Wood-burning fireplaces for the home are inexpensive. Variety and features of ready-made fireplaces for the home

Do you know what is wood burning fireplaces for home. This is, first of all, a stove, only a stove with an open firebox, and, of course, it is a decoration for the interior of your private country house or dachas. If we talk about a fireplace as a heating device, then there will be very little heat from this stove: the efficiency of the fireplace is somewhere around 20%, which is even less than that of the once popular stove.

But, having this magnificent structure in your home, you can always enjoy a sparkling, shimmering fire, listen to the crackling of firewood and relax in a cozy homely atmosphere. Now we are not talking about a gas or electric fireplace, but about a real one that burns wood.

It should be noted that in steel ones there is also the possibility of heating food, which is why they are so well suited for the garden.

Application wood fireplaces for home

A wood-burning fireplace serves as an auxiliary heating source. Such a fireplace will require increased attention to myself in terms of fire safety, therefore it is made only from high-strength materials that can withstand high temperatures - brick, natural stone, steel or cast iron.

In wood-burning fireplaces it is possible to use various varieties wood and thereby obtain not only different heat transfer, but also flames of different colors. The only advice:

do not use for heating coniferous trees, because When burning, they form too much soot, polluting the chimney and the room itself where they are installed.

All wood-burning fireplaces are divided into several types according to the way they are located in the house:

- central
- front fireplaces
- arbitrary
- angular symmetrical and asymmetrical
- stepping on a corner

Fireplaces are also divided into:

- built into the wall, installed during the construction of the house
- wall-mounted, installed along a wall that does not have a window
- island, mounted in the center of the room, which can be walked around

Let's take a closer look at some types of wood burning fireplaces for home

Wall fireplace

This is the most common type of fireplace. It is installed with the back wall against the wall of the house. Equally suitable for both large and small rooms, because it can be absolutely different sizes: from miniature to bulky. It can also be of different shapes - straight from the foundation to the ceiling, or protruding-shaped with a narrowed chimney.

Wall-mounted wood-burning fireplace

This type of fireplace is installed end-to-end against the wall. This fireplace is convenient if you want to share the right room into two parts. This design requires a metal firebox, through, double-sided (with two doors made of fire-resistant glass on both sides) or closed (one door and a closed back wall)

Corner fireplace

They come in two types:

- installed on outer corner, “diverging” on two sides
- mounted in one corner, combining two walls diagonally

A fireplace that “diverges” for the outer corner is usually installed in a larger room with some special feature in the layout. This type of fireplace will not only decorate the interior, but will also become a kind of light source in your home.

The second option for a corner fireplace is convenient because it takes up minimal space in the house. It is best installed in small room, because he does not possess any special greatness. But it can be created in different shapes, and additions can be added to it.

Island fireplace

This is a fireplace that does not touch the walls of the house, most often located in the center of the room. They can be assembled from brick and metal, can have a variety of shapes and even be suspended.

The main feature of an island fireplace is that they are completely unsuitable for small rooms, but require large areas with high ceilings. Create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the home.

To install a hanging fireplace, you need reliable fastenings in the interfloor ceilings, because they have a fairly decent weight. A hanging fireplace is unlikely to warm your room, but it will definitely add uniqueness to your interior.

Built-in fireplaces There are also several types, depending on how they are installed.

The best option for a built-in fireplace is one in which the chimney is located in external wall Houses:

- it will not take up much space, because... located with outside
- suitable for improving design large room

The thickness of the fireplace can be made larger so that it warms, for example, not one, but two rooms at once. In this case, you can use a stainless steel sandwich pipe as a chimney, covering it with brick.

Corner wood burning fireplace

Wood-burning fireplaces can differ not only in their location in the house, but also in appearance. This is a very important factor, because in our time a fireplace is still more of an interior item and a decorative device.

Currently in different interiors apply various styles fireplaces from classic to modern.

Classic wood burning fireplace, as a rule, built into the wall. He may have the most different shape and color, suitable only for rooms with a classic design.

Clocks, candles, and porcelain figurines can be installed on a special mantelpiece, which will add sophistication and classic charm to the fireplace. But in this case, the entire room must be built in the same style - simple furniture, wallpaper, a certain color, curtains, etc.

