Closed staircase to the second floor. Projects of stairs to the second floor in a private house. Installation of a flight of stairs with step-by-step photos

The front door of a private house is the face of its owner, and the street staircase plays a very important role. With the variety of modern building materials, the installation and arrangement of the entrance staircase turns into the creation of a work of art. Concrete or wooden structures with forged elements or street staircases lined with decorated tiles create not only a pleasant impression, but also, correct installation, will serve their owner for decades near the threshold of the house.

The first thing you need to know when building a street staircase is the material that is used for this type of work. Most often used:

Example of a concrete entrance staircase with tile trim

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In fact, for construction external staircase There is a sufficient variety of building materials (for example, brick), it is enough to choose the one with the most optimal pricing policy and long service life. But this type of stairs also differs in the shape of its design. It can be:

  • Screw. Often used in houses with a high base. They can have a classic shape or have more right angles.
  • Straightforward. The most common, as they make one row of steps, which does not require large quantity building materials.
  • Street stairs with a platform. Which is mounted to improve the appearance. For the site it is necessary to make more gentle steps.

Of course, there are a large number modern solutions near home, but the above examples are the most common.

Sequence of installation of an external concrete staircase

As mentioned above, the most common option is an external staircase to the house, made of concrete or brick. Concrete is a durable material, not influenced temperature changes, as well as exposure to precipitation. You should know that for the installation of an external staircase of this design, grade 400 cement can be used.

Drawing up a drawing

Each job, especially the construction of an external staircase to the second floor, begins with a preliminary placement of the project on paper, with all the actual dimensions and structural elements. Basic rules that must be taken into account when designing an external staircase:

  • The design of the entrance staircase to the house must be made strictly perpendicular to the entrance doors.
  • The porch cannot be poured at the same level as the floor in the house. It should be lowered by at least 5 cm.
  • The sides of the stairs should not coincide with the entrance opening. They should be expanded by 10-15 cm in each direction.
  • When pouring steps, you should remember that their number should be odd. This will help make the steps as comfortable as possible both when ascending and when descending from the porch.
  • The height of one step should not exceed 20 cm. Some owners of private houses make them smaller, which leads to too long stairs.
  • A step inclination of 3 degrees will create the correct position of the plane for draining rainwater or conveniently cleaning snow. If you make the slope large, it will be too clearly felt when walking up the stairs.


About to pour entrance staircase into the house, it should be remembered that its weight will be quite significant. Therefore, an appropriate foundation is required that can support the entire structure. Depending on the depth of freezing in the region, the depth of the foundation itself varies from 50 to 120 cm. The sequence of creating a foundation for an external staircase is as follows:

  • Preparing the pit. The hole needs to be dug a little larger than the entire structure, since the foundation is and cannot be narrower than the staircase itself.
  • After the hole is dug, a layer of sand up to 15 cm thick must be poured onto its bottom and leveled over the entire surface. A layer of crushed stone is poured onto the sand, also no more than 15 cm.
  • You can start pouring concrete or laying bricks. Mortar proportions: 4 buckets of sand, 1.5 buckets of cement, the amount of water varies depending on the quality of the concrete - it should not be too liquid, but it should not be made thick enough.

Having a concrete mixer will greatly simplify the process of pouring the foundation. After it is ready, it should be covered with an ordinary polyethylene film - this will prevent the appearance of cracks that may occur as the concrete dries. If the film is not at hand, then the solution should be watered every 1.5–2 hours.

Installation of formwork and pouring steps

Correct installation of formwork will greatly simplify the process of pouring steps for the entrance staircase in wooden house, but for this you should stock up on such building materials such as boards, building level, plastic film, self-tapping screws (nails should not be used, as they are much more difficult to remove from the formwork), screwdriver.

First you need to mark the top point of the future staircase, for this from the threshold front door It is enough to put 5-7 cm down and make a corresponding mark with a marker. Now, using boards, you should make 2 halves of one formwork, the height of which should be equal to the distance from the ground to the same mark on the wall, at the bottom of the front door.

Next, with inside The formwork of the steps should be secured with plastic film, otherwise the solution will be absorbed into the boards, and removing them later will be quite problematic. A good option– processing of boards with machine oil. After the above procedures, the formwork can be installed and secured with outside boards.

For the inside of the formwork, it is necessary to prepare a frame made of reinforcement. The reinforcement (with a cross-section of at least 10 mm) is knitted or welded into a frame that matches the shape of the staircase. You can make it a little lower than the plane of the steps. After pouring the mortar, the reinforcement should not remain above the concrete level. Once the structure is ready and installed inside the formwork, you can begin pouring concrete.

It should be remembered that the formwork can be removed after 24 hours, but the structure must be allowed to mature for at least 15 days. Only with this option will the solution finally set and, together with the reinforcement frame, turn into a single whole.

Finishing work

15 days after pouring the foundation, you can proceed to any option finishing works entrance staircase in a private house. For finishing concrete stairs, tiles designed for use in outdoor environments are ideal. Even with properly constructed formwork, the concrete staircase will have some unevenness, which will be hidden by a sufficient amount of glue or special mastic.

When laying tiles on entrance stairs, you should also not forget about the seams, which should be equal and neat. To ensure the correct location of the seam, use plastic fasteners specially designed for this purpose.

How to make an outdoor staircase out of metal

When installing a metal staircase in front of the entrance to the house, it is also necessary to fill the foundation. Only such a design does not require a hole 100 or 120 cm deep. It will be enough to dig a hole 70-80 cm deep. Otherwise, the foundation is prepared in the same way as for a concrete staircase: a layer of sand, a small layer of crushed stone and the concrete solution itself. After pouring, the distance to the ground surface should be at least 20 cm, this will then allow the metal channel to be laid.

Metal entrance stairs to the second floor have the following installation order:

  • The channel used for the structure is installed on the foundation and filled with mortar. Only that part should remain on the surface to which the entire ladder will subsequently be welded or bolted.
  • must be reinforced with standard metal struts. Spacers can also be welded between the steps, which allows you to significantly strengthen the structure and make it almost monolithic.
  • The channel can also be secured using identical metal corners, which are connected by welding.
  • The upper part of the ladder is attached to a place located 5-7 cm below the threshold in private houses. The fastening method is as follows: drill a couple of holes in the wall and insert reinforcement into it, onto the edge of which you need to weld metal plates. The end of the ladder is connected to these plates by a weld. The reinforcement in the wall can be further strengthened with mortar.

