Wallpaper with monograms and their use in the interior of various rooms. Forging in the interior - the best ideas for original design What is the name of the style with monograms

Stucco molding in the interior dates back to the times Ancient Greece and Rome, and therefore is rightfully considered one of oldest decors. It found wide application in the era of classicism, baroque, and empire style, but was not forgotten later either.

Of course, modern stucco is no longer the same, it has been improved, presented to the consumer with optimal characteristics for affordable price. In stores of various kinds, stucco decor is presented in separate parts that are combined into a single composition. The sculpting process is not similar to the work of ancient architects, but the visual effect is no less naturalistic.

Materials for making stucco molding

Once upon a time, stucco had to be created from cement mortar, lime, plaster or gypsum. Nowadays, special gypsum mixtures are used, as well as ready-made decor made of polyurethane or polystyrene (aka polystyrene foam), which is simply glued to a previously prepared surface and then painted. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Polyurethane stucco

Thanks to its strength and pleasant texture, the material is close to genuine gypsum stucco. In addition, he is not afraid of various temperature conditions, humidity and lungs mechanical damage. Can be painted with absolutely any paint. There are also special kits that allow you to create the effect of antiquity. If it is necessary to cover a curved surface, it is important to select a material with the necessary flexibility; this is usually noted by the manufacturer.

Polystyrene decor

Foam parts are lightweight, flexible, and cheap. Almost every home has polystyrene ceiling skirting boards, which are simple stucco decoration. The main drawback of the products is quality. It is better to use polystyrene in places inaccessible to humans and pets, since dents easily remain on it.

Plaster stucco

One of the most difficult materials to work with, it requires certain skills and experience. Gypsum stucco weighs relatively a lot, and fixing it is not easy. Among the positive qualities, it is worth noting the aesthetic qualities and unlimited design options. In addition to ready-made decors, manufacturers offer gypsum mixtures for creating unique patterns and bas-reliefs.

Types of stucco for interior decoration

A complete picture of stucco is created by connecting many different parts, like a construction set.

There are a huge number of types of decor, let’s look at the main ones:

  • Skirting boards are slats that cover the junction of the floor and walls. It is this detail that is least likely to be molded. Typically, wooden or plastic skirting boards are matched to match flooring;
  • Cornice – Decorative strips of different thicknesses, which are covered by the angle formed by the wall and ceiling;
  • Molding is a strip with a three-dimensional pattern. Used to veil junctions of dissimilar materials, to frame arches, frames, cornices, etc.;
  • A bas-relief is a full-fledged sculptural composition protruding above the plane.
  • Rosette - stucco molding of various shapes, framing the place where the lamp is mounted;
  • Bracket is a supporting element of protruding parts. Can be decorated with various curls;
  • Column is a name that fully reflects the essence of the object. The design element consists of three parts: the base (lower support), the column itself, the crowning part (capital or pilaster);
  • Niche – mounted on the wall, used to install a statue, font, and other items.

In addition to these basic elements, there are a lot of other details: various cutters, corners, pediments, mullions, patterns, curls, individual ornamental details.

In what interior styles is stucco most appropriate?

Full stucco may not be present in all styles. Of course, we are not just talking about ceiling cornices or plinths.

Empire style

The main feature of this style is imperial luxury, which gilded stucco helps to emphasize. The interior design must include massive, heavy mahogany furniture. Typical ornaments include spears, oak branches, arrows, bows, other warlike symbols, eagles, laurel wreaths, female figures based on Pompeian paintings.

Art Deco

A visual reflection of the “turbulent” 20s of the last century. This style also personifies wealth and luxury; in addition to stucco, it is represented by expensive materials, skins of exotic animals, and rich colors. Stucco elements: animals and birds, but the interior should not be overloaded; preference is given to clear lines and simple geometric shapes.


A separate round of development of classicism, which is characterized by solemnity, pomp, visual increase in space by any possible ways. Baroque, among other things, stands out for its abundance of sculptures, twisted columns, numerous mirrors, carpets, and tapestries. The characteristic ornament of the stucco molding will be heavy garlands of fruits and flowers, cartouches, a diamond-shaped mesh with rosettes, and a complex ornament.

