Forsythia intermediate Arnold Giant planting and care. Forsythia planting and care in open ground, pruning, propagation. Comprehensive care - what to do during the season

The blooming forsythia, strewn with hundreds of bright yellow flowers, is impossible to miss! If a summer resident wants his plot to be decorated with forsythia every spring, planting and caring for open ground– key stages on the path to success.

To Europe perennial shrubs, one of the first to break the monochrome of early spring, came from Asia and were named after the botanist who brought the first seedlings to the Old World. Today, forsythia is the most popular species for landscaping and creating.

How and when to organize planting and caring for forsythia in the open ground summer cottage? What does a shrub need for healthy growth?

Conditions for planting forsythia in open ground

Forsythia – amazing plant, changing its appearance every season. In spring, these are branches devoid of leaves, but densely strewn with flowers. In summer, the bush is covered with greenery, which changes color to golden or purple in autumn. When looking for a place for forsythia, you should pay attention to areas where the shrub will be clearly visible and illuminated.

Although forsythia tolerate being in the shade, in the sun the bush becomes denser and more even. The plant is undemanding to soil fertility, but develops better on soil with an alkaline reaction, good drainage. Culture:

  • undemanding to care;
  • has excellent frost resistance, which simplifies the wintering of forsythia in open ground;
  • tolerates drought well;
  • responds well to trimming and can be used for growing hedges.

There are two options for planting forsythia in the ground: in spring and autumn. In the first case, young shrubs, after acclimatization, immediately begin to grow, producing new shoots. Bushes brought into the garden in the fall only take root and begin to grow after wintering.

Timing for planting forsythia in the ground

The time for transferring seedlings to the garden is chosen depending on the region and quality planting material. Many nurseries today offer young plants with a closed root system. Seedlings grown in containers are transplanted together with a ball of earth, so the roots are not damaged, and the bush easily and quickly adapts to its new place of residence. And the summer resident is guaranteed easy care for forsythia in the open ground after planting, whenever it occurs: in spring, summer or autumn.

For seedlings with an open root system better landing in the spring months, when the threat of sudden frosts has passed, or in the fall, about a month before the onset of seasonal cold. During this period of time, the bush will acclimatize and be able to prepare for winter.

Since the climatic conditions in the regions of the country differ significantly, there is a significant difference in the timing of planting and caring for forsythia in the open ground, in the Moscow region and, for example, in central and northern Siberia, where the heat comes later and summer is much shorter:

  1. If you delay planting plants in the garden, their adaptation and rooting will be delayed, and the shoots that have sprouted over the summer will not have time to get stronger before the onset of frost.
  2. Early spring planting poses a risk of freezing of the buds and tips of the shoots, and in case of severe frosts on the soil, damage to the growing points and roots.

In autumn, planting forsythia in the ground also depends on weather and climatic conditions and can vary even within one region, for example, such a large one as the Urals. If in the south gardeners live according to a calendar similar to that used by summer residents in the middle zone, then in the north the weather is much harsher and more changeable.

Planting forsythia in open ground

Forsythia prefer dry, well-drained soil and do not tolerate stagnant soil moisture. Therefore, at the bottom of planting holes 60 cm deep and 50 cm wide, powerful drainage is made from broken brick, expanded clay or gravel. It is especially important not to neglect this measure in areas with dense, water-retaining soil and where groundwater lie too close. An example is the planting and care of forsythia in the Leningrad region.

A layer of sand and a pre-prepared soil mixture based on:

For each hole, 200 grams of sifted wood ash are mixed into the soil. The substrate is poured into a mound, along the sides of which the roots of the bush are spread. After filling the hole, the soil is compacted and watered abundantly at the rate of 10–15 liters per plant. In the fall, after planting forsythia, caring for the shrub consists of a dense circle around the trunk. This will help conserve water in the soil and protect the roots from hypothermia.

Mulch will help in the spring, especially where summer comes quickly and the soil dries quickly, becoming covered with a dense, impenetrable crust.

