Union of the Virgo monkey and the Scorpio rooster. Union of Rooster Women and Monkey Men: Romance Novel or Crime Drama? Sharp corners that need to be avoided in family life for the Monkey and the Rooster

The compatibility of a rooster and a monkey makes for an interesting pairing. If a partner born in the year of the rooster is completely satisfied with the interests of the monkey, she will do everything to save strong marriage. The Rooster is a trusting person and does not notice when his partner is lying, which does not lead to numerous scandals.

According to the compatibility horoscope, you can understand that in love and friendship, unions of a rooster and a monkey are very rare

Compatibility of Rooster and Monkey

According to the compatibility horoscope, one can clearly understand that in love and friendship such unions are very rare. However, if partners respect each other’s opinions, they will be able to have a happy marriage. Representatives of these signs help in developing the partner’s internal energy. The monkey is intellectually developed and solves problems quickly and efficiently.

The Rooster also has a developed imagination, but does not know how to apply it correctly in life. A main problem The compatibility of these signs in love and friendship is the reluctance of one of the partners to delve into the motivation of the other. People born in the year of the rooster and monkey are busy only with their own experiences, so they do not have enough time to pay attention to their loved one.

The Rooster is more conservative by nature and is the first to compromise. Reach happy marriage is possible only by appreciating the peculiarity and talent of your beloved. Very straightforward representatives of both signs will lead to constant scandals, claims and a struggle between two temperaments. If the monkey, due to its cunning, may sometimes not finish speaking at some point, then the rooster will first express everything, and only then think about his action.

The Rooster has a developed imagination, but does not know how to apply it in life

Rooster woman and monkey man

Remarkable compatibility between women and men who are representatives of these signs. This is what awaits this couple.

  • A woman born in the year of the rooster will not notice all the complexity of her man’s character.
  • She copes wonderfully with household chores and skillfully takes care of her children and husband.
  • They agree on many things with the monkey husband, but he rarely fulfills his promises, and this is a disaster for his wife.
  • The woman is the representative of the rooster Chinese horoscope, very practical, but can be impulsive and arrogant in love.
  • A man in this compatibility should pay a lot of attention to his beloved.

It will not be easy for the wife in this marriage, since her husband is unpredictable and freedom-loving. The advantage of this union is that the man will accept his beloved as she is.

Monkey woman and rooster man

People born in the year of the monkey are too busy with their worries

In such compatibility, love relationships are much more complicated. A woman born in the year of the monkey needs to submit to the rhythm of her man’s life, but her husband will not appreciate such sacrifices. A woman, having realized what kind of person she is married to, will distance herself from her husband and live a parallel life with him.

In another case, the wife will support him in his work, but excessive care can unbalance the spouse and lead to big problems. In order for this couple to coexist peacefully, each partner needs their own area of ​​activity.

Work and friendship

In friendship compatibility, both signs can understand each other, but try not to delve into the depths of their friend’s problem. At work, the cunning and intelligence of the monkey helps the sincere and honest rooster to cope with tasks. However, often, a person born in the year of the monkey uses the rooster for his own selfish purposes, and he does not even notice it.

Both in friendship and in work relationships, they will always have difficulties, but neither will admit it. And the slightest dispute will lead them to rivalry between such different temperaments. But in order to smooth out the rough edges in their friendship, they go to noisy parties, which they love very much.

At first glance, it may seem that the Rooster and Monkey complement each other. The active and punchy Monkey perfectly compensates for the qualities of the honest and open Rooster. But she is not distinguished by great restraint, so it often comes to criticism of her partner’s behavior. Sometimes she allows herself outright mockery, which the Rooster is simply unable to notice at first; rose-colored glasses get in the way. Insight may come later and then his reaction can be very violent.

The frivolity and some superficiality of the Monkey in relation to things that the Rooster considers extremely important can serve as a reason for quarrels. The Rooster's compatibility horoscope promises many difficulties in such a partnership. They are too different, their struggle for leadership may never end. They will be happy to go to a party, since they both gravitate toward bright impressions, but in a home environment, a conflict can flare up out of the blue.

