Rhododendron: seasonal care. Everything about garden rhododendron: planting, care, use in garden design

I have long wanted to purchase such a blooming beauty like rhododendron. I searched on the Internet, read literature, went to markets where seedlings from nurseries are brought.

From all the preliminary knowledge I learned a few things - this is that a beginner should start by breeding a species of rhododendron (fancy varieties to “tame” better later), get to know the composition of the soil and the choice of location.

I then planted a Ledebur rhododendron bush and a Daurian species. I fulfilled all the necessary requirements and took into account the advice, my plants did not die, although they grow rather slowly. These two shrubs are similar to each other, now I’m thinking about buying a couple more seedlings.

In this article I want to introduce you to beautiful rhododendrons. You'll learn when they bloom, how to grow them properly, and love them as much as I do.

Shrubs and trees of rhododendrons (Rhododendron) belong to the Heather family; they are evergreen and deciduous. Translated, they mean rosewood; indeed, most species have different shades of pink. And the varieties bred by breeders can be of various shades: from white to purple.

Flowers are in the form of a bell and a funnel, a tube and a wheel, their diameter ranges from one to 10 centimeters. The leaves are elongated and hard; in the fall, some bushes have an extremely decorative appearance.

More than 1000 species of this plant differ both in the shape of the flowers and the coverage of the crown, as well as in height (from creeping shrubs to tall thirty-meter trees).

IN natural conditions grows in temperate climates, preferring moist air and partial shade. That is why rhododendron is so often found in the undergrowth of pines and other conifers, on mountain slopes, as well as along the banks of rivers and seas, in swamps and forest-tundra.

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Far East and Altai, the Himalayas and Japan are not a complete list of places where you can see natural rhododendron thickets. IN landscape design The use of shrubs is very diverse, these include single plantings and group plantings; they are used to landscape sanatorium-resort and park areas and homesteads.

Types and varieties of rhododendron

Anyone who has ever seen this plant in bloom will never forget it - a most beautiful shrub. More than two dozen species of this crop and varieties obtained on their basis are widespread in Russia.

Attention! Deciduous rhododendrons are most suitable for our latitudes; they winter quite well, bloom for a long time, and do not require special care. Every gardener can grow them.


A strongly branched plant with pink-violet flowers grows in Siberia and Primorye, East Asia in coniferous forests, on rocky slopes. Suitable for cultivation in the middle zone and the Urals, as well as in the north of Russia.

The evergreen shrub grows up to 4 meters in height (it grows very slowly); some of the leaves do not fall off in the winter. Inflorescences are funnel-shaped, up to 4 cm in girth. Flowering begins in early May and lasts three weeks, sometimes blooming again in the fall.

It is a winter-hardy species, loves light areas and takes root well, blooms very beautifully, has brightly colored leaves, Daurian rhododendron is spectacular all season.

Rhododendron tree

In nature it grows in North America in the highlands. Suitable for growing in the middle zone and other regions of Russia. This is a deciduous shrub with a wide crown (up to 6 meters), grows up to 3 meters.

The oblong green leaves turn purple in the fall and bloom with fragrant white or pink flowers(50 mm coverage) in early July. This fragrance lasts for almost a month. It grows up to 7 centimeters per year.

Loves slightly acidic soils, loose and drained, prefers to be in a bright place. It tolerates winter well and is planted in parks, along roads, as single bushes.

ledebura rhododendron

Another name is Maralnik, it grows in Altai and the Sayan Mountains, forms thickets on mountain slopes and in undergrowth.

Protected in nature reserves. It blooms in May for 2 weeks (sometimes for a month), then beautiful pink-violet inflorescences appear again in the fall. They are quite large (up to 5 cm), and the bush up to 150 cm tall looks very colorful during flowering.

This species is winter-hardy; it does not completely shed its leaves in the winter, but in the spring after flowering they will still fall off, giving way to fresh growth. Growth per year is up to 7-8 cm, crown diameter is more than a meter.

Rhododendron Schlippenbach

Large deciduous shrub with woody shoots. How garden culture grows up to 150-160 cm, in nature up to 4 meters. Winter-hardy, but requires shelter. One of the most beautiful rhododendrons With pale lilac flowers with specks, inflorescence coverage reaches 10 cm.

The leaves are soft, growing at the end of the shoot (5 pieces in a tassel), in autumn green gives way to ocher-red. It blooms in May-June and is quickly gaining popularity among gardeners.

Countless varieties have been developed by breeders around the world.

April Snow

White double flowers bloom early spring, the foliage of the bush is strong, height 160 cm.


The Scottish hybrid is one and a half meters tall and has white flowers with brownish splashes.

Blue Peter

Height 1.5 meters, crown coverage more than 2 meters. The flowers are large (6 cm), blue, lavender.


Bred on the basis of Japanese rhododendron (up to 2 meters high). Large salmon-colored, orange-yellow flowers have a shiny surface.


The bright yellow flowers smell pleasant and have a star-shaped appearance. The shrub grows up to 180 cm.

How to plant garden rhodendron

Advice! To avoid disappointment from the death of an expensive seedling, try to get as much information as possible about the plant you are purchasing. You should not completely rely on eloquent sellers; it is better to prepare for the purchase in advance.

Take the trouble to make sure that the rhododendron is winter-hardy and adapted to our latitudes. Planting does not take much time, and care can be quickly learned.

You can plant the plant in the fall (almost all the buds are removed) or in the spring, when the ground thaws.

We choose a place protected from the wind, in light partial shade. It is important that there is no direct sunlight. Plant in an area that is visible to the eye so you can watch it bloom.

