How to make a screw lock. Homemade castle: options, manufacturing methods, photos. Making a clever design with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

By leaving the vehicle in the garage, we, first of all, protect it from adverse weather conditions, and also hope for its safety from theft. Tell me, have you ever thought about what exactly your car is protecting? Of course, the materials from which the building is made are an important factor, but the main role all assigned to the lock on the gate. But even in such a simple question as choosing a shutter mechanism for a garage, there may still be problems. a large number of nuances: which one to choose - factory or homemade, cheap or more expensive? Our answer - choose homemade options. We will tell you why and how to make homemade security locks for the garage in our article.

Selecting a lock manufacturer Garage Doors faces all owners of garage buildings, and it is quite small. You either choose a factory product, or create a unique mechanism that is suitable specifically for your garage.

It's no secret that many car enthusiasts would rather buy this product in a store. However, if you buy a stamped lock for a garage, you are not sure that thieves will not be able to find a suitable master key for it. In addition, the quality of such bolts is often poor. Factory-made shutter mechanisms that have the appropriate quality, guarantee, and are assembled by hand are classified as products in a fairly high price category. Do you agree to pay such funds?

A homemade garage lock is a guarantee that thieves will prefer not to have to worry about solving the design and will bypass your garage space. If drawings of factory products can, if desired, be found on the Internet, then manual option– is unique, and finding the key to it is very problematic.

Main conditions of safety

Do-it-yourself garage locks must meet a number of requirements:

  • the mechanism must be completely hidden from the street side;
  • it is advisable to use quality materials, it is better if the constipation is armored;
  • If possible, make combination homemade locks with a secret for the garage.

We study the classification

In general, homemade garage locks can be divided into two large groups - self-made and remade. Self-production constipation is advisable if the appropriate components are available: high-quality materials, equipment (milling, lathes), equipment for steel hardening. Experience working with metal will also be important. Otherwise, even the most original lock will be easily opened.
The best option would be to remake purchased locks or individual components. This method will allow you to do without special equipment, while creating single option constipation

By design, garage door shutter mechanisms are divided into:

  • mortise;
  • mounted;
  • invoices;
  • rack and pinion
  • pinwheel;
  • combined.

Each type has its own positive and negative sides, which should be taken into account when choosing.


This type is considered to be the oldest and, unfortunately, unreliable type of constipation. Despite the fact that it is recommended to use hardened steel for their manufacture, such a lock can be easily knocked down with a hammer or sledgehammer, since the entire mechanism is located outside. In addition, the hinges of the device can be quietly cut with a hacksaw.

Mortise locks

Installing this type of lock in a garage is quite problematic, but for thieves, breaking such a lock is not a big problem. The door is simply knocked down or opened with a selected master key. Experienced car enthusiasts recommend using this type of lock as an addition to the main bolt mechanism.


Garage turntable locks have a simple design, but a fairly high degree of protection. The principle of operation of such a lock is that on the doors garage space, made of wood or metal, eyes are made into which the ends of the lock are lowered - pinwheels. The latch itself is mounted on a through bolt in the center of the gate and is activated by turning from the center. This type of do-it-yourself garage lock allows you to reliably protect your car from thieves, since there are no external (visible) parts.

Home positive feature The screw lock is its design. The main part of the mechanism is hidden behind the door, making it virtually inaccessible to thieves. The common components of such a design will be: a key, a screw, an outer bracket and a bracket with internal thread. Make a castle if you have a detailed sketch and equipment ( welding machine And lathe) not difficult.

"Falling" model

If you have considerable experience in locksmith work, then try to make the so-called lock with a “falling key” yourself. You will need 3 metal plates. Two of them will be used for making staples, and the third will be used for a bolt (latch) with slots. The next step is to make a gear-shaped drum with a hole for the key. The key also has its own specifics. Special slots are made in it for a metal rod (pin) with protrusions, the arrangement of which follows the holes on the drum.

Electromechanical option

This type of lock is a combined one; it combines a mechanical and an electric lock. Please note that such locks can be made by craftsmen who have experience working with electronics and mechanics. If you are not confident in your abilities, car enthusiasts suggest using a ready-made mechanism and choosing the appropriate electric drive for it.

In order to make such a lock, you will need a gear mechanism, an electric motor, a power supply and a mechanism control system.

Often a purchased lock with a conventional installation method is not reliable, so many car owners try to make an original model of a homemade garage lock with their own hands.

This is an easy way to ensure a restful sleep, because the garage and the property inside it will be protected from intruders. How to do locking mechanism This article will tell you what you need for this.

