Review of milking equipment: differences and modifications of milking machines and installations. Vacuum pumps in milking units Vacuum pumps for milking units types

Vacuum systems
Vacuum production is one of the key points for the correct functioning of the milking machine. Vacuum generating and control systems must guarantee the protection of animal health.
Vacuum is used at different stages of milking:

  • Movement of milk during milking
  • Operation of vacuum pulsators, which guarantee massage movements in alternating phases
  • Pumping milk through a milk pipeline into a cooling tank
  • Ensures the operation of valves in many parts of milking equipment.

Milking equipment must have an appropriate, stable and uninterrupted vacuum level to avoid overstimulation of the teats. Thanks to special production procedures and strict control of Milkline, vacuum pumps guarantee, with equal power consumption, high flow rates without compromising the reliability and durability of milking equipment. Milkline vacuum systems can meet the requirements of any milking system. The compact and practical design of Milkline units “allows vacuum stations to be easily installed and maintained.

Vacuum stations are divided into three groups:

— Oil-free/dry paddle units with capacity from 150 to 250 liters per minute. This is the simplest type of vacuum stations and they are used in small farms. The vacuum pump does not require oil at all and the consumable part in such pumps is just graphite plates/pump blades, which wear out and are replaced as needed. The normal service life of blades is 3-4 years. Such installations are installed on mobile milking machines, which can simultaneously serve a maximum of 2 heads. Or you can design your own stationary milking machine yourself.

In this embodiment, the vacuum station is used as a frame for the milking machine. Depending on the type of mobile milking unit (for 1 or 2 cows), an appropriate pump is installed. Replacement graphite pump plates are designated PM3 GRAPHITE or PM4 GRAPHITE.

Oil installations with a capacity from 250 to 3000 liters per minute. The most common and often found on farms with milking parlors or linear milking units. They are also used to provide uninterrupted vacuum to milking machines through vacuum lines. Here the calculation for the vacuum station you require is as follows: 200 liters per milking machine. You count and order what you need. The pump is considered reliable, but requires careful attention in terms of replenishing lubricant. The pump also has Kevlar plates on the rotor of the vacuum pump. They are marked PM16 KEVLAR, PM20 KEVLAR and PM30 KEVLAR. The electric motor is eternal.

Cam oil-free vacuum stations. This is considered the most powerful and reliable. Such stations are produced with operating data from 2100 liters per hour to 4300 liters per minute.

Sometimes the vacuum gauge needs to be replaced. Well, in general, it lasts a long time, and will last a cow for a century.

Now the cost for plate vacuum units:

Name and volume of the vacuum receiver, l Pump type Productivity, l/min Power, kW Power, V Cost RUB including VAT
PVU 20, 15 l. (vacuum installation for mobile milking machines and domestic home milking machines) vane-rotor 190 0,6 220 35000,00
PVU 45, 50 l. vane-rotor 450 1,1 380 77000,00
PVU 95, 100 l. vane-rotor 950 2.2 380 114000.00
PVU 160, 100 l. vane-rotor 1600 3.0 380 134000.00
PVU 200, 100 l. vane-rotor 2000 4,0 380 142000,00
PVU 300, 100 l. vane-rotor 3000 7,5 380 161000,00

On tethered farms with up to 30 cows, tethered animals are used for milking animals in stalls. stationary linear milking units with milk collection in buckets, developed by SAC. The milking machine kit (Fig. 10.1) includes the following assembly units: vacuum wire 1, vacuum valve 2, vacuum regulator 3, vacuum gauge 4, exhaust pipe 5, muffler 6, oil tank 7, vacuum pump 8, electric motor 9, vacuum cylinder 10, milking bucket 11, pulsator 12, collector 13.

