Special rapid response squad. Special forces of the armies of the world

SOBR (Special Rapid Response Squad) are federal and regional special units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were regularly (until 2003) part of the departments for combating organized crime of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (units of over 200 people were called squads from the late 1990s). In 2002, SOBR detachments were transformed into OMSN (Special Purpose Police Detachment). On November 30, 2011, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, special police units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs again became officially known as special rapid reaction units.
The main task of the SOBR is to fight organized crime. However, due to changes in the internal political situation, SOBRs were successfully used, including in military operations carried out in the North Caucasus region.

The first special unit in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police) was the OMSN of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. OMSN was formed on November 9, 1978. At that time, preparations for the Olympics were underway in Moscow, and the failure of the German police operation to free Israeli hostages during the Munich Olympics showed how destructive the actions of amateurs can be where professionals should act.

To prevent emergency situations a special forces unit was created - the first police special forces. True, the unit was originally called a police detachment special purpose(OMON) under the Moscow City Executive Committee. The detachment was created to work at the 1980 Olympics and protect the Olympic flame. After the Olympics, it became clear that the unit would not be left without work. The first task of the special forces was to free the girl captured by the criminal. The hostage was successfully released, and the detachment was reassigned to the criminal investigation department and made a regular unit of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. There were not enough special forces to carry out all operational tasks - there were only a few dozen of them. Then the PPS regiment was entrusted with the fight against riots and was renamed OMON.? There was a period of time when two OMON existed in Moscow at the same time. The police themselves called the detachments Big and Small. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, that same Little OMON was later renamed into a special purpose police detachment (OMSN). In 2011, OMSN was renamed OSN, and subsequently SOBR. The OMSN of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow served as a model for the beginning of the creation of other special units in the Russian militia (police) in the future.

On February 10, 1992, a tactical operations department was created as part of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime (GUOP) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the fall of 1992, by Presidential Decree Russian Federation The tactical operations department was renamed the special rapid response squad (SOBR).
In September 2002, by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, SOBR were renamed into special purpose police units (OMSN).

In 2003, some of the OMSN detachments received proper names: “Bars”, “Bulat”, “Lynx”, “Terek”.
As of 2009, the total number of SOBR was 5,200 people in 87 detachments.
In 2011, in connection with the reform of the internal affairs bodies, and the renaming of “militia” to “police”, OMSN detachments were renamed OSN (special forces).
In 2012, the name SOBR (special rapid response units) was returned to all OSN detachments.
The quantitative composition of SOBRs is determined by the tasks and region of deployment. The selection is carried out in many stages and quite strictly, with many screening criteria, which determines the qualitative composition of this unit (as a rule, these are young people who have served in the ranks Armed Forces and those with higher education).

Tasks and functions
The training of employees in SOBR, unlike other special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is of a clearly individual nature. There are a lot of specialists in various areas of application, but interchangeability is at the forefront. The emphasis of the training is on working against an armed criminal in the city (with a working distance of up to 100 m) and in transport, however SOBRs were successfully used in almost any conditions (forest, mountains, steppes). Much attention is paid to physical and psychological preparation.
In the ICR, SOBRs have found successful use not only in cooperation with regular Russian security forces, but also in certain areas, they showed excellent results use in the Chechen campaigns in the first echelons.
SOBR constantly trains by making mock seizures of houses (using climbing equipment), cars and even airplanes. Their training is not inferior to that of the Alpha special forces.

Differences from riot police
SOBR differs from OMON in its organizational and staffing structure and the nature of the tasks performed. Unlike OMON, all SOBR employees have special ranks of police officers. Before the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when the police were divided into MOB (public security police) and KM (criminal police), OMON was a unit of the MOB and reported to the head of the MOB, while SOBR was a unit of the KM and reported directly to the head of the GUVD or his deputy.

SOBR, unlike OMON, does not solve the following problems:
- ensuring the protection of public order, including:
- in places with a difficult criminal situation,
- during public events,
- in case of emergency situations,
- suppression of group hooliganism and mass riots.

Documentary film "Our name is SPECIAL FORCES" (watch online)

How riot police and SOBR screwed up the National Guard. November 10th, 2016

Dear Mikhail Petrovich!

We ask you to help prevent the collapse of the legendary OMON and SOBR units, which have been guarding order for many years. Team members have already repeatedly turned to your trade union for help. We hope that this time we will be heard through your activities.
And the story is this. In April of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin, by decree, created a new law enforcement agency in the country - the Russian Guard. A respected, authoritative leader and professional in his field, General Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov, was appointed commander. The ranks of the guard also included special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Initially, OMON and SOBR officers were proud that they would be part of such a force structure and perceived the transition with enthusiasm and hope for changes for the better. After all, since tsarist times, the guard has personified strength, valor and honor, protecting the interests of citizens and the state.
However, the joy from these innovations was short-lived and ended when appointments of leaders to territorial bodies began. IN this moment We are talking about management in Moscow.

