Is it possible to spray trees after flowering? Spraying fruit trees against insect pests after flowering. Processing plums, apricots, cherry plums in spring

In order for the garden to meet your expectations, to please the eye and soul with a good harvest, it is necessary to provide it with proper, professional care. Landscape workshop Lenotre Park will be happy to take care of the processing and spraying of fruit trees and shrubs. For this we have experienced specialists, special equipment. It’s easy to order garden treatment in Moscow and the Moscow region - just one call to the phone number indicated in the right column.

Cost of work:

Spring treatment of fruit trees is a series of measures aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases of trees and shrubs, to prevent the invasion of pests or to destroy them. The qualitative and quantitative indicators of the future harvest depend on how timely, efficiently, organized and competently the work is carried out.

Spring treatment of trees is carried out in several stages:

  • Before the growing season begins
  • Along the green cone when the buds hatch
  • During flowering
  • After flowering.

Spraying is also carried out outside this schedule, as necessary.

But at the same time, you need to realize that spring spraying of fruit trees is not a strictly regulated event in the sense that no one can say in advance exactly when and with what preparations to treat the garden, because each tree is unique in its characteristics and condition, and, accordingly, requires individual approach. When planning the treatment of fruit trees in the spring, it is necessary to start, first of all, from the degree of infestation of the garden with certain insects and diseases. The “just in case” principle does not apply to trees. Excessive use of chemicals can adversely affect the well-being of plants, and is also undesirable for people and environment generally.

Landscape workshop LE-PARK provides services for comprehensive spring treatment of trees and shrubs in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our specialists carry out competent event planning, correct selection drugs, timely and high-quality spraying. You can order as comprehensive care gardening, as well as seasonal garden cultivation.

First treatment before the kidneys awaken

At the beginning of March, when the snow has just melted and the daytime temperature is stable at +5°C, you can begin preventive or health measures.

Pruning and cleaning of trees and shrubs

Garden treatment early spring begins with pruning trees and shrubs. Tops, dead and frozen branches should be removed, and the thickened crown should be cleared. At the same time, it is necessary to treat areas of the bark damaged by rodents. Damaged areas are cleaned down to living wood tissue and must be treated first copper sulfate(1% solution), then - with rannet (the places where branches are cut when pruning are treated in the same way, copper sulfate is not necessary).

After this, it is necessary to carefully, without damaging the bark, clean the trunks and branches of exfoliated and cracked dead bark, fungal deposits, and lichens. Removed dead bark should not be left under the tree. It is advisable to first lay cellophane film or other bedding around the trunk and under the crown. After completing the work, collect the waste and burn it. If there are stumps in the garden that are a constant source of fungal diseases, they must be uprooted.

It is imperative to process hollows, if any. Clean them, disinfect them, lubricate them and leave them to dry, covering them from rain and dirt.

Processing of trunks

Next in the spring processing of trees is whitewashing of trunks and trunk branches. The purpose of this event is to prevent the development of the remaining larvae laid by pests in the fall, to scare away adult pests, which will soon wake up and kill fungal spores.

Modern products (ready-to-use), which can be purchased in specialized stores, are effective for these purposes. They come in several types: aerosol, water-dispersion, acrylic. They usually contain fungicides. It is desirable that the mixture allows air to pass through, which is especially important for young trees.

You can prepare a solution for whitewashing trees yourself. To do this, dilute 2 kilograms of slaked lime in a bucket of water, add 1 kg of clay and 250 g of copper sulfate. Some people add laundry soap and glue. Mix everything well. Use this mixture to whiten the trunks and lower parts of tree branches.

It is also necessary to prepare tree trunk areas for processing. If autumn work was not carried out, this must be given the closest attention. Remove and burn last year's foliage and mummified fruits.

First spraying of trees and shrubs in early spring

The very first spring spraying of trees is mandatory. Spraying is carried out before the buds awaken, and it is aimed primarily against fungal diseases - scab, coccomycosis, leaf spot, against mosses and lichens, etc., as well as against aphids, mites, apple moth caterpillars, copperheads, etc.

How to spray trees in early spring? There are many drugs on sale now. The problem is that they often narrowly targeted action. Therefore, pay attention to the description when purchasing. It is better to use broad-spectrum drugs. It is clear that it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, for a person far from gardening to quickly understand the intricacies of this matter. The right decision would be to seek help from professionals who know exactly what, when, how much and how.

But, if this is not possible, for one reason or another, then we advise you to use proven and reliable means. These are copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, urea, iron sulfate. Pay attention to mixtures of urea and copper sulfate. They are good because, in addition to their direct function of plant protection, they also play a role nitrogen fertilizer and delay the growing season for a week and a half. Both additional factors useful. Nitrogen fertilizing is quite appropriate at the start, and late flowering reduces the risk of spring frosts.

