Cement mortar brand and technical characteristics. Do-it-yourself proportions for cement mixture Preparation of cement-sand mortars

Masonry mortar is used to secure the bricks together. When such a solution hardens, a strong, durable structure is obtained.

But the strength of the structure itself depends on the brand of the solution - the higher it is (that is, the solution can withstand a higher compressive load) - the stronger and more durable the resulting structure.

Brand of ready-made masonry cement mortar

Basically, mortars are classified by composition: mixed, lime, clay, cement (that is, what is added in addition to cement, water and sand to the mortar) and by brand.

According to SNiP, solutions are marked with the letter “M” and then with numbers (50, 75, 100, 150, 200, and so on)

These names differ from each other in terms of compression, strength and other parameters.

The marking is quite simple and indicates the proportion of cement and sand.

Proportions of masonry mortars by composition:

Cement-clay mortar

Dependence of the brand of mortar on the brand of cement and sand (cement, clay, sand)

Cement-lime mortar (cement, lime, sand)

Cement-sand mortar (cement, sand)

Also, certain additives are often added to solutions to give them special properties, such as:

  • Great plasticity;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Great adhesion;
  • Great strength;
  • Less porosity;
  • And much more.

Cement mortar, which brand is better to take for laying and sealing sections of the wall

Now it’s worth talking about the use of certain brands of solution.

Brand M-50. It can be used for laying stone and brick (but only low-rise buildings), but is mainly used as a grout for uneven surfaces (it cannot withstand heavy loads).

The solution contains cement and lime. This solution can be used to fill seams (they subsequently acquire waterproof properties).

Brand M-75. Used for construction interior walls(as well as foundations) or other masonry work indoors. Can be used as a leveler during plastering work.

More often, this solution is used when laying blocks, reinforced concrete structures, and even when screeding floors. Usually a construction fez with a fraction of 2.5mm is used (thereby increasing strength).

Brand M-100. The most popular mixture, it is used for both internal and external work. If you add various plasticizers to this mixture, it can even be used for plastering work on the outside.

The sand fraction in this case is 0.5-1mm.

Brand M-150 it is also popular; it is used in construction multi-storey buildings, increased complexity. When dry, such a solution has sufficient strength and hardness for the building to last for decades.

It can also be used as screeds and plaster in damp rooms (with high humidity).

But more often this solution is used not in masonry, but when creating foundations on surfaces with low strength. Not sensitive to low temperatures.

Brand M-200. The solution is heat-resistant, refractory, and does not get wet. More often used in special construction (where the environment is quite aggressive) and complex objects.

It is used as ties in high-traffic areas (where a huge number of people walk every day - hospitals, schools, canteens, and so on).

And for laying walls or filling potholes in walls, it is better to use a regular mortar M-75 or M-100. Such solutions have sufficient strength for these works.

Cement mortar widely used in construction. It is used for laying stone and brick, interior decoration walls, foundation pouring, plastering. Naturally, depending on the application, this building material will have a different composition. For example, to construct a foundation you will need, in addition to sand and cement, crushed stone. Preparation of the solution is a very important stage, because the strength of the masonry, the strength and durability of the structure being built depends on the quality of the mixture.

In order to properly mix cement mortar, you need to know what brands exist, consistency requirements, mixing sequence and proportions of basic materials. Typically used:

  • sand;
  • water;
  • cement;
  • less often: plasticizers and other additives.

Types of cement mixtures

Depending on the composition and purpose of use, the solution is divided into brands:

  • M150 and M200 – for screeds;
  • M50, M100, M150, M75, M200 and M125 - for masonry;
  • M10, M50 and M25 - for plaster.

All varieties differ in the quantitative sand content and proportions. Changing the ratio of the main components allows the use of such building material for various works.

The brand of mortar is an indicator of the strength of the structure built using it. The proportions of the ingredients usually depend on what brand of cement mortar is needed. Often, cooking instructions are printed by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Of course, you can order a ready-made mixture of the desired brand (currently they sell dry ready-made mixtures for foundations, plaster or screed, to which you just need to add the required amount of water). But independent batch will help you save money.

Rules for determining the required grade of sand-cement mass

The technology requires that the brand of mortar matches the brand of material used (brick, blocks). For example, if the masonry is built from brick of grade 100, then the cement mass should be M100. If you follow this rule, the result will be a solid, homogeneous brick structure.

