How to cover up holes in a concrete wall. How to repair a hole in a concrete wall. How to repair a small hole in a concrete structure

Concrete is a strong and reliable material, but even it is subject to deformation over time in the form of holes, cracks and other damage. Holes may appear in concrete walls as a result of installing air conditioners, rearranging furniture, etc. To repair a hole in concrete wall, the surface should be prepared by beating old mortar and plaster, sanded and made into a patch from mortar. The procedure for filling holes is not difficult, so you can easily do it yourself.

Causes of holes in concrete walls

Concrete walls, like others various surfaces, subject to destruction. The hole can form as a result of uneven shrinkage of buildings and structures. Often, uneven shrinkage is the cause of improper load on wall structures or as a result of mistakes made during the soil compaction process. Restoration work with a hole, with a strongly sloping structure, begins only after the problems of shrinkage and strengthening of the foundation have been resolved. Strong displacements of buildings and structures lead to the collapse of walls and ceilings.

Cracks can form due to exposure to climatic conditions, namely: sudden changes temperature regime, high wind speed or sun rays. The seams most at risk are between the outer and internal walls on staircases and high floors of buildings.

The walls are subject to the formation of defects as a result of the drying of the concrete solution over time. Reinforced concrete buildings have a risk of through holes. Deformations in concrete pavement may be the result of attaching cabinets, shelves, fixtures, or moving switches and electrical outlets.

Filling small holes

Clean the hole from debris using a vacuum cleaner.

A hole of small diameter often occurs as a result of dismantling or. To eliminate this defect, you should prepare the following set of materials and tools:

  • a sharp object in the form of a screwdriver or screw;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • primer;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • spatula;
  • gypsum, concrete mortar, putty.

Sealing holes small size includes the following steps:

  • with a sharp object, increase the diameter in the hole so that the solution can completely penetrate and fill the empty space;
  • Next, you need to clean the hole from dust, debris and treat it with a primer, which will improve the adhesion of the putty to the concrete surface;
  • After cleaning and priming the holes, it is filled with repair solution, allowed to dry and sanded.

How to repair a large hole?

The wall may have holes of large diameter due to the dismantling of the socket, replacement of pipes and other construction work. To seal large holes, you need to prepare cement mortar, finishing plaster and spatula. Restoration work consists of the following stages:

  • Clear the hole of possibility construction waste, dust and treated with a primer.
  • Since the problem area is large, it should be filled with crushed stone or brick, while mixing pieces of material with cement mixture. This approach will reduce purchasing costs large quantity putty and, moreover, will strengthen the restoration site.
  • To prepare the mortar, take one part cement and three parts sand. You can also use a concrete repair compound or gypsum.
  • After the filled mixture has dried, begin to putty it and, if necessary, fill and level the remaining empty seats and possible cracks.
  • After treating the problem area, it should be given time to completely dry, this may take twelve hours.
  • When the patch is completely dry, begin leveling the surface with sandpaper. Level the patch to the level of the wall.

Sealing a through hole

Working with a wall that has a through hole involves covering the hole on both sides. Before you start patching the resulting through hole, you should first close it with pieces of brick or stone, and only after that you can start applying the cement-sand mixture.

If you cannot access reverse side holes, then the problem is solved as follows:

  • You need to make a support for brick or stone. To do this, insert four dowels into the hole in the concrete wall, using a drill designed for working on concrete.
  • After the dowels are installed, you should fill the voids with crushed stone or brick and fill them with a cement-sand mortar prepared in advance. Concrete mortar You can prepare it yourself by taking one part of cement and three parts of sand, add water until a consistency similar to thick sour cream is formed. All components of the solution must be thoroughly mixed. Concrete mix can be purchased at the store, but it should also be diluted with water. This option is more expensive than preparing it yourself, but it significantly speeds up the process of making the solution.
  • Allow the laid mixture to dry. After which the frozen area is leveled, plastered and rubbed with sandpaper. The patched damaged area should be flush with the entire wall.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

It often happens that when preparing an apartment for renovation, it is discovered that all the walls have holes and resemble Swiss cheese. Holes and grooves remain from old wiring, nails for cabinets and shelves, former sockets and switches, and simply from the plaster that had fallen off along with a piece of the wall. The ceiling window into the bathroom is also an eyesore. But it’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. Let's roll up our sleeves and start fixing the defects, especially since there is nothing complicated here.