After completion of work in the house, all welded seams of the structure on the second floor must be carefully sanded; excess drops of metal can be removed with a grinder. After sanding, they begin to clean the frame and then paint it. Metal sheets 3-5 mm thick are used as steps, which are attached to the frame with bolts.

External staircase made of wood

Wood is a fairly durable material for building a house, requiring careful and scrupulous processing. When choosing wood for installing external stairs in private homes, you should not save money; high-quality dried oak is most suitable; pine can be used as a more budget-friendly option. Main indicators of timber quality:

  • No fungus, mold, dark spots. If a pest is present, the lifespan of the tree outside the house will be reduced to several months.
  • Well dried material. If the wood has not been dried, then after installation, after a short period of time, the entire structure will move to the sides. Therefore, you should choose only dry boards.
  • Minimal or complete absence of cracks. Even the smallest crack can develop into a long groove that extends along the entire length of the board.

Even for wooden frame, for example, on the second floor, a foundation is needed near the house. Most often, this is made in the form of small pillars, measuring 20 by 20 cm and about 40 cm deep. For greater strength, after pouring the foundation, several reinforcing rods can be stuck into it. This will ensure greater reliability of the structure.

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Wooden stairs in private houses are assembled according to the usual type children's construction set. All elements have special grooves that will ensure the stability and reliability of the entire structure. But it is not enough to insert several staircase elements into each other; they also need to be fastened with nails or simple self-tapping screws.

Having completed the construction of a wooden frame near the porch of the house, it should be sheathed with boards. The boards are attached to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws. One of the main elements of each staircase is the railing, which can be very quickly prepared from ordinary timber, which was previously used to build the frame. Of course, ready-made wooden balusters will look much more impressive, but at the same time they have a much higher price.

Photo gallery of exquisite entrance staircases

The spiral staircase not only looks chic, but is also very practical.

In this article we will look at the types of stairs to the second floor, their advantages and disadvantages. We will also understand the installation requirements, consider the materials and a brief description.

Requirements for installing stairs

There are a wide variety of types of stairs to the second floor. At the same time, the choice of design should be decided at the stage of developing the house project. As for their type and material of manufacture, they depend not only on design standards, but also on the design, as well as the area of ​​the room. The approach to the stairs should be convenient, and the ascent should be as comfortable as possible.

Convenient location of the stairs to the second floor

Current SNiPs indicate that the choice of dimensions and location depends on:

  • the minimum permissible distance from the stairs to the end of the corridor (at least 1.6 m);
  • the smallest indicator of the width of the march of the future structure (varies from 1.05 to 1.2 m);
  • maximum slope of the march (not higher than 45 o);
  • the ideal number of climbs in one march (at least two);
  • number of steps in one flight (ranging from 13 to 18);
  • the width of the platform between the flights (not lower than the width of one flight).

Important! These provisions apply only to structures inside residential premises. It is necessary to draw boundaries between internal, technical and external staircases. For the latter, these requirements may differ.

Everything else is a flight of fancy. And, it is worth noting, now on the market you can find unusual and even strange proposals.

Original stairs sometimes they are not very practical.

Types of stairs to the second floor

There are many factors to consider when choosing stairs:

  • design (with or without rotation);
  • location (in the center of the room or against the wall);
  • technical possibility (stationary or folding);
  • price;
  • material (concrete, wood, glass, etc.).

The most popular and convenient designs are: 1. L-shaped. Very common due to its simplicity. As a basis, take two marches, which are located at an angle of 90 degrees to each other. The marches are connected by an intermediate platform. This design has one turn.

An example of an L-shaped staircase to the second floor.

2. U-shaped. It is optimal to use in large rooms, as it is more bulky compared to the previous type. It is usually installed in houses with a large height between floors.

The space under such a staircase can be equipped with a comfortable and spacious closet.

3. Marching. Simple, but the most cumbersome design of all.

Despite the simplicity of the design, this type of stairs can look very elegant.

4. Screw. Optimal for small spaces. It looks aesthetically pleasing, although it is somewhat inconvenient when lifting compared to other options. But they are the most compact. 5. On pain. 6. On bowstrings. 7. Modular.

Advice! If you are limited in space, choose a screw design (with a rotation). There is a wide variety of styles and shapes, so you can easily find the right one.

As for concrete stairs, they are installed extremely rarely in private houses. Often these are external stairs. Let's take a closer look at some types of structures.


Spiral staircases are installed where it is necessary to save space, and where a straight staircase simply will not fit . Not the most convenient option to use. Often such structures are installed in the basement or for access to the attic. Aesthetically they look very impressive. They are made in the shape of a square, circle or polygon, or with a smooth rotation. If it is located in the basement, the most reliable will be a concrete base. The material used can be almost any. It is possible to order metal products with plastic, wooden, glass or brick steps. It can also be made entirely of stone, metal, wood. But not everyone can afford a staircase with a turn. The complexity of manufacturing and installation significantly affects its price.

A spiral staircase can become a real interior decoration.


This type of stairs has become the most popular due to:

  • simplicity of the design itself and its installation;
  • taking into account the mechanics of human movement. This gives comfort and convenience when descending and ascending.

The main feature of marching stairs is that they are installed only where there is a lot of free space: at least 3 sq.m. However, there is an opportunity to save space. For this purpose, turning stairs with intermediate platforms are used. At first glance, such designs are quite complex, but they are quite realistic. The most popular are single-flight and double-flight designs.

Examples of single-flight and double-flight stairs

Manufacturing material - concrete, plastic, stone, wood, glass or combinations thereof. It is possible to make a staircase structure using bricks. Today, the basis for sustainability is .

Stairs on rails

The name comes from the German “Bolzen” (bolt). The advantage of this type is ease of installation. Steel is often used as a material, which greatly simplifies the fastening of some elements. The diameter and number of steel rods affects the strength of the structure. The rods can be mounted in the ceiling, walls, floor or interior partition. Such stairs are compact and economical. The main requirement for them is location near a solid concrete wall. When choosing the type of stairs great importance is given to its design. It can be performed on bowstrings or bolts. Sometimes they are combined. To give the product noble looking select strings. These are beams that provide the steps with support from below and on the sides. Bolts are metal fasteners that hold steps in the wall during frameless construction of stairs.