Trees should be sprayed generously, starting from the surface of the crown and gradually moving inward, towards the trunk from top to bottom. The areas around the trunk also need to be thoroughly treated with the solution, after which the area around the trunk circles must be covered with black film (the film is removed after flowering has ended). This is done in order to reduce the likelihood of harmful insect larvae emerging from the soil.

After spraying, you can put hunting belts on the trees. And although the insects have not yet awakened, very soon their hordes will rush onto the trees.

As for the bushes - currants and gooseberries, they are processed immediately after the snow melts. On gooseberries, it is necessary to cut out branches damaged by American powdery mildew; on currants, cut out branches with unnaturally swollen buds in which female currant bud mites have settled (take the cut branches outside the garden and burn). Shrubs are sprayed with solutions of iron sulfate or nitrafen.

Second spring treatment along the green cone

By the time the buds hatch, the life of flora and fauna will fully resume after winter and it will become a little clearer what troubles threaten the garden. In addition, an attentive gardener can already somewhat predict disease outbreaks and activity certain types pests (taking into account current and last year’s observations).

Selection of preparations for treating trees and shrubs in this spring time is not an easy task. Every year, dozens of new products are released, to which pests adapt throughout the year. No matter how good this or that drug is, it is not able to solve all problems comprehensively, in one go. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and accurately diagnose diseases, determine the type of pests and select appropriate means of protecting and treating trees.

If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region, qualified gardeners from the Lenotre Park landscape workshop are at your service. You can get professional advice at any time or use the services of specialists for spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs.

Preparations, depending on the condition of the trees, can be chemical or biological.

Chemicals are quite radical drugs with some undesirable side effects on the environment.

Biological products are harmless to the environment, animals, pollinating insects and people. Their production is based on the use of living microorganisms (bacteria, bacterial viruses, antagonist fungi). They are not so aggressive towards pests and to achieve results, spraying is carried out more often.


  • Bordeaux liquid– broad-spectrum fungicide
  • Fufanon– a broad-spectrum insecticide against ticks, weevils, leaf rollers, scale insects, raspberry beetles, aphids, thrips, moths, moths, etc.
  • Decis– insecticide of contact-intestinal action against Homoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera
  • Inta-Vir– enteric-contact insecticide to combat aphids, leaf-eating caterpillars, thrips, whiteflies
  • Akarin– a broad-spectrum insecticide for the destruction of mites, aphids, sawflies, codling moths, leaf rollers, and garden pests.
  • Bi-58– insectoaccaricide is effective against mites, scale insects, leaf rollers, codling moths, copperheads, moths, and root pests.

Biological products:

  • Lepidocide– for treatment against caterpillars, false caterpillars, sawflies on fruit and berry and forest deciduous and coniferous trees.
  • Bitoxibacillin (BTB-202) completely repeats the effect of the previous drug, and is also used against spider mites.
  • Gaupsin– used against all fungal diseases, as well as against mites, codling moths, leaf rollers, and aphids.
  • Fitoverm– recommended for the fight against mites, codling moths, many types of aphids, apple moths, sawflies, thrips, leaf rollers.

Spraying trees during flowering

During flowering, the garden is not treated with insecticides and fungicides. You can use biological products that stimulate the formation of the ovary. This is especially true when, during the flowering period of trees, the weather is not conducive to the flight of bees. Actually, the drug is called “Ovary” or “Universal Ovary”. It is classified as a growth stimulant.

Fruit trees are treated twice - during the period of active flowering, and during the period of fruit formation (7-10 days after the first spraying).

Berry bushes are also sprayed twice - in the budding phase, and during the formation of the ovary.

During flowering, the intensity of work in the garden decreases. You can take the time to fill cavities that have been cleaned and disinfected earlier.

Spraying trees and shrubs after flowering

By the time fruit formation begins, all insects have already woken up and are aimed at creating voracious offspring that will destroy all future harvest together with the foliage - a couple of trifles. Therefore, we must not lose our vigilance. At this time, fruit trees are treated against pests, guided by the principle of an individual approach.

For apricot, the main threats are clasterosporia blight and monilial blight. Regardless of previous treatments, apricot trees need to be treated with copper oxychloride or a 1% solution of copper sulfate. If aphids and leaf rollers are present, add insecticide to the spray solution.

Plum most often suffers from moniliosis, clasterosporiasis, polystigmosis, etc. Copper oxychloride with the addition of an insecticide (if necessary) is used for spraying.

Sweet cherries and cherries are susceptible to clasterosporiosis, coccomycosis, aphids appear on the foliage, leaf roller, cherry fly, etc. are activated. Trees are treated with topsin and copper oxychloride against fungal diseases. For insects - spraying with Zolon, Sumition.

On pear and apple trees after flowering, the appearance of powdery mildew, scab and other spots on foliage. It is necessary to spray with fungicides such as Vectra, Rubigan, Strobi, Skor. Repeat spraying after 12 days, changing the drug to another.

