What to do if the laminate is swollen from water - causes and solutions. Do-it-yourself elimination of swelling of individual fragments of the laminate Does the laminate swell from water

Laminated panels are a combination of aesthetics, good performance and low price. But the dignity fades when the laminate is swollen and you have to think about how to fix it. There are methods for eliminating the defect without dismantling and with enumerating the lamellas. But before using one of them, it is necessary to find out the circumstances as a result of which the laminate was swollen.

Unsubstantiated conclusions about the causes will lead to ineffective correction of the deformity. At best, it will remain, at worst, the damaged area will grow. So first let's take a look at everything possible reasons problem, and then consider what to do to fix it, depending on the situation.

Why laminate swells: causes and consequences

Before taking action, you need to find out the nature of the defect. The most common causes are the poor quality of the material, improper laying and operation of the laminate, as well as flooding of the room.

Mistakes when installing laminate flooring include:

  1. Failure to comply with the gaps between the walls and boards. Due to seasonal temperature fluctuations and natural moisture content, the boards expand and the coating swells. You will have to make additional cuts along the edges of the floor.
  2. High level of residual moisture in the substrate. A large number of water accumulates under the coating for various reasons: violation of the technology for preparing solutions for base floors, lack of vapor barrier, the use of damp materials during construction, insufficient drying time for the screed, etc.
  3. Trying to level the floor with underlay. To eliminate small height differences, the foam is often simply folded into several layers. As a result, soft material bends along with the coating under the weight of furniture and people walking on the coating. Cracks are formed into which water enters during wet cleaning of the room.

The answer to the question of why the entire laminate or its individual elements swelled often lies in a strong increase in the moisture content of the coating. This may be due to the following circumstances:

  1. Imperceptible leak of heating systems. In case of breakage of pipes located in the floor, the base gets wet first. The coating may remain dry for a long time when visually assessed, but in reality, water that has got under the laminate is already absorbed into the lamellas.
  2. Accidentally spilled liquids. It is important to remove water from the floor as soon as possible so that the laminate does not get wet. This is especially true for coatings with locks or scratches on the protective layer that have not been treated with moisture.
  3. Increased relative humidity. Optimal value for coverage is an indicator of 30-50%. This is in line with the standards in residential buildings. But in some regions, the moisture content in the air can reach up to 75%. In such cases, it is necessary to choose a better laminate or moisture resistant products.

When the joints of the laminate are deformed, in addition to the indicated reasons, there are:

  • loose fit of the panels, resulting in a wide seam;
  • the use of coating boards of different types in terms of thickness, moisture resistance and density;
  • incorrectly selected substrate thickness.

During operation, the coating is constantly affected by humidity and temperature. environment. When choosing a material, this must be taken into account.

The main signs of low quality laminate:

  1. Weak locks. If connecting the panels requires little effort, it is worth considering. The lock should snap into place with a characteristic click. If the alignment is too easy, then water can get under the laminate due to a loose lock or uneven plank geometry.
  2. The susceptibility of the laminated film to physical impact. This is a consequence of an error in choosing the wear resistance class of the coating. Any careless touch sharp object scratches form on the surface of the floor, which makes it easier for liquids to access the wooden base of the panels.
  3. Insufficient density of panels. Quality product must freely withstand physical impacts - not bend or break. If you can easily scratch or break off a small piece on the lock joints, then there is a high probability of getting wet quickly when water gets on the laminate.

One way or another, but always the cause of swelling of the laminate is moisture that has got inside the coating elements. It causes the wood base of the panels to swell and leads to an increase in their geometric dimensions. As a result, the coating is deformed and fails. To better understand how to fix the problem, if the laminate is swollen from water, you need to consider all possible types of defects.

Possible types of defects

The deformation of the coating manifests itself in different ways.

A slight bulge in the center of the panel indicates a local impact of water on the damaged area of ​​the laminate. This problem most often occurs due to accidentally spilled liquids that have fallen on a deep scratch. Because of this, a small amount of moisture seeps into the carrier layer and leads to a slight deformation of the lamella.

Wave formation

At incorrect installation you have to think what to do if the whole laminate has risen. The coating becomes wavy due to non-compliance with expansion gaps. The optimal gap size is 0.8 - 1 cm. To prevent swelling of the laminate at high humidity in the room, a doubling of the time of resting the material in the conditions of future operation will help. If there is no such time, then it is necessary to increase the distance from the boards to the wall by 0.5 cm. To maintain a good appearance, it is important to choose a plinth that will completely close this gap.

If everyone the necessary conditions when laying the coatings were observed, then only panels of poor quality can swell.

Waves on the laminate can also appear due to the wrong choice of substrate. The use of lining material has many nuances: thickness, material and thermal conductivity. For underfloor heating, special substrates are used. All the necessary characteristics are described in the article: “Laminate underlay: what is it and why is it needed?”

Another reason for the formation of waves on the laminate is too long a continuous coating without expansion gaps. Usually the panels are laid in this way to make a smooth floor without thresholds and gaps in several rooms located on the same line at once. Yes, it looks beautiful. But as a result of natural fluctuations in humidity and temperature, there is a change in the geometric dimensions of the laminate panels. There may not be enough gaps along the walls to compensate for the "movement" of the coating and the laminate will swell. To fix this, usually additional compensation gaps are made in the doorways between rooms and covered with a special floor plank.