The staircase with rails will fit perfectly into a modern interior.

To form the frame, metal elements are used; the steps are made of metal, concrete, wood, glass, brick and reinforced concrete. They look light and fragile, however, they can withstand heavy loads (up to 1.5 tons). This, coupled with a minimal set of components, makes them attractive. Usually this is a one-flight staircase. Installation of stairs on rails

Designs on bowstrings

The most elegant type of stairs, in which the steps are attached to a support beam from the inside. Climbing and descending along them is very convenient, but installation is labor-intensive, which limits their use in the case of individual construction. You can familiarize yourself with the installation features of such a design in. The material used is almost any, except concrete.

Modular stairs

Modular stairs to the second floor are popular because they have a number of advantages:

  • affordable installation price;
  • possibility without special skills due to simple design;
  • good compatibility with any finishing materials;
  • the ability to assemble structures of any type: screw, corner, combined configuration;
  • Possibility of installation in rooms with any ceiling height.

May be with or without rotation. The word “module” is the key word, which covers the entire concept. Prefabricated system: assembled from parts that fit together. Thus, U-shaped and L-shaped stairs can be made. If necessary, the modules can be adjusted, making it possible to individually select the lifting height, its geometry, and form a unique shape of the structure. It can be steep uphill if you're comfortable with it. Assembling a modular staircase

The following types of modules for mounting staircase structures are distinguished:
  • welded (cast). There are pipes on each side of the module different heights and diameter;
  • made of two components: a long pipe with a plate for fastening steps and a welded part with short pipes;
  • consisting of several individual components that do not have welds.

The assembly of this staircase is similar to a constructor; installation is carried out independently, and it is not necessary to have special knowledge. Instructions are included with the product. Assembly takes several hours and is carried out by one or two people.

Assembly diagram of a modular staircase.

Features of materials and installation location of the stairs

Wood is the most common material in the manufacture of staircases due to its environmental friendliness. However, according to requirements fire safety the number of marches for wooden structures should be a maximum of two, that is, with one turn.

Classic wooden staircase.

But concrete stairs are made only in extreme cases. Usually they can only be found in apartment buildings.

Important! The moisture content of wood used for construction is very important: its level should not exceed 15%. Otherwise, over time the steps will creak.

Metal is a strong and durable material. But stairs are almost never all-metal - the construction is too heavy. To reduce weight, metal is combined with wood, glass or stone.

An example of a combination of a metal staircase and wooden steps.

An important point When choosing the type of structure, the location of its installation is important. For example, a wide and light staircase made of plastic or wood is more suitable for the hallway. This will make it possible to visually expand the room. The use of bricks is unacceptable here. For small spaces, a folding staircase is suitable. The vast majority of such structures are made of aluminum or wood. Since the folding ladder must withstand heavy loads, it is better if it is made of wood hard rocks. Accordion designs are the most convenient because they can be easily removed to the second floor. By the way, folding stairs are perfect for climbing to the attic.

A folding ladder is a very practical and simple solution.

A retractable design is an ideal way to optimize space and the ability to isolate the entrance to the second floor. To optimize space, the space under the stairs can be used for shelving or cabinets. It is also necessary to consider the lighting of these staircase structures.

Idea! A folding staircase is a great space saver and allows you to add some flair to your interior.

Let's sum it up

Of course, it is better to entrust the design and creation of a staircase structure to professionals. They can make it safe and easy to use. Concrete, iron, wood, brick stairs Any of your ideas can be brought to life. Be that as it may, the design must meet the following criteria:

  • be durable and withstand heavy loads;
  • Stationary Metal stairs for a private house

If your private house or multi-level apartment contains more than one floor, then the issue of constructing a staircase will arise at the very beginning of the renovation. When choosing a design and material for making a staircase, it is important to be guided not only by your stylistic preferences, but also not to forget about safety and ergonomics. Let us highlight several criteria by which the choice of staircase design and materials for its manufacture is made:

  • The location of the staircase is of particular importance - the front staircase in the center of the hall, living room or the secondary one at the back of the home;
  • the location of the future structure relative to the room, its dimensions and quantity square meters allocated for the direct construction of the staircase;
  • the level of safety of the structure will depend on whether small children and elderly people live in the house permanently - some modern models of stairs may be unsafe;
  • the thickness of the walls to which the structural elements will be attached;
  • interior of the premises in which the structure will be located.

A staircase in a private house or apartment is not only a structure that helps you get to the upper level, but also important element interior, affecting its appearance, arrangement of furniture and decor. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of a staircase model with the utmost seriousness, weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each model and the material for its manufacture.

Staircase options for private houses

All staircases can be divided into marching and spiral (spiral) staircases. Most often in modern homes, marching structures are used, which in turn are divided into the following subtypes:

  • structures on stringers - consist of beams that are separately attached to the base (made of wood, metal and concrete);
  • Stairs on bowstrings - steps are attached to the inside of the beam. The structures have a complex design and can be made of various materials;
  • structures on rails - all structural elements are connected with bolts (there are metal and wooden).

Let's take a closer look at each of the options for marching stairs.

Staircases on stringers

One of the most common options for constructing stairs in private houses are structures on stringers. Among the advantages of such models are the following:

The method of fastening the steps in such structures will depend on the number of beams attached to the base - two or one. Stringers, in turn, can be straight, broken or screw.

This type of staircase is available in various variations; you can create a truly individual design of the structure based on the traditional model.

The use of glass or plastic transparent railings in the form of screens allows you to create a lighter image of the staircase for modern interior. The only drawback is the lack of railings in the idea, which we are used to, and the inability to lean on the fastenings. But with such short marches, this disadvantage is insignificant, unless there are elderly people in the house with mobility problems.

Designs on bowstrings

Stairs on bowstrings have a sophisticated appearance that will look most harmonious in classic style interior and derivatives from this stylistic direction. The steps in such structures are attached to the support beam from the inside. The complexity of the design and excellent appearance do not prevent the structures from having incredible high level convenience, safety and comfort of movement.

Such structures can be made of metal and wood, or act as combinations with other materials.