The interior ensemble emphasizes festivity and playfulness. Increased attention manifests itself in mythology and erotic scenes. The style is perfect for creating an intimate atmosphere. In everything, there is asymmetry, curvilinearity of contours, various kinds of curls and waves, excess small decor goes from the walls to the ceiling. Venus is often the central deity, surrounded by nymphs, cupids, and satyrs.

Greek style

The embodiment of rationality, simplicity, harmony, perfection. A favorite Greek motif is a circle inscribed in a square. The style is primarily distinguished by the rectangular shape of the room with columns at the corners that support the ceiling beams. White stucco molding, furniture, knitwear, sculptures contrast with the rich color of the walls. The floor is characterized by a marble covering. Stucco molding Greek style: columns, motifs of flowers, fruits, grapes, sculptures, Greek vases.

Expressed by restraint, harmony and straightforwardness of forms. Classic design for all its pomp, it can look more neat than newfangled high-tech. In the stucco molding, clear straight lines, squares, rectangles can be traced, rosettes, flowers, various ornaments, patterns, and repetition of simple motifs are used. Sometimes symbols of love are appropriate: birds, torches, flowers.

Reflects the ancient Roman and ancient Greek traditions of ostentatious luxury. The wealth is emphasized by the spaciousness of the room. The style pays great attention to decor: columns, cornices, ornaments, wall and ceiling paintings. Solid furniture made of dark or light wood is used. Stucco molding can be very diverse: animal elements, flora, naked human bodies, coats of arms, plump babies, plant shoots, fruits, chimeras.


One of the most popular trends, which is characterized by a rejection of symmetry. Thanks to its simplicity, it fits perfectly into the space modern apartments. Reflects the desire for simplicity without sacrificing elegance. Stucco decoration in this case, everything connected with nature is used: plants, shellfish, mushrooms, streams of water, curved wavy lines, languid female faces with long hair, lost in the folds of light clothes.

Stucco molding in a modern interior

Stucco molding in an apartment or house adds to the atmosphere luxurious look, makes it original, but not without grace. The decor allows you to create special visual effects, for example, an infinity ceiling or a deepening wall. Various patterned strips, covering cracks and joints, correct finishing errors and effectively complement the connection line different materials and surfaces. Behind the stucco ceiling skirting boards sometimes hidden lighting is placed.

Ceiling chandeliers are framed with a rosette suitable shape with a pattern. Decorative trims, medallions, garlands allow you to decorate niches, decorate the surfaces of walls, doors, windows, arches or mirrors.

Numerous examples of stucco in the interior are suitable for inspiration, but it is better to select the layout and set of decor individually, taking into account the features of the layout and furniture arrangement.

Stucco molding is a great way to create an imitation of a coffered ceiling, but at the same time cheaper, lighter and more elegant. Openings decorated with plaster stucco will look more interesting. Often modern interiors decorated with bas-reliefs.

A professional artist who works with plaster will help turn any idea into reality and create three-dimensional decorative elements or full panels. With the help of stucco it is easy to emphasize significant elements of the interior. Wall decor with 3D 3D panels is becoming increasingly common.

Many people mistakenly believe that stucco should be white. Meanwhile, at all times it was decorated with gold leaf or painted. Today there are even more options. At the request of the customer, the stucco molding can be painted in absolutely any shade, tinted to resemble wood or marble, gilded, silver plated or with an aging effect.

Without a doubt, stucco molding in apartment design has a lot of advantages. But before decorating the living room, kitchen or bedroom with voluminous decor, you should consider whether it will look harmonious and not look like an alien element. Excess of decoration, tackiness, is more undesirable than lack. Stucco molding will be inappropriate for ceiling heights of less than 3 meters. Also, you should not use it in small rooms, it will feel cluttered and the atmosphere will be overwhelming.

Anyone who has ever renovated a room knows that unusual wall covering techniques play a key role in the design. They are the ones who set the tone for the style, fill the space with the necessary atmosphere and are able to visually change the space. One of extraordinary solutions are wallpapers with monograms: this technique is unique and requires a careful approach to selection and matching with furnishings.