The OMON and SOBR units have been going back decades. Of course, over the years, our own foundations and traditions have developed, which are supported not only by the personnel, but also by the leadership of the detachments.
With the appointment of Vsevolod Ovsyannikov and Vyacheslav Pytkov (OMON and SOBR) as commanders, the soldiers and officers had confidence that these traditions would not only be maintained but also multiplied.
These are respected commanders who have gone through all levels of service in our special forces, who have repeatedly participated in combat operations; they are a shining example of courage and professionalism for all of us. But... There is also a higher leadership in the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard in Moscow, with whose arrival everything has changed.

The National Guard is created on the basis of the Internal Troops. With great respect to the experts, on what basis? Territorial? Spiritual? Which? According to the situation currently taking place in our units, it is understood as follows: Soldier, forget about everything, now you are in the army!!!
Forget about what, about the spirit and traditions, about the combat path of the units? The opinion of the leadership of the Main Directorate is that we came to them and now we owe it to them for the rest of our lives.

There are many sayings about how you shouldn’t go to Tula with your own samovar or enter a monastery with your own charter. But Colonel Viktor Derkach does not know this. He decided to come to the riot police with a charter and turn the special unit into a construction battalion.
Each member of the detachment has served in the army and knows first-hand what the hardships and deprivations of military service are. Everyone wishing to continue serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation signed contracts.
The rest chose a different path. We went to serve in the special forces. But, unfortunately, after working for ten years, we are returning to square one. And there is no need to confuse a conscript soldier with a special forces soldier, who has more than one business trip to the Caucasus and more than one arrest of a dangerous criminal behind him.

Colonel Derkach, who is now acting as head of the Moscow Department of the Russian Guard, felt omnipotent in this position. Instead of solving the real existing problems of the units that arose in connection with the transition from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the new department, he issues inadequate orders and instructions. Apparently everything that is written below is a priority task!

Any movement on the parade ground was prohibited. Only march or run. Or as part of a unit. Although riot police officers at the base in Strogino have been moving freely around the parade ground for more than 15 years, this did not in any way affect the quality of performance of official tasks.

Tags of the established type must be placed on all premises - red with bronze letters. All leaders from squad commanders to battalions are now puzzled not by the organization of service and preparation for it, but where and how to print these tags.

All uniforms should be stored in identical cases, and shoes - in special identical bags for shoes. Each department has metal cabinets for equipment and uniforms, where employees always carefully stored their property without any covers and nothing happened to it for so many years. And it turns out we have to buy the covers at our own expense?!

Remove flowers, calendars (!!!) and equipment that is not on the department’s balance sheet from office premises. Unfortunately, there is not enough funding for all office equipment, and some employees who take a responsible approach to completing their tasks, whenever possible, perform work on personal computer equipment.
This never interfered, but only facilitated the work process. How calendars interfered with Derkach - no one still understands, and we have not yet been taught to determine the day of the week by the sun,

Within the established time limits, OMON and SOBR officers were required to visit two museums and a concert of the song and dance ensemble of the Internal Troops, and the commanders were required to report on the activities carried out.
In accordance with Derkach’s order, it is necessary to visit the specified places within 10 days from December 15 to 25, and 100% of the personnel must attend excursions and concerts! That is, people for such important task need to be recalled from vacation!
Not to mention the fact that employees who already work almost seven days a week will be required to attend cultural events on their days off. And what good will be the culture that they are trying to impose by force?
What kind of responsibility will follow in the event of failure to comply with such an order of national importance is scary to even think about! And Colonel Viktor Derkach himself, together with riot policemen, will probably serve in the protection of public order during the cultural recreation of the soldiers.

This may seem like complete nonsense to some, but the destruction of the national idea and spirit comes precisely from the useless, incomprehensible innovations of incompetent leaders. By the way, the leadership of the State Administration is already demonstrating its competence at mass protests in the capital.

The leadership of the riot police provided a base for the deployment of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard in Moscow. And he probably already regretted it. Here we must pay tribute to Deinichenko. The riot police headquarters were evicted from the renovated offices, freeing up these premises for the main administration.
Where did the riot police officers go? They will be comfortable in the basement, in the production building, and maybe even on the roof - this is a universal special forces, according to Derkach.
The personnel department employees were packed like sardines into a barrel in one office along with personal files - about fifteen people. You walk in and are amazed - try to find your personnel officer in this confusion and resolve service issues! If they do this to the headquarters, then what should the soldiers (combat soldiers, according to the new leadership) expect?