Caring for forsythia after planting in open ground

An important advantage of forsythia is its undemanding nature and the absence of any special care. IN warm time years, growing rapidly with minimal care, need:

  • in watering, if there is no natural precipitation and the soil under the plants is completely dry;
  • in maintaining the cleanliness and looseness of tree trunk circles;
  • in triple feeding;
  • in a haircut that helps maintain the health and shape of the crown.

In hot, dry times, the plants are watered generously once or twice a month, after which the soil is loosened, weeded and mulched. Lowland peat mixed with humus and wood ash can be used as mulch. This composition protects the roots from overheating and is an excellent long-acting fertilizer. In addition, the shrubs respond well to the application of complete fertilizers before and after flowering.

In the second half of summer, you should not fertilize shrubs with nitrogen. It will cause active growth of young shoots, which even with correct landing and care for forsythia in the Urals, Siberia and middle lane They will not have time to ripen and will die with the onset of frost.

An important part of caring for forsythia is pruning the bush. For sanitary purposes, the removal of dead, old or damaged branches is carried out in the spring, and pruning to maintain shape is carried out in early summer, when mass flowering is completed. Until recently, shoots yellow from flowers can be shortened by half their length, and old branches are cut out above the ground so that a few buds remain at the base.

Once every 3–4 years, forsythia is rejuvenated by evenly cutting all shoots by half or two-thirds of the length. Over the summer, the plant will restore the crown, which will be thick, uniform and young, so that next spring it will delight you with friendly bright flowering.

In most regions, the plant overwinters excellently without shelter. If the winters have little snow, before wintering the forsythia in the open ground is carefully tilted to the ground, secured and covered with spruce branches or dense non-woven material. At the first opportunity, the bushes are covered with snow.

Propagation of forsythia in open ground

The parts of the branches remaining after pruning are excellent material for obtaining cuttings that will serve to propagate forsythia. Green shoots are cut into pieces 10–15 cm long so that each has several healthy buds. The lower leaves are torn off, and the resulting cutting, after treatment with a root formation stimulator, is planted in a greenhouse.

In autumn, another method of propagating forsythia in open ground is possible. Lignified cuttings are planted in a school organized in a quiet place protected from wind and flooding. During the time remaining before the cold weather, the seedling will give roots, and 2-3 buds left above the soil surface will wake up in the spring and form a young crown of the shrub. Next autumn, such plants can be planted in a permanent place.

Planting forsythia in a permanent place - video

Decoration landscape design Forsythia often appears in gardens and courtyards, Moreover, planting and caring for it do not cause any particular difficulties. Thanks to its aesthetic appeal and spectacular appearance, this shrub looks much more advantageous than many other ornamental crops.

How to choose the right seedling in the store

The very first and, perhaps, fundamental question concerns the purchase of forsythia seedlings. How to do right choice so as not to regret it in the future?

We do not recommend buying plants from people without necessary documents, confirming their trading activities and professionalism in the field of plant trade. Simply put, it’s better not to take it “from hand.” Order seedlings from organizations shopping centers, in a word, those who specialize in landscape design and have established relationships with trusted nurseries and plant suppliers. It is better to entrust the choice to an experienced dendrologist. Another advantage to this is that, being next to him, you will receive elementary, but necessary information about your future plant.

If you decide to make a choice yourself, then definitely go to the trade fair. Since choosing a forsythia seedling, like any other plant, is not easy, it is better to have a certain reference book with you. This is how you will choose, ask leading questions, and generally navigate this type of product.

You have every right to ask for a quality certificate regarding the forsythia you choose. The main points to pay attention to are the supplying country and the climatic zone of growth. What looks great when planted does not necessarily stay that way until the very end.

Pay attention to the age of the seedlings. The older the plant is and the more the conditions during future planting differ from the previous ones, the more difficult it will be for the shrub to adapt.

When choosing a seedling, examine not only the one you like, but also the others. If there is at least one patient among them, leave there with nothing. An infected plant will be an extra troublesome task for you, since it will not only require special care, but will also infect nearby plants. Buy only seedlings with thick and strong branches with many buds. Do not purchase plants with broken branches or damaged shoots.

Did you know? Your name ornamental shrub received in honor of the botanist from Scotland William Forsyth, part-time head gardener of Kensington Palace and one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society. He was the first to bring the forsythia bush from the Celestial Empire to Europe.

