What can be painted with acrylic art paint. Is it possible to paint wooden surfaces with acrylic paint? Non-toxic and environmentally friendly

Acrylic – It's plastic, but the painting technique is reminiscent of watercolor. The only difference is that after drying, acrylic paints become waterproof. Let's look at some features of working with acrylic.

What to draw on?

Suitable for acrylic painting:

  • canvas;
  • cardboard;
  • plywood;
  • board;
  • glass;
  • paper.

Also prepare long-handled brushes, a palette and water.

What to draw?

There is no need to rack your brain for a long time over the idea of ​​a drawing. If it’s difficult to come up with something original, create a still life from scrap objects. You can also buy flowers or pick wildflowers. A beautiful stone, a view from the window - everything can serve as a real thing.

Drawing abstractions can also improve your skills. Draw a spot and think about what it resembles. Develop the idea, add details. Gradually you will learn to feel the colors.

1. Acrylic dries quickly, so keep a spray bottle of water handy to wet the colors on your palette.

2. Use paint in small quantities.

3. Acrylic squeezed out of a tube is opaque. Experiment with the transparency of your paints by adding water. A large amount of moisture will allow you to use watercolor painting techniques. But the 50/50 proportion must not be violated, otherwise the acrylic will not be able to adhere well and will crumble.

4. Start painting with large patches of color using large brushes. Gradually move on to working through small parts and take thin brushes.

5. When washing paint off your brushes, do not forget to blot them to remove water.

6. Reflecting your work in a mirror will help you spot mistakes.

7. Practice mixing colors together. It's not easy, but with practice you can learn to do it faster.

8. Adding thinner will help slow down the drying of the acrylic.

9. To achieve a perfect, straight line, use adhesive tape.

10. To make the color lighter, mix the paint with white. Do this carefully and little by little, kneading thoroughly.

11. Mixing paint with black will make it darker.

12. Dried paints look darker.

13. For safety, the work can be varnished.

How to paint with acrylic paints on canvas or paper?

1. You need to choose a basis for drawing. You can draw on paper, canvas or board. You need to choose a base on which acrylic can easily attach.

2. Gather all necessary materials. For painting you may need the following items: 1-2 cups of water, an old rag (you can use fabric), a palette knife, soap for cleaning brushes, a spray bottle for water.

  • Acrylic paints dry very quickly, so you need to spray the palette with water to keep the paints wet.
  • Use newspapers or scrap papers for your desk so you don't have a lot of clutter.
  • You can wear a work robe - this will keep your clothes clean.

3. Choose a good location. Many professionals recommend drawing with natural light. A good location nearby open window, and ordinary room with good natural light.

4. Prepare materials. Bring cups of water, brushes, paints, and a palette. Put on an old robe and cover it workplace newspapers.

5. Idea for drawing. Beginning artists have a hard time deciding what to draw. Think about maybe you want to draw a specific object or 3-D object. What can you draw acrylic paints:

  • photos;
  • vase with flowers;
  • a bowl of fruit;
  • sunrise/sunset;
  • items from your home;
  • something from your memory.

6. Make a sketch using a pencil. Use a regular pencil to roughly outline the main shapes of the drawing on the canvas.

7. Mix paints. Prepare all the colors you need to work with the drawing.

8. Analyze your composition. Place the item so it has some nice background behind it. Pay attention to all the details. As you work, you will have to recreate everything you need for your drawing.

9. Draw the background. First of all, you need to start drawing the background. Drawing from the background to the foreground is one of the most simple ways create a beautiful drawing. Add midtones first, then darks, and then the brightest to make the task easier.

10. Spend time on minor details. Draw all the main background details. Add shadows, highlights, little unnoticed details, add texture, etc.

11. Draw the main object. Draw it in monochromatic shades, break the object into simple shapes or parts. Once you've worked out the basic shapes and parts, your drawing will start to look great.