Remember! It is possible to lay a laminate without gaps in a length of no more than 10 meters, and in a width of no more than 8 meters. In rooms with large fluctuations in humidity and temperature (kitchen, hallway, bathroom) - no more than 8 meters in length and 6 in width.

Deformation of lamellas at the joints

In rooms with excessive humidity, the floors are prone to swelling at the joints of the lamellas. The same defect is possible due to abundant wetting of the floor during cleaning. The joints of the locks are exposed to water for a long time, which leads to swelling of the edges of the panels. Special treatment of seams with sealant or wax will help protect the elements from swelling. The high density of the panels and the resistance of the laminated film to mechanical stress also increase the resistance of the laminate to water.

Troubleshooting Methods

What needs to be done if the laminate is swollen depends on the cause of the deformation. When using good quality material, dismantling can often be dispensed with.

To eliminate undulating swelling due to a small compensation gap, it is necessary to increase it around the perimeter. For this:

  1. We remove the baseboard to determine the places where the boards rest against the wall.
  2. We calculate what size you need to make a gap. With multiple stops of plates against walls, we select a cut width of 10 mm or more. It depends on how the panels are prone to "walking". If the expansion occurs frequently, then you can take the maximum value - 20 mm. If there was a gap during the initial laying, then it is enough to make a gap of 1 cm.
  3. We dismantle the extreme lamellas and cut off the excess parts of the panels directly in the area of ​​​​fitting to the selected width. If necessary, we make cuts along the entire length. Thus, we increase the gaps around the entire perimeter or in certain areas and re-lay the edge boards. Attention, the plinth must completely cover the resulting gap. This should be thought about in advance.
  4. If the places where the laminate rests against the wall are not found, then the door latches may interfere. They are removed and mounted on a floor screed.
  5. We check the presence of cutouts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bheating systems. If they are, we increase the gaps in them.
  6. We put heavy furniture on the swelling area.
  7. Check for gaps. If the laminate is again close to the wall, then remove the furniture and repeat steps 2 - 6.
  8. We close the gaps with a plinth. Before attaching it, you can observe the behavior of the laminate for several days, so as not to resort to disassembly again.

Sometimes they do without dismantling the panels adjacent to the wall. The cut is made along the wall with a jigsaw or a grinder. Suitable for this case cutting tool, the working stroke of which does not exceed the thickness of the board. This will protect the base floor from damage.

The video shows how to trim the laminate along the walls without parsing the entire coating.

There are other ways to fix a laminate that is swollen due to water.

The first way - rag and iron. The method works only if a defect is detected in time. If moisture has got into the lamellas relatively recently, then it may be possible to dry it without dismantling. To do this, wipe the floors dry. A metal ruler is applied to the swelling. The iron is set to medium power and held over the entire damaged surface through a metal barrier. It is impossible to drive along the panels with an iron, since when ironing, you can remove swelling on the laminate along with the protective layer.

Second way. To eliminate the deformation after the flood, you have to disassemble the boards. They are removed, numbered in order on the floor, pressed with heavy objects and dried. After drying, they are convinced of the integrity and evenness of the plates and locks. In case of destruction in the joints, the lamellas are replaced. As a result of such manipulations, the quality flooring fully restores performance.

If you had to disassemble the floors completely, then you need to pay attention to the substrate. It can act as one of the factors for swelling of the laminate. You need to make sure that its thickness matches the dimensions of the boards. Detection of broken locks during the drying process may indicate wrong choice substrates. If everything is left as it was, then the probability of repeated deformation is high, and with the growth of the defective area.

Replacing the slats without dismantling the entire floor

If the laminate is swollen after the flood, then the most the right way repair is a complete replacement of the coating. But the floor does not always get wet completely. Often one or two boards suffer from locally spilled liquid. To replace one lamella, you need to do the following:

  • remove the plinth holding the boards;
  • remove all boards on the way to the defect;
  • wipe the substrate dry, check nearby areas for moisture;
  • replace the damaged bar with a new one;
  • re-lay the broken boards.

In this case, partial analysis of the coverage is still inevitable. This is a laborious task, but the result is worth it. The floor will look the same as before.

It is possible to replace one defective panel without dismantling only by sawing it out of the assembled coating. This method is applicable if it is not possible to dismantle the laminate partially or completely. However, there are some nuances here:

  1. Use only a special cutting tool (electric jigsaw or circular saw) with a working stroke equal to the thickness of the panel.
  2. A new piece of laminate should be very accurate in size. Large gaps will be highly visible and will detract from the appearance of the floor. The panel should be fastened using a specialized adhesive-sealant matched in color to the coating.
  3. If water got on one lamella, then it could get under the coating. Therefore, when carrying out repairs, you need to check this moment. And for this, you must either dismantle most of the floor or raise it and remove excess moisture from there.

The video clearly shows how to replace a damaged laminate panel without dismantling the entire coating.

About what to do if the laminate is swollen and how to fix it without disassembly, you need to think in advance, even when buying the material. It will be difficult to find panels with exactly the same characteristics in the store. Therefore, the laminate is bought with a margin. If there are no extra parts to replace, then the only option is to mount the boards again from under the furniture, where defects will not be visible.

