How to make a filter from napkins. A simple homemade filter for water purification. How to make a filter and water cartridge yourself. Floating filter unit

As you know, to everything good man gets used to quickly, so we have long been unable to do without the benefits of civilization. Many city apartment owners install filters to purify water. But summer cottages and many private houses, unfortunately, are often cut off from the possibility of connecting to the central water supply system with its treatment facilities. Of course, you can buy a filter jug ​​to purify drinking water. What if you need to purify water from a well for household needs? What if you don’t have a water filter at hand, and you need to make river water drinkable (for example, on a hike or in the country)? You will have to make a water filter yourself.

How to make a water filter with your own hands to get truly drinkable water

Often water from wells is so contaminated with various impurities that it cannot be used even for laundry and washing dishes without preliminary purification. will help you homemade filter for water. Many note that ready-made filters sold in stores are not very efficient, and the need to constantly replace cartridges makes the device quite expensive to operate. The basis of a homemade water filter is ordinary cotton wool and gauze or charcoal.

Homemade filters for home use

Any home homemade filter for dirty water – only a temporary solution that is applicable only in emergency situations emergency situations. You cannot count on high-quality water purification without the use of professional filter systems, because contaminants that can cause poisoning can be not only mechanical, but also chemical and bacteriological. And water can be considered drinking only after special laboratory tests.

Design of a factory multi-stage filter

To purify water at your dacha, you can make several types of filters with your own hands:

  • Coal flow-through.

Simple design with carbon filling

  • Submersible for technical water: in an aquarium, pond.
  • External flow-through with material for cleaning from mechanical particles.

It is advisable to use homemade systems for rough cleaning, additional purification of water from a well, elimination of foreign tastes and odors caused by bacteria and algae, and purification of collected rainwater.

Different options for a simple filter made from plastic containers

The best absorbent for a homemade filter is regular activated carbon. In addition to purifying impurities, such a filler can purify a small amount of water from most toxins and waste products of microorganisms

Design homemade device for water purification

Make a simple charcoalcan be in a container with a perforated lid or in a piece of regular water pipe. Craftsmen use disposable syringes and food-grade plastic containers with sealed lids as housings for the aquarium filter.

Selection of filter materials

The quality of the purified liquid and its mineral composition. If you plan to use, assembled with your own hands , regularly, take care of making a structure the volume of which will be sufficient for laying several layers:

  • Woven material - base and barrier for small particles and sand. A bandage folded in several layers, a synthetic filler - synthetic padding polyester, or pharmaceutical cotton wool - will do. Main disadvantage natural fibers - susceptible to rotting, rapid contamination, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Instead of fabric, you should use ready-made filters for coffee and tea, or buy synthetic non-woven lutrasil - a material that is not subject to rotting and does not lose its properties when exposed to a humid environment.

A plastic bottle can also become a housing for a factory cartridge

  • Quartz sand is used to eliminate small particles and absorb heavy metals.
  • The gravel backfill also acts as a mechanical cleaner.

  • Activated carbon is a powerful natural absorbent that can remove rotting products from liquids, eliminate unpleasant musty odors, and restore transparency to water. It is important to choose the right material: unburned or overcooked coal loses its properties. It filters finished granular material better.

Granulate for water purification

  • Zeolite is an irreplaceable material if you plan to use water for drinking and cooking. The mineral will cope with most chemical contaminants: excess iron, nitrates, pesticides.

Materials for making the structure

Before starting assemblyDIY water filteryou need to choose a design. For the most simple device, operating on the principle of connected vessels, you will need:

  • Several plastic bottles with lids (instead of bottles, food containers with plastic lids are suitable - they are more environmentally friendly, and the walls of the containers are much stronger).
  • Screwdriver, awl, stationery knife.
  • Filter fillers.

The following will be useful in assembling the tubular filter:

  • Two pieces of pipe. It is advisable to choose a water pipe made of PVC or plastic.
  • Threaded plastic bottle caps of suitable diameter - 3 pieces.
  • Polymer waterproof glue, adhesive tape.
  • One plastic bottle.
  • Polymer fine mesh.
  • Activated carbon.

Filter assembly

First of all you need to prepare the suspensionhomemade water filter. To do this, just cut stationery knife bottom of the bottle. Punch two holes in the side walls at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm below the cut edge.

Homemade water filter

It is necessary to make holes in the lid for the outflow of filtered water. There are two ways: make one hole with a diameter of up to 10 mm, or drill several small ones.