Planting a forsythia seedling

To make a forsythia bush with yellow flowers a decoration for your garden, you need to know a few basic aspects of planting it.

Optimal planting dates

Planting forsythia in principle, just like replanting it, it’s better in the spring or early autumn, until frost hits. The plant needs to get accustomed to winter.

Choosing a landing site

Forsythia is a warm and sun-loving plant. Taking this factor into account is important when planting and further care behind the bushes. In the rays of sunlight, the development of forsythia occurs much better, and the flowering is more spectacular. But even in partial shade this ornamental shrub feels good. The place where forsythia grows should also be well protected from the wind. Typically, group planting of shrubs is done along paths and fences.

How to prepare the soil for planting

Rich nutrients and well-ventilated soil is best for forsythia to develop. For this plant, it is certainly better to prepare a special soil mixture. Humus, sand and leaf soil in a 1:2:1 ratio will take root well in soil of this composition. Forsythia will not be able to fully grow in acidic soils. If the soil pH level is low, it will need to be balanced by adding wood ash.

Proper planting of seedlings

The hole for forsythia should be about half a meter deep and wide. If you plan to plant several shrubs on the site, then you need to leave a distance of at least two meters between them. The process of planting forsythia occurs as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the hole, a ten-centimeter layer of drainage consisting of broken bricks or crushed stone should be laid.
  2. On top of the drainage there is a five-centimeter layer of coarse sand.
  3. The plant must be carefully removed from the container and lowered into the hole so that the root collar is visible on the surface.
  4. The roots need to be covered with the prepared soil mixture.
  5. The trunk circle needs to be trampled down a little.
  6. At the end, the forsythia needs to be watered and mulched with humus, straw or fallen leaves.

Comprehensive plant care

Unpretentiousness is a kind of “slogan” for almost all types of forsythia. Caring for this shrub is not particularly difficult. All a gardener will need to do with forsythia is:

  • Water periodically.
  • Loosen and weed around the trunk.
  • Trim the bushes.

Soil care

In this sense Forsythia is an unpretentious plant. One species that can be especially distinguished is the medium yellow forsythia. Many gardeners may not water forsythia at all. It tolerates dry climate conditions well. But when warm winds blow, it is recommended to moisten the soil from time to time. This is done very rarely - about once a month. One bucket of water per plant will be enough.

Important! After each watering, it is imperative to loosen the tree trunk circle by thirty centimeters and then mulch again.

Spring feeding forsythia involves spreading manure around each bush in early March. Then in April you can feed with mineral fertilizers in the amount of 70 g for each bush. The next feeding is done when the forsythia blooms, or more precisely at the end of this period. Here they use Kemira Universal and only according to the instructions on the package.

Pruning and shaping the bush

So, we’ve sorted out the watering and feeding of forsythia, now let’s move on to the aesthetic part - crown formation. Shrubs should be trimmed in any case - this is mandatory requirement, because otherwise it will look unkempt. For a plant that is positioned as a decoration for landscape design, this is unacceptable. But the pruning procedure must be performed as carefully as possible. So, when and how to prune forsythia correctly?

In the first years after planting, shrubs are not formed. Only the removal of frozen branches is permissible. You should start pruning the crown in the third or fourth year. When the frosts pass, the frostbitten ends of the branches are cut off from the forsythia. The main pruning is carried out in the summer, when the bush has faded. The branches need to be shortened by half and old and dry shoots removed, leaving five to six centimeter stumps. New shoots will form from them.

The forsythia crown is usually formed in the shape of a bowl or ball. If forsythia is used in hedges, then it is periodically rejuvenated by cutting off the branches by two-thirds or to a stump of several centimeters. After this, the plant begins to grow new young and strong shoots in even larger quantities. Forsythia should be pruned no more than once every three years. Otherwise, the plant will stretch out greatly and bloom poorly.

Preparing bushes for winter

Preparing forsythia for winter is similar to the procedure for relatively similar representatives of ornamental crops. Even those tested “minus” frost-resistant varieties It is imperative to insulate with the onset of severe cold. This is done using heaps of dry leaves or pine needles. Particular attention should be paid to young shoots. If they freeze in winter, they will not be able to bloom fully in the spring.