Protection of the laminate from moisture and water

The main reason why the laminate swells is the swelling of the panels due to the absorption of water. Protect the floor from negative impact Moisture help special waxes. Before laying, the lamellas are dried and cleaned of dirt and dust. The composition is applied carefully to the joints and the panels are immediately connected to those already laid. Small cracks are sealed with colored wax mastics using a spatula. Allow the composition to dry and apply a second layer.

The excess composition is removed from the surface of the boards immediately with a dry rag or after hardening with a plastic spatula. After this procedure, it is recommended to polish the surface. It is performed using auxiliary equipment or professional equipment.

This will be enough so that the laminate does not swell from accidentally spilled water. But in case of serious flooding, wax will not save. Water will still be absorbed inside the panels, and it will be impossible to do without dismantling.

This method has one drawback - the areas treated with wax slide. When applied only to the joints, it is imperceptible, but by repairing microcracks or scratches on the front, you can turn the floor into a skating rink.

Also for additional protection apply:

  1. Sealant. It is applied only to the inside of the locks, while making sure that the composition does not get on the front of the plate. After that, the lamella is immediately attached to the laid row. Excess sealant squeezed out of the lock is immediately removed with a dry or damp cloth.
  2. Glue. It is rarely used due to the difficulty of dismantling the floors fastened with it. If the laminate is swollen from water, then it will have to be disassembled, dried, or some panels replaced. And tearing off glued plates is more difficult than interlocked ones.
  3. Laminate models with already processed locks. This material simplifies installation, as it does not require additional waxing, but at the same time increases the resistance of the floor covering to moisture.

The listed methods of protection against water have been tested in practice. Each of them has its pluses and minuses, but their main drawback is not high efficiency in case of a strong flood. Even the use of panels of high strength to mechanical stress and with good moisture resistance does not guarantee that the laminate will not swell over time.

The only way to effectively protect the flooring is to use a waterproof PVC laminate.

Not all rooms require such high levels of moisture protection. For dry rooms (bedroom, living room, study, etc.), you should not overpay for products with increased resistance to moisture. The likelihood of a flood is very low, and normal indoor water use precautions will be sufficient.

In order not to have to fix a laminate swollen from water, it is necessary to follow the rules for its operation. This topic is covered in detail in the article "How and with what to wash the laminate: tips and tricks". Here we dwell only on the basic rules for the use of coverage.

  1. Do not use cleaners with a high alkaline or acid content, containing abrasive components, and metal brushes and sponges, which can damage the protective layer of the laminate.
  2. In case of accidental contact with water on the coating, it should be removed from the surface as soon as possible with a dry cloth.
  3. When carrying out wet cleaning, you need to squeeze the cloth well to minimize contact between water and the laminate. If the floor is washed with abundant use water, then after washing it is necessary to wipe the surface dry.


In the article, we looked at how to fix a laminate that has bulged from exposure to water. This is the main reason for the deformation of the coating. It is worth noting that the elimination of consequences is always more difficult and more expensive than the prevention of such situations. Therefore, we recommend taking preventive measures to protect the floor from moisture. They will keep the coating in good condition for a long time and save you nerves and money.

The main methods of prevention include:

  • the choice of laminate by class and indicators of moisture resistance in accordance with the room to be covered;
  • purchase of a suitable substrate;
  • calculation of expansion gaps and correct styling so that the laminate does not rear up as a result of seasonal fluctuations in temperature and humidity;
  • maintaining a microclimate in the room (temperature 22-25 degrees, humidity 30-50%);
  • care of the laminate floor in accordance with the recommendations;
  • timely cleaning up of spilled liquids;
  • application additional funds protection (waxes, sealants, etc.) if necessary.

If preventive measures did not help, then you can fix the swollen laminate indiscriminately using a jigsaw or circular saw. But it is better to dismantle the entire damaged area in order to remove excess moisture accumulated under the coating and replace the deformed panels with new ones.

After eliminating the defect, it is necessary to check the condition of the substrate and locks. If necessary, replace them.

If the laminate is swollen due to the flooding of the room, then fixing the coating indiscriminately will not work. It is better to replace the entire coating at once. This is expensive, but it will save you from unnecessary work and wasting time looking for an identical laminate model. And the new floor, on the contrary, will bring a good mood to the house.

As practice shows, you can restore the laminate after deformation with your own hands. This requires a minimum of tools and a little experience in laying. What exactly needs to be done, you now also know. But if there is no self-confidence, then it is better to turn to professionals.

Leave your questions and comments.

Laminate flooring is popular due to its combination of practicality and decorative features, the ability to choose products of optimal color, texture, wear resistance. Subject to the rules of operation and care, the surface retains its original appearance for many years. However, there are factors that can cause laminate flooring to swell. In this article, we will talk about the likely causes of laminate flooring deformation and how to quickly eliminate them.