Structures on the highways

As a rule, ladders on rails are made of metal (this is due to the peculiarities of fastening the elements of the structure), but they can also have a combined composition of manufacturing materials. Due to the fact that all elements are connected using pins and bolts, the structures have a fairly simple and laconic appearance, but are incredibly strong and durable. Structures can support high weight. The fact is that the support beam is mounted to the ceiling, wall or floor with metal rods.

The main advantage of this design is the ability to disassemble for repair or reconstruction. The steps in such stairs can be open or closed, and have different shapes and sizes.

Due to the fact that such stairs do not have a base, the space under them can be used for the benefit of the household by arranging a place to relax, a reading corner with a small library.

Spiral staircase – exclusive interior

Spiral staircases are especially popular in private homes, where little usable space is allocated for the arrangement of the structure. Spiral stairs consist of steps, handrails and a post (base). This is surprising, but spiral staircases can be not only round, but also octagonal and square. In houses where there are small children or elderly people with mobility problems, it may not be worth using such original models, but in other cases, spiral staircases can decorate any interior, not to mention the practical side of the issue.

Most often, such structures have a metal frame, but there are also options made entirely of wood. Combined structures look very impressive, not inferior to metal structures in strength and durability.

Materials for making stairs

Currently, various materials are used for the manufacture of stairs; we will highlight the most popular of them:

The most popular, as many years ago, are metal and wooden stairs, due to their environmental friendliness, strength, durability and relatively low cost of structures. But depending on the interior style of the room in which the staircase is installed, various combinations of these materials with glass, natural or artificial stone and even plastic are used.

For many years, wood, which has proven itself as a strong, durable, wear-resistant and environmentally friendly material, continues to be one of the most popular options for construction raw materials for the manufacture of stairs. Such stairs can be of three types:

Sometimes there are designs that combine two options for fastening degrees within one structure. Some rooms require this design features space, in others it is simply a design method of bringing originality to the interior.

Wooden stairs with metal railings, decorated with wrought iron decor, look traditional, impressive and safe. Such structures will organically fit into many interior styles.

The combination of metal and wood provides many variations for the design of a durable and reliable staircase that will organically fit into a modern interior style, loft or country style.

A stone staircase is durable and strong, but requires an impressive foundation due to the large weight of the main structure. More often natural stone it is used only for the manufacture of steps and risers, but even in this case the weight of the structure will be impressive. Artificial analogs have fewer requirements, but the strength and durability of such materials is significantly inferior to natural raw materials. But the appearance is difficult to distinguish from natural material, but it's worth it fake diamond significantly cheaper than natural.

Stone stairs with wrought iron railings look luxurious. This is surprising, but the classic image of a staircase will be relevant not only in traditional interior styles; modern style favorably accepts the integration of such structures.

The stairs, the steps of which are made of untreated stone, look impressive, durable and safe. The rusticity of such a structure is added by original railings made of flexible branches, which at first glance have not undergone any treatment.

Concrete stairs are one of the most budget options. They are quite strong and safe, but unfortunately not as durable as their counterparts made of metal, stone or wood.

Stairs that use glass to make steps look incredibly light, even airy. For such structures, specially tempered glass is used, the strength characteristics of which are increased. In combination with the chrome-plated surfaces of the frame, a staircase with glass steps will effectively complement a modern interior style, hi-tech, pop art or loft.

Staircases with original design

Some staircase models represent a designer's flight of fancy. Such structures can raise the bar for the uniqueness of your interior to sky-high heights, but in pursuit of unusual design ideas, it is important not to forget about the safety and ease of use of the structure.

You can add uniqueness to even the most traditional staircase by decorating the railings or the space under the steps in an original way. For example, facing risers with ceramic tiles with a bright ornament allows you to bring not only uniqueness to the interior of the room, but also a positive attitude and festive appearance.

A staircase with a curved base, which is not a spiral, but at the same time has smooth shapes, looks more than impressive. The steps are attached to the center of the base, which has a curved shape. Of course, with such a staircase design it will be difficult to do without railings. Such a structure does not take up much space and does not require a massive base - support.

A staircase with one turn of flight is most often used in multi-level apartments to provide access to the upper level; sometimes similar structures are found in private houses. If there are no small children or elderly people in your home, then you can limit yourself to a design without railings.

In rooms decorated in country style you can often find rustic elements in the design of stairs. As a rule, rusticity affects elements of railings, sometimes supports.

Staircase lighting - an element of safety and decor

Illuminating the steps or space near the stairs can not only become an element of security for your home, but also add originality to the interior and provide you with the opportunity to create various options atmosphere depending on the use of one or another type of lighting.

Illuminated steps look impressive and allow you to safely move between floors of your home at night.

The space under the stairs - practical and aesthetic use

There are never too many storage systems. This thesis is familiar to all homeowners. That is why the most popular use of space under stairs is arrangement various types cabinets, shelves and even entire racks.

By building a bookcase under the stairs and placing it next to it comfortable armchair and a floor lamp, you will provide your household with the opportunity to read a book and relax in privacy, without using the useful space of the rooms, which is often simply not enough for such functional areas.

Sometimes it is possible to mark under the stairs workplace or even a full-fledged office with desk, chair and storage systems for books and stationery.

Some homeowners choose to designate the space under the stairs as a wine cooler. In addition to the functional background, such storage systems look impressive and modern, becoming the highlight of the interior.

Sometimes you can see the use of the space under the steps as storage systems for stairs, limited on both sides by walls. But with such a structure drawers It is important to remember that you should not overload the containers; the safety of moving up the stairs will partly depend on this.

In some houses (depending on architectural features premises) it turns out to rationally use not only the space under the stairs, but also the territory landings between marches. Soft seating by the window will help create an area for reading or conversation.

Staircase to the second floor - modern, safe and attractive design

Making interfloor stairs for cottages is not an easy task. To do this, you need to know many of the nuances of construction and have experience in this field, so if possible, it is recommended to contact a company specializing in this issue. If you want to make an interfloor staircase yourself, then first you definitely need to study the latest information, familiarize yourself with beautiful examples already finished projects, plan your own structure and create it.

Types and elements of structures

As you know, a staircase is used to move from one level of a building to another. There are stairs that allow you to get from the street into the house, and there are those that are designed to move from the first floor to the second or from the second to the third. As a rule, interfloor stairs inside private houses are found only if the house is a cottage or mansion, but this is not necessary. For example, a staircase can lead to the attic. In this case, it will also be considered interfloor.