The perforated cap is screwed onto the neck. Start backfilling. Place fabric (bandage, gauze, durable coffee filter bag or lutrasil) on the bottom and walls. It is advisable to sew a sleeve along the inner diameter of the bottle, slightly exceeding the total length of the filter - it will be easier to pour out the used filler.

A layer of granulated or crushed coal is poured onto the fabric base. Quartz or clean river sand is poured on top.

Homemade filter

Gravel is laid on the sand layer. It is advisable to alternate several sand and gravel layers. Total quantity filling should not exceed 2/3 of the bottle volume.

Quartz sand filter

The top of the cut edge is covered with a layer of fabric to prevent large particles from getting inside the body. You can secure the fabric with regular thread or elastic band or rubber band.

The finished filter is installed suspended above the container for clean water, pour in dirty water and wait for the purified liquid to flow through all layers.

Ready filter

You can install a homemade filter system without suspension in a wide container

The disadvantage of such a system is low performance. You must wait to fill the housing with a new portion of water.

Tubular filter for water in the country

Much more convenient to usehomemade filterfrom a water pipe. Finished product resembles a regular pipe connecting two tanks mounted on different levels. From the upper tank, dirty water flows through the filter into the purified water tank.

Materials for production

The pipe section must be cut into two pieces in a ratio of 1:4. The short section will be used as a primary coarse filter, the long section as a carbon filter.

Cover installed in the pipe

In the caps of plastic bottles you need to drill holes in a circle and in the center. You need to install a cover in a short pipe so that the edges of the cover and the pipe coincide along the internal cut. Place a piece of mesh on top of the lid and fill the inner cavity of the pipe with padding polyester or cotton wool.

Pipe cavity filled with cotton wool

The upper part should similarly be closed with a lid with a mesh. The primary filter is ready.

Primary filter

A threaded neck will have to be sealed into a long piece of pipe. After adjustment, it is necessary to carefully coat the plastic with glue and secure the connection with several layers of adhesive tape.

Pipe with neck

Bottom part the pipes are equipped with a lid with a mesh, just like a short section. A sufficient amount of filter material is poured through the neck. You can alternate layers.

Ready filter

Both filters are connected and installed on containers (bottles)

How to clean aquarium water for free: internal filter

With your own hands can be done easily and filter for water in a small aquarium. To make a body, you need a hollow tube with a diameter of up to 30 mm. Can be used:

  • Disposable syringes – 2 pieces, 10 ml each.
  • Flexible corrugated hose.
  • Pipe of suitable diameter.

In addition to the tubes, you will need a sprayer with a flexible tube and a thick sponge. A regular suction cup will also come in handy to secure the filter in the container.

The syringes need to be soldered together so that they turn into a tube, and the noses must be cut off. You need to make holes along the entire length with a regular table fork. A sprayer with a thin hose is placed inside the tube.

Tube with installed sprayer

Wrap it in a circle with a sponge and check. If the design is correct, then the power of such a filter is sufficient to purify water in a small aquarium for fry.

Device in the aquarium

You can add zeolite inside the body - mechanical cleaning will be more thorough, and the mineral will completely remove nitrites from the water.

Do-it-yourself filter for purifying pool water

If you have a swimming pool in the courtyard of a private house or in your country house, you have probably already encountered the problem of purifying the water in it. To solve this issue without spending enormous amounts of money, you can make a filter yourself.

Surface dirt (such as leaves that have fallen into the pool) can be removed mechanically(simply put, catch with a net). If you didn’t have time to do this, or soluble contaminants got into the water, everything goes into the water column. And it contains a lot of microorganisms and protozoan algae. If the water warms up well and receives enough light, it will “bloom” very quickly - it will turn green. As the temperature drops or when the substances beneficial to the algae run out, the algae sink to the bottom. This is how bottom pollution is formed. Insoluble debris that is heavier than water (sand, dust) can also get here.

The problem of purifying pool water cannot be solved by adding chemicals. After all, different cleaning methods are used against each type of pollution. If surface contamination is removed with a net, then bottom contamination is removed using a special water “vacuum cleaner”. Contaminants found in the water column can only be removed by filtration.

To remove contaminants in the water column, it is pumped through special filters using pumps, setting up a water intake in one place in the pool. After pumping through the filter elements, the water is returned to the pool. If the pool is located indoors (for example, in a sauna) and is used all year round, you can buy a ready-made filter unit, which costs about 2,000 rubles. But if we are talking about an inflatable pool that sits in the yard only 2-3 months a year, it is not economically profitable to buy a filter. People solve the problem in different ways. Some change the water often, others calmly look at the green water, and others think about how to make a water filter with their own hands.

You can make a sand filter for your pool. What it looks like is clearly shown in the figure.