Why the laminate is swollen: reasons

An important step in eliminating the defects that have appeared is determining the cause of their occurrence, since the steps to restore the appearance and functionality of the coating depend on this. There are many reasons why laminate swells immediately after installation or during operation. Let's name the main ones:

  • Violation of the installation rules - the absence of deformation gaps between the lamellas and the wall, which should be 10-20 mm. The swelling in this case will be undulating. Another reason for the deformation of the coating is the presence of fasteners between the planks. Floating installation is recommended. The need for gaps is due to the expansion or contraction of laminated planks with fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
  • Modern laminated material well withstands wet cleaning and short-term contact with moisture. However, prolonged exposure to water often causes laminate seams to swell. If tea or coffee is spilled into the joints, then the liquid must be immediately blotted with a rag. If water remains in the joint for a long time, the floor surface will deform.
  • Poorly prepared base. In this case, a complete disassembly of the coating and correction of defects in the base surface will be required. The reason for the swelling of the lamellas can be a high residual moisture content of the base surface. Each material has its own standard: for reinforced concrete floor- 4%, cement-sand screed - 5%, plywood, wood, chipboard - 12%.
  • Too thick padding. This reason can be attributed to improper preparation of the base, since when leveling the base surface, the substrate is rolled up in several layers. The consequence is that laminated boards spring, the locks loosen and soon break.
  • Normal humidity conditions in a room with laminate flooring are 40-60%. If these figures are higher, then in such a room only material with a water absorption coefficient of not more than 7% can be laid.

Water bulging laminate

In what cases can a swollen laminate be repaired without dismantling?

If the laminate is swollen at the joints due to the lack of a deformation gap, then this defect can be eliminated without disassembling the coating, which must be done for this:

  1. dismantle the plinth;
  2. determine the areas that abut against the wall;
  3. cut with an electric jigsaw, "grinder" or other handy tool parts of the lamellas, leaving a gap between the coating and the wall of 10-20 mm, but be sure to take into account the width of the plinth;
  4. in places of swelling, gently press on the panels to eliminate warpage. If the floor cannot be leveled in this way, then the deformed area will have to be dismantled and laid again.

In rooms with a normal level of humidity and a stable temperature, a gap of 10 mm is sufficient; in buildings where there are sharp changes in temperature and humidity, it is recommended to increase the gap to 15-20 mm.

What to do if the laminate is swollen from moisture: ways to fix the situation

If the deformation of the surface has occurred due to the high humidity of the base, then the lamellas will have to be dismantled in order to dry them in a room with a good ventilation system. The humidity of the base must be brought to the required level.

What to do if the laminate is swollen from the ingress of a significant amount of water?

In this case, in the place of swelling, it is necessary to remove the lamellas and check if the liquid has leaked under the substrate. If this happens, then it is necessary to dismantle the floor around the place of deformation, dry the substrate, and assemble it.

Repair of laminate flooring in sections

How to repair a swollen coating with your own hands, if you need to remove individual damaged laminate strips and replace them with new ones? For slats with locking connection, this is done as follows:

  1. dismantle the plinth from the side closest to the damaged area;
  2. with the help of a chisel or a hook, the extreme board is hooked;
  3. disassemble required amount panels.

If such disassembly from the wall is difficult or impossible, then one panel can be replaced, for this:

  1. inside the damaged lamella, a rectangle is cut out, a few centimeters around the perimeter smaller than the entire panel;
  2. with the help of a hammer and a chisel, the central part is removed, and then the remaining elements;
  3. if the situation allows, then the adjacent rows of panels are knocked out to the sides of the walls (for this you will have to dismantle the skirting boards), there should be enough space to start the locks of the new lamella;
  4. if the previous operation cannot be carried out, then the locks are cut off from three sides, a new bar is inserted with one lock, all sides are smeared with glue;
  5. the new board is lowered into place, evenly pressed over the entire area.

If it is not possible to avoid dismantling the damaged area, then one board can be replaced without disassembling the entire floor.

If the laminate is swollen from high humidity, how to fix the situation with an iron?

it folk way and is not always effective. It can be used only for high-quality material and only in cases where the water has not wetted the substrate.

How to level the laminate with an iron without replacing the planks if the lamellas are wet and swollen:

  • the heating temperature should be average or slightly below average;
  • on a swollen area, usually a joint between two planks, a metal ruler is laid;
  • the ruler is ironed.

Attention! Overheating of the surface will damage the lamellas.

How to fix a laminate that is bulging due to a too thick underlay?

it difficult option, requiring complete dismantling. You can, of course, replace only the strips in places where the coating is deformed. However, over time, deformations may appear in other places. Therefore, to obtain a high-quality finish layer, you should:

  1. disassemble all panels and remove the substrate;
  2. fix defects in the base layer, if any;
  3. lay the substrate of the required thickness.

What to do with a swollen laminate whose locks have been damaged? The ideal option is to purchase replacement lamellas from the same batch.

Prevention of bloating

Correcting defects is much more difficult than preventing the causes due to which the laminate is very swollen.

Preventive measures:

  • Proper preparation of the base layer, compliance with the normative humidity before laying the finish layer, optimum thickness substrates.
  • Good quality castle connections. You can check it by fastening two strips. Their connection should occur after pressing under force and be accompanied by a characteristic click. Weak locks are easy and quick to connect and just as easy to disintegrate.
  • Good quality material. Quality products are easy to install and better withstand deviations from normal operating conditions. Increased moisture resistance usually have high classes material - 33 and 34. For rooms with high humidity it is recommended to install laminated panels with a PVC backing rather than wood components.
  • or produce it, carefully studying the intricacies of the process.
  • Impregnation of joints with wax-based compounds.

