How to decorate a steam room with clapboard. Finishing the bathhouse from the inside: the required minimum of work before operating the steam room. Basic principles and stages of steam room equipment

Well-designed finishing of the steam room in the bathhouse helps to create comfort during the operation of the bathhouse complex.

However, to create comfort, great attention should be paid to the finishing of the steam room; for this purpose, it is recommended to study in detail all stages of the process from the photo. finishing works. All the tasks that arise in the process of finishing the steam room inside the bathhouse can be easily dealt with if you study all the stages of finishing work and first print out individual photos of the finishing stages before carrying out work operations. The price for finishing a steam room in a bath depends on the material used in the finishing process

Selecting material for finishing the steam room in the bath complex

Before finishing the steam room in the bathhouse with your own hands, you should select the appropriate finishing material.

A traditional finishing material used for finishing a steam room in a bathhouse, built from timber or other building material is wood.

Most budget option The finishing of the steam room is the use of pine wood. However, it is worth noting that this material is not advisable to use for finishing, since the use of low-quality pine wood in the finishing process leads to the release of a large amount of resinous substances from the wood during heating. A large amount of emitted resins makes the operation of the bath complex difficult.

The best finishing material for a steam room in a bath complex is linden wood. The advantages of this type of wood are:

  1. No overheating of wood.
  2. Having the ability to withstand high temperatures.
  3. The ability to maintain its mechanical properties for a long time.

In addition to the specified types of wood, the following types of wood can be used to carry out finishing work in the steam room of the bathhouse complex and create comfort in the bathhouse:

  • ash;
  • meranti;
  • birch;
  • hornbeam;
  • cedar;
  • maple and some others.

Very often, materials made from larch are used for finishing work. Its wood dries out quickly. This ability contributes to the formation of a favorable microclimate in the premises of the bath complex.

Characteristics of finishing materials made from certain types of wood

For finishing a steam room, lining made of wood is ideal.

The use of birch allows you to restore your psychophone, relieve tension and get rid of the effects of stress. The use of birch lining allows the person taking bath procedures to recharge with positive energy.

Larch lining is the most durable material that can easily withstand high temperatures and high humidity. Lining made from this material can withstand extreme impacts without losing the quality of the material.

Linden lining does not require virtually any special treatment and has large number benefits. The finishing material for the steam room, made from linden wood, is perfect for finishing both the walls in the steam room and the shelves in the bathhouse. The advantages of this material are pleasant appearance, presence of interesting texture and warm color shade. Linden wood has a high degree of moisture resistance, is not subject to deformation during operation, and does not heat up to high temperature. It is recommended that before developing a project and finishing a steam room for a bath made of timber, look at the photos for examples of the use of linden finishing material.

Finishing material made from aspen is able to absorb negative energy and have a beneficial effect on a person. Finishing using aspen finishing material allows you to speed up the recovery of the human body. Aspen at correct preparation acquires high strength and moisture resistance. In material made from this type of wood, when correct processing cracks do not form, and such material can be used for a long period of time.

Cedar wood is used for finishing work in luxury bath complexes. Cedar lining is soft and flexible, easy to process and has a beautiful pattern. Many of the homeowners who decide to use this material are wondering whether the finish of the cedar steam room in the bathhouse is crying. Cedar lining, when used as a finishing material for a steam room, does not cry while heating the room. This material releases into the atmosphere essential oils having healing properties.

How to choose the right quality lining for finishing a steam room?

High-quality lining is primarily dried. The maximum humidity of the material should not exceed 12%, since only in this case is the material able to breathe.

The manufacturer produces several types of material for finishing steam rooms in chopped baths:

  • grade A;
  • grade B;
  • grade C;
  • Premium grade;
  • Extra grade.

Grades are assigned to a material depending on how strongly it exhibits natural defects and shortcomings that arise during the processing process. The highest quality lining is of the Premium grade. This material does not have knots or other defects. The surface of the material is absolutely smooth and even. The cheapest material is lining, which belongs to grade C. The least requirements are imposed on the production of this material. The division of manufactured linings into separate grades depending on quality is carried out at the packaging stage.

When purchasing a finishing material, in addition to the grade, you should also pay attention to the integrity of the heat-shrink film, which ensures that the optimal moisture content is retained and the appearance of the material is preserved.

Features of finishing a steam room in a bathhouse

When using lining to decorate a steam room in a bathhouse, you should remember that it cannot be coated with varnish and stain, since this coating, when heated, will release a large amount of toxic substances that can cause severe poisoning in humans. Toxins released by stains and varnishes during the heating process contribute to the appearance of unpleasant odor in a room that has not been used for a long time, which will require repeated work on finishing the steam room.

The technology for finishing work includes several technological steps, the main ones of which are the following:

  1. Before starting finishing work, the lining should be brought into the steam room for its acclimatization and left for a day. During this time, the material adapts to the microclimate of the room.
  2. If there are differences in height on the plane of the walls, they need to be leveled. If this step is not completed, the wall finishing will be of poor quality.
  3. The finishing material should be secured using self-tapping screws or staples. For this purpose, a load-bearing lathing made of wooden beams is attached to the wall.
  4. To install the finishing material, you should choose safe fasteners. When using nails or self-tapping screws in the process of fastening the lining, their heads must be buried in the wood, since during the heating of the room the metal becomes very hot, which can lead to burns when touching them.

