely lost its original appearance, do not rush to look for a replacement. A unique technology for restoring enamel on a cast iron bathtub will transform it, eliminating the need for an expensive purchase.

By contacting us, you can be sure that:

  • all work on restoring a cast iron bathtub will be carried out high level;
  • You will be provided with a guarantee for all types of services provided;
  • the quality of work will not cause any complaints;
  • the cost of restoration will not hit your pocket.

Call us and make sure that restoring the enamel on your bathtub is quick, simple and very profitable!

Additional services

Service name Price
Installing an acrylic baseboard on the side of a bathtub 1300 rub.
Installing our screen under a bathtub on an aluminum frame (regardless of the length of the bathtub) 2200 rub.
Installation of a new siphon (re-visit of the technician 24 hours after drying. New siphon, corrugations, cuffs, connection + warranty) 1250 rub.
Installation of acrylic liner 150 cm. 4000 rub.
Installation of acrylic liner 170 cm. 4200 rub.
Call a measurer for consultation and correct measurement of the bathtub 500 rub.
Retaining the old piping (siphon), replacing only the drain grate with a new one 150 rub.
Dismantling old cast iron trim 400-600 rub.
Removing the plastic trim For free
Cleaning non-factory enamel from 400 to 800 rub.
Color color 400 rub.
Removing chips from a bathtub 150 rub.

During renovations, you want to put things in order everywhere, including the bathroom. New wall covering, beautiful ceiling, fresh plumbing... There’s just one important nuance– an old bathtub with a terrible yellowed and cracked coating, on the surface of which there may be some pretty scary black chips. Changing this element of convenience in an apartment is not as easy as it seems, and it is also an expensive pleasure. But there is a way out. A coating that has lost its appearance can be restored quite quickly and cheaply. In this case, it will be easy to cope without the help of professionals. Restoring the enamel coating of a bathroom with your own hands is quite possible and will not require huge amounts of money.

Why “save” the bathtub?

Before you learn how to revive an old bathroom coating without completely replacing it, you should understand why you need to restore it at all. Why isn't it easier to buy and install a new one?

A new bathroom costs a lot of money, especially a high-quality cast-iron one. Of course, you can buy an ordinary metal one, but it causes some discomfort to the residents living in the apartment: filling with water is accompanied by a loud sound, which even neighbors can hear in thin-walled houses.

You still need to manage to install the new bathtub while dismantling the old one. And this is not as simple as it seems. Such work will entail large number garbage, and heavy one at that. At the same time, women will not be able to cope with it - in any case, strong male hands are needed and those who dismantle everything will bear it. And probably anyone can simply apply a new enamel coating.

Fortunately, the factory enamel in the bathtub is quite durable, and some apartment owners do not even have to deal with such a procedure as restoring it. This can be achieved thanks to the special technology used for application. The bathtub blank is subjected to strong heating and only then is covered with a protective coating, that is, enamel. In theory, it can last for centuries, but due to constant cleaning and treatment of the bathtub, this does not happen. On the contrary, the bathtub slowly but surely loses its appearance, the enamel turns yellow and becomes not smooth to the touch, but rough.

Yes, enamel is needed not only for beauty - it also protects the bathtub from the effects of various aggressive factors (for example, cleaning agents, water of different temperatures). Without enamel, the metal loses some of its qualities - for example, at the site of damage, cast iron will begin to rust, and the rust will spread further and further, destroying the product.

Attention! If the damage to the enamel is not repaired in a timely manner, then rust can destroy the entire product or radically change the appearance of the bathtub.

Of course, it is impossible to create factory conditions in an apartment and it is also impossible to restore the enamel perfectly. But it can still be reapplied, which will help restore the bathtub to a beautiful and tidy appearance. And this - without unnecessary financial and physical costs.

Pay attention! , applied at home yourself, will not last as long as a factory-made one, but it is still capable of turning your old bathtub into a new one for quite a long time. But you need to handle it with care - it is less resistant to mechanical/chemical influences and can even change color due to contact with certain substances.