And thus it is necessary to analyze and spray all the fruit trees and shrubs in the garden.

After the trees have finished flowering, there is a high risk of sawflies, mites, aphids, leaf rollers, and other pests. At the first signs of the presence of these “friends” of the garden, it is necessary to treat the trees with broad-spectrum insecticides - BI 58N, Rogor S, Mitak, Danadim, etc.

Price for garden treatment in spring (Moscow/Moscow region)
Package name Col. hundred square meters Service cost Note
Package “Dacha” from 6 to 20 acres. 6-20 acres from 10,000 – promotional price from 8,000 rubles
Package “Cottage”– one-time visit of a plant protection specialist for complex spraying of the garden ( All trees and shrubs up to 15 meters high are processed) from diseases/pests. This option is considered optimal for land owners from 21 to 50 acres. 21-50 acres from 14,000 – promotional price from 12,000 rubles. Promotion for spring treatments until May 30, 2019. The cost of this service depends on the distance of the object outside the Moscow Ring Road. Trees over 15 meters in height are calculated individually.
Package “Estate”– one-time visit of a plant protection specialist for complex spraying of the garden ( All trees and shrubs up to 15 meters high are processed) from diseases/pests. This option is considered optimal for land owners from 51 to 100 acres. 51-100 acres from 18.000 – promotional price from 16,000 rubles. Promotion for spring treatments until May 30, 2019. The cost of this service depends on the distance of the object outside the Moscow Ring Road. Trees over 15 meters in height are calculated individually.

Every summer resident knows how important it is to seasonally treat fruit crops against diseases and pests. It is especially important to do this in the spring. Such an event can prevent the invasion of harmful insects and prevent the appearance of pathogenic microbes, which in turn ensures good yield. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in the question of when to spray fruit trees against pests.

When to treat

Treatment and preventive work should begin in early spring.

  • When warm, dry weather sets in, the air temperature will be at least 6°C (late March - early April, but depends on the region, better after the snow has melted). At this time, insect pests begin to wake up and pathogens of fungal infections (scab, rot, moniliosis) begin to spread.
  • It is necessary to clear the garden of remaining leaves and grass before irrigating fruit trees and bushes. To do this, you should remove winter covering materials, trim off diseased, damaged, old branches, and burn all plant debris. You also need to dig up the tree trunks and whiten the trunks and skeletal branches.
  • Trees older than 6 years are cleared of ancient bark, moss, and lichen. Such manipulations allow plants to breathe better, stimulate the appearance of new shoots, and increase their regenerative functions.
  • After preparatory activities, spring treatment of trees and shrubs begins.

The procedures are carried out in several stages:

  • until the buds swell;
  • before the plants begin to flower (to prevent the inflorescences from dying, the concentration of the drugs is made weak);
  • The last spraying is carried out at the end of May, after the trees stop blooming and fruits begin to set. Therefore, the answer to the question of what can be used to spray trees against pests during the flowering period is obvious - nothing.

Important! During the flowering of the garden, it is unacceptable to use insecticides and fungicides. You can take biological substances that will stimulate the formation of fruits or use folk methods. Usually the drug ovary is used.

Spraying fruit trees against pests

Processing means

Each gardener chooses his own methods of protecting the garden. Today it is not difficult, because there is large number disinfectants, medicinal preparations suitable for different periods.

Pay attention! All solutions must be prepared before use, otherwise they can damage plants while remaining harmless to insects.

How to spray trees and shrubs against pests in spring? Ready-made store-bought or folk remedies are suitable.

Chemical compositions

Such substances are considered the most effective because:

  • act quickly;
  • perfectly soluble in water;
  • the effect lasts for a long time;
  • each substance has its own decomposition period;
  • can be used at low temperatures: from 5°C.

Thus, it is better to carry out the first treatments with them.

Among all the variety that can be used to treat fruit trees in early spring against diseases and pests, the most common are:

Diesel fuel

It must be used at a certain time and extremely carefully, otherwise you can destroy the plants. Be sure to wear gloves, closed clothing, and a respirator.

They begin to spray the trees when there is still snow left in some places and there are no buds on the branches. In autumn, it is recommended to carry out the procedure after all the leaves have fallen and the first frosts occur.

Diesel fuel

Such a petroleum product cannot be used in its pure form. It should be diluted in a large amount of water, adding any other substances that neutralize the harmful effects of diesel fuel.

You can prepare such a mixture. Its concentration will be no more than 50%:

  • solarium - 10 parts;
  • water - 9 parts;
  • grated laundry soap - 1 part.

Copper sulfate

It is used no more than 2 times a year. The first spraying is done in early spring before the buds appear, otherwise all the young foliage may die.

The product is also used if there are cracks in the trees that need to be disinfected.

Important! Plants need to be sprayed again at the end of October. This will protect fruit crops from scab, phylostecosis, moniliosis, clusteroporosis, and curl.