The simplest sand filter is an effective device for water purification

Floating filter unit

It is made from a replaceable water purification cartridge with an internal diameter of 50 mm. You will also need 2 m of polypropylene pipe and one corner (turn) for it. The diameter of the pipe and bend is 50 mm; such pipes are used in sewerage. The pipe may be shorter if you have a small pool. You will also need a small piece of threaded rod - M10 or longer. By the way, several cartridges can be attached to a long pin, which will significantly increase the power of the floating filter unit if it is connected to good pump.

First, drill a hole for a pin in the filter plug and pipe turn. Pass it through the turn and filter, secure with a nut. Attach an aquarium pump to the other side of the pipe (capacity - 2000 l/hour, power - 20 W). It is quite suitable for a small pool.

Place pieces of thick polystyrene foam (foam) onto the ends of the pipe to ensure the filter floats. The pump sucks in water from a depth of half a meter, the water is pumped through a pipe and enters the cartridge, where it is immediately cleaned and discharged back into the pool.

It may seem to you that such a homemade filter has low performance, but if you take the time to design and run it, you will soon notice that the quality of the water in the pool has improved significantly. The advantage of the design is that it does not require hoses or other connection systems to the water intake and outlet of water from the pool.

The cartridge can be washed. It's very easy to remove. But to prevent dirty water from the filter from getting back into the pool, before removing it, you need to place a plastic bucket under the filter, which is removed along with the filter when it is removed. Dirty water needs to be poured out and the filter washed.

The cost of such a homemade filter for purifying pool water is several times less than a ready-made one, and manufacturing and installation will take no more than an hour. Aquarium pumps can be bought in pet stores, pipes in the plumbing departments, filter cartridges in any supermarket. You can also use your imagination in the design of such a filter, because a plastic pipe with foam at the ends does not add beauty to your pool. If you decorate it in the form of a boat, an island or anything else that you have enough imagination for, the view will be much more attractive.

How to make a simple water filter: video instructions

Purchased or homemade: which filter is better?

None of the homemade water filters is capable of completely purifying water from all types of contaminants, especially microorganisms and viruses. Microscopic particles are simply not captured even by the finest mesh. Another drawback homemade designs– there is no possibility of regulating mineralization. The water obtained after purification must be boiled.

The water must be tested in the laboratory not only for compliance with standards, but also to determine the qualitative and quantitative mineral composition. Only after receiving the results can you choose the right filter, and often a whole cascade with different fillers that will make the water not only safe, but also healthy.

Not everyone has water in their well or well at their dacha that is suitable for drinking “immediately”, from a bucket or tap. And even if it is clean, then on the way to the place of “distribution” there are many places where it can become contaminated, chemically and bacteriologically. These are old pipes, storage tanks, and receivers... Once they get there, bacteria and microbes feel great. In general, it is advisable to filter the water that is taken inside in any case, and preferably immediately before use.

If the water in the water supply is under pressure, at least slightly, it is best to install an additional tap, especially for drinking water, and install a stationary filter with a large cartridge (usually a cartridge with activated carbon) into the system. For washing dishes and other technical purposes, they use a regular tap, and the water used for cooking is poured from an additional drinking water tap.

It’s worse for those who don’t have running water in their house or if it’s a summer house. Then, with the onset of persistent frosts and cold weather, a problem with water supply arises. Water pipelines in gardening societies drain water in the literal sense of the word. During this period, summer residents usually begin to bring it with them in large plastic bottles and canisters. Water is “extracted” at home, in stores, at water pumps in populated areas on the way to the dacha, and its reserves are created. But long-term storage open water does not contribute to its refreshment, so the problem of filtration remains. And there is practically only one way out - filter it in “desktop” pitcher-type filters with a built-in cartridge (again, with activated carbon).

Jug-type drinking water filters are quite inexpensive, relatively convenient and popular. But they have some disadvantages. Firstly, they have a small capacity, 2-3 liters at most. And this is just the daily water consumption rate for one person. A family of 3-5 people will not be very happy with such a filter (in a single copy). Secondly, it is quite inconvenient to use. Since it is designed as a container above a container, separated by a filter cartridge, if we pour water into the upper container, we will have to wait until almost all of it is filtered down. Otherwise, it is impossible to tilt the jug and drain clean water. Thirdly, by purchasing such a filter jug, you become “tied” to a certain type of cartridge. There are no universal cartridges; each manufacturer is interested in getting you hooked on its own “needle”. And fourthly, the resource of such a cartridge is very short, and they need to be changed more often. And they are not cheap...