In general, the following recovery methods now exist appearance bathroom

  1. Acrylic coating- the so-called filling bath. Interior the structure is filled with liquid acrylic.
  2. Acrylic liner– sold in construction stores or made to order. Placed in the bathtub.
  3. Replacing an old bathtub with a new one.
  4. Enamel coating- simply put, applying special paint to the inner surface of the bowl.

What will you need?

In order to carry out restoration work, you will need certain materials and tools:

  • respirator;
  • brush, roller for applying enamel;
  • old clothes or apron;
  • rubber gloves;
  • sanding machine or sandpaper;
  • old rags;
  • primer;
  • acetone;
  • bath restoration kit – in other words, bath enamel.

Now on construction market present large selection various enamels for baths, aimed at both professionals and home craftsmen. At the same time, if you are a beginner, it is better to purchase the simplest option - it will not require any special skills to use. Such enamels are sold both in aerosol cans and in cans (applied with a brush or small roller).

Pay attention! It is best to use the composition that is intended for application with a brush - it covers the old coating perfectly and is easy to work with. Aerosol products are chosen when you need to restore a small chip - in this case, the enamel does not lie uniformly.

A bath restoration kit usually contains two components - a hardener and the enamel itself. There should also be a preparation that will help prepare the bathtub itself for painting. By the way, replacing the enamel is an excellent option for choosing a new bathtub color. The latter can be painted blue, red, green and other colors using special colors.

Table. Bathroom restoration kits.



This set is intended for use by professionals; it is very liquid, so it will be difficult for a beginner to work with it. To cover the old coating, you will need to apply the composition several times. Restoring the bathtub will take at least a week, since each layer must be dried thoroughly. But the coverage is excellent.

"Svetlana and Fantasia"

These are enamels of medium thickness, they are easy to apply without spreading much, which is optimal for an inexperienced restorer. Easy to apply with a brush. The kit also includes a preparation that is used to treat the surface of the bath before starting work. You can use special colors.


Thick, quite viscous enamel, which is applied with a brush - the whole complexity of the work lies in the thickness. At the same time, the enamel spreads perfectly, leaving no streaks. Does not require preliminary puttying. Dries in at least 2 days.

A group of drugs that are not essentially enamel. They cover the surface well and are easy to apply – just pour this product over the bathtub.

Preparing the bath for the procedure

Before you start coating the bathtub with new enamel, you must prepare the surface to be treated. It should become smooth and as light as possible.

Step 1. The bathtub is cleaned of rust. Special acid-based preparations will help with this. Many of them are quite effective. For example, a product based on hydrochloric acid will remove red spots in just 10 minutes, but it will also destroy all the remaining enamel in entire pieces. It is also important to rinse this product thoroughly from the surface of the bath and be sure to follow the instructions for use. There are also more gentle preparations that deal with rust less quickly, but still effectively. Products based on oxalic acid work well, acting more accurately than drugs based on hydrochloric acid. Drugs last type washed off with water after 30-40 minutes.

Step 2. Next, you need to roughen the surface of the bathtub from the inside - for this you use either sandpaper or a grinding machine. The latter will significantly speed up the work. It is important to thoroughly clean all chips and cracks.

Step 3. After work grinder It is necessary to wash off all dust and dirt from the surface of the bath. After this, the surface is degreased with acetone.

Step 4. The next stage is applying a primer, for example, GF-020. The layer of this substance should be well dried for about two days.

Advice! A reflector will help speed up the drying process. And by the way, it is not necessary to apply a primer.

Step 5. Now you should warm up the bath well - fill it with hot water. But you can also use construction hair dryer– in this case there is no need to additionally dry the bath.

Now the bathtub is ready for refinishing.

Bathtub enamel coating

We continue restoration work. Now we move on to coating the bathtub with enamel from the inside.

Step 1. The restoration kit is prepared for use in accordance with the instructions. The enamel should be well mixed until smooth.