The issue of protecting a garage building from intruders is always acute, and especially for those people who drive a brand new car of a prestigious brand. Fraudsters are trying to get their hands on just such cars in order to resell them. A homemade lock with a secret will help to secure your motorhome from unauthorized entry.

Such products have a simple design; a special key will help you open them. Finding a master key to open a homemade locking mechanism is extremely difficult, because it is created according to an individual sketch. It is this quality that is the most important advantage of such mechanisms.

Installation of homemade garage locks, made by yourself, is carried out from inside the building. For this reason, the locking mechanism is completely invisible to the eye of an outsider. Under such conditions, even an avid burglar may hesitate or even change his mind about getting inside the building, because this will require a lot of effort and time from him.

The process of making homemade garage locks with your own hands is worth starting if you have high-quality materials at hand, have access to steel hardening, lathe, milling machine. Then it’s worth designing a truly durable, reliable screw lock.

If you have a certain kind of skill, you can even create an electric lock. But if such skills are not enough, you can go another way. It is worth remaking the finished product by modernizing it in a certain way.

Modification of purchased locks

If you don’t have the latest materials or a lathe at hand, you can try to modify a ready-made locking mechanism with your own hands for the garage.

But before you start work, it’s worth understanding what types of such units exist. Let's consider the classification of products according to the specifics of installation, presented in the table.

View Advantages How to hack
Mounted Affordable. They are not considered overly reliable, because such a lock can be removed using a regular hacksaw. It simply cuts off the loops of the unit, which is not accompanied by noise. Units of this type can be knocked down with a sledgehammer, even with a very cunning design.
Invoices They have higher reliability. To get inside the house, you can open the lock with a master key, cut the bolt with a jigsaw in a few minutes, or simply knock down the doors.
Mortise Characterized by the most high level reliability, since after installation they become a single part of the door leaf. The units can be opened with a master key or their bolt can be cut off with a special tool.

Padlock for garage doors.

We will describe ways to refine each type:

  1. Mounted. It is optimal to supplement a gate with such a locking mechanism with another lock, made independently. A hidden electric lock will do. You can upgrade a conventional single-pin attachment by adding another pin with a custom slot arrangement.
  2. Invoices. To prevent the risk of hacking, it is worth supplementing the unit electrical diagram and servomechanism. The mechanism will only work if the key is turned inside the lock or it will open using the key fob. The system will be similar to a car alarm.
  3. Mortise. You can modify the cylinder of such a lock so that the key is unique. Then it will be difficult to find a master key for hacking. Another way to modernize a mortise lock is to lengthen its deadbolt.

On a note! When remodeling, it is important to take into account the characteristics of a particular type, so as not to break it, but to strengthen the protective qualities of the locking mechanism.

At first glance, locks created by the hands of craftsmen are sure to be of high quality. But many of them are too simple and defenseless against hackers. For example, a rack and pinion locking mechanism with a “secret” key is not really a quality product.

The highlight of the mechanism is the rotating bar on the key, the length of which is “kept secret.” Yes, the burglar does not know the length of this part, but he will be able to make a cardboard analogue of it, which he will then trim until the unit begins to crumple it. The next time the thief arrives, he will open the garage and take everything valuable from it.

Case Study

Many car owners do not understand how to make a good locking mechanism with their own hands from finished product low reliability. Let's describe practical example car protection for little money. It is suitable for a motorhome that is located close to the cottage and opens from the house.

Garage doors must only be locked from the inside. Build them one of these homemade garage security locks. The power of the bolt should be veiled so that a stranger, when looking at the open door, does not understand which element is holding the gate. From the side of the water gate, it will be possible to enter the motorhome only by ramming it with a truck.

A separate door inside the house through which the car owner enters the motorhome is equipped with an internal and conventional lock. The internal one is a solenoid-type electric lock with the ability to control it from home. If the doors close with a regular lock, the solenoid lock will also close.

Homemade lock device.

Hacking a regular unit with a master key will prevent thieves from getting inside the motorhome. Before leaving the cottage, residents will open the electric lock by applying power to it, and thus unlock the gate, after which they will open a regular lock.

Electric locks on the garage should be installed so that it attracts attention to itself as little as possible. The solenoid unit is often supplied with a voltage of 24 V, a current of several amperes when activated, and an even smaller current to hold it in the open position.

It is possible to equip the electric lock with a latch with an electromagnetic control method. Or prefer an electromagnetic model with a beveled bolt, which locks the gate when closing.