To avoid repairing a swollen laminate, you must follow the rules for caring for the mounted coating:

  • materials of classes 31 and 32 should be maintained mainly dry using a broom or vacuum cleaner;
  • panels 33 and 34 are cleaned by combining dry and wet cleaning.

How to wash the laminate so that it does not swell, the rules of care and products for laminate floors can be found in

Laminate flooring is a quality floor covering, however, it requires certain skills during installation. There are also a number of rules for the operation of this material, which should never be violated. Otherwise, any violations can lead to undesirable consequences, the most dangerous of which is swelling of the surface and the formation of bumps on the floor. After the appearance of such flaws, you always have to think, from water. It is extremely difficult to eliminate the resulting defects, so it is recommended to consider the possible causes of damage to laminate floors, as well as ways to eliminate them. We will talk about all this in our article.

The main causes of damage

Any action taken in case of non-compliance with the installation technology, or mistakes made in the process of cleaning the surface of the floor with a laminated coating, will certainly have negative consequences. The most pressing question is what to do if the laminate is swollen from water. They are especially sensitive to various influences. budget options laminate. There are several reasons for the formation of bumps on the surface of this type:

  • low quality of the components used;
  • violation of the rules of operation;

First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of the purchased material. By creating a prestigious coating that has a low cost, some manufacturers offer a product of very low quality. Such samples are subject to absolutely all types of impact, and it is impossible to do without problems during their operation.

Material quality

Budget varieties of laminate are made from pressed paper with a low content of sealing resins and the thinnest PVC coating. The decorative layer has very thin edges that can be deformed at the slightest stress during installation, thereby exposing the joints or forming local swellings of the surface. The ingress of moisture under the protective surface of such a coating leads to swelling of the base of the laminate. If the laminate is swollen from water, how to fix the formation of bulk bumps? This can be found by considering some recommendations.

Operating rules

More quality models laminated coatings have a high cost, they are perfectly joined and do not pass moisture well at the joints. However, violation of the operating rules (especially for wet cleaning methods) can lead to moisture penetration under the top layer of the material. And the MDF base contains wood fibers that are subject to deformation when in contact with water. Avoid source contact high temperatures with laminate surface. Especially sudden heating can also cause the surface to bulge.

Basic Mistakes

If the laminate is swollen from water, how to fix the defect? Damage can be received both by individual segments that make up the coating, and by entire zones that include many components. Poor quality material becomes unusable especially quickly when it is used in the kitchen or in the bathroom due to the total influence of various factors. Especially dangerous is the swelling of the laminate after water, which makes it unsuitable for further use. Also, the floor may become unusable due to untimely elimination of the causes of damage. Spilled liquids that have not been wiped up in a timely manner are especially dangerous for such a surface.

Process violations

Among other things, there are strict rules for the installation of these structures. The laid planes should not come into contact with the wall, but should have a technological deviation of 5 millimeters around the entire perimeter. After all, the laminate is able to expand with increasing room temperature, which will lead to its swelling in case of contact with the wall. The gaps between the lamellas will always be limited.

Coating repair methods

Often, when moisture enters, only one of the coating elements becomes unusable. If the laminate is swollen at the joints from water, in this case, the stock prepared when purchasing the material can be very useful. If there is no such stock, then you can select a replacement only by comparison, taking a sample of the coating with you to the store. The most difficult thing is to replace the area that is in the spotlight. In this case, the color must fully match the damaged sample.

Segment Replacement

If the joint of the laminate is swollen from water, what should I do? In practice, it is quite difficult to remove the damaged surface, because the locks of the product may suffer. And this will lead to the formation of cracks, which will not only spoil the appearance of the coating, but also violate its tightness, increasing the chance of moisture penetration to the sensitive base. It is important to remember that after the floor has been opened, it is necessary to make sure that there are no moisture residues that can pose a further hazard.

Load application

If you try to press the bulge on the floor with a load, you may encounter other unpleasant consequences. The area of ​​the swollen surface in nine cases out of ten will simply move to another place. To level the surface, it is worth resorting to a different technique, which largely depends on the cause of the damage.

If you have problems with laminate flooring, first of all, you need to eliminate any interference that may prevent the laminate from straightening out. Next, it is worth checking the presence of a technological gap along all walls. If the surface of the coating rests against the wall in at least one place, this can also cause the laminate to swell.

It is worth remembering that the required clearance should not be less than 5 millimeters. If, after removing all the obstacles, the surface has not begun to level, it is necessary to perform an opening in places of swelling. After removing one of the components of the coating, it is worth inspecting the substrate for moisture accumulation. In some cases, it is advisable to replace the substrate in order to understand how to restore a laminate that is swollen from water.

Iron use

Let's consider another method. Sometimes you have to resort to unexpected solutions, for example, fixing a laminate that is swollen from water with an iron. As the reviews say, it's simple, but effective method elimination of defects. However, it applies only to the material High Quality. If the laminate is swollen from water, how to fix it with an iron? The second condition that must be observed is the absence of water in the substrate. To eliminate the swelling of the laminated surface, it is necessary to prepare an iron and a metal ruler.

