Dream interpretation of taking fish from a man. Fishing in troubled waters. Why does a man dream about rotten fish?

Everyone already knows the meaning of women’s fish dreams. But why a man dreams about fish can be found out if you analyze all the details of the dream.

Dream details

Fish in a dream is a good sign for men. This symbol is related to the prototype of the hunter. For this reason, such dreams are interpreted as monetary gain. But for a more thorough sleep analysis, you need to study numerous aspects:

  • What kind of water was the fish in: either clean or cloudy.
  • Number of fish and sizes: a large number of large individuals or one small one.
  • Condition of fish: fresh, cooked, alive or dead, just caught. Dead fish floating in muddy water, means special meaning.

Fish in a man's dream

Not only women try to recognize their dreams. Men are also curious to know about reliable interpretations that differ from women’s predictions:

  • Fish in troubled waters means future problems and financial losses.
  • If a man tries to kill a fish in a dream, then in life he will soon take a step that will cause harm.
  • A fish flying over a sleeping man, then possible problems resolve itself.

Dead fish

If a dead fish is involved in a dream, then this promises significant losses, in particular financial ones. If the fish lies on the bottom, then this indicates trouble. in such cases there is no need to read the business, but it is better to wait a little.

If a lot of fish are floating upside down or washed ashore, this also indicates problems. For this reason, before making any decision, you need to think everything through.
Live fish

If a man dreamed of a fish swimming in clean water, then this symbolizes the immediate improvement of the financial situation. When starting a business, you don’t have to worry and confidently move forward. This well-being will last in life for a long time, thanks to which he will gain the high social status that he has dreamed of for several years.

Catching fish with your hands

If a man had to go into a pond in a dream and catch a fish with his hands, then this speaks of success and luck in everything planned. But at the same time, it is important not to miss the sidereal time, because it will pass quickly.

When a man wants to catch small fish that swim in a school, this means a rapid increase in income. And for this you won’t have to work hard and waste energy, because everything will go like clockwork by itself.
If the fish tries to slip out of your hands and struggles hard, then this sign indicates negative fame. In this case, there is no need to act rashly, because you may greatly regret it later.

Catch a fish

If the dreamer catches fish, then in reality he works hard to achieve his goals. If the fish is caught, it means that the man will have great luck and success in the business he has begun.

If you go fishing successfully in a dream, you don’t have to worry about business negotiations, because they will end successfully. In addition, the business will be profitable and hassle-free.

Condition of the fish

The correct interpretation of sleep depends on the method of preparing the fish and its processing:

  • Smoked. This is a bad sign that promises a break in the relationship. But there is no need to worry, because these relationships no longer bring joy and are gradually fading away.
  • Rotten. Symbolizes fatigue and provides a sign of a possible serious problem. Therefore, the dreamer must be prepared to prevent trouble.
  • Fried. This is a symbol of a new relationship that can develop into marriage. If the fish has caviar, it means a new addition to the family. If the dreamer sees a table set with fried fish served, then he will become an honored guest at the holiday. Fried pike speaks of a relationship with a woman whose social status is much higher.
  • Boiled fish. This dream promises unsuccessful attempts to find yourself, due to the lack of your own initiative.

Fish of different sizes

The interpretation of dreams about fish depends on its size:

  • Big. In the near future, the dreamer will be happy about something. It could also mean long trip with a successful ending. A big fish caught symbolizes deception and disappointment.
  • Small. This means that life is filled with empty chores. It is also a warning about unresolved matters, failure to comply with which may result in fines.

To correctly decipher a vision, you need to pay attention to the details and remember the state after it. It is important to study several interpretations of dreams to solve them.

Not only ladies try to decipher what they saw in their dreams. For example, what a fish dreams about, both men and women are equally curious to know. By the way, the most reliable and therefore popular dream books were compiled precisely by representatives of the stronger half. The specifics of interpretations addressed to avid fishermen may differ significantly from predictions for women.

Financial success ahead

If you dreamed of a live fish, the dreamer will soon increase his income thanks to the right decision or an innovative idea.

In a dream, live salmon portends a strengthening of one’s position in society, which is often accompanied by an improvement in financial affairs.

When you happen to see a live flounder swimming in a crystal clear backwater, the symbol speaks of the excellent physical shape of the sleeper.

If you dreamed of fresh mackerel, the man will soon hear joyful, fateful news, for example, his beloved will reciprocate.

What does Miller promise?