  • We water the plant in the pot before planting so that the root system is prepared for replanting;
  • The hole for the plant should be dug 2 times larger than the coverage of the roots;
  • We completely remove the natural soil from the hole, lay drainage on the bottom: broken brick, or crushed stone and sand;
  • We pour soil for heathers, or this mixture: peat, leaf soil, humus, fallen needles;
  • We put the tree in the hole and sprinkle it on top (to the root collar) with the same mixture of soil;
  • Water generously, press the soil around and mulch the surface with peat.

Worth knowing! It’s not for nothing that the main ingredient in soil for rhododendrons is peat. This plant loves slightly acidic or acidic soils supplemented with humus.

Shrub care

Since the plant is moisture-loving, you need to water it generously with acidified water (vinegar or lemon), and spray the crown in hot weather. It is necessary to mulch the tree trunk circle to retain moisture.

Important! The root system of rhododendrons is quite superficial and delicate, so loosening is undesirable.

Also, the bushes need to be regularly pruned, removing diseased and dry branches, to form a beautiful habit.

Flowering shrubs need feeding. In the first year, fertilizer is applied in very measured doses; in subsequent years, you can water the rhododendron with mullein infusion, diluting it in accordance with the instructions.

Throughout the summer, watering is done once every 14 days with complex fertilizers containing phosphorus. In addition to root infusions, spraying the crown is encouraged.

How to propagate rhododendron

The plant can be grown through seeds, layering, cuttings and grafting, as well as by dividing the bush. Since the crop grows very slowly, the seed method is not best option, and such a bush will bloom no earlier than in 3-4 years. With this method of propagation, all varietal characteristics of the plant are preserved.

Vegetative propagation is more common:

  • We root the cuttings by pinning them to the ground in early spring, like other shrubs;
  • We also cut cuttings in spring or autumn from young shoots and dig them in a greenhouse or in a pot with nutritious soil(mostly peat, less sand);
  • You can divide the bush when it grows, carefully separating parts of the root, sprinkling the sections with crushed charcoal and fast transfer.

The easiest way, of course, is to buy a ready-made seedling that was grown for you by professionals.

What makes rhododendron sick?

Failures in care - overwatering and underwatering, changing the composition of the soil from acidic to alkaline, strong sun can contribute to diseases. These are rust, chlorosis and spotting, fungal diseases and pests.

If there are problems, we get rid of them with the help of insecticides, and adjust the watering and fertilizing regime.

Place in landscape design

Favorite neighbors of rhododendrons are ferns, hostas, and other flowering shrubs. Good plants in Japanese kindergartens among the stones, in the shadow of the conifers.

Bushes rosewood planted alone and in an alley, on the shore of a reservoir and near a gazebo, in rock gardens and mixborders. Rhododendron will look elegant and impressive everywhere.

Rhododendrons are beautiful ornamental plants heather family. They are difficult to grow in our climate. Their homeland is subtropics, so they love warmth and do not winter well in harsh climates.

Rhododendrons are sissies. So that they can grow in the climate middle zone you have to follow the rules of agricultural technology and subtleties of care. But rhododendrons are so fascinating that more and more gardeners are paying attention to them. Before purchasing planting material, learn about the nuances of cultivation.

Planting rhododendron

Despite the fact that rhododendrons are a novelty for modern gardeners, they were cultivated in Russia already at the end of the 18th century, so let us turn to the domestic experience of growing “Alpine roses” - as garden rhododendron is called in Europe.

Plants prefer spring planting. They are planted in a dormant state or at a time when the buds have just begun to awaken. Spring planting allows the seedling to grow stronger and better withstand the coming winter.

The key to successful cultivation is right choice varieties. Several species are used in decorative floriculture. For beginners, r. Ledebura, short-fruited, largest and Japanese. You can plant Canadian, dense and Kamchatka on an alpine hill. These species have increased winter hardiness, so there is a chance that they will survive a harsh winter.

Japanese rhododendron is beautiful from spring to late autumn. It has large flowers orange tones. This is the biggest and beautiful bush, which can grow in the middle zone. It reaches a height of 200 cm.

It is better to purchase planting material from experienced gardeners or in nurseries. Fairs and markets do not guarantee the quality of seedlings. In addition, sellers at fairs often do not know what they are selling. If you unknowingly acquire a capricious appearance, it will take root and begin to grow, but will freeze in the first winter.

Landing location

Planting begins with choosing a location. All types of rhododendrons grow well in areas protected from wind and hot midday sun. If you plant flowers on the north or northeast side of a building or fence, then this planting can be considered correct.

When planting rhododendron in the ground near the house, you need to take into account that water will flow from the roof in the spring, and the rhododendron will not like it. Seedlings should not be planted next to trees that have surface root system, and this is most of the trees in the middle zone, except pine and oak. The remaining trees will compete with the rhododendron for water and nutrition, and as a result, the alpine rose will dry out.

You can plant rhododendron under fruit trees, but you need to be prepared that fruit trees will reduce the size of the harvest. In order for the bush to show itself in all its glory, it is better to plant it not under the crown fruit tree, and then - there will be enough sunlight for everyone and the bush will bloom magnificently.

Owners of open, ventilated areas should do the following:

  1. In the fall, hammer in stakes on the south and west sides of the bush.
  2. At the beginning of February, attach shading material to the stakes.

The height of the shelter should be one and a half times higher than the height of the bush. Shelter is necessary to protect the plant from early spring burning.