  • Remember how the tones are applied, first medium, then dark, and then light.
  • Apply the paint in dotted lines, hold the brush vertically and tap it on the paper.
  • Use a palette knife to spread broad strokes of color.
  • To create a blurred color, you need to dilute the paint with water. This is how the paint on the canvas gradually becomes lighter. This is a good way to create a color gradation effect.

12. Cover your painting with a layer of varnish. When the picture is covered with a layer of varnish, it is protected from various damages.

13. Clean brushes, objects and work area.

14. Leave the painting for a while to dry. Usually the painting dries in 1-2 days.

How to paint with Acrylic paints step by step - video

Very often, when choosing paint for construction, buyers choose acrylic. And this is not without reason - it has a number of advantages that are valued by consumers, for example, durability and bright color. Painting with acrylic paint, which paint to choose and how to apply it correctly, you will learn from this article.

Acrylic dyes are common not only in construction, but also in painting. They are often chosen to create designs on cars and are used in nail salons to paint on nails.

Before applying such a dye, the surface must be prepared.

There are some steps you need to take, namely:

  • clean the surface of all kinds of contaminants;
  • treat with a primer if the surface absorbs moisture too much;
  • bring the paint to the desired consistency;
  • use a brush or roller to apply paint;
  • provide the required temperature, not lower than +10°C;
  • Prepare water for cleaning brushes.

If paint remains after work, it must be tightly closed with a lid, otherwise all beneficial features will be lost, and it will be impossible to use this dye in the future.

  • Non-toxic and environmentally friendly

In the production of acrylic paints, not a single substance is used that can harm the human body.

  • No smell

Acrylic paints have absolutely no odor, so working with them is convenient and pleasant.

  • Does not burn

There are no flammable substances in this paint coating, so there is no fear of fire.

  • Dries quickly

The thickness of the layer affects the drying speed, but, as a rule, this happens within a couple of hours.

  • Huge selection of colors

The color range of acrylic paints is truly diverse. Probably for this reason it is chosen not only in construction, but also in painting.

  • Not afraid of dirt and does not let in moisture, while allowing air to pass through

  • Durable

  • Elastic

  • Increased durability

  • It does not require special care

  • Durable

Manufacturers often claim that acrylic paint may not lose its external properties for 10 years.

  • Wide Application

Acrylic paints resist ultraviolet rays well, are not afraid of mechanical stress and tolerate moisture. They are suitable for both wet rooms and outdoor use.

  • Universal

Paint on acrylic base unpretentious and can be combined with all kinds of materials. It is compatible with most surfaces. This dye is not compatible only with plastic, or rather, with some of its varieties.

According to the area of ​​use, acrylic paints are divided into 4 types:

  1. external;
  2. internal;
  3. paints for painting;
  4. automobile.

Facade acrylic paint consists of a number of additives that protect it from direct sun rays, moisture and abrasion. This type of paint is suitable for any outdoor use. It can be used to cover a façade, a gate or a fence.

Acrylic indoor paints are not as resistant to external factors. But they also have a number of advantages, such as easy application to the surface and long service life. For painting ceilings and walls there is special kind paints. In addition, there are universal dyes that are equally suitable for external and interior work.

Acrylic dyes are also in demand for painting cars. They are applied to the body, which changes appearance cars beyond recognition. There are also compositions specially created for painting, used in painting. Even painting nails or painting on fabric can use acrylic dye.

Acrylic compositions are excellent for many surfaces, most notably metal and wood. With their help, you can paint walls and ceiling surfaces, and universal paints, true to their name, can be used in almost any conditions.

Most acrylic paints have special advantages that set them apart from others. These include:

  • moisture-resistant paints;
  • lightfast;
  • washable;
  • resistant to mechanical stress.

There is also a division according to the degree of gloss. In addition to matte and glossy acrylic paints, semi-gloss and silky matte are also available.

Table. Technical characteristics of facade paints.

Latex, acrylic Easy to remove excess, durable, quick drying, can be applied even on damp surfaces, incompatible with previous oil based finishes, flexible. Almost no smell. Water-soluble, used for wood processing, brickwork, plaster and properly primed metal surfaces. They are not diluted, and with careful work you can get a uniform thin layer. They do not crack over time. These are breathable paints that are resistant to fading in the sun.
Oil, alkyd They dry very slowly (from 12 to 48 hours), have a strong smell, are difficult to clean, but are durable and have good adhesion, especially on whitewashed surfaces. Paint in one layer, clean with solvent. Created on the basis of synthetic resin, they adhere well to old multi-layer alkyd coatings and chalk, and have excellent hiding power. Galvanized iron and fresh masonry should not be painted. The thick consistency makes it more difficult to apply, but this paint adheres better than latex paint. The coating must be protected from rain until completely dry. In direct sunlight, the paint will fade and may crack over time due to oxidation.

Acrylic-based paint is easiest to dilute with water. This is not only simple, but also effective, because water is part of acrylic paint. But it should be remembered that this type of dye dries quickly, and after that it creates a protective waterproof film, so after work the tool must be cleaned as soon as possible before the paint dries.

Also suitable for dissolution is a thinner, which paint manufacturers themselves readily recommend. It significantly affects the characteristics of the paint, thereby adding shine and richness to the surface to be coated.

  • mix water and paint in equal proportions. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve ideal mass and convenient application;
  • by diluting paint with water in a ratio of 1:2, you can create a thin layer that will evenly cover the surface;
  • When diluting, it is important to take into account the proportions that are dictated by the type and thickness of the required layer. The thinner the layer you want to achieve, the more water you need to add.

It is more difficult to dilute dried paint. To do this, you need to grind it to a powder, pour boiling water over it. When the water has cooled, you need to drain it and repeat the procedure again. After this, you will need to get rid of excess water and mix the paint. Although the dye can be made suitable for use, it should not be applied to critical areas. Once the paint dries, it partially loses its properties, so it will not look the same. It is no longer very suitable for exterior work, except when painting an outbuilding.

Using acrylic paint is quite easy, especially if you know its features and the subtleties of working with it.

Instructions for properly painting the ceiling can help you with this:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the surface for painting. Ceiling surface cleaned of existing contaminants. In addition, it should be as even as possible. If the ceiling has not been painted before, it is first primed before applying the composition. The primer will save paint and protect the coating from fungus or mold.
  2. Any paint remaining on the ceiling must be removed using a spatula. This is important, since the presence of even small particles of paint on the surface makes painting impossible.
  3. Existing chips or cracks are repaired using putty. When it dries, you need to rub it, then apply a primer and only then start applying paint.
  4. Prepare everything in advance necessary tool: brush, roller, separate container for dye, stepladder or ladder, paint itself.
  5. Start painting from the corners using a brush, as a roller is not suitable for this purpose. Once you've finished painting the corners, brush around the perimeter of the ceiling. And only after this you can continue painting with a roller.
  6. The first coat of paint can be applied in any direction. But the last painting should be carried out strictly towards the window. With this simple technique you can achieve a smooth effect.

Acrylic-based paint dries quickly enough, so painting the ceiling can be completed in one day. In addition, acrylic paints do not smell at all, which is why they are often chosen for finishing work.

You can apply them in two ways:

  • after diluting with water or special mixtures;
  • in the form of a paste, if you choose this method you will need a thickener.

To dilute the composition, you will need a separate container; if you do this in a jar with dye, then when the moisture evaporates, it cannot be used.

To paint a facade with this composition you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Pre-prepare the surface

The facade of the building must be absolutely clean. Any dirt is unacceptable. Also make sure there is no fungus on the walls. Seal cracks if you find them.

  • Apply primer

When the surface is completely ready, a primer needs to be applied to it. This improves the adhesion of the composition to the surface; in addition, paint can be saved.

  • Paint the facade

Painting is done manually using a brush and roller. If you have a spray gun, you can use it. You need to apply at least two layers of acrylic paint. The second one can be applied only when the first one is completely dry.

materials on the topic

New premium acrylic interior and exterior paint WeatherOne® CoverCoat from Cloverdale

WeatherOne ® CoverCoat, a premium interior and exterior latex paint and coating from Cloverdale, is formulated with a 100% acrylic base and can be used over stucco, masonry, masonry, treated wood, metal, and galvanized surfaces that must be properly treated. and for which preliminary application of a primer is necessary.

Currently in production a large number of products from the industry that produces varnishes and paints, which are needed to give surfaces a beautiful appearance. Thermochromic paint is one such product. It is used to create souvenirs and interesting household items. It is also very necessary for making dishes for children, as it gives information about whether the food is hot.

The research project of scientists from the UK and Greece involves the development of new advanced polymer-based raw materials and composite materials, as well as processing technologies and the production of new powder paints.

Acrylic paint has been known for more than fifty years. But in last years it began to gain more and more popularity, thanks to its undeniable advantages over other types of paints. Using acrylic wall paint, real masterpieces of wall painting are created that retain their beauty for many years. Today, it can be used to paint not only plastered surfaces, but also wooden, concrete or brick walls.

Water-based acrylic paint. History of creation and characteristics

Acrylic paint began to be produced in industrial quantities in the mid-twentieth century. But back in the 30s, the unique properties of acrylic acids were discovered, which, in combination with various components, created stable polymer coatings.

Water-based acrylic paint quickly became popular among professional construction companies and ordinary buyers. Largely due to ease of use and the absence of an unpleasant chemical odor. It turns out that acrylic is resistant to mechanical and chemical exposure, does not fade in the sun, is odorless, non-toxic, and with all this, the solvent for it is simple water.

After the paint has completely dried, which takes only 30-40 minutes, a durable film is formed on the surface that can retain its color for many years.

Acrylic paint is divided into two types according to its composition: organic and synthetic. In both cases, the base is made up of artificial resins, but the coloring pigments can be either natural origin, and artificial. Synthetically created salt-based dyes different metals give the paint bright and rich colors.

And organics create soft pastel shades.

Acrylic water-dispersion paint

This type of paint consists of acrylic dispersion, color pigment and water. The basis for water-dispersion paints are polyacrylates and copolymers, which are film formers.


  • quick drying;
  • do not change color saturation over time;
  • thanks to the film formed after drying, the surface does not become covered with cracks and wrinkles;
  • resistant to high temperatures.

But this is not all the advantages of water-based acrylic paint. It is especially popular for interior work in residential areas due to its practical complete absence unpleasant odor, easy to use, environmentally friendly and meets all fire safety requirements.

It is applied to the surface using a roller, brush or spray gun. Acrylic paints are characterized by high adhesion to the surface of walls, and, consequently, excellent performance. They are widely used for protective and decorative painting of house facades, for painting walls and ceilings of premises. Any surface painted with acrylic paint becomes water-repellent.

Most modern manufacturers produce water-dispersion acrylic paints only white. But with the help of tinting you can always create exactly the shade that is needed, which is especially important when artistic painting walls Tinted paints retain their brightness and do not fade even under intense exposure to sunlight.

Important! Acrylic paint must be tinted immediately before use.

As for the main characteristics of acrylic paints, they differ and depend on the polymers that were used to create them. But in any case, they are distinguished by their versatility and excellent performance.

Glossy acrylic wall paint

This is a creative and win-win option for decorating the walls of a room. Glossy acrylic paints create not only beautiful appearance walls, but also a more durable coating than their matte counterparts. Therefore they are recommended in rooms with high humidity. This can be explained very simply - the paint contains resin and pigment; with a higher resin content, gloss is obtained, and if pigment predominates, matte paint is created.

Thanks to the durable coating, dirt cannot penetrate deeply, which means that cleaning such a surface will be much easier. In addition, the glossy effect allows you to visually expand the space of the room.

Art painting of walls with acrylic paints

Acrylic paints for wall painting must be diluted not with water, but with a special solvent.

There are two ways to decorate a wall with acrylic painting

  • Creating a painted canvas, which in its finished form is glued to the wall. This case is used when the artist cannot be directly on the object, or to ensure the mobility of the painting. But it has a significant drawback - due to the limited width of the canvas, its joints will be visible;

  • Creating a painting directly on the wall on top of the finishing layer of plaster. This is the most convenient way painting with acrylic paints on the walls. The main thing is to properly prepare the base, since in the future the painting will no longer be separable from the wall.

Preparing the wall for painting

The durability of the painting itself depends on how well the wall is prepared for painting. If plastering is of poor quality, after some time the painting will begin to crack along with it, peel off and crumble.

If the drawing is not applied to new wall, then first it is thoroughly cleaned old paint, wallpaper, whitewash or plaster. After cleaning, check the wall for cracks.

Then the wall is degreased with white spirit or construction primer. This is necessary for better adhesion of new layers of plaster to the wall.

The next thing you need to do is level the wall. This is done in two stages. First, the most significant irregularities are removed using one or two layers of plaster. Next, use finishing putty to level the wall to an ideal plane. The dry wall is sanded and the resulting dust is removed.

If the wall is covered with plasterboard, then it is enough to putty only the joints of the sheets and the fastening points.

An acrylate primer is applied to the leveled walls with a roller or brush. It will create a protective, durable layer that will prevent the putty from falling off and strengthen the bond of the paint to the wall surface. Here it should be taken into account that for rooms with normal and high humidity different primers are used. Yes, for wet room(swimming pool, bathroom) special primers with antifungal properties are used.

For clarity of all stages of preparation and application of the picture, an approximate diagram of layers is presented below.

Painting walls with acrylic paint

Now you can proceed directly to painting the walls with acrylic paint. First, you should finally decide on the idea of ​​​​the motive for decorating the wall. Then, using a pencil, the drawing is transferred to the wall, linearly drawing the entire composition. The finished sketch is painted with acrylic paints.

First of all, all local elements of the composition, details and volumes are drawn. This will ensure the color integrity of the entire painting.

Thanks to the versatility of acrylic paints, brush stroke techniques can be accomplished different ways. In addition, paint can be applied with any brushes (synthetic, squirrel or bristle), palette knives, pieces of paper, roller, foam rubber, tape, etc. For the painting in modern style an airbrush is used.

The finished painting is coated with a transparent matte varnish for additional surface protection. In the future, it is simply washed with a damp sponge.

How to paint walls with acrylic paint

If for some reason you don’t want to decorate the walls with wallpaper, you can paint them with acrylic paint. This finishing method creates a modern and fresh interior in a cottage or apartment.

Painting walls is not as popular in our country as wallpapering them. And this deviation from general norms gives a good start for further development of a repair strategy. Acrylic walls have already established themselves as a reliable and easy-to-use coating. For example, if paint is damaged, restoring it will require much less effort than would have to be done with wallpaper (this applies in particular to pet owners). In addition, such painting helps to visually increase the space, which for small apartments especially relevant.

Before you paint the walls with acrylic paint, you will need to prepare them thoroughly. Remove the old coating (wallpaper, paint, putty, etc.) and apply a preparatory layer of putty. Sand it, prime the surface and cover it with fiberglass. Next, a layer of finishing putty is applied, which is also sanded and primed, like the previous one. And only after all this work, 2 layers of acrylic paint are applied. Now let's look at all stages of work in more detail.

Preparing to paint walls with acrylic paints

When preparing the wall surface for painting, you need to be diligent and not miss even small remnants of wallpaper “sitting tightly”. If the wall is too uneven, it will need to be covered with plasterboard. When the surface does not require additional leveling, it is immediately puttied using a spatula 40-60 cm wide. The composition is made of medium thickness and is applied with wide hand movements. At this stage, perfect evenness is not required.

After the starting layer has dried, it is sanded with medium-grain abrasive sandpaper and coated with a primer. Now the covering with fiberglass or as it is also called “cobweb” begins.

This work is similar to pasting regular wallpaper, but it runs much faster. For fastening, you will need special glue, and until the material has completely dried, there should be no drafts in the room. The use of fiberglass when painting walls with acrylic paint is not necessary, but it has excellent reinforcing properties that should not be neglected.

When the fiberglass dries, and this is approximately knocking, finishing putty. For higher quality work, it is recommended to use ready-made putty in buckets, rather than diluting it yourself. Its price is significantly higher, but the consumption will be low. True, the finished composition is almost always thicker than normal, and before starting work it is advisable to add a little water to it and mix with a mixer. This will not only make the application process easier, but will also further reduce material consumption.

After drying, it is sanded with fine-grain sandpaper (no more than 150 units).

At this stage, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  • it is necessary to achieve a mirror-smooth surface, so even small scratches and cavities should not be missed;
  • The main thing is not to overdo it and not damage the putty so much that the fiberglass becomes visible.

Technology of painting walls with acrylic paints

The prepared surface is primed with a deep impregnation composition and you can begin painting. First, all corners and places where the walls meet the ceiling are painted with a brush.

Important! Use a brush to paint complex areas only once, and use a roller to paint the rest of the surface twice.

That's it, the paint is ready. Now the walls will dry out as soon as possible, and there will be no pungent odor in the room. If desired, the walls can be easily repainted in a different color without additional surface preparation. Another tip is to save a small can of paint in case of necessary repairs.

Price of acrylic paint for walls

Manufacturers sell acrylic paint in cans of various sizes. For construction work These are containers from 0.5 and 4.5 to 15 liters. And most often, the smaller the packaging volume, the higher the price for the same paint. Quite rare, but you can also find acrylic paints on sale in aerosol cans.

On average, the price of acrylic paint from different manufacturers ranges from 250-300 rubles per 4 kg jar, and 650-1000 rubles per 15 kg bucket. Consumption of acrylic paint for walls is 100-150 g/m2 per layer.

Acrylic paint colors are created using special acrylic-based tinting pastes. The price for them is low, for a jar of 200 grams it is about 50 rubles. The amount of pigment is calculated individually depending on the required color intensity.

Manufacturers of water-based acrylic paints

The most popular acrylic paints for interior work are Kolorit, Snezhinka, Bugoflex, and Belka. Over the years, their products have maintained high quality and occupies a leading position in the Russian market.

Acrylic paint for walls photo

Acrylic paints are ideal for painting walls and ceilings in residential areas, for artistic processing of wood and other surfaces. The product, produced in cans, is widely used in the automotive segment for painting not only metal, but also plastic parts.

The technique of applying paint on an acrylic basis allows you to achieve ideal textures and give the painted object any shade. It’s very easy to figure out how to properly paint a surface with acrylic paint, which is why this type of repair is popular among creative people.

Coating Tools

For any successful construction process, including work using acrylic paints, it is necessary to use high-quality tools. To paint a room or furniture quickly and smoothly, you need the following tools:

  1. Brushes different sizes: They will be used to paint hard-to-reach areas, corners, or to do painting, including on wood.
  2. Rollers on short and long handle(the latter is necessary when painting the ceiling, but it can be replaced by purchasing a removable telescopic handle), the pile of which should be of medium length.
  3. Painting bucket (you can save money and use a regular one, but specialized equipment includes a mesh for cleaning the roller from excess paint, which should not be applied to the surface).
  4. Set of spatulas of various widths.
  5. Wide film.
  6. Masking tape for sealing joints and sockets.

This set of tools can be called basic, and you need to take care of its availability in advance before you start applying paint.

List of basic painting tools

For a more technological process, additionally purchase a tray, textured attachments for rollers, a roller with a bendable piece of iron, and in rooms with a high ceiling you will additionally need a ladder.

Room painting options

In the post-Soviet space, such a method of putting a room in order as wallpapering was used, but now an alternative has appeared in the form of painting surfaces. Main place among coloring matter occupied by acrylic paints - they can be used in any room and on any surface, which makes them very popular.