The iron heat setting knob is set to the middle position. At the site of the formation of a bulge, a metal ruler is applied to the junction of one of the lamellas, which is ironed with a metal iron. After the moisture that has fallen on the base of the laminate evaporates through the joints, the surface of the coating will begin to level out. This will take the swelling out.

Difficulties in replacing

If the laminate is swollen after water, what should I do? Replacing single lamellas of the coating is associated with certain difficulties. When disassembling the plane, there is a possibility of chipping the adjacent elements. In this regard, all actions should be performed with extreme caution. If the grooved parts were connected not to the lock, but with the help of special glue, then the damaged fragment can only be removed in its entirety. To do this, using a marker, a line is drawn along the diagonal of the lamella, along which a cut is then made with the help of a grinder, and the cut strip is removed in parts.

It is necessary to cut the marked component with indents so as not to damage adjacent elements. To solve such problems, there are several different tools, equipped with additional devices. Specialists, thanks to their equipment, can carry out such procedures with the least risk. However, to perform a one-time repair, there is no need to acquire professional equipment.

When repairing a laminate flooring at home, suitable improvised means are used. Here you can not do without a hammer, chisel, carpenter's knife and a screwdriver. Handle with hand tool needed with great care. After all, incorrect actions can cause scratches, chips and cracks. To eliminate such visible flaws, you will have to purchase additional tools.

What to do if the laminate is swollen from water? Before removing the damaged component, it is necessary to separate the entire row in which it is located. For this, technological gaps left along the walls are convenient. After replacing the damaged area, all other elements must be assembled in the same order in which they were before.

Preventive measures

Floor coverings made of laminated board have several classes, which are indicated by numbers from 31 to 34. Materials of the 33rd and 34th classes are of excellent quality and can serve for a long time. However, it is worth remembering that cleaning in rooms with such a coating should be done using certain models. household appliances. It should not have the ability to leave scratches, as well as create conditions of high humidity on the floor surface. You need to know these points so that you do not have to think about how to remove the swelling of the laminate from the water.

When assembling a laminated coating, it is recommended to use special sealants designed for processing joints. Particular attention should be paid to transverse seams for the reason that they have the greatest ability to pass moisture. If, as a result of careless actions, water has been spilled onto the surface of the laminate, it should be wiped off immediately and the surface dried. Subject to this condition, unpleasant consequences can be avoided and not think about what to do if the laminate is swollen from water.

In most cases, laminate flooring is a whimsical material that requires special care and attitude. However, the resulting surface is so attractive that buyers often turn a blind eye to the shortcomings. Nevertheless, it should be noted that, along with the rest, there are samples that can show resistance to water and mechanical damage. So, if you wish, you can always choose an option suitable for any category of premises, as well as able to satisfy the requirements of each consumer. You can get an attractive-looking floor surface without paying a high price.

But one should prepare for the fact that it is worthwhile to involve specialists with experience and the necessary technical base for the assembly of such structures. In addition, the further operation process will be fraught with many conventions that will need to be strictly observed.

The most popular, affordable and suitable coating quality. The service life and preservation of its quality are guaranteed if the laying is carried out in compliance with the requirements for installation, and the floor is operated according to the instructions for the laminate. If the rules and requirements are violated, swelling of the laminate is possible. This is the most common coating defect.

Causes of swelling

  1. There is not enough room for thermal expansion of the coating.
  2. Swelling of boards from high humidity.
  3. Poor quality laminate.

Thermal swelling

It occurs when the laying rules are not followed, when there is no necessary damping gap between the lamellas and walls, water pipes and other fixed structures.

Temperature swelling warning

When laying laminate, a gap of 15–20 mm is required between the wall and the coating, between heating pipes, water supply and other fixed structures and the laminate, since the material expands with increasing temperature, humidity, seasonal changes operating conditions.

Elimination of thermal swelling

  1. Remove skirting boards.
  2. Take out the extreme lamellas (you can not take them out).
  3. Cut the edge with a jigsaw or hacksaw (at the removed lamella), chisel or cleaver (in place) from the side adjacent to the wall by 1.5–2.0 cm. The same procedure is performed with boards adjacent to heating pipes, water supply and other fixed structures .
  4. The removed trimmed lamellas are carefully installed in place.
  5. The plinths are re-installed.
  6. The laminate should straighten out in 3-4 days.

Low quality laminate

High-quality laminate - does not mean expensive. In an apartment, it is advisable to use a laminate of 32-33 wear resistance class from well-known manufacturers. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the operating conditions of the floor and the compliance of the coating class with these conditions.

There is only one way to eliminate the cause of swelling of a low-quality laminate: replacing defective sheets with new ones. If there is no material in stock, you can buy lamellas similar in color and texture. A more radical solution to the problem is to replace the entire coating with a better one.

To repair individual sections of the floor, it is dismantled (marked with chalk), starting from one of the walls, and new ones are laid instead of defective canvases. Then they collect everything in the reverse order.

For the sale of low-quality goods from the seller, you can return money through Rospotrebnadzor or the court. To do this, you need to invite independent experts, conduct an examination of the cause of floor swelling, draw up an act and sue the seller. This way you will be able to get your money back and possibly compensation for installation costs. Keep receipts and invoices, this will help in a legal dispute with the seller.