The staircase consists of many elements. Depending on which type of staircase is chosen, their set differs. For example, for traditional wooden stairs They can additionally use a radius riser, both convex and concave, a spacer sleeve or a ball that serves as a decoration for the railing, and for a minimalist one, where the steps seem to float in the air, you can get by with just winder steps. However, there is a certain set of elements that is unofficially considered the main one, found in almost every staircase structure.


The bowstring is the main design detail of the staircase. It is on its basis that everything else is built. The string is called the load-bearing element; it bears the entire load that the ladder takes on. The bowstring has recesses for steps. As a rule, a ladder has two strings, however, this is not always the case. The exception is often when the staircase is adjacent to the wall on one side.

The bowstring can be made of various materials: wood, metal, plastic. There are also composite and bent-laminated elements. In recent years, professionals have come to the conclusion that it is still not worth using bowstrings, since the design has many disadvantages, the main one being that it cannot withstand heavy loads.

It is also difficult for even an experienced craftsman to design a staircase using large strings, since all their proportions must be as accurate as possible.


A stringer is one of the types of bowstrings. In this case, only one is made, and it bears the entire load-bearing load. The stringer can be located not only on the side of the stairs, but also in the middle, which is more preferable. It serves as a support for steps and risers, as well as other important parts of the staircase structure. When designing a stringer, it is important to preserve its shape: there must be protrusions for the steps, while the parallel edge can either repeat the stepped protrusions or be continuous.

The choice of one or another depends on the material or the preferred stylistic decision.

What is noteworthy is that the stringer has two attachment systems: with fillies and a “comb”. The “comb” is the notorious stepped structure, while the stringer with fillies is usually attached in the middle and has support platforms on each ledge. These wide landings allow the steps to stay in place better.


The steps are what your foot rests on when you walk up the stairs. They can consist of a tread and a riser.

  • Tread- This horizontal surface, on which the leg directly rests.
  • Riser supports the tread, strengthening the structure, at the same time closing the space that is under it. The riser also prevents the foot from “slipping” between the steps if a careless step has been taken.

The staircase design can be made without a riser, but in this case it should be taken into account that the entire load will be taken by the tread. So, the ladder will not be so reliable. Such architectural solutions are designed for situations where it is not planned to move super-heavy loads along the stairs. In some cases, according to the architect's idea, the staircase is made only of steps, as in this figure.

In this case, the role of the stringer is played by the wall, or the stringer is simply mounted into the wall, further strengthening the structure.


Railings are by no means an indispensable attribute of stairs, however, their presence is highly desirable, especially if elderly people or children live in the house. Railings perform protective function, preventing you from falling sideways from the stairs, as well as for support during ascent or descent. Railings consist of handrails and balusters. Handrails are horizontal elements that you can directly lean on. Balusters are vertical tables to which handrails are attached.

In some cases, the railings are made in the form of a solid piece, just handrails or with balusters that are attached not to the stairs, but to the ceiling. All these innovations are made at the request of the customer or interior designer. If the railings are made on a staircase with several flights, then the balusters in some cases can also be supporting pillars. Thus, they support not only the handrails, but also the bowstring and steps, as a result of which the load on them increases many times over.

Design selection

Despite the many all sorts of options interfloor stairs, there are not many structural types. There are only two of them: screw and sustainer. The first ones are chosen when there is very little space allocated for the stairs and it needs to be used rationally. In the second case, the staircase can be impressive, straight, located in the middle of a large hall. However, there is a second option - to place the staircase along the wall, with the wall playing the role of one of the strings.

Obviously, the choice of one design or another depends on the space allocated for the stairs, but there is another important component - this is the general architectural idea. For example, in a minimalist loft style, a modest spiral metal staircase will look much better rather than a pompous marching staircase, while in a classic interior such a large-sized structure is simply necessary.

Thus, you need to rely not only on the possibilities, but also on the compatibility of the chosen option with the environment.


Small spiral staircases are familiar to everyone. They represent a single support column, to which the steps are attached in a spiral manner. The most important quality Such options require a small amount of space. So, for a spiral staircase you will need only 1 sq. m. At the same time, they look quite interesting and can become a bright accent of the entire interior.

On the other hand, these stairs are extremely inconvenient, especially if the vestibular apparatus is not very developed. The width of the step remains very small, and therefore the risk of injury greatly increases if you stumble while descending or ascending. It will be extremely difficult for elderly people to climb such a ladder, therefore, if the option is chosen only for the sake of style, it is better to refuse it.

It is good to arrange spiral staircases in specially designated bay windows, providing them with railings along their entire length. Then the risk of injury will be minimized, and convenience will increase many times over. It is also necessary to illuminate the steps so as not to stumble.


Marching staircases are an example of pomp, an indicator of wealth. They require a lot of space, while remaining the most convenient to date. Depending on the material, such options can be either pretentious or modest, homely, traditional. And also a lot depends on the existing elements: if all of them are present, then such a staircase is more classical. The exclusion of some details indicates a modernized model.

Marching stairs are available in several versions: straight, rotary and curved. Each of them is beautiful and complex in its own way. The shape depends not only on the direction of the bowstrings or stringers, but also on the shape of the degrees themselves. It is safe to say that various variations of marching stairs allow you to choose the right shape for any style direction interior In some cases, it becomes possible to save significant space by eliminating some elements.

It is worth paying special attention to ensuring that this measure is truly justified, since if one part is rejected, the load on all the others increases significantly.


Straight flight stairs do not imply the presence of bends or kinks along the entire length. A clear illustration Classic large staircases in the halls of two-story pompous buildings can serve. Straight type stairs take up the most space, but they are the most comfortable of all. There are no flights or flights of stairs other than the base and top. To make a straight flight of stairs look appropriate, you need to take care of the surrounding environment.

When placing such a staircase structure in the middle of the hall, you must remember that the style should be traditional. The wall arrangement will fit into almost any style, however, it looks most interesting in the modern avant-garde, if you add color accents.

Simplified designs with a minimum of visible supporting elements look interesting.