Filling up small holes

To begin with, we clean small holes on the wall from screws or dowels with a nail of a smaller diameter. We blow with a compressor to remove dust from there, moisten it generously with water to equalize the moisture content of the surface and the damp repair compound. We fill the resulting holes with putty on maximum depth. The final touch is sanding it flush with the main surface.

What to do with the middle hole in the wall?

Repairing a hole from an old outlet or a carefully removed utility pipe is not much more difficult than getting rid of a small hole. The principle of surface treatment is the same:

  • We remove all parts falling off the wall. Including suspiciously wobbly ones - they can cause a lot of trouble after the repair is completed.
  • Using a brush or vacuum cleaner, remove crumbled pieces and dust.
  • Spray the surface generously with water from a spray bottle.
  • For better adhesion of the mortar to the wall, it is necessary to use
  • We fill the hole with a solution of sand, cement and water (3:1:1) or use a ready-made plaster mixture, let it dry.
  • We control the drying process: if cracks appear, we rub it with a primer, leveling the surface. Dry and then, if necessary, repeat priming.
  • We finally level it with a sander or by hand using medium-grain sandpaper.
  • After complete drying, we can consider that the hole is sealed and the surface is ready for finishing.

The solution takes at least 12 hours to dry. At this time, no manipulations with the treated surface can be performed.

Through holes from pipes are first supported on one side with a piece of plywood. Having sealed the surface on one side of the wall, we carry out the same procedure on the other.

How to repair a large hole?

Sometimes it happens that when repairing walls, not only pieces of plaster fall out. They may be joined by broken pieces of concrete or brick. In this case, it is necessary to use additional reinforcement of the wall surface.

  • Similar to the previous cases, we clean the hole from everything unnecessary.
  • We drive in dowels or screw in powerful screws. If the pothole is large enough, they need to be additionally tied with wire.
  • Remove debris and dust with a dry brush or vacuum cleaner.
  • Wet the surface with plenty of water.
  • Add broken brick or crushed stone to a standard cement-sand mortar.
  • Use the resulting mixture to seal the fallen piece of the wall, let the solution sit and dry.
  • If necessary, we plaster the surface of the entire wall or locally a section of the hole, then dry it and repair the cracks.
  • Now you can start finishing.

Cement mortar should be applied in thin layers, allowing them to dry thoroughly. A thick layer is guaranteed to crack or fall off.

What to do with large holes in the wall?

After careless dismantling of pipes, pipes remain in the walls. big holes. To restore the integrity of the surface, you will first have to fill the main part of the breach with brick. We widen the hole to make the masonry even. Then on mortar lay out the brick as the main patch. We carry out further manipulations according to the algorithm described above.

Repairing holes in drywall

Carefully remove a small piece of old wallpaper around the hole. Using a knife, apply plaster diluted with water onto the wet surface. Glue a new piece of wallpaper on top of it. You can also stick a decorative applique on the damaged surface.

If the gypsum board is damaged by a “fallen” cabinet, the repair algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Draw a square or rectangle around the hole with a pencil, capturing the cracked surface.
  2. Use a hacksaw to cut out a hole along the marked lines.
  3. From the wrong side, we attach two parallel bars to the drywall with screws, on which the patch will be held. Depending on the size, the number of tires increases. As a frame, you can use wooden slats, durable plastic, or a metal profile.
  4. We transfer the outline of the cut piece onto a new sheet of drywall and cut it out as accurately as possible.
  5. We attach the patch to the slats previously screwed to the wall, driving the screws so that the caps do not protrude above the surface of the sheet.
  6. We seal the seams with gypsum putty.
  7. We remove irregularities with sandpaper.
  8. We carry out further priming either in the area of ​​the former hole, or on the entire surface of the wall.

Today we will learn how and what to use to repair a hole in the wall and ceiling. When doing renovations, you will certainly be faced with the task of preparing perfectly smooth walls for wallpapering or painting. The path is not fast and involves many construction operations.