If the grade of material used is high, for example 350, then you should not strive for a match, as this will significantly increase the cost of construction. The generally accepted proportions are 1 part (for example, a bucket) of cement and 3 parts of sand (1 to 3). When preparing concrete for pouring the foundation, 3-5 parts of crushed stone are added to this proportion.

There is a huge range on sale various types cement, differing in brand, manufacturer, properties and shelf life. Portland cement, characterized by high level waterproofness, frost resistance and strength. It hardens well in almost any weather.

Methods for preparing cement mixtures

When choosing this building material, you must pay attention to its shelf life, since the best mixture will be obtained if fresh cement is used.

Currently, cement is prepared at home in two ways: mechanical and manual. The first method involves using a concrete mixer.

Kneading with your own hands will require significant physical effort. In this case, all necessary building materials mixed with a bayonet shovel in a trough or old bath. To facilitate this process, water is first poured into the container, after which sand and cement are added. Next, everything is stirred until smooth. At the very end, crushed stone is added and everything is mixed well again.

How to prepare your own solution

The foundation of the building must be reliable and durable, as it is the basis of any building. To fill the base of a building, the sand-cement mass is prepared in the classic ratio of 1 to 3. Usually crushed stone is added to it, although concrete is already obtained in the following ratio: 3 buckets of gravel (crushed stone) and sand, 1 bucket of Portland cement.

The ratio of water to components, which must be proportional, also plays an important role. The ideal solution is 25% water, but it is difficult to work with. Therefore, when mixing, water is added “by eye” at your discretion.

When mixing concrete, use Portland cement grade M400 or M500. For the foundation, the consistency of the concrete should resemble thick sour cream. Preparation of the mixture for leveling walls and plaster involves the following proportions of components: 2 parts sand and 1 part cement.

To prepare a cement mortar for a regular screed, use the same components as for preparing concrete, only screenings are added instead of crushed stone. The quantitative composition of the main components is taken in the following ratio: Portland cement M400 or M500 - 1 bucket and 2 buckets of screenings and sand. To improve the plasticity index, it is recommended to add a little (50-100 g) to the solution. detergent. Remember that before mixing, all materials should be sifted - this will improve the quality of the solution. The main thing is that there are no foreign impurities in the components. After this, measure out in doses required quantity sand and cement in accordance with the proportions of the desired composition.

Cement is an artificial inorganic binding material, which, when water, saline aqueous solutions, and other liquids are added, forms a plastic mass, which subsequently hardens, turning into a stone-like body.

Used for the production of concrete and mortars. Now the most popular brands are M (PC) 400 and M500.

Purchasing high-quality binding material

  1. It is better to purchase in specialized construction stores and supermarkets, rather than in the market.
  2. It is necessary to carefully examine the integrity of the packaging and all inscriptions. It is very important that the storage period does not exceed six months. The fresher the better. And to avoid counterfeiting, you need to check the quality certificate.
  3. The presence of lumps is unacceptable, and folk method quality control is as follows: take a handful of cement and clench your palm into a fist. If it seeps through your fingers, then the material is good, but if it becomes compact in your hand, you should not take it.
  4. It is not recommended to store it for future use; it is advisable to use it immediately after purchase, and if a certain amount remains after the work has been done, it must be stored strictly in a place protected from moisture, additionally placed in sealed plastic bags, tightly tied.

Proportions for preparing mortars

Many people think that the M400 or M500 brand is an indication of what proportion should be followed to prepare the mixture. This is wrong. The number indicates that the cement can withstand a load of 400 or 500 kg/cm2, respectively. How to dilute cement?

The tables of the Instructions for the preparation and use of mortars CH 290-74 indicate strictly regulated proportions.

So solutions are divided into:

  1. Plaster mortars: grades M10, M25, M50;
  2. Masonry mortars: grades M50, M75, M100, M125, M150, M200;
  3. for screed: grades M150, M200.
  1. Mix water with binder to obtain cement laitance, to which sand is added.
  2. The second option is preferable: first mix cement with sand, and then add water. This guarantees the homogeneity of the resulting cement mass and quality construction work.

When preparing cement-lime or cement-clay mortar First, the lime (clay) dough is diluted with water to the consistency of milk and passed through a sieve with 10x10 mm cells. Then add it to the already mixed mixture of sand and binder.

For plastering work, clean river sand is used; quarry sand can also be used for masonry. Before use, the sand is sifted through a sieve with 10x10 mm cells. Often in individual construction, old armored mesh from a bed is used for these purposes.