I had a similar problem, so I decided to make a homemade filter for drinking water. Since my water supply is still summer and the water from the water tank had to be drained.

A homemade water filter had to be free from the disadvantages described above, so I decided to make the filter as follows. Served as a receiving container plastic canister(made of food grade polyethylene) with a capacity of 20 liters. Almost at the very bottom, I used hot glue to glue a small collapsible faucet, which I took from packaged wine. (Well, you probably know, table wine is sold in 3-liter bags. There is a special faucet in the bag. Press it - it flows, release it - it closes). As an initial container, I took a “standard” plastic 10-liter bottle of bottled drinking water. I just cut a filler hole in its bottom. And the neck of the bottle miraculously almost coincided in diameter with the neck of the canister. It fits in so tightly that there is no need to fix it with anything. It remained to resolve the issue with the filter element.

Generally speaking, you can install a standard filter element for a filter that cuts into the water supply. It can be installed inside the top bottle, since it will not fit into the neck of the canister. And you can press it to the neck of the bottle using a pair of washers and a threaded rod. The bottom washer must be perforated (you will need to drill several holes in it). I had already decided to do just that, but then a segment caught my eye polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 40 mm. And.. Oh, miracle! This pipe also fit perfectly, with a slight interference, to the inner diameter of the neck of the bottle! And I decided to make a homemade filter cartridge. It won’t work, I thought, I’ll install an industrial one...

In the homemade cartridge, the most confusing part was the bottom... I managed to pick up a plastic bottle from some kind of medicine. I drilled several holes in the bottom of the bottle and stuffed the bottle with several non-woven napkins. Then he pulled it onto the tube. To be safe and clear my conscience, I also dropped a little hot glue. A pipe (30 centimeters) filled with crushed charcoal. This one is sold in bags labeled “Grill Charcoal.” Industrial cartridges use carbon from coconut shells. I don't think it's much better than ours. It’s just that in this way the poor “coconut” republics somehow utilize the shells of coconuts for their benefit, after they have peeled all the copra from them for mattresses, the pulp for “bounties”, and from coconut milk catch up with the Malibu rum. Well, in any case, there have never been coconuts in our forests, and when my stomach was swollen as a child, my grandmother gave me a piece of “native” birch charcoal and it always helped...

To prevent the coal from floating out of the cartridge, I also pushed several crumpled non-woven napkins from the other end of the tube and fixed them with a few drops of hot-melt adhesive. In general, the cartridge was made. All that remains is to insert it into the neck of the bottle and place it on the canister. This is how the filter for drinking water turned out.

Having poured the first batch of water (5 liters) into a bottle, I immediately poured the result into the sink. No, not because it “didn’t work out.” This is simply a standard operation for “running in” the carbon filter itself. Tiny (microscopic) pieces of coal are washed out of it. In principle, they are completely harmless to humans and this operation can be skipped.

The filter productivity turned out to be approximately 2-3 liters per hour. But the most convenient thing is that you fill a full bottle of water from a well in the evening, and in the morning you get ready-made, clean water. And you can fill in the next large portion. You can disassemble the water “when it is necessary”, and not when it is strained. Thus, the house always has a sufficient supply of clean drinking water of 10-15 liters. Not much and not little. It does not stagnate and in quantities sufficient for reasonable consumption. And the cartridge is almost “free”. A 10 kg bag of coal costs only 300 rubles. Enough for many years.

High-quality water in modern conditions, especially drinking water, is a very rare occurrence. If several decades ago there were still clean springs and wells, now they are very rare even in rural areas. Agricultural companies pollute the soil no less than industry and herbicides. Mineral fertilizers inevitably penetrate into the sources. Water filtration has become a necessity.

Jug-type installations have become frequent guests in kitchens in the city and in the country. They are effective for small volumes of liquid. But if you need to clean tens or hundreds of liters, similar devices unsuitable. When there is a well, borehole, or swimming pool on the property, water filters are necessary. You can buy ones designed for these purposes, but those made by yourself are always cheaper.

Design features of industrial and home-made installations

Purified from harmful chemical and bacteriological impurities, life-giving moisture is considered accessible to people only after filtration. In cities, due to the wear and tear of communications, it reaches consumers with rust, lime deposits and other additives. In such conditions, even an aquarium needs to purify the water, otherwise the fish will not survive.

If the house is connected to the water supply, the owners use washing machines, dishwashers, which react even more sensitively to water quality. Manufacturers equip their products with mesh filters, which provide rough cleaning, but allow small particles up to 5 microns to pass through. For many household devices this is harmful, they need additional fine filtration.