Important! Before you start insulating the branches of the bush, they need to be pressed to the ground and only then covered.

This is how you need to care for forsythia. Planting, care, pruning, watering and feeding - all this is carried out according to very simple rules.

Did you know? The most frost-resistant variety of forsythia is ovoid forsythia.

How to propagate forsythia yourself

Growing forsythia, like caring for it, is not difficult. The simplest and most used method is cuttings, but we'll look at all three.

By layering

Forsythia is propagated by layering in the spring. The shoots of the mother tree are cut under the stump. This is done so that new young and healthy branches grow over the summer. And in the fall they are bent to the ground and placed in grooves at a shallow depth. To make it more reliable, the shoot is pinned and then covered with earth.

Such a “transplantation” of forsythia requires special processing of the soil composition. First, you need to loosen it well, then lay out the bottom of the furrows with a layer of drainage made of fine crushed stone, and sprinkle soil on top. Reproduction of forsythia by layering is permissible not only in autumn period, but also in early spring. One condition: the shoots must be young.


If you can’t trim a bush at the root, then this is suitable for you The next propagation method is cuttings. Take semi-lignified twenty-centimeter cuttings and plant them in a box filled with a moistened mixture of soil and sand. The twig needs to be stuck into the ground at a slight angle of a couple of centimeters. Everything is covered with film on top.

Important! An unused aquarium is perfect as a greenhouse.

Maintaining sufficient humidity and shading, when necessary, from scorching sun rays, in a month you will receive rooted cuttings. It is better to plant them in open ground in the spring.


Forsythia can be propagated by seeds in both spring and autumn. In spring, seeds are sown in boxes with soil. After a month and a half, shoots are visible. The plant is pruned in the second year. For the winter, cover with a 20 cm layer of leaves.

Forsythia (forsythia) is a genus of shrubs that belong to the Olive family. They bloom beautifully early spring, and their yellow flowers captivate the eyes of every person. The flower owes its name to the world famous botanist William Forsythe, who was involved in plant breeding and landscaping at Kensingen Palace. For the first time, he brought a shrub from China to a European country and created all the conditions for its natural growth and flowering. He became the first breeder who tried to create a unique species, maximally adapted to weather conditions Europe.

Today, this shrub has received widespread in Russia, especially in the Moscow region. It is used on many personal plots, since this type of plant does not require special care or any special gardening skills.

Features of forsythia - description of the plant

Many people call forsythia a small tree, but in the biological reference book it is the plant is classified as a shrub. Its height can vary from 1 to 3 meters. The leaves on the shrub have a simple, oval shape with slightly jagged edges. Their length is from 2 to 15 centimeters. Forsythia produces bell-shaped flowers with a bright yellow color in early spring. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks, and at the end a fruit-box with winged seeds appears.

Ideal conditions for growing forsythia

Despite the fact that the plant itself is unpretentious in care and does not require special knowledge and skills, gardeners have made a number of recommendations that will help you quickly and proper cultivation forsythia:

How does forsythia propagate?

Forsythia can reproduce in several ways: cuttings and seeds. Most often, gardeners resort to cuttings. To do this, use the lower branches of the plant that are in contact with the ground and root them. Very often there are cases when these branches take root on their own, which makes it possible to get a new plant.

In the case when the cutting method is chosen, it is necessary to cut off the lower branch and bury it in open ground, covering it with 10–15 centimeters of soil. It is very important to cut the bark during planting so that the root system can form freely.

The cutting method can be used from mid-summer to October. In late autumn, a young plant requires special protection. For this it must be covered with film and cover it with dry leaves or straw on top.

Today, options for planting ready-made plant seedlings are available. It is rooted into the ground and must be protected from freezing in winter.

Forsythia planting rules

In order for the plant to quickly take root in the ground, for planting it it is necessary to dig holes measuring 50x50x60 cm. This will allow the horse system to be deepened into the ground by 40 centimeters. Each subsequent bush of the plant should be located at a distance of at least 1.5 meters.