How to repair a hole in a concrete wall

First, let's look at how to repair a hole in a concrete wall. Let's come closer to our wall and take a look at it:

Scary, nothing to say. When you completely remove the wallpaper and remove all the excess, this is what it will look like. Everything must be removed down to the concrete. White spots on the wall may remain if these are pieces of stubborn old putty or glue that have already grown together with the concrete and are not subject to intensive cleaning.

After some time, you saw that somewhere the foam did not fit well (or a piece of foam fell out); in another place an unfixed chip in the wall about 1-2 cm deep was discovered; Plus, in 2 or 3 places it would be nice to fill up small potholes. Just imagine that to solve such a seemingly simple task, you will again need foam, plaster and putty.

But you threw out the rest of the dry mixes, and the polyurethane foam ran out. At the same time, no one in the store will sell you 0.5 kg of putty, 0.5 kg of plaster and 2 “sprays” of foam. This means you need to buy everything new, in large quantities, spending a lot of money.

Someone will say: oh, why did I throw away the remains of the plaster ahead of time, they would be so useful to me now. But there's nothing you can do, you need to go to the store. And then, the worst thing is, having bought more than you need again, you throw the rest in the trash. And this happens quite often.

Some manage to store materials, as they say, until the next repair. However, you need to remember that all materials have an expiration date: usually it is 6 months, a year, two, and then they must be thrown away. What to do in this situation? It turns out there is a way out!

If you look in stores, there is a so-called putty putty. In some cases, it can replace conventional putty, and in others, plaster. I worked with putty on polyurethane foam. She looks like this:

A distinctive feature of this material is that the thickness of the sealed layer can reach up to 10 cm! Yes, yes, not mm, but cm! Putty putty is sold ready-made, has good adhesion, is environmentally friendly, and does not crack even with a large thickness of the seal.

If you take putty over polyurethane foam, it is also moisture resistant and has protection against fungi and mold. Designed for finishing both interior and exterior spaces. Here is an example of when this putty can be used. As I said earlier, the part of the wall that was not foamed adjacent to the ceiling:

Putty will come in handy here. For work it is better to take a rubber spatula. The material must first be mixed well:

The foamed joint between the glass unit and the wall can also be perfectly sealed with putty:

In general, you leveled the walls and filled up the holes. Don't be lazy, go around and look around again. And if it suddenly turns out that there are places for sealing, then do not rush to buy huge bags of dry mixtures for preparing solutions from them. Just remember about the wonderful putty putty.

How to repair a hole in drywall on a wall

Let's consider two options for solving the problem, when the hole is small and large.

How to seal a small hole

If the hole in the drywall is small - up to 5 mm in diameter, then plaster or putty is not required for this:

You can seal such a hole with acrylic sealant. The sealant should be acrylic, not silicone. After all, acrylic sealant is easy to paint, but silicone sealant is not. So, we take the gun and begin to carefully fill our hole with acrylic:

Spread the excess that has come out with a spatula:

If the acrylic has rubbed inside, take the gun and push it further into the hole until it comes out. And then carefully spread it with a spatula again.

The hole is sealed. The next day, when the sealant has dried, all that remains is to lightly sand it with zero-grit sandpaper:

How to seal a large hole

If the damage is more extensive:

then sealant is not enough. For these purposes you will need putty. But first you need to remove the chamfer:

and trim off any excess paper that may peel off later. To do this you will need a blade or knife, you can even use a stationery knife. So, the chamfer was removed, the protruding paper was trimmed:

After this you need to prime the hole. We take a brush, a primer and carefully prime it so that the primer gets both inside and outside:

When the primer has dried, take the gypsum adhesive mixture and carefully fill the hole with it:

You need to score properly, don’t rush:

After the mixture has dried:

sand it with sandpaper:

Then we take a knife and in this area we draw a rectangle of about 10 cm by 15 cm with the tip of the knife, cutting only through the paper so that the damage is in the middle of the rectangle:

and remove the paper:

Moreover, the paper must be removed carefully, completely, down to the plaster, so that there are no paper scraps left in the rectangle area.

