Types of hawthorn. Ornamental hawthorns - varieties, cultivation and propagation

Ecology of life. In May, another representative of the huge Rosaceae family is good - hawthorns. Right now they are blooming furiously, spreading around a unique, sweet-tart, and for many, even unpleasant aroma. “Well, who doesn’t know them?” - ask...

In May, another representative of the huge Rosaceae family is good - hawthorns.

Right now they are blooming furiously, spreading around a unique, sweet-tart, and for many, even unpleasant aroma. “Well, who doesn’t know them?” - you ask. I thought so, too, until in Crimea I saw the largest-fruited and drought-resistant hawthorn, Poyarkova, whose yellow fruits are up to 2.5 cm, and became acquainted with Steven’s hawthorn, a species dedicated to the first director of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. After that, I realized that there is still a lot I don’t know about these interesting woody plants.

Most of the hawthorns that will be discussed are not only spectacular in single and group plantings, but they are suitable for prickly, molded, trellis or free-growing, flowering (especially from forms), melliferous, medicinal, high hedges and walls, which can be used securely surround and protect your dacha. Let me remind you that when creating hawthorn hedges, you should maintain a distance of 0.5-0.6 m between plants in clipped hedges, and 1.5 m in free-growing ones.

Botanical certificate

Meticulous botanists have long counted and maximally described about 1250 taxa - this is exactly how many the genus Hawthorn contains ( Crataegus) species. For the most part they are distributed in temperate, less often subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. These are slow-growing, durable, living up to 200-300 years, small trees or large shrubs, often with sharp large or small spines, dense branching and arrangement of leaves, large corymbose inflorescences of white, pink flowers and edible apple-shaped fruits in most species.

Let's get acquainted with the most unpretentious species.

Prickly hawthorn, or common hawthorn

Prickly hawthorn, or common hawthorn ( Crataegus oxyacantha) is a very beautiful shrub or tree in flowering and fruiting, 3-4 m high, with a dense crown, numerous thorns (in cultivated forms they are absent or not large quantities). The leaves are obovate, 3-5-lobed, 1-4 cm long. The flowers are white, collected in small corymbs; bloom in May-June. The fruits are small, round, brownish-red, ripen in September-October. Homeland: Transcarpathia, Kaliningrad region, Southern Scandinavia, Western Europe.

For small areas, its smooth shape will be in demand ( C. oxyacantha var. laevigata (=Crataegus laevigata)) up to 3 m high.

For lovers unusual shapes you will like the spectacular ones in flowering:

  • ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ (double flowers, bright red);
  • ‘Crimson Cloud’ = ‘Punicea’ (flowers are large, up to 2 cm in diameter, dark red with a white center);
  • ‘Rosea’ (light pink flowers with white center).

Features of cultivation

This hawthorn is winter-hardy in the southern and middle zones gardening, its forms are less winter-hardy and suitable for cultivation only in southern regions. Shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, unpretentious to the soil - it grows even on dry, rocky soils.

Blood red hawthorn, or Siberian hawthorn

Blood red hawthorn, or Siberian ( Crataegus sanguinea) is one of the most widely distributed species in culture. It has been well studied as a medicinal plant. It is a small tree or shrub 2-5 m high with few or no thorns. The leaves are dark green, dull, rough, 3-6 cm long. The flowers are white in multi-membered bare corymbs; bloom in May-June. The fruits are shiny, red, almost spherical, up to 1 cm in diameter; ripen in August-September and soon fall. Homeland: East of the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, Central Asia, Mongolia.

Features of cultivation

Winter-hardy, light-loving, prefers soils of average moisture.

Crataegus rotundifolia) - one of the most northern species and one of the best hawthorns for hedges. He comes from North America, is a tree or shrub up to 5-6 m high with a dense, spherical crown and large spines. The leaves are leathery, shiny, dark green. The flowers are white, collected in corymbs; bloom in May-June. The fruits are almost round, red, up to 1.2 cm in diameter, edible, sweet, ripen in September.

Features of cultivation

Winter-hardy, drought-resistant.

Crataegus macrocantha = C. succulentha var. macrocantha) also from North America. This is a very decorative species, which is a tree or shrub 3-6 m high with sharp spines. The flowers are white, in complex corymbs; bloom in May-June. The fruits are carmine, almost spherical, fleshy, edible; ripen in September-October.

Features of cultivation

Quite winter-hardy, slight frosting of shoots is possible in severe winters in middle lane Russia. Drought-resistant, but prefers moist, fertile, calcareous soils.

Another North American species is the soft hawthorn ( Crataegus mollis). This is a very decorative, densely leafed tree up to 10 m high, with numerous spines. The leaves are dark green, hard, 4-12 cm long. The flowers are white, in complex felt shields; bloom in May. The fruits are edible, bright or dark red, spherical; ripen in September and fall.

Features of cultivation

Winter-hardy. Prefers fertile, calcareous soils.

Crataegus submollis) is a decorative tree from spring to late autumn, 6-10 m high with a densely branched crown and numerous long spines. The leaves are dark yellow-green, hard, up to 10 cm long. The flowers are white in complex, felted shields; bloom in May-June. The fruits are numerous, edible, bright orange-red, up to 2 cm in diameter, ripen in September and fall quickly. Homeland: North America.

Features of cultivation

Winter-hardy in the European part of Russia (in the north to the line St. Petersburg - Arkhangelsk - Sverdlovsk) and neighboring countries. Photophilous, prefers fertile, moist soils.

The European species is hawthorn monopistillate ( Crataegus monogyna). This is a tree or shrub 2-5 m high with a dense crown and short spines. The leaves are dark green, small, ovate, 3-5 lobed. The flowers are white, in bare, complex inflorescences; bloom in May - early June. The fruits are red, small; ripen in September. It grows slowly.

Decorative forms:

  • ‘Bicolor’ (white flowers with pink border);
  • ‘Pink Hawthorn’ (light pink, double flowers);
  • ‘Rosea-Plena’ (pink, double flowers);
  • ‘Stricta’ (with a pyramidal crown);
  • Rubra Plena’ (dark pink, double flowers).

Features of cultivation

Poorly winter-hardy in the northern regions of Russia, forms are winter-hardy in the southern zone. Photophilous; drought-resistant.

Crataegus pinnatifida) – one of the most decorative species. It is a tree or shrub 4-6 m high, without thorns. The leaves are bright green, 5-10 cm long. The flowers are large, white in complex, drooping corymbs; bloom in May-June. The fruits are edible, bright red with white dots, spherical, up to 1.5 cm long; ripen in August-September. Homeland: Far East, Korea, China.

Features of cultivation

It is winter-hardy, light-loving, tolerates partial shade, drought-resistant, but develops better on moist soils. Control over the spread of root shoots is required.

Crataegus crus-galli) is one of the most decorative North American species, suitable for creating completely impenetrable molded hedges. However, this species tolerates pruning less well than other hawthorns. This is a tree or shrub 6-10 m high, with many large thorns. The leaves are dark green, leathery. The flowers are white, in complex inflorescences; bloom in May-June. The fruits are brown-red, spherical; ripen in September-October, often remaining on the tree until spring.

Features of cultivation

Relatively winter-hardy, freezes slightly in St. Petersburg. Drought resistant.

Due to its slow growth, dense branching and leaf arrangement, this is one of the best hawthorn species for hedges, which are distinguished by their high density and decorativeness. Tolerates haircuts well. Plum leaf hawthorn (Crataegus x prunifolia =C. persimilis‘Prunifolia’) is a hybrid of cockspur and large-thorned hawthorns. Densely leafy tree or shrub 3-8 m high; The spines are medium, but there are many of them. The leaves are thick, leathery, dark green, red-orange in autumn, up to 8 cm long. The flowers are white, in complex corymbs; bloom in May-June. The fruits are red, almost spherical, up to 1.3 cm in diameter; ripen in October and fall gradually. It grows slowly. Very decorative from spring to late autumn.

Features of cultivation


General cultivation features

  • Hawthorns are light-loving, can tolerate shading, but at the same time they bloom and bear fruit less abundantly, are drought-resistant, and have relatively little demands on the soil.
  • Hawthorns are damaged by a significant number of pests and diseases common to traditional fruit plants. The main pests are butterflies (especially hawthorn), aphids, apple mealybugs, flower beetles; from diseases - powdery mildew and leaf rust.
  • Propagated by long-term stratified seeds, root suckers, layering; garden forms - grafting.
  • Hawthorns are excellent at tolerating pruning, which encourages the development of thorns. Hawthorn hedges are pruned after flowering or in the fall. published

Hawthorn is a genus of deciduous shrubs and low trees of the Rosaceae family. It is a long-liver among many plants, because it can grow for about three centuries. Possesses beneficial properties, used for decorative and medicinal purposes. Planting hawthorn is slightly different from planting other trees. Plant care includes not only pruning, mulching and watering, but also the fight against various diseases and pests. As for propagation, the shrub can be grown from seeds, by cuttings, and also by grafting. The plant is unpretentious in watering, as well as in fertilizing. One bucket of manure liquid will be enough for him before flowering begins. In the middle latitudes of our country, several of the most popular varieties of hawthorn are grown.

Varieties and varieties

The plant genus includes about 200 varieties of hawthorn, not counting various hybrid forms. In our country, 50 species are known and more than 100 have been introduced.

  • Crimean hawthorn- a tree-like shrub or tree of medium height. It grows on the Crimean peninsula, near Simferopol and Feodosia. Can be found in group plantings of deciduous trees. The shoots are covered with hairs, have a rich cherry color, and are dotted with numerous spines. Hawthorn leaves are wedge-shaped with a dark green color at the edges and a lighter shade at the base. Has large flowers.

Crimean hawthorn

  • Chinese hawthorn(pinnately cut) is a plant native to China and Japan. In Russia it can be found in the Far East. Loves bright places with good lighting, but also tolerates shady areas. The height of Chinese hawthorn can reach 6 m. This species differs from others complete absence thorns on the shoots. The leaves are rich green. The fruits are round in shape, dark red in color, glossy.

Chinese hawthorn

  • Hawthorn softish- a species common in America. Grows on slopes with high humidity and the edges of the forest. Frost-resistant variety, undemanding to soil composition. It can reach a height of 8 m.

Hawthorn softish

  • Hawthorn prickly(common) is a deciduous shrub characterized by very slow growth. Grows in the Urals, Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. It has spines on which leaves can grow. Hawthorn fruits are used in cooking for making jam, jam, decoction, compote, as well as in medicine and scientific research. The plant has variety of leaves. So in hawthorn you can find whole, serrated, three or five-lobed or separate leaves.

Hawthorn prickly

  • Hawthorn blood red- a small tree or shrub. It was popularly called “lady” or “boyarka”. Grows mainly in Siberia. Light-loving, but tolerates shade. Can grow for a long time without watering. The maximum height of blood-red hawthorn is 6 m, and the average growth duration is about 4 centuries. One kilogram of hawthorn can contain up to 2 thousand fruits.

Hawthorn blood red

Hawthorn: planting and care

Hawthorn prefers rich soil. A prerequisite for its planting is the presence of drainage. It is used as brick chips, crushed stone or gravel. The drainage height in the dug hole should not be less than 15 cm.

Advice. To plant a plant, you need to prepare a mixture of sand, peat and humus with the addition of leaf flour. Hawthorn also loves lime, but it should not come into direct contact with its root system.

The ideal place to plant a tree would be a sunny area of ​​the garden, otherwise the plant will grow and bloom poorly.

Transplantation of the shrub to a permanent place is carried out only in the second year of life. It is better to do it in spring or autumn. The plant is planted to a depth of about 50–65 cm. Immediately after planting, the hawthorn should be watered and the soil around it mulched. It is worth being patient, because the tree will begin to bear fruit fully only by 10 years.

Hawthorn blossom

As for watering, a bucket of water per month will be enough for a bush or tree. In drier times, it is necessary to increase the number of waterings to several times.

No special care is required for the plant. Removing weeds, loosening the soil and trimming dried branches - that’s all the basic care for hawthorn.


Of course, like any plant, hawthorn is not indifferent to fertilizers. It will be enough for him to feed him in the form of one bucket of slurry in the spring, before flowering begins. After such feeding, the shrub or tree will grow more actively, and flowering will be more abundant.

Hawthorn propagation

Hawthorn propagation is carried out in three main ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. By cuttings.
  3. Vaccination.

Hawthorn fruits

Growing a plant from seeds a very long process. The seeds have a thick shell. In this regard, they must go through a long process of stratification, which will help them germinate faster. Stratification can last up to one year. Even the most good seeds can only emerge in a couple of years. The reason for this is a considerable number of empty seeds.

In general, hawthorn seeds are collected when they have not yet ripened. They are left in water for 72 hours. Then wipe with sandpaper or sand and rinse. Then the plant seeds are placed in a 1% solution of potassium nitrate for two days, and only after that they are sown in the ground. Sowing is carried out in late autumn.

Root cuttings

Reproduction root cuttings a little simpler. Take the roots, cut them into 10 cm pieces and dig them into the ground at an angle with the thick side up. Both autumn and spring are suitable for cuttings. But it’s still better to plant in a warm place. For example, a greenhouse.

For vaccinations Common hawthorn or single-pistillate hawthorn is perfect. Although any variety of plant is suitable for grafting. The vaccine is given in August.

Diseases and pests

Hawthorn caterpillar

Pest control involves using chemicals. For example, chlorophos, karbofos, nitrafen, as well as green oil concentrate and soap solution.

Uses of hawthorn

Hawthorn - very useful plant, it is rich in B vitamins, pectins, vitamin C, carotene and other microelements.

Hawthorn decoctions are very beneficial for human health

It is used to purify blood, and since the 20th century - as medicine for cardiovascular diseases. It helps eliminate the symptoms of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia and hypertension. During the Great Patriotic War The plant was used to replace heart medications due to their shortage. How medical drug Hawthorn is available in two forms: tablets and tinctures.

Advice. For prevention viral diseases It is recommended to take a decoction of the plant or eat several berries a day.

The fruits are also used in cooking. They are used as filling for pies.

Hawthorn has become widespread in landscape design. It makes excellent fences and hedges. This result can be achieved by planting plants very close to each other. And also intertwining their branches. Another condition original design site will be the choice of plant variety and timely pruning of branches. Hawthorn can be given absolutely any shape: square, oval, circle, etc. And the most the best option To decorate the garden there will be hawthorn monopistillate, Maksimovich, Pauls Scarlet and plum-leaved.

A hedge of hawthorn bushes

Hawthorn is a useful plant. For the most part, unpretentious. Planting it will require a certain sequence of actions, but care consists of loosening the soil, cutting off old branches, watering and infrequent fertilizing. You will have to be patient until the plant begins to bear fruit fully. But the result will undoubtedly exceed all expectations. The plant is not only an excellent option for decoration summer cottage, but also a storehouse of vitamins. It is used for medicinal purposes and also folk recipes. Its main focus is improving heart function.

Features of caring for hawthorn: video

Growing hawthorn: photo

» Hawthorn

Hawthorn is a deciduous shrub with a long history that belongs to the Rosaceae family. It grows in mountains and forests in temperate climates. The height of the tree reaches 5-8 m. This is a light-loving plant, hardy and unpretentious. In this article we will talk about the most popular varieties of this plant: Crimean, Chinese, plum-leaved and others.

Hawthorn is considered one of the most beautiful plants. It is often used for decorative purposes. It has about 100 varieties worldwide. In Russia, 15 species are known that take root and bloom perfectly.


The height of the bush is 5 m. This type hawthorn is hardy and resistant to cold. Suitable for growing in the Moscow region and central Russia. It has bright red berries and yellow flesh. It takes root well in rocky and clayey areas. It makes beautiful hedges.


It is a shrub or tree that reaches 6 m in length. The spines are rare, but long - 4 cm. From late spring to mid-summer, Siberian hawthorn has white flowers. Its fruits are bright red and round. From the moment it reaches 7 years it bears fruits that can be eaten.


Semi-soft hawthorn has berries orange-red color and yellow pulp. It grows up to 8 m. The crowns are dense and covered with sharp spines. Bears fruits from 6 years of age. The fruits and leaves of semi-soft hawthorn are extremely beautiful. Therefore, this type is used as decorative decoration garden, home.

Green meat (chokeberry)

The flowers of the green-fleshed hawthorn are white and have dark stamens. Black fruits and green pulp have a pleasant taste. Green-fleshed hawthorn, like many other species, has thorns. Chokeberry is common in Sakhalin and Kamchatka.


The single-pistillate hawthorn bush has thick crown. It is growing rapidly and looks great as hedge. This species is valued for its healing properties and decorativeness.

Among the many types of hawthorn, every person will find one that suits him.

Popular varieties

Hawthorn varieties have differences among themselves in color, size, decorative features, fruiting. But all varieties are picky and resistant to cold and heat. They love light, but can also grow on the shady side. Listed below are the most popular varieties of this plant.


This is a small tree growing in Crimea. It is not often possible to find this variety far from other shrubs. It prefers to grow next to deciduous shrubs. Grows well on slopes and rocky terrain. People use Crimean hawthorn flowers and ripened fruits in medicinal purposes. They normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and also fight nervous disorders.


This variety is called Chinese because it is common in China and Korea. But it can also be found in the Far East. Most often it grows in forests near the river. The neighbors of Chinese hawthorn are poplar, ash, and walnut. This variety of hawthorn is also considered light-loving. Can reach 6 m. A distinctive feature of Chinese hawthorn is that it has no thorns.. Its leaves are bright green. They are covered with fine hairs. They have a sharp upper corner. Bottom part leaves are painted in a lighter tone.

This variety is considered ornamental plant. This is a tree reaching a size of 7 m. The crown of the tree resembles the top of an egg. Its leaves are green. In mid-October, leaf fall begins. The flowering process lasts only 11 days. The flowers of Hawthorn Maksimovich are large, white. The fruits are reddish and large. This variety bears fruit in August. The fruits are widely used in medicine and are edible. Maksimovich's hawthorn loves the sun, but can also grow in partial shade. The haircut process is easy for them.

Paul Scarlet (ornamental tree)

This variety is particularly beautiful and decorative.. It has umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The flowers are shaggy and large. The leaves are dark green. Grows up to 4 m. The branches are hairy. Paul Scarlet's crowns are rounded. It has spines up to 1.8 cm. The leaves begin to bloom early. The process of leaf fall also begins early. Blooms in late spring and early summer. The fruit resembles an apple. They have a silver or red-brown color.


The variety grows well in Siberia, despite the harsh Siberian climate. Reaches 6 m in length. Has fruits orange color that you can eat. Arnolda has a sweet and sour taste, the fruits are juicy. This variety appeared in America, but took root in Russia, in particular in Siberia. Known for containing large amounts of vitamin C. Arnolda produces a rich harvest. Its fruits can be consumed both raw and processed.


The foliage of the plum-leaved hawthorn is variegated. The tree can reach 7 m in length. The branches are well branched, the crown is dense and asymmetrical. Every year the crowns become denser. In summer, the leaves turn dark green, and in autumn they turn bright orange or red. The side branches of the old plum-leaved hawthorn droop slightly. This variety bears a lot of fruit in early autumn, the fruits are bright red and round.. Plum leaf hawthorn has strong, durable roots.

Each variety of hawthorn is unique in its own way and has many advantages, including decorativeness, productivity, and frost resistance.


For planting it is necessary to prepare a place on sunny side, since hawthorn is a light-loving plant. It is very unpretentious to the soil, but some recommendations should still be taken into account.

The soil must be heavy, fertile, and the water balance in it must be normal. Water should not stagnate. This will limit oxygen access to the roots. Adding lime to the soil will make it soft and fertile.

Although hawthorn is not capricious, it takes root well, nevertheless it reacts poorly to drought and polluted air. Hawthorn can be planted in spring and autumn. A hole 40 cm deep and about 80 cm wide is sufficient.

It is necessary to water the flowers abundantly after completing the planting process. Cover the soil with humus and shorten the shoots.


Hawthorn propagates by seeds, layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. All of the above methods of reproduction have their own advantages and disadvantages. Allows you to preserve the characteristics of the hawthorn variety.


Young shoots are suitable for cuttings. It is advisable to cut them at an angle of 45 degrees. It is necessary to plant in peat with sand. using roots and moistening the soil.


Shoots at the age of 1-2 years are placed in the ground so that the top is free. The process of securing the shoot is carried out using a metal bracket. The beginning of the layering must be tied with wire. Reproduction by layering occurs in the spring months or early summer.

Root cuttings

Root cuttings need to be prepared in the fall. It is necessary to cut off parts of the old roots and dig them in for the winter.. You need to plant in the spring at an angle of 45 degrees. The thick part of the cutting should be completely immersed in the soil.

It is better to plant cuttings in a greenhouse, as they need to be provided with high humidity.

Seed propagation

Seed propagation is a difficult method that takes a lot of time. The disadvantage of this type of propagation is that it does not preserve the characteristics of the variety. Dignity seed propagation– possibility of obtaining a large number of seedlings.

Birds help seedlings reproduce in natural conditions natural environment. The main condition for propagation is the preservation of the distinctive features of the hawthorn variety.

Use of fruits and leaves

Since ancient times, hawthorn has been used in folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking and for decorative purposes. Hawthorn is not contraindicated for people suffering diabetes mellitus. It removes from the body harmful substances, salt, cleaning it.

  • Hawthorn is taken by older people to strengthen the work cardiovascular system , improve blood circulation.
  • Preparations made with hawthorn extract normalize blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle.
  • An important component of hawthorn is ursolic acid. She dilates blood vessels, kills germs and viruses, relieves inflammation.
  • Hawthorn is useful people with urinary tract diseases.

Tinctures and decoctions of hawthorn are useful for heart defects and nervous disorders. Improves blood circulation with blood-red hawthorn infusion. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and stimulates the heart.

You need to pour 3 tablespoons of dried hawthorn flowers boiled water. For 1 spoon 1 glass of water. You need to insist for 30 minutes, after which the infusion is filtered. Take it 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Compote, jam, and fruit drinks are prepared from hawthorn. It is an excellent ingredient in many desserts.

Hawthorn is amazing plant, which has a number of advantages and disadvantages. If you follow the recommendations given above, you can get a rich harvest and use it to maximum benefit.

Today we will talk about what medicinal hawthorn is and consider its types. We will also describe each variety in detail and its medical use.

Hawthorn is known to everyone as a medicinal plant. But, besides their medicinal properties, he is distinguished by beauty.

Description of the plant

Hawthorn is beautiful both during the flowering period and during the ripening of the fruits. Depending on the type of plant, its berries may vary in color and shape. There are about one and a half thousand different species of hawthorn in the world. Therefore, we can talk a lot about it. Moreover, this plant has valuable medicinal properties. The variety of hawthorn species makes it possible to grow it both in the form of a bush and in the form of a small tree. Some ornamental types can be converted into bonsai. Since this plant is distributed throughout the world, you can find evergreen hawthorn. Its species have spines. This is a distinctive characteristic of the shrub.

The family to which hawthorn belongs is called Semi-evergreen. It should be said that over the past few years the plant has begun to be used in industrial production medications.

The main differences between varieties are the color of the fruit, plant height, and leaf shape.

As a rule, it falls in the month of June. This plant has white flowers. The fruits ripen by the beginning of the autumn season. By the way, they are very beneficial for human health.

Hawthorn fruits can be round or oblong. The color range of berries is quite diverse, from the standard red to yellow and black. Hawthorn fruits taste sweet and sour.

For medicinal purposes, you can use decoctions of the leaves, flowers and berries of the plant. All of them have valuable properties. It is especially recommended for people with problems with the cardiovascular system to consume hawthorn.

We will consider the types of this plant further. Now I would like to say that hawthorn contains a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins. In order for this plant to grow well and bear fruit on plot of land, you should take the choice of variety seriously. Therefore, before purchasing one or another, you need to find out which types of hawthorn (photos of some are presented in the article) are most suitable for the area where they are supposed to be planted. To do this, you need to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region. Namely, temperature regime, amount of precipitation and sunshine and other weather features in the area.

Common hawthorn (thorny)

Now let's figure out what hawthorn is like. Let's look at its types and the characteristics of each. The common hawthorn is the most common type of this plant in our country. This is due to the fact that it is frost-resistant. In most regions of Russia winter period the season is quite long. Therefore, this type of hawthorn is widespread. The height of an ordinary hawthorn does not exceed 5 meters.

It has a rather dense crown and there are thorns on the branches. It has wide leaves divided into lobes, their number is 4 or 5. The common hawthorn blooms in inflorescences. The flowering period is about 2 weeks. This type of plant begins to bear fruit in late summer or early autumn. The berries of the common hawthorn are round in shape. They are painted red or burgundy. Their size is one centimeter in diameter. Another reason widespread The advantage of common hawthorn is that it does not require any special care. This plant can tolerate both bright sun and heat, as well as shade and dry weather. This hawthorn is also frost-resistant. Can grow on any soil and does not need fertilizing. Surely many have encountered an ordinary hawthorn growing like a wall. You can also see this plant in city parks and forest edges.

Altai hawthorn

What other types of hawthorn are there? A photo of Altai is presented below. This species, like the ordinary one, is an unpretentious plant. The main difference is that it needs soil selection. Altai hawthorn prefers more moist soil. The height of the plant is eight meters. IN wildlife settles near reservoirs on chalk soils with stone scattering. There are thorns on the branches of Altai hawthorn.

The leaves have a bluish tint and a hairy structure. Altai hawthorn begins to bloom in late spring or early summer. Has lush inflorescences in the form of a ball. The fruits of this type of hawthorn ripen in August. The color of the berries of Altai hawthorn differs from ordinary ones. They are orange or yellow in color. This plant begins to bear fruit 6 or 7 years after planting.


What types of hawthorn are known? Pear. The most common habitat for hawthorn is the midwestern United States. In this area, the height of the plant is 11 meters, its branches are straight with thorns that grow up to 5 centimeters. Pear hawthorn has white dense inflorescences. This type of plant has red fruits. Their diameter reaches 10 millimeters. Distinctive feature pear hawthorn is that it is not as frost-resistant as ordinary and Altai hawthorn. Therefore, in Russia it is recommended to plant it only in southern regions with a warmer climate.


What other type of hawthorn is there? The types of this plant are quite diverse. For example, there is a fan-shaped hawthorn. It is widespread in the northern regions of our country and in the Caucasus mountains.

A distinctive feature of the fan-shaped hawthorn is the presence of curved spines on its branches, which grow up to 7 centimeters. The height of this plant is about 6 meters. Also this hawthorn is quite wide, about 3 or 4 meters. The leaves are elongated and divided into 4 or 6 lobes. In spring, the leaves of the fan-shaped hawthorn are covered with delicate down. Then over time it fades away. Then the leaves become smooth.

The inflorescences of this plant are not particularly fluffy. The berries ripen in late summer or early autumn. They come in different colors, from yellow to red.

The berries are apple-shaped. This variety of hawthorn is distinguished by the juiciness of its fruits. Fan-shaped is frost-resistant and can grow in the shade.

Daurian hawthorn

The main distribution areas of this variety are Siberia and Primorye, as well as the Amur region. Many types of hawthorn are unpretentious. But this one is quite picky. Grows in humid areas fertile soil, near rivers. Also loves bright and sunny places.

The plant reaches a height of 6 meters. Has rather small spines and gray bark. The leaves are dark green. They can be diamond-shaped and have 3 or 5 blades. It blooms, like most hawthorns, either at the end of May or at the beginning of June. Flowers can be either white or pink. The dark red stamens look very beautiful. The berries of this plant have a bright red color and an oblong shape.

Douglas hawthorn

Different types of hawthorn have their own characteristics. This plant variety loves moisture. Therefore, its habitat is places directly next to rivers. The height of the plant reaches 12 meters. Doesn't need a lot sunlight. The bark of this type of hawthorn has a dark brown tint and a lamellar structure. There are practically no thorns on the branches. Sometimes they meet, but they have small size and curved shape. The leaves are dark green and oblong. As a rule, all types of hawthorn bloom in May, this one is no exception. When flowering, hawthorn produces white or cream flowers.

Burgundy berries ripen by early autumn. Sometimes the color of the fruit reaches a black tint. It begins to bear fruit five or six years after planting. The berries are one centimeter in diameter.

In addition to fruit-bearing plants, there are types of ornamental hawthorn. These plants are used to decorate parks, squares and summer cottages.

How to plant correctly?

Since hawthorn is medicinal plant and has a beneficial effect on the body, then you should think about planting it in your summer cottage or garden plot. Hawthorn species are quite widely represented in Russia. Therefore, you need to know how to care for them. Despite the fact that this plant is unpretentious, it will be more favorable to plant it in heavy soil with drainage. It is better if the soil is fertile. But, as a rule, in garden plots and dachas it is just that.

First you need to prepare the mixture for planting. It needs to be made from sand, peat and humus. You also need to add leaf flour there. You need to put lime in the planting hole, but it is important that the hawthorn root system does not touch it. The bottom layer of the pit is lined with a drainage layer. It can be made from crushed stone, gravel or broken brick. This layer should be about 15 centimeters. It's better to choose sunny place for landing. This will ensure good fruiting hawthorn. You should know that the plant has a long root system. Because of this feature, hawthorn can only be replanted for up to 5 years. As a rule, plants are planted in their permanent location at the age of two. The procedure for transplanting hawthorn should be carried out either in spring or in autumn period time of year. The hole should be 70 centimeters. If you plan to plant several hawthorns, then a distance of two meters should be laid between them. After the plant is planted, it is recommended to water it. After 6 years it begins to bear fruit.