It is necessary to lay 10 centimeters of drainage at the bottom of the hole for forsythia. It could be broken brick, crushed stone. Next, a 10-centimeter layer of sand is laid, then a substrate of sand, leaf soil and peat is laid down. The top of the soil must be covered with wood ash.

A seedling is placed in a prepared hole and covered with earth, compacted and watered abundantly.

Plants that are planted in the spring do not require special care, and those that are planted in the fall must undergo the procedure of mulching the area. The material that will be used for covering must allow air to pass through well, this will allow the buds to avoid rotting during winter thaws.

Basic rules for caring for forsythia

So that the bush pleases with its flowering and beautiful shapes, you need to take proper care of it.

  • forsythia requires timely and proper feeding. The most optimal month for applying fertilizer is April. As soon as it has finished flowering, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizer, it will help form new flower buds, which will be needed next year;
  • caring for forsythia should include timely watering. Most often, the plant needs enough water from natural precipitation, but on hot days it is necessary to provide additional watering at least once a month. A prerequisite for care is loosening the soil after each watering. Loosening should occur to the depth of the spade bayonet;
  • basic care also involves pruning the plant. The main task of such an event will be to thin out the crown of the plant, which will help stimulate the growth of new, young shoots. Old, damaged branches need to be trimmed to 2/3 of their length. It is better to start the work itself immediately after flowering, before new leaves appear on the bush. If the bush has become very dense and wide, it is necessary to carry out corrective pruning.

In our climatic conditions, forsythia growing 5 various types . Each of these types has its own characteristics and external differences. Today they distinguish the following types plants:

  • forsythia hanging or hybrid;
  • the plant is ovoid or European;
  • dark green forsythia.

Forsythia drooping

This species is most often used by gardeners in their gardens. Many people can find photos of this plant. This shrub reaches 3 meters, with arched, drooping branches.

The stems have olive color, oval-shaped with toothy edges. During flowering, bright golden flowers bloom on the plant, the diameter of which is about 2 centimeters. All of them collected in inflorescences of 3–5 pieces.

Forsythia hybrid

This plant is the result of selectors' experiments. It tolerates frost and drought well, and this shrub has a luxurious appearance. Its height reaches 3.5 meters, shoots can be straight or inclined. During flowering, bright yellow inflorescences appear on the bush. This species requires minimal care, which makes it the most popular among gardeners.

Forsythia ovate

In the photo, this type of shrub has an elegant shape. Its height varies within 2 meters, while the crown has widely scattered leaves and branches. During flowering, the entire bush is beautifully covered with bright yellow inflorescences. Once the flowering period is over, the shrub also looks amazing, as beautiful, oval-shaped leaves appear on it.

This type of forsythia blooms earlier than others and looks amazing in autumn.

Forsythia europaea

This plant attracts gardeners with its shape; it always forms an amazing hemisphere with a large diameter. The flowers on it during flowering have a bright lemon color, and the leaves are pale yellow. A feature of this plant is its longevity: in one place the plant can grow up to 70 years.

Forsythia dark green

The name of the plant fully characterizes it appearance. The flowers on the plant have a beautiful light green color, and the leaves are dark green. This species is undemanding in care, is not afraid of drought, and planting it is also easy. The plant can grow even in dry areas.

Diseases and pests that forsythia is afraid of

Basically, this plant is not afraid of diseases and pests. But sometimes you can find a fungal disease such as Phomopsis. Small wart-shaped growths appear on the plant. It is impossible to cure such a disease; it is necessary to dig up the old forsythia and plant a new one in its place.

You can also notice leaves on the plant that are covered with small spots or specks - this is a sign of infection by the Altenaria or Phyllosticta fungus. You can fight this disease with copper sulfate.

The fungi Lygus and Poeecilcapsus contribute to the formation of chestnut spots on the leaves. To control it is necessary to use an insecticide.

If the plant begins to wilt, it can be treated with foundationazole or captan. You can also degrease the soil using carbation.

Very often the cause of forsythia lethargy can be root rotting. To avoid such damage, it is necessary to adjust proper watering. The optimal care in this case is 15 liters of water every 3 weeks.

