Where is Chirkunov, the former governor of the Perm region, now? Oleg Anatolyevich Chirkunov: biography. Family and kinship ties

Russian statesman, governor of the Perm region since December 1, 2005


Born on November 15, 1958 (19581115) in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region. In 1967 he moved to Perm.

Graduate of a class with in-depth study of mathematics high school № 9.

In 1981, Chirkunov graduated from the Aircraft Engines department of the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Economics and Organization of Mechanical Engineering Production. After which, from 1983 to 1985, he worked as second secretary of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of Perm. Was a member of the CPSU.

In 1985 he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR, after which he entered service in the KGB of the USSR.

In 1988 he graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Law of Perm State University, and in 1990 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at Ivanovo state university, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

From 1991 to 1994 he worked as an expert at the trade mission of the Russian Federation in Switzerland. After returning to Perm in 1994, Chirkunov worked as deputy general director of the EKS Group of Enterprises, controlled by Yuri Trutnev, and from the beginning of 1996, as director of Eks Opt LLC.

Since December 1997 - Director of EKS Group of Enterprises LLC (Perm). At the same time he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region on a non-exempt basis.

Since January 18, 2001 he worked as a representative in the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation from the administration of the Perm region, deputy chairman of the Federation Council Budget Committee. On March 14, 2001, he was the only senator who spoke out and voted against amendments to the law on the National Anthem of Russia (this amendment approved the text by Sergei Mikhalkov to Alexandrov’s melody adopted in 2000). Since September 2002 - member of the Federation Council Commission on Natural Monopolies.

Since March 2004 - and. O. Governor of the Perm region.

Property and income

  • Co-owner of the retail chain of supermarkets "SemYa" in Perm. As of 2005, the share in the authorized capital of ZAO Supermarket "FAMILY" was 19.99%
  • According to official data provided by O. Chirkunov:
    • Chirkunov owns an apartment in Perm,
    • land plot and a bathhouse on the Sylva River (Perm region),
    • apartment in Moscow on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane,
    • Mercedes car.
  • According to Novaya Gazeta, he has an apartment in Switzerland. Chirkunov himself claims that he does not own real estate in Switzerland, and “all that he has is rent.”

Attitude towards corruption

  • Oleg Chirkunov publicly calls for a fight against corruption (including in the Perm region).

The text is available on a website controlled by the administration of the Perm region; The links provide explanations for each episode that Chirkunov is accused of.

Family and relatives

His wife, Tatyana Chirkunova, and two sons (Anton and Andrey) live in Switzerland and have dual citizenship: Russia and Switzerland.

  • As of May 2007, Tatyana Chirkunova works as a surgeon in one of the clinics.

Oleg Anatolyevich Chirkunov(born November 15, 1958, Kirovsk, Murmansk region, USSR) - Russian statesman. Former governor of the Perm region. Member of the Federation Council (2001-2004).


Born in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region. In 1967 he moved to Perm. Graduate of the advanced mathematics class of secondary school No. 9.

In 1981, Chirkunov graduated from the Aircraft Engines department of the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Economics and Organization of Mechanical Engineering Production. From 1983 to 1985 he worked as second secretary of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of Perm. Was a member of the CPSU.

In 1985 he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR and entered service in the KGB.

In 1988 he graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Law of Perm State University, and in 1990 he defended his thesis at Ivanovo State University, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

From 1991 to 1994 he worked as an expert at the trade mission of the Russian Federation in Switzerland. After returning to Perm in 1994, Chirkunov worked as deputy general director of the EKS Group of Enterprises, controlled by Yuri Trutnev, and from the beginning of 1996, as director of Eks Opt LLC, which imported food products from Europe.

Since December 1997 - Director of EKS Group of Enterprises LLC (Perm). At the same time he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region on a non-exempt basis.