Rhododendron lays flower buds at the end of summer, and in mid-February in the middle zone the sun begins to get hot and large flower buds evaporate moisture. By the time the roots begin suction work (in April), the buds will have dried out and there will be no flowering.

Canadian rhododendron is resistant to early spring burning, but the most popular species: Japanese, large-leaved, and evergreen are burned almost every year. Shelter in February-March will save the flower buds from death and the plant will bloom luxuriantly this season.

The alpine rose has compact fibrous roots located at a shallow depth, so plants can be replanted painlessly at any age. Rhododendron loves moisture, but at a level groundwater above one meter, drainage will be required.

After choosing a location, the most important point in planting rhododendron is preparing a substrate with the correct acidity and mechanical properties. The pH of the substrate should be in the range of 4.5-5.5. In addition, the soil mixture must be loose, moisture-absorbing, and breathable.

These requirements will ideally be met by a substrate prepared from acidic high-moor peat, loam and litter taken from a pine forest. All components are mixed in equal proportions. Instead of loam, you can use clay, taking it half as much as the other ingredients.

Rhododendron should not be planted in high peat or in a mixture of peat and pine needles. It is imperative to add clay or loam, which will give the substrate the necessary moisture capacity. In pure peat, plants will suffer from a lack of moisture, and rhododendrons do not like this. In addition, the soil gives the substrate looseness and breathability.

Planting and caring for rhododendron in the first days

The components of the prepared substrate are mixed and poured into the pit. A hole is dug in the center of the hole, into which the seedling is planted.

If the seedling was sold with a lump of earth (and in the case of rhododendrons this most often happens), then before planting it bottom part immerse in water and remove when air bubbles stop appearing on the surface.

The seedling should be planted at the same depth as it was in the container. You cannot bury the root collar - this is important. The planted seedling is watered abundantly and the soil is mulched with a 5 cm layer of pine litter.

When planting rhododendrons, do not add manure, humus, black soil, or compost leaves into the hole.

Features of cultivation

Alpine rose is one of the plants that needs to be planted correctly, and then for many years you can limit yourself to minimal care. In the first year after planting, it is important that the plant does not experience water deficiency. The planting hole should be constantly moist, but there is no need to loosen it, as you can disturb the young growing roots that will be located in the surface layer of the substrate.

Weeds that appear in the planting hole are pulled out by the roots without digging. For irrigation, it is better to use soft water (not well).

Rhododendrons love feeding. Keeping in mind the fragile surface roots, it is better to use solutions, rather than granules and powders, for feeding. The regular Kemira Universal will work well. The granules are dissolved in water according to the instructions and the plants are watered once every two weeks.

At the beginning of July, the plants are fed for the last time. To do this, use potassium sulfate - a teaspoon per 10 liters of water for young plants and two teaspoons per 10 liters for adults. In July-August, fertilizing is not carried out.

How not to fertilize an alpine rose:

  • ash - it alkalizes the substrate;
  • manure and manure compost - fungal diseases will appear.

Growing rhododendrons is often accompanied by a phenomenon called chlorosis. The leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain green. Symptoms indicate a change in the pH of the substrate towards the alkaline side.

The growing conditions for rhododendron are such that the plant can only survive in acidic soil. To eliminate chlorosis, acidifiers are used - special preparations that can be purchased at garden stores. Acidifiers industrial production contain a lot of nitrogen, so they can only be used in spring.

To prevent alkalization, you need to annually mulch the bushes with rotted pine needles. None special measures against chlorosis is not required if you use special fertilizers for rhododendrons and two three times During the season, mulch the planting hole with pine or spruce needles.

Special studies helped to determine the correct thickness of the mulch layer in winter, depending on the size of the bush:

In spring, the mulching material is lightly raked away from the bush, freeing the root collar.

Most ornamental shrubs have an untidy crown shape and need pruning. This is not the case with rhododendron. The Alpine rose boasts a crown of absolutely regular - round or oval - shape. There is no need to trim it, it is enough to do only sanitary pruning.

There is no need to trim the branches even after replanting, since the plants tolerate it well, and the work of the roots does not stop in the new place.

Rhododendrons bloom profusely every year. To prevent flowering from becoming less abundant, it is necessary to prevent the formation of seeds. To do this, faded inflorescences are removed from the bush. In place of each broken inflorescence, 2 new flower buds are formed.

About the disadvantage nutrients the leaves will tell you - they turn light green and stop shining. The growth of shoots decreases, flowering becomes more restrained.

Growing rhododendron from seeds

Plants grown by hand from seeds cannot be pruned before the first flowering. Experiments have shown that pruning seedlings delays flowering by 3 years.

Rhododendrons are propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush, layering and grafting. Used for breeding purposes seed propagation. The seeds are sown in containers with heather soil and covered with sand on top. The containers are covered with glass and placed in a bright and warm place.

Rhododendron is a highly ornamental shrub that belongs to the Heather family. There are a large number of varieties and varieties of this plant. In nature, rhododendron can be found in the form of shrubs and trees. Rhododendron: planting and care requires special attention from the gardener's side.

The height of rhododendron depends on its type and variety. Thus, highly decorative crops differ in leaf shape. I distinguish 26 species, which are divided into three groups.

