Obtaining technical specifications for gasification of a house

Today, the gas heating system has one undeniable advantage - low cost, so many owners of private houses strive to gasify their home as soon as possible. But anyone who has encountered this knows how red-blooded and time-consuming it is. One of the important stages of gasification of your home will be obtaining technical specifications for gas. We will tell you more about this.

What is it?

Technical specifications are a document that allows you to connect to the nearest gas main. Obtaining technical specifications is the very first step towards gasification of a private home. To obtain them, you must apply to your local gas authority.

However, it is worth knowing that there is a category of technical conditions that are developed not by certification centers, but by specialized services with the proper level of accreditation. An example of such specifications for gasification of a residential building is their receipt after approval by the gas service.

This is done so that service specialists can analyze the provided documentation and check its compliance state regulations. They not only provide detailed guide for operation, but also determine the fundamental requirements for quality control. Such actions are necessary for the implementation of subsequent ones.

Obtaining specifications for gas. What documents will be required?

To obtain technical conditions for gas supply, you must provide the following documents to the gas supply organization:

— identification of your identity, namely a copy of your passport and document with an identification code;
— application for documentation;
— documents for the land and the house, or an act of commissioning, or a technical passport for the facility;
- state act on land;
- a situational diagram of the site on A4 sheet format, which can be obtained from the chief architect;
— thermal engineering calculations or estimates;
- BTI registration certificate for your home.

If your house is still under construction, then you must attach to the documents:

— building permit, which is issued by the Department of Architecture;
- a copy of the passport of your future home with all the necessary approvals.

In a situation where another trustee acts on behalf of the owner, a legally certified power of attorney must also be present.

Nuances of obtaining technical conditions for gas connection

It would be good, before you start collecting all the necessary documentation, to consult with a specialist, since in each locality has its own program.
Therefore, there may be some deviations in the process and specific conditions for obtaining specifications. As a rule, you can contact the interdistrict gas trust for consultations. The specialists of this organization will give useful recommendations to quickly collect documents and explain all the nuances of the case.

Gasification of a private home is the most effective, and sometimes the only way to bring living conditions to an acceptable level. Carry out gasification of your household without wasting your nerves and without overspending cash, and, moreover, with a guarantee of quality - quite realistic. Get technical specifications for gasification (and gasification itself) is not such a complicated and confusing process. You just need to follow the sequence of actions, that is, know which organization, which documents to contact first, where second, and so on. And what to pay attention to at each stage.

So, we begin our journey through the authorities, and the first of them is:

Gorgaz – first visit

You will have to constantly interact with Gorgaz (or its equivalent in your region) on issues of gasification and further gas supply. Therefore, we recommend that you listen to the advice of specialists from this organization.

The first visit here is aimed at establishing who is the owner of the gas supply networks. In most cases, their owner is Gorgaz himself. Find out if there is a possibility of connecting to gas distribution networks at the address of your site.

If one of your neighbors has already equipped their homes with gas, then most likely the answer will be positive.

Once you are sure that there are no technical obstacles to achieving your plans, take the next step:

Prepare your documents

The easiest way to find out which papers you will need and in how many copies (sometimes you need several copies) is to read this information in the same Gorgaz. Typically, the list of documents required to obtain technical conditions is posted on an information board in the organization’s office and posted on the official website.

In the standard case, this list looks like this:

  • a copy of the passport and a copy of the TIN of the property owner;
  • documents confirming ownership of the home (state Certificate of Ownership, gift agreement, purchase and sale agreement, etc.);
  • technical passport (copy) for a private household, issued by the BTI (another possible authority);
  • cadastral plan of the land plot (copy);
  • written consent of neighbors if communications affect their areas;
  • a completed application form for obtaining specifications for gasification;

Attention: this is only the first package of documents. We are preparing it _before_ gasification work. Some other papers (about them below) are prepared _during_ the work.

We recommend that you adjust this list specifically for your municipality. To do this, you can contact the local Administration (a very useful authority), or find out details from those neighbors who have already connected their home to the centralized gas supply.

