Sowing cacti. We grow cacti at home from seeds. Everything you need to know. We sow cactus seeds and grow new interesting specimens

Usually, growing cacti from seeds is practiced in breeding work, since these plants reproduce well vegetative way. But it is quite possible to grow cacti from seeds at home; there is nothing complicated in this agricultural procedure. You can learn how to grow a cactus from seeds from the material provided. It talks about necessary tool and equipment, preparation of planting material and organization of seedling care. A description of the entire process of propagation by seedlings will allow every gardener to repeat this work. Before growing cacti from seeds at home, you need to prepare everything you need and be patient, since the initial growth and development of these crops will be very slow. Cacti grown from seeds at home can produce their first fruit only after 5-6 years. Otherwise, propagating cacti from seeds is not very difficult.

How to germinate and sow cactus seeds

Before planting a cactus from seeds, you should make sure that this variety or genus does not give rise to genetic mutations. If it retains all varietal characteristics, then the process will be exciting. The only thing is that before sowing cacti with seeds, you must follow a few basic rules. Thus, cactus seeds germinate, in accordance with the growth pattern of these plants in general, slowly; seedlings also develop slowly. In addition, although the seeds need moisture and warmth, on the other hand, cactus seedlings are very susceptible to fungal diseases. Therefore, when sowing seeds, you need to maintain the required humidity and at the same time strive to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. How to germinate cactus seeds is described in detail in this article further down the page. Sowing cactus seeds on a larger scale or propagating especially difficult, slow-growing cacti, which often have very small seeds, should only be carried out by experienced amateur cactus growers. The information necessary for this can be found in specialized literature. However, you can try to propagate suitable types of cacti with seeds - for example, fast-growing columnar cacti - if available simple means even novice amateurs. The seed plant is an interesting spectacle to watch, and also when grown with my own hands From the seed, the plant always receives a special treatment. Therefore, below are some recommendations for sowing cactus seeds.

What cactus seeds look like (with photo)

Specialty stores offer a wide variety of cactus seeds. Usually, for their first attempt, beginners choose either a mixture of seeds different varieties, either seeds of fast-growing columnar cacti or seeds of species that bloom a few years after planting, such as rebutia. You need to know what the seeds of the type and variety of cacti you are interested in look like, otherwise you will be disappointed in the future. Of course, you can also sow seeds received from another cactus lover. For sowing, you should use seeds that have been stored for no more than one or two years. To prevent possible damage to seedlings by fungal infections, seeds must be cleaned of possible residues of fruit pulp before sowing. To do this, pour larger seeds into a tea strainer, and smaller ones into a linen bag and wash them thoroughly in warm water, after which they are scattered on paper and dried. Look what cactus seeds look like - shown in the photo planting material different groups of these plants:

Before planting cactus seeds, prepare the soil and dishes

First we prepare the soil and dishes. Cactus seeds can be sown in low, wide or bowls, for example, made of styrofoam. Before planting cactus seeds, wash the dishes hot water. A convex clay shard is placed on the drainage hole, which, if necessary, can be made in the bottom of the bowl with a pencil. Then the container is filled 2/3, which should be especially loose and, if possible, contain more coarse sand or perlite. Steamed, and therefore well disinfected, soil mixture provides the best protection against fungal diseases, but this is not necessary. A layer of broken brick, crushed basalt (lava) or coarse sand is poured on top of the soil with a layer of 0.5 cm. This material is first sifted to a grain size of 1-2 mm, then washed to remove all small dust particles, dried and then scattered over the surface of the soil in a bowl. As a result, this layer will not be nutrient medium for randomly germinating pathogens.

Propagation of cacti by seeds in a mini-greenhouse

Propagating cacti by seeds in a mini-greenhouse has many advantages, since favorable conditions are created for the germination of planting material. The seeds of most cacti germinate especially well at temperatures between 20 and 25°C. Reducing the temperature to 15°C at night is often beneficial, but cooler conditions or temperatures above 35°C will slow or stop seed germination altogether.

The easiest way to maintain the desired temperature is in mini-greenhouses for growing seedlings, which have a special low-power electric heating cable laid along the bottom.

The most convenient are mini-greenhouses with a thermostat that allows you to regulate the temperature, but the need for this arises only when there are strong temperature changes in the room.
Of course, additional heating is not necessary if the mini-greenhouse is located in a heated living room, for example, on a windowsill under a radiator central heating, where the required temperature is constantly maintained. Thanks to the closed lid inside the greenhouse, higher air humidity is also achieved and maintained. Since cactus seeds need light to germinate, the mini-greenhouse must be placed in a bright place, for example, on the windowsill of a window facing north or east. However, it should not be in the sun, that is, on a sunny south or west window, since intense solar radiation very quickly heats the air inside a small enclosed space to critical values. Although cactus seeds require light for germination, it should be soft and not bright sunny.

Sowing cacti with seeds

When sowing, cactus seeds must be evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate. To do this, fold a piece of paper in half, pour the seeds into the resulting groove, after which, by lightly tapping the paper slightly inclined towards the bowl, sprinkle the seeds one at a time onto the soil surface.
Since cacti develop slowly and grow better in a community, the seeds are sown relatively densely. As a guide, you can indicate that approximately 20 cactus seeds are sown on the soil surface in a bowl measuring 2 x 2 cm.
After sowing cacti with seeds, they are lightly pressed into the soil using any object with a smooth surface, for example matchbox. Since cactus seeds need light to germinate, they are not sprinkled with soil on top.

After this, the seeds and substrate must be moistened. Of course, this cannot be done from a watering can, since in this case the seeds will be washed away from the surface of the soil by a stream of water. Therefore, the bowls with the sown seeds are placed in a container filled with settled water and kept there until the substrate is well saturated with moisture to the very top layer. To prevent fungal diseases, you can use a 0.05% solution of quinosol (1 tablet per 2 liters of water). Quinozol is a mild disinfectant. Finally, the seeding bowls or pots are placed in a mini-greenhouse, where, thanks to the transparent plastic cover the required substrate moisture will be maintained.

Germination of cactus seeds after planting

During germination after germination, the substrate should not dry out. Temperature is best monitored using a minimum-maximum thermometer.
The seeds of many cacti germinate within two weeks. It is interesting to observe how small green balls begin to appear on the surface of the soil and two well-defined cotyledons develop, between which a cactus stem later forms.
When most of the seeds have sprouted, the lid of the mini-greenhouse is slightly raised from time to time to reduce air humidity, and with it the risk of fungal infection. After three to four months, the bowls with seedlings can be removed from the greenhouse. Now they need to be placed in a bright and slightly sunny - however, not in the bright sun - place; since in natural conditions cactus seedlings grow in the light shade of adult cacti or under the protection of taller surrounding vegetation. It is best to let the seedlings develop for several months in the bowl where they sprouted. Now, between next waterings, the soil in the bowl should dry out slightly, however, despite this, the seedlings need to be watered more often than adult cacti, since a relatively looser soil mixture is used for sowing seeds, and the roots of the seedlings are not yet very well developed. Watering should continue to be done from below. To ensure that the seedlings grow healthy and the substrate does not become alkalized, potassium phosphate can be added to the irrigation water (1 g per 2 liters of water).


When the seedlings begin to form a dense cushion (curtain) in the bowl, they need to be planted into fresh soil.

In this case, the substrate in the planting plate or pot must be dry, then it easily disintegrates and allows the seedlings to be removed without damage. Young plants, which by this time have a diameter of about 0.5 cm, are not planted in separate small pots, but are planted in large numbers in larger pots or bowls.

Dishes for planting young plants are filled with relatively dry ordinary soil mixture for cacti. Then make a hole with a pencil or a pointed stick, place the seedling in it and carefully add soil from all sides.
Seedlings are planted from each other at a distance equal to approximately three times the diameter of the young plants. Afterwards, the seedlings are kept in a warm, shaded place; They are carefully watered not immediately after transplantation, but only a few days later, when any root damage that may have occurred has healed. When the seedlings take root in fresh soil - after about a week - they are again transferred to a bright place, slightly shaded from direct sunlight. Now the plants grow and develop relatively quickly and without any problems.