Features of fireplace styles

Country style fireplaces are fireplaces made in the form of an ordinary country stove, but using ceramic tiles and a metal firebox. In this case, the fireplace insert should be decorated with products made of straw and clay, various nesting dolls, etc.

Elegant classical furniture in a room with such a fireplace will be out of place: no curls in the “Rococo” style, no pomp! Simplicity and conciseness in everything. Small wooden chairs, covered with embroidered bedspreads, colored pillows and homemade runners on the floor.

Fireplace in a "rustic" style

Fireplace style The “sixties” is characterized by the fact that it began to be used in rooms with high ceilings in the mid-20th century. Most often these were attic spaces, and no finishing was required there. Please note that a fireplace of this style should be located among unplastered walls and ceilings with rough rough-hewn boards and floor beams.

Complete minimalism of the post-war period, no special home warmth and comfort. This style of fireplaces is called - industrial.

Minimalism also includes room style fireplaces called modern. But this is no longer rough minimalism, most likely caused by the lack of financial opportunities of the middle of the last century, but a subtle selection of shapes and colors, perfectly straight lines, bright contrast. This style can rightfully be called official or cabinet style.

As you can see, there are many styles of fireplaces, so when laying out your home, you must decide which fireplace will match the interior.

It is necessary to plan the purchase and installation of a fireplace at the stage of construction or renovation of a house, because... the arrangement of a chimney and a separate foundation will become very problematic or even impossible upon completion of construction work!

Have you decided to decorate your home with a stunning wood burning fireplace? Calculate, think over, choose the style and size of your future structure and go for it. Remember that nothing in the form of gas or electrical devices will not replace you with a real home.

Construction of a fireplace is a complex process that is best left to a specialist. But if you have a desire make your own fireplace, we advise you to act in several stages and use the main rules:

1. Choose a place for the future fireplace, taking into account that the chimney must be made only straight.

2. Don’t forget that the place where the fireplace will be located will ultimately determine it. appearance.

3. Determine in advance the dimensions of the wood-burning fireplace, and this is related to the area and shape of the room where this structure will be located. The approximate vertical size of the fireplace is one third or half the height of the ceiling, and its width is twice its height.

4. Determine in advance what your fireplace will be lined with.

5. Set the size of the firebox for yourself: do not make it too wide and deep. Make the hole in the floor of the firebox using the following proportions: for a large fireplace, its height should be 2/3 of the width of the fireplace itself, for a small fireplace 1/2.

Brick fireplace installation

Much has already been described from what materials fireplaces are made. If you decide to build a brick fireplace yourself, then use only fire brick, ceramic and refractory.

Look carefully to see if there are any chips or cracks in the bricks. Throw such bricks aside immediately; they are not suitable for work.

To assemble the fireplace you will need:

- medium-sized crushed stone for the foundation
- cement mortar
- purified sand
- special refractory clay
finishing material for fireplace

The procedure for assembling a fireplace with your own hands


We make a foundation of crushed stone and fill it with concrete. There should be a layer of soil of 50-60 mm under the foundation. The foundation should be 100-150 mm wider than the base of the fireplace, at least 500 mm deep, sometimes 700-1000 mm. The foundation must be poured in several layers: concrete, crushed stone, concrete.


Wait until the concrete dries and strictly observe following rules brick laying:

- use straight slats for laying corners plumb
- for fireplaces with right angles, do the masonry in retractable formwork
- before laying, soak the brick in water for a few seconds to release gases
- fill the seams cement mortar
required thickness seams about 4 mm
- when completing the laying of each row, you need to check their evenness horizontally, and the walls and corners vertically
inner part the fireplace should be smooth
- do not level the chimney from the outside clay mortar
- to narrow the chimney, use a rounded brick
- between metal elements leave gaps of 7-8 mm, taking into account the property of metal to expand when heated
- cover the firebox only with bricks

Watch a video about installing a fireplace:

For finishing a real wood-burning fireplace, the following are suitable: marble, granite, porous stone, shell rock, tiles, porcelain, wood panels, etc. Your wood burning fireplace is ready to be used to heat your home. All that remains is to strictly follow the fire safety rules:

1. Never leave an open fire unattended
2. Clean the firebox and chimney regularly
3. Repair minor damage in a timely manner without causing major problems.