Vacuum pump 8 creates a working fluid (rarefied air) with specified characteristics to ensure the operation of all milking installation systems. The pump pumps out air from the closed volume of the vacuum wire 1, milking machines, milking bucket 11, milk 14 and vacuum 15 hoses. There are two types of vacuum pumps used in milking machines: rotary vane and rotary liquid ring. The types of pumps used and their characteristics are presented below. The pumps used provide flow rates from 10.2 to 126.0 m3/h at a vacuum pressure of 50 kPa. At the same time, rotary vane vacuum pumps are equipped with mufflers to reduce noise and, often, devices for separating oil from the exhaust gases.
The vacuum cylinder 10 is designed to smooth out the pulsations of the working fluid created by the vacuum pump; it provides a certain supply of the working fluid consumed in the system when putting the milking cups on the teats of the animal’s udder, as well as in the event of their falling off the teats. In addition, the vacuum cylinder protects the vacuum pump from the ingress of water, milk and mechanical particles from the vacuum wire, serves as a storage drain container when washing the vacuum wire, and makes it easier to start the pump. The vacuum cylinder also ensures automatic removal of condensate and mechanical particles after the pump stops.
Vacuum wire 1 serves to transfer the working fluid to milking machines and other pneumatic devices of the milking installation. It is made of galvanized steel pipes and is located on racks or special brackets along a row of animal stalls. Vacuum taps 2 are installed on the vacuum line, which serve to supply the working fluid to the milking machines when milking cows.
Vacuum regulator 3 maintains the set vacuum pressure (vacuum) in vacuum system milking installation. The vacuum depth in the system is controlled by vacuum gauge 4.
The executive working body of the milking machine is the milking machine (Fig. 10.2), which includes the following assembly units: pulsator, collector, milking cups, milk and vacuum hoses.

The pulsator converts the constant vacuum created by the vacuum pump into a pulsating one, necessary for the operation of the teat cups and collector. On stationary milking machines of the linear type with milking cows in buckets, pulsators Unipuls 2 and Unipuls Electronic (as well as Unico 1 and Unico 2) are used, which provide stimulation of the milk production process.
The collector is used to collect milk from the teat cups and distribute alternating vacuum into the interwall and nipple chambers of the teat cups. The milking machines under consideration use Uniflow 2 and Uniflow-3M collectors. The latter is equipped with milk temperature and electrical conductivity sensors to work with a mastitis indicator.
The main executive bodies of the milking machine that directly interact with the animal are the milking cups. In the installation under consideration, two-chamber milking cups are used, having double walls: the outer one is made of stainless steel or plastic and the inner one is made of rubber. The walls form a closed, inter-wall chamber, which is connected to the pulsator with a flexible hose. The space inside the teat rubber forms a nipple chamber connected by a hose to the milking bucket.
For milking in installations where milk is collected in buckets, push-pull (sucking and squeezing) milking machines are mainly used. In it, during the sucking stroke, air is sucked out from the interwall chamber, and a constant vacuum is maintained in the nipple chamber. At the same time, the teat rubber unclenches, the animal's udder nipple lengthens, the sphincter (the locking muscle of the nipple) opens and milk is sucked out of the udder tank. During the compression stroke, atmospheric air is supplied into the interwall chamber. A constant vacuum is maintained in the nipple chamber. Due to the pressure difference, the teat cup rubber compresses and milk suction from the udder stops. The milked milk goes into the milking bucket.
Mobile milking machines for milking cows in buckets used on tethered farms with up to 30 cows, and also as reserve ones in case of accidents on other farms. SAC has developed two types of mobile installations: Minicart and Unicart. The Minicart milking machine (Fig. 10.3) includes the following assembly units: a two-wheeled hand cart on pneumatic tires, a power unit including a single-phase or three-phase electric motor; rotary vacuum pump, one milking machine with bucket, vacuum and milk hoses, vacuum regulator, vacuum cylinder, muffler.

The Unicart milking machine kit (Fig. 10.4) includes the following assembly units: a three-wheeled hand cart with pneumatic tires, a power unit in one of three options: a single- or three-phase electric motor; gasoline internal combustion engine; gasoline and electric engines; rotary vane vacuum pump; two milking machines with milking buckets, a vacuum regulator, a vacuum gauge, vacuum and milk hoses, a receiver.