Why you dream of fishing according to Miller’s dream book directly depends on its result. If you dreamed that you managed to catch something, the sleeper will overcome the upcoming trials. The dreamer who is left without a catch will be disappointed in reality. Seeing another fisherman lucky enough to catch something is a good sign, a harbinger of enthusiasm and resourcefulness.

Grab luck by the tail

If a man associates fishing with relaxation, and he dreamed of fishing, then it’s time to relax.

Fishing often reflects the dreamer’s attitude towards his social status. For the sake of his promotion, he is ready to sacrifice a lot.

In a dream, a man succeeds in catching a fish if it took place in real life. Interpreter Loff notes the professional and personal merits of the sleeper.

When you happen to catch small fish that swim in large schools, the oracle reminds you of the transience of the favorable period. Right now it is important not to miss your chance.

Often in a dream a man has to fish, who in reality strives for independence in decision-making, financial independence, and new achievements.

If you dream about fishing, Aesop’s dream interpreter advises you not to tell anyone about your problems. You still have to solve them alone, and there’s no point in giving anyone a reason to gloat.

Freud's dream book reports that fishing in a dream means that thoughts about daily affairs do not give rest even during love pleasures.

When you happen to fish in a dream, this, according to Medea’s dream book, means that achieved success will exceed your wildest expectations.

Your path to your goal

It is no coincidence that the words “fishing rod” and “luck” are so consonant. By taking control of the situation, you will implement your plans and will be very pleased with the result, promises the Chinese Oracle.

The Dream Book of Lovers believes that a fishing rod reflects a state of continuous search for major adventures. Fleeting superficial acquaintances do not bring satisfaction.

The Eastern dream book says that a torn or too large net portends annoyance. When you dream of catching fish in nets in the water, tangible profits are expected in reality.

It’s interesting to know why you dream of catching with your hands. The dream foretells a grand triumph.

The dream book of Simon the Canaanite offers a different interpretation of the dream. When a man has to catch fish with his hands, he may have ill-wishers in real life.

What does a rich catch tell you?

A big fish in a dream promises career or social growth.

The Jewish dream book finds another explanation for why a man dreams of a big fish. Large prey promises slander behind the sleeper's back.

The modern dream book claims that a lot of crucian carp or perch caught promises unexpected profit.

What does the image prophesy?

  • An explanation of why a man dreams about fish will tell about material well-being and warn about financial difficulties;
  • The interpretation of what the image means in a dream will clarify the situation on the personal front;
  • A change in weather is what a man dreams of about fish;
  • What the symbol means in a dream affects another important area of ​​life: health.

Culinary forecast

Fried flounder symbolizes enmity and resentment, as well as spiritual quests and answered prayer.

Smoked mackerel promises light flirtation and an entertaining voyage.

Dried beer ram represents uncertainty in your chosen one.

Frozen prey or caught in an ice hole indicates a cooling of feelings and the logical conclusion of the romance. According to the dream book of winter birthday people, frozen capelin promises an invitation to a party.

If the dreamer dreams of dried herring, a difficult test lies ahead.

Crayfish with caviar in a dream symbolizes fertility. The dreamer will have a chance to find an heir.

If a man and a woman had to clean fish, the dream speaks of a close relationship with the person you saw in the dream, or of the desire to possess her.

When a man eats fish in a dream, in real life he will experience spiritual growth.


In Veles's dream book, pike is associated with great deception. You can only rely on those closest to you.

Goldfish are famous for their ability to fulfill any desire. Anyone who sees this symbol in a dream will not have to make any effort; everything will be resolved by itself.

Negative values

If dead fish floats belly up in large quantities, the dream book warns of an impending streak of bad luck.

One dead fish warns of financial difficulties.

Rotten warns against hasty decisions: there is a high probability that any undertaking will end in failure.

Where is the fish?

The dream book explains contemplation of fish in an aquarium as a desire to let things take their course and does not advise doing this.

Being in a sack, the image promises a quarrel due to the fact that the sleeper tried to hide important information.

When in a dream you have to let go or give away your catch, the plot suggests that you do not value what you have enough.

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, and indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money You'll get.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of a lot of trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointment await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they have given birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child He will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream interpretation of fish for a man

Women's fish dreams have already become the talk of the town. Almost every dream book gives a more brief, but succinct interpretation of what a man dreams of about fish. The main focus of dreams in which a man saw a fish in the water or in his hands was financial. By analyzing the details of the dream, it will be possible to accurately understand whether it predicts an increase in income or financial losses.

Catch a big fish is a phrase that has long come out of the mouths of fishermen and began to be used in almost all male spheres of life. It is also relevant when interpreting men’s dreams in which fresh fish is present.

In order to analyze in detail the dreams in which you saw her, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • The water she was in: clean, clear or cloudy and dirty.
  • Quantity: one large or many. Perhaps you dreamed of many small individuals - this will have a slightly different meaning.
  • Condition: live, fresh or just caught on a fishing rod. Cooked - boiled, fried, dried or salted - will have a slightly different interpretation.
  • Of particular importance to dead fish, which floats lifelessly in muddy water.

If a man dreams of a fish

If a man dreams of a fish, it’s a good sign. Seeing such a symbol in a dream means involvement in the ancient symbolic archetypes of the hunter and breadwinner, says the ancient Slavic dream book. This is very important for a man, so almost all such dreams mean monetary profit.

Like a fish in water

Seeing her floating in water in a dream means a significant increase in size for a man. financial condition. A newly started business will bring good income, and all things will go like clockwork.

If you dreamed about clear water, such dreams promise profit. Turbid and dirty water, as well as fish swimming away or slipping out of your hands, warn of a financial crisis. Interesting interpretation dreams, if a pike appears in them, this is a competitor who will play an important role in the dreamer’s business. As a rule, it turns out to be a woman.

Pure water

A lot of beautiful fish swimming in schools in clean, clear water is a quick profit from the project that has been started, which will bring not only prosperity, but also a certain status in society. You need to make a decision to participate immediately, and it is advisable not to doubt any of your steps.

Catching large specimens with a fishing rod in a clear mountain river is a good sign. Soon the man will take off career ladder, which will be rapid. If you catch a big one, the cash flow will not stop for a long time. The dreamer will achieve what he wants even with minimal effort.

If you caught a fish

A large shiny one from a clean ice hole is the most cherished dream will come true. The dreamer may believe that he has caught a “goldfish”. It will soon become clear that he is in right time, V Right place– the main thing is not to let luck slip out of your hands.

Fishing in general is a symbol of hunting, pure male energy. Especially if you had to catch it with your hands - this is the awakening of ancient instincts, the opportunity to prove yourself in strength and speed, as well as promotion and financial success. Indeed, in our time, a mammoth has a very specific monetary equivalent.

To see yourself fishing with a fishing rod and a bucket full of catch - pleasant purchases await ahead, which the dreamer has long dreamed of, but could not purchase due to financial difficulties, the 21st century dream book promises.

A pike caught on a fishing rod in a dream indicates that a successful woman will become your companion. You can rely on such a partner in any situation.

Catching a fish with caviar with your hands is an unprecedented success. New project will not only bring profit and fame, but will also become an inexhaustible source of income for a long time.

Fish in troubled waters

If you caught a pike

When you dream that you need to catch it in dirty or muddy water, this is a bad sign. In addition to problems with the financial sphere, it is quite possible that your health will deteriorate, which will also lead to additional expenses. This interpretation is also relevant if it is rotten - not a single proven dream book gives a positive forecast for such dreams.

Fishing with a fishing rod dirty water– dishonest financial transactions. Even if it was possible once, but, as they say, it is impossible to enter the same river twice. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the details of the operation become public. This dream warns that participating in such matters in this moment- extremely undesirable.

If a pike is hooked, be careful and beware and carefully select your surroundings. At the most difficult moment, a sweet female person will betray the dreamer to his competitors for a small fee.

If you come across a dirty lake in the forest and see small fish splashing in it, you will become a witness to someone else’s success, and this fame will cause you the most unpleasant feelings. To promote your own business, you will need to make every effort.

Catching with your hands from a muddy or dirty ice hole - soon the skeletons from the dreamer’s closet will tell all the ins and outs about him. It is likely that he will lose his job because of this.

What does the number of fish mean?

The number of them that the dreamer saw also matters. One big one or many huge ones - they talk about significant events, public transactions, large contracts, perhaps there will be meetings or conferences. Minor – daily routine concerns.

If you caught a small fish

To understand in what cases quantity is important, you need to remember in detail what the man saw in his dream:

  • Seeing or holding it in your hands in a dream means making a profit, which will become an impetus for further development and career advancement.
  • Several or many large ones - a gathering in a society of people who are higher in status than the dreamer.
  • Catching a huge fish with caviar means that the business you have started will definitely bear fruit.
  • Several small ones in a dream warn of a possible accumulation of unresolved matters. There will be no additional profit, and if the work is delayed, penalties will be imposed.
  • A large fish struggles in your hands and swims away - luck will turn away from you. Even a job done perfectly will not be successful.
  • Small fish jump out and fall out through your fingers - a string of difficult tasks will soon end. The dreamer needs to learn to rest in a very short time, because with such a load, you can quickly burn out at work.