A fireplace has always been a good addition to the main heating. Wood-burning fireplaces for the home can be made of brick or made of metal. They are given a wide variety of shapes and design decoration. Therefore, from the abundance of models you can choose suitable option for my favorite style and based on the size of the room that will become the fireplace.

A fireplace has always been called a stove with a large open firebox, but in recent years Metal fireboxes built into the structure and having doors made of heat-resistant glass have appeared on sale. The fire burning in it can be enjoyed through the glass or by opening the doors wide. In addition to fireboxes for brick fireplaces, ready-made metal fireplace stoves with the same doors are also purchased. This option has its advantages, which you should also learn about when choosing this interior element.

These are divided into heating devices and at the installation site, since they have different designs and shape. Each of them is suitable for a specific room.

Of course, it should be noted that the fireplace cannot serve as the main heating; it is rather used as an auxiliary option. The fireplace is lit on cloudy, cool days, when you want to create a special atmosphere at home and fill the room with the glare of fire.

And metal fireplace stoves are good for warming country house, and in addition to heating, they have a cooking function. That's why sometimes they become indispensable assistants summer residents.

Video - the principle of operation of a wood-burning fireplace

Types of fireplaces

Often the first thing people pay attention to is the design of the device, but this point needs to be postponed until later, and first decide on its size. This is very important because this design element should not look awkward in the fireplace room.

For a small area, you need to choose the appropriate option so that it does not clutter the room, but fits perfectly into the overall environment.

In a large room, a compact fireplace will not look at all, it will simply get lost and be unnoticeable, so the entire effect expected from it will be lost.

For a large room, a massive brick fireplace with stone tile trim will work well.

Fireplaces, based on their location, are divided into wall-mounted, when they can be adjacent to the wall with their back or end side, corner, island, i.e. located in the middle of the room, or built-in. For the latest model, the walls in the house must be thick enough to accommodate the chimney pipe.

Wall option

1. A fireplace adjacent to the wall with its back side is a traditional option.

This wall-mounted fireplace is suitable for a large hall or small room, as it can be compact or massive. This construction can be straight, i.e. have the same perimeter and shape, both at the base and throughout the entire height, and may have protrusions and narrowed chimney Which one to choose will depend on the tastes of the owner of the house and the environment in which it will be located.

2. The fireplace is wall-mounted, but its end side is adjacent to the wall. This model is suitable for a medium-sized room that needs to be divided into two separate zones.

For such a building, a ready-made metal firebox is most often installed, Sometimes end-to-end, and Sometimes- with closed back wall. If the firebox is through, then it has two glass doors- on one and the other side, but during combustion one of them must be tightly closed to maintain fire safety.

Corner fireplace

A corner fireplace can also be of two types - one that is located on a protruding, outer corner and “diverges” along its two sides, or installed in one of the corners of the room, as if built into it, and connecting two walls diagonally.

1. A fireplace located on a protruding corner is suitable for a fairly large room with a special layout. For example, if two rooms - a fireplace and a wide corridor - are combined with each other, and there is a protruding corner in the common room. In this case, the fireplace can decorate two walls at once, and an installed double-sided firebox with a glass door will illuminate both the room and the corridor with its fire.

2. Another option, which is more common for construction, is a fireplace located in the corner. It occupies the minimum area for a brick building. It can be installed in a small room, since in a large room a corner fireplace will lose its grandeur and monumentality. Such a model can also have different shapes and extensions - these additional elements are calculated depending on the area of ​​​​the room where it is installed.

Island fireplaces

Island fireplaces are structures located in the middle of the room and not connected to any of its walls. It could be brick buildings and metal ready-made fireplaces with the most unexpected shapes. Moreover, the latter can be suspended, hanging over the floor surface.

1. The photo shows a brick fireplace installed in the middle of the room - this model is called an island model.

It is clearly seen here that such buildings are not suitable for small or even medium-sized rooms - they are intended specifically for halls with high ceilings. With their help, the room is made more comfortable and a special warm atmosphere is created in it.

