Update the wardrobe. How to update an old cabinet in your home. Decor of the facade, doors and side walls

After repair work There are often finishing materials left that are a pity to throw away. For example, wallpaper that is sold in large rolls and always remains. How to use them? You can paste them over cabinets, bedside tables, doors, and other furniture.

With this simple action you will immediately kill two birds with one stone, use the remains of the finishing material and decorate old, battered furniture. To carry out such work you do not need any special skills, and we will now tell you how to do this.

A bright accent in a calm kitchen


You've probably heard more than once that wallpaper is used to decorate various items interior How many master classes have you seen on TV from designers of all stripes, because each of them considers it their duty to give a second life to some household item.

This is most often done with high-quality vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, since it is extremely difficult to work with paper options, and you have to work hard to get at least a satisfactory result.

Therefore, if you still have wallpaper, before you get involved in pasting surrounding objects, make sure of the quality of the finishing material.

Our choice of color and texture is also limited, since we work with residual material, but if you want to buy a new roll for these purposes, then proceed from the general design of the room and your taste guidelines.

Decoration kitchen furniture wallpaper

It is quite acceptable to cover the furniture in the room with canvases with the same pattern as on the walls. Such an interior will look quite harmonious and holistic. If you need to use a different type of wallpaper, then do not forget about the overall design concept of the room.

The use of simple design solutions will allow you to make more harmonious interior. For example, if the room is decorated in light colors, then it is best to use dark or bright options. If the walls in the room are covered with wallpaper with ornaments, then in order to avoid overloading the interior, the furniture is covered with plain canvases. It will look very cool interior decoration cabinet, made to match the walls of the room.

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A good option for decorating cabinets, this is an imitation of others finishing materials, wood, brick, leather, stone. Such vinyl wallpapers are often used for decoration different rooms and they, naturally, remain. In addition, such canvases have significant relief and a repeating pattern, which will help hide defects on the surface of the furniture.

Classic wardrobe decoration

In hardware stores you can find special photo wallpapers designed for covering doors and cabinets. Usually these are paper versions that depict non-trivial scenes, less often a banal imitation of a wooden covering.

In fact, the easiest way to cover a wood-effect cabinet is with self-adhesive film, which comes in just these colors. German and Dutch film is more expensive and of better quality, Chinese film is cheaper, but the edges of this film often come off due to the poor quality of the adhesive composition.

Note that self-adhesive wallpaper can be plain or stained glass, if this option suits you, use it.

If you are going to paste kitchen cabinet or a bedside table in the hallway, it is advisable that the wallpaper be moisture resistant for wet cleaning. You need to think about this in advance. Self-adhesive film has moisture-resistant qualities, like most vinyl wallpaper, but the paper is weak.

Use of green and white colors that fit into the interior

If you only have paper scraps, in principle you can use them, but after pasting you will need to apply a layer of varnish on them, which will add gloss and protect the canvas from moisture.

We produce pasting

Collecting the necessary materials

Before you start work, you need to take care of the tools and material. Here's what we'll need:

  • sandpaper (sandpaper), an appropriate attachment for a drill or grinder, to prepare the surface for pasting;
  • in some cases a hair dryer, but not necessarily;
  • measuring instruments - ruler, tape measure, corner;
  • tools for markings and markings - pencil, pen, marker;
  • cutting tool – knife, scissors;
  • primer and wood putty for preparatory work;
  • tools for applying compounds - roller, brush, spatula;
  • rags for smoothing and removing glue;
  • PVA glue.

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Using a grinder to sand surfaces

As you can see, the list is quite impressive. If you don't have some materials, buy them. By the way, if the fittings of your furniture are worn out, then you can change them too. For example, a handle, a new handle for a cabinet will not cost much, but will add color to your newly made wallpapered furniture.