Table 1 - Groups and types of rhododendrons

GroupsDescription of groupsVariety name
EvergreensThese are shrubs that do not shed leaves even in winter period. The foliage has a dark green color. The flowers are large and have a variety of colors. They grow mainly in well-drained, peat-enriched soil.Daurian rhododendron is an evergreen bush that reaches a height of 2-4 m. The leaves are glossy, small size. Flowers are large, diameter does not exceed 4 cm, mostly purple. Flowering continues for a month. Excellent propagation by cuttings.
Adams' rhododendron is a winter-hardy, evergreen shrub with a spreading crown. The leaves are green, ovoid. The flowers are small, no more than 15 in one inflorescence.
Caucasian rhododendron – low, evergreen shrub. The leaves are dark green and oblong in shape.
DeciduousThis is a shrub that sheds its leaves before the onset of winter. During the flowering period, the bush is completely decorated with flowers.Canadian rhododendron is a shrub with dense branches, up to 1 m in diameter. It blooms in the first half of May, flowers up to 3 cm in diameter are bright lilac, sometimes white. In one year it grows by 15 cm.
Rhododendron Kamchatka is dwarf shrub no more than 0.3 m in height. It begins to bloom in the first half of June, the flowers are large in shape and have a crimson color. It can withstand temperatures down to -27 degrees. Prefers moist, well-lit areas.
Yellow rhododendron is a deciduous bush, reaches a height of 2 m. It has small flowers of bright yellow color. The leaves are elongated, green in color. Yellow azalea blooms in early May.
HybridThese are varieties of rhododendrons bred by breeders by crossing different species."Azurvolke" is a hybrid, evergreen rhododendron. Reaching a height of up to 1 m. Crown diameter is 1.5 m. Flowers are blue, sometimes purple. The leaves are oblong, up to 3 cm long and 1 cm wide, and have a dark green color.
"Berry Rose" is a hybrid, deciduous shrub, reaching a height of up to 1.5-2 m. Green leaves are up to 5 cm long, up to 3 cm wide. It blooms in the second half of May and blooms until the third decade of July. Flowers - pink shade, with a diameter of up to 8 cm.
“Blue Tit” is a hybrid, evergreen shrub, up to 1 m in height. It has a rounded crown, up to 1.5 m in diameter. The leaves are round in shape, bluish-green in color. Blooms in the first half of May. The flowers are lavender-blue, 3.5 cm in diameter. The variety is resistant to low temperatures.

The nuances of growing a plant

The place for planting rhododendron should be on a hill so that water does not stagnate at the roots. Azalea does not tolerate drafts and burning sun rays. On the north side, the plant must be protected from cold gusts of wind, and in the spring from the scorching sun. Therefore, a good place for planting is the northeastern or northern side of the fence or building.

Coniferous plants will be the best neighbors for rhododendron. Plants with superficial roots will be unsuccessful: willow, maple, linden.

Shrubs will not grow in alkaline or normal soil. It should be acidic with a large layer of humus, without lime, and well permeable to oxygen.

Planting in open ground

Rhododendrons: planting and care open ground require special attention from the gardener. So, before planting, it is necessary to prepare the material for growing. The best soil for a flower is a mixture of peat and clay in equal proportions.

Rhododendron planting procedure:

  • a hole is dug up to 0.4 m deep and 0.6 m wide;
  • a drainage layer of sand and pebbles 0.15 m high is laid on the bottom;
  • then they are covered with a mixture of peat (most of it) and loam;
  • the soil is compacted and a hole is made for the earthen ball of the rhododendron seedling;
  • The roots of the seedling are lowered into the hole and covered with soil. The root collar should be level with the surface of the earth;
  • after planting, the bush is watered abundantly with cold water;
  • The top is mulched with straw, moss, and rotted needles.

In order for the plant to take root better, a few minutes before planting, the seedling is soaked in a bucket of water. And keep it in it until air bubbles disappear from the surface of the water.

How to care for rhododendron

The rhododendron flower requires regular watering, weed removal, seasonal fertilization and pest control.

The plant has a shallow root system. Therefore, when loosening the soil around the bush, a person must be very careful. Weed removal must be done only by hand, and digging up the soil under the plant is prohibited.

The shrub does not like heavy waterlogging, but requires spraying and watering daily.

Before planting in the chosen location, the gardener needs to make sure that groundwater does not come close to the soil surface. Otherwise, the roots of the plant will become oversaturated with moisture and simply rot.

Water for irrigation should be slightly acidified; for this, add 3 parts of sphagnum peat to a bucket of rain, spring, and settled water (at least half a day before).

The flower requires constant fertilization:

  • in the spring, rhododendron is watered with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (50 g of ammonium is added per 1 cubic meter of land);
  • in July, the amount of nitrogen fertilizing is reduced to 20 g;
  • after 2 years, the top layer of soil is renewed. To do this, mix peat with humus and sprinkle the soil around the rhododendron.

Only well-watered plants can be fertilized.

Flower propagation methods

In garden conditions, rhododendron propagation occurs by several methods:

  • planting seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • digging in layering.

The most labor-intensive process is plant propagation by seeds. First from the collected planting material Dry and healthy seeds are selected, then they are sown in containers with a mixture of peat and sand. The top of the boxes is covered with polyethylene or glass.

Propagation by cuttings also requires some effort. To do this, a woody shoot is cut off from the bush, then cut into branches 0.1 m long. Then they are planted in a peat mixture and covered in the same way as in the case of seeds. The cuttings take root within 3-4 months, then they are transplanted into a separate container, then taken to a room with a temperature of at least +10 degrees. Planted in open ground in spring.

For propagation using layering, the lower branch of the bush is bent to the soil and buried to a depth of 0.12 m. This part of the bush is cared for in the same way as an adult plant is watered and sprayed.

Protection from diseases and pests

A beautiful and majestic shrub collects many insects under its crown. They especially prefer dense shade and humidity different types snails, slugs. Therefore, the bush should be inspected daily and shellfish should only be collected by hand.