The amount of water is determined during the production of the mixture, judging by the consistency of the mixture.

To mix solutions manually, use shovel, construction mixer. But it is still better to purchase an electric concrete mixer for large volumes of construction work. To deliver the solution, use ordinary buckets, stretchers or a wheelbarrow. Don't forget about gloves and safety glasses.

Cement mortar, the proportions of which are basic knowledge for any owner, installer or builder.

After all, each prefabricated structure (building, plane, etc.) made of brick or block must be made of a specific type of mortar.

And not from what was at hand. So let's talk about the compositions.

Compositions and their applications

So, cement solutions are applicable:

  1. For plastering work. The correct ratio is 1 to 3, where one is cement and three is sand. The liquid is initially measured based on the volume of cement, although the mixture is diluted without haste, adding water gradually. This is necessary to maintain consistency in a concrete mixer or a regular bucket. Sometimes lime is added. But this ingredient is used to mix (dilute) the sand by half. This way the solution will become more plastic, and hence material savings.
  2. Under brickwork. The standard is 1 to 4. Where the unit is cement. It happens that for the share of cement (one unit) they also add up to 0.3 slaked lime.
  3. Under the floor screed in the apartment. Again, the classic is 1 to 3. But you need to give preference only to expensive brands of cement. Here the M150-200-300 is a waste of time.
  4. Concrete. There are specific values ​​for fillers, tested by time and by Soviet designers: 1/2/4. Where 1 is cement, 2 is sand and 4 is gravel or crushed stone. As you know, concrete has its own classes or types. So, best option do-it-yourself concrete mortar is made strictly from highest category cement, and this is M500 brand.

Table for selecting the required components:

Cooking on your own

Let's break it down step by step. A solution prepared quickly and independently is most often needed for laying or pouring in the private sector. And for this you can’t do without:

  • Sand;
  • Water;
  • Cement.

And most owners do this:

  1. A container for mixing is prepared (bucket, barrel, stretcher, basin or even plastic in a pit).
  2. Take a screwdriver with an attachment for stirring the plaster (construction mixer).
  3. Bucket or other container for work. From the general one you need to transfer it to the site, and dragging a container of more than 10 liters of cement is not professional.

It’s not enough to just mix up the proportions, but, frankly, you can count them on your fingers. For a specific task, there are subtleties in this process.

For example, mortar for laying stone or brick is a kind of consistency. Someone in ready mixture throws the trowel and looks at the result (this is how viscosity is determined). Well, professional masons often do this:

  1. A relatively dense solution is taken.
  2. Next, an inclined plane is created (approximately 40 degrees).
  3. We place part of the solution from the center of the container on an inclined one and see the degree of readiness - if the mixture does not drain, then you can work.

In general there is golden rule to prepare the solution. All ingredients are mixed while still dry, and only then they begin mixing with liquid, gradually adding water.

How to choose the right type of cement

We list the grades of material for specific types of work:

  1. Plaster. M 150-200 is suitable for internal work and M 300 for external facade treatment.
  2. Bricklaying. Brand from M300, no lower. The proportion of sand in cement is 4 to 1.
  3. Screed. Only brand M 400.
  4. Concrete. This is a question of destination. If concrete base will perform load-bearing functions, then we buy strictly M500 for the entire volume. Well, for sites, parking lots and other structures, the type of cement is a secondary matter.

About the proportion of sand in the solution

Any proportion should vary according to the strength factor or purpose. The norm, as already mentioned, is one to three, where three parts are normal sand and one part is cement.

If the amount of sand is increased, the solution will lose strength when it hardens (dries). The other side of the coin, according to the classical norm, mortars are not so plastic, and there is a possibility that the masonry may simply crack.

It’s easy to check: in a training (test) area we make several rows of masonry with different amounts of sand. Then we test the seams with our hands for chips, cracks and other damage.

For reference: The M400 brand of cement is, in fact, almost a concentrate, and this particular material needs to be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 4. We follow the same principle with M500.

But this rule applies specifically to cement mortar (masonry, plaster), and not to concrete.

If necessary, add a little to classic solutions liquid soap. Now this is no longer a scarce product, and up to 100 grams of soap can be added to the full capacity of a concrete mixer. This composition will be stirred for no more than five minutes, and will serve perfectly if the quality of the brick is poor.