Preparatory work

Before wallpapering furniture, you need to take care of the surface on which you will apply the material. We need to make it suitable for such work, so we will perform the following manipulations:

Typical domestic kitchen cabinet after decoration

  • To make it easier to work with a cabinet or bedside table, you need to disassemble it and remove all the fittings from it.
  • The next step is to sand the decorative surface and remove the entire layer of varnish from it. This can be done using sandpaper, which is very labor-intensive; it will be easier to put the appropriate attachment on a drill, grinder or screwdriver and go over the varnish.

You can also remove the varnish using construction hair dryer. To do this, the surface is heated and the applied composition is scraped off with a spatula. But even in this case, you can’t do without sanding.

  • If your furniture is made of solid wood and has not been treated with anything, then it is recommended to go over it with sandpaper to create some roughness.
  • In the next step, we remove all dust from the skin using a damp cloth. Give the furniture some time to dry.
  • After examining the dried surface for defects, we decide whether it needs to be puttied. If the cracks and grooves are not so large, and the wallpaper for pasting is embossed, you don’t have to do this. If the defects are deep, you will have to level the surface with putty, maybe even in several layers.
  • As you probably already guessed, after the putty has dried, the putty areas need to be treated, leveled common surface. This is also done with sandpaper.
  • Now the surface of the cabinet is almost ready, all that remains is to prime it for better adhesion to the wallpaper.

IN In modern life, nothing stands still. Tastes, preferences, and home interiors change. Therefore, often after completing a renovation, the main question becomes what to do with old furniture, especially cabinets.

You can, of course, purchase a new model of a chic wardrobe that would harmoniously fit into new design rooms, but if the previous version of the design is made of quality material or natural wood Don't rush to throw it away. It is quite possible to give such furniture a chance to new life, for this you just need to be patient and find out how to update old wardrobe with the help of decoration.

Today, there are many ways to update items. This can be painting, painting, decoupage or sticking a film that imitates various materials. Each of the restoration methods will not require large material costs.

Thanks to such modern technologies finishing, the cabinet will take on an original look, and decorating it with an ornament or pattern will allow you to install the structure in any room. It should be noted that anyone can try themselves as an independent designer, choosing the type of design and color scheme to suit their taste.

Advantages of manual design

New furniture is always fashionable, beautiful and prestigious. It can be purchased either ready-made or made to order. But lately, most home owners prefer to pick up paints, brushes and start creating individual masterpieces from old furniture models. And for good reason, as there are many reasons not to throw your outdated cabinets into the landfill.

Do-it-yourself restoration has many advantages, these are:

  • Stylish. The main reason for replacing furniture is its inconsistency with the new style. So, for example, if the room is decorated in a country or Provence direction, then even a newly purchased cabinet will have to be “customized” to suit general view premises. Therefore, thanks to the handmade style, a cabinet in use will be in no way inferior to an expensive new item from the store.

  • Fashionable. Recently, it has become popular not only to be the owner of restored furniture, but also to be able to transform old items with your own hands. Using your creative imagination, you can make a real work of art from unnecessary “junk”.
  • Exclusive. As a rule, all cabinet models are mass-produced, so there are often hundreds of similar analogues in stores. But if you restore the structure yourself, it will be in one copy. In addition, cabinets can be decorated with an original technique in the form of a palette fusion. After styling the furniture in suitable color, the interior of the room is either bright or neutral, it all depends on personal tastes.
  • Economical. You can't buy a new cabinet for free. As for the updated type of design, it will be affordable and economical. For example, to purchase a can of paint, a roll of sandpaper and accessories, you will need some money. In addition, restoration is considered an excellent way to relax.

How and what to decorate with

Over time, all cabinets lose their original appearance and become irrelevant for home design. But don't throw them away right away. It is quite possible to give aesthetics and originality to such outdated models. In order to decorate furniture at home, you just need to be patient and purchase the necessary materials.

IN modern finishing The following types of recovery are distinguished:

  • Painting. This is the most effective and simple solution. It is possible to update the cabinet by painting in various ways, using not only a chic palette, but also many options for applying paint. To transform the cabinet, it is enough to completely cover it with one color or update only certain parts: sides, doors, drawers, handles. Designs painted with ombre look unusual, when dull shades of paint smoothly transform into a rich tone.