The presented mobile milking units perform the same functions as stationary linear milking units.
On tied farms with a population of 30 or more cows, tethered animals are also used for milking animals in stalls. stationary linear milking units with milk collection into a milk line. The SAC company has developed two types of such installations: a traditional one with milk transported through a milk pipeline, and milking machines - by a machine milking operator, and with the Uniline line, which ensures the transportation of milking machines by mechanical means.
Traditional milking machine (Fig. 10.5) includes the following assembly units: vacuum pump, vacuum line, vacuum cylinder, vacuum regulator, vacuum gauge, milking machines, as well as a milk line, Unicombicock milk-vacuum tap, individual counter milk, milk receiver, milk pump, milk filter, milk pressure line, milk tank, water heater, washing machine.

The milking machine of the second type ensures the collection and transportation of milk by a milk pipeline, and milking machines by a Uniline pin (Fig. 10.6). It includes the same assembly units as the first type installation. In addition, it is additionally equipped with a Unicombicart hand trolley for delivering milking machines to the barn and a stationary Uniline line for transporting milking machines to animal stalls.

The milking machines are transported from the dairy department to the barn and back using a Unicombicart hand cart (Fig. 10.7).

The purpose of the assembly units included in continuous milking installations with a milk pipeline (except for those discussed earlier) is presented below.
Milk pipeline, made from polypropylene pipes, are connected to each other with couplings, and with the vacuum wire - with anodized metal brackets. Serves to collect and transport milk to the milk receiver.
Unicombicock milk-vacuum tap (Fig. 10.8) serves to connect milking machines to the milk and vacuum wires, is made of stainless steel, serves two cows standing next to each other in turn.

Milk receiver(milk collector) is made of glass, serves to separate air from milk or milk liquid. These products are removed from the vacuum by a milk pump and, accordingly, the milk is supplied to the milk tank, and the washing liquid is supplied to the bath for washing and disinfecting solutions.
Individual milk counter (Fig. 10.9) provides accounting of milk received from each cow. The meter is installed between the milking machine and the milk pipeline.

Water heater heats water to 90.0...95.0 °C. It is connected directly to the milking machine with a special pipe, which allows you to maintain high temperature water when flushing the milking system.
Automatic washing machine Uniwach provides washing and disinfection through the circulation of working solutions in a closed system of milking machines, milk pipeline, milk receiver, milk filter, milk pump, pressure milk pipeline. The operation of the washing machine is controlled by a microprocessor.
In milking mode, the considered lines operate as follows. A milking unit operating on the principle of milk extraction using the suction method of milking machines removes milk from the tanks of the animal's udder teats under the influence of vacuum pressure (rarefaction) created in the pipeline system by a vacuum pump. In this case, the milked milk enters the milk line, which is transported to the milk receiver, where it is separated from the air, and then supplied by a milk pump through a filter through a pressure milk line into a milk tank for cooling and subsequent storage.
In flushing mode, the lines operate as follows. Milking machines are installed in a tank where the working solution is supplied - warm water, washing or disinfecting solution. The working solution is sucked out of the reservoir through milking machines and pumped through the milk piping system into the milk receiver. From the latter, the milk pump supplies the working solution to the washing machine. A special feature of the Uniwach automatic washing machine is that all parameters of the washing process - the temperature of the working solution (working fluid), the duration of circulation washing, the composition of the working fluid - are continuously automatically monitored and changed according to special programs.

Mishukov Stanislav Vadimovich

Electrical Power Engineering Faculty Stavropol State Agrarian University Stavropol, Russia

Abstract: The article describes vacuum pumps used in milking machines. Their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the most current models pumps of domestic and foreign production. The materials in the article may be useful for teachers and students interested in the operation of milking machines, in particular vacuum pumps.

Key words: milking machine, rotary vacuum pump, liquid ring vacuum pump

Vacuum pumps in milking machines

Mishukov Stanislav Vadimovich

student, StGAU Stavropol, Russia

Abstract: In the article the vacuum pumps used in milking machines are described. Their advantages and shortcomings, and are also given the most actual models of pumps of domestic and foreign production. Materials of article can be useful to the teachers and students who are interested in operation of milking machines, in particular vacuum pumps.