Gorgaz – second visit

Having provided the entire list of documents listed above, we pay for the service. Issuance of technical specifications for gasification is a paid service, we inform you about this in advance. Making a decision on issuing technical specifications will take from two weeks to a month. If you are sure that it will be positive, you can not waste time and contact gas supply system designers.

Advice: do not waste extra time choosing a designer, but immediately ask Gorgaz which organization they recommend. If there is no definite answer, then you need to choose an organization that must have a license to carry out gasification, including private houses, preferably with experience in working in your region.

Design is a paid service, and the difference in prices can be 30-50 thousand rubles. Therefore, we recommend that you approach the choice of designer carefully so that problems do not arise during acceptance and money is not wasted.

As a rule, trustworthy companies not only have a design license, but also carry out construction and installation work on gasification. This type of activity also requires a license.

Combining a design company and a construction company “2 in 1” will allow you, through discounts, to save up to 30% of project costs and construction work.

Before leaving the Gorgaz office, make sure that the contractor you have chosen is included in the special Register of Installation Organizations.


From the moment the contract is signed between you and the design company, the design organization becomes the responsible person. It is she who will submit the project for approval to Technical department Gorgaz.

When concluding a contract, make sure that it contains a clause about a visit from a design company engineer to your home. The engineer will take all the necessary measurements, agree with you on the location of gas appliances and their quantity. He will give a row valuable advice regarding the selection of equipment brand. Installed in your home gas systems must have a Certificate of Conformity and be accompanied by a Maintenance Agreement. You will also learn about this in detail from a specialist from the design organization.

Technical supervision of the equipment installed in your home will be carried out by specialists from Gorgaz or the design organization, in some cases - by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a fire inspector. It all depends on the region where you live. But it is imperative that the chimney be inspected, for which a report of the established form must be drawn up.

Construction and installation organization

An agreement is also concluded with her, which states the contractor’s obligation to complete all work on time and in compliance with proper safety measures. If you select a company that combines design and construction, then at this stage everything is extremely simplified - installation is carried out according to own project, therefore, there are no ambiguities in the process.

Further steps - briefly

Since the main difficulties are behind us, everything has been agreed upon, responsibility has been transferred to the hands of specialists, we will briefly reflect on the next stages of gasification. On the way to a comfortable future in a gas-equipped home, we still have:

  • commissioning work - with the preparation of a bilateral act (the act is mandatory!);
  • drawing up final as-built and technical documentation, and acceptance of the gas pipeline by a tripartite (Gorgaz, homeowner, contractor) commission;
  • mandatory TB training;
  • connection to and test run;
  • commissioning again, now with centralized supply gas;
  • contacting a service organization (usually the same ubiquitous Gorgaz), so that the service technicians carry out a working start-up of the system.

Thermal engineering calculations may be required, depending on the power of the installed boiler. Housing and communal services specialists can best handle this.

Unlike many other types of activities, it is strictly not recommended to do gasification of a private house yourself. Gas is an explosive substance, so it must be handled with the utmost care.

We hope that our article will help you create maximum comfort at home by implementing qualified gasification.

Despite the fact that the “blue fuel”, gas, is becoming more expensive every year, the number of people wishing to use this energy carrier in a private home has not decreased too much. Heating a building with wood may be more profitable, but it is very inconvenient - you will have to regularly add solid fuel to the boiler. Using electricity for heating and cooking is unlikely to be cheaper than gas, so pragmatic developers initially plan to use this energy resource – natural gas.

What are the Technical Conditions for Gas?

To gasify a residential building, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications. Gas can be connected in the future only after the local gas supply organization issues technical specifications - an internal document of the gas supply company that regulates the maximum volume of supplied energy and the location of the connection point. utility networks and connection deadlines.

Those conditions for gasification of a building contain the following data:

  • address of the object and its purpose;
  • planned volume of gas supply;
  • source of gas supply;
  • scroll necessary measures for the safe supply of gas to a building (reconstruction of a gas distribution station (GDS), laying a gas supply pipeline, etc.);
  • links to regulatory documents;
  • validity period of specifications for gasification.