Simultaneously with finishing the walls, the floor and ceiling in the steam room are being finished. Before finishing work, installation of floor waterproofing and vapor and heat insulation is carried out ceiling.

When finishing the floor, it is necessary to ensure high-quality and rapid drainage of used water into the sewer system.

The most popular materials for finishing the floor are tiles and polished boards, and when finishing the ceiling you can use the same type of wooden lining as when finishing the surface of the walls of the steam room.

Thanks to the high-quality selection of materials and high-quality finishing, a favorable atmosphere is created in the steam room that will delight the owner of the bath complex and his friends for a long time.

Choice facing materials significant. But if we are talking about such a specific “object” as a bathhouse, then upon closer examination there are not so many options. And this mainly applies only to the types of panels, since both experts and land owners agree that best solution for finishing - wooden lining. Let's consider all the nuances of finishing the inside of a bathhouse with clapboard.

The concept of do-it-yourself always means a simple tool (household level), accessible technology and inexpensive materials. This is where the author proceeds. Let's start with the preparation stage for finishing the bath.


In terms of ease of installation, it is advisable to focus on Euro class lining. It differs from traditional designs in the groove parameters. What is the advantage of finishing a bathhouse with this board?

  • The so-called “comb” is longer, therefore, even with temperature deformation (and it is inevitable, especially in a steam room), there will definitely be no gaps between the panels.
  • The presence of special (compensation) channels on the wrong side of the lining contributes to natural ventilation(increases its efficiency) under the finish, initiates the removal of condensate and prevents cracking of the boards due to some deformation during temperature changes.
  • Another advantage noted by users is that Euro lining from a well-known manufacturer is necessarily impregnated at the manufacturing stage. From the author’s point of view, this will have to be done one way or another. But in relation to the Euroboard, you can do everything necessary using a simplified method. This means you can save some money on medications, and you will need much less time for additional processing.


According to this criterion, excessive savings are not advisable - only “Premium”, “Extra”, “Prima” (highest) or A (first). And here's why. In lower grades, defects such as cracks, knots and a number of others are allowed. The difference is in their parameters and quantity per unit area. But, under conditions that are typical for any bathhouse (changes in humidity and temperature, their high values, especially in a steam room), the same knots can simply fall out over time, and cracks can “spread.” And then you will have to do repairs, which means spending money.


A bathhouse is several rooms. Coniferous lining is not suitable for a steam room - when the wood is heated, it releases resin. Therefore, only boards from deciduous trees. For other rooms - at the discretion of the owner. Professionals recommend focusing on the following breeds for a steam room:

  • linden. Perhaps the most used lining in baths. Its main advantages are the strength of the material combined with ease of cutting and processing, beautiful structure, noble shade. It is generally accepted that the linden tree gives outward positive energy, so it’s the best choice for a bathhouse.

  • aspen. This lining is somewhat “softer”, since the wood is less dense. The advantages of this wood are that it is easy to care for, over time the board gains strength, and the lining made from it looks very attractive. For those who are interested in bioenergy issues, we can add that it literally pulls out all the “negativity” from us.
  • alder. The price for such lining is higher than for aspen and linden, but it is worth it. The main advantage is the tannins contained in wood. It is well processed and practically does not conduct heat. For a steam room, the quality of the board is very important.

It makes no sense to consider such species as abashi, ash, oak, hemlock and a number of others - lining made from this wood is quite expensive. But if financial capabilities allow, you should pay attention.

For all other rooms it is better to purchase coniferous lining. In principle, there is no need to process it, since by definition it is protected from rotting by the resin contained in the structure. Is it purely symbolic, for “prevention” (implies de-resining the wood). If you add the pleasant aroma emitted coniferous tree, variety of shades, beautiful structure and ease of cutting, then such lining for all rooms of the bathhouse, with the exception of the steam room, is an excellent choice.

Lining quantity calculator

Drawing up a finishing scheme

This must be done for two reasons:

  • The drawn up drawing will help determine the required volume of lumber purchases. The lining is mainly sold in samples 3 m long. Naturally, during the installation process the panels will have to be sawn, adjusted, and somehow combined individual fragments. If you buy wood “by eye,” the costs will be higher and there will be a surplus. A thrifty owner does not act this way.
  • It is the diagram that will help you understand how best to arrange the lining in the bathhouse (over the entire area or in a separate room). There are several options, although two are considered the main ones. And on the question of which one is preferable, even experts do not have a consensus. Consequently, you will have to decide on your own, taking into account the dimensions of the room, its configuration and “filling” (furniture, household appliances and so on).

Vertical fastening of boards

Proponents of this scheme highlight the following advantages:

  • Installation of finishing boards is carried out quickly due to the simplicity of the technology.
  • Splashes of water and condensation do not flow into the cracks, but move down.
  • With this method of installing the lining, the most efficient circulation of air flows is achieved (due to channels on the wrong side), which flow from bottom to top.
  • When applied to a steam room, this finishing allows for maximum heat accumulation in the room.

Fastening the boards horizontally

Those who defend this particular method of laying lining use the following arguments:

  • The lining is attached upward with a “tenon” (protrusion), therefore, water will not linger between the panels.
  • Air circulation will not be reduced, as it is facilitated by the orientation of the slats load-bearing frame(vertical position).
  • Practicality. This argument is very impressive if you take into account the specifics of rooms with high humidity. Mostly dampness accumulates at a level close to the floor. This means that the bottom will rot more intensely. In this case, when installing the lining vertically, you will have to change all the boards, and when installing horizontally, only a couple of bottom panels.
  • Temperature changes cause the boards to begin to deform. This is especially noticeable when they are installed vertically.