It is important to remember that a fish that floats away from your hands promises failure, and a large catch with a fishing rod speaks of the dreamer’s remarkable capabilities. You need to use your talents, and dreams in which you had to hold a fish in your hands indicate that such an opportunity will soon appear.

Cooked fish

In order to correctly interpret the signs seen in a dream, you need to pay attention to whether the caught fish was cooked. The way it is processed also matters.

Fried - the taste of a new relationship

If you dreamed of fried fish

If you dreamed of fried fish, the dreamer will soon begin a new relationship. It is quite possible that they will be pleasant and develop into marriage. If fish is served with caviar, it means a quick addition to the family.

Seeing a set table with fried fish among the dishes means you will become an honored guest at someone’s celebration. It may be a birthday or another holiday, but on it you will definitely hear news about the wedding.

A man who likes fried pike, its taste and presentation will soon build a successful relationship with a woman. She will be significantly higher than him in social status.

In general, if in a dream a man comes into contact with fried fish, then this will in any case symbolize a hot relationship. If it tastes bitter or salty, then the relationship will have that tinge.

Boiled - fresh life

Seeing boiled fish in a dream means finding yourself and unsuccessful attempts to apply your talents. Such a dish symbolizes the lack of one’s own initiative, and possible resentment towards life. But there is no need to complain about fate - it already provided the opportunity to participate in projects, but the dreamer rejected them for worthless reasons.

Catch with a fishing rod big fish and cook fish soup - you can gather around you worthy people to promote your own business. But the dreamer will very quickly get bored with it and become another unfinished project.

Salted or dried - disappointment

Salted or dried - to disappointment

If fresh fish in a dream symbolizes income, then salted and dried fish only mean disappointment and, possibly, losses.

Eating such a fish in a dream means being dissatisfied with your relationship, says esoteric dream book. Preparing fish for drying and salting is a big hassle. Carrying it to the market to sell means losses and possible debts. Salted pike - a failed acquaintance with a woman.

Dried fish can mean a quick end to even a good relationship.

Putting salted fish into the lake means debts, a long-term financial crisis.

As you can see, the cooked fish that you saw in your dream is more a negative symbol than a positive one. It’s even worse if the caught fish is rotten - this indicates a problem with the body. You need to rest and take care of your health. During this time, you can lose a significant amount, but it will be much less than ignoring the first signals of illness.

Dead fish are a disaster, but these are temporary difficulties

If you dreamed of a dead fish, then almost all undertakings will turn out to be wasted time, says the modern dream book.

Why does a man dream of a fish and what does the image of several fish bring to the dreamer? How will sleeping with Pisces affect future fate men, look at our selection, which will explain any meaning of a dream with fish.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the dream book of psychologist Miller, if a single guy who does not yet have a girlfriend dreams of a fish, then he will soon meet his betrothed.

If such a dream has already occurred to a married man who has problems with his wife, then soon the problems will be solved on their own and there will be a lull in family life.

For a man, looking at fish swimming past him indicates the onset of a white streak in life.

When married man he dreamed that his wife caught an ugly, skinny fish, which means that in reality a major scandal will occur that could lead to divorce.

If a man in a dream wanted to go to the store for fish, then good news awaits him. If the purchased fish turns out to be rotten and smelly, then the news will not be good.


The astrologer explained the appearance of fish in men's sleep like a bad omen. Fish symbolizes duality, variability and impermanence. Therefore, seeing it for a married person means his wife is betraying him or her desire to take this step.

If a guy sees flying fish in a dream, then pressing problems decide for yourself.

A floating fish in a jar means a change of position or a transition to another job.

For a man, setting a net or fishing in a dream speaks of great success and recognition.

Catching a lot of fish using outerwear indicates a comfortable existence for many years.

Hitting a big fish with a stick in a dream portends a man bad feeling and an emergency illness.

Trying to catch fish in a mountain river in a dream means hard, useless work.

Following a school of fish with your eyes indicates receiving an unexpected bonus or a valuable gift.

Seeing carp for a man means his wife is pregnant.

If a fish hits a man with its tail in a dream, then recognition and honor await him.

Finding a fish with caviar means successful completion of the project.

Taking a completely dry fish out of the water in a dream means getting rid of hardships and troubles.

Watching someone turn into a fish in a dream means a precarious financial situation and financial losses.

For a man, sitting astride a fish is a harbinger of getting rid of a serious illness.