After removing the paper, we prime our surface:

When the primer has dried, glue a piece of serpyanka (plaster mesh) cut to its size into our rectangle:

After that, we apply putty to this area and begin to putty:

Once the putty dries, all that remains is to lightly sand the area to be repaired with sandpaper.

This is where the article ends. Today we discussed in detail how and with what to repair a hole in the wall and ceiling on a concrete and plasterboard base.

A hole in a concrete wall is not as big a problem as it seems at first glance. It is possible to repair such a defect even if the hole is large. Moreover, for this work you do not need special tools or expensive materials, and the sealing itself can be done with your own hands.

Where do defects in concrete come from?

Before repairing a hole in a concrete wall, the master must understand the reasons for the appearance of such a defect. Otherwise, all the work done will have to be repeated again and again.

The most innocent of possible reasons- This is human intervention. Through channels are cut out in concrete walls to bring the pipeline from the air conditioner outside, blind recesses are drilled for fasteners for a bracket or sconce, and shafts are punched for supply and exhaust valves. Over time, the air conditioner, sconce or TV moves to another place, but the hole remains, along with the problem of how to repair the hole in the wall. But this problem can be solved simply - without any preliminary work.

The intervention of nature is a more complex case. Temperature deformations of the soil and building materials lead to the appearance of cracks, chips and other defects covering the structure from the foundation to the roof. In this case, before repairing the holes in the concrete wall, the owner of the building will have to strengthen the foundation using solutions recommended by the architect and designer. Well, after completing the work to eliminate defects in the integrity of the wall, you will have to restore the thermal insulation and waterproofing of the load-bearing structures.

A slightly less complicated case is destruction “from old age”, when part reinforced concrete slab begins to crumble, exposing the reinforcement skeleton. After detecting such a defect, it is enough to simply repair the wall and cover it with waterproofing.

Materials and tools - what do we need?

Before fixing a hole in the wall, we need to prepare materials and tools. The following options can be used as a filler for a blind or through channel in a concrete wall or ceiling:

  • – an ideal material with high moisture resistance and heat resistance, but very low structural strength.
  • Cement-sand mixture, plaster or putty - these materials have high structural strength, but they lack heat resistance and moisture resistance. In addition, the materials from this set are resistant to temperature deformation.
  • Mastic is an option with sufficient strength and high moisture resistance. In addition, mastic is not afraid of temperature deformation. However appearance Not everyone will like a wall covered with mastic.

In addition, before filling a hole in the wall using the fillers mentioned above, the master must prepare the following set of tools:

  • A hammer drill, a paint brush and a vacuum cleaner are useful for expanding and cleaning cracks.
  • Bucket and construction mixer– will be needed for preparing fillers from dry mixtures.
  • Spatula, trowel, sandpaper - necessary for adding and grouting viscous fillers.

Well, the process of adding filler itself depends on its dimensions and the depth of the excavation. Therefore, further in the text we will consider the technology of sealing both small and large defects in the walls.

How to seal a small hole?

With blind recesses from the inside we proceed as follows: we expand the defective area onto a cone with a hammer drill, and the base should be deep in the wall. We remove dust from the recess with a brush or pump it out with a vacuum cleaner. Mix the plaster or sand-cement mixture (3 to 1), obtaining a solution of medium humidity (slightly thinner than plasticine).

Before filling the hole in the wall, inject about a quarter liter of water into the channel. The walls must get wet, otherwise they will draw moisture from the plaster or cement, causing a crack to appear. We take a little mortar on a spatula and press it into the wall, moving the tool parallel. We continue this operation until the recess is completely filled. We glue a reinforcing mesh onto the damaged area (usually it is used to glue the joints of drywall sheets) and putty the wall using the same solution.

If the channel is located on the outside, then the elimination of this defect will proceed according to the following scheme: we expand the recess, removing loose concrete, and remove dust with a vacuum cleaner or brush. Mix the solution (one part sand to one part cement) and fill the recess with this mixture. We restore the thermal insulation layer and install a waterproofing patch using hot mastic or tar. Very small defects (from dowels or similar) can be repaired polyurethane foam without cleaning or moisturizing. After hardening, the foam is cut off and sealed with mastic or wallpaper.

We are closing a big gap - how to do it?