Rooster Woman and Monkey Man

Compatibility of the signs of the Rooster woman and the Monkey man can only be achieved with full respect for the interests of the partner. Although, it will not be easy, both for him and for her. Both are not used to admitting their own mistakes. The bright emotional actions of the Monkey man do not allow his partner to see the true complexity of his nature, moreover, he does not always keep his promises, and for the Rooster woman this is completely unacceptable.

She is able to furnish the house, completely taking on all the household chores. The Monkey man will certainly appreciate this. At first, he will provide due attention to his partner, but then he will simply get tired of the routine. Over time, he may completely devote himself to some business, try to implement ambitious plans at work, and household affairs will cease to interest him. The Rooster woman is very sensitive to the attention paid to her, so she will feel cooling, stagnation in the relationship. This
can cause conflict and even the collapse of the union. Only by finding a place in his life for the woman he loves, the Monkey man is able to maintain the relationship. In fact, it's not that much.

Rooster Man and Monkey Woman

Striving for mutual development can ensure sufficient compatibility between the Monkey woman and the Rooster man. To achieve harmony, you should try to adapt to the partner and come to terms with some of his weaknesses. Of course, given everyone's violent nature, it won't always be easy.

The Rooster man is more accommodating and is ready to step over some of his beliefs. All that matters to him is the simplicity and clarity of his partner’s intentions. The woman will probably agree with this approach, but will not stop trying to change something as events unfold and revise previously reached agreements. To achieve harmony in the family, the Monkey woman should agree that the Rooster man will become the head of the family. He is more pragmatic and reasonable, this state of affairs is certainly positive
will affect their relationship. It is important that a man does not get too carried away with receiving laurels for the results achieved and does not forget about the feelings and aspirations of his partner. Then, with such a mutual approach, the union can claim a long existence.

Not the most favorable. But they can form one of the brightest and most interesting couples in the horoscope. Relationships are always very vibrant and develop quite rapidly. Both signs have a sensual temperament and know how to enjoy life. In love, they give themselves completely to their partner, devoting almost all their time to the relationship.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rooster man

Such a person values ​​his own independence most of all in life. He loves and knows how to attract the attention of the opposite sex and often takes advantage of this. He doesn’t know how to save money at all and leads a lavish, wasteful life. He is interested in capricious, emotional women with high self-esteem and a clear position in life.

Rooster woman

Distinguished by its inconstancy in love relationships. This is a bright, emotional woman with a memorable appearance. A skilled manipulator. She cannot boast of strength of character, but she is smart and very active. He is sensitive to others. Carefully filters his social circle. She values ​​good upbringing and financial stability in men.

Monkey man

May find common language with any person if he needs something from him. Arrogant and proud. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is almost always the life of the party.. He likes to argue, which is why he often gets involved in conflicts, but he easily turns everything into a joke, because he does not like serious showdowns.

Monkey woman

Prone to self-deception. However, despite this, she is an excellent psychologist, knows how to influence others, forcing them to act as she needs. She is always smiling and cheerful around loved ones. As a life partner, he chooses a companion rather than a loved one. It is important for her that her partner shares her interests and views on.

Compatibility in love

There will be a difficult relationship between these partners. Everyone will defend their own views and opinions on almost any issue, which will ultimately begin to boil down to conflicts and quarrels. The monkey, who is more patient, will often tickle the nerves of his loved one out of boredom, knowing perfectly well what and when to say. The Rooster, in turn, will try to instill his worldview in his soulmate.

The love of partners in such a union will consist in the daily confrontation of opinions, views, actions and everything else. As soon as one of them submits, the other will immediately lose interest in him and move away, which in the near future may cause a breakup.

The Rooster + Monkey couple has excellent compatibility. The Rooster woman, being a flighty and self-obsessed nature, will not notice the complex, hot-tempered nature of her partner, which is only beneficial for both.