2. For this fireplace, you need to allocate a separate room in which all its decoration will be focused on this design element. There should be a minimum amount of furniture in it, otherwise the room will look cluttered.

In this case, a hanging cap made of metal is used for the chimney pipe. It is fixed to the ceiling.

3. A hanging wood-burning metal fireplace is perfect for a modern home interior. These models come in a variety of shapes and design solutions, as well as various colors - from plain to painted in several shades.

To install a hanging fireplace, you will need reliable fastenings in the ceilings between floors, since such a structure, together with the chimney, is quite heavy. You need to know that this model will not heat the air in the room to a high temperature; its maximum heat will spread at a distance of a meter or one and a half from it. However, the presence of such a fireplace in the house creates a wonderful, healthy atmosphere.

Built-in fireplaces

Built-in fireplaces can also have different locations - this is an internal or external wall.

1. Having conceived a built-in wood-burning fireplace, it is better to choose the option in which the chimney duct will be located in the outer wall. Its advantage is that the chimney will not take up much space in the house, since it will pass from the street, and the firebox and portal of the structure will enter the room.

If it is possible to install a chimney on the street along the wall of the house, then such a fireplace will be suitable for both a small room intended for a cozy fireplace, and for a large hall for entertaining guests.

2. In this case, the fireplace is built into interior wall home, and a decorative compact portal opens into the room.

If you want a burning fireplace to heat two rooms, then the depth of the fireplace can be distributed over both rooms, decorating them with small protrusions. It is best to use a metal sandwich pipe for the chimney in this option, but it must be well insulated from flammable wall surfaces by covering it with brick.

Wood-burning fireplaces in the interior

In addition to varieties based on location, fireplaces can be divided according to architectural styles interior This factor is important for many homeowners, especially if the fireplace is largely considered as a decorative element. IN modern interiors are used different styles- this is modern, avant-garde, country, loft and, of course, classic.


The most widespread and suitable for many interior styles is the classic image of a fireplace. Such a structure may have various decorations and color, but this fireplace is always built into the wall and has a portal opening into the room. In this style, the traditional mantel is a mantelpiece with its characteristic attributes, such as porcelain figurines, a candlestick with candles, sometimes a lamp made in the same style, a clock or a painting above the shelf.

This style of fireplace requires that the entire interior be adjusted to it - furniture, wallpaper, ceiling decoration and appropriate accessories. In this case, the photo shows a portal with a restrained design, but in other versions it may contain relief images of flowers, curls or geometric shapes. The depicted interior is harmonious, well maintained in color scheme, in which calm tones characteristic of classicism dominate. This environment is conducive to relaxation and rest by the burning fireplace.


The concept of “country” refers to “rustic” style, but it can also be varied, since in different countries the furnishings of a house in a rural area are different on to another.

Country style fireplace

No one can blame the designer if he makes a mixed version, organically selecting accessories for decoration. The photo shows a fireplace reminiscent of a country stove, but built and decorated using modern materials- this is a ready-made metal firebox with heat-resistant glass, ceramic tiles, imitating brickwork, finishing the portal with plaster parts, etc. The mantel is decorated with farmhouse accessories that go well with the decor of the fireplace. All the furniture consists of items that are necessary for relaxing near the fire - these are two armchairs and poufs, covered with colored fabric used in English rural houses. There are no frills or bulky furniture, which makes the room more spacious. Simplicity and modesty are the main features of this style - country.


This style came into fashion in the 60s and 70s, and it is characterized primarily by large areas and high ceilings, as it was first used in attic spaces, where the decoration was not always within the means of the new residents. Therefore, when bringing this style to life, it is necessary to remember that it must include incompleteness, for example, unplastered brickwork on the walls or unplaned boards on the ceiling with rough floor beams.

“Screaming” minimalism - a fireplace in a loft interior

The photo shows just such an interior, in which an island through metal fireplace with a chimney pipe, also made of metal, is installed. Since this style refers to minimalism, it must have a minimum of furniture and maximum space. The loft does not provide the coziness that is typical of warm home styles, as it looks more like an industrial one.


