Planting Victoria strawberries. Victoria planting and care in open ground in autumn new technologies. When and where to plant

In order to receive excellent harvest delicious berries, you need to try in advance. So, in the fall you need to take care of planting fruit crops on your plot, including Victoria’s garden, berries, the beneficial properties of which are beyond doubt, and also aromatic and very, very tasty. But in order for such a plant to take root well and please its owners with a healthy appearance and a wonderful harvest, you need to take into account all its features when planting. So, the topic of our conversation today will be Victoria strawberries (a description of the variety is on the website). Let us clarify some information regarding the plant: when Victoria is planted in the fall, we will clarify soil preparation, timing and care.

Victoria landing dates

In order for Victoria to have time to take root in a new place in the garden, it is important to plant it in the soil in a timely manner. The experience of gardeners confirms that the best time for this will be the end of August - the first half of September (depending on the climatic characteristics of a particular region). At such a time, the soil remains warm and warms up well, but the sun does not heat it up, as in the hot summer months. And the seedlings will have enough time to take root - there are still about two months left before winter.

How to choose a place in the garden for Victoria?

These plants prefer open areas, which are not in the shade and are well illuminated by the sun. Readers of “Popular About Health” should remember that the more sun, warmth and light Victoria receives in the spring, the sweeter and larger its berries will be. It has been experimentally proven that strawberries in shaded areas are mostly sour, even if the variety is initially sweet.

In addition, the plant may feel uncomfortable and bear fruit poorly if there is a lack of heat and moisture.

It is better not to plant Victoria in areas where you previously grew potatoes or cabbage, peppers or cucumbers. Strawberries will grow and bear fruit remarkably well after all kinds of grains, as well as garlic, beets, carrots and various greens.

Features of soil preparation

It is advisable to thoroughly fertilize the soil on the site in advance before planting Victoria. Closer to cold weather, the soil naturally becomes more depleted, so in order for plants to have enough nutrients, it is necessary to improve the quality of the soil. It is advisable to carry out such work fifteen days before the planned planting. Basically, about five kilograms of well-rotted manure are used for each square meter. But it is worth considering that this figure is quite arbitrary. The amount of fertilizer used directly depends on quality indicators soil on the site, the more nutritious it is, the less manure you will need.

After applying fertilizer, you need to thoroughly dig up the soil so that the manure is thoroughly mixed with the soil.

How to prepare seedlings?

It is very important to prepare the soil for Victoria for planting, and to cultivate young plants - seedlings for this. In this case, all seedlings should be inspected for any signs of disease or rot. It is best to throw away problem plants and not take risks. Next, you need to treat the root system with fungicides (in accordance with the instructions) and send the seedlings to a dark and somewhat cool place.

What is the best way to plant Victoria in the garden??

The fertilized and prepared area must be carefully leveled, and then rows must be formed on it. The interval between them can be only forty centimeters. The same distance should be between individual seedlings within the same row. If you are planting a significant number of plants, these numbers can be increased to make it more convenient to work on the site.

You should plant a couple of seedlings in each prepared hole, dig the roots deeper, sprinkle with soil and press down a little. Next, you need to water fairly abundantly (but not excessively).

Planting on agrofibre

Many experienced gardeners prefer to grow garden Victoria on agrofibre, so as not to waste time and effort on mulching and weeding. To carry out such a planting, you need to cover the fertilized and leveled soil with agrofibre, make holes in it at the required intervals and plant.

Autumn care

Victoria requires virtually no care after planting in the fall. Usually, plants have enough natural precipitation, but in dry weather, it is worth organizing periodic watering. You should devote time and effort to eliminating weeds and periodically weeding.

Features of preparation for wintering

Young seedlings must be prepared for winter so that they are not damaged by frost. Victoria is especially sensitive to frost on bare ground when snow has not yet fallen. And this situation occurs quite often. Therefore, when covering young plants, you need to insulate them and ensure snow retention. Straw can be used for this purpose. She will be an excellent option, plus she will play a role organic feeding. Straw just needs to be poured between the bushes, covering the ground. However, experienced gardeners are categorically against straw, as it can harbor pests and rodents. Excellent choice It can be a synthetic material, for example, spunbond or lutrasil. Such materials must be secured at the edges so that they are not blown away by the wind.