Keywords: milking machine, rotational vacuum pump vacuum pump, water ring vacuum pump

It is impossible to imagine a modern dairy farm without machine milking. Machine milking of cows is a process in which the milking machine works in cooperation with the animal’s body. Milking occurs 2–4 times a day for 4–5 minutes throughout the life of the animal. In a relatively short time of milking, the receptors of the animal's udder and teat are greatly irritated, which has a great impact on the productivity of the cow. Therefore, for effective milking, it is necessary to excite a full milk release reflex in lactating cows before milking and eliminate the causes leading to premature inhibition of the reflex.

In addition, the efficiency of milking largely depends on the operating personnel, who must know not only the basics of physiology, milk formation and milk yield, but also the principle of operation of machines and equipment for milking cows. Currently, a variety of milking machines are used for milking cows. The choice of milking machine type depends on the size of the farm, the productivity of the animals, how they are kept and climatic conditions.

A modern milking machine operates on an alternating vacuum, which is created by a vacuum pump. The main task of a vacuum pump is to create a vacuum (vacuum) in a system of interconnected pipelines and devices to create, measure and regulate the operation of a milking machine. Vacuum pumps are classified as follows:

1. By design - piston; injection; cam; rotary.

2. According to the magnitude of the vacuum created - low vacuum pumps; medium vacuum pumps; high vacuum pumps.

3. By purpose – “dry” (for suction of gases); “wet” (for sucking gas along with liquid).

4. By nature of use – stationary; mobile.

The first milking machines were equipped with piston vacuum pumps. They were large and metal-intensive, and had wear-out mechanisms. Later, rotary vane pumps of the RVN-40/350 brands began to be installed on milking machines; UVU-60/45; VTs-40/130 and others (Fig. 1).

The productivity of RVN-40/350 at a vacuum of 50 kPa is 11.1 dm 3 / s (40 m 3 / h), mechanical efficiency. is 0.8 – 0.9. The unified vacuum installation UVU - 60/45 can operate in 2 modes: at a vacuum of 53 kPa, provide a productivity of 60 or 45 m3/h (achieved by changing the rotor speed by replacing the V-belt pulley on the electric motor shaft).

Such pumps have a number of disadvantages:

  • Increased sensitivity to violation of normal clearances;
  • The presence of rubbing working bodies;
  • Low performance;

These disadvantages were eliminated by the use of water ring vacuum pumps (VVN) in milking machines (Fig. 2).

In these pumps, the seal between the stator and rotor is achieved by a layer of water. However, they have low efficiency (0.48–0.52), are difficult to operate and can only operate at positive temperatures.

Modern manufacturers provide a huge selection of vacuum pumps. The domestic company LLC "SLASNAB" supplies:

  • NVM-70/75 water ring vacuum pumps for milking machines;
  • NVA-75-1 vacuum water-ring units (for 100 cows);
  • NVU-75-2 vacuum water ring installations (for 200 cows).

The LLC Agro-Service-1 company produces a rotary vane vacuum pump UVD 10000 (Fig. 3).

The foreign company POMPETRAVAINI is one of the world leaders in the production of liquid ring vacuum pumps (Fig. 4). The company produces:

  • TRM series single-stage vacuum pumps;
  • Single-stage vacuum pumps TRVX/TRMX series;
  • TRH series two-stage vacuum pumps.

The Elmo Rietschle company offers the buyer liquid ring pumps of the L series, made of high-quality stainless steel and providing stable technical specifications over many years of operation (Fig. 5).

Thus, the basis of any milking installation is a vacuum pump, which creates the necessary vacuum in the vacuum system. The performance of the milking machine, its reliability and noise level depend on the vacuum pump. Currently, there is a huge number of different vacuum pumps on the market, which makes it possible to improve old ones and develop new milking machines based on them.


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4. Nikitenko G.V., Grinchenko V.A. Results of a study of a linear motor for a vacuum pulsator of a milking machine // Methods and technical means for increasing the efficiency of using electrical equipment in industry and agriculture. - Stavropol: Agrus, 2010. - pp. 268-272.