The monkey will definitely appreciate the fact that his beloved does not find fault with him over trifles and does not strive to change him. They can easily come to a common opinion on any issue. For the most part, this will happen thanks to the Monkey’s ability to persuade, and his companion will only be happy to support his position.

In this union, the man and woman, despite the fact that they will not become fixated on their relationship, will still pay a lot of attention to each other. The Monkey will turn out to be caring and romantic, which will make his beloved blossom and surround him with warmth and comfort.

Rooster and Monkey married

Rooster man and Monkey woman

Both partners will experience a strong desire to engage in self-development. They will spend more time on their own interests and problems than on their relationships. To the credit of the Monkey woman, it must be said that despite all this, cleanliness and order will always reign in the house. From the outside it may seem that the spouses are cold towards each other, but this is only their way of building a life together.

The male rooster is quite conservative in marriage. He will gladly take upon himself all the worries about financial stability family, and will give your loved one time to take care of herself and household chores. He is less patient than his partner, but cools down much faster and agrees to compromise.

The only drawback can be his curiosity and jealousy. These two qualities will irritate the Monkey, and will turn out to be the main cause of conflicts in the couple.

Rooster woman and Monkey man

Marriage relationships for these signs will primarily be built on respect and mutual trust between partners. Despite the favorable compatibility, such an alliance is quite rare. The Rooster woman is a wonderful housewife and caring mother. She will surround her family with love and care. Thanks to the Monkey's sense of humor, all conflicts will be reduced to a joke, which will save both a lot of nerve cells.

In this marriage, credit should be given precisely, since harmony in the relationship will depend on it. It is important for him to accept his beloved exactly as she is and not try to change her habits and outlook on life.

The Rooster will immediately feel this attitude and in return will give his spouse his support and care. In the person of the Rooster, the Monkey will find a reliable ally, who in most cases will share his own opinion and not pay attention to frequent changes in mood and difficult character.

He and she in bed

Rooster man and Monkey woman

The relationship between representatives of these signs will be very passionate and sensual. It is their love interest that will bring them together, and as long as it does not disappear, harmony and love will reign between the partners. Physical intimacy means a lot to both of them.

The monkey will turn your head with its relaxedness and somewhat unceremoniousness, which will be a new revelation for her conservative partner. It is very important for the Rooster man to know that the woman he loves is faithful to him physically and spiritually. Unlike the Monkey, he will never be able to forgive betrayal of his soulmate.

If the Rooster feels that his partner is losing interest in him, then long conversations will begin that will almost completely replace intimate life between lovers.

This behavior of a man will be fundamentally wrong and will only worsen the situation. The monkey will expect passion and unpredictable actions according to the traditions of the best Brazilian TV series, and when in response he sees that his beloved is once again trying to drag her into a meaningless discussion, he will only become angry and disappointed in him.

Rooster woman and Monkey man

The Monkey man is very passionate. He will constantly desire the love and attention of his beloved, who, unlike him, does not have such a sensual temperament. Here the Rooster woman’s ability to make concessions to her loved one will come to the rescue. She will be amused by her partner's need to arouse her admiration, but to her credit, she is smart enough not to mock him.

Physical intimacy between these signs will soon lose its ardor and dynamics and will begin to feel more like an obligation than a desire. This can be a turning point in the relationship between partners. Here it will be important for the Rooster to show sensitivity and imagination in time in order to revive the interest of his other half.

In friendship and business

Rooster man and Monkey woman

In friendship and business relations The Rooster and the Monkey are unlikely to find a common language. Work for the Rooster is perhaps the most important area of ​​life, and he will not be ready to let the frivolous and optional Monkey into it. For the latter, such an attitude will cause considerable irritation and annoyance, since she is accustomed to easily winning the sympathy of the opposite sex.

The Rooster man and the Monkey woman are more rivals than friends or partners. Very often they have completely different views on life, different manners and upbringing. The Monkey knows how to play dirty in order to achieve his own goals. The Rooster is too conservative for this. He prefers to deal one crushing blow to the enemy rather than torment him with sneaky injections.