Planting luxurious Victoria bushes on your site in the fall is not at all difficult. Even a novice gardener will be able to do this task.

Victoria is one of the varieties of garden strawberries, which is distinguished by its sweet taste and wonderful aroma. Like any other berry, strawberries need good care, especially after winter, because it is at this time of year that its intensive growth begins. And now is the time to lay the foundation for big harvest this delicious berry.

Spring berry care

Spring is the most wonderful time of the year. But, despite the warm and warming sun, which so relaxes many people, gardeners are entering a crucial stage. After all, it is in the spring that many things need to be done, thanks to which the plants will get stronger and recover after the cold winter.

Strawberries are no exception. This berry is very whimsical and requires a careful approach. The spring period is the most crucial, since the harvest in the summer will depend on how well the strawberries were looked after in the spring. So, with the onset of spring you need to:

  1. Remove frozen bushes. This process is inevitable, since not all plants can withstand winter.
  2. Dry and yellowed leaves need to be removed from the bushes so that the remaining good ones receive as much nutrition and water as possible.
  3. Clear the garden bed of dirt and old grass. This must be done because strawberries love cleanliness.
  4. It is good to loosen the soil and make beds to make it more convenient to water and feed it.
  5. Feed to make up for the lack of all the necessary nutrients that were used up over the winter.
  6. Water. This should be done approximately once a week. But if the weather is very hot, then you need to look at how dry the soil is.

Spring care is the most important stage, since plants after winter are very weak and require attention. increased attention. And, as a rule, if everything was done well in the spring, the soil was fed, watering was timely, and the cleanliness of the bed was always at its best, then in the summer you can expect a good harvest.

Planting in spring

Most often, strawberries are planted in the spring. In order to plant bushes you need to perform several steps:

  1. First of all, prepare the ground. You cannot plant strawberries in plain and unfertilized soil. This needs to be done in the fall, since if you fertilize the soil in the spring, immediately before planting, it is unlikely to be saturated with the amount of minerals that is needed.
  2. Dig a bed to which you should add about 6 kilograms of humus and mineral fertilizers.
  3. After the bed has been dug and fertilizers have been added, it is necessary to make several ridges to make planting more convenient.
  4. Then they take one cat at a time and place it in these ridges. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance, about 30 centimeters, between the bushes themselves. As for the rows, the distance between them should not be less than 60 cm.

After planting, especially when it was done in the spring, it is necessary to take good care of the strawberries. As mentioned above, this is a very whimsical plant. In order for the bushes to take root, you need to constantly loosen the soil so that it is saturated with oxygen, water so that the plant always has water, and also weed the bed, that is, remove all the weeds.

Many people believe that since strawberries grow in the forest and produce berries, then there is no need to take care of the garden ones. Just the opposite, garden strawberries requires increased attention.

Also, due to the fact that strawberries are considered very whimsical and capricious plant, it is recommended to change the location of the bed every 3 years. Many gardeners note that in the third year the bushes produce a smaller harvest, despite the fact that the care was excellent. But after the location of the bed changed, the harvest doubled. This indicates. That the plant used everything nutrients, which were available in this area of ​​the garden.

It is best to plant strawberries in the spring, because our winters can be very cold, and bushes that have not yet matured may not take root.

Feeding Victoria: rules and features

As mentioned above, plays a huge role proper feeding soil. After winter, strawberries need as much minerals and water as possible, which, unfortunately, cannot just appear in the soil.

That is why fertilizer plays an important role. And it needs to be carried out until the plant begins to grow intensively:

  1. You need to take one tablespoon of ammonium sulfate, mix it with two glasses of manure (cow manure) and add the resulting mass to ten liters of water. After this, you need to stir well and pour about three glasses of the resulting mass under each bush.
  2. In May, shortly before the strawberries begin to bloom, you need to feed them again. To do this you will need a teaspoon of potassium sulfate and two tablespoons of nitrophoska. Dilute the resulting mass with ten liters of water and pour 2.5 cups under each bush.

On how well it was produced spring care for strawberries, there will be envy of their yield. Don’t be lazy, because the plant will appreciate your efforts and give a wonderful and tasty harvest.

No one will argue that Victoria or garden strawberry is at the same time a tasty, healthy and dietary berry. It contains a lot of microelements, quickly quenches thirst in the heat, and helps improve digestion processes.