A young tree (no more than 6 years old) requires 2 liters of the mixture, an adult specimen - 10 liters. Prepare the following composition for primary treatment: copper sulfate, lime (0.3 kg per 10 liters of water). Mix everything together, leave for 48 hours. Then boil for 45 minutes, filter, add 1 bucket of water.

Copper sulfate

The next irrigation will require the same substances, only in reduced quantities (0.1 kg per 10 liters of water). Repeat all manipulations according to the previous scheme.

Iron sulfate

If the garden is filled with old fruit trees, then spraying is carried out in early spring and also late in autumn (300 g per 10 liters of water). The substance successfully fights cytosporosis, septosporosis, black cancer, harmful insects, mosses, and lichens. Helps increase fruit yield and enriches plants with iron.

Bordeaux liquid

It is used when there are unopened buds. Make a solution: dry vitriol (50 g), lime (0.2 kg), water (1 bucket). All ingredients are mixed and the trees are pollinated.

Bordeaux liquid

Preparation 30

Experienced summer residents advise spraying trees with a solution in early spring or late autumn (0.2 liters of substance per 10 liters of water). It will help get rid of aphids, whiteflies, leaf rollers, mites and other insects that overwinter in the bark of trees.

Pay attention! Substance 30 is very effective; it can be used no more than once in 3 seasons.


It is used to treat trunks and branches 1 week after flowering ends. fruit crops, as well as in the pre-winter period.

To spray trees in the spring you should take urea (0.5 kg), copper sulfate (1 matchbox), water (10 l).

The autumn composition is made after the plants have shed half of their leaves (0.25 kg of substance per 10 liters of water). But you can treat trees when the leaves have completely fallen. Then the solution is made more saturated (8%). In this case, both the plant and the soil are irrigated. In addition, the product will fertilize the soil.


Separately, it is worth noting the old proven means.

  • Spark (10 ml per 1 liter of water). Apply after the plants have flowered. The product protects the garden from sucking and gnawing insects, moths, leaf rollers, cutworms, sawflies, and other pests.
  • Karbofos (90 g per 10 liters of water - for fruit trees and 70 g - berry bushes) will protect plants from caterpillars, aphids, mites, weevils, moths, scale insects. The first time is sprayed when the buds open, the second time before flowering.

Important! Plants should be treated in dry, sunny weather. Rain will wash away all the substances, and the work will be done in vain.

Biological control measures

Recently, these methods of controlling pests and diseases have become increasingly popular. They have a number of advantages:

  • do not accumulate in soil or fruits;
  • do not burn plants;
  • they can be used in small quantities.


  • act slowly;
  • used at temperatures above 10°C.

The most famous of them:

  • trichodermin is used during the period of bud emergence (effectively fights scab, various types rot);
  • pentaphage protects against holey spotting and bacterial cancer;
  • planriz against powdery mildew, brown rust, lepidopteran pests;
  • phytodoctor prevents late blight, fusarium, and root rot;
  • phytosporin M suppresses fungal and bacterial infections;
  • gaupsin is a universal drug against diseases and insects;
  • Mikosan forms a thin film on trees against pathogenic microorganisms.

Folk remedies

Many owners of summer cottages use ecological methods to protect fruit crops. They can be used simultaneously with chemicals (at any time). They use:

  • various types of weeds (celandine, wormwood);
  • spicy herbs: dill, thyme, horseradish, fennel;
  • pine needles;
  • tomato, potato tops;
  • chamomile, nettle;
  • salt, mustard powder;
  • garlic, hot pepper.

Here are some recipes.

  • Wormwood (400 g per 10 liters of water). Boil for 30 minutes, add 40 g of green or laundry soap, and then spray the trees.
  • Chamomile infusion (200 g per 1 liter of water). Leave for 10 - 12 hours, and then drain the resulting solution. Pour the remaining herbal mass into 5 liters of water and leave for another 13 hours. Combine both compositions together and spray the crown.
  • Hot pepper. Prepare an infusion (1 kg of fruit per 10 liters of water). Leave for 48 hours. The resulting mass is boiled for 1 hour, cooled and poured into containers with tight lids. Use as needed throughout the season. Before irrigation, add laundry soap (80 g per 1 bucket of water).
  • Tansy. Herbal powder (0.7 kg per 10 liters of boiling water) is infused for 4 days, then boiled for 15 minutes, filtered and added to 1 bucket of water. Fruit plantings are treated several times a season.
  • Treatment in summer and autumn

    Fruit trees must be treated throughout the growing season. Therefore, when summer comes, you need to continue pest control. You should not use chemicals during this period. It is better to use fishing belts, liquid sweet baits, where insects will fly. You also need to collect carrion.

    With the arrival of autumn, gardening work continues. After leaf fall, fallen leaves are removed, damaged branches are cut, hunting belts are removed, trunk circles are dug up, trunks and skeletal branches are whitened. They also get rid of dead bark, burn plant debris and pest nests. Trees are treated with the same preparations as in the spring.