It turns out that in the steam room it is better to place the lining horizontally. But in other rooms, baths are at the personal discretion of the owner, taking into account the peculiarities of their design. This is the “filling”, and the general design, and much more - for your imagination home handyman there are no limits.

There is also a diagonal installation of the lining. It looks impressive, nothing more. In practical terms, fastening the boards in this way does not provide any advantages. And this despite the fact that it is quite difficult to install them using this method with your own hands. Even experienced craftsmen spend a lot of time on this. It is associated with the obligatory accuracy of cutting samples and their proper fitting in place.

Interior decoration of a bathhouse with clapboard - work procedure

Doing it yourself also means freedom of choice - tools, techniques, the same scheme, drugs, and so on. It will be much more useful to dwell on the features of the stages of work.

Preparing the base

Much depends on whether the bathhouse is new or built a long time ago, and the decision to finish it with fittings was made much later. The reader will determine for himself what he needs to do.

  • Cleaning up. The task is to identify existing defects during a surface inspection and outline ways to eliminate them, as well as decide what will be needed for this.
  • Repairing detected damage. For example, if the bathhouse is a log house, then it is very likely that you will have to remove fungus, bleach the wood and impregnate it with special compounds. A building made of brick or aerated concrete may have cracks that need to be repaired.
  • Processing. Depending on the material of the walls, they must also be coated with an appropriate preparation. Why, if they are not made of wood? You won’t be able to do everything with your own hands, absolutely competently. Practice shows that the formation of condensation on the walls is a common phenomenon when self-finishing. This means that it (and the fungus that accompanies dampness) will gradually move onto the insulation and the lining itself.

Traditionally used impregnations in this case (for wood, concrete) are ineffective for one reason - the short duration of action. Experienced craftsmen advise covering brick and reinforced concrete with PVA putty. It sets firmly, forms an impenetrable layer and lasts for at least 5 years. But for wooden bath– not an option, since it will stop “breathing.”


Even if the walls are treated with putty, this layer should not be neglected. Moreover, P/E film is cheap, and its sheets (with overlap) can be fixed with the slats of the supporting frame. The joints are sealed with construction tape. Everything is quite simple and fast.

Installation of supporting frame

  • Slats – only wooden; The metal profile is not installed under the lining. The explanation is simple - the numerical value of the expansion coefficient of the mating materials should be approximately equal (ideally identical).
  • There is no need to skimp on bars - expensive, but straight ones are better. There will be problems with the “croaker”, since on an uneven basis wooden lining It won't be possible to install it well. The reason is the hardness of the material; dry wood (and other wood is not mounted during finishing), unlike plastic, does not bend.
  • How to install the grille depends on the location of the panels. When fastening the lining vertically, the slats are fixed horizontally, and vice versa. This is understandable. Another thing is how to choose frame parameters. It all depends on whether a layer of thermal insulation will be installed or not. In the first case, you will have to provide a counter grille, otherwise high-quality air circulation under the finish will not be achieved. In some rooms, insulation may not be needed (warm climate, thick walls, external thermal insulation). Then the thickness of the frame slats can be reduced; leave only a small gap between the lining and the walls.
  • Fixation is as rigid as possible. But not nails. This type of fastener easily splits wood, especially dried wood. If you use it, then only special ones, anchor ones, with preliminary drilling of the slats.

At this stage, you should immediately lay (arrange) a number of communications:

  • Electrical/wiring. But only in a sleeve, and a metal one (corrugated). The wire (cable) must have moisture-repellent insulation.
  • Ventilation ducts. It’s easy to install the segments with your own hands metal pipe or corrugations (section 80 - 100 mm) passing through the walls. At the top - at a level of 15 - 20 cm from the ceiling; below – 20 (±5) from flooring. And preferably closer to sauna stove. It is also necessary to provide dampers so that it is possible to regulate the intensity of air exchange.

Internal insulation

This process should be approached rationally. If the decision has been made, then how exactly to create the thermal layer? For the steam room best option– penofol with foil coating. It is placed under the sheathing with the metallized side facing the inside of the room (to effectively reflect IR rays).

In other rooms (if insulation is required) you can limit yourself to mineral wool. Considering that this is a bathhouse and the layer is internal, it is advisable to purchase the “eco” modification, as the most “environmentally friendly” material.

The slabs (rolls) are laid in cells between the slats. Since the cotton wool is elastic, after straightening it is securely held without additional fixation. But provided that the diagram of the supporting frame is drawn up taking into account the size of the samples!

Vapor barrier layer

Many articles on this topic indicate the same film. There is some inaccuracy here. Films are available in various designs. Conventional (solid) insulation is not suitable for vapor barrier, as it does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, only special modifications (with microscopic holes) or appropriate membranes are a fairly large choice.

After installing this layer, as noted above, the counter batten slats (to create ventilation gap). Fastening the material to wood with staples (using a construction stapler).

Directly finishing the bath

If the lining is from a well-known manufacturer, then instructions are always included with the product. But even in its absence, it’s not difficult to figure out how to join the boards. There are protrusions, grooves - everything is very simple. Where to start the assembly is also unimportant, since thinner vertical slats are installed in the corners. Or corner profiles. The decorative component comes in second place here. The main function of these elements is to prevent water from flowing into the joints of the panels in the corners of the room. The most important thing is how to correctly attach the finishing board.