Rooster woman and Monkey man

Not bad. These two can perfectly understand the motives of each other’s actions, but they try not to delve into them. In work they can become excellent allies. The male Monkey is a good, smart leader who will lead their team into battle, and the Rooster will reliably cover the rear.

The problem in such a partnership can be the woman’s impatience. She is used to getting everything at once and will harass the hot-tempered Monkey with constant questions. When angry, a man can become rude and unrestrained, which will lead to a serious conflict. However, these two make up as quickly as they fight. It is enough for them to spend the evening in a noisy company, laugh, joke - and now all problems and disagreements are forgotten.

People born in the year of the Rooster and the Monkey seem very similar at first glance, but if you believe the horoscope, they are united only by superficial similarities. The compatibility of the Rooster and the Monkey largely depends on the desire of each of them to get to know their partner more deeply. And besides, from their mutual ability to accept and appreciate each other's characteristics.

Characteristics of signs


Most often, people born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their special mobility, not only physical, but also mental. They are distinguished by an active and creative lifestyle, sociability, high intelligence, dexterity and artistry. It is believed that Monkeys are very cunning, but although it seems like a paradox, they have great honesty. Such a person will masterfully get out of the most hopeless situations and at the same time never betray trust.

Periods of romance for the Monkey are often replaced by other life interests, but then the need for love arises again.


People born in the year of the Rooster attract attention at first sight. They have a striking appearance and sense of style, as well as spontaneity, directness and self-confidence. Sometimes they are too hot-tempered, stubborn and vain, but in essence they are very kind and compassionate, always ready to rush to the defense of their friends and life principles.

It should be remembered that Cockerels are big dreamers and idealists who believe in fairy tales and do not hide their innate romanticism.

Monkey Woman and Rooster Man

The Monkey woman and the Rooster man quickly enter into a relationship, as each of them seems to be an irresistible temptation for the other. The Monkey's attractiveness to the Rooster is undeniable: she is charming, active and optimistic, and in addition, she is smart and dexterous enough to make him feel like a real man. In turn, she is impressed by Cockerel’s courage and openness, his bright charisma, observant mind and romanticism.

The Rooster man and the Monkey woman could be happy if their tender friendship and passionate love never went beyond a candy-bouquet romantic relationship. However, the beginning life together often marks the end of a love idyll for the Monkey woman and the Rooster man. The Monkey's mind and character are distinguished not only by flexibility, but also by strength - sooner or later a man will understand that she is capable of not only admiring him, but also strives for leadership. Carried away by an argument about who is stronger in a couple, they may not notice that in marriage their tender love and fiery passion replaced by a banal struggle for championship.

Monkey Man and Rooster Woman

The Monkey man and the Rooster woman attract each other with no less force than the previous couple. It’s hard not to admire a girl born under the sign of the Rooster: she is well-groomed and fashionably dressed, she behaves confidently and openly. It is difficult for Monkey Guy, with his lively mind and innate taste, to ignore such a person. In turn, he conquers the beauty with the power of his intellect, energy, wit and amazing dexterity, which gives romantic courtship a completely new charm.

In a marriage union, the Monkey and the Rooster expect new revelations, which do not always strengthen love and marriage. A woman begins to understand that in everyday life the Monkey man is not at all as romantic as during the courtship period (but she simply needs words of admiration and love, otherwise why all these efforts to be beautiful?). The Monkey guy quickly gets bored with long sighs; his mind requires more solid food: life challenges, intellectual tasks, career advancement. The Monkey and the Rooster move away and grow cold towards each other, suffering painfully from mutual misunderstanding.