Step 2. Using a brush, the enamel is applied in long or short strokes. Long from top to bottom and bottom to top, and then right-left or short from bottom-up-right-left. Corners and areas near drain holes are carefully painted.

Step 3. In this way, the enamel is applied several times. Each layer must be thoroughly dried in accordance with the instructions.

Prices for bath enamel

bath enamel

Video - Enameling a bathtub

Chips and scratches

To restore the former beauty of enamel, you do not always need to resort to drastic measures and paint the entire bathtub. Sometimes it’s enough just to repair chips and scratches. It's not that difficult to do.

For example, a mixture of dry whitewash and BF-2 glue will help get rid of small scratches. It is simply applied to those places where there is minor damage. In this case, it should be applied in several layers so that the latter does not protrude above the surface of the main enamel coating. It is convenient to apply the substance with a regular brush.

For deeper chips, a preparation based on nitro enamel is suitable, to which “Super Cement” is added - a special construction adhesive. The mixture is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting substance is also applied in layers, each of which is given time to dry (about 24 hours).

A mixture of zinc white and epoxy (1:2) will also help to cope with severe damage. Mix according to the rules epoxy resin, the remaining components are added to it. Zinc white can be easily replaced with porcelain shards. Such a mixture applied to the chip site will take at least 5 days to dry, but it will serve for many years.

When carrying out this work, you should make sure that the color of the enamel and the paint that will be used to restore the scratch match. Otherwise the bath will be spotty.

And finally, some valuable and useful tips.

Attention! All chemicals, with the help of which restoration work is carried out, are poisonous and dangerous to health, so personal safety measures cannot be neglected. If the work is carried out incorrectly, there is a high risk of ending up in the hospital.

Restoring a bathtub by replacing the old enamel with a new one is a completely do-it-yourself way to restore the product to its former beauty. At the same time, the new coating will serve for at least 5 years if treated with care. Of course, then you’ll have to paint the bathtub again, but considering how much cheaper it is this type work than everyone else, it's definitely worth it. By the way, an important factor influencing the long service life of enamel is chemical composition water. It is also advisable to take this into account when choosing a bath restoration method.

Restoration is a great chance to change the color of the bathtub

Over time, yellow spots, a network of cracks, and chips appear on the enamel coating. All this spoils the appearance of the bowl and becomes a problem for the housewife. Unfortunately, none of them will help here. The bathtub enamel needs to be restored or the plumbing fixture needs to be replaced. Many people think that the latter is the only correct decision. However, it is troublesome and associated with significant costs.

The cast iron container is quite heavy. It will not be possible to dismantle and remove one from the house alone. The task becomes much more complicated if the plumbing is tiled or the apartment is on one of the top floors. Subsequently, you will need to bring in a new device and install it in place. Therefore, they try to carry out dismantling and replacement before renovation, in order to immediately put the room in order.

If no repairs are planned, there is no available funds to purchase new plumbing fixtures or install them, or you can try to restore the damaged coating. There are three effective techniques recovery All of them are available for independent implementation, do not require significant expenses, and are relatively simple to implement. Even if you have to invite specialists, the costs of replacement and restoration still differ significantly.

Preparing to cover the bathtub

  1. Getting rid of rust stains. We start by treating with a solution or citric acid. Lubricate the area generously with liquid, leave for 30-40 minutes, and rinse with water. If traces of rust remain, you will have to clean it mechanically.
  2. We clean the old enamel. We clean it with sandpaper, and better than a grinder with grinding wheel. There will be a lot of dust during the cleaning process. Therefore, we protect the respiratory system with special means and wear special clothing. Once sanding is complete, remove the dust.
  3. We repair deep chips and cracks for the car. Apply a layer and carefully distribute it over the defective area. After complete drying, grind the treated fragment.
  4. Before covering the bathtub with enamel, it is degreased. To do this, prepare a slurry from water and carefully treat the surface with it. You can take a special drug. In any case, after processing, rinse everything well with hot water and dry.