To avoid the spread of ticks, bedbugs, and scale insects, the plant is treated with Karbofos.

If the watering schedule is not followed and there is no drainage layer under the roots, the plant may become infected with a fungal disease. Bordeaux mixture is used as a prophylactic agent.

Rhododendron in landscape design

To enjoy beautiful flowers rhododendron for a long time, you can plant the plant in groups with for different periods flowering. The best place there will be an area for planting next to the fountain, artificial pond. Such ponds can increase the humidity around the bush, and the gardener will not have to constantly spray it.

Lingonberries, blueberries or other lovers of acidic soil will be good neighbors for it.

Rhododendron is for gardeners, those who love beauty and those who want to constantly care for plants. Only those whose site conditions fully meet the requirements of this beautiful flowering bush can not take care of the plant.

Rhododendron has always been one of the most popular garden shrubs in England. For its beauty, the admiring British called it an Alpine rose. Abundantly strewn with delicate flowers, the bush resembled a large cloud. Rhododendron appeared on the territory of Russia only at the end of the 18th century, since the heat-loving delicate plant was poorly adapted to harsh conditions. winter conditions. Rhododendron planting and care in central Russia is a rather complex topic.

Rhododendron can survive in these latitudes if favorable conditions are created, and flowering can only be achieved with careful care and great efforts by gardeners. However, the splendor and abundance of flowering can reward all efforts a hundredfold.

Rhododendron is a separate genus of flowering shrubs, although tree-like forms are also found, belonging to the Heather family. Its leaves can be evergreen, overwintering or deciduous. The first ones remain on the bush for up to 3-6 years, after which they are replaced by new ones, the wintering ones live only 1 year, and the falling ones are replaced every year, falling off in the fall, like other plants. The shape of the leaves can be different: ellipsoidal, round, spear-shaped. Corymbose inflorescences consist of large flowers of different shapes and colors.

The homeland of rhododendron is the Far East, mountain forests of Japan and China.

Rhododendron can be classified as medicinal plants, as its leaves are rich in ascorbic acid. It is used to treat heart disease, rheumatism, epilepsy, colds, and chronic colitis. An infusion of rhododendron leaves removes excess fluid from the body, normalizes heartbeat, and reduces shortness of breath. However, the leaves also contain toxic substances, so you need to be very careful when treating with this plant.

In landscape design, rhododendron is used to decorate gardens in any style. It looks great both in single plantings and in large compositions.

These shrubs go well with coniferous trees or bushes - ferns, junipers, larches.

Often low-growing species rhododendron is used to create alpine slides and rocky gardens, combining them with heathers, mountain pine or gentian.

Common types and varieties

The garden shrub rhododendron has many species and even more varietal varieties. Each species has its own biological features, which significantly affects its requirements for growing conditions. Frost resistance, requirements for lighting, soil moisture, air, soil composition, etc. may vary from species to species.

For example, rhododendron with large leaves reacts more strongly than others to the presence of cold wind or draft, while needing high humidity air. Therefore, it is recommended to plant such species in a place protected from drafts.

The most popular types include the following:

  • Daurian;
  • Japanese;
  • Canadian;
  • Schlipebach.

Rhododendron Daurian

Belongs to the evergreen variety. This is a low (about 2-4 m) branched shrub, with light or dark gray bark, rusty-brown pubescent shoots. The color of the leaves varies with the seasons from light green to brown. In winter, a few leaves may fall off, but by spring new ones appear. Flowering occurs before the young leaves appear and lasts approximately 3 weeks. Daurian rhododendron blooms with large (up to 4 cm in diameter) funnel-shaped flowers of lilac-violet color, collected in inflorescences. Sometimes flowering may begin again by autumn.

This variety includes varieties:

  • AprilReign. Different early flowering- approximately from mid-April. Double pink flowers are collected in large inflorescences;
  • AprilSnow. A shorter bush that tolerates frosts down to -28 degrees. It also blooms early with large white flowers.

Japanese rhododendron

A representative of deciduous shrubs, reaching 1-2 m in height. The plant attracts attention with bright large flowers, painted in all shades of red and yellow flowers, as well as a change in foliage color from dark green in summer to crimson-yellow in autumn. Flowering can last for several weeks, starting in late spring. This type of rhododendron tolerates well winter frosts, given that proper preparation for wintering.

The most interesting varieties of this species are:

  • CreamCrest. An evergreen, winter-hardy shrub that can withstand frosts down to -32 degrees. It blooms in May-June with large creamy-white bells;
  • Aureum. Low growing bush with beautiful golden flowers. Frost-resistant, but does not tolerate heat well.

Canadian rhododendron

A low shrub (up to 1 m tall) with large leaves and large pink-purple flowers, collected in small (up to 5 pcs.) inflorescences. One of the most frost-resistant species, therefore suitable for cultivation even in the northern regions of Russia.

Rhododendron Schlippenbach

It belongs to deciduous shrubs, reaching 2 meters, although it can also be a small tree (up to 5 m). The oval leaves are light green in summer, changing to orange and bright purple in autumn. Spectacular bell flowers (up to 10 cm) are collected in large (6-10 pcs.) inflorescences and can be painted in different shades pink color, although there are also white-flowered varieties. Flowering begins simultaneously with the appearance of leaves or even slightly earlier.

Hybrid varieties

R. hybrid "Sappho"

The most popular for gardens and flower beds in Russia are hybrid varieties rhododendron:

  • JohnWalter (profusely flowering bush with bright red flowers);
  • PinkPearl (fast-growing shrub with large pink inflorescences);
  • Sappho (white-flowering hybrid variety);
  • PurpleSplendour (features a beautiful purple-violet hue flowers).