  1. Partners born in the year of the Monkey and the Rooster must understand that their relationship cannot live on romance alone. No matter how wonderful it is initial stage, relationships must evolve in order to exist at all. According to the horoscope, the Monkey is too lively a sign, unable to always remain in the same mood. At times she will completely forget about romance, but then everything will change again, and the beauty of the relationship will flare up with a vengeance. It is important for the Cockerel to be aware of this feature and understand that the Monkey is only temporarily distracted, but does not become cold.
  2. People of the Rooster sign simply need sincere admiration and praise, but their partners may not know to what extent this is important. Compatibility in marriage is based on harmony, which in turn is based on sincerity and openness. The Rooster should use his ability to speak with an open heart and convey to the Monkey the importance of his needs. A sincere conversation will definitely bear fruit: the Monkey’s dexterity and understanding will help her understand the situation and make useful adjustments to the relationship.
  3. Once engaged in narcissism, the Rooster runs the risk of getting carried away and becoming completely fixated on the splendor of his own person. In such cases, love, friendship, and marriage suffer from excessive egocentrism. A red light for an egoist should be the bored look of the Monkey’s partner - this is a sign that the time has come for the beloved to break away from himself and give attention to those around him.

  • As the horoscope says, the Rooster is a romantic, which should never be forgotten. The monkey should always keep words of love and sincere compliments in his arsenal, and in emergency cases, resort to the power of admiring and loving glances. We are not talking about false flattery, you just need to express your feelings in time. loving attitude and speak openly of how highly the irresistible virtues of the Cockerel are valued. This habit will not only in an efficient way increase compatibility in marriage, but also an excellent opportunity to remind yourself of the unique qualities of your loved one.
  • The Monkey should be aware that when a new hobby, idea or life challenge comes to her, she is able to ignore her relationships and her loved one. In such cases, an extra minute of reflection will help calm the mind, avoid cooling and increase compatibility in marriage. The horoscope endowed this sign with a lively and changeable mind, but at the same time the ability to correctly assess the situation and set priorities. You need to use your natural gifts to gain new and no less important: self-discipline, moderation and insightful wisdom.
  • Vika Di

    Compatibility of Monkey and Rooster from the point of view eastern horoscope very problematic and ambiguous. Here a lot depends on what sign the woman was born under, since she dominates this couple.

    Although both the Monkey and the Rooster are considered to be very intelligent signs, their intelligence is different. Honest and open The Rooster is broad-minded and has the makings of a leader.. The cunning and selfish Monkey has excellent tactical thinking and the ability to manipulate people.

    If the girl is a Monkey and the guy is a Rooster, then they have very little chance of a strong relationship due to the fact that she will definitely try to manipulate him, and this is unacceptable for him. Of course, there are exceptions if the guy can come to terms with her nature, and she makes every effort to change.

    The Monkey and the Rooster have absolutely different attitude to life, which causes mutual misunderstanding

    Straightforward cocky The rooster is used to cutting the truth in the eyes, without particularly thinking about what grievances this might cause in a partner. At the same time, he will be the first to try to improve relations and come to an agreement, although he will not always have enough persistence and patience for this.

    The union of the Monkey and the Rooster from the point of view of the eastern horoscope is very problematic

    This couple is catastrophically lack of mutual respect and the ability to understand the problems of a partner. Attempts to change each other do not lead to anything good, although the Rooster tries to do this more openly than the manipulative Monkey. Usually everyone in a couple is fixated on themselves, and this will inevitably lead to the collapse of the relationship if the partners fail to cope with their nature (which is quite rare).

    Compatibility horoscope for Monkey and Rooster in love according to the eastern horoscope

    Although love relationship between Monkey and Rooster arise quite often, they are not long-term in nature. The leading position in this pair is occupied by a woman, so a lot depends on its sign.

    If the guy is a Monkey , and the girl is a Rooster, then at the very beginning of the relationship she will receive enough attention from him.

    Attending business events and parties together will allow her to once again shine in society, and he will be flattered by the presence of such a bright companion

    But gradually he will begin to devote more and more time to his own affairs, which does not suit her, and it deprives the relationship of perspective.

    If the Monkey is a girl and the Rooster is a guy, then at the initial stage he needs her increased attention, which is difficult to expect from an independent and freedom-loving Monkey. But thanks to her natural cunning, she will be able to adapt here too. True, the Rooster is unlikely to be able to appreciate this due to his superficial outlook on life.

