What can be made from plastic clamps. Useful ways to use plastic clamps. Phone stand

A clamp or plastic tie is a very useful thing with which you can, for example, put things in order. computer desk, collecting all the wires in a pile. Of course, now someone reading the article will say that the screed in the store costs a penny - and he will be right. I want to note that it may not always be at hand, there may be other reasons. Below are instructions on how to make a reusable clamp from a regular plastic bottle.
Such a clamp has one obvious advantage that the purchased one definitely does not have - it is reusable. It can be removed an infinite number of times without problems, and the same number of times it can be tightened and fixed.

Will need

  • Plastic bottle.
  • Scissors
  • Stationery knife
  • Ruler
  • Hole puncher.

We make clamps - ties from plastic bottles with our own hands

Let's take it plastic bottle and cut off the bottom. Next, cut into small strips.

Next, we cut these strips into even rings, approximately 10-12 mm wide.

Here is a drawing of the end of the clamp, which will serve as a lock and secure everything into a tight ring.

At the end of the strip, use a hole punch to make three holes, or 6, connected to each other.

This is an option for a wide belt.

Now with the help stationery knife and the rulers we cut off the sides so that the tongue fits well into the holes.

We cut with scissors.

The result is a clamp like this.

Now the application diagram:

It's simple: the first three holes of the tie's tail go in a row. But the last jump - the bend is done only after the screed has captured the desired object.

Do not underestimate such a tie - its gripping force is quite significant.

You can make a narrow tie to fit through the single hole of the hole punch.

Clamping technology is the same.

It is very, very difficult to tear or separate with your hands.

A visual experiment. The clamp holds perfectly hand expander with a hardness of 25 kg!

And now the screed is directly at work, performing its duties perfectly. The free end can be tucked into the bun.

Making 3-4 pieces is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This will be quite enough to cover all the interfering and protruding wires under your table. October 11, 2018
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Everyone has seen and knows about cable ties, but not everyone knows how to use them in everyday life. I'll tell you about a few interesting ways the use of plastic ties and show clear examples.

Method 1. For decorative caps

These caps are attached to the wheel rim using a spring clip, which allows you to quickly remove and put them on. But there is a risk that the caps may simply fall off on the road. To avoid this, you can secure them with cable ties in several places.

Method 2. Baggage tampering alarm

Do you want to quickly determine if your luggage has been tampered with at the airport or train station? Just tie the runners together with a regular tie. In this case, it is better to use brightly colored ties.

In everyday life, white or black ties are most often used. Therefore, even if the criminal knows such methods, he is unlikely to have the tape suitable color. And most likely he will simply abandon the idea of ​​​​opening the suitcase.

Method 3. Wire marking

Colored zip ties will also come to the rescue when you need to quickly disconnect electrical appliance from the network and understand which cable belongs to it. To avoid getting tangled in wires, cables and plugs, do the following.

Place 2 zip ties of the same color on each wire. Fix the first one directly next to the electrical appliance itself, and place the second one near the plug.

Method 4. Fixing instruments

Round tools and parts (be it a screwdriver, drill, etc.) tend to roll off the table or workbench if you just touch them slightly. To solve the problem, place a zip tie on each of the tools and cut off the free end.

This way the parts will always remain exactly where you put them. And if you wish, you can choose ties of the same colors for specific types of tools - this will make it easier for you to find what you need.

Method 5. Marking the drilling depth

Another practical application Screeds - they can become a kind of level when drilling. Lock it on required distance away from the edge of the drill, and the tie will be able to indicate when to stop drilling.

Method 6. Bicycle spikes

If you often ride your bike on bad roads or in winter time, then it’s time to get a set of zip ties. They will improve the grip of the wheels on the road surface and make the ride more comfortable.

Advice! It is better to place the latch to the left or right of the tire, but never on the face of the wheel. The screed can easily grind or push through the rubber.

Method 7. Shoes in icy conditions

Connect several zip ties together, as shown in the photo, and tighten the winter shoes with them. The same principle works here as with bicycle wheels - ties improve traction on slippery surfaces.

Method 8. Lamp decor

Cable ties are good not only from a practical point of view, but also from a decorative one. With their help you can even create a decorative lampshade. Moreover, here you are limited only by your imagination.