  • Be sure to “recess” the hardware into the wood. Therefore, chamfers are made in the lining. Otherwise, when heated, you can get burned on them. Yes, and from an aesthetic point of view, they wood finishing doesn't add any attractiveness.
  • Any metal rusts in damp conditions. And this “spreads” onto the tree and appears in the form of red stains and spots. Therefore, only galvanized fasteners.
  • Another nuance - what to use? Self-tapping screws, screws, that is, anything that grabs tightly, is not suitable for fixing the lining. The reason is the same - temperature expansion. To fasten the finishing board you need to take small nails or special parts - staples, clamps (available for sale).
  • Fastener locations must be sealed. The caps are covered with a primer (of a shade corresponding to the wood) or miniature plastic plugs. Can also be purchased at any furniture store, and are inexpensive.

When joining the boards, it is necessary to achieve their maximum adjacency, and then move them apart somewhat (by 2 - 3 mm). For what? Thermal expansion is one thing. But we should not forget that the lining will gradually accumulate moisture, which is inevitable even with regular ventilation and drying of the bathhouse. This means that the boards will swell somewhat.

Ceiling cladding is a separate issue. You need to start the interior decoration of the bathhouse with it. What are the nuances?

  1. Firstly, brackets for fixing the boards are not suitable here, since under the weight of the lining they will easily come out of the wood. This means only clamps or nails.
  2. Secondly, installation is carried out only from the door (in this case, the visual effect matters).
  3. Thirdly, the lining is positioned so that there is a gap of at least 4.5 (±0.5) cm between the ends of the boards and the wall. The reason is that all the heat collects under the ceiling, therefore, it is there that the boards undergo maximum expansion.

In conclusion, it should be noted that lumber, regardless of the degree of industrial drying, species and grade, must be processed before being used for its intended purpose. Since we are talking about a bathhouse, the compositions need to be selected wisely, taking into account the structural features. Particular attention should be paid to the lining for the most “problematic” room - the steam room.

All decorative elements, various slopes, planks, and so on are attached in the same way - with hardware. You cannot plant them on glue. Otherwise, in the process of deformation of the wood, the entire finish will begin to warp.

Arrangement of a bath complex requires proper attention to the most insignificant nuances. The bathhouse will turn into an ideal place to relax only after carefully studying the theoretical part and the sequence of actions. And already done with my own hands work will only strengthen positive effect from receiving bath procedures.


Main feature Russian bath - wet steam. To create it, a certain humidity is maintained in the steam room. Humidity and steam balance is achieved complete absence ventilation.

There are a huge number of options for finishing bath rooms. The choice depends on personal preferences and is limited by financial capabilities. Peculiarities interior decoration traditionally should be conducive to relaxation and spiritual pleasure. Therefore, the main thing in interior decoration is naturalness, convenience, and minimalism.

For example, an excellent natural decor for a steam room is a natural log house. However latest technologies construction involves the use of more modern methods construction of a bathhouse, so structures often require finishing materials.

Additional materials should not negatively affect the basic requirements for the bath:

  • the steam room, shower, relaxation room should have a beautiful and practical design;
  • in the steam room it is important to have hot but not scalding steam;
  • In the shower, both convenience and safety are important.

Properly selected materials will have a positive impact on the functional features of the bathhouse. They will also affect the service life of the walls, floors, and ceilings of the premises. It is important to choose materials of the right quality in accordance with the characteristics of the bath premises.

For example, a steam room is distinguished by the constant presence of hot steam, which comes in a concentrated form and is quite dense. In addition, this room experiences temperature changes and high humidity.

Many materials may not withstand this extreme situation. However modern market offers a lot interesting options finishing, which in the best possible way meets the conditions of the steam room.

The finishing features for the steam room should be as follows:

  • have the ability to warm up and not accumulate heat;
  • be moisture resistant;
  • have good aesthetic characteristics;
  • be resistant to fungus and mold;
  • have the ability to purify the air.

The washing room involves not only washing, but also relaxation. Classic choice: wood, ceramic tiles. For washing, for example, coniferous wood is suitable. It has high water-repellent qualities. In addition, conifers have a beautiful appearance. The floor in this room should have anti-slip properties, as well as a comfortable temperature. Ceramic tiles can help achieve results.

As a reliable material for the vestibule and rest room, you can choose:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • plaster;
  • natural stone;
  • wallpaper.

Greater aesthetics and practicality can be achieved by combining these finishes. In a bathhouse created with your own hands, it is possible to realize the most non-standard ideas. Select the optimal types of finishes and their variations.


Traditional decoration inside the bathhouse made of wood. The most suitable wooden base for finishing is lining.

These special finishing panels there are main advantages:

  • good air circulation;
  • zero condensate;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • easy installation;
  • reasonable price.

The best starting materials for lining are: larch, linden, alder, ash. Hardwood walls warm up faster, while the outside temperature of the walls remains comfortable for human skin.

Unlike conifers, hardwoods do not emit resins, so they are considered harmless for finishing the walls of a steam room.

Pine lining, for example, is not at all suitable for a steam room. When heated, this base will release toxic substances and is also covered with resin, which can drip from the walls and ceiling and cause burns.


Options for the type of finishing “lining” are classy. For example, class C has a low cost and is suitable for finishing vestibule walls. Class B is equipped with contrasting inclusions, cracks, and minor damage. Every 1.5 meters of the length of such a lining implies the presence of a certain number of knots. The lining is suitable for the design of a recreation room in natural style, as well as for the vestibule.