Cement mortar taking into account proportions are individual solutions within the construction process. For each type of brick, foundation, screed and everything else, proven components are selected. And even the sand for the solution must be of a specific grain size.

How to properly mix cement mortar, see the instructions in the following video:

This article is not for professional builders, they know all this, but for people who are not entirely experienced in the construction profession, but who have decided to independently carry out some work that requires cement mortar. Inviting builders is unnecessarily expensive, and it is not easy to find willing ones if the volume of work is small. And you can prepare the cement mortar yourself.

Some inexperienced developers are perplexed by such a concept as the brand of mortar. There is nothing complicated about this. The grade of mortar indicates the compressive strength of a small cube measuring 70.7 x 70.7 x 70.7 (mm) of hardened mortar and is measured in kg/cm2. That is, the higher the grade of the solution, the stronger it will be finished product. There are only 9 grades of solution, the lowest is 4, the highest is 300. The most commonly used grades are from 25 to 200.

The strength of the mortar depends on the binder (cement) used and the proportion of binder to aggregate (sand). For example, a cement mortar in a ratio of 1:6 means that the mortar consists of 1 part cement and 6 parts sand.

Without going into a general excursion into the types of solutions, let’s move straight to practical advice.

Mortars for masonry walls

When laying brick or cauldron walls with cement mortar, it is very important that the mortar not only has the necessary strength, but is also sufficiently plastic. Masonry with a hard mortar, which, when leveled on the surface of a brick, immediately releases water and turns into a sedentary mass, is similar to torture. When working with such a mortar, the brick does not slide on its surface, vertical joints are filled very poorly, and there is no need to talk about high productivity with such a mortar.

Modern technologies offer various plasticizers, but it is quite possible to do without them, using old, time-tested methods of preparing solutions. Undoubtedly, the more binder in the mortar, the fatter it will be, but with this approach you can end up with a catastrophic waste of cement, and this means money, and a lot of it. Therefore, it is very important to select suitable sand for the masonry mortar.

It is very rare that imported sand does not contain pebbles. To be on the safe side, it is best to immediately sift the sand through a metal mesh with 5 x 5 mm cells; this will remove not only stones and plant roots, but also other impurities from the sand.

Never use washed river sand for masonry mortars. Only with a cement ratio of 1:3 can the mortar become a little more plastic, but this is already an M 200 mortar, and the brand of masonry mortar is M 50 - 75, the ratio of the components in which is 1:6 or 1:5. The best choice for such solutions is quarry sand with a grain size of no more than 2.5 mm, which contains a small admixture of clay. It is this small impurity that will add the necessary plasticity to the solution.

If you were brought river sand and, moreover, coarse-grained one, there are two ways to prepare a solution of the required consistency:

1. Add some clay to it. If you prepare the solution using a concrete mixer, then the clay should be thrown into the mixer last. When preparing cement mortar in a ratio of 1:6, it is enough to add 0.5 parts of clay so as not to reduce the grade of the mortar and make it much more plastic.

2. Prepare cement-lime mortar. Lime will serve as a natural plasticizer, which will make the wall mortar quite convenient to work with. When preparing such a solution, you can use lime paste or slaked lime, which must be filled with water in a large container. Lime is diluted with water to the consistency of very liquid sour cream and used to prepare a solution instead of clean water. According to the standard, 150 kg of slaked lime is required for 1 m3 of cement-lime mortar M 50.

The most common grades of cement mortar have the following ratios of cement and sand (standards are given for cement grade M400):

  • M 25 - 1:11 (136 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution);
  • M 50 - 1:6.3 (232 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution);
  • M 75 - 1:4.5 (319 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution);
  • M100 - 1:5 (304 kg of M400 cement per 1 m3 of solution);
  • M200 - 1:3 (499 kg of M400 cement per 1 m3 of solution);

The most commonly found cement in stores is M400. But if you come across M500 cement, then you will need less of it. To determine how much M500 cement is needed, simply multiply the calculated consumption of M400 cement by a factor of 0.85.

In order to determine the need for sand when laying brick walls, you need to know that on average 1 m3 of ordinary masonry requires 0.24 m3 of mortar, regardless of its brand. Having determined the required volume of solution, multiply this value by 1.2 and get the volume of sand. On average, the weight of 1 m3 of sand is 1.5 tons. From this calculation, you can determine the carrying capacity of the machine required to deliver sand to your construction site.