Method 9. Drop-out sockets

After many years of use, the fasteners in the sockets may break, after which they begin to fall out of the niche in the wall. Once again, a plastic tie will come to the rescue! Its clasp and the edge of the tape can become an additional fastener.

The procedure is simple: wrap the tie around the screw, tighten the fastener, and cut off the excess.

Method 10. Plant support

Screeds can also be useful in gardening. To help and support young plants as they grow, install a stake in the pot and tie the trunk to it with a tie.

Method 11. Route marking

On hiking trips, ties of one color can indicate a particular route. In this process, it is better to use fasteners in bright colors (for example, yellow or orange), which will be clearly visible against the background of foliage.

The ties will withstand any weather well, they will not fall off or rot, no matter where you fix them. And when you no longer need them, simply cut off the fastener with a knife.

Method 12. Loop for the lamp cord

Form a loop on the cord from pendant lamp and secure it with a tie. After this, you can hang it from the ceiling, adjusting it to a height that is convenient for you.

Method 13. For reuse

Many people mistakenly believe that screeds can only be used once. In fact, if necessary and when there is no new fastener at hand, you can reuse the old one.

Insert a needle or other thin object into the ratchet mechanism and press the latch, then simply pull the tape back out.

Advice! Please note that the reused screed no longer has good strength, so it should be replaced as soon as possible.

Mikeasaurus from the website www.instructables.com shared his experience.

October 11, 2018

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A plastic tie, clamp or clamp is used during installation to secure various elements. It is practical and greatly simplifies the work. However, this product can also be used to solve various household problems.

1.Distribution of wires with fixation

We make a standard clamp of several wires using a plastic tie, but do not tighten it. We distribute the conductors in one line. We also insert a tie between the wires, which will be located perpendicular to the first clamp. We do this with everything between all the wires. Excess ends must be cut off after tightening all the fasteners.

2. Handle on the drawer

We fold the plastic tie into a loop, which we bend in half so that it can be inserted through the hole for the handle. Having installed two ties in the place of fixation in the box so that their locks remain inside, we connect the outer hinges with an additional clamp.

3. Phone stand

We make two loops from zip ties. Their diameter should be such that you can put them in mobile phone. We put them on our device so that the ends after the lock remain behind and serve as a support.

4. Hanging surge protector

Tighten the two ties on the surge protector on both sides. We insert one more clip into them, making small loops. We will use them to hang the structure on hooks.

5. Wire clamp

We make a sliding loop from a plastic tie, after cutting off the clamps at the end. It can be used as a reusable clamp for convenient storage wires

6. Mug from a glass

This way you can get a mug for cold drinks, but you need a glass that expands at the top. We tighten the two plastic clamps on the machine in places 3 cm away from the bottom and top. We stretch three puffs through the resulting rings, which we connect one at a time into a ring, making something like a handle. We cut off the excess elements, giving the product a good aesthetic appearance.

7. How to properly trim the end of a puff

This is usually done using scissors or wire cutters. However, this will leave a small tip with sharp edges, which can cause injury. That is why this operation is best performed with pliers. To do this, they clamp the tip just under the lock and remove it with a rotational movement.

8. Economical and safe cutting of puffs

Most often they try to cut the puff in the middle. In this case, there is a high risk of damaging both the hands and the material being fixed. Also, after such cutting, you have to throw away the used fastener. If you cut the tie right under the lock, it can be reused. This method is safer, since there is always a supply of free space in this place.

9. Extension

All puffs have a certain length. Therefore, they are suitable for fixing strictly defined objects in volume. It is not recommended to use the tightening at the maximum possible diameter, since this creates a high risk of it coming out of lock connection. It's better to just use two clamps, inserting the end of one into the lock of the other.

10. Undoing the tie

Quite often there are situations when such a clamp is tightened empty. Most people then throw away the puff. However, there is a way to open it without damaging it. To do this, use a thin metal object to bend the latch in the lock and pull the ends back.

11. Hanger for delicate items

You will need a regular wire hanger, five plastic spring clothespins and five plastic zip ties. We insert a lock into each clothespin that will connect it to the bottom crossbar of the hanger. This will give us “hangers” with five clothespins, with which you can carefully secure delicate items.