The dried container is once again cleaned of remaining particles of contaminants. The best way to do this is with a vacuum cleaner. Then remove the drain, overflow if there is one. The areas where the side and the wall meet are sealed with masking tape to protect the finish.

3 ways to restore enamel on a cast iron bathtub

Each of them gives a good result, provided that the work technology is not violated. Let's look at all three options.


The easiest way to do it with your own hands is so-called enameling, in other words, the surface is coated with a special composition. Most often it is enamel based, but there may be another product. Depending on the composition, the method of application may vary. sprayed, the emulsion is distributed with a roller or brush. The advantages of the technique are the ease of application, low price necessary materials.

Among the disadvantages, you need to be aware of the fragility of the updated coating. It will last no more than five years. Compositions low quality after a while they turn yellow. Before enameling, careful preparation of the surface is necessary. Liquid product will not cover chips or other defects. It will take a week for the product to dry completely. You cannot use plumbing during this time. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Prime the base with a suitable primer and let it dry. Sometimes you need to warm up the bowl. In this case, fill it with hot water, wait 15-20 minutes, and drain the liquid. We wipe the walls dry with a lint-free cloth, and only then remove the drain and overflow.
  2. We place small containers under the holes of the plumbing fixture so as not to stain the floor. We prepare the coloring preparation. Mix the two-component product thoroughly.
  3. Apply the first layer. We start from the sides and gradually move to the bottom of the container. Carefully distribute the paint, monitoring the thickness of the layer. It should not be too large, especially at the bottom where paint accumulates. If this happens, correct this defect with a brush.
  4. Apply two more layers in the same way. We wait 15 minutes, after which we check to see if any sagging or drips have appeared. If necessary, we correct shortcomings.

It remains to wait until the enamel layers are completely cured. Depending on the type of paint, this takes about five days or a little more. The dried surface must be polished. This is done by using a drop of polishing paste on a soft cloth.

Processing with liquid acrylic

Good results are obtained by applying acrylic paste. After drying, it forms a durable coating that will last up to 10 years if the operating rules are followed. It does not turn yellow over time, but spots may appear on it. This happens when dyes, aggressive chemicals. Abrasive marks remain detergents, strong blows sharp objects. The restored surface must be protected from this.

The acrylic preparation does not have, so you can work without a respirator. It dries no longer than 36 hours. During this time, the bathroom must be closed to prevent dust or debris from getting into the wet solution. Another advantage of the material is the absence of drips and bubbles during application. The result is a perfectly smooth surface.

The disadvantage of the method is the need to acquire skills in work. If they are not there, it is better to first try your hand at something suitable. Without experience, there is a high risk of hopelessly damaging a plumbing fixture.

Stages of restoration

  1. Prepare a two-component solution for work. Add solvent to the bucket with the drug in small portions. Mix the liquid thoroughly each time. The result should be a homogeneous paste. If this is not the case, the peeling process will quickly begin after application, which will ruin the new coating.
  2. If planned, add color to it. Its quantity will determine the saturation of the future color. When tinting the product, you need to take into account that after drying it will become a little lighter. After mixing and tinting, leave the solution for 10-15 minutes and mix again.
  3. We close the drain hole of the bathtub from above with a disposable cup, and place a bucket under it for the draining paste. We collect a small amount of liquid acrylic in a bucket. Starting from the edge, carefully pour it onto the side. We move evenly along the entire bowl until we reach the place where we started.
  4. After the liquid has flowed down to about the middle of the side, we repeat our steps. We pour the paste from the middle of the side.
  5. We remove plastic cup. Carefully distribute the acrylic that has accumulated at the bottom with a spatula, directing the excess into the drain hole. We do this carefully, but quickly, without letting the mass set.

It remains to wait for the acrylic paste to harden. IN normal conditions This takes about a day, but may take longer. The exact time is specified on the packaging of the product.