The Art Nouveau style, like the loft, refers to minimalism and provides for a small amount of furniture in the room. But on the other hand, it is distinguished by perfectly even shapes of objects and color contrasts, which gives the interior a special expression.

Fireplace for lovers of the Art Nouveau style

This interior features a fireplace painted white and black, and the bright fire in the firebox goes well with these tones, as well as with the colors used for the interior decoration of the entire room. There is a corner fireplace model installed here, which is perfectly suited to the shapes of this style and is combined with all pieces of furniture. But style has no characteristics home comfort, but is more suitable for an office - it is the correct forms and formality that help you concentrate and prevent you from relaxing.

There are many options, and therefore it is very important to remember that when choosing the style of a wood-burning fireplace for your home, you need to rely on your associations with how you see it in the interior. Basically, a fireplace is installed in order to create comfort and a sense of security, which is conducive to relaxation, and this the main thing you need after a busy day at work.

Owners of finished residential buildings and those who are still planning the construction of their home have completely different fundamental requirements and conditions for choosing a fireplace and its location in the house.

The already completed layout, the materials from which the walls and ceilings are made, imply specific restrictions on the possibilities in choosing a place for installation. In a situation where the structure is still at the construction stage, you can install a fireplace that will not be limited in terms of the choice of its design.

Before developing a project for the fireplace itself, it is necessary to decide what main functions will be assigned to it. Based on this, it will become clear which design will be optimal and necessary.

Functions performed by the fireplace

There are four main functions that a fireplace can perform in a home.

  • Aesthetics

The main purpose is the opportunity to admire live fire.

Traditionally, a fireplace in a home is located in such a way that it is visible from anywhere in the room. Fireboxes are often equipped with glass doors to ensure safety and efficiency. work activity the entire structure. However, it is possible that the firebox does not have doors, then it is necessary to purchase a fireplace screen as an addition and protective accessory. Otherwise, people sitting near the fire may be disturbed by hot sparks flying from the firebox.

  • Heating

Different models of fireplaces are characterized by different efficiency rates - this is important.

It is uncharacteristic for a house outside the city to install decorative electric or bio-fireplaces, since their power is no more than 2 - 2.5 kW. Traditionally, owners choose full-fledged fireplaces that operate on gas or solid fuel with an open flame.

If you plan to use a fireplace structure to heat your home, then you need to pay close attention to the design of the firebox. A fireplace made of brick with an open firebox can heat only one room. This is provided that a sufficient amount of fuel is spent, since the efficiency of such a model is no more than 20%.

A closed firebox with additional heating functions is characterized by an efficiency of 85%. Such fireplace structures are used to heat from one to three adjacent rooms, provided that they are located in the corner. There are models of fireplaces with a water circuit that can heat an entire floor.

  • Cooking at home

A live fire in the fireplace provides the opportunity to cook food. Most models are equipped with special barbecue sticks, sections designed to hold skewers, a grill, and there are also full ovens.

  • Decoration

The fireplace can be used as a dominant element in the interior design of the entire room. Almost all home models cope wonderfully with decorative functions in the interior. There are no limits to your imagination - you can decorate the mantelpiece or complement the entire fireplace structure with exquisite accessories.

Traditionally, a fireplace in a home is used as additional or backup heating. In practice, it is not often used as the main heating method. Often, boilers are used to heat a house, and fireplace structures serve a more decorative function. In most cases, this is rational when the residential building is large enough. However, for dwellings that are not very large, it is quite possible to use a wood-burning stove.

Nowadays, manufacturers put a lot of effort into developing design designs, so you can always choose a fireplace for your home, which can be decorated in a wide variety of styles - from classic to ultra-modern design.

Design and functionality

There are open fireplaces, convection fireplaces, cumulative fireplaces and designs that have additional functions.

The most common are convection type varieties. Their main advantage is the ability to heat a residential building in a short period. The heat generated in the living room where the fireplace is located can be redirected to other rooms through ventilation ducts.

Open-type heating fireplace systems for homes are mostly installed for decorative purposes and as an additional heating element.