What is it?

Initially, the monogram denoted a special monogram indicating the first capital letters of the first or last name, status and position in society. It was a kind of seal of aristocrats and monarchs, which was applied to coins, family jewels, luxury items and clothing. Outwardly, it represented lace letters framed by a variety of weaves that were personal, family, feminine and masculine. Monograms could be plain or contrasting, made, for example, in the form of a gilded accent and faded design.

If earlier this picture was single, modern wallpaper with this theme are distinguished by a characteristic repetition of the monogram framed in the form of lace curls, leaves, vines, and floral motifs. Today, the monogram is not letters: it resembles stylized flowers of a peculiar shape, similar to a rhombus, an inverted drop, an oval.

The monogram is the main element of the pattern; it determines the size of the lace weaves, their complexity and the filling of the fabric.

Despite its importance in decor, many brands refer to wallpaper as linen monogram wallpaper, which contains lace but does not have the monogram itself.


The choice of wallpaper with monograms is often perplexing: they look beautiful in a roll, but are not always harmonious in the interior of a particular room. This is a design that always catches the eye, even if it is done in muted and neutral shades. The pattern presupposes a strict selection of furniture, its compliance with the status. The decoration is considered royal, so even the materials of the furnishings matter: there cannot be plastic furniture or trendy techniques for combining materials. This is aristocracy expressed in everything.

The design of modern paintings is unique. In addition to the main theme, it may have borders in the form of vertical stripes, decorated with similar curls. Some canvases are made in the form of carved leaves located on twisted stems. Others resemble a plant net in which large flowers have bloomed. Some varieties of the pattern are made in the form of a bud with sepal lace. Some wallpapers to fill the main background have an imitation of an expensive marble surface.

Depending on the size of the print, the departure from the classic monogram, the wallpaper implies lightness or solemnity. However, in any case, they do not combine with colorful curtains or tulle. This is the case when solid color spots are appropriate. The shades of interior items are selected in such a way that they do not merge with the tone of the curtains. You can use the color of the pattern, but it is preferable to decorate the windows with white curtains.

If the color of the paintings is dark, the furniture should be light, the ceiling and lamps should be without a pattern with white shades and a warm temperature of the light flux.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Wallpaper with monograms has a lot of advantages, they are:

  • made from high-quality raw materials using new technologies, therefore they fit perfectly on the surface of the walls, are simple and convenient to paste over work surfaces;
  • have several main varieties, differing in their premium appearance, degree of practicality and durability;
  • they are distinguished by a varied texture, due to which monogram accents can be embossed, highlighted through contrasting pigment, gilding, and embossing;

  • have a rich palette of noble color shades, which allows you to successfully fit the wallpaper into the interior of existing furniture without interrupting the design idea;
  • are part of a line of popular designs through which you can demonstrate well-being and excellent taste;
  • are able to visually play sharp corners furniture, design features rooms, making the interior softer;
  • are an original stylistic solution different techniques design, harmoniously fitting into classic, modern and ethnic styles;

  • due to the pattern, they are practical and do not reveal minor dirt formed during accidental mechanical touches;
  • thanks to the lace pattern, they perfectly mask minor unevenness of the walls, without revealing small tubercles and pits;
  • having different composition of raw materials, complexity of design, additional finishing (glitter, spraying) and impregnation (antibacterial, antimicrobial, antistatic), they differ in different prices, which allows the buyer to find his own option, taking into account taste and budget.

Having a number of advantages, this finish is not without its disadvantages:

  • are canvases with a repeating pattern, which, regardless of the width, has to be combined, which is not always possible due to uneven walls or different tension of the panel;
  • due to the need to combine the print, they need to purchase an additional quantity taking into account the repeat;

  • fill the space with a certain massiveness, therefore they require careful selection of contrast so as not to overload the situation;
  • in most cases they need a softening companion, otherwise they pose certain difficulties in selecting upholstered and cabinet furniture, bed linen textiles, curtains, decorative pillows with print;
  • must take into account the overall size of the print, otherwise they can reduce the space of the room.