For this type of finishing, as a rule, acrylic solutions are used; they do not leave an odor, are easy to mix and wash off.

  • Stickers and stencils. Thanks to a simple set of items, you can create your own beautiful decor without having the ability to be an artist. Complex flower arrangements, geometric shapes will quickly transfer to the surface of the furniture and help it fit into modern design Houses. Decorative elements are applied both to a simply prepared surface and to a pre-painted background. The lines on the cabinets are created using adhesive tape.

  • Wallpaper restoration. Upon completion of the renovation of the house, there is no need to rush to throw away the remains of the wallpaper, as they will become an excellent material for restoring an old cabinet, hiding its many shortcomings. Paper cutouts are applied to a paint-coated surface. They can be placed both on the external parts of the structure and inside on shelves.

To appearance furniture remained unchanged for a long time, finished product It is recommended to additionally coat with clear varnish.

  • Decoupage. Represents unusual look design, in which the pattern on the cabinet smoothly merges with its surface, decoupage of doors with napkins looks especially beautiful. The most suitable for decoration simple napkins with a drawing. In this case, the composition can turn out to be contrasting, clear, or with gaps. This method of decoration is often chosen for a wardrobe and a furniture wall, but if the room has an outdated model of a chest of drawers, then it can also be updated.

When applying napkins, it is important to ensure that folds and bubbles do not form, and upon completion of the work, the furniture is covered with a protective layer of varnish.

  • Textile. To give a second “breath” to the closet, fabric is often used in the finishing process. For lovers of everything stylish and fashionable, designers advise choosing lace decoration. It is worth noting that each type of material will correspond to a specific design style. For example, silk is used for a more sophisticated interior, and linen is useful for Provence. The fabric is glued to the surface of the cabinet using PVA glue.

  • Mosaic. This type of decor looks aesthetically pleasing and bright, suitable for the art deco style. Broken multi-colored glass and ceramics are used as the main materials for restoration; sometimes the cabinet is decorated with a mirror. The particles for the future design are glued to the cabinet with regular glue.

  • Gilding. The furniture is covered with “gold” foil and fixed with varnish.

  • Aging. If the room looks in Provence style, then the furniture should be quite “old”. In design, this is considered a special art direction in which the cabinet gets an antique vintage look. Structures made of wood, painted with a facade using a dry brush, look special. If you want to create more noticeable reliefs on the surface of the cabinet, you can first cover it with acrylic, and then “walk” it with a regular sponge soaked in glaze.

  • Photo restoration. Application of film with photo print.

How to repaint a product correctly

The unpresentable appearance of an old cabinet can be easily corrected by repainting. At the same time, the furniture will not only become “fresh”, but also original. Exactly this type restoration is considered the most popular, as it opens up many ideas that make dreams come true. For the update process to proceed correctly, you must complete the following steps:

  • Preparation. The surface of the wooden cabinet should be well leveled and sanded. This also applies to structures made of chipboard. To do this, apply a thin layer of putty and primer. In this way, all visible defects in the form of chips and cracks will be hidden on the tree. After this, the furniture is carefully sanded.

  • Coloring. Select color and brushes. Often a special spray tool is also used to apply paint. It evenly distributes the color tone under pressure and makes the work neat. It is worth noting that the paint should be applied evenly in several layers, this way the cabinet will get a rich tone and the result of the restoration will last a long time. After the paint has completely dried, it can be additionally opened with a glossy or shiny varnish.

If you want to get a model of an antique cabinet, you can use colored tinting for wood. Before that wooden structure carefully cleaned, puttied and opened with a colored solution.

DIY glass decor at home

In many homes you can find a cabinet with glass doors. It is considered an excellent item for implementing design at home, since glass is a decorative element that can be easily processed.

Today there are two popular ways of finishing it:

  • painting technique liquid glass;
  • decor without the use of paints.