Cumulative-type fireplaces operate according to the principle heating stove. The main advantages are that they can heat rooms well for a long period. Ready-made fireplace designs for residential premises with additional opportunity water heating guarantee heating and availability hot water. This ability is ensured by installing a buffer tank or heat exchanger.

How to make a wise choice?

First you need to decide on the type of fuel that will be used. In addition to the well-known wood burning stoves that operate on wood, there are models that operate on gas or electricity.

Used to make fireplaces different materials– cast iron, steel, stone or brick. The material greatly affects not only the overall efficiency of the fireplace, but also its appearance.

The choice depends on:

  • layout and area of ​​the house;
  • possibilities and desires of the owner.

Optimal solution for a country home - a corner stove-fireplace made of cast iron with a closed firebox.

There are several fundamental aspects that will further influence the comfort of use.

Combustion mode

The stoves have several combustion modes. If there is an “economical load”, it is possible to maintain the temperature for a long period on the first portion of fuel.

  • Glass

The purpose of the fireplace design is to be able to observe the flame. To prevent soot from disturbing you, you need heat-resistant glass with a self-cleaning mode.

  • Ash pan

A wood-burning fireplace requires regular cleaning of the ash pan. The optimal solution for simplicity and neatness is a removable version of the ash pan.

  • Fire safety

There are models on sale with high legs, then it will need to be moved 10-15 cm away from the wall.


How to choose a fireplace? How to keep the house warm?

A decision must be made as to whether you want to extract maximum functionality from the stove or whether it will suffice as a backup heating element. Or it will still play the role of an elegant element in the design.

Traditional fireplace

They are complete heating equipment that operates on solid fuel - wood or coal. The market offers designs with open, semi-open and closed fireboxes.

The most productive are models with closed fireboxes, the most attractive from the point of view appearance– with open fireboxes.

Important - installation of the structure is fraught with considerable difficulties.

Open type fireplaces have high fuel consumption with little heat output. There is a possibility of sparks shooting out of the firebox.

A wood-burning fireplace is a fairly weighty structure that requires a separate foundation that is not connected to the main one. Therefore, this point needs to be thought through at the stage of designing the entire house. Moreover, chimney installation requires a professional approach.

  • Cladding a fireplace is a costly undertaking, as it will require no less investment than its installation.
  • The advantage is an aesthetic appearance.
  • Disadvantages - the need for a separate foundation and chimney, significant financial costs, significant fuel consumption, regular cleaning is required, and there is a risk of fire hazard.

Gas fireplace

Ideal solution as a backup or alternative option for heating. Necessary requirements for work - access to gas main or the use of cylinders.

It is possible to install it in a residential apartment, since the weight of the structure is small. There is no need for a foundation or a large chimney. The design is equipped with automatic gas valve, which allows you to regulate the burner power and shut off the gas if the flame goes out. Control from the remote control is possible - you can set the required temperature regime, and then the fireplace will automatically adjust.

  • Advantages - compared to the classic version, more economical solution, there is no need for a separate foundation and chimney, and no solid fuel is required for operation.
  • Disadvantages - must have permission from the gas department, there is a risk of explosion, costly installation if it is necessary to connect gas pipes.

In accordance with its functions - a standard electric heater. Quite attractive in appearance, equipped automatic systems, which allow you to control the glow of decorative fire. If you wish, you can choose an option in which “hot logs will crack.”

Operates from a standard outlet. There are several options for external design and installation.

  • Advantages - the device is safe and portable.
    Disadvantage: no live fire.

Stoves and fireplaces

They are wood burning and gas ovens, which have open, closed and semi-open fireboxes. They heat the room quite well, are an attractive element of the interior, and you can safely observe the flame. There are models that even include the ability to cook food.

Similar models are decorated with stone, ceramics, decorated with thermal glass, and are also used for decoration. artistic forging. The most common installation locations for such a stove are a house, a bathhouse, or a sauna.

  • Advantages - they are compact in size, economical to operate, have an attractive appearance, there is no need for a foundation, they are multifunctional, quick installation and comfortable operation.
  • Disadvantage - they heat only while the fireplace is burning.


Designs of a decorative nature that do not require the installation of a chimney, since they use bioethanol, which burns without producing smoke, soot and soot. The flame visually looks quite natural, and the combustion derivatives do not pose any danger to others. It is possible to control the combustion process.