How to plant cacti with seeds in a closed plastic bag (with video)

Some cactus growers achieve good results using a simple method of sowing cactus seeds. Before planting cacti with seeds, pots or bowls are filled, as described above, with a well-steamed soil mixture and covered with a layer of sterile material such as sand, perlite, crushed basalt or pumice. Then cactus seeds are sown on the surface of the substrate and the crops are thoroughly watered from below, adding any fungicidal drug, such as quinozole, to the water.
After excess water has drained from the pot, place it inside a sealed (no holes) plastic bag, tie it and place or hang it in a bright, but not sunny, place.
Since the moisture in a closed plastic bag cannot evaporate, the crops do not need constant monitoring and can be left to their own devices for a quarter of the year. The decisive point for successfully obtaining seedlings using this sowing method is the exclusion of fungal infections.

After three to four months, the bags are opened, the substrate is slightly dried in bowls and the seedlings are picked, as described above. This simple method of sowing cacti is definitely worth trying, first of all, in the case when you have received - for example, from a familiar amateur cactus grower - a lot of seeds of some particularly hardy species. See how to properly propagate a cactus with seeds - the video demonstrates all the complex technical aspects of sowing, picking and organizing the care of seedlings:

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This is the most troublesome and most interesting way reproduction of cacti. It is from the seeds that the strongest and most beautiful specimens grow.

When to sow cacti

Theoretically, it is possible to sow cacti all year round, it all depends on how and how fully you can provide the seedlings with necessary conditions- light and warmth. Therefore, from a technical point of view, it is most convenient to sow cacti at the end of winter, beginning of spring: the days are longer, there is more sun, the heating is still on, which means the room is warm and you can use radiators to heat the crops.

Where to get cactus seeds

1. An ordinary flower shop sells mixtures of seeds of various types of cacti, for example, from the company Gavrish “Fidget Cactus”. Suitable for beginner cactus growers, because it’s cheap and cheerful - the mixture contains the most unpretentious species(mammillaria, rebutia, echinocacti, parodies).

2. Online stores sell seeds in mixes and various types separately. By appearance seeds it is usually impossible to determine their authenticity or freshness. And since many suppliers have rather high prices for seeds, you should only purchase them from online stores with an impeccable reputation (read reviews of stores). When ordering, pay attention to the minimum order amount (if you cooperate with friends, you can save on delivery).

3. Get the seeds yourself if you already have flowering cacti of the same type.

How to get seeds from your cacti

To carry out cross-pollination, you need to have two cacti that are unrelated to each other, i.e. those that were themselves grown from cuttings or from seeds different plants. The flowers from which the pollen will be taken must be fully bloomed, the pollen should be very easy to separate, so that it can be collected on a cotton ball or brush. Pollen from one flowering cactus is transferred to the flower of another, as a result, after some time a berry is formed in the place of the flower.

To obtain high-quality seeds, the berry must ripen. Then they carefully break it and take out the seeds, which can be stored in a paper bag, not forgetting to sign the name of the cactus and the date the seeds were received.

How to germinate cactus seeds

Conditions for germination of cactus seeds

For successful germination of seeds of many types of cacti, a daytime temperature of about +26°-30°C is required, and at night it is 7-10°C lower. Moderate soil moisture (not damp, not dry, but slightly damp) and high air humidity.

But as soon as the seeds germinate, there is an urgent need for the third and main growth factor - lighting. And the lighting must be very good!

Growth stimulants, which have proven themselves very well in rooting cuttings and germinating seeds of other indoor plants, are rarely used for cacti, since their effect on these particular plants has not been fully studied. If you want to try such a remedy, it is better to apply it to one cactus, and not to the entire collection.

What and where to sow seeds

To germinate and grow seeds, it is better to use a special greenhouse, which you can purchase in a store or make yourself. But if there is no opportunity to make or buy a greenhouse, then the seeds are simply sown in a bowl.

Drainage, approximately 7-10 mm high, is poured onto the bottom of a bowl (wide tray, low box). Then a layer of loose leaf soil about 2 cm high and a layer of well-washed river sand, about 1.5-2 cm high. The drainage is pre-drained with boiling water, and the soil and sand are fried in the oven or heated in the microwave for disinfection. Sand for sowing is suitable only from river sand, not from a sandbox and must be sifted to remove dust. It is desirable that the particle sizes be 1-3 mm. Unwashed and/or very fine sand, after getting wet, cakes, sticks together and forms a dense crust. This does not allow the nuts of the seedlings to breathe; they quickly die.

Before sowing, cactus seeds must be disinfected. The easiest way to do this is to use 3% hydrogen peroxide; just soak the seeds for 5-10 minutes.

Seeds are sown at a depth recommended for a particular species. Seeds up to 3 mm in size, especially small, dusty ones, are not sprinkled with sand; they are sown directly on the surface. Larger seeds can be sown in furrows no more than 3 mm deep. You have to sow cacti either by hand, selecting each seed individually, or sprinkle very small seeds on the surface of the sand with a pinch. It is advisable to sow seeds with a pinch, of which there are a lot and during germination it is not a pity to thin out the seedlings. If the seeds are rare or have a limited number, plant each one separately.

By the way, the most experienced cactus growers on our forum have already shared their secrets.

Caring for cactus crops

Now the seeds have been sown, now they need to be sprayed with a spray bottle. It should be adjusted so that no stream of water is formed, but only the smallest droplets. When moistened from a sprayer, the seeds naturally go deeper into the sand, and the soil does not erode.

In the literature, there are often recommendations to water crops or seedlings by immersing a bowl in water; this recommendation is usually reprinted from old books published in those days when flower sprayers were not yet on the shelves of flower shops, and watering from a watering can threatened to wash away all the work and hope. Therefore, forget about regular watering - it is best to spray cacti once or twice a day.

The bowl or box with the crops should be covered with glass or cling film so that the air humidity remains high enough. Ventilate at least twice a day. Regular ventilation is a prerequisite for normal germination and growth of seedlings. During ventilation, condensation from the film or glass must be removed. The fact is that humidity needs to be high, but not 100%, and condensation can lead to a short circuit if the lamp is inside the greenhouse.

By the way, when high humidity, which is created in a greenhouse or glass-covered bowl, blue-green algae inevitably appears. It looks like greening of the sand or the walls of the bowl. Blue-green algae itself is not harmful, but it can form a thick crust on the surface of the substrate, cutting off oxygen, and is simply an irritant. To reduce the formation of greenery (it is almost impossible to get rid of completely) you need systematic ventilation. You can loosen the sand between the rows of crops. If there is a lot of greenery, it is easier to plant the cacti in fresh soil.

The time it takes to germinate depends on the type of cacti. Some take a few days, others will take a month or even several months to germinate. The timing of germination also depends on the storage period of the seeds. Typically, fresh seeds germinate faster than seeds that have been stored for more than a year. After the seeds sprout, they are seedlings with two well-defined cotyledons, characteristic of all cacti, so it is very difficult to immediately determine from the seedlings which cactus it is.

If you know that the seeds should already sprout, but this does not happen, the seeds are strong and healthy in appearance, then you can use the method that is practiced by many cactus growers. The bowl with the seeds is moved to a cooler place and not watered until the soil dries out. After two weeks or more, the seeds are again taken to a warm place and watered. This procedure stimulates seed germination. In some cases, you should forget about the seeds in a bowl for six months or a year and put them in a dry place with a moderate temperature. Try again next spring. Some of the seeds may sprout, although less strong plants will grow from this batch.