5. Nikitenko G.V., Grinchenko V.A. Statics of electromechanical processes in a linear electric motor for driving a milking machine pulsator // Methods and technical means for increasing the efficiency of using electrical equipment in industry and agriculture. - Stavropol: Agrus, 2011. - pp. 199-202.

6. Pat. 2357143 Russian Federation, MPK8 F 16 K 31/06. Solenoid valve/ Nikitenko G.V., Grinchenko V.A.; applicant and patent holder Stavrop. state agrarian univ. - No. 2007141983/06; application 11/12/07; publ. 05/27/09.

7. Pat. 2370874 Russian Federation, MPK8 H 02 K 33/12. Linear motor / Nikitenko G. V., Grinchenko V. A.; applicant and patent holder Stavrop. state agrarian univ. - No. 2008112342/09; application 03/31/08; publ. 20.10.09.

8. Pat. 82990 Russian Federation, MPK8 A 01 J 7/00. Vacuum regulator / Nikitenko G. V., Grinchenko V. A.; applicant and patent holder Stavrop. state agrarian univ. - No. 2008150545/22; application 12/19/08; publ. 05/20/09.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


The devices make it much easier manual labor when milking large and small cattle. The equipment has a simple design and is easy to use. No special skills required. The operating principle of all milking machines is vacuum. When choosing a machine, the number of livestock, milking speed, and technical characteristics are always taken into account. If a farmer has a mini-plant for milk processing, then milking machines are purchased with a milk line through which the raw materials go to the processing site.

Drawing of a milking machine for cows

The milking machine for cows consists of a stationary and a mounted part. For milking at home, mobile equipment is used. For its movement it is provided support frame on wheels. There are two of them, with wide or narrow tires. Legs are provided for stability.

It is preferable to choose wheels with wide tires to increase the maneuverability of the installation.

The milking machine kit includes the following modules:

  • electric motor: runs on 220 V; some installations have a gasoline engine: the equipment does not depend on the network; it is used for milking on pastures;
  • pump;
  • vacuum line hoses;
  • vacuum gauge;
  • vacuum regulator;
  • container for collecting milk with a lid; located on the lid check valve, a pulsator and a receiver are attached to it;
  • pulsator;
  • receiver;
  • collector;
  • vacuum and milk pipes;
  • milking cups.

Manufacturers equip the equipment with additional spare parts: nipple rubber, milk and vacuum nozzles, equipment cleaning agent, brushes for cleaning hoses, glasses and nozzles. When answering the question of how to choose, pay attention to the type of pump, the presence or absence of certain components in the installation, and the quality of milking.

Selection by pump type

The milking equipment is powered by an electric motor. It requires a voltage of 220 V. Power from 550 W to 750 W. The pump is used of a vacuum dry type or an oil pump. A dry type vacuum pump is more convenient for the operator. It requires no maintenance; maintenance is reduced to an annual preventative examination.

The oil pump must be checked every 3 months: lubricate the parts, determine the condition of the gasket or leather cuff. An oil pump is more convenient for cows. It is not as noisy as a dry type pump. Animals get used to it faster.

If you choose between oil or dry equipment, you are inclined to choose a dry type vacuum pump, but with a muffler.

Vacuum pressure is created in the system. It is measured with a vacuum gauge. The optimal pressure is 50 kPa. A regulator is provided to adjust, reduce or increase the pressure. These components must be included in the milking machine. If the pressure is low, milking will be ineffective. At high blood pressure the equipment may become unusable.

Milking machine pump

Presence of a pulsator

Pay attention to the presence of a pulsator in the installation. The milk collection process takes place in a certain mode. To make it comfortable for the animal, milking is technologically brought closer to natural feeding of the calf. He grabs the nipple and sucks out the milk. While the calf swallows the milk, the teat remains at rest. The calf makes 64 sucking movements per minute and gives the cow a rest.

A similar milking mode is created by a pulsator. It applies vacuum in portions to the milking cups. The number of pulses is adjustable. Some models do not have a pulsator. It is replaced by a pump. The number of pulsations depends on the operating frequency of the piston or other moving elements. It is impossible to adjust the impulses.

For a farmer, equipment without a pulsator is preferable. It costs less. For the cow, milking will be more comfortable with a pulsator.