In addition, craftsmen often use a combination of glass and metal, polymer clay, plasticine and other materials. In order to make the glass look unusual, you will need to prepare sea salt, unground coffee beans, glue, and acrylic paints. Coffee beans, as a rule, are glued either in a specific order or randomly. It is preferable to apply the composition to the bottom and top of the glass.

Cabinet doors will also look stylish if you decorate them with sea salt. To do this, coat the outer part of the glass with glue, and then apply salt and wait until it dries completely.

To ensure that such decoration does not lose its attractiveness during operation, it is fixed with liquid glass or transparent varnish.

Glass is decorated in no less original ways using plasticine. Before you start designing, you will need to draw drawing templates and select its color. Then a picture is formed from different shades of plasticine. Such decoration will fit well into the interior of children's rooms; it will help to complement the marine theme, Where sea ​​salt turn into drops of water, plasticine into fish and algae, and shells will serve as the seabed.

As for the broken glass finish, it is considered a real masterpiece and will decorate the doors of any cabinet. Broken pieces of material are glued using special glue.

Before applying the patterns, you will need to prepare glue, broken glass and acrylic paints, and the order of applying the decorative elements is thought out in advance. First of all work surface Cover with a thin layer of glue, fix the decorative pieces and wait until completely dry. Then the resulting ornament can be painted with acrylic paints and varnished.

In any home, the closet occupies a very important place. It is a pity that over time it loses its original appearance: the appearance of cracks and faded paint make it unattractive, it goes out of fashion and looks out of date. We have to think about his future fate.

There are at least two ways out of this situation:

  • buying new furniture;
  • updating an old closet.

With your own hands you can give your wardrobe a new life, turn it into a unique object, while saving significant money.

How to restore?

Any antique cabinet requires a little restoration, which will significantly improve its appearance.

You can restore the wardrobe yourself if you use the advice of experts:

  • A metal brush is used to treat decayed wood, after which the dead tissue is removed.
  • The fine dust formed in this case is washed off under running water.
  • Sometimes in wooden elements There are holes left in the cabinet from nails, some unevenness and cracks. All this must be cleaned with a spatula. It is necessary to apply several thin layers of putty to match the wood. Each layer must dry before applying the next.
  • Then dry on fresh air all layers within 1-2 days. Do not dry wood in the sun.
  • Sometimes found in furniture metal parts, which have become covered with rust over time, such places should be treated with a special solution.
  • The restored surface can then be painted or decorated as you wish.
  • Perfect fit self-adhesive film imitating wood, stone, metal.

How to paint?

A cabinet that has gone out of fashion, but is still quite strong and will last for many years, can simply be repainted. So in a simple way a new design of cabinets, chests of drawers and any other is created old furniture. In this case, we are talking not only about giving freshness to dull surfaces, but also about completely replacing color scheme, which will add originality to the product. Painting is the most common option for updating an old item. Despite its simplicity, it is necessary to approach this process correctly. For a long-lasting result, you must first prepare the furniture walls.

Below is a step-by-step master class.

It will help you to carry out high-quality and competent painting at home:

  • it is important to first clean the surfaces of paint residues: one layer will easily remove the sanding disc; special brushes can handle several layers as an attachment;
  • all walls, doors and other parts must be sanded manually or using a tool;
  • leveling occurs by applying a primer or putty to hide defects that have arisen during many years of use;
  • you need to wait until the leveling layer has completely dried, and after that you can start painting;

  • To apply a layer of paint on all sides, take a brush, roller or sponge; however, it is faster to use a spray gun or spray gun. With this method, the paint is applied under pressure, so the doors, shelves and walls inside the cabinet are well painted;
  • As a rule, several layers of paint are applied. This ensures rich color and good surface preservation. It is better to paint the cabinet with acrylic, alkyd enamel or other high-quality paint;
  • the paint must be allowed to dry completely, after which a layer of varnish can be applied. It makes the cabinet look glossy and shiny. If you prefer a matte surface, you can skip varnishing. However, the use of this coating has protective function, prevents abrasion and gives the tone greater depth. You can use not only glossy, but also matte and silky finishes.