Wallpaper with monograms belongs to the line of rolls wall coverings. Canvases come in different widths, but the most popular finishing options are meter-long wallpaper. They are more expensive, but they are easier to glue, reducing the number of joints. Interesting options for this finish include wallpaper:

  • Paper– budget thin and dense varieties, accessible to everyone, often having a smooth surface, simple drawing, occasional spraying. Designed for a maximum of 5 years, divided into single-layer and double-layer, in most cases they reveal all the unevenness of the prepared wall;

  • Vinyl– expensive wallpaper with a premium appearance, made on the basis of vinyl or non-woven fabric, characterized by a porous, smooth, hard and noble embossed texture, which well masks the unevenness of the walls, but over time releases formaldehyde vapor into the air;

  • Non-woven– an alternative to vinyl canvases, more elastic and easy to paste meter-wide canvases, characterized by medium thickness, expensive appearance, breathable and harmless to health, but over time they attract dust to the surface;
  • Textile– models with a paper backing and a woven front side in the form of textile fibers or interlacing threads glued to paper, which look expensive and beautiful, but are capricious when pasted and cannot withstand contact with the adhesive composition on the front side (glued to a glued wall).


Color solutions for wallpaper with monograms are divided into three directions:

  • monochrome tones;
  • natural group;
  • color contrasts.

All groups have a soft contrast: the presence of rough combinations of colors deprives the pattern of tenderness. In the first category, white and gray, gray and beige are often combined.

The natural category combines predominantly beige and brown shades, including sand, mustard and coffee tones. In this case, the pattern can be classic (light background + pattern several tones darker) or reverse (light pattern on a dark background).

The third group is notable for its abundance of vibrant colors. Of course, there are no sharp combinations, but yellow, blue, peach, nude, and turquoise colors are common design techniques.

In addition, each variety necessarily contains wallpaper with gold or silver plating over a dark contrast. This technique makes the drawing voluminous and silky.

The most interesting contrasts in demand among buyers include:

  • nude base and gray, sand, brown, silver monograms;
  • sand background and embossed pattern with additive gray;
  • sand base and beige-brown lace;

  • cream or soft pink tone and sand with dark pink ornament;
  • dark gray canvas with a soft gray and silver pattern;
  • blue background or light turquoise with beige and golden monograms;
  • sand base with silver;
  • background color of cocoa with milk, chocolate with a beige pattern.

The print size can be small, medium-medium or large. As for popularity, light shades are a priority: dark varieties hide the usable area and lighting of the room. Moreover, you need to choose wallpaper taking into account interesting feature: the desired tone for the interior of the room, the illusion of light and temperature are set by the wallpaper pattern. If this is an option with a bleached background and a black base, there is a risk of buying gloomy wallpaper. If you choose a canvas with a coffee background and silk-screen printing, the space will be filled with light.

How to choose?

When choosing wallpaper with monograms, it is important to consider a number of factors, among which it makes sense to pay attention to the examples of experienced designers:

  • Brown monograms on a sandy background go well with a white armchair, a dark sofa and in a light tone flooring;

  • An aristocratic style can be created by combining nude wallpaper with embossing, matching wallpaper with monograms with a striped companion, using a white ceiling, bleached carpet and chocolate furniture;

Interior style is an idea put into the design of all elements of a room, from wallpaper to decor. There are many interesting design trends in which everyone can find something close in spirit. After all, the home environment should give comfort and please the eye.

American style

Wallpaper in this style is usually made in light shades. The pattern, if there is one, does not draw attention to itself, but remains in secondary roles. Such coverings visually expand the space, so they are suitable for small and poorly lit rooms.

Another feature of the American style in wallpaper is the imitation of texture. natural materials, for example, stone or wood. The same materials are used for finishing and making furniture.

English style

The English style is invariably associated with conservatism, restraint and respectability. The interior design combines new decorative items and antique decorations.

The walls are usually covered with wallpaper with a typical pattern: floral motifs, curls and monograms, bright textured colors. Floral patterns are miniature in size. The most popular colors for English wallpaper are small roses and wide stripes.