In the case where the root system has rotted, there is no need to immediately throw away the plant. It is enough to dig it up, cut off all damaged areas and soak it root system in a disinfectant solution for half an hour. This bush should be planted in a new, prepared hole. Only in this case will the process of growing and reproduction be problem-free.

What place does forsythia occupy in landscape design?

This plant is most often chosen for landscaping their summer cottages and garden plots. Today this plant is actively planted in city squares and parks, since it requires a minimum of care, but at the same time has luxurious look and can bloom wonderfully. Except early flowering, this plant provides beautiful shade in summer, and in winter it has an excellent view. Many landscape designers plant forsythia with other similar plants, which forms a beautiful, bright corner of nature.

Also, today you can find bright compositions from different varieties forsythia, which allows you to use the bright colors of nature and create unique corners of wildlife that will decorate and delight everyone. Forsythia, which can be propagated to brighten any space, can be an excellent element of extravagant design.

Forsythia is perennial unpretentious plant which requires a minimum of care. All you need is to buy a cutting, plant it correctly and care for it throughout the year, and a wonderful green oasis will be provided on your site. Reproduction also does not require special effort. This plant can bloom beautifully.

Forsythia medium/intermediate "Golden Times"

(Forsythia x intermedia "Golden Times")

General characteristics

Appreciated for very early and abundant flowering, which occurs before the leaves bloom in late April-early May. The earliest flowering shrub in the middle zone. A small spreading deciduous shrub with slightly drooping branches up to 2 m tall. The growth rate is average. The leaves are serrated along the edges, variegated, from dark green to light green with a golden-yellow edge, with reverse side light.

Timing of flowering and fruit ripening

It blooms profusely, completely covering the shoots with small, rich golden-yellow flowers. The fruits are highly lignified, oblong capsules.

Optimal conditions growing

A sun-loving plant, prefers moderately moist, fertile soils. Enough winter-hardy variety, may freeze in severe winters, but quickly recovers and blooms in the spring.

Reproduction methods and planting rules

Forsythia takes well from cuttings and can also be propagated by layering. Green cuttings are harvested in June and rooted in boxes under film in the sand. The process can be accelerated by treating the cuttings with root formers. When propagated by lignified cuttings, they are harvested in October. Cut thick annual shoots into cuttings of 15 cm each, stick them into loose soil so that two or three buds remain on the surface, and cover with dry leaves. When you remove the leaves in the spring, many of the cuttings will begin to grow and become seedlings by fall. When propagating by layering in summer or autumn, bend the lower young branch to the ground, secure with pins and sprinkle with fertile soil - roots will quickly form on the branch. Before bending a branch, you can cut the bark on it - then the roots will appear faster. In the spring, cut the branch from the bush and replant it in a permanent place. And next year flowers will appear on the new plant.


Used in single and group plantings, decorative compositions and mixed hedges.

At the time of flowering, the forsythia bush cannot leave anyone indifferent: its drooping branches, densely strewn with golden yellow flowers, bell-shaped, captivating, reminiscent of solar cascades. And even after the forsythia bush fades, it does not lose its decorative effect, because it is replaced bright flowers no less bright, large leaves of rich dark green color arrive.

What does forsythia look like when it blooms?

The forsythia plant (Forsythia) belongs to the olive family (Oleaceae), its homeland is East Asia, Southeast Europe.

Forsythia, or forsythia, is an early flowering deciduous shrub with shoots yellow and bright green oval or trifoliate leaves, which includes 6 species common in East Asia and one species growing in Southeast Europe. Among these six species, three East Asian varieties are distinguished by their frost resistance: forsythia ovoid, or oval, drooping, or hanging, and intermediate.

The most promising for amateur gardeners f. European (F. europaea), f. hanging (F. scandens), f. intermediate (F. intermedia), f. dark green (F. viridissima), etc.

Forsythia is an early flowering shrub up to 2 - 2.5 m tall, with spreading, ascending or drooping shoots. The leaves are large, simple or trifoliate, opposite, occasionally serrated at the edges, dark green in color. Special attention Forsythia deserves to be seen at the time of flowering: golden-yellow, single, bell-shaped flowers densely strew the branches. Forsythia blooms profusely in early spring, before the leaves bloom. In the conditions of central Russia, flowers begin to bloom in late April - early May, some species have a weak aroma. In harsh winters with little snow, some of the flower buds die, so it is recommended to bend the shoots for the winter so that they are covered with snow.