Class A lining allows for a few small cracks. However, it does not allow visible cores on the cut. There may be at least one knot per 1.5 meters of length. Class A lining is suitable for finishing the walls of some areas of the steam room.

Premium class lining has an excellent appearance, but the corresponding price. The material can be used to cover the walls of a steam room, relaxation room, or washing room. Linden croaker will serve as an excellent wall decoration. The material does not allow overheating and does not release resins. Linden panels will serve as high-quality sound insulation; they can be supplemented with unedged boards.

For vapor barrier of the steam room, basalt mineral wool and foil in the form of a film are used. Both the walls and the ceiling are sheathed with foil for waterproofing purposes. In order to insulate the stove in the steam room, it is permissible to use brick and salt for finishing.

Can be used in the bathhouse Himalayan salt. A salt bath combines the positive properties of a dry steam room and a healing chamber, providing a beneficial effect on a person.


Work related to finishing the ceiling begins with laying insulation in the attic. To prevent dust from entering the room, all cracks between the boards must be sealed. Brick chips and other bulk options are used as insulation material.

The ceiling of the bathhouse must withstand temperature loads. Finishing materials must resist steam flows. You should not choose materials for finishing the ceiling that highlight toxic substances when heated.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use materials such as plywood or chipboard from the inside - they contain sawdust, which is a fire hazard. Do not choose polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam or polyethylene films as insulation; they are afraid of high temperatures.

The building foundations relevant for the bathhouse ceiling are spruce or pine beams for beams and ceilings, not edged board or tongue and groove for the first ceiling, class A or B linden lining - ceiling lining inside. Aluminum foil and membrane films can be used for vapor barrier, and membrane films for waterproofing. You can sheathe the steam room with linden and bast.

Linden croaker with bast – ideal option finishing the bathhouse ceiling in a natural style.


The optimal choice for the floor of all rooms of the bath, except for the steam room, is ceramic tiles. A block of tiles in a steam room may be present near the stove. The variety of modern collections will easily allow you to choose the appropriate design for a relaxation room or washroom. At the same time, tiling will not only be comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, but also practical and durable.

The floor of the steam room can be made of concrete or wood. Concrete or stone floors are cold. Therefore, wood is often preferred. Wooden floors require the preparation of a foundation on which beams are laid, and logs are laid on top of them. The voids between beams and joists are filled with insulation, which is expanded clay. A vapor barrier and waterproofing are laid on top of the insulation, then the finishing floor is installed.

A concrete floor requires a foundation made of crushed stone and clay. Roofing felt serves as waterproofing and bitumen mastic. The insulation can be mineral wool or expanded clay. The finishing layer of the floor is laid on the heat-insulating surface.


For example, a steam room is considered the real heart of a bathhouse, and therefore its interior should be living, breathing. Synthetic materials are not allowed, especially near the stove. All items in the steam room must be of high quality safety and natural purity.

Combinations of finishing materials such as lining and stone, brick and granite slabs, and block house will look especially designer in the steam room. In addition to beauty, the interior of the steam room must be absolutely safe. Therefore, the design of a steam room is often a compromise of choice. In a steam room, strict curves of the shelves, hidden light, noble stone behind the stove.

If a separate room for vacationers is designed in the bathhouse, then all the attention in the design is to comfort. The same naturalness comes first here. Curtains with flounces and strict blinds on the windows are appropriate in the design. This bathhouse room is usually compact, but bright.

However, there are no special design requirements. It is desirable that everything be decorated in fairly calm colors, conducive to a comfortable pastime.

A modern bathhouse requires the arrangement of a washing room. Full plumbing fixtures are allowed for installation here. Often this place is a pool of unimaginable shapes. Due to the lack of space for arranging a swimming pool, showers are installed in the washing room. Stylish modern shower stalls will not take up much space, and will fit well into the interior of the bathhouse. It is not even necessary to allocate a separate room for showers.

The internal washing area in the Russian bathhouse was also built around the stove, in the steam room. Simple basins and ladles served as washing objects. Taking into account the possibilities modern materials all this can be implemented in the current bathhouse buildings.

Designer design baths can be interconnected with personal perception of colors and their combinations. This feature depends on the physiological structure of the eyes, the state of the nerves, and life experience. Psychologists say that for women color is more important than shape, while for men content is more important. At the same time, a person has the ability to associate something with something all the time.

Bathhouse design is a purely individual choice and should be based only on your personal idea of ​​relaxation.

How to finish it yourself?

The basis of a Russian bath is a stove. Best materials for the heater - natural stones, bricks.

For floor installation, edged boards are allowed, and the work itself includes several stages.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Getting rid of all debris, leveling the base.
  2. Preparation of concrete screed. This step can be skipped if the rough base is already sufficiently leveled. The base can be covered with sand.
  3. Laying brick bases that will support the logs. The height of the brick bases is equal to the height of the flooring.
  4. Attaching joists to posts. Logs are boards with a section of 25x25 in increments of 100 cm.
  5. Laying floor boards. Work should begin from the corner away from the room relative to the doorway. Self-tapping screws are suitable for fastening. It is important that the caps are completely embedded in the wood when screwing in.
  6. The floor design must include a drain.