Installing the liner

Sometimes it is impossible to restore the enamel in the bathroom or you don’t want to bother with paint, then good decision will be the installation of an acrylic liner. To do this, you will need to purchase a plastic bowl that will exactly match the shape and size of the old one. It is placed inside a cast iron container and fixed with glue. The advantages of the method are obvious. Complex ones are not always required preparatory work, you can use the bathroom the next day.

The result is guaranteed to be good, which is not always the case when painting. The liner can be not only white, but any other color. It serves for a long time, at least 15 years. Provided that the operating requirements are met. There will be only one difficulty in execution: to purchase an insert that is suitable in size. This is not always possible, especially for non-standard bowls.

Step-by-step installation process

  1. We release the edges of the bowl along its entire perimeter. If necessary, we dismantle the adjacent cladding or panels.
  2. We inspect the surface of the plumbing fixtures. If the enamel is smooth, you will have to sand it to improve the adhesion of the adhesive. To do this, attach the sandpaper to a convenient holder and smooth the coating evenly. After this, we wash off the dust, dismantle the drain and overflow.
  3. We adjust the liner. Rub the edges of the drain and overflow holes with a stylus. Place the acrylic element in the bowl and press it lightly. The stylus mark will mark the hole locations. Draw a line along the side if you need to remove part of the acrylic sheet. Use a jigsaw to cut off the excess around the perimeter. Use a drill with a hole saw to cut out the holes.
  4. Let's apply. We generously coat the edges of the overflow and drain with sealant. We do the same with the edges of the sides around the entire perimeter. We fill the remaining space with special foam. Apply it evenly, without empty areas.
  5. We put the liner in place and press it firmly. We fix it along the edges with clamps with plates placed under them so as not to damage the acrylic. Install the drain and fill the bowl with water. It should not reach 20-30 mm before the overflow. The liquid will press down on the liner, which will ensure normal polymerization of the foam and uniform fixation of the part. After a day, the water is drained. You can see the process in more detail in a video on the Internet.

We've sorted out three effective methods How to restore the enamel coating on a bathtub at home. The most short-lived result will be achieved by enameling yourself, but this is also the simplest method of restoration. When the renewed enamel becomes unusable, it can be painted again. It's much cheaper and easier.

  • Material prepared by: Inna Yasinovskaya

relevant because A cast iron bathtub is a very durable, if not eternal, thing. The same cannot be said about its coating, which wears out over time and spoils the appearance of the entire bathroom. What's the solution? Dismantle cast iron bath a rather labor-intensive and expensive task, which includes not only the cost of purchasing a new bathtub, but also the cost of updating the tiles, which will most likely suffer in the process. In addition, most people know that a cast iron bathtub has a lot of advantages and it’s simply a shame to throw it away.


Fortunately, modern technologies repairs allow you to restore a cast-iron bathtub beyond recognition. To do this, you can use one of three options:

  • Surface coating with enamel;
  • Surface coating with acrylic;

Restoration of a cast iron bathtub with enamel

This method allows you to return the bathtub to its whiteness and shine, while saving the owners a considerable amount. All work can be done independently; no special skills are required. The main thing is thoroughness and accuracy.

Very important preparatory stage, the purpose of which is to remove the old coating, clean out small cracks and rust. This is done using abrasive powder and sandpaper manually, or the process is accelerated with a drill with an abrasive wheel. After cleaning, the bath is thoroughly cleaned of all particles and dust, degreased and dried.

The enamel is applied to the prepared surface in a thin layer using a brush or roller. It is recommended to apply 2 to 4 layers. After complete drying, which requires at least 7 days, the bath will be ready for use.

The main and, perhaps, the only advantage of this method is its low cost. Enamel coating applied at home lasts no more than 5 years.

Restoration of a cast iron bathtub with liquid acrylic

Preparing a bathtub for acrylic coating follows the same procedure as for enamel coating. The surface must be matte, dry, grease-free and heated. The mixer is first removed and the drain and overflow holes are sealed. Acrylic is applied without the use of brushes or rollers, pouring it in a thin stream onto the sides of the bathtub and allowing it to flow freely down the walls. At the bottom, the material can be leveled with a spatula.