Victoria is recommended as food for people suffering from urolithiasis, metabolic disorders, ulcers, atherosclerosis and hypertension. ABOUT beneficial properties We talked to Victoria, now we’ll find out how to plant it correctly.

Before planting Victoria, decide on the area where it will be grown and prepare the soil.

Victoria is afraid of excess moisture and low-lying soils, since in these places it accumulates cold air. A crop planted in such a place will bear fruit later, get sick more often and be affected by pests.

Victoria should not be planted on steep slopes to avoid the negative influence of wind and water erosion - this gradually leads to the death of plants. It is best to plant Victoria on a flat surface, protected from gusts of wind.

Every three years, plants need to be replanted from their “home” place, since it is after this period of time that the risk of developing diseases and being affected by pests increases.

Ideal for growing Victoria

is loamy soil with weak acidity.

Because on light sandy soil the plants will not have enough moisture, so the harvest will most likely be insufficient - the berries develop slowly, and more often they have to be collected unripe and small. And on clayey areas With a high moisture content, plants will get sick more often and fruits will rot.

How to prepare the soil?

Before planting Victoria, you need to prepare the beds. The soil is dug up several times, and the width of future beds should not exceed one meter. To improve the fertile properties of the soil, up to 10 kg of manure mixed with peat is applied per square meter of bed.

Concerning mineral fertilizers, then they must be complex with phosphorus and nitrogen content. Plants respond well to dolomite flour, which reduces the acidic properties of the soil and increases the absorption of nutritional components by the Victoria root system.

It is not recommended to feed Victoria with potassium fertilizers, since they contain chlorine, which inhibits the development of this crop. The bed for planting Victoria is dug to a depth of 25 cm, and it is important to pay attention to the detection of wireworm and larvae in the cultivated soil, as well as rhizomes of weeds. - all this needs to be destroyed.

After digging the soil, the bed must be watered with water - 10 liters of water per square meter, and loosened to improve the air and water conditions of the soil. Then we proceed to planting the Victoria.

How to plant Victoria?

The best time The date for planting Victoria is the end of July. Seedlings (rosettes with mustaches) must have at least four leaves, a developed “heart” - a growing point, and a good root system.

The heart should not be buried in the soil during planting, otherwise it may rot and the plant will die. But you can’t leave it too high either - it will dry out. It is important to straighten the roots when planting, and to strengthen them and improve their survival rate, it is important to water the seedlings immediately after planting.

Plants planted according to all the rules already have time to form a sufficiently developed root system by winter, which allows them to successfully overwinter.

How to care for Victoria?

In order for young seedlings to take root faster, they need to be watered up to three times a day with a small amount of water - up to 3 liters per square meter.

Then the plants are watered once a week under optimal weather conditions; in case of drought, increase watering.

In August, the soil around the plants needs to be loosened to a depth of 5 cm to increase gas exchange and destroy the earthen crust. In October, it is recommended to mulch the beds with peat in a layer of at least 5 cm.

Before the first frosts in November, plants need to be covered with spruce branches to insulate and retain snow.

Caring for Victoria is not at all difficult. Be patient and persistent, and she will definitely thank you good harvests.

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Strawberries are very delicious dessert and quite profitable business for modern farmers. Therefore, many try to grow it on their plot and wonder whether it is possible to propagate strawberries with mustaches. Reproduction is possible.

In the first year, the mustache is removed from each bush, and when the fruits ripen, strong bushes that differ large berries. They are marked to be used to propagate strawberries using runners.

Such bushes are called “mother bushes”. The following year, berries are not allowed to appear on the mother bushes. For this remove all buds before the flowering period begins.

The best time to transplant is spring and early summer. Within a month, mustaches will appear on the uterine bushes, on which rosettes will be tied. Large rosettes located next to the mother bush have branched roots and are used to propagate seedlings and for strawberries to reproduce.

The remaining whiskers are not used for further reproduction, so they are cut with sharp scissors, making an oblique cut. Often you have to remove your mustache several times per season.

You cannot separate a mustache with a strong rosette from the mother bush.

Methods of breeding with a mustache

Strawberry propagation options:

  1. Using cups (pots).
  2. Planting on the beds.

How to propagate in pots


  • Prepare small glasses (pots). Fill with fertilizers.
  • Plant the rosette in the pot. The seedlings are left on the site, buried 1/3 of the way into the soil.
  • The shoot is watered daily. Make sure that no puddles appear.