Growing cacti from seeds requires bottom heating (soil heating); most require a temperature of about 30°C for germination. The easiest way is to place the bowl with the seeds on a heating pad. It is also possible to use a battery if sowing is carried out in heating season. But as soon as the seeds germinate, install lighting above them. There is another option - a thermal mat for a terrarium, or a thermal cord. There are thermal cords for completely dry terrariums, 3 meters or more in length. This is convenient if the crop plantations are large. The only note: you should play it safe and regularly check the soil temperature with a thermometer.

Lighting cactus seedlings is a very important point. All seedlings, without exception, are very demanding of light. If it is not enough, the babies stretch out, become weak, get sick, and die. Even on a southern windowsill, in most cases there is not enough light for seedlings. Think ahead and stock up on lamps or lamps. They need to be placed so that the distance from the crops to the fluorescent lamp(s) is no more than 10 cm. It is better to use tube lamps - with them the lighting is more uniform. Illumination duration is 8-12 hours.

Sometimes the emerging seedling seems to lie on its side, and the young roots stick out to the side. You need a thin stick, you can use a pencil to make a hole under the roots, and lift the seedling so that the roots are in this hole, there is no need to press it with earth, it will fix itself in the soil or sand.

The seedling has appeared, but the stuck seed shell does not want to separate from the sprout - this happens quite often - you must carefully remove the remaining shell, if it holds on too tightly, then the seedling may have to be removed from the soil to remove the shell.

One of the seedlings has rotted - urgently check all the remaining seedlings, and remove the dead one along with the lump of earth or sand that surrounded it. If another seedling dies, then all remaining seedlings must be immediately planted in new, disinfected soil.

Picking cactus seedlings

The question of when to make the first pick is quite controversial among cactus growers. Some advise diving after the first thorns appear, others set the time - after a year or two. The fact is that cactus seedlings grow differently - some species grow very slowly, others by leaps and bounds. In addition, the growth rate depends on the conditions - those grown in a greenhouse in warmth, with good light and high air humidity grow much faster than without heating and additional lighting. Well, manual skill (delicate work) is also an important factor. Children are easily injured and are more likely to lose some crops. Therefore, sometimes it is better to endure slow maturation, but keep the crops intact.

I follow the advice of experienced cactus growers and pick my seedlings for the first time after something that looks like spines or even hairs appears between the cotyledons. Frequent picking, on average, after one and a half to two months, significantly accelerates the growth of cacti. Thus, I picked my cacti 6 times in the first year of life, and the next year they were already almost mature plants, and it was no longer picking, but rather transshipment into fresh soil in the spring and mid-summer. But sometimes, due to the rampant growth of blue-green algae, it was necessary to dive unscheduled.

Rules for picking cactus seedlings

  1. You cannot pull seedlings out of the soil by the crown. They carefully dig up, but it is better to hold the seedling with your fingers rather than with metal tweezers. You can use tweezers if you put rubber tubes from a dropper on the ends. Seedlings must be handled with extreme caution; every wound, even a microscopic one, can be disastrous for it.
  2. Before picking, the soil is moistened and depressions are made in it. The removed seedling is transferred to a new place along with a lump of soil. The soil is not watered, but only sprayed. The bowl is covered with glass and is in the same conditions, i.e. on heating and light, as before.
  3. If you want to remove seedlings from heating, then this should be done no earlier than two weeks after picking.

Many gardeners prefer not to buy indoor plants in the store, but to grow them themselves at home. The advantage of plants grown at home is that it is possible to create the most best conditions and get healthy, strong plants for your collection. In addition, it is less expensive than purchasing plants from a specialty store each time.

By growing plants yourself, you can even acquire rare varieties and pure lines of indoor flowers. Cacti from seeds can also be grown at home. The main thing is to follow all growing recommendations.

Growing cacti from seeds

Anyone can grow a cactus from seeds at home. The process does not require large expenses or special knowledge, and if everything is done correctly, then soon new specimens will appear in the home flower garden. An important role in growing cacti at home is played by the time of sowing seeds.

The most favorable time is the middle and end of February. In February the daylight hours are longer and sun rays They are already warming up well. Experienced flower growers When growing cacti, professional tools are used - special lamps, greenhouses. But cacti can be grown using available materials.

Preparing for sowing

Cactus seeds will require greenhouse conditions for successful germination. Therefore, the most suitable container for this is cake packaging. It is wide, comfortable, and the lid should be transparent. You can purchase mini greenhouses at a garden supply store. All planting containers - trays and lids must be thoroughly washed with laundry soap and wiped with a cotton swab dipped in potassium permanganate.

This treatment will prevent the development of mold and fungi in the soil, which can cause significant harm to seeds and seedlings. You need to make holes in the bottom of the tray so that you can then water the plants through it. After preparing the planting containers, they begin to prepare the soil for the cacti.

It is pre-disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or placed in hot oven. The soil can be purchased at the store; it should be intended specifically for cacti.

Sowing seeds

The greenhouse is filled with soil mixture. The layer thickness should be 2-4 cm, this will be enough. Before sowing, water the soil from a tray with boiled water at a temperature of about 50 degrees. Using a ruler, you need to level the soil, and then cut grooves every 1.5–2 cm.

Seeds are sown at intervals of 1 cm; for convenience, you can do this with a toothpick dipped in water or a needle. After sowing, the seeds do not need to be covered with soil. If they are different varieties, then it is better to sow them in different greenhouses, or, as a last resort, divide one in half with a paper partition.

After sowing, close the greenhouse lid tightly and place it on the windowsill. Shoots will appear in about 3–10 days.

After sprouting, it is necessary to carefully care for them so that the cacti grow healthy and strong.

Caring for cactus seedlings

To grow cacti at home you need not only to sow the seeds, but also to organize good care for the emerging seedlings.


This is the most important point of care. If the conditions in the greenhouse are not warm enough, the plants may die or be stunted.

Therefore, during the daytime it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 25 degrees Celsius, and at night not higher than +20 degrees. This difference between day and night temperatures contributes to the emergence of friendly shoots and good growth of cacti seedlings.

The temperature in the greenhouse must be measured periodically so that if there is a lack of heat, measures can be taken to increase the temperature. You should not expose the greenhouse to direct sunlight, especially when the seedlings have already appeared.

Soil and air humidity

Adult cacti can survive without moisture for a long time, but young seedlings are very susceptible to its lack. Even short-term drought can lead to their damage or death. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that the soil in the greenhouse is always moist.

Cacti should only be watered from a tray. Water for irrigation should be boiled and warm. A month after the emergence of seedlings, you can begin to accustom the plants to regular watering and short-term droughts.


Greenhouse conditions deprive plants of access to oxygen, so the greenhouse with seedlings must be ventilated daily. This will promote good development of the root system. The first ventilation is done on the eighth day after sowing.

Do not open the entire lid all at once. First, they open it slightly, gradually widening the gap. In the second month, you can pierce holes in the lid so that the greenhouse is constantly ventilated.


After the seedlings grow a little and they feel a bit cramped in the greenhouse, they are plucked. Increase the space between plants. When picking, you will need one or two more greenhouses; they are prepared in the same way as when sowing.

They also disinfect the soil, level it and make furrows. You need to be very careful when removing plants from the soil, so it’s better to use a fork. The transplant is done together with a lump of earth.


For cacti to develop properly, they need good lighting. If the greenhouses are located on the windowsill, then it is necessary to shade them, avoiding direct sunlight. When exposed to bright sun, the skin on young cacti begins to turn red; in this case, you need to immediately shade the plants and after a while they will again acquire a green tint.

Growing a cactus from seeds is not as difficult as many may think. When growing, you can completely do without expensive equipment and use improvised means. In addition, this method of cultivation will allow you to have any varieties and types of cacti in your collection, not limited to the selection in flower shops.

Reproduction and cultivation of adenium from seeds at home Growing abitulone from seeds at home

Growing a cactus from seeds is very troublesome, but it is also incredibly interesting if you are interested in plant breeding. It is with this method of reproduction that beautiful and strong specimens are obtained. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the characteristics of a variety are not always transmitted through seeds. Although you can get very unexpected and interesting results in the form of new varieties.