Art Deco

Art Deco originated in the 20s of the last century and became popular after the Second World War. This style is bright and bold, bordering on bombastic but still maintaining elegance.

Art Deco style wallpaper contains geometric shapes and rhythmic motifs, such as pyramids or hieroglyphs. At the same time, the patterns do not draw attention to themselves. Wallpaper can be light or dark, and the rectilinear shapes of the ornaments make the room very noticeable.

Eastern style

Eastern influences are expressed in the use of dynamic contrasts and traditional patterns. Bright and warm colors, textured surfaces, mosaics and wool rugs are all part of the oriental style.

Wallpaper in oriental style suitable for any room. They often imitate rough surfaces such as stone or plaster. But there are also options with patterns. Damascus and paisley create a unique oriental atmosphere.

Italian style

When you hear about Italy, you imagine the gentle Mediterranean sea and sun-drenched olive groves. These images are reflected in the colors of the wallpaper in Italian style. Typical shades include warm and cool sea tones and earth tones - brown, chocolate, mustard and olive and gold.

The coatings are textured and imitate natural stone or textured plaster. Quite often, classic damasks and monograms are used as ornaments.


Kitsch is a bold and extravagant style that must be handled with care. The main detail The walls become part of the design of the room. Kitsch wallpaper is characterized by bright colors, abstract designs and various geometric shapes. The combinations of shades are contrasting and rich, for example, red abstract patterns on a green background. With such noticeable wallpaper, it is important to choose the right furniture and other decor.

Classic style

The classic style embodies European interior design traditions. It is quite versatile and goes well with other trends.

The elegance of this style is emphasized by traditional wall coverings. The colors of the wallpaper in the classic style are calm and neutral. Although some areas of the room can be decorated with brighter solutions. The use of canvases with patterns is allowed: ornaments, floristry, monograms and paisley fit well into a classic setting.


The loft style appeared relatively recently, but quickly won the hearts of design lovers. Seemingly simple and minimalistic, the loft requires careful selection of furniture, decor and details.

This direction involves a combination of elements of antiquity and modernity. The latest household appliances fit harmoniously into shabby brick walls. Moreover, the more scuffs and textures on the walls or floor, the better.

Patterns, drawings and bright floral motifs are not suitable for loft wallpaper. They are characterized by maximum restraint and imitation of textured surfaces such as plaster, boards, brick or stone.


The main features of minimalism are clear from its name: geometric shapes, a lot of free space and a minimum of furniture. There are only essential items in the room and each of them is strictly in its place.

The walls can be left bare or decorated with a single painting to create a splash of color in the room. Wallpaper in the minimalist style is plain and dim, imitating various surfaces- stone, canvas, plaster.


The Art Nouveau interior style grew out of the decorative arts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. One of the most important elements Art Nouveau is the form. The emphasis is on smooth and rounded lines.

The modern interior is very simple and even minimalist, with a small number of decorative colors. Therefore, wallpaper in the Art Nouveau style is distinguished by calm colors and almost invisible ornaments.


Provence is called French rustic style. Forget about the crazy rhythm of the city, because Provence will take you into the old-fashioned and simple life outside the city. In this style, it is appropriate to use furniture with delicate, carved details, stone or brick floors, baskets and old paintings on the walls.

To create a cozy atmosphere, we select pastel wallpaper warm tones. Floral design, especially the rose pattern, is very popular and is often found on Provence style wallpaper.

French style

The French style is significantly different from Provence, although they have the same homeland. French interior design is characterized by sophistication, whimsy and decorativeness. As an accent, a lot of details made of gold, bronze and gilding are used.

In the setting it is customary to combine modern furniture and lighting with antiques and antiques in the style of French royalty.

In the wallpaper french style no white color. It is better to choose discreet linens in bed colors - blue, silver or lilac. Sometimes floral designs are used to imitate antique chintz.


IN recent years this style has become very popular among those who take care of their health and care environment. Eco-style has also settled in city apartments, creating an atmosphere of nature in them. This direction is a little similar to loft in that it is also customary to combine natural materials(wood, stone, imitation textures) and modern pieces of furniture and equipment.