Where can I get specifications for gas supply at home?

To obtain such a document, you can use two ways: do everything yourself or contact an intermediary company, which, for a fee, will take on the hassle of obtaining the Technical Specifications. In this case, of course, it will not be possible to connect gas faster, but you will really save your time.

Here, in fact, is the document we are hunting for in this article:

You can go another, cheaper, but tedious way - to independently obtain technical conditions for gas. To do this, you need to submit a set of documents to the local gas supply organization (for example, Bryanskoblgaz or Krasnodaroblgaz). To ensure that your papers are accepted the first time, prepare the following documents for a building that has been put into operation (for a house where you can already live):

  • an application for the issuance of technical specifications for gas, written on a printed form (issued at the place where the set of documents is submitted);
  • a copy of the passport (pages with the applicant’s full name and residential address);
  • title documents for the house (copy and original (for verification)):

A) certificate of state registration of ownership (issued by the local Registration Service).

C) technical passport received by the BTI (Bureau of Technical Inventory).

C) certificate of commissioning of the house (provided by the Architecture Department of the local executive committee). Looks like this:

  • title document for land plot(copy and original for verification);

A) or a certificate of state registration of ownership;

C) or a certificate of state registration of hereditary possessions;

C) or an act of state land use

D) or cadastral plan of the land plot.

Each of these documents is issued by the Registration Service.!

  • situational plan for the placement of the house in relation to the main gas supply line (copied from the architectural department of the executive committee).
  • scroll gas equipment indicating its brand and power (supply or capacitive boiler, 2 or 4 burner stove, geyser, gas fireplace etc.).

If the maximum hourly gas consumption does not exceed 5 m³/hour (and this is typical for houses with an area of ​​up to 300 m3), then the planned daily gas calculation is not supplied!

For a house under construction the following is added to these documents:

  • house design (or its floor plan on a scale of 1: 100), certified by the Architectural Department of the municipality;
  • topographic survey of the site on a scale of 1:500 (certified by the regional gas service);
  • situational plan (on sheet A4);
  • for a house being built in a rural area, it is necessary to provide a resolution from the Head of the municipal council for a construction permit.

Deadlines for obtaining Technical Specifications for gas.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, such a document is issued by the gas supply organization within 14 working days from the date of registration of the application for the provision of technical specifications for gas supply to the home. If you contact an intermediary company, the period may take up to 5-14 days.

In this case, to the basic set you will have to add a notarized power of attorney, allowing a certain organization to represent your interests in the gas service (and in other organizations operating other engineering and technical networks).

Gasification of a private home is the most effective, and sometimes the only way to improve living conditions to an acceptable level. It is quite possible to gasify your household without wasting your nerves, without overspending your finances, and at the same time - with a guarantee of quality.

Both gasification itself and obtaining technical conditions for it are not as confusing and complex a process as it might seem at first glance. You just need to follow the sequence of actions, which means knowing which documents and which organization to contact first, which second, and so on. And what you need to pay attention to at each stage.

So, let's begin our journey together through the necessary authorities, and the first of them will be:

Gorgaz - first visit

On issues of gasification, as well as further gas supply, you will have to constantly interact with an organization such as Gorgaz (or its equivalent in your area). Therefore, we recommend that you listen to the advice that specialists from this organization will give you.

The purpose of your first visit here will be to establish information regarding who is the owner of the gas supply networks. In the vast majority of cases, the owner is Gorgaz himself. You need to inquire about whether it is possible to tie into gas distribution networks at the address of your site.

If one of your neighbors has already equipped their home with gas, then most likely you will receive a positive answer.

Once you are convinced that there are no technical obstacles to achieving your plan, proceed to the next step:

Prepare your documents

The most in a simple way to find out which papers and in what quantity (sometimes several copies are required) you will need - read this information there, in Gorgaz. Basically, the list of documents required to obtain technical conditions is posted on an information board in the organization’s office, and is also available on the official website.