Many people associate a garden with delicious fruits. However, to grow it, you need to work hard and promptly subject the plants to preventative treatment against pests. In the article we will consider in detail the methods and means for caring for fruit trees, measures to preserve them beautiful view and ways to increase productivity.

Treating trees in the spring against pests and diseases

A responsible owner who is worried about the future harvest begins to work in the garden after the snow has melted. After all, there is a lot of work to be done on the site, and before you start directly spraying the garden, you need to carefully prepare everything. In the first half and mid-March, look for dried bark and branches damaged after winter; all this must be removed.

Spring is a very troublesome time, nature is waking up and you must not miss it moment to protect trees from various diseases and pests. If you have just started spraying fruit trees in the spring, and are not very versed in the details, then it is better to call an experienced professional who will tell you what to do first. But you can cope on your own, knowing all the features of the work.

When to spray trees?

All months can be divided into 3 key stages for spraying trees in the spring:

  1. Beginning and mid March(before the buds begin to develop) is a great time to take care of trees and shrubs. Gardeners protect trees from various harmful bacteria that overwintered in the bark and with the first warmth began to be active, which negatively affects growth, bud formation, flowering and the future formation of fruits.
  2. Beginning and mid-April should be devoted to regularly spraying the buds and stimulating their growth. Responsible gardeners know that at this time various fungal diseases, requiring rapid response and carrying out measures aimed at protecting the entire garden.
  3. First half of May, if everything has already faded on the tree, this is a period when the plants can become very unwell, that is, after the measures taken previously, there is no need to relax, but to continuously observe and take care of the garden. If the first 2 stages passed without difficulties, the 3rd stage is very significant, because the further ripening of the fruit depends on it.

In order to better understand these stages, experts in this process special calendars were invented, which indicate the timing of tree treatment depending on the identified problem. Such detailed charts are developed in order to understand how to act in a given situation. Be a responsible garden owner, and let it constantly thank you profusely for your work with healthy trees.

Spraying timing

In the spring, after the cold winter break, it is necessary to intensify tree care. Gardeners, taking into account all the advice, experience and climatic features of different areas, created correct deadlines for completing successive tasks gardening work for trees. Let's start with everyone's favorite apple trees.

They must be sprayed during the following periods:

  1. Stage before the creation of buds(trees are often sprayed in order to protect against all kinds of fungi and other insects that have survived the winter). Spraying should be carried out when the outside temperature is at least +7 degrees. It makes no sense to carry out this operation earlier, since its effectiveness will be reduced to zero.
  2. The stage when the buds begin to bloom(at this time it is very important to ensure that they are not attacked by scab or other insects that affect the number of fruits).
  3. "Rose bud" stage It is also necessary to ensure that the above pests do not infect the tree and cause large crop losses.
  4. Directly flowering stage(at this time trees are at risk of infection various types mites, caterpillars, aphids, etc.). The most important thing at this time is a rapid response and spraying as soon as you notice the first signs of infection. This way, the opportunity to protect other tree species increases significantly.

Spraying is carried out immediately after the apple trees have bloomed to protect against moths, scab or attacks by codling moths and other harmful insect pests. The procedure for spraying pears and plums will be similar, the periods will be the same. Plums are highly susceptible to various fungal diseases, which, unfortunately, cannot be overcome without the use of chemicals.

If you really like apples, pears and plums, then do everything possible to protect them. The main thing is to strictly follow the advice and stick to certain deadlines. You can also help trees throwing harmful beetles onto the litter and wrapping them special belts that help catch flower beetles. These measures together give a very good result, and the harvest is worth the efforts described. In case you are just starting to care for a young garden. These recommendations can help you decide how and when to start work.

Treatment before bud break

There are now a large number of means to combat pests and diseases. garden crops. All of them have a different range of action and effectiveness, however, adherence to the methods and the exact dose of processing agents will make it possible to achieve the highest results when harvesting in the autumn. Remember that it is necessary to select a means for treating the garden depending on the degree of tree infestation and the predicted occurrence of various diseases.

We invite you to get acquainted with the remedies that can be used until the kidneys begin to open:

Do not forget that when working with mixtures you must adhere to simple rules safety - wear a protective suit, mask and gloves.

Work after bud break

After the buds appear, it is better to spray the garden with 1% Bordeaux mixture, because the buds have already become sensitive, and if you increase the concentration, you can simply burn them. Such a liquid is excellent plant protection from pests and allows the kidneys to fully open.

It is best to use combined substances, such as “Horus”, which has shown the highest results in the fight against various types of diseases of fruit trees and shrubs. In combination with other products, it increases the resistance of trees to wood by 2-3 times. different types pathogens. "Decis" is fighting with different types harmful insects.