Since January 18, 2001, he worked as a representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the administration of the Perm region, deputy chairman of the Federation Council Budget Committee. On March 14, 2001, he was the only senator who spoke out and voted against amendments to the law on the National Anthem of Russia (this amendment approved the text by S. V. Mikhalkov to the melody of A. V. Alexandrov adopted in 2000). Since September 2002 - member of the Federation Council Commission on Natural Monopolies. Author of the collection of humorous stories “Strokes”, published in 2003 with a circulation of 2000 copies.

Since March 25, 2004 - and. O. Governor of the Perm region. Since December 1, 2005 - Governor of the Perm Territory. On April 28, 2012, by decree of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, he was relieved of his position at his own request.

After leaving government service, Oleg Chirkunov was engaged in teaching at the Higher School of Economics, business, and actively traveled around the world. In 2013, the Moscow publishing house “NLO” published his book “State and Competition”. In January 2014, Chirkunov announced that he had chosen France to live “at least for six months a year”:

...life needs to change and we need to leave Perm (...) In the next five to ten years, not Russia (...) Like any Russian, I love the sun, but we have a lifelong deficit sun rays(...) That’s why I decided to settle somewhere in the south (...) I don’t want to see a rich and important life, I need something simpler for now. After the Dordogne-Bordeaux-Toulouse-Pyrenees voyage, I ended up in Languedoc. (...) A real French province, and also one of the main wine regions of the country. There are no Russians here, this is the “Dutch-English zone” of France..


  • On May 2, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, O. A. Chirkunov was awarded the Order of Honor.
  • Winner of the National Award “Musical Heart of the Theatre” for support of musical theater (2007).

Property and income

  • Co-owner of the retail chain of supermarkets "SemYa" in Perm. As of 2005, the share in the authorized capital of ZAO Supermarket "FAMILY" was 19.99%
  • According to official data provided by O. Chirkunov:
    • Chirkunov owns an apartment in Perm,
    • land plot and bathhouse on the Sylva River (Perm region),
    • apartment in Moscow on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane,
    • Mercedes car.
  • According to Novaya Gazeta, he has an apartment in Switzerland. Chirkunov himself claims that he does not own real estate in Switzerland, and “all that he has is rent.”

Former governor of the Perm region (2005-2012). From April 2004, he served as acting governor of the Perm region until its merger with the Komi-Permyatsky region Autonomous Okrug. In 2001-2004 he was a representative of the administration of the Perm region in the Federation Council, and from 1997 to 2001 - a deputy of the legislative assembly of the Perm region. Before starting his political career, he was the general director of the EKS Group of Enterprises (1996-2004), served in the KGB of the USSR and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (1985-1993).

Oleg Anatolyevich Chirkunov was born on November 15, 1958 in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region of the RSFSR. In 1981 he received his first higher education at the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Perm Polytechnic Institute. Little is known about Chirkunov’s further activities in the 1980s: from 1983 to 1985 he was the second secretary of the Leninsky district Komsomol committee of the city of Perm, probably at the same time he met Yuri Trutnev. In 1985, Chirkunov graduated from the Red Banner Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after Dzerzhinsky in Moscow and began working in the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which was engaged in foreign intelligence. At the same time, in 1988, he graduated from the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law of Perm State University. In 1990, Chirkunov defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences at Ivanovo State University.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Chirkunov moved to Switzerland, where he became an expert at the trade mission of the Russian Federation, remaining an employee of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service until 1993. He worked as an expert at the foreign economic association "Technointorg" at the trade mission until 1994. At the same time, Chirkunov began collaborating with Trutnev in his company EKS, which was engaged in the sale of food products, heading its Swiss representative company EKS Nandels AG. In 1994, returning to Perm, Chirkunov became deputy general director of Trutnev's EKS Limited company. In 1996, Chirkunov became the general director of EKS Opt LLC. After Trutnev was elected mayor of Perm that same year, he sold his business to Chirkunov, who headed the EKS Group of Enterprises holding company and created EKS International.