    With the help of regular appearances, they will be able to somewhat smooth out the tension in the relationship, but mutual incompatibility will not allow this relationship to develop into something more serious and long-term.

    But in sex, everything is going well for them, their sex life is interesting and rich

    Temperamental, sensual Monkeys are prone to experiments in bed; monotonous sex depresses them, although they will not show this to their partner. Exactly It depends on the Monkey how long the romance will be, because the Rooster is more traditional sexual preferences, in bed, both men and women of this sign may seem rather monotonous. However, the Rooster does not refuse the sexual experiments that the Monkey offers, and often this is one of the few aspects of their relationship that keeps them afloat.

    In the intimate sphere, everything is going well for the Monkey and the Rooster

    Marital compatibility of couples born in the years of the Monkey and the Rooster

    If the husband is a Rooster and the wife is a Monkey, then they have completely different approaches to life: he needs a clear, pre-worked plan, and if something goes wrong, it threatens an emotional explosion. She acts mainly on a whim, improvising. The only way to avoid constant quarrels on this issue is the Monkey’s agreement with the spouse’s plans, but with the right to make adjustments to them. Rooster husband needs advice and the approval of his wife, however, he will not tolerate excessive guardianship on the part of the Monkey, and this can lead to scandals, and over time, to a breakup.

    The Rooster wife is a great housewife, a caring wife and mother who strives to resolve all conflict situations not with scandals, but with conversations.

    The cunning Monkey promises to fix everything without fail, but most likely does not keep his promises, and this causes the Rooster to be justly indignant. Constant repetition of such situations can lead to marriage collapse.

    The Rooster Woman is a great housewife, wife and mother

    Friendship between Monkey and Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

    But the Monkey and the Rooster manage to be friends very well. Is it true, The friendship between this couple is not very deep, they prefer not to delve into each other’s problems, but communicate mainly at noisy parties, going to the theater together, etc. Communication between them is relaxed, they always find a topic for conversation, but if a dispute arises between them, the situation escalates , because no one wants to admit they are wrong.

    Compatibility in work between Monkey and Rooster is very high. Work and business are perhaps the only area where the Monkey and the Rooster form a truly successful tandem: the Rooster is a good strategist, and the Monkey is a good tactician, so they successfully complement each other, on the one hand, with assertiveness, and on the other, with cunning . Both have a sharp mind, so the decisions will always be correct.

    However, a strong team will emerge from this couple only if they speak frankly and are able to overcome internal contradictions

    The combination of a Monkey man and a Rooster woman is especially successful, but only if she manages not to offend her partner, otherwise he may become an enemy or competitor. However, both understand that it is teamwork that provides them with the desired standard of living and position in society.

    At work, the Monkey and the Rooster form a truly successful tandem

    Compatibility of Monkey man and Rooster woman

    If he is a Monkey, she is a Rooster, then they have a chance of preserving the union. The active, but sometimes too straightforward Rooster woman wants to build a career, and the Monkey man wants to occupy a high position in society, which is facilitated by the presence of a bright companion. He knows how to present even her characteristic rude straightforwardness in the eyes of others as eccentricity and an element of her charm.

    Compatibility of Monkey woman and Rooster man

    If she is a Monkey, he is a Rooster , their compatibility is possible only with a mutual desire for self-development and overcoming the initial incompatibility.

    Partners are too immersed in their own world to delve into the motives of the other

    The straightforward Rooster does not like the manipulations of the selfish Monkey, which she will make him dance to her tune.

    The Monkey and the Rooster are too immersed in their own world to think about anything else.

    It will be difficult for the Rooster man to give up dominance in a couple, as usually happens with the Monkey, and even if she agrees to play a supporting role, he is unlikely to be able to appreciate it. The prospects for such relationships are by no means rosy; the partners’ compatibility is too low.

    30 May 2018, 19:53