Simple household filters for the home

Industrial units are produced separately for cold and hot water, it is unacceptable to use them for other purposes. In addition, a pressure regulator is required if pressure drops are observed in the pipes. All such installations have one or more cartridges plus a settling tank in the form of a flask or glass. The quality of water depends on the material used and the cell sizes of the working elements.

All of them require periodic replacement, because harmful impurities accumulate. The cost, depending on the design, is sometimes very impressive. A DIY water filter allows you to get rid of unnecessary financial expenses, and the quality of cleaning can exceed some industrial designs.

A simple homemade device

The dacha of an ordinary citizen often does not have centralized water supply, therefore, all kinds of sources are used: wells, boreholes and even ponds. In modern conditions, none of them can guarantee the quality of vital moisture. Even in areas remote from industrial centers, there is a danger of bacteriological contamination of water. Any filter, including a homemade one, will eliminate the risk of poisoning human body.

The main condition for high-quality cleaning is filter filler

The working container is selected so that all the necessary filling fits into it. A variety of components are used for absorption: artificial and natural. The latter have higher filtration capabilities. These include:

  • sand from a river or quarry;
  • gravel;
  • zeolite;
  • activated carbon.

For initial rough cleaning, cotton fabric materials or even paper are usually used. By hygienic requirements they are very impractical: they are constantly in a humid environment, subject to rotting, and bad smell. The very structure of such filters contributes to almost instant contamination, which requires frequent replacement.

The best material for filtration is activated carbon

In this regard, artificial materials have best performance. One of the most preferred is lutrasil. It is not afraid of moisture, dirt accumulates to a lesser extent than on cotton. Of the other fabric filters, the synthetic one used in coffee machines is the cheapest.

Of the natural minerals that cost pennies, quartz sand, purified from clay and dirt, deserves attention. It perfectly captures small particles and heavy chemical compounds. Gravel is inferior in this regard - it copes better with large inclusions.

Zeolite is also a mineral, but has a disproportionately greater filtration effect. It cuts off metal and salt impurities - everything that comes into the water from the agricultural industry: pesticides, herbicides, mineral fertilizers.

Zeolite used in homemade structures

Activated carbon has found the most widespread use in homemade devices. It retains mineral formations and toxic substances with equal quality. Another advantage is that water becomes transparent after passing through it, eliminating unpleasant odors, microorganisms.

Such filtration material is available to consumers. Both a special one and one intended for picnics, as well as one made with one’s own hands, are used. Crucial has a structure for cleaning quality. If the absorbent looks like a powder, it will go away with water, and a coarse one will not provide good cleaning.

Cooking charcoal yourself is not particularly difficult. Wood of any species is used, except coniferous. Best qualities Birch has. Firewood is loaded into a metal container, which is placed on the fire, ideally in a stove. When they are red hot, stop heating and allow to cool. If you overdo it, valuable filtration properties are lost.

Water preparation devices for food

You can clean dirty liquid at home with homemade filters. The resulting product does not always satisfy all requirements. Only the use of high-quality elements allows you to achieve the expected results. They retain mechanical, chemical and bacteriological impurities.

At the dacha they use several types of homemade filters:

  • flow-through coal;
  • submersible for technical water in an aquarium, swimming pool;
  • external, allowing you to get rid of mechanical contamination.

A homemade system is used when it is necessary to coarsely filter water from a well, well, or rainwater. Fine cleaning is used to eliminate odors caused by the presence of bacteria.

Simple filters for home made from plastic containers

There is no better absorbent for a homemade device than activated carbon. It does not allow mechanical impurities to pass through, as well as many toxins and bacteriological harmful substances. For production, dishes with a sealed lid and plastic pipes are used. For a small aquarium, disposable syringes are suitable.

The main thing is that the volume allows you to accommodate required quantity filter material in several layers. The manufacturing process of the simplest device occurs in the following sequence:

  1. 1. Take a plastic bottle or other similar container, in which the bottom is cut off. Below, at a distance of about 2 cm, 2 holes are made with an awl.
  2. 2. One 10mm hole is also drilled into the lid. Alternatively, many small ones are pierced.
  3. 3. Screw onto the bottle and begin laying the cleaning material. Natural fabric or ready-made filters, lutrasil, are used on the bottom and walls.
  4. 4. Next comes activated carbon. On top there is clean sand, then gravel, which alternate in several layers. The total volume should not exceed 2/3 of the container's capacity.
  5. 5. Cover everything with a cloth that will not allow large particles to pass through. They hang it up and fill it with water, wait for it to be cleaned and poured into a clean container.

The system has a disadvantage: filtering takes a long time.