In 1997, Chirkunov was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region. In January 2001, he was appointed as a representative from the administration of the Perm region in the Federation Council, was deputy head of the budget committee of the upper house of the Russian parliament, and from 2002 to 2004 was also a member of the Federation Council commission on natural monopolies.

In December 2001, Chirkunov led Trutnev’s election headquarters when he managed to win the election for governor of the Perm region. In March 2004, Trutnev was appointed minister natural resources RF, and Chirkunov was appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as acting governor of the Perm region. On December 1, 2005, Chirkunov, after his candidacy was nominated by Russian President Vladimir Putin and approved by the legislative assemblies of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, took the post of governor of the Perm region. The press noted that at that time Chirkunov was one of the few Russian governors who were not members of United Russia, whose election this party supported.

In 2008, Finance magazine placed Chirkunov in fourth place on the list of governors of the most financially attractive regions. Chirkunov has a reputation as a liberal governor, and he is also known as a blogger.

In October 2010, Chirkunov’s name was included in the list of candidates for the post of head of the Perm Territory from the United Russia party presented to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The head of state submitted Chirkunov's candidacy for approval by deputies of the regional parliament, who supported it. That same month, Chirkunov was again given the powers of governor.

On April 28, 2012, President Medvedev granted Chirkunov’s request for early resignation as governor, and the former head of the ministry became his successor in this post regional development Russia Victor Basargin.

Experts estimated Chirkunov’s fortune at between $250 million and $3 billion; he himself did not deny that he was a rich man. He has apartments in Perm, Moscow and Switzerland. Chirkunov is married and has two children. He is interested in literary creativity, horse riding and basketball.

“A year ago I decided to look for something for more or less permanent residence. The choice is partly predetermined. In the next five to ten years, not Russia,” former governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov wrote on Facebook yesterday.

Not Russia, but France - that’s where he will now live. In Languedoc, a quiet province.

“There are no Russians here,” the ex-governor describes the advantages of his new residence. “This is the ‘Dutch-English zone’ of France.”

In a Russian-free zone, Oleg Chirkunov bought a beautiful but abandoned estate. Huge territory: gardens, rivers, waterfalls, forest. He wanted to “work with his head and hands and put everything in order, restore it, and he also wanted to bring Russian art here, to French territory.” Because he is a patriot, yes. But he won’t live in Russia. "Why? I’m not ready to explain today.”

Since he’s not ready, we’ll try it ourselves.

Chirkunov was considered an advanced governor, promoted science and culture, belonged to the liberal-intellectual stratum of bureaucrats, and even financed Navalny’s anti-corruption fund. If he was kicked out of the governor’s chair for this, then, of course, he is now offended and does not want to see either Russia or the Russians.

This is a beautiful explanation, and Chirkunov himself would probably like to act in exactly this image - a reformer rejected by the regime. But for all its beauty, it is not at all lifelike.

It is impossible to become a governor in our country without being completely dirty. Almost all governors, whether liberal or conservative, are proteges of the clans ruling their respective territories and regions. And Chirkunov could not be different. I just couldn't.

The life explanation for his emigration is completely different. When Medvedev’s presidential term ended, Chirkunov left the governor’s chair and went abroad, because the configuration of the “owners” in the region was changing. If he had stayed, the new “owners,” of course, would have made claims against him with the most unpleasant consequences. Being an experienced “business executive” himself, he simply preferred to retreat in advance.

Why should he break spears? He collected enough money for an estate in France. Then he'll buy something else. Some island further south. After all, “like any Russian, he loves the sun.”

He already has everything that could be gotten from Russia. I cut my hair and left. He waved his hand goodbye: I’m leaving you, idiots. To where you are not.

The reasons why Chirkunov decided to leave Russia are the most common. There are hundreds of thousands like him. The contempt of these people for those who remain - robbed by them, stupid, powerless - is also common. The only unusual thing in this case is that Chirkunov decided to express it publicly, on the Internet.

I would walk around the French estate, but keep quiet in a rag. Others do just that. He can't calm down alone. A true liberal.