When to sow cacti

Theoretically, propagation of cacti can be carried out all year round, if you can provide them with the proper conditions. The main ones are light and heat. Therefore, it is recommended to sow them at the end of winter or early spring. At this time, the air temperature gradually rises and daylight hours increase. The ideal period is March - April. With earlier sowing, it will be necessary to artificially provide the seedlings with lighting. If there is not enough light, they will stretch too high. If you let them germinate later, the plants may not get stronger by winter.

Where to get seeds for sowing cacti

The first question that a gardener needs to solve is where to get cactus seeds. You can get them in three ways. Firstly, you can go to the nearest flower shop and buy a mixture seeds of the most unpretentious varieties: echinocacti, rebutia, mammillaria and others. This ideal option for beginner cactus growers.

Secondly, you can find seeds individual species in specialized online stores. But in this case you need to be confident in the seller. Even with a detailed examination, it is not always possible to distinguish between the freshness of planting material and the authenticity of the variety.

Third and most reliable way- collect the seeds yourself. But it is only available to those who already have a cactus of the desired variety.

How to get seeds from your cacti

To independently propagate cacti by seeds, you need to have two such plants that were grown from seeds or cuttings. It is extremely important that the planting material from which they grew was not collected from the same cactus. That is, the plants should not be “blood relatives,” even though they belong to the same variety.

Cacti cross pollinate. Pollen is taken from a fully bloomed flower; it should be easily separated and deposited on a brush or cotton ball. It is transferred to a flower of another plant and they wait for a berry to form in place of the flower.

Did you know? Types of cacti such as Cereus, Mammillaria, some Echinocactus ailostera, and most Rebutia do not require cross-pollination. It is enough to shake off the pollen of a flower on the stigma of its own pistil with a brush.

To get viable seeds, you need to wait for the berry to ripen. When it dries, break it, take out the seeds and put it in a paper bag.

It must be signed with the name of the variety, since the seeds of cacti are small and similar.

Everything about germinating cactus seeds

So, you have purchased or received planting material yourself. Now we need to figure out how to plant cactus seeds.

Conditions for germination

Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seeds for 12 hours, or better yet, for a day. To do this, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is dangerous to use growth stimulants for this, since their effect on cacti has not been fully studied. If you want to take a chance, soak a small amount of planting material in them and plant them separately from the entire collection.

Important! It is recommended to open the seed packets over a piece of white paper. Cactus seeds are so small that they resemble dust. Therefore, such precautions will help preserve and not lose the seed. Similarly, it is recommended to soak them in individual bags made of filtered paper on which the variety is written.

The soaking procedure will help not only awaken the seeds, but also clean them of any remaining berry pulp. This will reduce the risk of mold in the planting pot and provide a healthy environment for the plant. For seeds to germinate, during the day they need an air temperature of approximately +26...30 ° C, and at night it should drop by ten degrees. The air should be moist and the soil moderately moist. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the seeds have sprouted, they need to be provided with good lighting.

What, where and how to sow seeds

Cactus - heat-loving plant, therefore it is recommended to grow it from seeds in a special greenhouse. You can buy it at any specialized store, or you can build on our own. But they germinate well in an ordinary bowl.

To plant, the bowl is covered with a 1-2 cm drainage layer of expanded clay or small pebbles, which must first be doused with boiling water. Then pour out the soil, previously calcined in the oven or microwave. It should consist of part sand with crushed charcoal, part turf land, two parts of leaf humus. The top of the soil should be covered one and a half centimeters with river sand, also disinfected and cleared of dust.

Important! In order not to confuse the planted varieties, it is recommended to separate the container with strips of plastic or glass, and assign each compartment a tag with an inscription so as not to confuse the seedlings. Usually they put numbers on the tags, and separately form a list with names under these numbers. It is advisable to form it alphabetically. Then, if the list gets lost, you can easily restore it, knowing exactly which varieties were sown.

Sowing cacti with seeds is carried out based on the recommendations for each variety. But according to general rule small seeds, up to 3 mm, are sown directly on the surface, without sprinkling with soil. For larger ones, trenches are made to the depth of their size, placed at the same distance from each other and sprinkled with soil on top. You can sow them in pinches if the variety is not very valuable and you don’t mind thinning out the seedlings later. Otherwise, they are planted each separately.

Did you know? The seeds of the Parodia variety cactus are so small that for sowing they are mixed with sand and poured into a groove made from paper.

The earth is not watered, but sprayed with a spray bottle. This is especially true for those that are not covered with soil. The soil must be covered with glass and placed in a place with artificial heating. It is important that the earth warms up to a temperature not lower than +30 °C during the day and +20 °C at night. To do this, place the bowl on a central heating radiator or heating pad. Alternatively, you can use a thermal cord or a thermal mat for the terrarium. But in this case, it is recommended to install a thermometer in the ground and monitor its readings.
Shoots are expected in two weeks, however, they are rarely friendly. As a rule, the last seeds germinate within a month, but some varieties germinate after two or more months. Germination also depends on age seed material. Fresher seeds germinate faster. As soon as the first seedlings appear, the glass should be removed, lighting should be added and the night temperature should be lowered to +2...5 °C so that the sprouts do not stretch.

If all possible periods for seed germination have already passed, but nothing has happened, and the seeds themselves look healthy, use this method of awakening them. The bowl is put in a cool place and not watered for about two weeks or a little more. It is important that the soil dries well. Then the bowl is returned to a warm place and watering is resumed. This stress should awaken the seeds. If this does not help, put the bowl in a dry place and do not touch it for six months or a year. Next spring, the procedure can be repeated, but germination will be lower than expected, and the plants will not be as strong.

Caring for cactus crops

It is important not only to know how to plant a cactus with seeds, but also how to care for the seedlings. The first thing to think about is watering. You can find recommendations about immersing the bowl in water to moisten the soil. But this is an old method that was used before the advent of small spray guns. Now for watering it is recommended to spray the soil with a fine spray once or twice a day.
The improvised greenhouse must be regularly ventilated, also twice a day. During this procedure, be sure to remove any condensation that has formed from the walls of the bowl and the covering material. 100% humidity is dangerous for cacti, and if there is still a lamp inside the greenhouse, this can lead to a short circuit.

In addition, high humidity leads to the appearance of blue-green algae on the soil and walls of the bowl. The algae themselves do not pose any danger to cacti, but their thick cover blocks the access of oxygen to the roots of the plant. It is completely unrealistic to get rid of them, so it is recommended, in addition to regular ventilation, to periodically loosen the rows of crops. If there is too much algae, it is better to dive the cacti into fresh soil.

Did you know? Even if you sowed one variety of cactus, its seedlings may be different in color: various shades of brown, gray, green, purple or pink color. Without knowing this, they can easily be confused with lumps of earth or grains of sand. But as they grow, the color evens out, and the cacti acquire a color characteristic of this species.

Seed propagation is carried out in good light, since any variety of cacti is demanding of light. If there is not enough of it, the plants become stretched, weaken, begin to hurt and ultimately die. Even on a window sill on the south side there is not enough light for them, so you need to purchase fluorescent lamps and lamps in advance, preferably in the form of tubes. They are installed so that the lamp is located above the ground at a distance of no more than 10 cm. Lighting must be maintained for at least 8 hours a day.

In such conditions, seedlings should survive the first two years. In summer, they can be taken out onto the balcony, protecting them from the scorching sun and strong wind. In the third year in winter, they are given a period of rest, kept in a cool temperature. Then by next summer they will delight you with their first bloom.

Possible difficulties with crops

When sowing and growing cacti crops, some difficulties may arise that are characteristic of the cultivation of these plants. For example, it may turn out that the seedling has sprouted sideways and some of the roots are growing in the direction opposite to the ground. In this case, a hole is carefully made under the seedling with a thin stick, and the seedling itself is also carefully lifted until the roots fall into this hole. You cannot press them down with earth, as they are fragile and can break. Over time, they will attach themselves to the ground.