If you decide to keep and decorate an old cabinet with your own hands, you can decorate it in different ways. There are many techniques that are used for decoration.

Decorative plaster

It's pretty difficult option decoration. First, a product covered with old paint must be treated with sandpaper. Using a stencil, it is necessary to apply decorative plaster to the volumetric elements on the cabinet facades. The stencil itself must be removed before the plaster dries. Then the uneven parts are smoothed using a spatula. Ready decorative elements varnished or painted, gilding or antique patina is possible.

Photo printing

A sliding wardrobe or just an old wardrobe can be greatly updated with photographs or photo wallpaper. Any photographs are enlarged using large format printing in a printing house. The surface is decorated with a panel or a collage of photographs, most often these are sliding wardrobes with smooth doors. However, such printing service is expensive, so it is more often used budget option- photo wallpapers that are sold in any repair store. Choose a wide variety of themes - nature, beautiful cities, animals and much more. If you use starch-based glue, you can later change the boring pattern.

Stained glass film

You can decorate an outdated piece of furniture yourself without having any special skills. Very simple on glass door The stained glass film, which is fashionable this season, is glued to the cabinet. This will add presentability to old furniture. In addition to its decorative function, the film protects the glass from impact and scratches. Removing the film is very simple, and this decorative technique looks very impressive, because the imitation is as close as possible to real stained glass.

New fittings

There are no trifles in the decorating process. Every designer knows that 40% of the success of any interior is details and accessories. In this case, you can transform the cabinet beyond recognition by changing all the fittings on it. New pens are important.

It's a pity if you have to throw away the old one, but quality furniture, especially wooden ones. But such products can be updated and used for more than one year. To choose the right decoration method, it is important to take into account the material and degree of wear of the old cabinet.

Natural wood

Earlier wooden furniture they did it very well. Before updating, remove dust with a dry cloth. Then check the fasteners and if they are broken, they need to be repaired or replaced. It would be nice to treat the inside of the cabinet with an antibacterial agent; a more budget-friendly option is simple vinegar. It will destroy the unpleasant odor.

Then the choice of decoration method is made.

  • Toning. First, all surfaces are leveled using wood putty, matched to the color of the cabinet. After the layer has dried, uneven areas are sanded with sandpaper. Treated and even surfaces are treated with a special structuring tinting for wood. Choose a decorative tinting color darker than the original shade of the cabinet. This treatment will completely transform the appearance of the product.
  • Aging. Furniture from natural wood can be “aged”. The antiqued effect of the cabinet surface is achieved as follows: light tone wood can be painted any color dark shade depending on color palette rooms. Then, after the paint has completely dried, you need to rub several fragments with a candle, after which light paint is applied, for example, beige, white, cream. When the second painted layer is rubbed with sandpaper, abrasions will be visible through some light areas. which are darker. When decorating a dark cabinet, make craquelures. To do this, apply craquelure varnish to the surface. After it dries, small cracks form, which are highlighted using dry pigment or oil paint desired shade.

  • Painting. This option involves pre-painting with furniture paint of a light shade. After drying, the cabinet fronts are painted with acrylic paints. If you do not have drawing and painting skills, you can paint the cabinet using a stencil.


If the cabinet is in good condition, for decoration it will be possible to use the same decoration options that are used in the design wooden products excluding tint. A cabinet in poor condition requires replacing the doors.