Here are photos of forsythia flowers:

Forsythia is highly decorative. It is especially effective in single and group plantings, in rock gardens and mixborders. Suitable for covering fences and low walls. The branches that bloom in early spring are very attractive; they are cut in buds, the flowers bloom in vases, and the cuttings stay at home for 10 - 12 days.

Planting and caring for forsythia shrubs (with photo)

The plant is quite demanding of heat, suffers from severe frosts; in central Russia the shoots often freeze slightly, but then the crown quickly recovers. Should be planted on fertile soils, in the open sunny places protected from the winds. For the winter, it is advisable to lightly cover the ground under the bushes with leaves. Forsythia easily tolerates gas pollution.

Forsythia are long-lasting and disease-free. At the same time, the plants are drought-resistant and undemanding to the soil. They grow to maximum height very quickly. When planting, for easy care of forsythia, it is better to choose sunny areas, or at least partial shade. Freezing species need to be bent to the ground for the winter, which can be done with flexible branches, and covered with spruce branches. The formation of bushes should begin immediately after flowering; old and powerful branches should not be pruned, since the vast majority of flower buds are located on them.

It is best to plant these plants in groups on open areas. In order for flowers to appear immediately after active heat, they are planted along warm wall or on a sunny edge.

Hanging forsythia can be placed on slopes, where it will look spectacular. If you cut a forsythia branch with buds in January and place it in warm water, then leaves will appear soon.

When growing forsythia, plants need to be watered, loosened around the trunk and weeded. The shrub tolerates dry soil better than too wet soil.

In winter, the most vulnerable place of forsythia is the flower buds that appear on last year's shoots. Therefore, so that the branches are strewn with flowers in the spring, the plant is covered for the winter: the branches are bent to the ground and covered.

In the spring, when the buds begin to bloom, you can remove the frozen ends of the shoots to the living wood. And immediately after flowering, shorten the branches so that by next year as many side shoots as possible will form.

The photo of planting and caring for forsythia shows how to properly grow this shrub:

How to propagate a forsythia bush

Propagated by green and lignified cuttings, seeds, weeping forms - by layering.

Propagation of forsythia by lignified cuttings is not difficult. In October, thick annual shoots are cut into cuttings of 15 cm each, poked into loose soil so that two or three buds remain on the surface, and covered with dry leaves. In the spring, the cuttings will begin to grow and by autumn they will turn into seedlings. If the plants have weak branches, they are pruned. The same applies to frozen plants. Chopped branches can be rooted in water and then planted.

To propagate forsythia, cuttings with two pairs of leaves can be cut in June - July. At the end of winter, lignified cuttings are prepared. After 2–3 weeks, when the cuttings take root, they are planted in the garden and kept there for two years. If the plants have weak branches, they are cut to a stump.

When propagating by layering in summer or autumn, bend the lower young branch to the ground, secure it with pins and sprinkle it with fertile soil (before bending the branch, you can cut the bark on it - then the roots will appear faster). In the spring, this branch is cut off from the bush. By next year it will be a new plant.

More in a fast way propagation is by green cuttings. Before propagating forsythia, cuttings are cut in June, after which they are impregnated with a root growth stimulator and planted under a film where they should be room temperature and high humidity.

Shoots of weeping varieties take root themselves.

Seeds need to be sown in the fall or spring after 2 months of stratification in the beds and cared for like any other seedlings, observing the watering regime and applying universal fertilizers once a year.

As you can see in the photo, forsythia seedlings are covered with spruce branches for the winter:

After a year, the seedlings need to be planted, and after another 3 years they need to be transplanted to a permanent place.

Types and varieties of forsythia shrubs

Here you can see photos and descriptions of the most popular types of forsythia.