Another common problem is a shell stuck to the seed that it cannot throw off. This happens often, but the problem must be dealt with immediately. At best, there will be traces of the clamp on the top of the sprout. In the worst case, the seedling will begin to rot under the shell or other diseases will develop there. Therefore, the remaining shell must be carefully removed with a soft brush. If this fails, the seedling will have to be removed from the soil, slowly and carefully remove the cap with your fingers, and then plant the sprout again.

Did you know? A damp and cool environment is detrimental to cacti. In such conditions they become moldy and die. At the same time, dry cold, as well as high heat, do not have such a destructive effect on either cacti or seeds.

If the seedling has rotted, it must be urgently removed along with a lump of earth from the bowl and a drop of alcohol should be dropped into the hole. We also need to check the other shoots that surrounded it. Keep following them. In the event of a relapse, all cacti are under threat, and only picking seedlings can save them. There is clearly an infection in the bowl, and the seedlings can die in just a couple of days.

As already mentioned, algae or mold can develop in a humid environment. They should be removed as far as possible, and the affected areas should be sprinkled with ash. The next year, plants from this environment dive into fresh soil.

It happens that one or more seedlings simply die for no apparent reason. In this case, they are removed along with a lump of earth, and alcohol is dripped into the hole.

Picking cactus seedlings

Among those who grow cacti from seeds, there is no consensus on when to plant plants. Some cactus growers recommend starting this procedure when the first spines appear on the cacti, others - strictly after a year or two of the plant’s life. We must understand that different varieties of these plants develop differently. Some are formed at a rapid pace, others take years. In addition, the speed of development is also affected by the quality of their care: heat, lighting, temperature, humidity. Another important factor is the skills of the cactus grower himself in processing soil and plants. This is a very delicate job, since the sprouts of cacti are fragile and if handled improperly, they can easily be injured, losing part of the crops. Therefore, sometimes it is better to refrain from picking until the plants get stronger.

At the same time, experienced cactus growers claim that frequent picking has a positive effect on the formation of the root system and the growth of cacti. It is recommended to replant young shoots in the first year of life, even every month and a half. Then by the second year they will become noticeably stronger. Remember that the appearance of blue algae in a bowl usually forces unscheduled replanting.
Picking is carried out using a picking peg. Plants are planted at a distance of a centimeter from each other. The procedure must be carried out adhering to certain rules.

Under no circumstances should seedlings be pulled out of the ground by their sprouts. They must first be carefully dug up so that the sprout is easily separated from the soil with a lump of earth on the roots. Take it out really better with your hands, and not with metal objects. As a last resort, rubber caps from the dropper are put on the tweezers. Seedlings are very fragile, and even a small wound can be fatal.

The new soil where the plant will be planted is moistened in advance. A depression is made in it approximately the size of a lump of earth with the roots of a seedling. Having inserted it into the hole, do not press the earth, but spray it with a spray bottle. Then the bowl is covered with film or glass and the same conditions are provided as before. When it’s time to remove the seedlings from heating, keep in mind that this can only be done two weeks after picking, otherwise they may die.

Propagating cacti by seeds is simple if you know the nuances of this process and adhere to the basic rules of cultivation. It is only important to remember that cacti do not like high humidity at low temperatures, and their seedlings are very fragile and delicate. If you stock up on knowledge and patience, in three to four years a plant grown from seed will delight you with its first flowers.

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Many gardeners prefer not to buy indoor plants in the store, but to grow them themselves at home. The advantage of growing plants at home is that you can create the best conditions and get healthy, strong plants for your collection. In addition, it is less expensive than purchasing plants from a specialty store each time.

By growing plants yourself, you can even acquire rare varieties and pure lines of indoor flowers. Cacti from seeds can also be grown at home. The main thing is to follow all growing recommendations.

Growing cacti from seeds

Anyone can grow a cactus from seeds at home. The process does not require large expenses or special knowledge, and if everything is done correctly, then soon new specimens will appear in the home flower garden. An important role in growing cacti at home is played by the time of sowing seeds.

The most favorable time is the middle and end of February. In February, the daylight hours are longer and the sun's rays are already warming up well. Experienced gardeners use professional tools when growing cacti - special lamps, greenhouses. But cacti can be grown using available materials.

Preparing for sowing

Cactus seeds will require greenhouse conditions for successful germination. Therefore, the most suitable container for this is cake packaging. It is wide, comfortable, and the lid should be transparent. You can purchase mini greenhouses at a garden supply store. All planting containers - trays and lids must be thoroughly washed with laundry soap and wiped with a cotton swab dipped in potassium permanganate.

This treatment will prevent the development of mold and fungi in the soil, which can cause significant harm to seeds and seedlings. You need to make holes in the bottom of the tray so that you can then water the plants through it. After preparing the planting containers, they begin to prepare the soil for the cacti.

It is pre-disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or placed in a hot oven. The soil can be purchased at the store; it should be intended specifically for cacti.

Sowing seeds

The greenhouse is filled with soil mixture. The layer thickness should be 2-4 cm, this will be enough. Before sowing, water the soil from a tray with boiled water at a temperature of about 50 degrees. Using a ruler, you need to level the soil, and then cut grooves every 1.5–2 cm.

Seeds are sown at intervals of 1 cm; for convenience, you can do this with a toothpick dipped in water or a needle. After sowing, the seeds do not need to be covered with soil. If they are different varieties, then it is better to sow them in different greenhouses, or, as a last resort, divide one in half with a paper partition.

After sowing, close the greenhouse lid tightly and place it on the windowsill. Shoots will appear in about 3–10 days.

After sprouting, it is necessary to carefully care for them so that the cacti grow healthy and strong.

Caring for cactus seedlings

To grow cacti at home, you need not only to sow the seeds, but also to organize good care for the emerging seedlings.


This is the most important point of care. If the conditions in the greenhouse are not warm enough, the plants may die or be stunted.

Therefore, during the daytime it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 25 degrees Celsius, and at night not higher than +20 degrees. This difference between day and night temperatures contributes to the emergence of friendly shoots and good growth of cacti seedlings.

The temperature in the greenhouse must be measured periodically so that if there is a lack of heat, measures can be taken to increase the temperature. You should not expose the greenhouse to direct sunlight, especially when the seedlings have already appeared.

Soil and air humidity

Adult cacti can survive without moisture for a long time, but young seedlings are very susceptible to its lack. Even short-term drought can lead to their damage or death. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that the soil in the greenhouse is always moist.

Cacti should only be watered from a tray. Water for irrigation should be boiled and warm. A month after the emergence of seedlings, you can begin to accustom the plants to regular watering and short-term droughts.


Greenhouse conditions deprive plants of access to oxygen, so the greenhouse with seedlings must be ventilated daily. This will promote good development of the root system. The first ventilation is done on the eighth day after sowing.

Do not open the entire lid all at once. First, they open it slightly, gradually widening the gap. In the second month, you can pierce holes in the lid so that the greenhouse is constantly ventilated.


After the seedlings grow a little and they feel a bit cramped in the greenhouse, they are plucked. Increase the space between plants. When picking, you will need one or two more greenhouses; they are prepared in the same way as when sowing.

They also disinfect the soil, level it and make furrows. You need to be very careful when removing plants from the soil, so it’s better to use a fork. The transplant is done together with a lump of earth.


In order for cacti to develop properly, they need good lighting. If the greenhouses are located on the windowsill, then it is necessary to shade them, avoiding direct sunlight. When exposed to bright sun, the skin on young cacti begins to turn red; in this case, you need to immediately shade the plants and after a while they will again acquire a green tint.

Growing a cactus from seeds is not as difficult as many may think. When growing, you can completely do without expensive equipment and use improvised means. In addition, this method of cultivation will allow you to have any varieties and types of cacti in your collection, not limited to the selection in flower shops.