Choice of teat cups

Attachment equipment for milking consists of a collector, milk and vacuum pipes, and milking cups. The equipment is attached to the cow's udder teats. To make the animal more comfortable, they choose devices with special devices that help hold it on the udder.

Milking cups consist of a metal body and teat rubber. There is a cavity between them. A vacuum enters or exits it. The pulsator supplies air into the cavity, the rubber compresses and captures the nipple - this is the first step in milking. The pulsator takes in air, the rubber cuff moves to the walls of the glass, gradually releasing the nipple. At this time, milk is expressed - this is the 2nd step of milking. If the pressure in the udder, in the glass and in the milk tube is the same, then the cow's teat is at rest - this is the 3rd milking cycle. For an animal, this mode of milk collection is more familiar, but the equipment is more expensive.

Glasses are made from stainless steel or aluminum. Aluminum device is lighter, but steel is stronger. The nipple seal is made of food-grade rubber or silicone. Silicone is more comfortable for a cow, it is softer. Covers must be provided on the glasses so that the metal does not injure the cow's udder. Some glasses have clear plastic inserts. Through them, the amount of milk a cow gives is determined. If milk does not flow into the glasses, then milking is over.

Manufacturers offer milking machines for cows, heifers, and goats. This different models. Their glasses are not the same size. Tall cups are intended for dairy cows with well-developed udders and long teats. They are not recommended for use on heifers or goats, which have shorter teats than cows. During milking, the glasses rise. They may come into contact with the udder and rub the skin.

Synchronous or asynchronous milking?

A collector is a device through which a vacuum is applied and milk passes through. It contains a valve. When it is pressed, the milking machine turns on and vacuum begins to flow into the glasses. They are put on the udder one by one and milking begins.

When milking by hand, milk is expressed first from the back two lobes of the udder, then from the front two lobes. This method of milking is familiar to the cow. To maintain the manual milking technique during hardware milk collection, asynchronous operation of the glasses is used. In this case, from the collector, the vacuum flows first to the 2 rear lobes of the udder, and then to the front ones. The rear lobes are more developed in a cow, so the milking process begins with them.

With synchronized milking, all 4 glasses work simultaneously. This is unnatural for the animal, but the milking speed increases. In this case, the cow may not give all the milk; additional milking is required by hand. The farmer decides on his own how to milk, chooses a synchronous or asynchronous milking machine for cows, but it must be borne in mind that the “manual milking” method is more convenient for the animal.

For one or two cows?

Milking equipment may have one or two milking units. The process of collecting milk from 1 cow is 6-8 minutes. If the farm has no more than 5 heads, then purchase equipment with 1 set: 4 glasses, 1 collector. Milking will end in 30-40 minutes.

For a herd of up to 30 cows, milking units with 2 milking kits are purchased. They allow you to collect milk from 2 cows at the same time. Milking will end in an hour and a half. In this case, the milk is collected in 1 or 2 cans.

To speed up the process, purchase stationary installations that operate from a remote control. The cows enter the boxes. They have reinforced milking machines. The operator places the glasses on the udder teats, and the milk goes through the pipeline for processing or into the refrigerator. Large farms are equipped with milking parlors. They provide for a certain order in which animals enter and exit the hall so that they do not collide, and the operator does not confuse cows with full and empty udders.

Popularity agriculture among the population is growing again, and keeping livestock is considered the norm for many residents of the private sector. At the same time, it becomes easier to buy homemade fresh milk, thanks to the keeping of cows on private farms. For small properties with one or two cows the best option To obtain maximum profit is manual milking of livestock. If the number of livestock increases, additional assistance will be required. To do this, you can hire workers who will milk several cows for a fee, or purchase a milking machine. Milking machines pay for themselves quickly enough and soon become completely profitable, unlike workers who will always need payment.

Types of devices

Today, milking installations may differ:

  • appearance;
  • power;
  • design feature and so on.