Planting rhododendron

Rhododendron is a very demanding plant; planting and caring for it will require quite a lot of effort. However, subject to certain rules, every gardener is quite capable of growing this beauty on his own plot.

Selection of seedlings

Deciduous species of rhododendron adapt best to the Russian climate, although quite frost-resistant specimens are also found among evergreen species.

As a rule, rhododendron is propagated by seeds or cuttings. When choosing a seedling grown from seeds, you should give preference to those that reach 15 cm in height (even if they are 2-3 years old). This indicates that the plant was grown in regular soil, and not by hydroponics.

Seedlings from cuttings are usually larger, with a thick trunk, they grow up to 30 cm and branch quite strongly almost from the very root.

The general rule for choosing a seedling, regardless of the method of growing it, is to check the leaves, branches and roots for the presence or absence of damage, breakage or signs of disease:

  • the roots should not be dry, brittle, with signs of rotting (wet or slimy areas), knots;
  • There should be no spots, damage or thickening on the leaves and branches.

It is recommended to purchase seedlings in trusted specialized stores, whose employees will not only help with the choice, but will also be able to advise on any questions you may have about the rules for growing rhododendron.

Place and time of landing

Rhododendron can be planted throughout the fall or in the spring - in April-May. At this time, the plant has time to regain its strength after flowering or setting buds and can direct its energy to take root in a new place.

When planting rhododendron, it is important to choose the right place where it will grow. Areas protected from wind and drafts, where there is no direct sunlight, are best suited for it. However, it is also not worthwhile to completely shade the rhododendron, otherwise growth will slow down and flowering may not occur at all. The ideal condition would be diffused light under the crowns of pine trees, thujas or larches.

Trees or shrubs with a developed superficial root system will be bad neighbors for rhododendron, as they will deprive the bush of nutrients and moisture from the soil. Sites near a blind fence or near the eastern wall of a house are well suited. Although when planting a bush near the house, it is necessary to ensure that snow or icicles from the roof do not fall on it in winter.

Rhododendrons prefer moist air and soil, so they are often recommended to be planted near bodies of water (streams, ponds or pools). If this is not possible, you will have to carry out regular spraying with warm water before flowering begins.

Features of landing

Planting rhododendron differs little from planting other plants. It prefers loose, permeable soils with an acidic reaction (therefore, ash cannot be added to the soil).

  1. At the selected location, prepare a planting hole, the diameter and depth of which is twice as large as the root ball of the plant.
  2. A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the pit to prevent stagnation of water and rotting of the roots.
  3. A prepared mixture of heather soil, sphagnum peat, deciduous soil, humus, rotted manure and pine needles(all parts in equal quantities). The rest of the hole is filled with the “native” soil of the site.
  4. Before planting the seedling, the soil is thoroughly moistened. If the plant’s soil ball is high, it is immersed in a container of water for several hours so that the plant can “drink.” Some gardeners recommend soaking the roots for 10-12 hours before planting, adding growth stimulants to the water.
  5. The seedling in the hole is placed strictly vertically, without deepening or raising it too much. The root collar should be located at soil level.
  6. After planting, the remaining space is covered with soil and pressed down so that there are no voids left in the soil.
  7. The tree trunk circle must be mulched with pine bark or fallen pine needles to protect the root system from drying out and frost.

When adding fertilizers to the pit, it is important to choose those that do not contain calcium or chlorine.

If the rhododendron was planted during the flowering period, then after the end of the procedure, some of the buds must be removed. This will reduce the plant’s costs for flowering and redirect its efforts to rooting.

Another important point- securing separately planted plants. If there are no supportive neighbors nearby, it is necessary to strengthen the bushes for some time with pegs driven into the soil. This will prevent gusts of wind from uprooting unrooted seedlings. They can be removed in a few months, when it becomes clear that the rhododendron has taken root in the new place and is well established in the soil.

Rules of care

Despite the capriciousness of rhododendrons, caring for them is not particularly difficult. First of all, they need regular spraying. It is better to do this before flowering and only in the morning or evening, otherwise the plant may get sunburn.


Most abundant watering Rhododendron needs it in the first year after planting, as this promotes rapid rooting of the plant. It will also be necessary to water the shrub during periods of summer drought. For irrigation use soft acidified water.

Usually, rhododendron itself signals a lack of water - the leaves lose turgor and become dull. If they turn yellow and begin to fall off, this may indicate excess water in the soil, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the roots. In this case, the soil is carefully loosened and allowed to dry.


In the first year after planting, seedlings are regularly but gradually fed with liquid fertilizers. Signs of malnutrition include:

  • lightening of leaves, their falling;
  • dull foliage;
  • lack of buds and slow growth of young shoots.

It is best to use rotted manure for feeding, from mineral fertilizers Superphosphate works well. Before applying fertilizers, water the soil abundantly to protect the roots from burns.


Despite the fact that rhododendrons naturally have a regular crown shape, from time to time they need to be pruned to remove excess branches. As a rule, branches are cut 2-4 cm thick. After pruning, it is necessary to treat the cut areas oil paint or garden varnish.


Rhododendron bushes must be covered for the winter, this will protect them from severe frosts and will provide abundant flowering in the spring.

This procedure is carried out in mid-November. For shelter, you can use roofing felt or build special frame structures or foam houses that will protect the plants from gusts of wind and snow. The shelter is removed only after the air temperature reaches +10 degrees, around April. It is better to do this on a cloudy day so that the rhododendron has time to adapt to sunlight after a long winter.