Not always folk remedies you can stop the activity of pests, and then the popular drug “Decis” will come to the aid of the gardener. But if you have all sorts of doubts, it’s better to Before spraying, consult with experienced gardeners , let them give you advice. Be decisive, and the result will not keep you waiting. You can perfectly protect plants from the adverse effects of harmful organisms.

Care after flowering

After the flowering stage, it is important not to miss the period in order to have time to protect all plants from the invasion of various insects, which are at their peak of activity at this time. After all, if you clean only one tree, there is a huge risk of further infection of other plants nearby.

Without certain measures, the crop may die. Preventive spraying is mandatory. A combination of substances is used that are dynamically used to protect plants. Purchase from specialized shopping centers garden care mixture.

Use these tools:

  1. "Horus";
  2. "Skor";
  3. "Aktar".

You can also use 1% Bordeaux mixture. The drug "Karate" has shown itself on the market as an excellent means of protection against various environmental influences and active organisms. It is important to stick to the system and not forget to spray the plants.

If you skip one of the stages, the threat of disease increases, and this will affect the harvest in the future. If you care about the garden as a living organism, then it will definitely reciprocate in the form of fragrant, very appetizing, and most importantly, environmentally friendly fruits. There is nothing better than realizing that all this was grown with your own hands.

Medicines against diseases and pests

Domestic manufacturers of chemical products for protecting trees and shrubs have created many products, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by experienced gardeners. Currently existing liquids and powders were used to fight with various harmful living organisms or diseases.

Among the insecticides that demonstrate the highest results, we can note:

  1. Zolon;
  2. bottom;
  3. Danadim;
  4. Mitak.

They provide excellent protection against aphids, mites, codling moths and scale insects. Among the means for spraying against fungal diseases, preference should be given to:

  1. Copper sulfate;
  2. "Soon";
  3. "Karatana";
  4. Copper oxychloride.

All drugs work well against fungal pathogens and eliminate them at the first stage of manifestation. “Hom” is often used against various diseases together with “Fufanon”. "Horus", "Aktara" and "Kare Zeon" are used in combination to combat scab, rot, flower beetle and moths - for pears, apple trees, plums and other fruit trees.

Proper care of fruit trees, and their timely treatment against diseases and pests, will provide the gardener with an abundant and high-quality harvest of fruits and berries.

Spring periods of tree spraying

Spring preparation for processing garden trees and shrubs is carried out immediately after the snow melts. That is, in early or mid-March. First of all, you need to free garden crops from damaged and dried branches and bark. This procedure also protects trees from the occurrence of various diseases and pests that have remained overwintering in the plant since the fall.

The garden processing period is divided into three stages:

  • From the beginning to the end of March, when the plant buds are just beginning to form. At this stage, trees protect against harmful microorganisms that survived the cold, and with the onset of warmth began active life. Such pests have a bad effect on bud formation and flowering, which subsequently leads to negative formation and ripening of the fruit;
  • All of April, that is, immediately before the garden blooms. During this period, it is necessary to spray the buds to stimulate their growth, and at the same time destroy all kinds of fungal diseases. You also need to inspect the tree for the presence of various bugs and other harmful insects, and if they are found. The plant must be treated with a special product;
  • Mid-May. This stage is the most important. Since during this period almost all trees stop blooming and fruit formation begins. Therefore, at this stage, in order to avoid fruit diseases, as well as their quality ripening, the trees must be treated with a special mixture.

First spring spraying of pears, apple trees, plums

Fruit trees, namely plums, apples and pears, should undergo first treatment against pests and diseases when:

When spraying fruit trees, you cannot do without chemicals, especially for plums. Because this plant It is highly susceptible to fungal diseases, which are simply not realistic to remove without chemicals.

However, in addition to chemical treatments, pests can be controlled using the following traditional methods:

  • Dump or squash harmful insects onto a specially prepared bedding;
  • Wrap tree trunks and branches with special belts;
  • Make your own various decoctions of plants that repel insects and spray the garden with them.

Thus, the above methods in combination with chemicals will give excellent results.

Products intended for treating trees and shrubs before bud break

The most important thing when choosing a product for treating garden crops is to pay attention to the level of plant infection, as well as to predict possible diseases.

Before buds open, the following products are most often used for spraying:

  1. Iron sulfate. It can speed up the growing process of a plant, as well as prevent and even cure infected trees from various fungal diseases. For spraying fruit trees and shrubs, a mixture is recommended where the concentration of vitriol will be no more than three percent;
  2. Nitrafenic acid. Used in the fight against overwintered aphids, mites and other insects, a two percent mixture is usually used for shrubs, and a three percent concentration for trees;
  3. Copper sulfate. Positively affects the opening of the kidneys and their further development. The content of this substance in the prepared solution should not exceed one percent;
  4. Oleocuprite. Designed to combat laid eggs and larvae of aphids, copperheads and mites. Has proven itself well in the fight against various spots, which negatively affect the foliage and fruits of the tree. This drug is mainly sold and used in four percent concentration;
  5. Urea. Effectively fights spots and black spots on the shoots of shrubs that have formed after winter. In addition, it has a good effect on active kidney growth;
  6. Bordeaux mixture. Used to prevent fungal diseases of wood.