To prevent a homemade garage lock with a falling bolt and key from freezing in winter, its body is heated. Wrap the unit in fiberglass, wrap it with nichrome wire, 0.3-0.5 mm thick. Select the length of the wire so that the solenoid warms up when room temperature reached 70 degrees.

The voltage source will be the same as for powering the solenoids. Next, cover the nichrome wire with a layer of fiberglass or a tin casing. Nichrome and copper wires They are connected by welding and carefully brought out.

Winter days It is enough to carry out heating a few minutes before opening the gate so that the units work flawlessly. As a result, you will get a tricky lock, which will not be easy to eliminate.

Bottom line

Making a garage lock with your own hands will provide reliable guarantees that an attacker will bypass the motorhome. Such garage doors are much more difficult to crack, since the homemade product is unique in its parameters.

Hello, master! How can you design a cunning internal lock for a garage at your dacha? If it's easy, can you give me some advice?

Roman, Moscow.

Hello, Roman from Moscow!

You know, the main thing is not to outsmart yourself. Among our shabby circles there is a story about how a certain man hung a sledgehammer in his garage, which, if you don’t know about it, when opened, should hit the burglar in the forehead. Naturally, the man one day, drunk, forgot about this, with all that it entailed.

There is no trick against scrap except another scrap. Everything can be opened, another thing is that sometimes this takes a lot of time, and a thief does not always have this time.

I already talked about some tricks on my website. Therefore, perhaps I will repeat myself a little.

I consider several methods to deter burglars to be the most effective.

First. When two more gate leaves made of reinforcement (ordinary grille) are installed behind a regular garage door. And a simple padlock. But it is hung not from the outside, but from the inside. And it is covered from the outside with a welded plate. That is, it is impossible to see it, even if the outer gate is opened. And you have to open it by putting your hands behind the plates, by touch.

We did this and always laughed when the burglars, having opened the first gates, did not know what to do next. Moreover, all the garage things were already visible through the bars.

But this is not always feasible for a number of reasons.

Second option. A regular rack and pinion lock (with a plate key and not a round key). And a sheet of rubber about a centimeter thick (approximately 10/10 centimeters in size) is attached to one gate leaf from the inside. With a couple of bolts. The point is that sometimes, without opening the lock, bad people bend the metal of the gate and try to saw through the lock tongues with a hacksaw blade. The blade rests on the rubber and cannot cut. In my garage one day they knocked down the outside padlock, peeled back the trim and started trying to saw off the top tab. But then they spat and finished.

Third option. When an external conventional padlock is covered with a welded box so that it is almost invisible. This ensures that the lock can be knocked down or cut down only after cutting the box. And this is somewhat difficult in the absence of access to sources electric current, even if you have an angle grinder.

I’m not talking about video surveillance systems, but one client I know had a dummy video camera installed at an inaccessible height. He says it helps.

In addition, you can use a regular rail inside the garage, like a latch, which moves freely inside the supporting brackets and is closed in one position and open in another. To open, a key is used in the form of a pin, at the end of which a plate hangs on an axis. The owner first trains on open door and, if necessary, sharpens and adjusts the key for free opening. What is achieved by inserting the key to a certain depth into a hole made in the metal of the door (gate), up to the mark made on the key.

Such a lock is characterized only by the presence of a hole on the outside, which means nothing to the burglar.

For one client, we installed a custom hardened pentagon head bolt from inside the garage. This bolt could only be unscrewed with your own wrench and nothing else. The whole difficulty lies in the manufacture of such a bolt. That is, it was possible to go through the door, but the gate was locked from the inside with such a bolt. Thieves could steal small change, but not the whole car.

Since all these descriptions may not be completely understood, but drawing a bunch of sketches takes a long time, I will limit myself to depicting for clarity only one version of a rack and pinion lock.

By way of explanation, I’ll add that the hole in one of the gate leaves is about 10 millimeters, the key shaft itself is about 8 millimeters. The hanging plate hangs freely on a small axis. When the key is inserted, both the plate and the key shaft form a single straight line. After the key is inserted to the mark on the rod, the plate lowers under its own weight and falls into one of the slots on the rail. If not the first time, then move the key, it will definitely hit.

To prevent the rail from falling out, it goes in one direction until it stops, and in the other direction until it reaches the welded bracket. In total, you have to weld two brackets and one corner stop. After opening the rack lock, the second half of the gate is opened with a pair of latches, which are located in the upper and lower parts gate leaves. But this is already elementary.