12. Hanger for drying pillows

We connect the wire “hangers” together in the middle of the lower crossbar. Then we stretch the hangers, giving them a rhombic shape. The pillow is dried by pressing it between two folding “hangers” and hanging them.

13. Shower curtain rings

You can replace shower curtain rings with plastic clips. To do this, they are threaded through the eyelets, fastened with a lock, creating a kind of ring. All unnecessary elements must be removed so that they do not cling to the material during operation.

14. Key ring

You can replace a regular key ring with a standard plastic clip. It is enough to fix it on the keys without tightening it too much.

15. Flask from a bottle

Using a small plastic bottle, a drawstring and a carabiner, you can make an inexpensive and practical flask. To do this you will need to use plastic ring remaining when opening the lid. If it is not there, then we create this element ourselves, using a tightening. We push the lock under the ring, closing it with a lock. This way we get a strong loop that can withstand a lot of weight. Using a carabiner, we attach the flask to the belt.

16. Protecting the lighter from arbitrary key presses

To prevent accidental pressing of the lighter button in your bag or backpack, you need to install a special lock on it. It is made from a plastic clip, which is used to encircle the lighter under the button itself, blocking both its arbitrary and deliberate pressing. The device can only be used after the lock is removed.

17. Plastic binding

If you have sheets that are sewn together using a plastic spring, but there is no spring itself, then you can make the binding using puffs. The pages are connected by creating rings through holes in the paper. Usually three puffs are enough, which are placed symmetrically from each other.

18. Tongue for slider

Very often the tongue on the slider in a snake fastener breaks or jumps out of the loop. At the same time, it is impossible to put it back, since the gap of the fastening element becomes too large, and physical impact on it can destroy this part. Therefore, it is better to insert a plastic tie into the slider, creating a ring. It is wider, stronger and does not make sounds when it hits the runner itself.

19. DIY spinner widget

For manufacturing we need three bearings and three plastic ties. The bearings are lined up like three circles. They are fixed to each other, united with a plastic tie. The loop must be tightened very tightly. Next, in the places where the bearings join, we make clamps with clamps. This way we not only produce a kind of separation, but also create fixation of the bearings in a different plane. After trimming the ends, the spinner is ready.

20. Soap bubbles

If you have lost your launch ring soap bubbles, then you can do it yourself. To do this, make a loop from a plastic puff with a large residual tip. We use it as a handle, and the ring is suitable for forming a bubble.

21. Plastic laces

This product makes it easy to put on shoes without wasting time on unfastening or tying. To implement it, you need to connect the opposite holes for the laces with a plastic tie. The clamp level is adjusted on the leg to immediately measure a comfortable position. The excess is cut off.

22. Luggage protection

All hiking bags and backpacks have two sliders on the clasp that move towards each other. When they are together, it is impossible to open the luggage, but often during transportation these elements separate on their own. This way, the contents of the bag may get lost or stolen. To prevent this from happening, the tongues on these sliders are connected to each other with a plastic tie.

23. Lens handle

If you put a plastic tie on the lens, securing it to the adjustment ring, you can make a convenient handle. It allows you to make adjustments without having to look away from the camera to find a control.

24. Convenient handle for the lid

To prevent the hot lid on the pan from burning your hands, you need to secure it. To do this, we attach a plastic tie to its handle, pulling the tip high up. By lifting the lid, you will not only protect yourself from touching a hot surface, but you will also be on safe removal from steam.

When one tie is not enough and there are no others at hand, you can make one long clamp by simply connecting several short ones.

2. Get rid of sharp ends

After cutting with wire cutters or scissors, the ends of the ties are quite sharp and can cause injury. This can be easily avoided if you do not cut off, but break the ends by twisting them with pliers.

3. Separate ties without a knife

Plastic ties are considered permanent fasteners, but in fact they can be opened. To do this, you need to carefully open the latch by lifting it with a pin, tweezers or other thin object.

4. Reuse zip ties

The tie can be reused if you cut it as far away from the lock as possible and remove the cut end. The length will decrease, but the clamp will still remain functional.