After laying the floor, the walls are covered. A frame base is installed for the cladding. The frame material is timber or simple slats. It is important to consider the load level here. For example, shelves are often attached to walls; the slats will not support them. The direction of the frame base should be perpendicular to the lining.

Guide to work stages:

  1. Install the first and last strips on the wall using self-tapping screws. The pitch of the guides is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the insulating materials.
  2. Strengthen the waterproofing material over the frame.
  3. Start working with insulation (for example, mineral wool).
  4. Lay a layer of vapor barrier. Individual sheets of material are better fastened with a construction stapler.
  5. Start arranging the lining, starting from the farthest section of the room.

After covering the verticals, proceed to the ceiling work. Lining is also allowed for the ceiling. An edged board or timber is suitable as a frame. The pitch of the frame corresponds to the size of the insulation boards. The frame is installed similarly to the walls.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Attach a layer of moisture-repellent base over the frame.
  2. Next, fill the gaps with insulation (for example, basalt wool).
  3. Level the slabs carefully.
  4. Install a vapor barrier layer on top of the insulation using a construction stapler. Provide an overlap of 20-30 cm. Glue the joints with aluminum tape.
  5. Proceed to the installation of the lining.

Have you tried and built a beautiful steam room hut? Now we need to finish the inside of the bathhouse, which requires no less attention than exterior work. High humidity and elevated temperature put forward special requests for materials, because not all of them are able to withstand difficult operating conditions. The choice of cladding determines how long the structure will last and how comfortable the procedures will be. Different rooms in the bathhouse require their own approach to finishing, but the most difficult is finishing the steam room in the bathhouse.

Steam room design in a bathhouse

What material is suitable for a steam room?

For interior work There are a lot of finishing materials. To make it easier for you to choose what kind of finishing the steam room in the bathhouse will have, photos and paintings ready-made solutions Every designer has one. It is worth remembering that even if you made your own choice, it is better to coordinate it with a specialist, because not all materials are suitable for installation inside the hottest room.

Taking into account the specific operating conditions, the following requirements are imposed on the finishing:

    moisture resistance;

    heat resistance;



    environmental friendliness.

Important! For the interior decoration of the bathhouse, you should choose natural materials.

When the temperature rises, plastic becomes deformed and begins to emit an unpleasant odor, and ordinary tiles crack after heating. Therefore, the use of such finishing is unacceptable in the steam room.

The best option is wood. The finishing structure depends on financial capabilities. For example, lining is cheaper than timber; it is chosen if it is necessary to meet a certain budget. Basically, bathhouse owners prefer deciduous wood. Below is an example of what the interior decoration of a bathhouse might look like, a photo of the classic version.

High-quality wood for interior decoration of a bathhouse

There is an opinion that you should not sheathe the inside with steamed coniferous wood, since it releases resin when the temperature rises. But this statement is controversial, because resin has a beneficial effect on health, cleanses the respiratory tract, and strengthens the heart.

To sheathe or not interior space coniferous wood, it’s up to you to decide - maybe someone in your household doesn’t like the smell of pine needles or vice versa...

If lining was chosen for cladding the bathhouse, then it should be high quality. Particular attention must be paid external treatment material - there should be no chips, knots or cracks on its surface. The lining should not deform: swell when heated or dry out at normal temperatures.

If wood is not suitable for you as a material for interior decoration of a steam room for some reason, you can give preference to heat-resistant tiles; they have proven themselves well under significant temperature changes.

Video description

How to insulate the ceiling and decorate the walls in a bathhouse is shown in the video:

Ceiling protection

Before finishing, you should protect the ceiling from hot steam. To do this, use aluminum foil or a construction membrane.

Important! Do not use foil with mineral wool or polypropylene foam glued on it. When heated, these materials release toxic substances.

Protecting the ceiling in the bathhouse with aluminum foil

Using lining - rational or not

Definitely yes! Lining made from linden, aspen, cedar, and abashi has become popular due to its properties. It tolerates temperature changes well, high humidity, aesthetic, does not absorb moisture. Cladding made of clapboard has low thermal conductivity - it does not heat up, but transfers heat to the air.

Bath lining is not covered with varnish, antiseptic, or paint; it is used in its natural form.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer bathhouse construction services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Preparing the walls for finishing

When starting to finish the walls, they solve the issue of insulation and waterproofing. Without such measures, the bathhouse will not last long, and healing procedures will be reduced to simple hygienic ones. For insulation, the walls are covered with mineral or basalt wool. The second one is more resistant to high temperatures, so it lasts longer.

Insulation of walls in a steam room with mineral wool

Experts consider cork to be the best thermal insulator for bathhouse walls. This agglomerate does not burn, does not rot, and is resistant to fungi and mold.

Lathing - to do or not to do

Craftsmen prefer to install the sheathing and attach the interior trim to it. The popular base size is 50x50, less often they make 70x70. The pitch is not standard and varies depending on the size of the blocks being strengthened.

The sheathing is made of wood, less often of metal. Considering the operating conditions, the metal must be treated with moisture-resistant compounds. The lining or logs are secured with self-tapping screws and nails. They must be copper or brass. The installation of the base is done perpendicular to the sheathing.

Lathing walls in the steam room under the lining

Stages of clapboard finishing

    Along the perimeter of the wall and ceiling fix the timber. Fastenings should be every 80–100 cm.

    Cut pieces of insulation wool placed between the tree without compacting.

    Above covered with a waterproofing agent. The joints are sealed with aluminum tape, special attention paying attention to the corners.