The production of rotary flight stairs allows you to save the space allocated for the construction of the staircase structure. This implies the presence of at least one intermediate march - at the break point. The so-called turns are usually located at the corner of the wall, if we are talking about a wall location, or on required height when placed between two walls. An example can be seen in the entrances of multi-storey buildings. Rotary flight stairs are more difficult to manufacture, but much more convenient to use. They do not take up much space, but it becomes possible to rationally use the space near the wall, which often remains unused.

Thanks to these qualities, rotary marching structures are the most common option. When designing an interfloor staircase for a cottage, the main task is to “domesticate” such a capricious object. An involuntary association with high-rise buildings can kill all the comfort in the house. To make sure everything works out, pay special attention to choosing materials that are suitable for these purposes.

You should try to avoid concrete and also sharp corners. An example of a “official” structure can be seen in the image below.


Curved flight stairs can also be called radial due to their curved shape. If in the case of rotary options we were talking about ninety-degree turns, then here the bends should be smooth, soft, and unobtrusive. However, exceptions are possible when the bend is strong, but there is no talk of a screw design yet. Since rounded curves of walls can be found quite rarely, it cannot be concluded that radius stairs are made only in these cases. Much more often you can find cases where the staircase is rounded due to the fact that it expands downward.

Curvilinear structures are not as compact as screw ones, although they can also save a lot of space. It's interesting they look modern styles, but with a touch of classics, for example, fusion. Sometimes turning stairs are made to emphasize unusual shape niches that were reserved for the structure. Then it is advisable to make a radial staircase of almost the same scope as the niche itself.


Interfloor cottage stairs are not built from as many materials as it might seem at first glance. Previously, the spread of raw materials was much greater, and even now, with the proper budget, the choice is practically unlimited. However, prudent owners have long abandoned the abundance of materials that can easily be replaced with cheaper analogues. For example, marble staircases are now almost never found in private homes, but there is a cheaper equivalent that can easily be given a marble look - concrete.

Undoubtedly, natural raw materials are still held in high esteem. Many are not stopped even by the rather high cost and difficulty of work. The materials from which you can build a staircase yourself deserve special attention, especially if you don’t want to spend a lot of effort, money and time. For special parts, you can contact a blacksmith shop or professionals, but the work of processing the remaining elements falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner.


The tree has not given up its position for many centuries. The best analogues in terms of durability, ease of use, and durability have not yet been invented. Wood allows you to create a special atmosphere in your home, and even the most primitive staircase design will look decent. In this regard, many home-grown and professional craftsmen choose it. Please note that the cost of wood may fluctuate.

Of course, for stairs it is best to choose the most expensive solid mass that is properly processed. However, some claim that a good, durable staircase can be built from pressed sawdust if you choose an MDF board of sufficient thickness. In any case, you cannot leave a wooden staircase untreated.

Painting, etching or opening with varnish will be required, which will lead to additional financial and labor costs. This fact should definitely be taken into account.


Concrete stairs are for the most part associated with the interfloor space in entrances, but in vain. Current technologies make it possible to make almost any structure from concrete, both in complexity and in appearance. The material can be given any look, and it will not differ at all from the original in the eyes of an inexperienced viewer. Until a certain time, the big problem when working with concrete was its impressive weight, however, in recent years the substance has been significantly “lightened”, and now a concrete staircase can weigh no more than a metal one. At the same time, the strength qualities were not affected at all.

Some types of concrete can withstand constant contact with water, and the water will not cause any damage to them. The difficulty is giving the concrete elements the required shape. As experience shows, it is best to contact a specialized agency for a concrete staircase, giving up attempts to make such a structure yourself. It is not a fact that the resulting product will be of adequate quality, but a lot of money and time will be lost.


Metal staircases themselves are not very common. Much more often, load-bearing and supporting elements or railings are made of metal. Metal structures may only be appropriate in some stylistic concepts; in many cases they will look too pretentious and futuristic, which is not always a plus. It is quite possible to work with metal, especially if you know the basics of welding and forging. These works will definitely need to be carried out, especially if we are talking about openwork intricate designs.

Metal is a relatively malleable material, but not all types of it are suitable for building stairs. For example, it is better to avoid aluminum, while steel and cast iron are ideal. For many, the weight of the finished structure raises big questions. Indeed, if the staircase is made only of metal, it will have an impressive mass, so it is necessary to strengthen the foundation and interfloor ceilings in advance in those places where it is planned to be installed.

Design and calculation

Before you start building any structure, you must first carefully plan everything, from the location to the amount of materials. It is necessary to approach this step as responsibly as possible, since the success of the entire enterprise largely depends on preparation. The optimal values ​​will be given as an example, however, an important step is to take your own measurements. To begin with, you should draw up a drawing that will clearly display all the basic information. To do this, you need to make simple calculations using step by step instructions given below.

Based on these parameters, you can further calculate the number necessary materials and roughly calculate how long it will take for construction, whether you can cope with it alone, or will you have to resort to the help of a partner.

Number and height of steps

First of all, calculate the height and number of steps. However, before moving directly to these calculations, need to know the height of the stairs itself. This is done very simply: you just need to determine by measuring the height from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor. You can do it simpler: take the height of the walls on the first floor and add to this value the thickness of the floor between the floors. For example, the height of the walls is 3.1 m, the thickness of the ceiling is 40 cm. Then the height of the stairs will be 3.1 + 0.4 = 3.5 m.

Riser height is standard and can range from 15.2–19.7 cm. It is not recommended to make steps higher or lower, as they are inconvenient when climbing. You should choose any value within the given limits, for example, let's take 18 cm. To calculate the number of steps, you need to divide the height of the stairs by the height of the riser: 350/18 = 19.44 cm. It is better to round up: the number of steps will be 20. For simple recalculation it turns out that the height of the riser will be 17.5 cm: 350 (height of the stairs) / 20 (number of steps).

Tread width

The width of the step should be in the range of 22–40 cm. To calculate the width suitable for a particular case, there is a formula: double the height of the riser in sum with the width of the step gives 64 cm. According to the second formula, the height of the riser, summed with the width of the step, gives 47 cm. It is worth visualizing how the formulas work.

  • 64 – 17.5 (riser width) = 46.5 cm. In this case, the width turned out to be too large.
  • 47 – 17.5 = 32.5 cm. The tread width is within optimal limits, so you can take given value for the reference. Should be rounded to 33 cm.