Siebold form- low-growing, with dark yellow flowers, thin creeping shoots. It grows quickly, is frost-resistant, hardy in urban environments, and is used in landscaping. This type of forsythia grows best in fresh, fertile soil containing lime. In amateur gardens, it is recommended to plant in groups, or along paths, to decorate slopes and in wide borders. Used for early forcing for bouquets.

Forsythia GiraldaForsythia giraldiana. Homeland - China. Cultivated since 1938. Shrub with spreading, thin branches, flowers up to 2 cm long, light yellow. It blooms very profusely and for a long time in April (up to three weeks). Quite winter-hardy, good for hedges and in group plantings.

Forsythia europaeaForsythia europaea. Originally from Albania, up to 2 m in height, thick, elastic shoots, yellow flowers with dark yellow stripes. In cold winters it often freezes, even in Ukraine.

Forsythia droopingForsythia suspensa. It grows wild in mountainous China. A large shrub, up to 3 m high, with spreading, arched shoots, sometimes creeping along the ground, with spectacular yellow flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. It blooms at the end of April for more than three weeks, very profusely. Blooms especially well in rich soils with sufficient lime content. Quite a winter-hardy species. Very good when grown in trellises.

The most interesting and worthy of attention is forsythia hanging the form is deceiving. This is a large shrub, distinguished by the intense yellow color of its flowers. The dark green leaves turn a beautiful brown color in the fall. The flowers are very large - up to 4 cm in diameter, solitary. It blooms in April – May for three and a half weeks. Quite winter-hardy.

Forsythia medium, or intermediateForsythia intermedia(F. suspensax F. viridissima Lindl.). Beautiful forsythia of hybrid origin. A large, wide-spreading shrub up to 3 m tall, some of the branches are arched, hanging down, some are directed upward, with golden-yellow, crowded flowers.

Look at the photo - the flowers of this type of forsythia shrub are collected 2-3 in an inflorescence, golden yellow, the perianth tube inside has orange-yellow stripes, the limbs of the flower are long, the same length as the tube:

It blooms very profusely for more than three weeks from the second ten days of April even before the leaves bloom and is very spectacular during flowering. Very drought resistant severe frosts and gas pollution. Propagated by cuttings.

Interesting varieties of forsythia of this type: "Spectabilis" , "Spring Glory" , "Beatrix Farand" .

Forsythia dark greenForsythia viridissima. This plant is native to China, up to 3 m high, with erect shoots, greenish-yellow flowers. In central Russia, severe frost occurs during severe winters.

Forsythia ovateForsythia ovata. Shrub up to 2 m high, native to the Korean Peninsula. The leaves are bright green, broadly ovate, pointed, up to 7 cm long. The flowers are bright yellow, solitary, up to 2 cm in diameter, blooms in April – May for 3 weeks. By autumn the leaves turn dark purple and orange tones, making the bush very elegant. The most winter-hardy of all species.

Now you know what forsythia looks like different types, it's time to learn about pruning shrubs.

Pruning forsythia (with video)

Forsythia is usually planted with 2-3 year old seedlings. In this case, all damaged, weak and diseased shoots should be removed. The existing several skeletal branches are pruned by only 3 - 7 cm. This is done above a strong and healthy bud. In the first year after planting, forsythia blooms very weakly.

After flowering ends, all faded branches must be cut off, leaving only strong growths. In the second year, again after flowering, all faded branches are removed, since powerful shoots form below them, from which the crown of the bush will subsequently form. All weak shoots should be removed immediately. In the third and subsequent years, the previously done work is repeated. Remove faded branches and 1/4 of old shoots, while maintaining the shape of the bush. Main feature forsythia is flowering on last year's growths. Based on this, all the techniques for pruning it are built:

  • pruning of forsythia is carried out immediately after flowering;
  • at the same time, trim and remove all faded branches;
  • At the same time, thinning and shortening of old branches is carried out.

This is done to accelerate the development of generative buds on new growth. Mature bushes are rejuvenated once every 3-4 years by pruning them to the stump. However, in order for the bushes to continue to bloom, this work should be carried out in 2 - 3 stages, spread over 2 - 3 years. Mature forsythia plants can be left unpruned for several years, provided they do not oppress neighboring plants.

The video “Pruning Forsythia” shows how this agricultural technique is performed: