Is arrowroot good or bad in the house? All about watering and ways to humidify the air. Flowering and dormancy

Arrowroot is a popular plant in America. The flower is found in the swamps of Brazil. Spectacular plant valued for its bright leaves. Before purchasing and growing a flower, you need to know the signs and superstitions about arrowroot.

What does the flower symbolize?

The tropical plant is popular due to its medicinal properties and external characteristics. The flower is distinguished by variegated leaves and a height not exceeding 25 cm. Flowering occurs in the summer.

Maranta can decorate any home and create an atmosphere of comfort. Experts in the field of esotericism recommend finding out famous signs and superstitions before asking for a sprout or buying a plant at a flower shop.

If you follow all the rules of cultivation, you can attract happiness, prosperity and prosperity into your life. However, one must also take into account superstitions and signs.

Maranta symbolizes success and attracts financial stability. Since ancient times, people have considered the flower suitable for creating harmony. family relations.

Magical properties of the plant

If we talk about signs and superstitions, arrowroot is considered a favorable plant for growing at home. The beneficial qualities and properties of arrowroot allow it to be placed in offices.

According to superstitions and signs, it is recommended to place the flower near the bed in the bedroom to restore the harmony of intimate relationships. The flower helps children and adults keep their emotions under control and eliminate laziness. Arrowroot helps to reveal abilities.

Arrowroot strengthens the immune system due to the content of B vitamins. The plant purifies the air, which has a beneficial effect on general condition household members. The leaves contain starch and are used as food for anemia and anorexia. Tubers are used in cooking for making confectionery products. However, the use of leaves internally is possible only after consulting a specialist.

Maranta lifts its leaves before a thunderstorm. This property is also observed when there is insufficient light in the room and Not favorable conditions growing. The flower seems to be asking for proper care, for which it was also called the praying grass.

Attention! The plant is not poisonous.

Is it possible to keep arrowroot at home?

Signs and superstitions say that arrowroot can be grown at home. Exotic flower protects against quarrels and eliminates aggression during correct location pot.

The plant benefits both adults and children. So that the flower can highlight good energy, the flowerpot should be placed in the corner of the room. The sun's rays must penetrate into this place.

Attention! You can expect good omens to come true only if the pot is adequately positioned.

Maranta is not demanding to care for. Untimely watering does not cause the plant to wither. Thus, a poor state indicates a person's poor perception of change. According to superstition, fading occurs when the owner is irreconcilable with the opinions of those around him. You should think about changes in a positive way, so that praying grass will help you cope with quarrels and problems that arise.

Signs and superstitions about arrowroot

According to signs and superstitions, arrowroot can bring well-being and prosperity (spiritual, financial) to the home. In addition, praying grass drives away thoughts of adultery, strengthening the marriage.

Attention! Improvement financial situation occurs if the praying grass is looked after by the person who earns the most in the family.

Signs and superstitions say that praying grass can be propagated. Each family member should receive and root their own cuttings. After 2 weeks you can expect a full-fledged plant.

Who can I give a flower to?

Since arrowroot is an unpretentious plant, distinguished good omens and superstitions, it can be given as a gift for growing at home and in the office. The potty is placed in the living room, bedroom, children's room and office. Arrowroot calms, eliminates excessive excitement, fatigue, and allows you to achieve stability.

Praying grass is a great gift for the elderly. It gives a surge of strength and energy, a desire to live. Esotericists recommend giving the plant as a gift to teenagers. The flower normalizes the psychological situation and allows you to decide on the choice of profession.

Important! In China, praying grass is an integral element of decoration.

Where is the best place to place the plant?

Experts emphasize that it is not known bad omens and superstitions about arrowroot. That is why the flower is recommended for growing at home and in office spaces.

It is a common superstition that praying herb helps strengthen family relationships. For this purpose, the pot is placed near the bed. The plant helps with lack of satisfaction from intimacy. Maranta eliminates quarrels and misunderstandings between spouses, loves warmth and light. The temperature should not fall below 23-25 ​​°C. In spring and summer, abundant watering is required. Dry leaves indicate not only a bad omen, but also insufficient care.

Important! It is advisable to place the flowerpot in the room of people with weak energy.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

There are no bad omens or superstitions about the flower. Praying herb purifies the air in the room, normalizes the energy in the house, eliminates nervousness and promotes the development of abilities. When placed in the bedroom, the flower improves intimate relationships between spouses and promotes quality deep sleep.

However, to avoid possible consequences, it is necessary to ensure proper care abundant watering in spring and summer. Usually the death of a flower is considered a bad omen. You should pay attention to the condition of the leaves, which indicates errors in care.


Signs and superstitions about arrowroot are extremely favorable. If adequate care and location are provided, the plant will delight household members with the beauty of its variegated leaves, clean air and good energy.

Signs and superstitions have become a part of our lives since ancient times. Almost everyone, even the most educated of people, believes in omens. Probably because it is extremely interesting to try to look at least with one eye into the future and find out what will happen to you and what event will happen.

Signs are associated with many objects and various situations: mirrors, dishes, animals, clothes, gifts, weather. Didn't get around folk magic and house plants. There are many signs associated with indoor plants. From this article you can learn about some of them. So, let's begin…

Plants that bring money

Of course, after this phrase, what immediately comes to mind is Money Tree(scientific name - Crassula or Crassula). This superstition comes to us from the Chinese teachings of feng shui, according to which the thick and rounded leaves of the crassula resemble coins. It is believed that the material well-being of a family depends on the condition of the Crassula plant (if, of course, it is in the house): sluggish, falling Crassula leaves indicate financial problems, and on the contrary, a healthy, well-groomed plant promises an increase in capital.

Another well-known plant that, according to signs, brings money to its owner is the Dollar Palm (or). As the name implies, Zamioculcas, according to legend, affects the currency component of family capital. Where this sign came from is unknown. Perhaps this was an unusual marketing ploy to promote better distribution of the new plant in flower markets. But, despite this, the dollar palm fell in love with many flower growers and has firmly entered our homes, contributing, according to legend, to the increase of hard currency in the family piggy bank.

[!] It is believed that for greater effect, married couples need both plants - spathiphyllum and anthurium. Moreover, the husband and wife must each take care of their own talisman.

Violet- symbol eternal love. In a house where a violet grows there are no disputes, quarrels or conflicts. According to legend, violet strengthens the family and brings prosperity.

Family happiness is what is popularly called Soviet time home plant chlorophytum. Chlorophytum is unpretentious and does not require special care. It grows well in apartments and, according to popular belief, brings happiness and tranquility. If you don’t believe in omens, still place this plant in your apartment. According to research, chlorophytum is able to purify indoor air and fill it with useful nutrients.

(Chinese rose) is a plant with large bright flowers. According to signs, hibiscus is able to ignite the flame of love with new strength in those families where feelings have cooled. Just as bright flowers bloom on a Chinese rose, so your attraction will flare up with renewed vigor.

Myrtle popular in many countries precisely as a plant that brings family happiness. It is customary to give it to new married couples to strengthen mutual understanding. Myrtle, according to popular belief, is a symbol of love and family happiness. And in ancient times, brides’ heads were decorated with myrtle branches. It is also believed that myrtle can give eternal youth and unfading beauty.

A plant popular with our grandmothers - , like chlorophytum, it brings warmth and comfort to the family. It is believed that plants with pink flowers are more suitable for established families, and plants with white flowers are for those who dream of having a child.

A plant with wide leaves covered with a pattern is an excellent absorber of aggression and negative energy. In a house where there is calathea, there is less quarreling and arguing, which means peace in the family is ensured.

Plants that bring health

In this case, not only signs work, because it is known that many house plants are medicinal and are quite capable of helping a person overcome certain diseases. However, folk magic also works here and there are plants that bring health by their mere presence.

So, for example, room chrysanthemum is able to give its owner good health and calm frayed nerves. If your home chrysanthemum blooms often and looks healthy and well-groomed, you are undoubtedly a kind and pleasant person.

It brings its owner not only family happiness. The plant is quite capable of relieving stress, charging with positive energy, and therefore strengthening human health. Probably it's not just a matter of signs. and also that geranium is stunningly beautiful and has a magical aroma.

Indoor plants by zodiac sign

Aries. The best option for fiery Aries will be plants that are in harmony with their violent temperament. Bright azaleas, roses or begonias - great choice for Aries.

Taurus. Representatives of the earth sign Taurus prefer expensive and unique plants: for example, varietal Saintpaulias or lilies. Taurus attaches no less importance to containers that contain flowers. Pots must certainly be richly decorated and expensive.

Twins. Gemini is ruled by the changeable air element, and therefore the most the best option will become unusual and original plants: orchids, vines, palm trees. Fickle Geminis have difficulty with routine, so it is better to choose plants that do not require complex daily care.

Cancers. For Cancers, traditional plants that decorate the house are suitable. Such, for example, as ficus, Kalanchoe, Sansevieria. You don’t need anything pretentious or flashy, cozy and cute flowers - the best choice for Cancers.

Lions. For Leo, you need to select the most luxurious and bright flowers. No half measures. Chinese rose, camellia, and calla lilies will completely satisfy Leo with their thick greenery and large bright flowers.

Virgos. Virgos are a very practical sign, and therefore will prefer plants that bring benefits. For example, bringing in the harvest or purifying the air. Would be a great gift for Virgos lemon Tree or chlorophytum.

Scales. Representatives of this sign are famous for their taste and excellent sense of style. That is why only the most sophisticated and elegant plants are suitable for Libra. Orchid, hibiscus, hydrangea will fit perfectly into the interior decorated by Libra.

Scorpios. The heavy energy of Scorpios often overwhelms everything around them. Indoor plants are no exception. It is necessary to select plants that are comparable in energy to Scorpios, for example azalea.

Maranta is a guest from Brazil, where it is herbaceous plant grows in large quantities. It was brought to Europe more than 100 years ago from America, and it took root quite well in a completely foreign climate. Maranta is decorative flower, but its beauty is concentrated in its bizarrely colored leaves. Rare varieties of arrowroot bloom with expressive flowers, usually small flowers of pleasant shades.

For some reason, arrowroot has not been of interest to amateur gardeners for a long time. But today it can be found in offices, apartments, and is grown for home and garden use. The plant is not dangerous, not poisonous, if your cat eats it, for example, there will be no bad consequences.

Arrowroot is not a tall plant, but good care it reaches a height of 30 cm, and this is its maximum. The herbaceous arrowroot family is small and consists of 25 species. The closest relatives of the genus are stromanta and calathea, although arrowroot is more hardy and unpretentious.

Arrowroot (Marantec) is small, but a frame of oval, linear leaves at the ends completely envelops it. The color of the leaves depends on the variety of arrowroot; they can be green, green with a red or dark crimson bottom. The upper part of the leaf is covered with expressive spots and shading veins; the leaves sit on 15-centimeter petioles.

While the plant is young, the leaves stretch upward, and after the first years of its growth they spread. The position of the leaf depends on the light, which manifests itself interesting feature arrowroot plants. When there is a lack of light, the leaves rise, as if wanting to reach the sun. If the lighting is good and the plant is comfortable, then the leaves are arranged horizontally or creep.

The people of England love this plant very much, and everyone tries to place such a miniature guest in their home. The fact is that for some reason the flower variety is called the 10 Commandments, and this is not without reason: there are 10 spots on the arrowroot leaves. You may also see the name prayer plant.

Arrowroot in the house: why is the flower so popular?

Gardeners know that there are good and bad flowers, with various signs associated with them. The former are helpers, and the latter contribute to the accumulation and release of negative energy. So, women who cannot get pregnant are recommended to place a ficus tree near the marital bed. Sometimes a miracle happens and the long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

Of course, these are superstitions, and their veracity can only be verified in practice. But absolutely everyone claims: where arrowroot grows, there are no scandals. It is called a prayer plant, and the flower creates a certain energy corridor for each resident of the house, which prevents scandals and clashes.

After sunset, the leaves of the exotic beauty curl up, she lifts them up and closes the negative energy that has accumulated in her during the day. Place arrowroot next to your bed and forget about insomnia and disturbing dreams. How and why does this happen? It is unknown, but the plant will really become your assistant, because it is completely beneficial.

History of arrowroot and its name

The plant received its name in honor of Bartolomeo Maranta, a scientist, one of the best biologists of the 16th century. About 400 years have passed since the discovery of this plant, and during excavations in America, traces of arrowroot were found: 3 thousand years ago starch was extracted from it. And today, a food thickener is made from cane arrowroot, which has become an alternative substitute for corn starch.

Even the Indians who previously inhabited modern America appreciated beneficial features this type of plant. An antidote to the poison was prepared from its roots, which was used to coat the tips of arrows. And today we decorate our houses, apartments and indoor greenhouses with arrowroot.

Types of arrowroot: from exotic to home flower

Arrowroot species white-veined

This variety is distinguished by tuberous roots, and it grows up to 25–30 cm, the leaves are 15 cm round and reach 9 cm in width. White-leaved arrowroot is the most popular variety for planting at home.

Its leaves are dark green on top with silver veins, hence the name white vein, and may also have a light green pattern. The underside of the leaves is green-red, and the cuttings are very short, 2–3 cm.

In the home environment, this purebred variety is rarely found; its varieties are most often grown:

The last species is the most capricious white-veined arrowroot, and caring for it is fraught with difficulties.

Two-color arrowroot

This is a rare variety root system the plant does not form tubers. The bicolor variety is distinguished by oval leaves with a longitudinal light vein, around which are located brown spots. The upper edge of the leaf is below, and closer to the cutting it becomes red.

Reed arrowroot

This variety grows up to 1 m in height and is a shrub. It has thick roots, more like tubers. Reed arrowroot is surrounded by long, 25 cm, leaves, they are pubescent at the bottom and have a green-gray color. The plant blooms with white small flowers.

If you like absolutely all types, then you can purchase a mix of different cuttings or separated bushes and germinate them. The flower is small, useful and will highlight the beauty of your apartment.


Arrowroot propagation

This type of plant (arrowroot) reproduces by dividing the bush, but for some reason division by apical cuttings has not taken root in our countries.

In order to propagate the plant, carefully separate the roots; each mini-bush should have a tuber left. In this matter, haste will not lead to anything good, act carefully. Pick up the right pot for arrowroot, plastic is better. The diameter of the pot should be equal to its height. Why is that? It’s simple: the leaves will grow evenly, and the root system and tubers are quite comfortable in such a container.

Why is cuttings rarely used to propagate arrowroot?

Propagation by cuttings does not always go well; perhaps the cut stems simply will not take root in the new soil.

If you want the cuttings to be successful, it is better to choose the time from May to September, when it is warm outside. Division, cuttings, replanting, which the same dracaena does not like, is a huge stress for the plant, and in the cold season the process is even more difficult.

For cuttings, select shoots from 8 to 12 cm with 2–3 nodules and several leaves, which must be carefully trimmed and placed in clean water. From pruning to planting in the ground it will take at least 4 weeks. After all, cut cuttings are placed in water, it is changed every 2-3 days, and it will take them 30-40 days to grow the first roots.

After the first roots, you should wait a few more days and then transplant the flower into a peat substrate. Arrowroot takes root well in warm greenhouses with high humidity.

Home care: how to grow healthy arrowroot


The arrowroot family can be classified as shade-tolerant plants. The varieties survive well in northern windows, and on especially sunny days it is better to hide the plant from direct light.

This feature is very helpful during the germination of shoots and divided bushes, because caring for them comes down to watering and airing, there is no need to keep the pots under lighting. The exception is winter; during this period, it is recommended to place adult plants and young seedlings under a fluorescent lamp.

When a plant lacks light, it loses its exquisite shape: the leaves become thin and the cuttings become excessively elongated. And if it is burned by the sun, the leaves curl, the plant dries out and begins to hurt.

All about watering and methods of air humidification

Why shouldn't a flower that natural environment lives in swamps and wet forests, don't like water? During the first warm days, arrowroot suffers from low air humidity, so you have two options: buy a humidifier or spray the plant and everything around with water 2 times a day.

But frequent spraying is not an option, for some reason beautiful plant after spraying with water with bleach and other impurities, at best it becomes covered with stains, and at worst with mold. The only thing that can be recommended is to place the pot in a tray with wet expanded clay, and lay moistened sphagnum on the surface, where the soil is.

Water moderately, pour some water into the pot, wait until it flows into the pan, and then drain it. Water should not get on the leaves, as this can trigger the formation of fungus or the process of rotting. If liquid has poured abundantly into the cuttings and the leaves should be carefully wiped with a dry cloth.

Transplantation and soil

Indoor arrowroots are replanted 2 times a year. Transplantation is carried out in soil consisting of peat, humus, deciduous and coniferous soil. Added to the ground charcoal, and drainage made of expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the pot. Without drainage, the plant quickly dies, and even a new transplant cannot save it.

During transplantation, you can cover the roots with damp moss, and to form correct crown arrowroot is trimmed. The leaves are cut with cuttings and nodes, and after this procedure the plant intensively throws out new healthy leaves.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

At home, care ends with adding fertilizer to the soil; once every 2 weeks you need to apply fertilizer to deciduous plants. And in winter, feeding and fertilizer are applied once a month if the plant lives in conditions good lighting and did not hibernate. In this case, the nutritional mixtures are diluted 1:1 with water. This makes a huge difference. Take a closer look at your arrowroot: when it is dormant, you do not need to apply fertilizer, and watering is reduced by 2-3 times.

Diseases, pests and problems that you may encounter while caring for arrowroot

Caring for arrowroot, as we have seen, is not at all difficult, but this plant is also susceptible to diseases. The most common problems are related to improper care: they were neglected in the summer heat and the leaves curled, for example. You may also encounter the following difficulties:

  1. Arrowroot leaves turn yellow and dry. The reason is soil salinity and lack of acidity. Treatment is watering with acidified water.
  2. Why at the tips of the leaves brown spots and stripes? The reason is low humidity, then the leaves will begin to fall. Treatment – ​​regular spraying, wet expanded clay under the pot.
  3. White spots on leaves, where are they from? Most likely it is mold or fungus; the leaves may die off en masse. To treat at home, wipe them with a fungicide.
  4. Brings spots on the leaves overwatering and poor soil. For example, you forgot to water a plant, the soil hardened and dried out, after which you got a large number of water.

Many problems with arrowroot can be associated with pests living on it. It's okay, you can determine their presence by the appearance of the flower:

  1. Scale insects. Unpleasant pests that leave sticky residue and small scales.
  2. Fungus gnats. They live on the soil, you can notice them during watering; mosquitoes fly up in small flocks of clouds. These pests are not dangerous, but they do a lot of damage. decorative look and can be chosen by neighboring plants.
  3. Thrips. They move along leaves and stems and look like very thin silvery stripes.

You cannot wash off pests; showering is contraindicated for arrowroot. It is recommended to treat the plant with an insecticide, and then observe its behavior and condition for several weeks. Usually the pests go away after the first treatment, and your arrowroot returns to its usual decorative appearance.

Most people grow various plants at home without any guidance. folk beliefs. More superstitious people rely on them when choosing a plant, hoping that it will bring what they want into the house. Indoor arrowroot flower, signs and superstitions about which people have different nations, is able to attract happiness in love, health and financial well-being into the life of the owners.

Impact on the financial situation of the owners

To attract finance, you need to keep this decorative flower at home. Since ancient times, it was believed that this is a kind of magnet that attracts wealth. Still, it is worth noting that an indoor flower brings finances only to those family members who care for it: water it, wipe the leaves, feed it, trim it, etc.

A person who regularly contacts this culture never needs finances; he will always have money for everything he needs.

To reinforce the superstition, you should place a pot with a flower near the bed, since it takes a person to sleep maximum amount time. If two people sleep in the bedroom, then the effect of the flower can spread to both.

Maranta and the relationship of a young couple

According to numerous signs, Maranta helps maintain a trusting relationship between spouses. To do this, it is recommended to place it in the bedroom. The love between a man and a woman will only grow, develop and strengthen. Spouses will understand and appreciate each other.

It is especially important to identify Maranta by signs and superstitions in the bedroom when a young couple cannot resolve their conflict and plans to separate altogether. Often the flower even helped save the family.

The positive impact of culture is possible only when the flower is well cared for, it has enough light and moisture for normal development, and it is comfortable in your home. If you do not take care of the plant, it will not bring the desired effect.

If you bring a flower into the house during a conflict, problems will be solved much faster and the couple will immediately make peace.

The meaning of arrowroot in feng shui

Maranta also plays an important role in Feng Shui. The heirs of this trend are convinced that it is the best home culture that should be in every home, without exception.

The masters of this Chinese trend are sure that culture is necessary for everyone who is in search. And it's not just about finding a loved one. An unemployed person can use a flower to find his dream job. An undecided teenager who does not know in which direction to continue his studies will finally decide.

Next to this flower, according to feng shui proponents, it is much easier to make right choice. Maranta seems to guide a person and push him to make the right decision.

If you place a flower pot in a small child’s room, then early years he will begin to show his talents. A hobby develops into a profession that he will like.

For the Chinese people, arrowroot is almost one of the most important symbols of well-being, which should be in every home.

Effect on health and vitality

Superstitions say that arrowroot plays an important role in promoting health, so it is recommended that older people keep the plant.

This flower is suitable not only for older people. Even a child with a serious illness will feel the influence of arrowroot:

  • severe chronic diseases will worsen much less frequently;
  • severe pain will be significantly reduced;
  • general health will improve.

For this to happen, you should place the plant in the room where the sick person spends the maximum amount of time.

Healing effect

Even if you are sick with the flu, but cannot get rid of it for a long time, using all the medications prescribed by your doctor, you must bring arrowroot into the room. This plant plays an important role in restoring immunity. They say that it will help solve all health problems.

The plant has other useful properties medical point vision, properties:

  • short flowering period, making the plant suitable even for allergy sufferers.
  • arrowroot is used to produce special flour, which is actively used in dietary nutrition. Making it at home is strictly prohibited, because only in production they know which parts of the plant are suitable for processing.
  • used in baby food: The product is especially suitable for those children who have problems with carbohydrate metabolism.


Signs suggest that you should keep arrowroot at home, as it affects many areas:

  • relationships between spouses;
  • human health and vitality;
  • family financial situation;
  • helps with any important choice in life, etc.

This folk flower is popular in many countries of the world, despite the fact that in nature it can only be found in South America.

Arrowroot (Maranta) is one of the popular plants from the Marantaceae family, and in natural conditions grows in the tropics of America. This flower is very beautiful. Arrowroot is also valued for its medicinal properties.

Maranta is perennial. Its rhizome is tuberous. The plant's homeland is swampy forest areas in Central and South America, so the roots of arrowroot are quite well adapted to humidity. Under natural conditions, the plant most often has foliage that is basal or located on the stem part in two rows. Many varieties of decorative foliage indoor plant have characteristic venation.

IN room conditions This plant has small leaves. If you create the most comfortable conditions in the summer, the arrowroot may even bloom. Homemade arrowroot It is not very attractive and blooms for a relatively short time, which is why it is attractive to people with allergies to flowers. The flowers are asymmetrical, collected in apical spike-shaped inflorescences. After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of a single-seeded capsule. Some varieties of arrowroot can be propagated by tubers.

Remember: the flowering process greatly depletes the plant, so it is still recommended to cut off the flower stalks. In addition, some varieties of arrowroot drop all their foliage after flowering and go into hibernation for several months.