How to close a hole in the wall if the through hole is large? Of course, with the same concrete. In this case, we must simply fill the hole by arranging a cement-sand plug that fills the huge gap. Before you begin restoring the integrity of the wall, you will have to strengthen the future plug with a reinforcing frame. To do this, you need to remove pieces of loose concrete using a hammer drill and drill channels with a diameter of 10 millimeters in the side “edges” of the breach. It is desirable that they are on the same line.

  • After this, you fill the drilled points with cement (by a third) and drive reinforcing rods there. Tie the touching ends of the rods with wire (or weld). As a result, you get a reinforcing frame embedded in the wall. Moreover, if there is wall reinforcement left in the gap, then no drilling is needed - you can weld the reinforcing lattice directly to it.
  • Having finished with the reinforcement, you can begin building the formwork for the cork. To do this you need to take DSP sheets or OSB and fix them to the wall (inside and outside), covering almost the entire gap. The sheets can be fixed using dowels, strengthening them with oblique supports. Moreover, the shields should not completely cover the gap - the upper cut of the formwork should be located below the edge of the gap (8-10 centimeters).
  • After this, you can begin preparing the solution. And if you do not know the brand of concrete used in the construction of the wall, and you do not know how to cover the hole in the wall, then it is better to focus on the following proportions - 1 bucket of cement, 3 buckets of sand, 3 buckets of crushed stone. After thoroughly mixing this solution, pour it into the opening closed by the formwork through the gap left.
  • After 10-14 days, the formwork can be removed and plastered or puttyed with cement plug, leveling the wall. Moreover, before you plaster a hole in the wall, or rather a hole closed with a cork, you will have to brick an 8-centimeter gap in its upper part.

After completing the construction of a plug that has blocked a large hole in the wall, the area of ​​the repaired defect is treated with mastic, onto which thermal insulation slabs are glued.

What to do with cracks - simple instructions

How to fill a hole in the wall if its width is equal to the thickness of a human hair? Yes, almost the same as any small defect. First, we take a hammer drill or wall chaser and widen the crack by inside walls by cutting a groove with rectangular walls. Remove dust and plaster residues with a vacuum cleaner. Secondly, we treat the groove obtained at the crack site with a primer that increases the adhesion of concrete. After applying the primer, it is better to wait 1-2 hours, after which we repeat the procedure, moistening the groove.

Thirdly, we prepare sand-cement mortar from a dry mixture. Some craftsmen recommend using regular starting plaster, but such mixtures do not have the required safety margin. In particularly critical cases, reinforcing fiber can be added to the mixture to increase the strength of the solution. Fourthly, fill the groove with solution using a spatula. Finally, we paste fiberglass tape onto the sealed area and putty it flush with the wall. Moreover, before the finishing putty, the wall is left alone for a day, waiting for the surface layer of the sand-cement plug to harden.

Fifthly, the outside of the crack is coated with mastic, having previously expanded it with a perforator. As a last resort, you can use liquid solutions that increase the waterproofing properties of the wall. Self-healing concrete can also be a good option for aggregate. However, ordinary mastic will give good results at a minimal cost of consumables.

A simple way to remove holes in concrete ceiling or in the walls

How to repair a hole in the wall » - do it all by hand.

Small holes (nail hole, chip)

1. Apply putty to the hole using a putty knife and use the same putty knife to smooth out the area to be repaired.

2. Let dry. The time it takes depends on the amount used and for small holes it takes several hours.

Tools, materials:

  • Sponge;
  • The spatula is small;
  • Large spatula;
  • Putty;
  • Sandpaper.

Seal deep holes in the wall step by step:

  1. Clean the hole from any crumbled plaster.
  2. Wet the damaged area with water. Wait until completely dry.
  3. Fill the hole and the adjacent area of ​​the wall with putty.
  4. Sand the repaired area with sandpaper.

Filling holes in a plasterboard wall.

A plasterboard wall can be pressed through under the influence of an impact, creating a deep dent or hole. In this case, the damaged section of the wall will have to be completely replaced.

Tools, materials:

  • Hacksaw;
  • Pencil and ruler;
  • Spatula;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Fiberglass tape;
  • Putty;
  • Wooden board;
  • Drywall.