Considering everything distinctive features each device, it can be determined that they are all united by the principle of operation. Each individual installation is equipped with low pressure. Also, all of them have the ability to be attached to using rubber suction cups or special clamps. Last option easier to operate and causes absolutely no problems for any farmer. As a rule, the entire milking time takes a few minutes, and does not require any labor from a person. The milk is expressed into a special container, after which it can be used for further processing or sale.

Division by technical characteristics

All types of milking machines can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • by type of milk container;
  • by the number of cows served in parallel;
  • by type of pump;
  • by the number of cycles.

In order to do right choice In favor of the milking machine required for a particular case, each point should be examined in more detail.

By type of milk container

In fact, in any case, the milk always ends up in a container prepared for this purpose. The only difference is how big this container is and whether it is part of the milking machine itself. The most commonly used units are those with built-in cans, which are ideal for milking small livestock. For large farms, there are milking plants that collect milk from several cows at once through pipes into one large container. The container itself may be in next room, and the number of cows served at the same time is the next characteristic.

By the number of cows served in parallel

Here the previous point should be taken into account first, since milking machines for private small herds are not capable of serving several cows at the same time. They are designed to work with only one drill or, at best, two. Large machines for farms are capable of milking several dozen cows at the same time. Of course, the cost of such a device will be appropriate, but when working with large volumes, you will be able to save on other things and much more, so the benefit is obvious.

By pump type

This classification divides all milking installations for cows into three types. Pumps can be:

  • rotary;
  • piston;
  • membrane.

The last option is the most popular because its price is the lowest compared to pumps of other types of action, and such a device is capable of working simultaneously with only a small number of cows. It turns out that milking machines, the design of which is based on - optimal budget option for individual use.

To simultaneously service a small number of cows, you will need to purchase a more powerful device with a piston pump. Of course, along with the increased power, it also has one serious drawback - the device is very noisy during operation, which can disturb the cows. Also, some consider its dimensions to be a disadvantage.

The best option for silence during milking and high installation productivity would be a machine with They are further divided into dry and oil, but in any case they will be better than other types.

By number of cycles

The power of the unit and its weight depend on their number. Three-stroke engines are, of course, more massive, but at the same time more productive, while two-stroke engines are the opposite.

Separation by operating principle

All characteristics of milking machines determine their operation based on the creation of a vacuum into which milk is drawn from the udder. In this case, the vacuum in the installation can be constant or frequently changed, due to which the compression occurs.

In the first case, milk is milked in a matter of minutes and very efficiently, without leaving a drop, and is completely safe for the cow. Devices with this principle of operation are expensive, and the vacuum in them is created using centrifugal pump or pulsator. In another version, there is essentially no vacuum, and milking is carried out due to the movements of a piston pump. It is this that creates pressure surges that ensure milk expression. Such units are noticeably cheaper, but the quality of their work is not always ideal.

Possibility of movement

Depending on its dimensions, the machine can be classified as a mobile milking machine or a stationary one. The latter are used very rarely today, since working with them is very inconvenient. Mobile devices are additionally equipped with small wheels and can be used for different farm sizes. They are easy to move around the farm and easy to use.

Real consumer reviews

From the above it follows that to purchase this installation if there are one or two cows on the farm, it simply does not make sense; there are many reasons for this, and first of all - a long payback period.

To serve a larger number of livestock, the benefits of purchasing a device are obvious. First of all, the device quickly pays for itself. It also helps to provide more free time for the farmer, which was previously spent on hand milking all the cows. Considering the speed of work, along with simplicity and practicality, it is possible to reduce the number of workers previously involved in milking. This will further reduce payment costs wages employees.

The positive qualities of milking machines include: high quality their work, allowing for short term get absolutely all the milk from a cow.

Of course, there are also many dissatisfied with the purchase of such a unit. First of all, many people complain about the high cost of milking machines. In addition, negative reviews can be caused by incorrect selection of the device for a particular farm. Since there are so many varieties, in order to choose the right one, you should take into account all their features.

Of course, the purchase of a milking machine should be accompanied by a preliminary consultation with a professional or, at a minimum, an independent study of all the characteristics of this type of equipment. Therefore, before purchasing a unit, weigh the pros and cons. And most importantly, calculate whether purchasing the device is financially beneficial for you.