  • Dark polish. In our country, the iconic model of such a cabinet was extremely common. The decor of this product is very difficult to modernize, since the synthetic dark varnish, previously used for polishing furniture, is almost impossible to remove. Besides this, others decorative materials they don't stick to it. Here you need to make a strong-willed decision and replace all the doors if they are in poor condition. A well-preserved cabinet can be repurposed in one of two ways:

  • Tupovka– toning using a sponge. For application, use golden or copper metallic paint, which even applies to such polishing. The application technique differs in that in certain places the paint layer is filled up and down with a sponge. Then the perimeter of the doors is decorated with glued PVC stucco. In the central part of each door there is a rosette made of stucco, similar to the design of the perimeter.
  • Stencil ornament. To apply such an ornament, gold or copper paint is also used, but in an aerosol bottle. First, a stencil in the form of an ornament is glued to the cabinet door. After that, a base for paint is made using a stencil using an aerosol matte varnish, which acts as a primer. After 5 minutes, apply a tinted aerosol. After waiting five minutes, you can remove the stencil.

Sometimes an original idea to update old things leads to the emergence of a new one. Large quantity Designers recommend various and unexpected techniques. Among them:

  • Lace decor. In itself, lace or lace fabric is unique and does not raise any doubts about its aesthetic value. It is no coincidence that there are always a lot of applications for it in the field of decoration, including furniture. Exclusive design It is not difficult to make furniture with your own hands using it. You will need lace and paint. Apply to the facade in in the right place lace fabric and brush it with paint. Then the lace is removed, and a beautiful lace pattern remains on the facade.

  • Decoupage. Perhaps the most amazing effect is provided by the decoupage technique. The cabinet is decorated with napkins that have a suitable pattern on their surface; they can always be found in any hardware store. The design is cut out, peeled off and then pasted on. special glue for decoupage. The surface with pasted drawings must be coated with furniture varnish. As a rule, it is applied in two layers. This decor looks especially good against a light background. The cabinet, which was originally dark, must first be painted before decorating.

Furniture decor is considered a creative activity that should be done slowly. Many household products look tatty after a long period of use. Many may be damaged. How to update an old cabinet? To do this, you can use one of the proven ideas, which uses improvised means.

Is every cabinet suitable for updating?

Many homes have a variety of cabinets. Over time, they lose their relevance and aesthetic appearance. Please note that the update may not be suitable for every product. For example, when working with MDF and chipboard, it will not be possible to achieve positive results, and updating will take a lot of money.

If the furniture is of good quality, for example, made of natural wood, then improving its appearance will cost less than buying a new one. You can decorate an old cabinet yourself without using the services of specialists. You just need to choose the most suitable method.

Types of decor

How to update an old cabinet? For this purpose they use original ideas And various techniques. Some types of work can be performed without special skills. But there are options for restoring the appearance of furniture, the execution of which requires a little learning.

A cabinet for clothes or dishes can be updated using the following methods:

  • Photo printing or photo wallpaper.
  • Colored stained glass film and vinyl stickers.
  • Frosted glass or mirrors.
  • Vinyl or regular wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster.
  • Updating with fabric.
  • Restoration and painting.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons. But if the work is done correctly, the cabinet will take on an original look, and then there will be no need to buy a new one.

Photo printing or photo wallpaper?

This method is used to decorate wardrobes. Large format printing has long been used in interior design. Specialists use a printer to apply a design to paper or other surface. The disadvantage is that it is expensive. Decorative panels with photo printing on glass are called “skinali”.

How to update an old wardrobe accessible method? To do this, you can choose photo wallpaper. They should be purchased at hardware stores. The price is approximately 300 rubles. The theme of photo wallpaper can be different - landscapes, flowers, animals. For gluing, glue with starch is used, since using it, later it will be possible to eliminate the old pattern by replacing it with a new one.

Application of stained glass film or vinyl sticker

How to update an old cabinet with these products? They are simply glued to the surface to make the product presentable. are now considered fashionable. They can be purchased in specialized stores.

In addition to beautiful decor, the film protects the cabinet from damage. Removing stickers is very easy. The cost of such decoration is relatively small. The self-adhesive backing can be changed frequently as it is easily fixed and removed.

Frosted glass and mirrors

You can update an old cabinet with your own hands using matting. The method is suitable for glass and mirror structures. Industrial matting removes the top layer of the mirror or glass. It may turn out to be a multi-level volumetric product.