Rhododendron propagation

The main methods of propagating rhododendron include cuttings and layering. Cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut from bushes in June or July, the lower leaves are removed and soaked for 24 hours in a solution of preparations that stimulate root formation. After this, they are planted in a moistened soil mixture (peat, sand and pine soil) and covered with film. The cuttings usually take root in 3-4 weeks.

In the case of propagation of the bush by layering, a small cut is made on a selected branch located near the ground, bent to the soil and placed in a shallow groove. Then they are secured with wire and sprinkled with peat. It is very important to maintain a constant level of soil moisture in the place where the cuttings are rooted. If all conditions are met, roots will appear by autumn, and in spring the young bush can be planted in its own place.

Despite the fact that rhododendron is considered one of the most capricious and high-maintenance plants, growing it in your own area is not too difficult. Enough to provide the plant favorable conditions, and it will not be slow to please its owner with a cloud of bright colors.​



Everything about garden rhododendron: planting, care, use in garden design

Literally every flower lover wants to have this attractive, beautifully flowering shrub. Garden rhododendron fascinates with the variety of its species and varieties, as well as its flowers, which are painted in different shades. Let's figure out what requirements for planting and care the garden rhododendron has, and also go over the types and varieties (with photos).

Garden rhododendron: planting and care, photos of popular species and varieties

Rhododendron is a genus of beautiful flowering plants in the Ericaceae family. Some are tropical sissies (indoor azaleas), others can withstand harsh climates well. About 18 species are found in Russia, and we have made a selection of frost-resistant rhododendrons for growing in gardens.

Rhododendron: description of some species

This ornamental crop consists of shrubs or small trees that can be evergreen, deciduous or semi-evergreen. The bare or slightly pubescent branches are covered with harsh and dense leaves.

Enough large flowers, resembling bells, are located one at a time or in inflorescences such as a shield or umbrella. The color of the inflorescences can vary from snow-white and yellow to brownish-purple. Below are frost-resistant types of garden rhododendrons that are used in landscaping and landscaping.

Rhododendron yellow

Deciduous appearance. IN natural conditions it can be seen in the North Caucasus. Cultivated since 1972. The height of this spreading beautiful shrub varies from 2 to 3 meters. Dense elongated leaves, brightly colored green tint, with the onset of autumn they become dark red or orange-red.

Yellow, very fragrant flowers bloom at the tops of shoots in multi-flowered inflorescences such as a corymb or umbrella. Flowering occurs from April to May, when the leaves bloom. It lasts from three to four weeks.

This species has a large number of varieties, the flowers of which are painted in a variety of attractive shades. Hybrids with double inflorescences have also been created.

Yellow rhododendron reproduces both by seeds and by layering. It has its most spectacular appearance during lush spring flowering and in autumn, when the leaves change color.

Rhododendron ponticus

Under natural conditions it grows on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. Beautiful elongated, harsh leaves with a glossy surface are painted in a deep green color. They are located at the ends of the branches of this evergreen shrub in the form of cuffs.

Purple-pink large flowers with spectacular yellow dots can reach almost 5 cm in width. They bloom in corymb-like inflorescences consisting of large quantity flowers. During the flowering period, which lasts almost 4 weeks, you simply cannot take your eyes off this original shrub.

This species reproduces by seeds, cuttings and layering, but most in a simple way Propagation using leaf cuttings is considered.

Rhododendron Ledeboura (maral)

In nature it grows among piles of stones and screes. It can be found in the Sayan Mountains and Altai. The crown of this semi-evergreen shrub (about 2 m in height) is formed by numerous thin branches. Small oval leaves mainly overwinter on shoots.

Attractive pinkish-lilac flowers with open petals (about 5 cm wide) are located almost at the very tops of the branches, one or several pieces together. The annual abundant flowering occurs in the month of May. At this time, the bushes are almost completely covered with flowers.

This fast-growing species of rhododendron tolerates transplantation well when young. It can be easily propagated using seeds.

Caucasian rhododendron

On the territory of our country only high in the Caucasus mountains can this species be found garden rhododendron. On the northern sides of the mountains and on the slopes of the bushes, continuous thickets quite often form. Caucasian rhododendron bushes about one and a half meters high are formed by thin shoots, some of which lie on the ground.

The leathery leaves, colored deep green, have an oblong shape. Creamy-white funnel-shaped flowers with a greenish tint bloom in inflorescences consisting of 5-7 pieces. Towards the end of flowering they acquire a pinkish color.

Rhododendron daurica (Ledum)

Many forms of this species are difficult to distinguish from Rhododendron Ledebourg. It grows in Asia east from Altai to Korea, the Far East and Japan. In Siberia, on crushed stone soils, there are entire thickets spreading in a pink carpet. The shoots are densely branched, directed upward, the bush reaches 0.7-2 m.

The leathery leaves are first green and then turn brown. By autumn they curl and fall off. The corolla of the flower is lilac-pink or white, flower buds are located at the ends of the shoots. Shade-tolerant and super frost-resistant: tolerates frosts down to -45 °C well. Propagated by root suckers and seeds.

Rhododendron acuminate

Under natural conditions it grows in the Far East. The bush, whose height varies from one to three meters, is formed by a large number of branched shoots.

The green oval leaves have a glossy upper surface. Pinkish-lilac flowers (3 to 4 cm wide), resembling a wide bell, are located on the branches one or several pieces. Abundant flowering, lasting almost three weeks, occurs during the period of leaf appearance (April). Sometimes the acuminate rhododendron blooms a second time in August, but this flowering is much weaker than the first.