It is more convenient to use 2 pieces of pipe, one of which is 4 times longer than the other. The short one is used for rough cleaning. Install the lid tightly plastic container, in which a hole is made. A mesh is placed on it and the space is filled with pharmaceutical cotton wool or padding polyester. On the other side, the pipe is also covered with a lid and mesh.

One end of the long piece, which serves as a fine filter, is prepared in the same way: a tight lid with a mesh. On the other side is the neck of a plastic container. The filter material is filled in, each layer in turn. Both parts of the structure are connected.

It’s also easy to do water purification for your home aquarium yourself. Requires 2 disposable 10 ml syringes with cut off tips. They are connected to each other, holes are made along the entire length. A tube with a spray at the end is placed inside, and if you add zeolite, the quality of the water will increase - nitrites will be removed. The outside of the device is wrapped with a sponge.

Pool water purification

Do-it-yourself sand filters allow you to filter a fairly large tank. They are simple to set up, and their cost is half that of store-bought ones. The structure consists of the following parts:

  • container with a wide neck;
  • pipes for water supply and intake;
  • quartz or glass sand as a filter.

It requires a plastic reservoir, usually a barrel, at the bottom of which there is a fine mesh with cells smaller than sand. Its fraction is from 0.4 to 0.8 mm. The first one changes after 2 or 3 years. The second one will last 5 years, but its cost is higher. A multilayer filler is also used when the filter elements alternate from larger size to less or gravel is included.

Dirty water is supplied into a sealed container from above, suspended mineral and organic particles remain in the filter, and clean water enters the pool from below. To operate the device, a pump with a power of 150–300 W is required, which is usually installed in front of the tank. Then he pushes the liquid out. If you place a pump after a container, a vacuum is created in it and water is sucked in. Fundamental difference in both schemes it is not, the procedure is ensured in any case.

For the first option, you need a container with reliable tightness that will withstand the pressure created in it. An expansion tank with a membrane is often used. This is removed and the inside of the body is painted to protect the iron from rust.

Use for such purposes plastic barrel a volume of at least 60 liters is also possible. But not every container of this type can withstand pressure: the lid often breaks off or the sides split apart at the joints. In this case, it is advisable to use a pump connection diagram after the filter. The lid is additionally sealed to prevent the slightest air leakage. The master class will show you the details in more detail.

To allow water to flow in and out, fittings are cut into the housing and the connection points are carefully sealed. A coarse filter is installed at the feed: an inexpensive cartridge or bottle neck with a mesh. On back side Filter container is mounted with a plastic pipe with holes, tightened non-woven material, through which even fine sand does not penetrate, and clean water flows into the pool.

If a pressure circuit is implemented, be sure to install a pressure gauge on the fitting in the tank lid or between the pump and the filter. It is more reliable to use a manifold that has a pressure sensor, air outlet and safety valves. If the suction principle is used, a tap is cut into the lid. When the system becomes airy, just open it and bleed the air.

A filter with top water intake is placed below the level of the pool mirror. Taps are installed on both pipes to regulate the operation. The discharge and collection sites are located as far away as possible. Before turning on the pump, the tank is filled with liquid manually.

A filter for purifying contaminated water is one of the best technical solutions both for autonomous and public water supply. The situation with the city pipeline, in which old pipes have been in use for years, seems especially critical.

No matter what preliminary cleaning and disinfection water utilities carry out, it is still not possible to achieve absolute purity of water. The reason for this is the mentioned wear and tear of communications. Rust, particles of sealants, lime deposits - all these are constant companions of public water supply. However, you should not put up with them.

Installing filters in the apartment will completely relieve the owners from problems with life-giving moisture supplied to their homes.

In addition to filtering drinking water for its benefits to human health, the safety of plumbing equipment, which often costs a lot of money, is also important. No faucet can withstand sand or rust getting inside the structure for long - gaskets and seals will very quickly fail. It is even more sensitive when connected to a water supply. The ingress of salts or metal impurities is critical for it.

To filter out coarse mechanical contaminants, special pre-filters are installed, equipped with mesh working elements made of metal. But they cannot make the water completely purified. Therefore, experts recommend installing fine filters of the main or flow type.

A high-quality thin filter retains foreign elements up to 5 microns in size. Most household and sanitary equipment require such cleaning, for example:

  • hydromassage boxes;
  • jacuzzi;
  • boilers;
  • expensive faucets;
  • dishwashers and washing machines.

Moreover, manufacturers produce separate types of filters for cold and hot water. It is prohibited to install a filter intended for hot water on a drinking tap. And vice versa, connect a “cold” filter to a shower stall or boiler.