Closing is done in a similar way; when the key is pulled out, the plate itself acquires the desired position and the key can be removed freely.

Lubricate the rack with liquid machine oil, otherwise called a spindle.

In this entire structure, the most important part is the plate, its length is main secret lock, and since this size is not visible from the outside, it is almost impossible to guess it.

Of course there are plenty of other options. But enough said. You can't tell everything.

Other questions on the topic of garages.

In this article we will talk about how to make locks for your garage or outbuildings yourself. As a rule, locks that are used in garages or outbuildings are made using simple designs. They are opened using special keys. Due to the fact that they are installed indoors, this makes them as invisible as possible. The production of such locks is carried out individually, taking into account all the wishes and capabilities of the owner.

It is quite difficult to select master keys for such locks; this is the main advantage when compared with standard models. We will look at what homemade locks are for use in garages and outbuildings, and also talk about their differences from those sold in stores and markets.

Features and types of homemade lock designs

A garage is necessary to protect a car or any other vehicle from exposure to external factors, including from theft. As you understand, with the help of a garage you protect your car from the effects of precipitation and other natural phenomena. But a complete guarantee of your safety vehicle absent. To a large extent, the safety of the car depends on how strong and reliable the lock is.

There are several types of garage locks:

  • Mounted.
  • Mortise.
  • Invoices.
  • Rack and pinion.
  • Mixed devices.

The main criterion that distinguishes these devices from others is the manufacturing method. But there are both factory modifications and homemade ones. We will talk about the latter in as much detail as possible. After all, homemade locks for garages are increasingly being used due to the fact that they are very reliable and more difficult to open.

What to look for

If you decide to purchase a factory copy, you need to determine its quality. Very often the price indicates the quality of the product. If you want to purchase a high-quality and reliable device, you will have to fork out and spend quite a lot of money.

The fact is that in this case the lock will not be made using stamping, as is done in most cases. It will be assembled by hand by professionals. There are several points that will help distinguish factory-assembled products from homemade ones. As a rule, handicraft second-rate homemade products have enough low quality, from here we can talk about the low reliability of the design.

If you decide to make your own lock, you will lose in quality - this is undeniable. And this will primarily affect the safety of the vehicle. Installing a lock is a very important step and must be approached very responsibly. One point needs to be taken into account. Normal protection will be provided only by a mechanism that is not noticeable or is not visible at all.

Operating principles of padlocks

Such designs are the most common; the entire mechanism is located in a suspended housing. In homemade padlocks, locking is carried out using a pin or other similar elements. They are inserted inside the mechanism. In order for the design to work, it is necessary to install special lugs on the doors that are planned to be locked. An arc is installed in them, which, in fact, performs the locking. But this design option has one very big drawback, which completely negates all its positive qualities.

This type of lock can be picked very easily. The fact is that such lock designs are installed with outside building. Therefore, any attacker has direct access to it. Using a master key or grinder, you can easily open such a homemade garage lock. Most often, locks of this type are used for additional protection when combinations occur. In other words, there are several mechanisms used to lock the garage.

Homemade rack locks

Such locks are also quite popular, they have one advantage. They are mounted exclusively inside garage doors. Locking occurs using several sliding rods. The lock is opened using an individual key, which is installed in the well.

When you turn it, the latches are pulled out. The design of the lock is a little more reliable, but it can still be opened without any problems if desired. To do this, the locking elements are simply sawed off, or a key is selected.

Mortise locks

This design has several shortcomings. Firstly, it has very low reliability. Secondly, it is very difficult to install. Such structures may only be used as additional measure protection. It is very difficult to make such a structure yourself. Therefore, it is better to give preference to another mechanism for locking the doors. We will talk about them further.

Homemade designs

It is very common to find pinwheels used to lock garage doors. They work like a deadbolt. The design is simple, you can install it yourself. The operating principle is as follows:

  • On inside For the gate, it is necessary to install lugs; they can be made of either metal or wood.
  • A turntable must be installed in the center of the gate using a through bolt. It will be driven by turning relative to the central part.
  • The ends of the turntable should fit into the eyes. This is how they lock the doors as securely as possible from the inside.

There are absolutely no parts of the castle outside. It is almost impossible to hack this design, so its reliability is very high.


This is the most simple design, reliable and efficient. Ideal for locking garage doors. Therefore, it can be used in most cases. But let's find out. This is a metal pin that moves inside special eyes. As a rule, it is installed on the inside of the sashes. This device functions as a valve.