How to plant in garden beds

  1. Prepare the soil. Place peat and sawdust on the garden bed - fertilizer for strawberries.
  2. Pin sockets to the ground, deepen into plowed soil. In this case, the tail will be visible in the soil, and the rosette will be visible above the ground.
  3. Water and monitor as you would other seedlings.

The right time to trim and replant your mustache

A couple of weeks before planting, the mustache connecting the rosette to the mother bush is cut. Young plants will begin to feed from their own roots. You need to separate the rosette from the main bush in time otherwise the yield decreases.

Infected and damaged leaves are also cut off. If a young plant withers, it is shaded and watered so that it begins to feed on its own.

Plants are transplanted into open ground after they take root. When planted early, the plants will become stronger by winter, and root system will become branched and powerful, which will allow it to survive the winter.

Sometimes, by mid-summer in June, the required number of whiskers for replanting does not grow. Then the shoots for propagation are collected throughout the season. But we must not forget that it is better to take such mustaches and transplant them to a permanent place in early autumn no later than September, since bushes planted later will not survive the winter.

How to trim correctly

Mandatory rules:

  1. Mustache is trimmed in dry, sunny weather. It is advisable to do pruning in the morning or evening in spring or summer.
  2. For pruning, use sharp garden scissors or a small pruner, cut at a distance 10 centimeters from the mother bush.

What mistakes do they make?

  1. Circumcision is carried out in rainy spring or in hot sunny times. In hot weather, plants are susceptible to diseases. In wet weather, the risk of fungal and bacterial infections through the cut increases.
  2. Short trim the mustache. Leads to drying out.
  3. Tear off mustache. Together with the tendril, you can completely remove the plant or partially tear off the tender roots.

Rules for planting trimmed mustaches

Breeding rules step by step:

    • The bed should be located on a flat area; there may be a slight slope facing southwest. There should be no trees nearby. Strawberry is a light-loving plant, with small quantities sunlight the berries will be small and unsweetened.
    • Use soil containing a lot of sand. Clay soil will create waterlogging, which will lead to rotting of the roots.
    • Before planting, remove the weeds along with the rhizomes. If the area is not cleared, the quality of strawberry growth and harvest will be affected.
    • Dig the ground to depth 25 centimeters
    • It is necessary to plant bushes in the garden in wet weather.
    • Bed width approx. 1 meter.

Use a one-line or two-line landing method:

    • One-liner– the lines (beds) are at a distance of 60-80 centimeters from each other, and the bushes in the bed are at a distance of 15-20 centimeters.
    • Two-line– the distance between the beds is 60-80 centimeters, and the gap between plants is 20-40 centimeters.
  • Water the soil before and after planting strawberries. The soil should always be moist.
  • Plant in one row no more than 2 varieties of strawberries.
  • Place seedlings of several varieties in rows - 1-3 rows of each variety.

When planting seedlings, the “heart” should be at ground level. If it is located lower, the plant will begin to rot, if higher, it will dry out or freeze.

To understand whether the strawberry bush is planted correctly, you need to pull yourself a little. At correct landing the plant is not pulled out.

  • When planting seedlings, use about 0.5-0.7 liters of water per seedling. Then, for two weeks, the seedlings are irrigated 2-3 times a day, after which watering is reduced - after 1-2 days. Watering is carried out along the furrows.
  • Loosening is necessary. Allows moisture to be better retained in the ground and promotes aeration of the root system, preventing the appearance of crust on the ground. Hard soil is first watered abundantly, and only then loosened. When loosening, you can hill up the seedlings a little.
  • 3-4 weeks after planting strawberries, it is necessary to inspect the seedlings. If dead or wilted plants are found, they removed and new ones planted in their place.
  • Weed regularly.
  • For the winter the landing is insulated. Use pine needles, it allows air to pass through well and protects against frost.

Growing strawberries is not a complicated process, the main thing is to follow the basic rules. You need to choose the right mother bushes, prepare the seedlings, trim the tendrils in a timely manner, prepare the soil well, remove and remove weeds, feed and follow the instructions.

Provide constant care for both rosettes and seedlings throughout the summer season. And then you will be able to achieve good fruiting and reap a rich harvest.