Swelling from moisture

There are several reasons for the swelling of the laminate from moisture:

  1. The floor is not treated with a water repellent.
  2. Increased indoor humidity.
  3. Fluid leaked into interlock connections.
  4. There is no waterproofing between the screed and the coating.

High room humidity

In rooms with high humidity(kitchens, bathrooms, showers) put a special waterproof laminate. The surface of the coating is also treated with water-repellent compounds. Eliminate swelling on a conventional laminate, laid in a room with high humidity, is possible only by completely replacing the coating with a new one. Choose a material that matches the operating conditions of the floor.

To normalize humidity (less than 79%), you can purchase a home weather station. They are sold in stores. But better life do not complicate yourself, but apply the coating according to the operating conditions.

Leakage of liquid in lock joints

This is the most common cause swelling of the laminate. It is possible to completely flood the floor in case of accidents in the networks or due to the negligence of neighbors, as well as local bays for a variety of reasons.

The first thing to do in such cases is to immediately remove all water from the floor. With a total flood, swelling of the entire floor is possible; with local bays, 2-3 adjacent lamellas are usually damaged. To prevent such swelling, the interlocks are treated with water-repellent compounds (wax, oil) during laying, the seams are sealed with silicone sealant or acrylic putties.

Treatment with a water repellent, such as Click Guard sealant - not difficult, but effective procedure to protect the laminate from swelling. High-quality processing protects the canvases from water ingress into the lock joints for 24 hours. During the operation of the floor, any liquid that has fallen on the floor must be quickly wiped off, and the treatment with water-repellent mastic should be carried out regularly.


If swelling from moisture nevertheless occurred, you should try to dry the boards naturally or with a hairdryer. Before this, the skirting boards should be removed. If there are no gaps between the walls and the coating, cut the sheets by 5-10 mm along the entire perimeter of the floor. This can be done without removing them, using a chisel.

How to dry

  • Free the floor from all objects standing on it, especially heavy ones;
  • Open windows and vents. If it's cold outside, you don't need to open it much. The temperature must be 25°C or higher;
  • Can be dried with a hair dryer warm air, fixing it on something at a distance of 30–40 cm from the floor. Blow in one direction with a hairdryer for no more than 1.5–2 hours. No need to use powerful heaters for drying: heat guns, heaters, etc.;
  • Drying is carried out for at least 5 days, sometimes helping with a hairdryer. Perhaps, after such measures, swelling will pass. If they cannot be eliminated in this way, it will be necessary to re-lay the deformed boards;
  • At the same time, the damaged area or the entire floor is dismantled, numbering the boards. Eliminate moisture from the base, lamellas and leave them disassembled to dry for 3–5 days;
  • Remove mold, fungi, damage from the coating and treat the lock joints with oil or wax;
  • Lay the boards again, following the order in accordance with the numbering. If not all of them have recovered, you need to buy new ones according to the exact name and marking of the coating. Usually a laminate of one brand is sold for no more than 5 years, then it is replaced with a new one.

Bloating in the absence of waterproofing

This reason is less common. Due to inexperience self-assembly or the installer's irresponsibility, there is no polyethylene film between the screed and the underlay, and the moisture from the underlay is absorbed by the laminate boards. This reason can be identified by swelling of the boards, if there were no floods, bays, and the room is dry enough.

Eliminate this cause as follows:

  • Remove all furniture from the room;
  • Remove skirting boards;
  • Raise all the boards, wipe them with a dry cloth and put them separately; Raise the substrate and dry it. Leave to dry for 3-5 days;
  • A polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 microns is laid on the floor, carefully gluing the overlaps of the canvases;
  • The film is placed on the walls by 10 cm;
  • The substrate is laid on the film and the laminate boards are mounted in the same order;
  • Install skirting boards.
  • Usually this allows you to operate the floor in the future without problems. If the swelling is not completely eliminated, replace the defective boards with new ones.

In order to be able to return the funds spent on the installation of the floor, conclude an agreement with the installers and demand guarantees for the quality of work. In this case, the negligent installer will be obliged to return the amount of money paid for installation, compensate for the costs of repairing damage to the laminate and will not be able to refer to a poor-quality coating.

What should I do to avoid blistering laminate flooring?

  1. Purchase a laminate from well-known manufacturers that meets the operating conditions (humidity, traffic intensity). To do this, read customer reviews on the Internet.
  2. Be sure to lay a thick plastic film on the base.
  3. When laying, leave gaps between the laminate and walls of 15–20 mm, heating pipes, water pipes and other fixed objects.
  4. Treat lock joints when laying with special wax, silicone or oil.
  5. Finish all seams after installation silicone sealant, and the floor is water-repellent. Repeat the treatment periodically.
  6. Do not allow water to enter the floor. Remove it quickly. These simple guidelines will help you avoid bulging laminate and keep your floor in good condition for a long time.

Bloating laminate - video

Laminate is one of the most popular floor coverings in our country. Ease of installation and quick installation - these are the main advantages of laminate over other products of this type on the market. construction market. Although it is not too difficult to care for it, at times the laminate will warp (i.e. the laminate will swell). In the vast majority of cases, this outcome cannot be called fatal - the problem can be fixed, but for this it will be necessary to carry out a series of repairs.