    Equip ventilation. To do this, fill the distance rail. It will provide a small gap (2–3 cm) through which air will be vented.

    Do separate upholstery doors and windows.

    Fastening the lining. You need to start from the corner, fixing each part vertically. This position will ensure free flow of water. If a horizontal arrangement of blocks is planned, make sure that the spikes are at the top. This will protect the lock from moisture.

    Lining located in corners or near walls, cut to the right size . It is especially important to cut the corner block correctly. It is necessary to accurately calculate the angle of inclination so that the adjacent block is correctly fixed.

Insulating the furnace using a metal sheet

    metal– stainless steel or profiled iron is mounted on the wall behind the stove;

    red brick– placed between the wall and the fire;

    tiles, resistant to high temperatures (kaolin);

    mineralite– heat-resistant board made of cement and special components.

Video description

Watch the video for step-by-step installation of the lining in the steam room:

Making the floor in the steam room

Not only comfort, but also safety depends on the choice of raw materials for the floor. Moisture on smooth tiles or linoleum leads to falls and injuries. Installation of such materials will turn the floor into a skating rink. In addition, when heated, linoleum emits an unpleasant odor containing substances harmful to health.

The optimal choice of floor for a steam room is wood. It does not require a special coating, and with this design the room will be designed in the same style. It is worth noting that the wooden floor in the bathhouse is not made of oak. This wood becomes stronger when wet, but at the same time its surface begins to slip.

Concrete works well. A floor made of such material will be strong and durable. Tiles are laid on top of it, but the structure of the surface of such a coating is important. It should not be glossy; a pronounced relief is necessary. The floor is laid at a slight slope towards the water drainage.

Laying tiles on the floor in a bathhouse

The tiles are laid from the corner, placing crosses between the blocks, tapping with a mounting hammer. After 2-3 days, the seams between the tiles are rubbed down. Put on top wooden gratings, allowing you to avoid stepping on a cold floor and providing additional safety in case of possible slipping.

And now the shelves

Very important point- shelves in the bathhouse. Since constant tactile contact is assumed with them, increased requirements are put forward for these elements:

    they shouldn't get very hot;

    it's better if cool down slowly;

    must be environmentally friendly;

    don't slip and not be very rough;

    don't have external damage;

    easy to wash.

Again, wood is most suitable for this purpose. Carefully cleaned, without knots or nicks, it has served people in bathhouses and steam rooms for centuries. Shelves should not have sharp corners, which can cause injury. They are not made continuous, leaving between wooden planks short distance.

Setting up a dressing room

The main function of the dressing room is to preserve heat. The temperature in the room is not high, so it is good to use coniferous trees to decorate walls in a traditional style.

Design of the waiting room and rest room “under the tree”

Interior decoration A log bath creates an atmosphere of antiquity, ancient fairy tales. A light aroma created by pine, fir, and spruce is appropriate here. The wood of these species resists fungus and mold well. It does not crack after drying and is durable. When heated, fir releases almost no resin.

If hardwood is preferred, experts advise finishing the room with birch. The lining can be laid out not only in even rows, but also in a pattern. It is important that the walls in the room are covered with the same type of wood.

Bathroom and washroom

These rooms do not have very high temperatures, although the humidity is as high as in a steam room. The choice of finishes in the bathroom and washroom is more extensive. Fans of bath procedures recommend using natural raw materials for such rooms - wood or stone. Among wood, pine is the leader - it is available material However, with prolonged use it darkens.

An example of a washroom design

Plastic is acceptable since there is no high temperature, and it tolerates humid air well. You can use regular tiles for the shower.

What is better to use to decorate a rest room?

The rest room should be beautiful and cozy, so the design of the room comes first. It is not necessary to install heat- and moisture-resistant materials here. The relaxation room should be:

    easy to care for;


    environmentally friendlym;



Video description

For interesting ideas for interior decoration of a bathhouse, watch the video:

Decoration of the relaxation room in the bathhouse, except traditional wood, can be produced:

    glass wallpaper;

    porcelain stoneware;

    natural stone ;

    decorative plaster.

Important! The tree is not installed immediately after delivery to the construction site. It is brought into the room and allowed to stand for a couple of days so that it “gets comfortable” in the bathhouse. After this procedure, the wood is not subject to deformation when heated and high humidity.


Decorating the inside of a bathhouse requires effort and imagination. But, if you do everything correctly and entrust this work to professionals, the bathhouse will last a long time to restore strength and health. All you have to do is choose what kind of decoration the bathhouse will have inside: photos of steam rooms will help you find the best option for style and materials.

It is necessary to take into account that finishing a steam room in a bathhouse is not only about decorating the aesthetic appearance of the room, but also about providing practical qualities. The pleasant smell of wood and high air temperature contribute to the creation comfortable atmosphere in the steam room of a sauna or bath. What should be the finishing of a steam room in a bathhouse, how to make it yourself and how to treat the steam room after the procedures - all this is in our article.

Competent interior decoration

Decorating a steam room in a bathhouse with your own hands carries several important missions, which are as follows:

  • waterproofing and thermal insulation of the room is carried out;
  • the service life of the premises is significantly extended;
  • a healing effect is provided that promotes the release of aromatic compounds during exposure to high temperatures;
  • visitors are protected from burns when coming into contact with the walls;
  • a decorative and aesthetic function is carried out.

Selection of material

Before you insulate a steam room in a bathhouse, you need to choose the right material. It is customary to use natural wood for decoration. Thanks to its structure, it provides good microcirculation of moist air.