The building materials market is rich in a choice of various acrylic paints, they can be:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • mother-of-pearl.

In addition to the specified spectrum, you can also distinguish different textures of paints. Using this type paint and varnish material the application surface can be made velvety, embossed or painted (for which material in tubes is used).

The choice of colors of acrylic paints is so large that it allows you to bring to life any design solution. Thus, to paint the walls of the living room, it is customary to use matte monochromatic coatings, and with the help of pearlescent acrylic paints, you can apply additional decor to them in the form of painting.

Safety and Precautions

Acrylic paint, like other types of paint and varnish coatings, requires a number of precautions when working. This is especially true for the aerosol form of release.

Safety precautions are important, even though acrylic paint, compared to other materials, has a more gentle composition, does not have a strong chemical odor, and is recommended for work in enclosed spaces.

To protect yourself when using acrylic composition for painting, you must work taking the following precautions:

  1. Protect your respiratory tract with a respirator.
  2. Wear long-sleeved pants and a sweater, as well as gloves to avoid getting the solution on your skin.
  3. Provide ventilation in the room.
  4. Avoid exposure of the surface to be painted to direct sunlight and high temperatures.
  5. Particular care should be taken when working with various solvents of dubious origin, since a combination of inconsistent components in working substances can lead to poisoning or chemical burns.

When working with an aerosol form of acrylic paint, you should additionally control the container and protect it from heating, since due to the pressure inside it is influenced high temperature it may explode.

Compliance with basic safety precautions is mandatory even when painting a small area of ​​furniture or other interior items.

Stages of applying the coloring solution

Since painting work is usually carried out during renovations in an apartment, house or non-residential premises and also for updating old furniture or interior details, then dividing the work into stages will be relevant. They are similar to those that are present in other repair work.

In order to carry out painting work efficiently, the following technique must be followed, in which all actions must proceed step by step one after another.

Surface preparation

This stage includes measures to clean the surface from the previous coating. The procedure must be carried out carefully; it is not allowed to leave even small pieces of wallpaper that is difficult to remove. After everything has been removed, the surface is disinfected if necessary (this is important in the presence of dampness and fungus).

At the final stage of surface preparation, if necessary, it is plastered, cracks are covered and defects are filled with putty. The quality of the final result greatly depends on the quality of work at this stage.


As with any other coating, the surface must be primed before applying acrylic paint, otherwise the coating will lie unevenly and will begin to peel off over time.

The actual coloring

Once the surface is completely prepared, the painting stage can begin. If we are talking about painting walls and ceilings, then, first of all, the paint is applied to the most hard to reach places using a brush (work is carried out in one layer), and then using a roller, paint the rest of the part in 2 layers. To ensure that the texture of the coating is uniform, all movements are carried out in one direction, unless otherwise provided by the design idea.

Finish coating

To consolidate the result, you can go over the painted surface with another layer of paint, however, this is not necessary. If everything was done correctly in the previous stages and the result looks good, no additional layers are needed. To give the surface more gloss (especially important on metal surface), it is coated with varnish on top, usually in 2 layers.

Features of artistic painting

Each stage in coloring has great importance, since an error in one of them or a violation of the work technique can lead to a poor-quality result of the entire process.

Applying artistic painting to a surface using acrylic paints requires pre-treatment.

To do this, remove the coating from the area where the painting will be, treat it for defects, and apply a layer finishing putty, and painting is already being done on it. To protect the painting from quickly losing its original appearance, after the acrylic paints have dried, it must be varnished.

Painting wooden surfaces

The features of using acrylic paints on wooden objects are not very different from the use on other surfaces, with the exception of plastic and metal.

Acrylic paints are widely used for painting wooden objects. Its popularity is due to the fact that, due to its characteristics, such a composition creates a kind of plastic film over the treated area. The dried coating does not fade over time, does not crack, and is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes.

The most convenient way is to use paint in tubes, which, using a special solvent or water, allows you to achieve not only rich designs, but also a watercolor effect.