Reproduction and cultivation of adenium from seeds at home Growing abitulone from seeds at home

The cactus is unusual and interesting plant and has a large number of fans. Thanks to widespread and high popularity is the question of it seed propagation quite relevant. Many novice gardeners mistakenly believe that growing cacti using seeds is a complicated and tedious process. However, if you follow certain rules and strictly follow the recommendations of experts, anyone can grow a prickly plant.

The right time to sow

Before you start growing cactus from seeds, you need to consider that The most favorable time for sowing is early spring. The choice of this time of year to begin planting work is not accidental: it is at this time that daylight hours gradually increase and the intensity of sunlight increases.

Thus, March crops become quite large and viable by the beginning of winter. The past 6 months are enough for them to not only gain weight, but also accumulate a sufficient amount of useful substances necessary for wintering. If the seeds are planted at another time of the year - for example, in the summer, then they simply will not have enough time to gain strength before the onset of cold weather and shorter daylight hours.

Planting seeds in winter gives good results, however, young shoots will require additional lighting– such that the total duration of daylight hours is at least 12 hours. In addition, the plants will need to be provided with greenhouse conditions of temperature and humidity, which is quite problematic to do in the winter months. Autumn planting are excluded in principle. During this period, nature falls asleep, the rhythm of plant development slows down and seed germination will not give the desired result.

Seed selection

Choosing seed material is a responsible task, and it is better for novice gardeners to purchase it in a specialized store.

Such plants include cactus variety "Fidget", which belongs to the genus Echinocereus Engelmannii and is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and beautiful flowering. Seeds of cacti of the genus Lobivia (lat. Lobivia), which numbers about 100 different species, demonstrate stable germination.

One more important point What you should pay attention to when purchasing seed is its freshness, since The shelf life of the seeds is only 6 months. You should purchase products only from trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves only with positive side. One of them is Gavrish company, which produces excellent seed material and has been present on the domestic market for a long time.

More experienced cactus lovers can obtain the seeds themselves. To do this, they need to wait for the flowering of two unrelated individuals belonging to the same variety, and use a brush to cross-pollinate. Then you just need to wait for the fruits to appear and ripen, and start collecting seeds. The disadvantage of this method is the production of identical offspring and the duration of the process.

Pot and soil

After the planting material has been selected, it is necessary to start preparing the nutrient substrate. The best option It would be better to buy special soil in the store, but if this is not possible, then you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, take washed river sand, leaf humus, crushed charcoal and mix them in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. The prepared composition is placed on a baking sheet and sent to the oven.

Disinfection is carried out for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The procedure is mandatory and is due to the absence of a resistance mechanism infectious diseases in cactus seeds. Then drainage is prepared using fine expanded clay or perlite. It must also be disinfected by pouring boiling water over it.

It is better to plant seeds in shallow plastic container, the height of which does not exceed 8 cm. The bottom of the cup must have perforation, ensuring the free outflow of excess liquid. As for the color of the pots, then the best option The containers will become white matte, not prone to absorbing sunlight and protecting the young shoots from overheating.

Besides, The cups should have transparent lids that will cover the planted seeds. Before sowing, the dishes must be boiled or treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Disposable salad containers are quite suitable as such containers. Of course, you shouldn’t boil them, but you can treat them with potassium permanganate.


Before planting the seeds in the ground, it is recommended to soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This event will help not only prevent the development of fungal infections, but also awaken the seeds. The time they remain in the solution should not exceed 12 hours. While the seeds are soaking, a drainage layer 1-2 cm thick is placed in the prepared container and 3-4 cm of the prepared substrate is poured on top. In this case, 1/3 of the pot should remain unfilled.

Then the soil is shed with warm boiled water, and using a toothpick or match make shallow holes in it at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

Seeds should be planted one at a time in each hole, without covering them with soil, since the germination of cacti is carried out strictly on the surface of the substrate.

After all the seeds have been distributed among the holes, the soil on top is carefully sprayed with water, the container is closed with a transparent lid and placed in a warm, well-lit place. The optimal temperature inside the greenhouse will be +25 degrees. If the room is too cold, then it will be much more difficult to germinate the seeds, and already at +15 degrees the process may stop altogether.

A couple of weeks after sowing, seed germination will become clearly visible, and with the appearance of the first thorns, the plants will need to be ventilated daily by removing the lid for a few minutes. Water the young shoots either with a spray bottle or by immersing the pot in a basin of water. As soon as the top layer of the substrate gets wet, the container is removed from the basin and placed on a tray to drain excess liquid. To avoid the appearance of fungus, many breeders recommend using 0.5% solution of "Quinozol", diluting one tablet of the drug in two liters of water.

Further care

Growing young shoots at home is not at all difficult. To do this, you must adhere to certain rules of care, which include regular watering, fertilizing, and also creating comfortable conditions temperature, illumination and humidity.


In order to grow a cactus healthy and strong, you must carefully maintain the water balance. In this regard, the plant is quite demanding, and when insufficient watering or excessive moisture may die.

The growing cactus should be watered as soon as the substrate has dried to a depth of 1 cm.

The procedure is best performed using a pipette or sprayer, and under no circumstances use a watering can. At first, water for irrigation should be boiled and used only when warm.


As mentioned above, it is better to sow seeds in the spring: then the period of active growth will occur during the natural increase in daytime temperatures and the amount of solar heat increasing every day. Thus, the optimal temperature for growing cacti is considered to be +23.25 degrees Celsius. At night, the temperature is allowed to drop to +13.18 degrees, provided that all the seeds have already sprouted and small cacti have formed. The maximum permissible temperature for growing a flower is +30 degrees.


Young cacti need long daylight hours and sufficient ultraviolet light. However The lighting of the flower should be diffused. It is unacceptable to allow young immature plants to be exposed to direct sunlight. The optimal location for the pots will be a table near the window. More mature and stronger plants can be placed on the windowsill, placing them in the shade of large flowers.

Top dressing

Feeding young shoots should be done in small quantities once every 2 weeks until October. As additives, special mineral preparations for cacti are used, containing sufficient amounts of calcium, phosphorus and potassium with a minimal presence of nitrogen.

After the plant gets stronger and forms a strong root system, it is periodically fertilized with a solution of potassium phosphate added to the irrigation water.

Transplanting sprouts

3-4 months after planting, young plants should be transplanted. To do this, take separate pots or plastic glasses with a volume of 0.5 liters and make several holes in the bottom. Then expanded clay, crushed stone or crushed brick is placed at the bottom of each of them and the same soil that was used for planting is poured. The pots should be filled in such a way so that there is a margin of 1-2 cm to the top of the walls of the glass. Make a small depression in the center of the substrate with your finger, remove the small cactus from the greenhouse and, together with a lump of earth, transfer it to a new place.

The soil around the plant is carefully compacted and sprayed with a spray bottle. After the young cactus takes root, watering is done using a regular watering can with a divider. You can replant cacti to a permanent place in permanent pots no earlier than when they reach one year of age. Subsequently, the plants are replanted as they grow.

Growing rare plants from seeds - a real pleasure for the gardener. And growing something as exotic as cacti from seeds is something incredible. And yet, growing them is not particularly difficult if certain conditions are met. And the mass positive emotions you will benefit from this process!

Experienced cactus growers have special greenhouses with lamps and reflectors designed for this sacrament. But to successfully grow your own cacti, all these attributes are not required, although they are desirable. It is quite possible to grow cacti from seeds without these “bells and whistles”, if only you had the desire and good quality seeds:

Preparing seeding equipment for growing cactus

It is better to sow each species separately, or two species together in small boxes (for example, children's cubes), which are then conveniently placed in one common bowl.

You can also sow in one plastic or ceramic bowl with a depth of at least 3 cm, which is divided into cells using vertical partitions. The sowing site of each species is marked with a number or name. Beforehand, the dishes must be thoroughly washed and disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, bleach or formaldehyde. Ceramic dishes It is advisable to boil it. All preparation is done on the eve of sowing.