This is what the list looks like in the standard case:

  • Completed application form for obtaining technical conditions for gasification;
  • Written consent of neighbors in the event that their plots will be affected by communications;
  • A copy of the cadastral plan of the land plot;
  • A copy of the technical passport for a private household, issued by the BTI (another possible authority);
  • Documents that confirm ownership of the home (sale and purchase agreement, gift, state certificate of ownership, etc.);
  • A copy of the TIN and a copy of the homeowner’s passport.

Please note that this is only the first set of documents required. You need to prepare it before starting gasification work. Some more papers, which we will mention below, will be prepared during the work.

We recommend that you adjust this list specifically for your municipality. To do this, you should contact the local Administration (a very useful authority), or find out all the necessary details from your neighbors who have already connected to the centralized gas supply.

Gorgaz - second visit

After providing the entire list of documents listed above, you must pay for the service. We inform you in advance that the issuance of technical conditions for gasification is a paid service. Within a period of two weeks to a month, a decision will be made on issuing technical specifications. If you are confident that this decision will be positive, then you can not waste time and contact gas supply system designers.

Tip: no need to waste extra time choosing a designer. It is better to immediately ask Gorgaz which organization they recommend. If you are not given a definite answer, then you should choose an organization that is required to have a license to carry out gasification, including private households. Experience working in your region will also be very helpful.

Design is paid service, and the difference in prices can be very significant, amounting to 30-50 thousand rubles. That is why we recommend choosing a designer carefully - this will help avoid wasted money and problems during acceptance.

As a rule, trustworthy companies not only have a design license, but also carry out construction and installation work on gasification. This type activities also require a special license.

Due to the fact that the construction company and the design company will be “two in one”, you will be able to save an impressive amount through discounts, up to 30% of the costs of construction work and the project.

Before leaving the Gorgaz office, make sure that the contractor you have chosen is included in the special Register of Installation Organizations.


From the moment you and the design firm sign the contract, the design organization becomes the Responsible Person. It is she who will submit the project to the Technical Department of Gorgaz for approval.

When concluding a contract, do not forget to make sure that it contains a clause about a visit to the home of an engineer from a design company. The engineer will take all the required measurements and also agree with you on the location of gas appliances, as well as their quantity. In addition, he will give a number of valuable tips regarding which brand of equipment is best to choose. Systems installed in your home must have a Certificate of Conformity and be accompanied by a Maintenance Agreement. You can learn more about this from a specialist from the design organization.

Technical supervision of the equipment installed in your home will be carried out by specialists from the design organization or Gorgaz, in some cases - by a fire inspector and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It all depends on what region you live in. However, it is necessary to have the chimney inspected and draw up a report on this in the established form.

Construction and installation organization

An agreement is also concluded with the construction and installation organization, which stipulates the contractor’s obligation to complete all work on time, while observing proper safety measures. If you have chosen a company that combines design and construction, then at this stage everything is significantly simplified - they carry out installation according to their project, and accordingly, there are no ambiguities in the process.

Briefly about further steps

In view of the fact that the main difficulties are already behind us, everything has been agreed upon, and responsibility has been transferred to the hands of the competent authorities, we will reflect on the next stages of gasification more briefly. On the way to a comfortable, gas-equipped home you will find:

  • Commissioning works with the mandatory drawing up of a bilateral act;
  • Drawing up final executive and technical documentation, as well as acceptance of the gas pipeline by a tripartite commission, which includes the contractor, the homeowner and Gorgaz;
  • Mandatory safety training;
  • Connection to the main gas pipeline and test run;
  • Repeated commissioning work, this time with a centralized gas supply;
  • Contacting a service organization (mostly, again, Gorgaz) so that the service technicians carry out a working start-up of the system.

There may be a need for thermal engineering calculations, depending on the power of the boiler installed. Housing and communal services specialists are best able to handle this task.

Unlike large quantity other types of activities, gasification of private households is strictly not recommended on our own. The gas is explosive and must be handled with the utmost care.

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