In addition, thin filters are extremely sensitive to pressure changes in pipes and require a built-in or additional pressure regulator.

They are divided into several main types:

  • With a fine mesh metal mesh - simple, quite effective and inexpensive devices. The filter elements are made of stainless steel. Some models feature silver anodizing. This filter has bactericidal properties.
  • Purifying filters using sorption substances - manufacturers often equip such filters with cartridges or activated carbon backfill, which attracts some chemical and organic impurities at the molecular level. In addition, coal destroys foreign odors.
  • With membranes, these are the most effective filters that are sensitive to constant pressure (they require the installation of a pump and a reservoir for purified water). A classic example is systems reverse osmosis.
  • Ion exchange models with resin filter elements operate on the principle of hydrolysis, attracting oppositely charged impurity particles. The main task of such a filter is to reduce the hardness of water and purify it from metal salts.
  • With fabric filtration - inexpensive and high-quality devices that are in high demand among buyers. The working elements are made of several layers of fabric and require regular replacement.
  • With mineral fillings. Most often, manufacturers use shungite or zeolite. These are universal filters that cope equally well with any type of impurity, including mechanical ones.


All fine filters have several filter elements in the form of cartridges and are equipped with a waste sump (flask or glass). The dimensions of the device depend on the model. Main-line filters are compact in size, while multi-stage flow-type filters are quite large products with several settling tanks and a reserve tank for clean water.

The quality of filtered water largely depends on the reagent used and the size of the cells. According to the design of fine cleaning devices there are:

  • main lines;
  • stationary flow type;
  • flow-through mobile type in the form, for example, of a nozzle.

The attachments are cheaper, but they are not very convenient to use. Stationary models differ at a high price, performance and long service life.

Homemade and serial samples

If desired, you can make the filter yourself. Such devices have a number of advantages, these are:

  • low cost and ease of manufacture;
  • quite high efficiency and productivity.

But it should also be taken into account that no artisanal sample can compare in technical specifications With industrial models, different increased sentence service and reliability.

The disadvantages of homemade filters include:

  • the complexity of the manufacturing process;
  • short service life of filter elements;
  • fragility of the product.

Many people are primarily attracted by the budget cost of a home filter. Often it is made from scrap materials, which is economically beneficial for the family budget. But whether it is worth risking the quality and long-term operation of such an important water supply unit is up to each owner to decide for himself.

How to make

It should be noted that craftsmen have developed several types of homemade filters. Some take a long time to manufacture, others are built in a matter of minutes.

The simplest device is assembled from a five-liter plastic bottle and a plastic bucket. Medical cotton wool and paper napkins are used as a filter element.

Manufacturing looks like this:

  1. A place is marked in the lid of the bucket for a hole, the diameter of which is equal to the neck of the bottle.
  2. According to the markings, small notches are made using a drill. Then this part of the lid is removed with a knife, and the cut is processed with a file until a smooth surface appears.
  3. The bottom of the bottle is cut off with a knife. The remaining part is screwed upside down into the prepared hole. plastic cover.
  4. The result is a funnel into which the filter material is placed. Layers of cotton wool and napkins alternate, then the filter is slightly compacted.
  5. You can additionally lay out activated carbon or polypropylene fiber material in one layer.
  6. The design is installed on a bucket - this is a ready-to-use filter, somewhat reminiscent of a well-known serial device called a jug. Water is poured through a funnel, passes through filters and is collected in a container (bucket).

What tools will you need?

The set of tools required for work is minimal! This:

  • hand or electric drill;
  • sharp knife;
  • file or sandpaper.

From consumables You only need cotton wool and paper napkins. A dirty homemade cartridge can be replaced with a new one without any problems or special financial expenses.

Charcoal can also be used for filtration. A piece of birch log is calcined over a fire in an airtight container. Then cool and wrap in several layers of gauze. Such a cartridge is installed in an already made funnel from a five-liter bottle.

The best place to use a homemade device is wildlife. Far from civilization, when there is no commercial filter at hand, the same plastic bottle with the bottom cut off will come to the rescue. The funnel is tied to the tree with its neck down. The narrow part of the filter is lined with several layers of bandage, gauze or ordinary handkerchiefs.

The more layers, the more reliable the filter and the safer the resulting water is for humans.


Using any filter, both home-made and industrial, requires regular replacement of filter materials and washing settling tank (flask).

Timely cleaning significantly increases the life of the filter and water quality.

The problem of drinking water purification is becoming relevant not only for city residents, but also for residents of rural areas. To make water from a well or borehole suitable for drinking, you can make a water filter with your own hands.