Of course, the specificity of flowering gives impetus to the development of more and more new forms; many hybrids have been obtained, which in their own way decorative qualities superior to natural species:

rhododendron hybrid Nova Zembla
rhododendron hybrid Roseum Elegans

rhododendron hybrid Libretto
rhododendron hybrid Midnight Mystic

Place and time for planting, soil requirements

The best place for planting rhododendrons are slightly shaded areas located under the crowns of tall trees, where there is no excess moisture and high level groundwater. But it is worth remembering that some varieties and varieties of deciduous rhododendrons are well planted in well-lit areas, but the soil must be moist. A sufficient amount of light allows the plant to show its spectacular blooms in full glory.

But it is advisable to plant evergreen rhododendrons so that they receive some shade during very hot daytime hours. The best neighbors for this shrub are various conifers.

Rhododendrons should not be planted next to tree crops that have a superficial root system. These are the following trees and shrubs:

It is also undesirable to choose a place for planting next to maples and lindens, which quickly entwine the root system of rhododendrons and take all the moisture.

It is also worth noting that rhododendrons grow well along walls facing north. Most often in such places the bushes are protected from strong winds and are not exposed to direct sunlight at noon, but are only illuminated in the morning and afternoon.

The place for planting this ornamental shrub should be protected from powerful air currents, not to mention winds, as they can quickly dry out the leaves of the plants. Evergreen species are especially damaged in winter time.

Soil for rhododendrons

One of the main factors influencing the growth and development of bushes is the composition and acidity of the soil. The optimal pH level is between 4.5 and 5.5 units. Also, the soil should be loose, breathable and sufficiently moist.

The soil pH level can be determined quite accurately by different cultures that grow on it. Plants that are indicators of acidic soils are field mint, horse sorrel, popovnik, willowweed and creeping buttercup. On lands with a neutral and slightly acidic pH, nettles, field bindweed, quinoa and coltsfoot are most often found.

If the soil where the rhododendrons will grow is of unsuitable quality, then it needs to be replaced with a mixture that consists of high-moor peat with sand. Moreover, they take two parts of peat, and only one part of sand.

The following must be added to nutrient-poor soil in the fall: organic fertilizers: rotted manure, straw, fallen pine needles and leaves, sphagnum peat and hay. And next year in spring or summer you can already plant rhododendrons.

Rhododendron: planting and care in open ground

The best time planting is in the spring, before the growing season begins, or when the buds just burst. This period falls in the second half of April – the first ten days of May. Planting can also be done in September, but for this the seedlings must be grown in open ground, thereby preparing them for wintering. If there is an urgent need, rhododendron bushes can be planted at any time, but this should not be done during flowering and immediately after it, since the shoots begin to grow intensively. Container plants can be planted throughout the warm season.

A hole for planting is dug about 40 cm deep, and the length and width should be from 50 to 60 cm. If the soil is very damp, contains a lot of clay or lime, then a drainage layer (about 10 cm) consisting of crushed stone or gravel. Where there is a lot of sand in the ground, a layer of clay is poured at the bottom of the hole to retain moisture.

To fill a hole, a mixture is usually prepared from peat (high peat), sand, and completely decomposed manure (cow). If peat is not at hand, then you can use a combination of heather and turf soil, as well as coarse sand. In this case, take 2 parts of turf soil, 2 parts of heather land, and one part of sand.

When planting, the bush is placed so that the place where the roots begin at the stem is slightly above the surface of the soil, since it will then settle and be at ground level. After planting, make a hole around the plant and water it with plenty of water. It is advisable to mulch the ground near the bush with rotted manure, leaf humus, peat or tree bark.

For planting, container plants are usually chosen at the age of three years. Bushes aged one to two years or 4 years and older are also used. Before planting, rhododendrons are watered. In this case, the plants tolerate transplantation better. If the earthen ball with roots has dried out, then it is placed in water so that it is completely saturated.

If the purchased bushes have flower buds, then before planting most of them must be removed so that unrooted rhododendrons do not spend all their energy and nutrients on flowering. Plants can be replanted at any age, but this work is carried out only in spring or autumn. At the same time, it is worth knowing that large evergreen varieties after transplantation must be protected from strong sunlight for some time.

Rhododendrons in landscape design (photo compositions)

Rhododendrons look amazing when they form groups, especially if they are planted along the edges of the lawn or near houses. They also go great with pools, ponds, and look beautiful near garden decorative fountains. After all, plants are not only moisture-loving, they benefit from humidified air.

Thanks to the variety of species, you can make a magnificent array by combining plants in height:

  • plant the tallest ones in the center, and the lower ones at the edges. This will then create a comprehensive review group;
  • plant tall ones in the background and low ones in the foreground. This will create a composition in the form of a lectern with a one-way view.

Garden rhododendron looks festive against a dark background of conifers. Besides dense crown conifers will protect these sissies from cold, drying winds and the spring sun.

Joint landing rhododendrons with coniferous trees makes it easier to care for - coniferous litter will naturally acidify the soil without our participation. In addition, rhododendrons are constant participants in Japanese-style gardens, as well as beautiful accents on heaths.

According to our experience, for recent years 10 many summer residents are disappointed in this amazing flower– we ran into non-winter-hardy hybrids. But the market is becoming more intelligent, and more and more frost-resistant varieties are appearing. So if you choose a place on your site with good drainage, then feel free to plant a garden rhododendron; planting and caring for it, although it requires maintaining moisture and acidity of the soil, these requirements can be easily dealt with if desired, right?