The advantages of acrylic over enamel are undeniable. Acrylic is more flexible, stronger and more durable. Its shine and whiteness delight residents for years. It is easy to clean even without any special products. Self-leveling acrylic dries many times faster than enamel, so the bathtub can be used in just 1-2 days. You can add a color to acrylic that matches the interior of the bathroom and make the bath a full-fledged part of the interior.

Additional services

This method allows you to get almost new acrylic bath, which will cost several times less. Its essence is that an acrylic insert made to the same dimensions is installed in an existing cast-iron bathtub. There are many ready-made liners sold in stores, but it is better to use the services of professionals who will take accurate measurements of your bathtub and carry out high-quality installation in compliance with technology.

The most important thing is to ensure a high-quality fit of the surfaces to each other and tightness. Otherwise, fungus may begin to develop under the liner. An experienced master will complete the work within 2-3 hours. After this, the bath needs to be filled with water for a day so that the liner is securely fixed.

Acrylic has established itself as a durable, strong, safe and beautiful material. An insert or acrylic coating will allow the bath to last for more than one year, provided proper care. Enameling as a restoration method can be used in cases where the budget is very limited.

Restoration of a cast iron bathtub: which is better?

Restoring a cast iron bathtub is much easier and cheaper than replacing it with a new one. Applying a new top layer will allow you to delay the purchase of a new product and complete renovation of the bathroom. How long this period will be depends on the right choice material.


Enamel attracts with its low cost, but this is precisely the case when momentary savings can result in even greater expenses in the future. The very modest service life of the enamel coating makes it financially very unprofitable.

It may seem logical to some that it would be better to re-enamel a cast-iron, once enameled bathtub. If we were talking about powder enamel, which is applied to the surface in an industrial environment, perhaps this would be so. However, at home, bathtubs are coated with a completely different enamel composition, the service life of which cannot be compared with the industrial one.

Enamel paint cannot create a sufficiently dense and durable layer for the coating to be durable. Even minor household damage to the surface leads to chips and cracks, and rust and hard water salts will only contribute to its further destruction.

One of the features of enamel is its porous structure. No matter how diligently the owners take care of the bathroom, dirt still gradually fills the micropores of the surface, making it gray and dirty in appearance.

A fresh enamel coating looks very elegant: a snow-white bathtub with a bright glossy shine. Be careful, such beauty may be unsafe, because this surface is very slippery, especially when wet. When planning the restoration of a cast-iron bathtub with enamel, you should think about all the residents. If among them there are those who, due to age or health reasons, find it difficult to coordinate their movements, it is better to refuse enameling.


Acrylic is a universal material that is suitable for the restoration of any bathtubs, including cast iron. Proper preparation surface provides excellent adhesion and a strong, durable coating.

The most important feature and main advantage of acrylic is its plasticity, which not only ensures ideal distribution of the material over the surface, but also makes it resistant to impacts, falling heavy blunt objects and other possible damage. Thanks to this strength, an acrylic coating can extend the service life of a cast iron bathtub for a period of 10 years, and during this entire time the product will have a presentable appearance.

Care acrylic coating does not present any difficulty. The most important thing is no exposure to abrasive materials or aggressive household chemicals. Gentle cleaning soft cloth or a sponge with the addition of ordinary soap will be quite enough. Acrylic itself is hygienic because it is not a medium for the development of potentially dangerous microorganisms. With such a coating, you can forget about treating with disinfectants - the bath will be clean and safe.

Coating a cast-iron bathtub with acrylic is a task that can easily be planned for the weekend and within 2 days you can use the updated product. This is possible due to the quick drying of the material and the simple application process.

When choosing a coating for a cast-iron bathtub, craftsmen who know modern repair techniques still recommend choosing restoration with liquid acrylic. Thanks to him, the cast iron bathtub will last at least another 10 years, while remaining just as white and shiny. Enameling is a method that has become obsolete and does not meet modern requirements for safety, durability and quality.

Restoration of a cast iron bathtub reviews