Natural design loves space, which is why wallpaper in eco-style is light, monochromatic, expanding the space. In addition, the wallpaper pattern copies natural textures.

Don't get hung up on the classics, experiment and combine different directions. Delicate and simple French Provence or decisive and daring kitsch - what will the style of your home be?

Oh, these designers! And where do they get their strange ideas from? unclear words and inexplicable prohibitions! For example, why can’t you put this closet in this living room? And why, pray tell, don’t these wonderful interior doors made of solid alder “fit” into this partition? How do they know what will fit where? And the designers answer resentfully that they studied art for a long time... Let’s not question the academic education of design professionals. But some distinctive features It wouldn’t hurt even an amateur to know the basic interior styles. Just to determine the direction of searching for finishing materials, interior colors, furniture and accessories. And, of course, to shame the designer if he tries to correct you!


Classical - white furniture with gilding, cream-colored walls, crystal, draperies on the windows. From these signs you can immediately determine classic interior. There is another very important feature This style is symmetry. The lamps are only in pairs, the chairs are in twos, the folds on the curtains are symmetrical and identical. Even the paintings on the walls are located strictly opposite each other. This is a must for a classic style. Decoration and curls are present, but very little. And furniture, as already mentioned, for “classic” classics should be white. Wood-colored furniture is a different style. (White doors in classic style)

Empire style- a lot of gilding, decor, crystal, velvet, and again gilding. The furniture is large, the doors are heavy, the columns are thick and curled. And everything - in pairs, as in the classics! It’s just that the Empire style originated from the classical style, but went further in luxury. Everything wooden in the interior is covered with gilding, all fabrics are covered with embroidery. The doors must be double doors - and no glazing! Only a massive facade with decoration and gilding. If you stop in time, the Empire style is quite suitable for life. Although, of course, this interior is designed to impress guests (it was originally intended to be so!).

Baroque- Empire style squared. Gilding everywhere, even on the ceiling. Do you think golden...um...toilet bowls were invented by the “new Russians”? Italians of the 16th century! Three-meter classic interior doors, huge wardrobes, an ocean of draperies. And all in pairs! Of course - a lot of mirrors, but! The mirror surface area is small: the frame made of multi-layered relief gilded stucco molding occupies almost the entire space of the mirror. The furniture legs are bent, the pillows and seats are brocade, the door handles are massive. Curls, columns with curls, curls with columns. And - that's right: gilding!

Russian Baroque- yes, yes, there is such a style. Everything is the same as in “regular” baroque, only the furniture is smaller. And a noticeable feature: dish slides. This is a kind of multi-tiered buffet, where each subsequent tier is smaller than the previous one, like in a mansion.

Vilna Baroque- but this is its Belarusian variety. Its characteristic feature, which even deserves special mention in the history of world architecture, is its “floating” forms. There is so much decor that the outline of the building itself or a piece of furniture behind it is lost, as if “floating”. Another difference is the very bright colors. Green, red, turquoise, snow white. Beautiful, of course...

Rococo- this is exactly the case when the epithets end. A lot of decor is putting it mildly. Very, very, very much decor! Curls wherever possible. The columns are twisted into bent spirals. Mirrors in the shape of a tree. No symmetry. But at the same time - a very restrained, light color scheme and very little gilding. Very comfortable (unlike baroque) furniture. Do you want to buy Belarusian doors with glazing and carvings? And curls.

Eclecticism- a combination of all previous styles in one interior. By the end of the 19th century, it emerged as a challenge to the classics. The furniture and interior decor has a lot of stucco molding, columns, friezes, pilasters, but all the elements are only similar, but do not correspond to the strict canons of style.

Art Deco- a very symmetrical interior of sharp lines. Often combines incompatible things: for example, aluminum furniture with crocodile skin pillows. It emerged at the beginning of the twentieth century as a new version of the outdated baroque luxury. The architecture of “Stalinist” houses has many Art Deco elements: high doors with transoms, restrained stucco, spacious rooms. (Doors in this style can be found in the Premium Doors section)

Modern- a “softened”, smoother version of Art Deco. Floral ornaments, wood carvings, “fluid” lines of furniture. You will find modern interior doors in our catalog.