Medicinal properties

Indoor culture is popular not only due to its highly decorative appearance. The medicinal properties of arrowroot are also well known and studied. This type of ornamental plant, including tubers, is characterized by containing a sufficient amount of cellulose and starchy substances.

The flowers of the ornamental plant are used in traditional medicine as a dietary and general tonic. Dietary products for baby food are made based on the arrow-shaped root.

Arrowroot has no contraindications.

Signs and superstitions

Arrowroot or praying grass can save family well-being and saves spouses from quarrels.

Differences from Calathea

The most pronounced differences from calathea:

Feng Shui meaning

Recently, growing indoor plants has become increasingly popular. ornamental plants according to the eastern teachings of Feng Shui. From the point of view of this teaching, all indoor flowers are divided according to their energy characteristics and, taking into account the energy of the decorative crop, the gardener has an excellent opportunity to correctly determine the most suitable location for the arrowroot. In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, it is arrowroot that allows you to find meaning in life, and also reveals talents and helps you decide on the choice of profession. Also, a houseplant promotes communication and strengthening family ties.

Arrowroot (Maranta) belongs to a genus of popular plants from the Maranthaceae family, and grows under natural conditions in the tropics of America. This flower is valued not only for its decorative appearance, but also for its medicinal properties.

Characteristics and homeland of the plant

When creating the maximum comfortable conditions for growth and development, arrowroot blooms in the summer.
The flowering plant is not very attractive and blooms for a relatively short time, which makes the plant very popular in indoor floriculture if you are allergic to flowering crops. The flowers are asymmetrical, collected in apical spike-shaped inflorescences. After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of a single-seeded capsule.

How to care for arrowroot (now we know)

Medicinal properties

Such products are used to feed babies suffering from various carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Also, preparations from the arrow-shaped root reduce the risk of blood clots and are widely used in the prevention of thrombophlebitis. In general, however, one should take into account the fact that plant raw materials cannot be consumed if there is an individual intolerance to the components of this flowering crop.

Signs and superstitions

There are some signs and superstitions associated with the cultivation of arrowroot, and many gardeners know the ornamental plant as a “prayer flower.” Almost all beliefs characterize positively this type decorative culture. According to esotericists, arrowroot is capable of attracting wealth and good luck into the house, and also protects the room and its owner from negative energy.

In any case, the indoor arrowroot plant brings comfort and tranquility to the house, thanks to its very attractive appearance, so positive value the flower is difficult to overestimate. Reviews from domestic flower growers also indicate the unpretentiousness and visual attractiveness of the decorative crop. The main condition is to keep the soil moist, and the plant should be watered exclusively with warm and settled water.

How to water arrowroot (now we know)

Differences from Calathea

Both calathea and arrowroot are bright and popular representatives belonging to the arrowroot plant family. Despite many differences from a botanical point of view, inexperienced and novice amateur gardeners quite often confuse these two genera. To insure yourself against mistakes and purchase truly indoor arrowroot, it is very important to know the basic

  • calathea is a slimmer and taller plant with long, well-developed petioles;
  • in indoor floriculture, the height of calathea often reaches 60-100 cm, while arrowroot is characterized by more restrained growth and the maximum height of this squat ornamental plant rarely exceeds 20-25 cm;
  • calathea has oval or elongated leaves, and some varieties have foliage 28-30 cm long;
  • arrowroot foliage is more rounded, ovoid, no more than 10 cm long, and the main difference from calathea is its two-row arrangement;

  • the calathea leaf blade is thin and delicate, there is no more than one fully developed leaf in the rosette, while arrowroot has from four to six well-formed leaves;
  • A feature of arrowroot flowering is the formation of small and inconspicuous inflorescences, while calathea belongs to the category of decorative flowering indoor crops.

Calathea and arrowroot are decorative indoor plants of amazing and exquisite beauty, but it should be noted that calathea is a more demanding crop that requires proper care at all stages of the growing season.

Feng Shui meaning

How arrowroot reproduces (now we know)

The arrowroot or prayer plant lifts and folds its foliage at night, as if cupping its palms in prayer, so the appearance of this popular ornamental plant is soothing and peaceful, making it ideal for placement in relaxation rooms or bedrooms. The decorative crop is very undemanding and is great for beginner gardeners. Reproduction of arrowroot in home floriculture is carried out by vegetative means, which facilitates the fastest and easiest production of young plants, and experienced amateur flower growers recommend planting a decorative indoor flower directly during the next planned replanting. Source:

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What arrowroot looks like in the house and in wildlife: description of the species

For some reason, arrowroot has not been of interest to amateur gardeners for a long time. But today it can be found in offices, apartments, and is grown for home and garden use. The plant is not dangerous, not poisonous, if your cat eats it, for example, there will be no bad consequences.

Arrowroot is not a tall plant; with good care it reaches a height of 30 cm, and this is its maximum. The herbaceous arrowroot family is small and consists of 25 species. The closest relatives of the genus are stromanta and calathea, although arrowroot is more hardy and unpretentious.

Arrowroot (Marantec) is small, but a frame of oval, linear leaves at the ends completely envelops it. The color of the leaves depends on the variety of arrowroot; they can be green, green with a red or dark crimson bottom. The upper part of the leaf is covered with expressive spots and shading veins; the leaves sit on 15-centimeter petioles.

While the plant is young, the leaves stretch upward, and after the first years of its growth they spread. The position of the leaf depends on the light, which reveals an interesting feature of the arrowroot plant. When there is a lack of light, the leaves rise, as if wanting to reach the sun. If the lighting is good and the plant is comfortable, then the leaves are arranged horizontally or creep.

The people of England love this plant very much, and everyone tries to place such a miniature guest in their home. The fact is that for some reason the flower variety is called the 10 Commandments, and this is not without reason: there are 10 spots on the arrowroot leaves. You may also come across the name prayer plant.

Arrowroot in the house: why is the flower so popular?

Gardeners know that there are good and bad flowers, with various signs associated with them. The former are helpers, and the latter contribute to the accumulation and release of negative energy. So, women who cannot get pregnant are recommended to place a ficus tree near the marital bed. Sometimes a miracle happens and the long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

Of course, these are superstitions, and their veracity can only be verified in practice. But absolutely everyone claims: where arrowroot grows, there are no scandals. It is called a prayer plant, and the flower creates a certain energy corridor for each resident of the house, which prevents scandals and clashes.

After sunset, the leaves of the exotic beauty curl up, she lifts them up and closes the negative energy that has accumulated in her during the day. Place arrowroot next to your bed and forget about insomnia and disturbing dreams forever. How and why does this happen? It is unknown, but the plant will really become your assistant, because it is completely beneficial.

History of arrowroot and its name

The plant received its name in honor of Bartolomeo Maranta, a scientist, one of the best biologists of the 16th century. About 400 years have passed since the discovery of this plant, and during excavations in America, traces of arrowroot were found: 3 thousand years ago starch was extracted from it. And today, a food thickener is made from cane arrowroot, which has become an alternative substitute for corn starch.

Even the Indians who previously inhabited modern America appreciated the beneficial properties of this type of plant. An antidote to the poison was prepared from its roots, which was used to coat the tips of arrows. And today we decorate our houses, apartments and indoor greenhouses with arrowroot.

Types of arrowroot: from exotic to home flower

Arrowroot species white-veined

This variety is distinguished by tuberous roots, and it grows up to 25–30 cm, the leaves are 15 cm round and reach 9 cm in width. Arrowroot is the most popular variety for planting at home.

Its leaves are dark green on top with silver veins, hence the name white vein, and may also have a light green pattern. The underside of the leaves is green-red, and the cuttings are very short, 2–3 cm.

In the home environment, this purebred variety is rarely found; its varieties are most often grown:

  1. Kerkhoven, which reaches only 15–20 cm in height. The size of the leaves of Kerkhoven's arrowroot is 15 cm, and the petioles are very short; flowering occurs with small white flowers. The color of the upper part of the leaves is dark green, distinguished by a longitudinal silver stripe and ocular black spots located on the sides of the central stripe.
  2. Massanja black. The variety is very similar to the previous species, but its color is dark green closer to black, and the spots are olive-colored.
  3. Tricolor (red-veined, the third name is fascinator) is surrounded by a halo of velvety leaves of a dark or light green shade, the shade becomes lighter towards the periphery. Bottom part The 10-centimeter leaf is crimson with pink veins, and the upper side is also veined, but red. Along the central vein there are spots that have a greenish-yellow color.

The last species is the most capricious white-veined arrowroot, and caring for it is fraught with difficulties.

Two-color arrowroot

This is a rare variety; the root system of the plant does not form tubers. The bicolor variety is distinguished by oval leaves with a longitudinal light vein, around which there are brown spots. The upper edge of the leaf is below, and closer to the cutting it becomes red.

Reed arrowroot

This variety grows up to 1 m in height and is a shrub. It has thick roots, more like tubers. Reed arrowroot is surrounded by long, 25 cm, leaves, they are pubescent at the bottom and have a green-gray color. The plant blooms with white small flowers.

If you like absolutely all types, then you can purchase a mix of different cuttings or separated bushes and germinate them. The flower is small, useful and will highlight the beauty of your apartment.


Arrowroot propagation

This type of plant (arrowroot) reproduces by dividing the bush, but for some reason division by apical cuttings has not taken root in our countries.

In order to propagate the plant, carefully separate the roots; each mini-bush should have a tuber left. In this matter, haste will not lead to anything good, act carefully. Choose the right pot for arrowroot, preferably plastic. The diameter of the pot should be equal to its height. Why is that? It’s simple: the leaves will grow evenly, and the root system and tubers are quite comfortable in such a container.

Why is cuttings rarely used to propagate arrowroot?

Propagation by cuttings does not always go well; perhaps the cut stems simply will not take root in the new soil.

If you want the cuttings to be successful, it is better to choose the time from May to September, when it is warm outside. Division, cuttings, replanting, which the same dracaena does not like, is a huge stress for the plant, and in the cold season the process is even more difficult.

For cuttings, select shoots from 8 to 12 cm with 2–3 nodules and several leaves, which must be carefully trimmed and placed in clean water. From pruning to planting in the ground it will take at least 4 weeks. After all, cut cuttings are placed in water, it is changed every 2-3 days, and it will take them 30-40 days to grow the first roots.

After the first roots, you should wait a few more days and then transplant the flower into a peat substrate. Arrowroot takes root well in warm greenhouses with high humidity.

Home care: how to grow healthy arrowroot


The arrowroot family can be classified as shade-tolerant plants. The varieties survive well in northern windows, and on especially sunny days it is better to hide the plant from direct light.

This feature is very helpful during the germination of shoots and divided bushes, because caring for them comes down to watering and airing, there is no need to keep the pots under lighting. The exception is winter; during this period, it is recommended to place adult plants and young seedlings under a fluorescent lamp.

When a plant lacks light, it loses its exquisite shape: the leaves become thin and the cuttings become excessively elongated. And if it is burned by the sun, the leaves curl, the plant dries out and begins to hurt.

All about watering and methods of air humidification

Why wouldn’t a flower that naturally lives in swamps and wet forests love water? During the first warm days, arrowroot suffers from low air humidity, so you have two options: buy a humidifier or spray the plant and everything around with water 2 times a day.

But frequent spraying is not a solution; for some reason, after spraying with water with bleach and other impurities, a beautiful plant becomes covered with stains at best, and with mold at worst. The only thing that can be recommended is to place the pot in a tray with wet expanded clay, and lay moistened sphagnum on the surface, where the soil is.

Water moderately, pour some water into the pot, wait until it flows into the pan, and then drain it. Water should not get on the leaves, as this can trigger the formation of fungus or the process of rotting. If liquid has poured abundantly into the cuttings and the leaves should be carefully wiped with a dry cloth.

Transplantation and soil

Indoor arrowroots are replanted 2 times a year. Transplantation is carried out in soil consisting of peat, humus, deciduous and coniferous soil. Charcoal is added to the ground, and expanded clay drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot. Without drainage, the plant quickly dies, and even a new transplant cannot save it.

During transplantation, you can cover the roots with damp moss, and trim the arrowroot to form the correct crown. The leaves are cut with cuttings and nodes, and after this procedure the plant intensively throws out new healthy leaves.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

At home, care ends with adding fertilizer to the soil; once every 2 weeks you need to apply fertilizer for deciduous plants. And in winter, feeding and fertilizer are applied once a month, if the plant lives in good lighting conditions and has not hibernated. In this case, the nutritional mixtures are diluted 1:1 with water. This makes a huge difference. Take a closer look at your arrowroot: when it is dormant, you do not need to apply fertilizer, and watering is reduced by 2-3 times.

Diseases, pests and problems that you may encounter while caring for arrowroot

Caring for arrowroot, as we have seen, is not at all difficult, but this plant is also susceptible to diseases. The most common problems are related to improper care: they were neglected in the summer heat and the leaves curled, for example. You may also encounter the following difficulties:

  1. Arrowroot leaves turn yellow and dry. The reason is soil salinity and lack of acidity. Treatment is watering with acidified water.
  2. Why are there brown spots and stripes on the tips of the leaves? The reason is low humidity, then the leaves will begin to fall. Treatment – ​​regular spraying, wet expanded clay under the pot.
  3. White spots on leaves, where are they from? Most likely it is mold or fungus; the leaves may die off en masse. To treat at home, wipe them with a fungicide.
  4. Spots on the leaves are caused by excessive watering and poor soil. For example, you forgot to water a plant, the soil hardened and dried out, after which it received a large amount of water.

Many problems with arrowroot can be associated with pests living on it. It's okay, you can determine their presence by the appearance of the flower:

  1. Scale insects. Unpleasant pests that leave sticky residue and small scales.
  2. Fungus gnats. They live on the soil, you can notice them during watering; mosquitoes fly up in small flocks of clouds. These pests are not dangerous, but they greatly spoil the decorative appearance and can take a fancy to neighboring plants.
  3. Thrips. They move along leaves and stems and look like very thin silvery stripes.

You cannot wash off pests; showering is contraindicated for arrowroot. It is recommended to treat the plant with an insecticide, and then observe its behavior and condition for several weeks. Usually the pests go away after the first treatment, and your arrowroot returns to its usual decorative appearance.

Numerous varieties of arrowroot still thrive in the tropical latitudes of the New World. It was from these places that the incredibly decorative variegated exotic plant spread throughout the world, decorating greenhouses and window sills, offices and apartments. Many people get this representative of the Marantaceae family only to add comfort and harmony to the interior of their home.

However, there are flower growers who are aware of magical properties plants. They purchase arrowroot not only as a green pet, but also as a mystical assistant in solving financial problems and harmonizing home space.

  • Despite the high importance of moral values, the material side of life leaves few people indifferent. Even well-off people will not refuse additional replenishment of their bank account. For those who are forced to “count pennies,” achieving financial well-being becomes vital. This is why people do not rely only on own strength, and additionally acquire money amulets, trying to enlist the support of higher powers. Such talismans include arrowroot, whose presence in the house will certainly have a positive effect on the thickness of the wallet.
  • To gain financial stability It is especially important that the flower decorate exactly the room where the main “breadwinners” spend most of their time. Usually it is placed in the living room, office or bedroom of the head of the family. The sign works most effectively if the plant is cared for by people who have the most significant income in the family.
  • Blooming arrowroot becomes even more spectacular decoration interior Indeed, at this time, a real cloud of a delicate white or mauve hue, consisting of many small flowers, hovers above its painted leaves. However, in addition to being an elegant addition to the decoration of a room, flowering plays the role of a harbinger of enrichment. If you notice the appearance of buds, get ready for a significant amount of money to flow into your family.
  • By placing a tropical exotic in the marital bedroom, you can not only provide the husband and wife with consistently high earnings, but also bring harmony to the sexual sphere of the relationship. In the presence of the plant, love bonds are strengthened, mutual understanding and respect grow. The appearance of arrowroot in a family where conflicts do not stop and divorce is “ripening” is especially important.
  • A guest from the southern latitudes is indispensable for people with weak energy: the elderly, the sick and children. He “works” like a real donor, feeding his charges with vitality, strengthening the immune system, and reviving a positive outlook on things. The maximum effect can be obtained by placing a pot with a plant in the bedroom.
  • The presence of arrowroot in a children's room is very useful for its little inhabitant. Positive energy Flowers will not only improve the baby’s health, but will also calm overly active and excitable children, make them sleep soundly and relieve them from night fears.
  • Fans of the teachings of Feng Shui are also very favorable towards arrowroot. They are sure that the plant helps a person decide in life, to see more clearly its goal and the means to achieve what they want. Exot is indispensable for young man, just choosing a profession. Children in his presence show all their hidden talents, discover new opportunities and prospects for themselves.
  • It is worth noting that the positive impact of arrowroot on household members, the family atmosphere and material well-being is clearly manifested only if the plant is healthy and well-groomed. Sick and fading specimens will not be able to bring any benefit.

See also: Signs about flowers

What does arrowroot bring to the house?

This flower has an interesting feature - under favorable growing conditions (sufficient humidity, watering, fertilizing, sunlight, temperature regime) its leaves are located almost parallel to the surface on which the pot with the plant stands. If the arrowroot's living conditions worsen, it raises its leaves up, like hands outstretched in prayer - as if asking its owner to stop torturing her and provide her with decent care. For this reason it was nicknamed "praying grass".

Perhaps this is where the positive signs about arrowroot come from - how can a flower that can “pray” cause harm? No way.

In general, signs and superstitions about arrowroot can be reduced to the following:

  • The flower brings prosperity to the house. This applies to both the financial and spiritual and emotional components.
  • Maranta strengthens family and marital ties and drives away thoughts of betrayal.
  • If flowers appear on the plant, then this is very good - profit or addition to the family awaits you.

Is it possible to keep arrowroot at home?

You can place a pot of arrowroot in the nursery, bedroom, living room or office. And that's why:

  • The flower promotes harmonization love relationship and a surge of passion between spouses,
  • A child in whose room maranata grows gets sick less, becomes less excitable, sleeps better and does not play pranks,
  • For creative people and those who work at home, this plant will help them achieve financial stability.
  • Arrowroot stabilizes the energy background in the room, relieves tension and fatigue.

For the elderly

This flower is also indispensable in the room of elderly people or a sick person. It will help you get back on your feet faster and give you a rush vitality and energy, will give you the desire to live.

For teenagers

If there is a teenager in your house who is going through a period of crisis, then arrowroot will be indispensable for normalizing the psychological situation, smoothing out sharp corners in communication.

What can bring trouble?

As for bad signs about arrowroot, we were unable to find them. The only thing that can spell trouble is the death of this flower. But it is not very whimsical, and even if the conditions are unfavorable for it, first the tips of the leaves of the plant will begin to dry, then it will lift the leaves up and fold them together - heed the “prayer” of your green pet, and it will repay you with gratitude.

Characteristics and homeland of the plant

The perennial herbaceous plant has a tuberous rhizome that is very characteristic of the species. The plant's homeland is swampy forest areas in Central and South America, so the roots of arrowroot are quite well adapted to humidity. Under natural conditions, the plant most often has foliage that is basal or located on the stem part in two rows. Many varieties of decorative foliage indoor plants have characteristic veining.

Indoor flowers, as a rule, have small leaves. When creating the most comfortable conditions for growth and development, arrowroot blooms in the summer. The indoor plant is not very attractive and blooms for a relatively short time, which makes the plant very popular in indoor floriculture if you are allergic to flowering crops. The flowers are asymmetrical, collected in apical spike-shaped inflorescences. After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of a single-seeded capsule. Some varieties of arrowroot are cultivated as starch-bearing plants.

It should be noted that the flowering process significantly depletes indoor ornamental plants, so many amateur gardeners use a method of removing flower stalks in advance. Among other things, it is important to remember that after flowering, some varieties shed all their foliage and are able to enter the so-called dormant stage for several months.

Medicinal properties

Indoor culture is popular not only due to its highly decorative appearance. The medicinal properties of arrowroot are also well known and studied. This type of ornamental plant, including tubers, is characterized by containing a sufficient amount of cellulose and starchy substances. The flowers of the ornamental plant are used in traditional medicine as a dietary and general tonic. Dietary products for baby food are made based on the arrow-shaped root.

Such products are used to feed babies suffering from various carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Also, preparations from the arrow-shaped root reduce the risk of blood clots and are widely used in the prevention of thrombophlebitis. Generally, Arrowroot has no contraindications. However, one should take into account the fact that plant raw materials cannot be consumed if there is an individual intolerance to the components of this flowering crop.

Signs and superstitions

There are some signs and superstitions associated with the cultivation of arrowroot, and many gardeners know the ornamental plant as a “prayer flower.” Almost all beliefs characterize this type of decorative culture positively. According to esotericists, arrowroot is capable of attracting wealth and good luck into the house, and also protects the room and its owner from negative energy.

In any case, the indoor arrowroot plant brings comfort and tranquility to the house, thanks to its very attractive appearance, so the positive meaning of the flower is difficult to overestimate. Reviews from domestic flower growers also indicate the unpretentiousness and visual attractiveness of the decorative crop. The main condition is to keep the soil moist, and the plant should be watered exclusively with warm and settled water.

Differences from Calathea

Both calathea and arrowroot are bright and popular representatives belonging to the arrowroot plant family. Despite many differences from a botanical point of view, inexperienced and novice amateur gardeners quite often confuse these two genera. To insure yourself against mistakes and purchase truly indoor arrowroot, it is very important to know the basic the most pronounced differences from calathea:

  • calathea is a slimmer and taller plant with long, well-developed petioles;
  • in indoor floriculture, the height of calathea often reaches 60-100 cm, while arrowroot is characterized by more restrained growth and the maximum height of this squat ornamental plant rarely exceeds 20-25 cm;
  • calathea has oval or elongated leaves, and some varieties have foliage 28-30 cm long;
  • arrowroot foliage is more rounded, ovoid, no more than 10 cm long, and the main difference from calathea is its two-row arrangement;

  • the calathea leaf blade is thin and delicate, there is no more than one fully developed leaf in the rosette, while arrowroot has from four to six well-formed leaves;
  • A feature of arrowroot flowering is the formation of small and inconspicuous inflorescences, while calathea belongs to the category of decorative flowering indoor crops.

Calathea and arrowroot are decorative indoor plants of amazing and exquisite beauty, but it should be noted that calathea is a more demanding crop that requires proper care at all stages of the growing season.

Feng Shui meaning

Recently, growing indoor ornamental plants according to the eastern teachings of Feng Shui has become increasingly popular. From the point of view of this teaching, all indoor flowers are divided according to their energy characteristics and, taking into account the energy of the decorative crop, the gardener has an excellent opportunity to correctly determine the most suitable location for the arrowroot. In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, it is arrowroot that allows you to find meaning in life, and also reveals talents and helps you decide on the choice of profession. Also, a houseplant promotes communication and strengthening family ties.

The arrowroot or prayer plant lifts and folds its foliage at night, as if cupping its palms in prayer, so the appearance of this popular ornamental plant is soothing and peaceful, making it ideal for placement in relaxation rooms or bedrooms. The decorative crop is very undemanding and is great for beginner gardeners. Propagation of arrowroot in home floriculture is carried out by vegetative methods, which facilitates the fastest and easiest production of young plants, and experienced amateur gardeners recommend planting a decorative indoor flower directly during the next planned replanting.