Locks for swing gates

This is a type of latch, but there is a slight difference. Espagnols, as a rule, move in a horizontal plane and are usually used if the gate has one leaf. If the gate is swinging, then the elements are made of metal rods that move vertically in the eyes. These lugs are installed on the sashes. In order to lock as much as possible securely door, under with metal rods in the ground you need to make holes. They should be larger in diameter than the pins.

In order to increase the reliability and strength of the entire structure, it is necessary to install metal tubes of suitable diameter in the holes. It is advisable to concrete them after installation. But such constipation has one drawback. They can only be closed from the inside, so you will need to install an additional door. Typically, these locks are used if the garage is attached to the house or is located in the yard.

How to make your own castle

Now let's take a look simple instructions for the production of an overhead system with a valve. It must be driven using a special homemade key.

The design consists of the following elements (we will also consider their manufacture):

  1. First, the base of the castle is made. It is a metal plate; it is advisable to use it with a thickness of at least 3 mm. Plate diameter 10 mm.
  2. It is also necessary to cut two overlays from similar metal: width 22 mm and length 120 mm.
  3. Next, you need to bend these pads in a vice.
  4. After this, you need to make a valve.
  5. Make a guide tube, the outer diameter should be about 1 cm. The lock key should subsequently fit into it. The length of this tube depends on how thick the gate is. The edge of the tube must be cut at an angle of 60 degrees.
  6. At the first stage of assembly, it is necessary to weld the pads on the edges of the base. If elements suddenly become deformed after welding, they need to be straightened. If the curvature is small, it can be eliminated.

It is necessary to drill 4 holes in the corners of the plate, with the help of which the lock will be fixed to the sash. Install the guide tube into the plate hole. As a result, you should have a relatively cheap and simple homemade lock with a “secret”.

The bevel must be directed towards the overlays. After this, you can weld the tube to the base, but do not forget that these elements must be perpendicular. Next you need to install the linings and the valve. Two bolts with a diameter of M4 need to be screwed into the valve. The length of the bolts should be about 8 mm. These screws will limit the stroke of the valve. It is recommended to install spring washers under their heads so that they do not unscrew during operation of the lock.

Key for a lock with a "secret"

As a key, you must use a rod with round, the diameter of which is 8 mm. The length should be about 15 cm. This optimal value. As you understand, making a homemade garage lock with your own hands is half the “trouble”; you will also need to make a “tricky” key.

You need to bend one edge at a right angle, this will be the handle that you will hold when opening. On the other side you need to form a cut at an angle of about 60 degrees. It is necessary to drill a hole near this cut. Next, make a groove. After this, assemble the key for the homemade lock with your own hands.

The secrecy of this design is ensured by the fact that key holes are drilled in the valve, and there can be an interval of 1 mm and above. This will provide the lock with the greatest number of security options. Similar homemade door locks are widely used in warehouses, outbuildings and garages.

Homemade the padlock Outwardly, it is no different from thousands of its fellows guarding storerooms and dachas, sheds and utility rooms, shops and warehouses. Except for one stunning detail: it opens... with a screwdriver.
Even a professional burglar cannot open my lock, although the key is indeed a small and thin screwdriver, like a knitting needle. The secret is not in the key, but in the lock!”

Someone will say: why make a lock yourself when it’s easier to buy a ready-made, factory-made one? But even for the best of them, attackers select the keys, and even the secret of the coded ones, with fixed intermediate positions of the mechanism, is unraveled by ear and touch. And in winter there is a common problem: the mechanisms of factory locks freeze so much that they need to be warmed up.
But everyone would like to have a locking device that is devoid of these shortcomings, and, moreover, the most “cunning” one, which cannot be used with any master key. I have developed a whole series of such padlocks for various purposes. Their highlight is the structurally guaranteed security not only against code selection, but also against turning out the handle of these locks with a crowbar.
Below is a description of the design of such a lock and technological features manufacturing of its parts and accessories. I am not afraid to reveal them, because the conditional secrecy of a device with these dimensions and design diagram can have over four thousand code combinations.

Homemade lock device

The lock has a body, a shackle, two bushings, a locking ring and two pins. The bushings are fixed in the body by a retractable arm that fits into the semicircular grooves of the bushings. In the latter, pins rotate on the threads, moving along the holes in the body and acting as locking elements. There are also semicircular grooves on the cylindrical surface of the pins, which, at a certain position in the bushings, coincide with a blind hole in the body for the lock shackle - this corresponds to the “open” position: the shackle is freely inserted into the lock body until it stops. If you now insert a screwdriver key, it will fit into the slot of the pin; when rotating, the pin with its cylindrical part will enter the groove of the arch and lock it. The code for opening will be the location of the groove on the pin and the number of turns of the key. To increase the security of the lock, there is a second pin with its own code.