As practice shows, a suitable value will be obtained using only one of the formulas, so do not be lazy to calculate using both the first and second formulas

March width

The minimum width of a flight of stairs is 80 cm, however, it is not strictly recorded anywhere. Greater emphasis is placed not on the need to make marches of a certain size, but on their number. It depends on the location of the stairs and is determined on site. It is worth taking note of the definition method used by professionals. They choose a march with a width that can be divided without remainder by the width of the tread. In our case, the following values ​​are suitable: 66 cm (33x2), 99 cm (33x3), 132 cm (33x4) and so on.

Stair length

The length of the stairs is determined simply. To do this, you will need two previously derived values: the number of steps and the tread width. It is necessary to multiply them: 33x20 = 660 cm. The staircase turns out to be very long, so you need to consider options for a rotary or curved staircase. Few houses can accommodate a staircase almost 6.5 m long. The length of the spiral staircase will need to be calculated using special programs.

Clearance height

This refers to the distance from the ceiling to the steps. This parameter determines the exact size of the hole in the floor of the second floor to which the staircase adjoins. It should be remembered that the gap between the ceiling and the stairs should be at least 180 cm, ideally 200 cm. You should mark the place under the opening where this distance between the ceiling and the step becomes smaller.

Stringer length

To calculate the length of the stringer, you will need to use the Pythagorean theorem: add the length of the stairs squared to the height of the stairs squared and derive Square root. In our example, we get 660² + 350² = 435600 + 122500 = 558100; √558200 = 747.06 cm. Let’s take it with a margin, rounding up to 750 cm. As you can see, the calculation scheme is quite simple. You can do without all sorts of professional quantities such as the angle of inclination by simply calculating all the necessary indicators using school knowledge in mathematics. The slope of the stairs will be comfortable, so you won’t have to bend down or be afraid of falling because the stairs are too steep.

In any building with a height greater than a floor, a staircase is installed. This design requires a detailed calculation of all its components, the ability to work with plumbing and carpentry tools, and some design skills. After studying this instruction, you will learn how to design and make a wooden staircase with your own hands.

A wooden staircase for a private house most often consists of one or several flights (flights), which are located between floors or intermediate platforms.

Design flight of stairs is a combination of various components with different functional purposes:

  • Kosour. It is a load-bearing beam made of wood with a sawn comb. Risers with steps are fixed to it, so the part must be durable.
  • Bowstring. In some cases, it becomes an alternative to a stringer, performing load-bearing functions (especially if one side of the structure is adjacent to the wall). Before installation, the string must be marked in detail so that the steps are located at a horizontal level.

  • Step. The main element of any staircase, which is attached to one of the supporting beams. In addition to the usual ones, there are winder and radius steps. The winder elements have a non-standard shape and are mounted at the starting point of the march. Radius steps have a curved leading edge and can be semi-circular, wavy or with rounded corners.
  • Riser. The part is optional, but it provides the staircase with high strength by supporting the step in the center. A spacer bushing is used to secure the riser. A radius type is installed under semicircular steps, and a curved version is mounted under the corresponding steps or under the landing between flights of stairs.
  • Pillars for support. They are placed at the starting and ending points of the stairs, as well as along the edges of the inter-flight platforms. The elements increase the strength of the fence and serve as support for the handrails.
  • Balusters. These are supporting posts for handrails, from which side railings are formed, and can have different configurations.
  • Handrails. They are a required part. They rest on balusters and support posts. The main requirement for the element is a smooth surface.
  • Distance sleeve. Such a stand is required for any structure with several flights (even when using stringers).

When choosing a staircase structure, the main factor is the size of the area required for its construction. In second place is the convenience and comfort of ascent and descent. Here you need to take into account the frequency of use, the presence of children and elderly people in the house.

Aesthetics is also an important criterion. The staircase should be combined with the interior of the room. In addition, it is necessary to take into account material possibilities: the production of wooden stairs with a complex configuration requires more time and financial costs than options that are simpler in form and execution.


Are the most popular. They got their name thanks to marches (flights) - a group of united steps. The staircase may have one or more flights.

There are straight structures (single-flight and double-flight, with a rest area). They can be free-standing or placed near the wall. But straight models require a lot of space, so in order to save useful space, two-flight options are provided with a rotation at an angle from 90 to 180 degrees.

The flight has a curved shape with an optimal angle of elevation, then rotary steps are used, which are also available in structures with two and three flights without platforms.

The most popular types of wooden stairs for a country residential building are:

  1. Ordinary one-march ones. Have simple design with a span in the center of the room or near the wall - the most durable with reliable support.
  2. Curvilinear single-flight. Installed in large rooms to emphasize spaciousness. They are distinguished by a smooth turn and steps widened on the outside.
  3. Marching with lower turning steps. Sometimes this option is provided for by the layout of the room and can support the chosen architectural style.
  4. A simple 2-flight system. A staircase with two flights and an interfloor turning platform can be mounted above the door and save space.
  5. 2-flight L-shaped design. It is located in a rectangular opening along perpendicular walls and saves space.
  6. 2-flight U-shaped staircase with an upper platform and turning steps. The design is installed in luxury mansions with a large hall.
  7. 3-flight system with two platforms. This type of staircase saves space, but requires a significant ceiling height.

To select a specific configuration, you must correctly calculate and measure the free area for installation and draw up a drawing. A detailed guide on how to do this will be below.


Constructions screw type are used less frequently, as a rule, with limited space or for aesthetic reasons by the owner of a private house. They are not as convenient as marching ones, and it is difficult to transport furniture on them. To install the ladder, you will need to perform complex calculations, since with a small error it may lose its functionality.

Spiral staircases sometimes serve simply a decorative function, especially with a fence made of artistic forging. The installation of such options is possible in almost any room, because they take up less space than rotating designs. The following types are distinguished:

  • with cantilever pinching of steps on the internal pillar;
  • with steps supported on the internal pillar and perimeter walls;
  • with cantilever support of steps on the casing pipe;
  • with support on the fence and bent bowstrings.

Spiral staircases save space

Types of structures

Before making a wooden staircase, you should select best option designs for your premises.

The following popular types of structures exist:

The simplest is a straight staircase, which ensures linear movement along the flight.

Let's look at making a wooden staircase with your own hands with clear step-by-step instructions in more detail. The process includes two main stages: design and installation.