Hi-tech- everything that is produced under the “new” brand. New synthetic materials, a lot of technology, everything is new and shiny. There is a lot of glass and metal, and communication pipes are not shyly hidden behind the wall cladding, but are put on display as a decorative element. Sliding doors, no pilasters, stucco moldings or curls. Very functional interior, not without its playfulness, however. Sculptures made from recycled materials and transformable furniture are very characteristic of the high-tech style.

Ethnics- everything that bears clear signs of “nationality”. India, China, Mediterranean, Africa, Far North, etc. The Russian “terem-teremok” is also an ethnicity, only for a home in France, for example. Folk crafts, national pieces of furniture - yes, there are such things! A Japanese bed with a firm headrest, or a Mexican hammock, or a Norwegian chest-bed.

Country- “rustic” style. Cheerful chintz curtains, rough furniture with many drawers and doors, natural wood, preferably in natural shades. Glazed doors with glazing beads, patinated to look like “scuffs”.

Rustic- a city dweller's dream. Furniture made from half-meter oak boards, rough textures, natural shades. Stone or high-quality imitations of it, a minimum of glass in the design. Everything is very “natural”, deliberately rough and “uncouth”. In elite salons in Europe, rustic is more expensive than gilded baroque. The soul of a city dweller yearns for nature, you know...

Minimalism- hide everything! Empty space does not mean that there is nothing in the interior. Everything is just hidden, built in, smoothed over and closed. Best door- sliding; best furniture- built-in; best decor- his absence. Steely shades, no curls or flowers. It's harsh, but many people like it.

And one last piece of advice. If you hired an arrogant designer who had the audacity to tell you that you don't understand anything about art, crush him with your intellect. Ask to decorate your interior in the “puuk” style. Just say: “Puuk!” Let him cry.

What is this "puuk"? And the Mayan people had this style at the dawn of time. It doesn’t look anything like that, only masks of the rain god are placed everywhere. The deity is quite ugly, his name was Chuck. "Axe" translated into Russian. Once the designer gets the hint, there will be no more questions.

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To create a cozy and beautiful interior rooms, you need to choose quality material for wall decor, and thanks to wallpaper with monograms, you can highlight and emphasize the intended design, making the room classic and modern at the same time.

That is why the article explains what wallpaper for walls with monograms is, what is their advantage, and how to choose the right material.

Types of coating with patterns

Due to the fact that this type of wall covering goes back many centuries, today you can use a huge variety of patterns and colors, i.e. you have the opportunity to bring any idea to life.

It is necessary to note a certain feature: if before wallpaper with monograms were used only for classical decor, but now the range of applications for coatings with patterns has been expanded.

Many people combine different styles to create their own unique ambiance. color scheme and texture of wallpaper with monograms in the interior for apartment walls.

As part of the article, you should definitely consider the most popular types of possible materials from which wallpaper with monograms can be made.

The composition of the paintings affects their appearance and on the features of application. Most popular on the market finishing works are paper-based monograms, vinyl coverings, fabric surfaces, stretch wallpaper.

Paper-based monograms are probably the most attractively priced wallpaper.

This coating is very popular due to the fact that people have become accustomed to it back in the Soviet era, and sticking paper wallpaper does not cause difficulties: almost anyone can do the work with their own hands, without hiring decorators and professionals.

If we trace the course of history and the development of monogram wallpaper, then we should start with aristocratic times and with the royal court dynasties.

It was there that the tradition of applying patterns on fabrics arose.

A monogram is a drawing that has the following varieties:

  • patterns in Provence style;
  • abstract compositions;
  • oriental motifs;
  • flower drawings.

It is worth noting that fabric covering with a pattern is the most expensive type of wallpaper.

The main layer for vinyl wallpaper There is often a non-woven or paper covering. But it is quite difficult for a person not privy to these subtleties to find the difference between paper base or non-woven.

The first option boasts a more attractive price, and the second – a long service life.

We cannot display this galleryBut the main and distinctive feature Vinyl wallpaper is a gluing method.