Preparing the seed substrate for growing cactus

The substrate for sowing must be well-permeable to air and water, poor nutrients, capable of retaining moisture, having a slightly acidic reaction (pH-6) and being sterile. These requirements are met by a mixture of equal parts of sifted leaf soil and coarse washed lime-free sand, with a small addition of sifted peat and charcoal powder. More complex compositions do not have noticeable advantages.

To sterilize, the finished mixture is poured into a pan, moistened well, tightly closed with a lid and placed in the oven, where the temperature is maintained at 200 - 250 ° C. Three liters of the mixture are sterilized for 1-1.5 hours. For smaller quantities of the mixture, the duration of sterilization is reduced.

It is also convenient to carry out sterilization over steam in a pressure cooker. After sterilization, the substrate should remain moist. Sterilization is performed on the eve of sowing. For drainage, use small pebbles, well washed and boiled.

Preparing cactus seeds at home

The process of preparing cactus seeds for planting is similar to many vegetable plants. Soaking them in a potassium permanganate solution will help speed up germination, and the rotting process will be minimized.

It is important to remember that the seeds can be planted a day after soaking. Longer soaking in water will lead to the appearance of long sprouts, which, unfortunately, break off easily.

Planting cactus seeds at home

In any planting bowl there should be three layers: the first is drainage, then a layer of prepared soil, which should be compacted to remove the resulting voids, the top layer is looser and finer, for this the soil must be sifted through a strainer.

Level the surface, plant seeds using a needle or small brush, and additionally moisten. You need to create a shelter from transparent plastic or glass on top, and place the containers in a warm, bright place. To moisturize, use a pipette or spray bottle, do not allow it to dry out. Monitor the temperature, which should be within +25°C.

After 2-3 months, it is already possible to pick the seedlings, which promotes better growth thorny plants and reducing diseases.

A few words about picking cacti

Grown-up cacti, on which the first spines and delicate hairs have already begun to emerge, must be replanted, and together with a lump of earth around the root. A thick drainage layer is arranged in a separate pot, and then the container is filled with substrate for cacti. The surface of the earth is very carefully leveled, a small depression is made in it and a young plant is placed there. The roots are sprinkled with a thin layer fertile soil. The small sprout is placed in a warm, bright room, protected from direct sunlight, and watered moderately (as the soil dries).

Conditions for growing cactus

If no signs of growth are noticed, you need to remember the rule: in doubt, do not water! Too much water is always more dangerous than not enough. This is especially important for winter, when most cacti are kept very dry, of course, when kept cold. Low temperatures many cacti require them to bloom during the next growing season.

This cold but light content is sometimes the greatest difficulty in indoor cacti culture. A cold but dark room is not suitable here. Many cacti, especially blooming in spring, and during rest they require maximum illumination. Despite the cold winter, sometimes it is not possible to achieve flowering of cacti. The reason is that in these species we are dealing with young plants that have not yet matured to the flowering stage. Certain cacti, such as Melocactus, Cephalocereus, Espostoa, form flowers only in a certain flowering zone, this is called the cephalium. This zone is covered with dense, mostly yellow or brown hairs or setae, which sit like a cap on the top or sometimes on the sides of columnomid cacti (the so-called lateral cephalium).

How to water a cactus at home

Watering during growth and flowering is carried out abundantly, but the water should not stagnate in the pot. Water with warm, settled water, but never on flowers. It's good if you spray it with water every day.
During the period of flowering and budding, fertilizing (root and foliar) is carried out for two weeks. ready-made mixtures for forest cacti rich in potassium and moderate nitrogen content which is harmful to the roots in large quantities.

What kind of lighting should there be?

Lighting. Cacti need light at the very early stage of life - during germination. Of course, like many domestic crops, direct sunlight will be harmful to them. Therefore, it is advisable to place the tray on a sunny window, but it must be shaded.

In addition to all these factors, cactus sprouts really need fresh air. How to ensure his access to the greenhouse? It is enough to make several small holes in the lid or simply move it from time to time for ventilation. The first time this can be done a week after sowing. The lid only needs to be removed for a couple of minutes to remove condensation, but not to overcool the little cacti. At night, the lid should be tightly closed.

Cactus blossom

Flowers can form either at the top or at the base of the cactus stem; this is an important feature for identification. They do not last long on the plant, sometimes only a few hours. Some cacti have a peculiar feature - to bloom at night, because in the conditions of their homeland they are pollinated by moths or bats. Flowers evaporate a lot of moisture, so the plant cannot afford such luxury for a long time.

Thanks to their spines, many cacti are very attractive even when they are not in bloom. They are not too demanding. It is enough to remember the conditions in which cacti live, for example in the mountains, and it will become clear why they need to be raised quite harshly. Many species benefit from significant differences in night and day temperatures; they produce stronger spines and more abundant flowering. When purchasing plants, it is recommended to choose species with especially beautiful spines.

Advised by Professor of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals Lyudmila Lyashcheva

  1. If you have phytolamps, you can sow cacti at any time of the year, ideally in early December.
  2. Sterilize the soil mixture two weeks before planting to kill pathogenic organisms.
  3. Soak cactus seeds for 12-20 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, wrapping them in a napkin.

How to grow cacti from seeds?