The steam room in the bathhouse is finished with wood due to its positive characteristics:

  • hygiene of the material;
  • V natural wood there are no toxins that can penetrate into the air when temperatures rise, unlike artificial materials;
  • hypoallergenicity promotes easy interaction with the skin;
  • a Russian steam bath, lined with high-quality types of wood, has a long service life;
  • a wide selection of colors allows you to choose the most favorable shade for the owner without the use of additional dyes;
  • the structure of the fibers makes it easy to absorb and release moisture.

Pine is not one of the most popular materials for a steam bath, since its structure contains a large amount of natural resins, and when the temperature rises, the lining from it begins to release this aromatic sticky substance to the surface.

It is worth considering the amount of moisture in the workpieces. It is necessary to select high-quality dried wood, because if it is under-dried, you can subsequently get large cracks on the walls. And if the decorative finish is overdried, then during use it will begin to absorb excessive amounts of moisture and swell. This will lead to external deformation of the coating, and small waves will form.

Do not treat the wood surface with stains or varnish. It is also prohibited to use painted surfaces, as these substances will evaporate during heating. Only the use of special impregnations is allowed.

Features of tree species

In addition to the fact that the material must be well dried, there should be no knots or nicks on its surface. The board is pre-cut so that it does not create discomfort when in contact with the body.

Deciduous tree species are in demand. In this case, the construction of a steam room in a bathhouse receives a finish with a low degree of thermal conductivity. This quickly warms up the air in the room, but the walls do not overheat, which provides greater comfort.

Each tree species used in steam bath projects has individual characteristics. For example, it is generally accepted that birch trim in a Russian steam bath gives positive energy person. Aspen, reserved in the steam bath project, takes away negative energy, and along with it, diseases.

  • The practical use of birch is rarely in demand. This is due to the fact that such rock undergoes significant drying, but at the same time this property helps to thoroughly saturate the material with special protective equipment.

  • Larch is one of the most durable types of wood. She easily tolerates significant temperature changes that are typical for a steam bath, as in the video. She's also not afraid high humidity for its porous structure.

The natural shine and large number of shades of larch make it one of the main favorites when insulating a steam room in a bathhouse or for decorative decoration.

  • Linden attracts those who love light colors in the interior. It is also moisture resistant and can withstand various deformations. In addition, it takes the longest to heat up than any other breed. Due to this quality, it is customary to sheathe the ceiling, floor and walls closer to the stove. When heated, it releases a pleasant light aroma. It is advisable to treat the linden with a special solution to prevent darkening of the surface. Due to its structure, it is in demand in rooms that require sound insulation.

  • Due to its strength, some builders consider aspen to be almost ideal finishing materials for a steam room in a bathhouse. This quality allows it to be used even during the construction of baths, cellars, and wells. When dried properly, even nails find it difficult to penetrate into such material. Exposure to moisture prevents cracks from appearing. Floors in bathhouses, steam rooms and sinks are often made from aspen. The material is a natural antiseptic that fights fungi, mold and various bacteria. It is used as a remedy for joint diseases and headaches.

Floor arrangement

The floor in a steam bath rarely warms up above 30 0 C, since significant overheating can lead to heat stroke. This surface is covered with a clay layer or concrete screed. A fiber mat is placed on top of these materials. The main quality of the floor is the fast and efficient drainage of water.

This horizontal surface is usually decorated in two ways:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • processed board.

A considerable number of bathhouse owners prefer to use tiles due to their high practicality. However, traditionally, the floors in the bathhouse in the steam room are laid with your own hands in the form wooden flooring. Used simple circuit, in which planed boards are fastened to a prepared base of beams with self-tapping screws tightly or with a small gap.

They form under the tiles horizontal surface in the form of a leveled screed. The size of the steam room in the bathhouse is first measured, and the required number of tiles is prepared according to the footage. It is placed on an adhesive base, and the seams are necessarily puttied with moisture-resistant material. This procedure will eliminate the formation of mold under the cladding.

The steam room in the bathhouse is covered with wood with your own hands. It is not allowed to use materials such as linoleum or fiberboard inside the bathhouse. Just like chipboard, they emit toxic substances and are considered more fire hazardous elements.

Plastic cannot be used in any capacity - decoration, decoration, stand, lampshades, etc. Even lamps for the steam room in the bathhouse are selected with wooden shades. Such solutions will make a truly real health zone.

How to treat a steam room in a bathhouse

Both lovers of bath procedures and experts agree that in a steam room, lining or wood slabs no need to process anything. If the wood is chosen correctly and heating and cooling alternate, nothing will happen to the finish. As a last resort, you can use special formulations based on beeswax and natural oils.

Sometimes after bath procedures it is advisable to wipe benches and walls with linseed, hemp or refined vegetable oil. You can even add aromatic oils with your favorite scent to simultaneously polish the boards to a shine and create a certain comfort. This is an optional procedure. But it is recommended to carry it out at least 2 times a year with regular use of the bath.

Be sure to ventilate and dry the steam room at the end of the procedures. Do not close the door to the steam room. It should be wide open until the shelves are dry, floor boards and walls.

If you dry the room in a timely manner, heat the steam room to at least 70 degrees and cool it down to negative temperatures in winter, there will never be any mushrooms, mold, or even foreign unpleasant odors in such a bathhouse.

VIDEO: Interior decoration of the bathhouse