How to care for hawthorn on a plot of land?

Everything is done quite simply. It is necessary to trim dry and dead branches. Some people use hawthorn as a living fence. Under this condition, the plant should be trimmed, leaving one third of the shoot. This needs to be done in the spring. Hawthorn lends itself very well to pruning. Therefore, you can come up with or copy interesting shapes.

It wouldn't hurt to feed the hawthorn. It is recommended to fertilize the plant in the spring. You can use liquid manure for this. This procedure should be done before the plant blooms. Hawthorn needs to be watered once a month. Moreover, this must be done abundantly. About fifteen liters of water should be poured onto each bush. If the summer is dry, then it is recommended to water the hawthorn more often.

You also need to remove weeds and dig up the soil. You should dig carefully so as not to damage the root system of the plant. To do this, the shovel does not need to be inserted into the ground strictly vertically. Maximum depth digging should be about 10 centimeters. The above procedures for caring for hawthorn are quite enough.

How does it reproduce?

There are several ways to propagate hawthorn. Namely: seeds, root cuttings or through grafting.

The method of propagation through hawthorn seeds is quite labor-intensive. Firstly, the plant has thick skin. Therefore, the stratification process is quite lengthy. In time it is one year. Ripe seeds also take a long time to awaken. This process usually takes 2 years. Moreover, not all the seeds will sprout, but only a part, since some may be empty inside.

There is a certain order of how to propagate hawthorn through seeds:

  1. First of all, you need to collect the berries of the plant. Unripe fruits are suitable.
  2. They should be filled with water and left in this position for 3 days.
  3. After this, you need to rub the seeds with sandpaper or sand.
  4. Next, they need to be washed and placed in a solution (one percent) with saltpeter for two days.
  5. In late autumn, the seeds are planted in the ground. In a couple of years, the seedling should reach a height of 60 centimeters. During this period you need to trim it. But you should leave 3 buds in height from the base. It is also necessary to cut off the shoots that are located on the side. Only 2 should be left.

Hawthorn propagation through root cuttings

To propagate a plant using this method, you need to take the roots and select 20 mm of them. Then you can cut them into 10 centimeters. After this, they should be placed in the ground, preferably in a greenhouse. Moreover, they should be buried at an angle so that the thick end of the root extends out about 2 centimeters. Spring and autumn seasons are suitable for planting.

It is possible to propagate hawthorn through grafting. This procedure is done in August. To implement it you need some experience. You can vaccinate different types hawthorn.

How to collect hawthorn?

You should know that all types of hawthorn have beneficial properties. Also, all parts (flowers, leaves, fruits and even bark) of the plant are medicinal. Therefore, during flowering, flowers and leaves of hawthorn are collected. They are dried and placed in a special container for further storage. The fruits of the bush are collected in late summer or early autumn when they ripen. The berries are dried and transferred to an enamel bowl. The container with these fruits must be closed with a lid. It is better if it is sealed.

Is it possible and how to eat hawthorn fresh?

Hawthorn is not only possible, but also necessary to eat fresh. Since the collected berries contain the largest amount of useful microelements and vitamins. Everyone can eat these fruits. There are no age restrictions. But it usually happens that the berry harvest exceeds the amount that can be consumed by all family members. And so the question arises of how to keep hawthorn fresh. You can freeze it, but the easiest and most affordable way preserving the medicinal properties of the plant is drying the berries. Then they can be used to prepare compotes, teas, various desserts and more. Any hawthorn can be dried.

There are certain recommendations for consuming this berry. You should know that fresh hawthorn should be consumed in limited quantities. The norm is 150 grams of berries per day. Moreover, this figure includes the consumption of desserts using the fruits of the plant. Exceeding this dose can lead to increased blood pressure, failure of the stomach and heart. In general, it should be remembered that it is recommended to eat raw hawthorn after meals, since the fiber in the berries is an irritant to the walls of the stomach. Therefore, people prone to diseases of this kind should use this fruit carefully.

What types of hawthorn are used in medicine? Since ancient times, the plant has found its use for medicinal purposes due to its composition. In Russia they mainly use blood red look. But in European countries they prefer single-pistillate hawthorn. Although different types of plants may have differences in their composition, they are all interchangeable and can be used as a medicine.


Now you know what hawthorn is, we have named and described its types and varieties. They also talked about how this plant is used in medicine, how to dry it and consume it.