Stretch wallpaper is intended for decorating walls. This coating is rarely found in mass sale.

It is produced by specialized companies, whose production is not intended for the general market, but is focused on private individual orders.

The background and options for monograms depend on the customer, i.e. his preferences are fully taken into account. There are no restrictions in combining the color palette.

Among the main and most common colors are the following:

  • dark colors (blue, green, black, silver);
  • light colors (white, gold).

How to choose wallpaper with patterns correctly?

A covering with monograms emphasizes the size (height and width) of the room, but is highly dependent on the lighting.

When choosing a material, you must take this into account: the selected wallpaper can either be a beautiful and successful addition to the design, or spoil the interior of the room.

You should also think in advance about what style the interior of the room will have.

The main advantages of monograms as decoration are:

  • creating a bright accent (any type of wallpaper can cope with this task);
  • the ability to be combined with other types of materials (most often the same type of coating is combined);
  • visual increase in space (due to texture, correctly selected shades, combination of patterns, you can change the perception of the room);
  • creating comfort in the home;
  • beautiful and at the same time discreet design.

Basically, the use of monograms in an apartment or house is used to decorate the living room and bedroom, and very rarely for the kitchen.

Decorating the bedroom and living room

The first option is to use a coating to create a comfortable and stylish background. As a rule, light colors are used for this.

Due to the fact that patterned designs against such a background will look quite bright, you should ensure that the same color or shade is repeated in small or large details of the room’s interior.

A good addition to further visually increase the space of the room will be mirrored and glossy surfaces.

The second style is focusing on details using a monogram. This idea can be brought to life in the area near the bed, for example, by creating a small panel with a catchy pattern.

The living room is the best place to create a festive atmosphere. Therefore, even if you use wallpaper on which monograms are located all over the surface, both you and your guests will not think such a coating is inappropriate or too bright.

Wallpaper with monograms is usually used in the living room near the fireplace. It should be taken into account that large curls on the panel will not be combined with a large amount of decor or furniture near the wall.

Rules for successfully selecting wallpaper with patterns

How to combine wall decoration correctly so as not to overdo it?

Before choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account many subtleties, for example, the design of curtains or drapes, in order to choose a covering in the desired color scheme and with the appropriate ornament, even to the point of thinking about how the chosen canvas for the walls will look in combination with the color of the upholstered furniture .

So, large monograms are suitable for a room where there is not enough bright lighting, and small patterns will hide the height of the ceiling.

Despite the fact that each person has his own preferences, there is a certain table designed to select the optimal color combination coverings with the interior of the room.

A combination of wallpaper with completely different materials in texture, for example, wood, would be quite interesting and extraordinary.

How to glue wallpaper correctly?

Before you start wallpapering, it is best to turn off the power to the apartment and remove all sockets and baseboards so that they do not interfere or slow down the process.

The first thing to do is to prepare the wall for pasting: level it, plaster it (make a screed) and prime it.

After this, you need to draw a guideline on the wall with chalk in order to glue the first sheet of material.

The wallpaper itself from the roll needs to be cut with a small margin (about 3 cm). Then the glue is diluted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging.

The next step is to apply glue to the underside of the wallpaper, or, as an option, you can apply the glue directly to the surface of the wall, but this must be done with extreme caution.

Application is carried out using a roller (medium size) or brush.

First, the glue is applied to the middle of the sheet, and then gradually and evenly distributed over the entire area.

Particular attention should be paid to the edges, because if they are poorly glued, they will soon begin to lag behind, and all the work will be pointless.

It should be noted that if you use liquid wallpaper, then it is applied using a sprayer and only on the wall, and the surface of the canvas should not be touched under any circumstances.

It is better to do the pasting of walls together: one person gets to do the actual pasting, and the second one gets to combine the joints.

After completing the work, you need to smooth the surface with a rubber roller so that unnecessary glue residues come out. Excess glue is removed with a paper napkin or dry rag.

Using wallpaper with monograms will help you realize your designer dreams into reality, and most importantly, you don’t need to spend a lot of money and time on the material and its gluing.