You can frost glass or mirrors yourself using a special paste. To work, you need a stencil or a rubber spatula. The stencil should be placed on the surface and the paste should be applied to it with a spatula. Then everything must be left for the period specified in the instructions. If you use a paste with abrasive, you need to rub along the lines for about an hour. Remaining paste is removed with water.

The use of vinyl and regular wallpaper

A cabinet for clothes or dishes can be made new by covering it with wallpaper. This decor option is suitable for old wooden or “Soviet” furniture. Such products will last a very long time. Classic fits great paper wallpaper, since they are easily coated with glue and glued. And they are cheaper than vinyl ones. But simple wallpaper have disadvantages: they are of poor quality, and the design on them is too simple.

Vinyl wallpaper can have a paper or non-woven backing. They are considered heavier than ordinary ones. By the way, vinyl with paper base Glue easier if you use glue with starch. Before gluing wallpaper, the surface must be degreased. This is done with alcohol, gasoline, acetone. Wallpaper should be straightened with a rag so that the paper does not ripple. Then you will get a neat job.

Decorative plaster

This decoration method is called stenciling. Usage decorative plaster and stencil allows you to achieve voluminous original details. They can be repainted in any color and gilded.

At work they use:

  • With a stencil.
  • Decorative plaster.
  • Flat spatula.
  • Masking tape.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Varnish.
  • Sandpaper.

If there is old paint on the surface, then it is processed using sandpaper so that the wooden base becomes visible. If the furniture is not painted, then you need to remove the top layer and clean it of dirt. Cracks must be covered with putty. You should take a stencil made from cardboard that is attached to the door

Then you need to take a flat spatula, apply a solution of decorative plaster to the stencil, filling the recesses. Before the plaster dries, you need to remove the stencil and remove defects with a knife. After drying, the cabinet is treated acrylic paint, which has a protective effect. Then a varnish coating is required.

Fabric update

Using fabric to update a closet looks beautiful. How to remake an old cabinet with its help? Furniture is covered with material. In this way, you can decorate cabinet doors by placing foam rubber or synthetic padding under the material. The fabric is secured on the back with a furniture stapler or liquid nails.

It is advisable to choose the upholstery material in the color of the wallpaper or other interior elements. It is advisable to purchase dense fabrics so that they stretch easily and do not deform over time. This decoration can be changed at any time using another option.

Features of restoration and painting

Restoring an old cabinet is often necessary to improve its appearance. To ensure that the furniture lasts a long time, you should use the following tips when doing this work:

  • In some places the decayed wood is being treated wire brush. This removes dead tissue. Fine dust should be washed off with a stream of water.
  • Before painting, the cabinet is dried, which takes 1-2 days.
  • If there are holes from nails, scratches and other imperfections, the surface is treated with a spatula. All layers must dry thoroughly.
  • If the furniture contains parts with rust, they are treated with a special solution.
  • It is better to choose acrylic for painting. If you use enamel, it is better to purchase alkyd, since it is of the highest quality. It is more convenient to do the work with a roller and sponge, since the paint penetrates deeper this way.
  • The varnish can be matte, glossy and silky. It is better to treat furniture with a spray.

These tips will help you get the job done right. Restoring an old cabinet helps update its appearance. You need to choose a suitable idea, and you can begin to implement it. After this, the furniture will delight you with its original appearance. In addition, successfully updating your furniture yourself will definitely lift your mood and self-esteem. The main thing is to understand that there is nothing complicated in the options proposed above!

Many people face this problem when furniture loses its attractive appearance and ceases to please the eye. Some people prefer to replace the furniture right away, while others try to give old furniture a new life.

Wallpaper can be used to decorate both the entire closet and its individual elements: doors, walls or shelves.

Updating an old cabinet is naturally much cheaper than buying a new one, which is why most people choose this option.

This will become especially economical option, if you can transform the closet with your own hands.