Why filter well water?

It would seem that what could be purer than well water, sung in ancient Russian epics? Alas, modern reality is not at all like a fairy tale. Water in private wells can be contaminated with a variety of substances, such as:

  • nitrates;
  • bacteria and pathogens;
  • impurities that impair the taste and quality of drinking water.

For excess in drinking water nitrates, i.e. salts of nitric acid, should be “thanked” by farmers who widely use fertilizers and pesticides when growing agricultural products. Some of these substances inevitably seep into the aquifer.

Bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms appear in wells and boreholes, since sanitary and hygienic standards during the construction of cesspools and manure pits, toilets and other similar structures are often not observed as strictly as they should be.

The simplest filter can be made from a plastic bottle with filler

Poor quality and damage to equipment lead to the fact that the water contains an admixture of rust, sand, etc. Drinking such water is simply unpleasant. Therefore, it is recommended to buy or make at least a simple water filter for your dacha.

Review of filtration materials

The principle of operation of the filter is simple and well known to everyone. It is necessary to pass water through a layer of filtration material. The filler can be different:

  • textile;
  • cotton wool;
  • paper napkins;
  • gauze;
  • sand;
  • grass;
  • coal;
  • Lutraxil.

Filters made from gauze, cotton wool, paper napkins, fabric and other similar materials are quite effective, but short-lived. They need to be changed quite often. However, they are quite suitable as a temporary option.

You can buy charcoal in a store or make it yourself

For regular use, other materials are used, mainly charcoal. It is laid in layers, alternating with sand, gravel, grass, etc. Lutraxil is a synthetic material made from polypropylene fibers.

Tip: You can make your own charcoal. To do this, it is enough to heat the pieces of wood in a metal container. Coniferous wood is not suitable for this. Ready-made charcoal is sold in stores, in picnic departments.

The simplest filter from a plastic bottle

The use of conventional household filters for small dacha rarely convenient. Such devices require the supply of water from a water supply system under a certain pressure, and not every dacha has a water supply system with suitable characteristics. Pitcher filters purify water too slowly.

In addition, you will have to constantly change cartridges. Therefore, a homemade water filter made from a plastic bottle and a bucket with a plastic lid may be the most acceptable option.

A homemade water filter can be made from a regular plastic bottle.

This filter uses carbon and ordinary fabric napkins as a filler.

The simplest filter for a summer house is made as follows:
1. The bottom of a plastic bottle needs to be cut off.
2. Cut a suitable hole in the plastic lid of the bucket.
3. Insert the bottle into the hole with the neck down.
4. Fill the filter with filler.

Tip: It is important to ensure that the bottle is tightly attached to the edges of the hole made in the lid of the bucket. To do this, sand the edges of the hole with sandpaper and use a rubber gasket.

Using the same principle, you can make a more convenient filtration installation. A plastic canister or tank with a capacity of approximately 20 liters is used as a receiving container. You need to make a hole at the bottom and insert a small tap into it, through which purified water will flow.

On top of the receiving container you need to place a 10-liter plastic bottle with a filler hole in the bottom. To make a filter, you can use a 40 mm piece of polypropylene pipe. The top and bottom of the pipe are covered with pieces of perforated plastic, which is recommended to be fixed with hot glue. The pipe is filled with charcoal.

Such a homemade filter should fit tightly into the neck of a standard ten-liter bottle. All that remains is to connect the receiving tank with the filter and the bottle. You can immediately fill the installation with a full bucket of well water, which will be filtered after a few hours. This way there will always be a supply of clean drinking water in the house.

Please note: The carbon filter must be rinsed before use. To do this, several liters of water are passed through it, which is immediately drained. This will remove small particles of coal that can contaminate the water.

Three-flask design for full-fledged water supply

Happy owners of a full-fledged water supply in a private house can make a three-flask homemade filter for water purification. To do this you need:

  1. Buy three identical flasks.
  2. Connect the flasks in series with two quarter-inch nipple adapters. In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the in/out designations in order to maintain the direction of water movement. Nipple threads should be sealed with FUM tape.
  3. The outermost holes of the flasks are connected to the quarter-inch tube using straight adapters.
  4. Connect the filtration system to the water supply with a tee, which is cut into the water supply using a 1/2” connector.
  5. At the outlet, a standard drinking water tap is connected to the filter system.
  6. Fill the flasks with filter material. You can use a polypropylene cartridge, carbon filter and anti-scale filler.

Filter cartridges are very diverse and allow you to eliminate the most various pollution water. It is worth noting that the cost of such a DIY design may not be much lower than an inexpensive filtration unit from the manufacturer.