Causes of swelling of the laminate

There are several good reasons for laminate flooring to bulge, especially when it comes to cheap flooring. The main negative factors are:

  • The absence of so-called compensation gaps, the size of which, according to the standards, is from 8 to 12 mm. The final number here depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the installation takes place. These gaps are located between the wall and the lamellas and play the role of a buffer zone. The fact is that the wood raw material from which the laminate is made can narrow or expand under the influence of temperature changes or changes in humidity levels. If there are no gaps, then the canvas, expanding, will certainly swell, resting one edge against the wall;
  • Moisture exposure. Of course, accidentally spilling a cup of water will not cause harm, especially if you immediately collect the water and dry the floor surface immediately after. However, prolonged contact with water leads to swelling of the canvas, which will subsequently need to be completely or partially replaced;
  • Unsatisfactory quality of the laminate. This is especially true for cheap products. Such an outcome is a vivid example of unreasonable savings, which translates into the need for subsequent spending on expensive repairs, most often consisting in a complete replacement of the floor;
  • Moldings. Installed in openings or directly on the floor, they often interfere with expanding slats. It must be remembered that the flooring made of laminate cannot be fixed directly to the base, it must always be mounted by a floating method;
  • Poor quality foundation. A poorly prepared base can lead to deformation of the laminate, but this can only be corrected by completely dismantling both the lamellas and the substrate. Instead of old boards, you need to take new, high-quality ones, and fresh seams must be treated with a specially suitable sealant.

Causes of swelling of the laminate at the joints

Sometimes the laminate also swells at the locks, or joints. This also has its reasons, such as:

  • Inappropriate substrate. It should be noted that boards with a thickness of 7 mm. must be laid on, the thickness of which will not exceed 2 mm. If the thickness of the boards is slightly greater, up to 12 mm, then the thickness of the substrate can be greater, up to 3 mm. If it became necessary to lay a thick substrate, it is important to choose dense models - or polystyrene, you can also take a special fiberboard;
  • Sloppy. Dilution of dampness and an excessive amount of water during cleaning can affect the appearance of the lamellas. in the best way. It is necessary to wring out the rag strongly when washing the floors, and not pour water over the laminate;
  • The poor quality of the HDF board, which is located with inside lamellas. You can avoid this problem if you purchase products made on the basis of high density boards.

How to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of bloating?

Under the floor covering swollen from moisture, there is always a little water. To remove it and correct the defect caused by it, it is necessary to adhere to a clear plan of action:

  • Carefully remove the plinth from the side where the damaged laminate is located;
  • Consistently disassemble the floor covering up to the swollen area;
  • Dry the substrate thoroughly;
  • Lay new slats to replace damaged panels;
  • Reassemble the floor.

If the flooring has served faithfully for several years, then it will not be easy to find exactly the same panels in the store to replace the old ones. To do this, you can use those panels that are hidden by various furniture in the room. If the laminate is being laid for the first time, then it will not be superfluous to leave a few panels in reserve, in case of such circumstances. Sometimes wet and swollen lamellas can dry out and return to their original state on their own, but this only happens with high-quality products.

You can get rid of the deformation of the laminate, caused by the absence of gaps between the walls and the floor surface, by removing all the obstacles and obstacles in the way of the expanding lamellas. A wall-mounted laminate needs careful trimming, which must be done as follows:

  • Carefully remove the plinth;
  • Make marks with a pencil in those places where the laminate rests against the wall surface;
  • Carefully remove the protruding areas with some kind of cutting tool.

The result should be a free space between the wall and the floor, 1.5-2 cm wide. The final size of the gap is affected by the width of the plinth. It is important that the skirting board completely covers all gaps.

In some rooms, pipes also come out from under the floor. heating system. The distance between them and the laminate should be exactly the same, up to 2 cm. It should be borne in mind that the door latch cannot be mounted directly on the laminated panels - this will lead to surface deformation. Installation of this element should be carried out to the floor screed, through a hole cut in the flooring boards.

How to protect laminate from swelling

You can prevent unpleasant moments associated with the deformation of the laminate by following proven and effective tips:

  • You need to buy only high-quality products manufactured by trusted companies;
  • The operating conditions of the laminate must correspond to its class;
  • The base of the floor must be well prepared, the waterproofing layer must be reliable;
  • If necessary, the panels can be glued together;
  • Wet cleaning should be carried out in such a way that excessive moisture does not fall on the surface of the laminate;
  • Laminate flooring should be treated regularly with water-repellent polishes.

How to cover the laminate from water?

To protect your home laminate flooring, you can use a special wax. Such wax is able to reliably protect the inside of the lamellas from accidental water penetration. Additional impregnation can also protect the floor from swelling caused by wet cleaning or spilled water. This tool is applied to the seams between the boards with a spatula, after cleaning the surface of the lamellas from dirt and dust.

After a thin layer of wax is applied to the floor, it must be polished. This can be done either by hand, with a rag, or with a monodisk polishing machine. The main thing is that after polishing is completed, the wax is completely removed from the panels themselves and remains only at the joints and in cracks on the surface of the boards, if any. After applying the wax, the laminate is polished twice - the procedure is repeated after a few hours. After polishing, the floor cannot be walked for 10 hours. It must be remembered that the vapors of drying wax are toxic, so it is necessary to work in a respirator and ventilate the room well.