Updating your closet will require a little effort, a little expense and patience, as it is not a very quick process. In order for the old cabinet to serve you for a significant period of time, you need to carefully prepare for its reconstruction and perform all the necessary manipulations. You will also need to carefully inspect the cabinet before remodeling and decide how you want to transform it. In order to , you can choose one of the following types updates:

  • using wallpaper;
  • paints;
  • photographs;
  • fabrics;
  • mirrors

Update with wallpaper

For painting, it is best to use brushes with long and thick bristles - they do not leave streaks.

Updating an old closet with wallpaper is the easiest and most cheap way restoration of such furniture. To do this, you can use any wallpaper that you like or that suits the design of your room. Most often, vinyl or non-woven wallpaper is used, which are highly durable. By using this method you can transform the cabinet completely or in separate parts. Partially wallpapering a closet is considered interesting design solution, which is used by many world designers to create an unusual image or a special accent.

  • glue (preferably PVA);
  • brush or roller for applying glue;
  • wallpaper;
  • construction knife.

If you have no idea how to update an old cabinet using wallpaper and glue, then you can purchase self-adhesive wallpaper, which will make it extremely easy to update your cabinet. To transform, you need to measure the length of the cabinet, cut off the appropriate strips of wallpaper, apply glue to the cabinet panel and carefully apply the wallpaper to the adhesive surface. After this, level the wallpaper and let it dry.

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Finishing with paint

Before gluing photographs, the surface of the cabinet must be thoroughly sanded and painted with light paint.

Repainting furniture is one of the most common ways to transform old furniture. Thus, you can both restore the original appearance of the wall and radically change it. To repaint dark furniture, you must use a primer or first repaint the cabinet white.

To transform furniture using this method, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • furniture putty and primer;
  • paint and varnish;
  • spray gun or spray gun.

The surface of the cabinet is thoroughly rubbed with sandpaper or grinder. Next, you need to putty all the cracks or depressions, and after drying, apply several layers of primer. Then the furniture is coated with paint using a spray gun; using it, the paint will lie very evenly. It is best to apply the paint in several layers at intervals of 4-6 hours. After the paint has completely dried, you need to apply varnish, which will give your furniture shine and hide possible unevenness and errors. After completing this work, the furniture must be left for 24 hours until completely dry.

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Decor photos

You can trim both doors and back wall closet

Recently, photographs have often been used in interiors; large-sized photo wallpapers are also popular. You may be wondering - how is it possible to update an old cabinet with the help of photographs? Very simple. You can take your favorite photographs and contact any printing house where you need short terms will print photos required size. you can make a photo collage using standard size photographs.

To transform furniture using this method, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • sandpaper or grinder;
  • primer;
  • glue;
  • photos;

First you need to clean out the old cabinet. old paint or coatings using sandpaper or a sander. After this, you need to cover the surface with a layer of primer and wait for it to dry completely. Then you need to cover the desired areas or the entire surface with glue and carefully stick the photographs. When the photographs are completely dry, it is necessary to cover the pasted surface with varnish, which will extend the life of the surface and add shine to the photographs.

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Decorating with fabric

A wardrobe with mirrors visually increases the space of the room and makes it brighter.

This option involves covering the cabinet with fabric, creating a soft effect. It's okay if you've never even heard of how to update a closet with fabric before. It's very simple, economical and fast. You can also choose the color and type of fabric according to your personal preferences, following your tastes or color scheme interior Thanks to the simplicity and speed of upgrading your closet using this method, you can change the fabric at any time, thereby transforming your closet again.

To transform furniture using this method, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • textile;
  • padding polyester or thin foam rubber;
  • furniture stapler or liquid nails.

Sintepon or thin foam rubber must be attached to the required surface using liquid nails or a stapler. Next, you need to stretch the fabric along the edges and attach it to the surface using the same stapler or liquid nails. By choosing a dense fabric, you can avoid deformation when fastening it and further use. you can make the fabric in waves or, by placing one piece of fabric on top of another, secure it to the surface. This option will be very unusual, and doors decorated in this way will look more voluminous and interesting.