The technique of using acrylic on wood has its own small feature. Before applying the composition, the surface must be sanded, then primer is applied to it and sanded again. This preparation allows you to paint a wooden surface with better quality.

Using acrylic paint for various surfaces and products are in demand due to the unique positive qualities of this material. And the harmlessness and ease of application allow not only a professional painter or artist, but also an amateur to carry out the work independently.

With the advent of acrylic paints, painting received new possibilities. Acrylic paints can be applied to almost any substrate, be it canvas, cardboard, wood, fabric, glass and many others. The paints are diluted with water and dry quickly. After drying, they become water-resistant and weather-resistant, do not turn yellow or fade. Also, acrylic paints are absolutely hypoallergenic.

Many artists create wonderful works using acrylic paints. Among them there are both adherents of traditional painting and various modernists trying to achieve a new level of reality in painting. For example, world-famous self-taught artist Justin Geoffrey paints incredible pictures using acrylic, using the volume of strokes to create sculptural relief.

So, in acrylic painting you have room for creativity. But where to start?

We collect the necessary materials

The first thing you need for acrylic painting is acrylic paints:) The choice is simply huge now! It all depends on your goals and preferences. Acrylic paints can vary in the type of surface they form after drying: glossy, matte or velvety; by density; by the number of colors in the palette and their saturation. If you are choosing from TAIR acrylic paints, then you may find the article “How to choose acrylic paints” useful, which will help you navigate the differences and characteristics of the different lines.

If you're just starting out in acrylic painting, it may be easier for you to purchase a ready-made set of paints than to rush between choosing and buying different colors yourself. In any case, it is worth taking the primary colors and not chasing their quantity: White, Black, Light Red, Light Blue, Light Yellow, Brown, FC Green.

But for beginners, it’s easier to buy complex colors ready-made than to try to mix them yourself from several colors.

It is important to know that one of the features of acrylic paints is their fast drying time. For some this is an important advantage, but for others it is a disadvantage that reduces the time of creative quest. If this is the case, just use acrylic paint drying retardant. When mixed with acrylic paints, the retarder slows down the drying of the film, which allows you to work longer with paints on the palette and on canvas. It also increases the spreadability and slightly increases the brightness of the colors.

The next important point is brushes. Round brushes are considered universal for painting. Natural or synthetic pile is a matter of personal preference for artists. Worth a try different variants and choose what is most convenient for you to work with. Some people generally prefer to work with a palette knife.

As palettes You can use plastic disposable plates. It's convenient, simple and economical.

You will also need canvas on a stretcher or on cardboard. You can glue, prime and stretch the canvas onto a stretcher yourself, but this is a rather time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Also, if you are not yet confident in your abilities, it is better to try making a few sketches on paper first.

You will also need several cans of water to dilute the paints and clean the brushes.

Preparing the workspace

It is best to work on an easel. It allows you to position the canvas so as not to distort the perspective when drawing, as when working at a table.

Very important correct lighting. It's best if it's natural light, which falls from the left.

You can secure your workplace by placing old newspapers or unnecessary paper on the table. It wouldn't hurt to have some kind of protective apron, so as not to stain your clothes with paints in a creative impulse.

What to draw?

The most difficult question that stops and scares away most beginning artists. You can spend several hours or even days racking your brain to come up with brilliant idea for a drawing, but nothing can be found. However, by doing this, you are not only imitating the activity. Your skills and mastery do not grow, but remain at the same level.

If you can't come up with original idea- don't stand still! Take a look around. Create a still life from what you have on hand.

Go for a walk and pick a couple of flowering branches, or flowers. While walking, find a beautiful stone and try to capture its texture.

First, draw some abstract spot, and then, using your imagination, try to see something special in it, add details.

Thus, without thinking about what to draw, you will draw, maybe not the most original things, but they will help you position your hand, feel the brush and paints, teach you how to work with light, shadow and contrasts. Draw, draw more, and brilliant creative thoughts will come with time!

Good luck in your creativity and limitless inspiration!