Calculations of staircase dimensions

Before you start designing, you need to make accurate calculations, draw a diagram and put all the data on it. If you are not sure of the correctness of the calculations, then it is better to entrust the work to professionals who will make a competent drawing, which will allow you to carry out the installation step by step without errors.

Total height of the stairs

The height can be determined by measuring the distance from the floor of the first to the second floor, taking into account the thickness of the ceiling. For example, if on the 1st floor the ceiling height is 2700 mm, and the thickness of the interfloor ceilings is 300 mm. As a result, the total height will be equal to 3000 mm.

If there is no finished floor, then its dimensions need to be approximate.

Number of steps

If the height of the staircase and riser are known, the number of steps in the structure can be determined. To do this, you need to divide one indicator by the second. For example, with a total staircase height of 3000 mm and a riser height of 175 mm, the calculation will be as follows: 3000: 175 = 171 mm.

After this, you need to round the value, the result will be 170 mm. The table shows an example of a calculation:

Dependence of the height of the steps on their number at a given floor height

Riser height

According to experts, the optimal riser height should be 150–180 mm, which is actually the size of a human step. This height can be 150–200 mm. Usually the average value according to the standard is 160-170 mm.

The optimal slope range of the stairs is highlighted green

Step width

To avoid injuries as a result of incorrectly selected width of steps, you need to calculate it correctly. Based on many years of practice, the width of the part should be in the range of 220 – 400 mm.

To determine a more accurate value, you can use a certain formula. You need to take the average width of a human step (600 - 640 mm) and subtract from it the height of the riser, multiplied by 2, i.e. 640 – 2x175 = 290 mm. This indicator will be optimal for moving.

March width

According to safety rules, for convenient movement of people, the span should be at least 80 cm wide, but it is better to take at least 90 cm. For convenient transportation of furniture, this figure for a private residential building should be 100 - 120 cm.

Plan length of the staircase

To calculate this parameter, you need to multiply the number of steps and the width of the tread. In our example, it will be 29x17 = 493 cm. That is, the staircase is quite long and when constructing one flight, a room of at least 6 meters will be required. In a small log house or village house you will need to do 2 marches with a 90 or 180 degree turn.

A platform is installed between the flights or turning steps are installed. If you cannot perform the calculation yourself, you can use the special program presented below, which will clearly reflect the localization of the staircase parts.

Ceiling opening size

When constructing a staircase from solid wood You need to remember to calculate the ceiling opening so that you don’t have to bend over when going up. This indicator will depend on the slope, which affects the ease of movement and is selected individually.

A slope of 23-36 degrees is considered optimal, but often it is not possible to maintain the required angle due to the small area of ​​the room (the steeper the slope, the less area he will borrow).

The size of the opening in the ceiling area will depend on the angle of the flight of stairs. So, for a folding structure, a small opening will be required, and for a larger slope, a more significant one will be required (up to 2 m).

The size of the opening in the ceiling is determined based on the minimum permissible value for human passage

Stringer length

To determine the length of the stringer, the Pythagorean formula is used: (length of the staircase in plan)²+ (height of the staircase)²= (length of the stringer)².

That is, with a length of 493 cm and a height of 300 cm, we get the following: L = √ (4932 + 3002) = 577 cm (the indicator is taken with a margin of 580 cm).

Online calculator for calculation

For your convenience, you can use the convenient and visual one.

Material selection

After all the calculations have been completed, you need to purchase materials. This will require boards of different lengths and densities: for steps the thickness is 3-4 cm; for risers – 2-2.5 cm; for a bowstring or stringer, the thickness is 5 cm and the height is 150-250 mm. It is better to buy ready-made handrails and balusters, since their production will require lathe and timber measuring 10x10, 15x15 cm. To fix the components you will need screws and nails, as well as metal corners for strengthening.

Manufacturing of parts and installation of stairs

The installation technology includes the manufacture and installation of all elements of the staircase structure in accordance with the drawing.

Assembling bowstrings or stringers

On the prepared boards you need to mark the length and saw off the excess. On the block, using a square, mark the height of the riser and the width of the tread with a decrease of 2-4 cm.

Marking a solid stringer

Assembling a bowstring with stiffeners

The notches for the steps are cut out with a jigsaw or saw. Next, place the workpiece at the installation site so that the lower edge rests against the floor, and the upper edge against the ceiling. The cuts under the steps should be horizontal, without “blockages”. After this, it is recommended to sand the surface of the block and perform milling, rounding the outer edges.

For optimal rigidity, sometimes 2, 3 or 4 stringers may be required, the number of which is selected depending on the width of the stairs. Sometimes it's easier to order ready-made load-bearing frame, which will include all elements with cutouts, designated by numbers for joining in accordance with the diagram.

Installation of steps and risers

The risers are mounted in the prepared cuts of the stringer, leveled and sanded. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws, which can then be puttied or closed. finishing material.

Options for attaching steps to the string

After fixing the risers, pre-milled steps are installed, the length of which should exceed the distance between the pair of outer stringers by 1-2 cm. The width of the elements should be 2-3 cm larger than the comb protrusion. The steps are fastened to the risers and stringers using self-tapping screws, the heads of which must be recessed into the wood.

Attaching the stringer to the upper ceiling. Methods of connecting staircase elements.
Attaching the stringer to the floor

Installation of fences

You can give the structure a complete look with the help of auxiliary parts. For this, carved, straight, figured wooden and metal fences can be used.

Installation of posts with balusters is considered challenging task, where precise marking with adjustment is required. In the step, the hole for the dowel is marked at a distance from the edge equal to ½ the width of the base of the baluster. Then holes are made on the steps and dowels are glued into them (they should protrude 1-1.5 cm from the surface).

After this, you need to make holes in the base of the posts and balusters according to the diameter of the dowel and coat them with glue. All elements are mounted on dowels with vertical level adjustment. Next, prepare the handrails by cutting the edges at the desired angle and milling them from the bottom. To connect to the supports, holes are drilled at the edge of the element. The handrail is installed on a dowel glued into the support post.

After the glue has dried, the stairs must be coated with an antiseptic primer, then the surface is treated with transparent or paint. You can install a decorative plinth. IN spiral staircase You can design it with an axial support in the form of a log or beam, or install a bent string to support the steps. The price of such a design will be high, since viscous material is used in production. flexible wood, but the final effect is worth it.