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How to grow cacti from seeds? You don’t have to buy ready-made cacti in a specialized store, but grow them from seeds yourself. Is this realistic in Siberian conditions? Growing cacti from seeds, we observe the entire development process from seed to adult state of these absolutely amazing plants. – With successful and regular sowings, in a few years you can grow an excellent collection of cacti, including rare species, - says Lyudmila Lyashcheva, professor of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals. Composition of the soil mixture First of all, heat and light are needed. If you have fluorescent lamps or phytolamps, you can sow at any time of the year, preferably in November - early December, since by the beginning of summer the seedlings grow up and no longer need additional lighting. In addition, by observing these deadlines, we do not disrupt the natural development cycle of most species of North American cacti. For those gardeners who do not have installations for supplementary lighting, it is better to sow in March-April. Later summer crops require keeping in a greenhouse in winter. Before sowing, the seeds must be disinfected in hot water, alcohol or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. You can sow in clay pots, plastic boxes and even children's polyethylene cubes, which must have holes at the bottom for water drainage. The composition of the soil mixture must meet the following requirements: be very porous: water- and breathable; poor in nutrients (for the development of a good root system); sterile (do not contain fungi and algae, dangerous enemies of seedlings); the soil reaction should be slightly acidic (pH 5.6–6.0). The most proven soil composition is as follows: 1 part - crushed leaves (preferably linden), 1 part - sand (quartz or river), 1/3 - charcoal powder, 1/3 - peat, 1/3 - brick chips. One of the easiest and most common ways to sterilize soil is the steaming method. To do this, take a saucepan (for example, a five-liter pan), install a wire rack with legs into it, on which we place a gauze bag with damp soil. Pour water into the bottom of the pan, but so that it does not touch the grate. Close the pan with a lid, put on the fire, bring to a boil, simmer over very low heat for 25–30 minutes. Then turn off the heating. Remove the lid after the pan has cooled. It is recommended to sterilize the soil two weeks before sowing, since after two weeks the soil killed by the action high temperature the microflora is restored again. Preparing seeds for sowing Seeds must be soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 12–20 hours. At the same time, the berry pulp that adheres to the seeds comes off, which, when sowing, contributes to the appearance of mold on the soil. What are the benefits of soaking? The period of inert residence of seeds in warm soil ; swollen seeds germinate much faster; the risk of seeds rotting in the ground is reduced. When soaking, it is convenient to use soft napkins: wrap each type of seed separately and provide it with a number. Soaking for more than a day is not recommended: some types of cacti quickly sprout, which easily break off when sown. A layer of drainage (1-2 cm) - crushed shards, gravel or coarse sand - is poured into the prepared sterilized dishes. Then add moderately moist soil and compact it slightly by lightly tapping the bottom of the bowl on the table so that there are no voids left. The top layer (1 cm) should consist of smaller particles, for which the soil is additionally sifted through a fine strainer. The dishes are filled with soil almost to the brim (if the crop is covered with a cap) and 1–2 cm below the edges (if the crop is covered with glass or film). The surface of the earth is leveled and compacted. To sow large seeds, shallow furrows are made at a distance of 0.5–0.8 cm; small seeds are sown on a flat surface. Cactus seeds are transferred to the soil surface using a needle, knitting needle or a slightly moistened brush and placed, if possible, with the grooves down, lightly pressing them against the soil (with the exception of astrophytum seeds, which should be placed with the grooves up). Seeds of each type are sown separately, separated from others by partitions and always provided with a label with the number under which they appear on the sowing list. After sowing is completed, the soil is well moistened with a sprayer, then the bowl is placed in a sowing box in warmth and light. A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the box, which is watered all the time to ensure high air humidity. Humidity and temperature Seed moisture depends on uniform soil moisture. Crops should be moistened with warm boiled, settled water from a pipette or hot water (almost boiling water) from a spray bottle. In the first two to three months, the soil should not be allowed to dry out at all. When the seedlings grow a little, they can be watered as the top layer of soil dries. Observations have established that the best temperature for seed germination is considered to be +35°C during the day and +20°C at night, that is, a slight temperature difference is required during the day. The best growth of seedlings is observed at a temperature of +25°C. A sharp change in temperature for seedlings (over 15 degrees) is not recommended; this leads to rotting of the cacti. The temperature can change sharply during watering and spraying of seedlings. Therefore, for spraying you need to take very hot water, and for irrigation the water must be warm. PRACTICUM Common myths about cacti Myth 1. Cacti are so unpretentious that you can hardly water them and they will live and develop perfectly. In fact, they will live, but the development will be far from ideal. Large adult plants can indeed go without water for quite a long time, but not small, actively growing specimens. In spring and summer, especially in the heat, cacti, like other house plants, want to drink. Myth 2: If roots are sticking out of the drainage hole, the cactus needs to be replanted. Not at all, if at the same time it gives good growth and even blooms. Roots protruding from the drainage hole can only indicate that the flower has grown a good root system and can now grow a stem, spines, flowers and fruits. And if you take it now and transplant it into a more spacious pot, then it will again have to grow roots to develop new land, and flowering will be delayed. Myth 3. Cacti cannot be turned or moved, otherwise they will drop their buds and even stop growing. If the cactus is not periodically turned the other side towards the light, it will grow crooked. Therefore, young plants, on the contrary, need to be turned quite often, and adults - as needed. It is better not to disturb flowering cacti. Myth 4. Clay should be added to the soil for certain types of cacti. In fact, this is a rather controversial issue: clay is crumbly only when dry, but after moistening it sticks together like cement and does not allow the roots to breathe. It retains moisture for a long time, causing the roots to rot. And when it dries out again, it cracks and simply tears the young roots into pieces.

You don’t have to buy ready-made cacti in a specialized store, but grow them from seeds yourself. Is this realistic in Siberian conditions?

In the first two months of life, do not allow the soil of cacti to dry out || Photo

Growing cacti from seeds, we observe the entire development process from seed to adult state of these absolutely amazing plants.

With successful and regular sowings, in a few years you can grow an excellent collection of cacti, including rare species, says Lyudmila Lyashcheva, professor at the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals.

Composition of soil mixture

First of all, warmth and light are needed. If you have fluorescent lamps or phytolamps, you can sow at any time of the year, preferably in November - early December, since by the beginning of summer the seedlings grow up and no longer need additional lighting.

In addition, by observing these deadlines, we do not disrupt the natural development cycle of most species of North American cacti.

For those flower growers who do not have installations for additional lighting, it is better to sow in March-April. Later summer sowings require maintenance in a greenhouse during the winter.

Before sowing, the seeds must be disinfected in hot water, alcohol or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

You can sow in clay pots, plastic boxes and even children's polyethylene cubes, which must have holes at the bottom for water drainage.

The composition of the soil mixture must meet the following requirements:

  1. be very porous: water- and breathable;
  2. poor in nutrients (for the development of a good root system);
  3. sterile (do not contain fungi and algae, dangerous enemies of seedlings);
  4. the soil reaction should be slightly acidic (pH 5.6-6.0).

The most proven soil composition is as follows: 1 part - crushed leaves (preferably linden), 1 part - sand (quartz or river), 1/3 - charcoal powder, 1/3 - peat, 1/3 - brick chips.

One of the easiest and most common ways to sterilize soil is the steaming method. To do this, take a saucepan (for example, a five-liter pan), install a wire rack with legs into it, on which we place a gauze bag with damp soil. Pour water into the bottom of the pan, but so that it does not touch the grate.

Close the pan with a lid, put on the fire, bring to a boil, simmer over very low heat for 25-30 minutes. Then turn off the heating. Remove the lid after the pan has cooled.

Preparing seeds for sowing

The seeds must be soaked in a pink potassium permanganate solution for 12-20 hours. At the same time, the berry pulp that adheres to the seeds comes off, which, when sowing, contributes to the appearance of mold on the soil.

What are the benefits of soaking? The period of inert residence of seeds in warm soil is reduced; swollen seeds germinate much faster; the risk of seeds rotting in the ground is reduced.

When soaking, it is convenient to use soft napkins: wrap each type of seed separately and provide it with a number.

A layer of drainage (1-2 cm) - crushed shards, gravel or coarse sand - is poured into the prepared sterilized dishes.

Then add moderately moist soil and compact it slightly by lightly tapping the bottom of the bowl on the table so that there are no voids left.

The top layer (1 cm) should consist of smaller particles, for which the soil is additionally sifted through a fine strainer.

The dishes are filled with soil almost to the brim (if the crop is covered with a cap) and 1-2 cm below the edges (if the crop is covered with glass or film).

The surface of the earth is leveled and compacted.

To sow large seeds, shallow furrows are made at a distance of 0.5-0.8 cm; small seeds are sown on a flat surface.

Cactus seeds are transferred to the soil surface using a needle, knitting needle or a slightly moistened brush and placed, if possible, with the grooves down, lightly pressing them against the soil (with the exception of astrophytum seeds, which should be placed with the grooves up).

Seeds of each type are sown separately, separated from others by partitions and always provided with a label with the number under which they appear on the sowing list.

After sowing is completed, the soil is well moistened with a sprayer, then the bowl is placed in a sowing box in warmth and light.

A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the box, which is watered all the time to ensure high air humidity.

Humidity and temperature

Seed moisture depends on uniform soil moisture.

Crops should be moistened with warm boiled, settled water from a pipette or hot water (almost boiling water) from a spray bottle.

In the first two to three months, the soil should not be allowed to dry out at all. When the seedlings grow a little, they can be watered as the top layer of soil dries.

Observations have established that the best temperature for seed germination is considered to be +35°C during the day and +20°C at night, that is, a slight temperature difference is required during the day.

The best growth of seedlings is observed at a temperature of +25°C.

A sharp change in temperature for seedlings (over 15 degrees) is not recommended; this leads to rotting of the cacti.

The temperature can change sharply during watering and spraying of seedlings. Therefore, for spraying you need to take very hot water, and for irrigation the water must be warm.


Common myths about cacti

Myth 1. Cacti are so unpretentious that you can hardly water them and they will live and develop perfectly.

In fact, they will live, but the development will be far from ideal. Large adult plants can indeed go without water for quite a long time, but not small, actively growing specimens. In spring and summer, especially in the heat, cacti, like other house plants, want to drink.

Myth 2: If roots are sticking out of the drainage hole, the cactus needs to be replanted.

Not at all, if at the same time it gives good growth and even blooms. Roots protruding from the drainage hole can only indicate that the flower has grown a good root system and can now grow a stem, spines, flowers and fruits. And if you take it now and transplant it into a more spacious pot, then it will again have to grow roots to develop new land, and flowering will be delayed.