Freud's interpretations

The psychoanalyst argued that a man who managed to catch fish with great difficulty, in reality, has problems satisfying his own erotic fantasies. If a man eats fish in a dream, then his sex life is normal and he has no problems with the female sex. If the catch is unsuccessful, then personal life men don't add up. Catching a beautiful, large fish in a dream means meeting a beautiful stranger who will become his sexual partner.

Vanga's Dream Book

The soothsayer believed that a man’s dream of a fish indicates the appearance of a woman in his life who will become his wife.

If a fish swims in a clear pond in a dream, then pleasant changes in life will soon come. A rich catch portends great luck.

Poor fishing or a waste of time on it means problems and disappointments.

Pulling fish from nets in a dream is nothing more than the onset of a favorable period and a surge of strength.

Watching another fisherman fish in a dream speaks of a successful outcome of the work begun.

Seeing a fish swimming with its belly up means illness, and a nimble, fast fish indicates good luck and luck in all areas.

Eating raw fish is a harbinger of anxiety and family strife.

Catching fish with your hands and holding it tightly indicates a new addition to the family.

Sniffing fish in a dream means getting a promotion or receiving a bonus.

Catching a dead fish in a dream is a disappointment.

Watching colorful fish in the water means quarrels and troubles.

What kind of fish was it?

  • A man dreams of a dead fish, foretelling troubles in business, financial losses and minor injuries.
  • You dream of smoked fish if there is already a crack in your relationship with a woman.
  • See fresh or fried fish on the table in a dream speaks of a sincere relationship with a girl that will last a long time and can lead to marriage.
  • Eating dried fish in a dream means a breakup or divorce.
  • Looking at beautiful, colorful fish in a dream means quick profit from a business you have started and recognition in society.
  • Holding a gold or silver fish with your hands speaks of unexpected wealth or inheritance.
  • Catching a pike with your hands indicates the presence of traitors in your close circle.
  • Look at small fish in the lake means futile attempts to revive your project.
  • One small fish in a dream means routine and minor chores.
  • Seeing a large fish or several large fish in a dream indicates attending a conference, forum or celebration with the presence of large quantity of people.
  • Catching a big fish with caviar means successful completion of a transaction or a favorable outcome.
  • A dozen large fish talk about attending a meeting where high-ranking people will be present.
  • If the caught fish turns out to be without a head, then the man will get rid of his annoying friend or girlfriend soon.
  • Eating raw fish in a dream means searching for oneself and indecisiveness in action. Eating boiled fish speaks of the futility of hopes and a lack of initiative.
  • Trying salted fish in a dream speaks of losses and loss of property.
  • Cooking rotten fish means health problems.
  • Take off the rope dried fish a harbinger of resentment and scandal.
  • Taking frozen fish out of the refrigerator in a dream speaks of an inability to overcome current problems and a desire to quit what you have started.
  • Seeing live fish indicates an improvement in your financial situation.
  • Red fish in a dream is a harbinger of career growth and advancement up the career ladder.
  • If the fish turns out to have worms inside, then the man will be disappointed in his partner.

Actions with fish in a dream

If a man dreamed that he was standing in a river and holding a fish with his hands, then great luck awaits him and the fulfillment of all his hopes.

Fishing in the river means promotion. Catching large fish indicates material well-being and the absence of financial problems. Catching a fish with your own hands is a sign of wealth and unexpected winnings.

Holding a fish with a lot of caviar in your hands means hitting a big jackpot in reality.

If a man fishes in troubled waters, then waste and financial problems await him.

Throwing a fishing rod into a dirty pond means the machinations of enemies and gossip.

Eating cooked fish means getting married soon.

Frying fish in a frying pan indicates an invitation to some celebration as an honored guest.

Cooking fish soup in a dream foreshadows opening your own business.

Selling fish at the market means debt and loss of money.

Buying fish means that your life requires changes and revision.

Cleaning fish means making a profit.

Cutting fish speaks of overcoming any difficulties and having an affair with a new woman.

Catching with a net guarantees a man successful completion of negotiations and stability of affairs.

Fish location

If a fish swims in the water, then this indicates a stable life and increased income.

If it is in the toilet or in a bank, then the person from the past will make itself known and bring a lot of trouble.
Watching aquarium fish is explained as a desire to relax and quit everything.

A fish in a bag means a disagreement over hiding information.

A lot of fish in the aquarium indicates career advancement.

A large catch of fish portends a big profit for a man.

Seeing yourself fishing suggests that you are putting a lot of effort into achieving your goals.

Several fish caught in a net are harbingers of meeting several women, from whom you will have to choose one.

Swimming in a river with fish denotes the dreamer's untapped potential or talent.