Applying for processing garden plants chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions attached to them, this will allow you to avoid negative consequences in case of an overdose, or, conversely, not get any effect.

Preparations for spraying orchards after bud break

  • One percent solution Bordeaux mixture. It serves as an excellent remedy for protecting the tree from diseases and promotes better bud development. With a concentrated solution of more than one percent, there is a possibility of damage to immature buds and buds;
  • Horus. It is a combined drug that copes well with any type of plant infection. Also, its use with other means effectively affects the protective shell of a bush or tree;
  • Decis. It contains a large number of different chemical elements. Thanks to which, it will be very easy to stop the activity of harmful insects;
  • Thirty grams of copper chloroikis per eight liters of water will also help cope with various pests. If this chemical is not available, you can use similar drugs, such as polycarbocin and polychome.

Garden treatment after flowering

The most important period for processing a plant is the time after flowering. Since it is during this period that harmful insects begin their active life. Therefore, to destroy pests and prevent their reproduction, professional gardeners recommend the following options for spraying:

When treating trees with chemicals, it is necessary to take personal precautions and also use personal protection.

Other means for spraying an orchard in spring

Currently, there are quite a lot of different chemical preparations for spraying garden crops. domestic production. These chemicals are sold in almost all garden stores and hypermarkets, and usually come in the form of a concentrated liquid or powder.

The following insecticides have shown effective results, proven by more than one professional gardener:

  • Danadim;
  • Zolon;
  • Mitak;
  • Dnok.

These drugs perfectly protect plants from scale insects, codling moths, mites and aphids.

Effective remedies against fungal diseases are:

  • Karatan;
  • Copper oxychloride;
  • Speed;
  • Copper sulfate;
  • Fufanon;
  • Zeon;
  • Kare.

It is worth noting that when using a complex of various drugs, the result will be much more effective.

Preparation of a mixture for spraying trees from urea, copper and iron sulfate

These substances, and especially copper sulfate, have good antiseptic properties. However, in order to avoid burns on fragile shoots of plants, copper sulfate must be diluted with lime in equal proportions. After which one hundred grams of the resulting mixture must be diluted with ten liters of water.

As for iron sulfate, it should never be diluted with lime. This drug is simply diluted with water, in a ratio of three hundred grams of substance per ten liters of water.

When treated with such preparations, the leaves on a tree or shrub may darken slightly. This means that the product has the desired consistency and has begun to act.

Repeated spraying of fruit trees after flowering, in fact, as before flowering, and in early dates even before the resumption of the growing season, taking into account all factors, it is extremely necessary measure. There are a whole horde of garden pests, and each has its own taste preferences, its own biology of development, plus favorable or not weather conditions throughout the year for the formation of their numbers.

Sooner or later, every gardener begins to protect his garden from uninvited guests. It often happens that you wait with anticipation good harvests fruits and berries, watching lush flowering them in the spring. And the time comes, and it would seem that the small green fruits of plums, apples, pears, and cherries that were recently hanging suddenly turn out to be on the ground, in the infusion. Why is this so? After all, all pest control treatments have been carried out? Probably bad drugs, most likely fake - this is the conclusion most often heard. But no, that's not the point! Even using high-quality poisons, you can get the same result. In addition, fruit trees will be fertilized in the spring.

It’s all about the timing and frequency of crop treatments, the phases of its development at that time, the period of the protective effect of the drug itself, as well as the biology of the harmful object, to be more precise, its stages of development, weather conditions. For example, the codling moth is vulnerable in the butterfly stage, before laying eggs. If you miss this moment, and it lasts only 3-7 days while the butterfly lays eggs, further treatments of the apple tree will be simply pointless, using any means of protection. Upon emerging from the laid eggs, the caterpillar gnaws through the shell of the fruit, penetrates into the pulp and settles in the center near the seeds. Here no poison can reach her, she is completely safe. In addition, this pest produces several generations over the spring and summer and acts as a threat to the garden until harvesting.

What to spray and when?

Proper garden care is a guarantee of a high-quality harvest. Fruit trees also need care, watering, pruning, fertilizing, and chemical treatments, like any other crop in our garden. Let's figure out what, how and when to spray trees is most effective.

Plant protection products against pests can be:

Chemical. Very effective, they give quick effect, keep the protective screen up to 2-3 weeks. They can be either narrowly targeted or broad-spectrum. Treatment with them can only be carried out strictly following the preparation instructions and dosages for each specific crop and harmful object. But the timing of the pest’s emergence from the shelters in which they overwintered varies every year. And they depend directly on weather conditions. So, if spring is warm, then the awakening of fruit trees and their eternal companions will come earlier; if it's cold, then later.