5. Store your zip ties in a bun.

It is inconvenient to remove the zip ties from the bags in which they are sold. And if you store these things in bulk, they get tangled. A simpler and more convenient option is to fasten the ties into a bundle.

6. Or in blocks

Another a good option- string several ties onto one and store them in the form of such cassette blocks. They are easy to remove and fold very compactly.

7. Organize your cables

You can use zip ties for more than just tying. With their help, it is easy to organize cables into neat bundles that do not get tangled and are conveniently attached to a table or wall.

8. Make a smartphone stand

Using two clamps of suitable length, it is very easy to build a phone for a quick fix. To do this, just tighten the gadget along the edges, releasing the ends of the ties back and using them as a stop.

9. Use zip ties as binders

Do you urgently need to staple several sheets of paper together, but, as luck would have it, you don’t have a folder at hand? Use zip ties, they're just as good! However, if you need to add more sheets, the clamps will have to be cut.

10. Fix the zipper

Using a lock with a broken tongue is still a pleasure. One of the most simple ways to fix it - install a plastic tie on the slider, making a ring out of it and cutting off the free end.

11. Make a smartphone pendant

Is the socket located high and your phone hanging in the air while charging? Make a simple pendant for it that will be attached to the power adapter.

12. Replace the broken curtain ring

One of the broken rings on a shower curtain (or even a regular one) can easily be replaced with plastic ties. Thread them through the holes, throw them over the bar and trim off the excess ends. Ready!

13. Make a pot holder for the lid

It’s easy to make a convenient pot holder for a pot lid from an ordinary plastic clamp. Just tighten it on the handle. Now you can lift the lid while cooking without fear of getting burned.

14. Clamp a bunch of keys

Who said keys have to be on a metal ring? The connection with the plastic clamp is no worse. Yes, to remove or add a key, you will have to cut the clamp, but usually such a need arises infrequently.

15. Make a leash for your dog

Even from small plastic clamps you can build a leash for small breeds. Make rings and connect them into a chain of the desired length. For the handle, leave a larger ring, and attach the other end to the collar through a carabiner.

16. Store cables correctly

Eternally tangled charging cables and headphones can be easily tidied up using simple organizer from a plastic screed. To make it, just insert the end of the clamp into the lock with the non-working side.

17. Make a bubble wand

When the stick from the kit is lost or broken, it can be replaced with an analogue made from a plastic tie. It is made very simply: just thread one end into the lock and form a ring.

18. Fix the cabinet handle

When you don’t have any screws or a screwdriver at hand, quickly fix a broken handle drawer possible using zip ties. Secure them in the holes and then connect them together.

19. Make bicycle spikes

If you don’t have studded tires, but still want to drive on snow and ice, you can build an improvised studded tire from clamps. Just cover the tires with them, trim off the protruding ends - and off you go.

20. Use zip ties instead of fishing line

You've run out of trimmer line and need to trim your lawn urgently? No problem! Just load a couple of larger zip ties into the drum.

21. Make a cool lampshade

Plastic ties can be used not only as fasteners, but also as a decorative element. Make a frame from a mesh, hang it with multi-colored ties - it will turn out to be creative for a lamp or chandelier. True, you will need a lot of clamps and just as much patience.

22. Clean your sink drain

Using a regular screed, you can easily remove the blockage. To do this, you need to make notches along the edges with a knife or scissors to create burrs that, when turning the screed, will catch hair and other debris from the drain.

23. Repair the latch on the network cable

If you don’t want to re-crimp an Ethernet port with a broken latch, a plastic tie will help out. Cut the lock on it to reduce its height, place it in place of the old latch and insert it into. For reliability, you can secure the improvised latch on the cable with another tie.

24. Use zip ties in crafts

Plastic ties are an ideal type of fastener for various crafts. With their help, for example, you can make a nice mat out of a holey garden hose. And if you add a border around the edge, you get a practical basket for leaves and other needs on the site.

25. Fix a bike tire puncture

When you don't have a patch at hand, you can use two zip ties for emergency repair of a punctured tire. Remove the tube from the tire, find the hole, and then simply tighten the two clamps until the punctured area is separated.