Garden strawberries, often called Victoria, have gained wide popularity and distribution in gardens in various regions of the country. This is due to the ease of its reproduction, the early maturity of the crop, the convenience of protection from harsh weather conditions winter, high dietary and taste qualities berries Many gardeners receive annually high yields Victoria, having mastered its agricultural technology well.

The plant must be planted on a piece of land with a slight slope to the west. There must be a place protected from winds. After all, in winter, Victoria is protected from frost by snow, which means that under no circumstances should it be blown away by the wind. A bare berry may freeze and die. It is advisable to choose sandy loam soil rich in humus.

Others are being added to it fertilizers. It is better to apply fertilizers in the fall, scattering them evenly and digging them with a shovel. In spring, shallow loosening is necessary in order to level the surfaces and cover moisture. For one square meter of soil where strawberries will be planted, you will need:

  • twenty grams of potassium chloride;
  • twenty grams of ammonium nitrate;
  • twenty-five grams of superphosphate;
  • six kilograms of humus.

It is best to alternate planting Victoria with vegetable crops . The best precursors for this berry are: green plants (dill, parsley, lettuce), legumes, garlic, onions, root vegetables. And it is not advisable to plant it after potatoes, as the plant may become infected with a nematode.

Reproduction and planting

By mid-summer, adult Victoria plants grow tendrils, on which are located nodules that will produce roots and leaves in the future. With the help of such antennae, Victoria reproduces. The three rosettes located on the mother plant are considered to be of higher quality. When four to six leaves appear on such a rosette, it should be separated from the mother plant for planting in a permanent prepared place. In order for the plant to take root quickly and well, it is necessary to dig out rosettes with a lump of earth.

Many gardeners plant strawberries in beds ranging from eighty to one hundred centimeters wide and up to fifteen centimeters high. The edges of such beds can be edged with boards, and the passages can be filled with sawdust.

Victoria lands throughout vegetative period from the beginning of spring until the middle of the last month of summer. Planting dates are determined by the readiness of the sockets.

For spring term rosettes are grown in seedling beds or dug in near the mother bush. In this case, Victoria will bear fruit this year, although only slightly.

Very common ribbon two-row planting pattern. In this case, the distance between the rows in the tape is approximately forty centimeters, between the tapes themselves up to eighty centimeters, and between the plants from twenty to thirty centimeters. In this case it is placed on one square meter up to ten plants.

The density of planting depends on the Victoria variety and growing conditions.

Before planting seedlings, you should dig grooves or holes up to ten centimeters deep and water them well. Then plant the seedlings in them and water them thoroughly again.

It is best to plant in cloudy weather or in the evening. This improves survival rate.

In order to properly care for young Victoria seedlings, you should not forget them on time water. During the first two weeks, watering should be especially regular. If the weather is dry, then watering should be daily, and only then once every two or three days.

How to care for mature Victoria bushes

Spring chores

How to care for Victoria in the summer

  1. Weekly watering of plants.
  2. Weeding beds with Victoria from weeds.
  3. Mandatory inspection of plants for diseases and pests.
  4. When the first berries begin to set, be sure to add straw or sawdust. Then the fruits will not get dirty and rot.
  5. It is necessary to remove damage to parts of the Victoria or the damaged bush itself so that other plants do not become infected from it.
  6. Before flowering, fertilize with a solution of nitrophoska or potassium sulfate.
  7. Berries must be picked regularly, along with the stem.
  8. After harvesting Victoria, before the tenth of August, you should feed the bushes with wood ash and nitrophoska.
  9. Cover the beds with film during heavy rains so that diseases do not develop and the berries do not become watery.
  10. The tendrils of fruiting Victoria should be removed in a timely manner to prevent the rosettes from taking root. The tendrils are left only if seedlings are needed to resume planting. Leave them near the mother's rosettes.
  11. After harvesting, the soil is loosened, and if the roots are exposed, the bush is hilled up.

Autumn work or preparing Victoria for winter

Protection from pests and diseases

An important role in caring for Victoria is its protection from diseases and pests. The most common pests in Victoria are the strawberry mite and the nematode. And from diseases: gray rot berries, powdery mildew and white spotting of berries. But how to care for Victoria to prevent this? To prevent such diseases and pests, you should.