Biological. They differ from the former in the nature of the content of the active substance. That is, these are, as a rule, temporarily inactive strains of groups of microorganisms. Activation of which occurs when dissolved in water and sprayed on fruit trees. These can also be insects - predators that destroy the population of a harmful object (for example, ladybug protects the garden from aphids by eating them). Ferromone traps are very effective against codling moths, moths, etc.

Combined. This product for spraying trees is interesting because it can simultaneously work as chemical drug, and biological. As a rule, one of the components contains an anti-acaricidal active substance(from a tick). Plum, apple, and pear trees are very strongly affected by the mite. Getting rid of aphids will also be a pleasant bonus, but this is due to another active ingredient. Such drugs may not require repeated use. To sort through the sea of ​​information related to this, you may need the help of specialists. Sometimes, if the territories and technical capabilities do not allow one to cope with the volumes, then one has to resort to the help of special organizations offering their services in this area.

So, in the conditions of the Moscow region, the following companies are engaged in spraying trees in the spring and throughout the season: LLC “Royal Nursery of Ornamental Gardens”, “Vash-Garden”, “Garden Processing” Company, and a number of others.

At home, on your own, spraying trees in the spring can also be done very well on your own. Let's take a closer look. First with the main one - this is the time of spraying.

You should start spraying trees in the spring only when the average daily air temperature reaches + 5ºC.

By this time the buds will begin to swell and fill up. Usually, in middle lane, it's the month of March and time is first spring treatment from pests.

Having previously cleared the wood of old bark and lichens wire brush. A good half of harmful objects overwinter in the foliage under trees. Therefore, the leaf must be collected and burned, and the soil underneath it must be treated with the same insecticide solution. Best to use at this time effective means protection: from diseases (fruit rot, scab, rust, etc.) - Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, cuproxate; from pests (from apple blossom beetle) - Aktara, etc.

Protect tree trunks with catching belts, at a level of half a meter from the ground, after whitening them.

When working with poisons, you must protect yourself with personal protective equipment: respiratory mask, rubber gloves, long sleeves, pants, closed shoes.

During spraying, strictly monitor the quality of work, thoroughly wetting and moistening the surface of the trunk and branches, as well as the ground beneath them, with the solution. From folk ways During this period, ready-made fermented solutions from jam, kvass, and compote are used. Pour into bottles and hang on branches. They work like trapping belts - they lure and destroy.

When the green cone stage appears, spray fruit trees with solutions of the same preparations.

For aphids, most likely, you will have to carry out another treatment - on young leaves. And then, during the season, after flowering, the treatment must be repeated more than once, since it gives more than one generation, in addition, it is carried by ants, so after applying poison, it can appear again and again, especially on very hot days, in the heat of the day . Therefore, it is quite difficult to get rid of aphids. Her favorite crops are pears and plums.

There is a wide choice of aphid preparations on the plant protection market today. It is not recommended to use poisons during the flowering period. The main reason is the flight of bees and other pollinating insects, for which they can be fatal. And without pollination, there will be no fruit. In this case, it is better to warn.

If last year the degree of infection of leaves and fruits with scab, moniliosis, rust, coccomycosis, codling moth, leaf roller, and other diseases and pests was high, then treatment this season is mandatory.

Spraying fruit trees after flowering

This is the most golden time. Moreover, you will have to treat the garden from pests and diseases later and further. The last time - a month before harvesting, no later (we owe this precisely to the codling moth and leaf roller, scab); You may have to work against aphids on pears and plums if the summer stays hot for a long time.

In this case, you can combine treatments against these types of pests and use poisons: danadim, zolon, summetion, fufanon, karbofos, kinmiks, insegar, karate zeon, calypso, etc.

For more later It is better to use biological preparations: fitoverm, lepidocide, bitoxibacillin. Neoron will help against ticks. Immediately after flowering, continue treatments against diseases - scab, fruit rot (maniliosis), which mainly affect pome trees: pears, apple trees. In the fight against the latter during this period, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or a solution of zircon, zineb, captan, cuprosate, copper oxychloride, etc. gives a good effect. Repeat the treatment again 14-20 days after.

Vectra, speed, strobe, impact, rubigan, chorus, cuproxate, etc. are effective against scab. Further, repeated treatments are also required at intervals of two to three weeks. Spraying with copper sulfate (solution: 100 g / 10 liters of water) is very effective.

There is also one little-known pest to summer residents - the plum moth. It appears at the beginning of June. At this time, solutions of karbofos and fozolone are used. After two weeks a repeat is required. If you ignore this moment, the plums will still be green on the ground.

Spraying with urea also gives a positive result in the fight against fungal and viral infections in the garden. In addition, it does not pose a danger to the environment. It can even replace Bordeaux mixture. But you should always keep the chemistry ready; you still have to handle it. It is better to use urea as a drug to fight diseases in the fall or early spring, before most of the crown blooms (5% solution).