The mechanical strength of such a unit against burglary is undoubtedly much higher than in most designs in which the shackle is fixed with a small cross-section crossbar - the weakest part. It will not be possible to select the lock code “by touch”, since at the moment of opening the key is in the groove of the shackle and does not allow you to feel whether it has been freed from the locking elements?

The through hole for the long end of the shackle is drilled from below to match the diameter of the locking ring, which prevents it from coming out of the body, which would lead to disruption of the lock assembly.

Making a homemade castle

The proposed lock, as already noted, is not only particularly strong, but also a thin mechanism. However, since we are not focusing on its factory production, we will omit tolerances and fits in the drawings: the required accuracy can be achieved through joint processing and fitting of parts that are quite accessible to the most modest home craftsman’s workshop.

First, from a round steel bar with a diameter of 10 mm, we will cut a blank 162 mm long for the bow. We will make a chamfer and two grooves on it, then bend the bow (with any lever with an eye or a nut welded at the end).

We will machine two bushings (from bronze) and two pins (from steel), as well as a blank for the lock body (from duralumin, bronze, brass). In the workpiece, we drill two holes with a diameter of 6 mm for the bushings, clamping it in the lathe chuck with an eccentricity of 5 mm. Then, inserting the bushings flush, drill at a distance of 8 mm from the end through hole“C” with a diameter of 10 mm - for the long end of the bow. Having marked the bushings “right” and “left”, we remove them from the body.

Fig. 1 Homemade combination padlock:
1 - body (duralumin, bronze, brass); 2 - bow (steel 40X, rod with a diameter of 10): 3 - bushings (bronze); 4 - retaining ring (steel, wire with a diameter of 2.5); 5-pin (steel 40Х, 2 pcs.).

Next, insert the long end of the bow into the hole prepared for it in the body, allowing the short end to rest against the body; Let's mark this place (as the center of the blind hole "G") and, measuring the distance "a", bring it to 6 mm, grinding off the short end of the bow.
Now let’s first screw the pins into the bushings until they stop, and then turn them out to an arbitrary distance (but less than 4 mm) and insert the bushings into the corresponding holes in the body according to the marks “left” and “right”. We fix them by inserting the long end of the bow into the through hole, after which we drill in the body parallel to it the previously planned blind hole “G” with a diameter of 10 mm to a depth of 21 mm. To control, we will insert the short end of the bow into it and, if necessary, modify it.

Again, let's analyze everything down to the details - we have to cut through the slots on the ends of the threaded parts of the pins (for a key screwdriver) with a hacksaw blade (with a sanded groove). For ease of use, the initial position of the splines should be the same. Let's assemble the lock again, but without inserting the short end of the shackle into the body; align the groove on its long end with the holes of the bushings. Using a screwdriver with a rod diameter of 3 mm through the holes in the bushings, check the freedom of axial movement of the pins; If necessary, we will polish the pins.

Fig.2. Marking a blind hole.

1- body (steel, hexagon 46...65); 2 - M6 screw (2 pcs.); 3 - spring washer (2 pcs.).

The subsequent steps are aimed directly at creating a secret code for the lock. Screw in one of the pins until it stops, then turn it out until its groove aligns with the hole in the body, counting the number of half turns. Let's write down the resulting number - this will be the code for this pin, corresponding to the “open” position. Let's make marks on the end of the case (sleeve) and the screwdriver-key for unlocking the lock.

To check, we will repeat the actions with a screwdriver-key blindly, counting to ourselves the code number of half-turns for a given pin, and if necessary, tighten the screwdriver until the marks align.

Let's repeat the same operations to create and check the code for the second pin. After this, remove the bow from the body and drill a through hole from below to a diameter of 12 mm to a depth of 10 mm.

Let's make semicircular grooves on the short end of the bow. To prevent an attacker’s hacksaw from overpowering the shackle, we will harden it and, if possible, oxidize the shackle and body against corrosion.

Now you can finally assemble the lock and install a wire retaining ring into the recess at the long end of the shackle, turning it until it fits freely into the prepared hole.

When making several of these locks, it is advisable to use a universal mandrel jig that eliminates markings. In this case, we will clamp the lock body blank in the jig using tightening screws MB and install it into the lathe chuck with end “B”.