  • Advantages: no smell, no soot, no need for a chimney, easy to install.
  • Flaws - insufficient quantity heat for heating the room, high consumption of liquid fuel.

What you need to pay attention to

First you need to decide whether the fireplace in the home will be used as a full-fledged heating system, an additional heating element, or will it still be decorative decoration premises.

If you plan to use the structure for heating, good choice There will be convection types of models or multifunctional fireplace stoves.

You can choose an attractive stove with a container for heating water, a cooking panel or an oven.

For basic decoration of the living room, you can purchase a bio-fireplace or an electric model, which can serve as a device for heating the room in inclement weather. Some people prefer to install wood-burning fireplaces in the house with their own hands, however best option– buy a ready-made design.

When purchasing a fireplace, you must carefully read the technical documentation and instructions for all the models you like. The most important fundamental selection criterion is performance.

Moreover, attention must be paid to the period of operation of the equipment. The selected model should be comfortable and easy to use, and should not cause difficulties during installation and subsequent maintenance.

Where to place it?

All ready-made fireplaces can be divided into open, closed and semi-open models. In this regard, it is necessary to wisely choose the place for its subsequent installation.

The safest ovens are closed type. They can be installed in the center of a room in a country home, where upholstered furniture is located.

Semi-open fireplaces are best mounted against a wall.

Open fireplaces should be installed in the wall of the house. When determining the location, it is imperative to calculate where the chimney will be located.

With a competent approach to choosing a place for a fireplace design, it will ideally harmonize with the overall style of a country house, and its operation will be absolutely safe.

Despite the rapid development of heating technologies and the availability of a wide range of modern equipment on the market, stoves and fireplaces are still relevant and in demand among consumers. It is best to plan the space for a fireplace when designing a house. The type of lesion desired should be clearly defined.

The installation option will largely depend on the type of fireplace, the personal preferences of the home owner and the requirements for heating the home. It is possible to install a stove or fireplace not only during, but also after the completion of construction activities.

The attractive magnetism of a living flame “dancing” on wood, its reflections on mirror and glossy surfaces, the warm and cozy atmosphere from the smoldering wooden log in the firebox - the incomparable sensations of relaxing by the fireplace.

Video: Fireplace for the home - expert opinion

Wood-burning fireplaces are again at the peak of popularity, becoming a mandatory attribute of city cottages, country houses and dachas. Their popularity is quite simply explained - few other pieces of furniture can so transform a space, introducing into it an element of comfort, coziness and extraordinary warmth.

Structurally, a fireplace consists of a firebox (or stove) and a lining, which is also commonly called a portal. The main material for making the firebox is cast iron. It holds heat well and can withstand high temperatures. In addition, cast iron is one of the most durable materials, which will provide your fireplace with a long service life and high efficiency.

The firebox is the main working element of the fireplace, in which fuel is burned and everyone’s favorite open flame is formed. Facing is, first of all, decorative element, on which the appearance of the fireplace depends. A wide variety of materials are used for cladding - granite, natural and artificial marble, travertine, sandstone, oak, etc. The cladding can be either luxuriously massive or strictly laconic. Designers create portals in a wide variety of styles - from antique classics and baroque to art deco and hi-tech.

Online store MirCli presents to you ready-made kits fireplaces, including a firebox (or stove) and a lining that matches it perfectly.

Why choose ready-made kits?

  • It's financially beneficial. As a rule, the cost of the kit is lower than the cost of separately purchased firebox and lining.
  • It's convenient. The buyer has the opportunity to immediately purchase a fireplace ready for installation. You don’t have to select a portal suitable for a particular type of stove or firebox, compare sizes, design features, etc.
  • This doesn't take away your choice. Manufacturers present a huge number of fireplace models ready for installation, taking into account the needs of all customers. In ready-made models you will find fireplaces decorated in any color and shape, from various materials, with a wide variety of decorative elements.

Buy ready-made sets of wood-burning fireplaces you can in our online store at affordable prices, which are the best in Moscow. At your request, the purchased goods will be sent to any region of the Russian Federation.