Why does Derkach need to think about his personnel? The main thing is to line up on time, report and draw a map. This is his priority.

Here's another case. The law prohibits smoking on premises. On the territory of the base there are specially designated areas for smokers outside. But the law is not written to Derkach. He smokes right at his workplace.
Some squad members also don’t mind smoking at work, but for them it will most likely end in dismissal.

Now we are beginning to envy the SOBR and OMON officers, who probably foresaw that with such authorized commanders the spirit of the police would be suppressed, and did not join the Russian Guard, remaining in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
It seems that after everything that begins to happen in the units, the shortage will only grow, and accordingly people will be removed from the weekend, as is happening now. Just how to give away days off, or the soldiers don’t need them. How long will all this continue???

With this approach to management, the Russian Guard in Moscow will soon be left without professionals from the OMON and SOBR. Our units have repeatedly proven their loyalty to the oath and professionalism, fighting lawlessness and disruption of order.
And if we stand on the threshold of the Ukrainian scenario, who will protect the country? Are they really the young conscript soldiers that the unbridled personnel policy of all sorts of jerks is turning us into? And most importantly, will the person be able to give an order?

Dear Mikhail Petrovich!

SOBR (Special Rapid Response Squad) are federal and regional special units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were regularly (until 2003) part of the departments for combating organized crime of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (units of over 200 people were called squads from the late 1990s). In 2002, SOBR detachments were transformed into OMSN (Special Purpose Police Detachment). On November 30, 2011, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, special police units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs again became officially known as special rapid reaction units.
The main task of the SOBR is to fight organized crime. However, due to changes in the internal political situation, SOBRs were successfully used, including in military operations carried out in the North Caucasus region.

The first special unit in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police) was the OMSN of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. OMSN was formed on November 9, 1978. At that time, preparations for the Olympics were underway in Moscow, and the failure of the German police operation to free Israeli hostages during the Munich Olympics showed how destructive the actions of amateurs can be where professionals should act.

To prevent emergency situations, a special forces unit was created - the first police special forces. True, the unit was originally called a special police detachment (OMON) under the Moscow City Executive Committee. The detachment was created to work at the 1980 Olympics and protect the Olympic flame. After the Olympics, it became clear that the unit would not be left without work. The first task of the special forces was to free the girl captured by the criminal. The hostage was successfully released, and the detachment was reassigned to the criminal investigation department and made a regular unit of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. There were not enough special forces to carry out all operational tasks - there were only a few dozen of them. Then the PPS regiment was entrusted with the fight against riots and was renamed OMON.? There was a period of time when two OMON existed in Moscow at the same time. The police themselves called the detachments Big and Small. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, that same Little OMON was later renamed into a special purpose police detachment (OMSN). In 2011, OMSN was renamed OSN, and subsequently SOBR. The OMSN of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow served as a model for the beginning of the creation of other special units in the Russian militia (police) in the future.

On February 10, 1992, a tactical operations department was created as part of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime (GUOP) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the fall of 1992, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the tactical operations department was renamed into a special rapid reaction squad (SOBR).
In September 2002, by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, SOBR were renamed into special purpose police units (OMSN).

In 2003, some of the OMSN detachments received proper names: “Bars”, “Bulat”, “Lynx”, “Terek”.
As of 2009, the total number of SOBR was 5,200 people in 87 detachments.
In 2011, in connection with the reform of the internal affairs bodies, and the renaming of “militia” to “police”, OMSN detachments were renamed OSN (special forces).
In 2012, the name SOBR (special rapid response units) was returned to all OSN detachments.
The quantitative composition of SOBRs is determined by the tasks and region of deployment. The selection is carried out in many stages and quite strictly, with many screening criteria, which determines the qualitative composition of this unit (as a rule, these are young people who have served in the Armed Forces and have a higher education).

Tasks and functions
The training of employees in SOBR, unlike other special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is of a clearly individual nature. There are a lot of specialists in various areas of application, but interchangeability is at the forefront. The emphasis of the training is on working against an armed criminal in the city (with a working distance of up to 100 m) and in transport, however SOBRs were successfully used in almost any conditions (forest, mountains, steppes). Much attention is paid to physical and psychological preparation.
In the TFR, SOBRs have found successful use not only in cooperation with regular Russian security forces, but also in certain areas, and have shown excellent results in the Chechen campaigns in the first echelons.
SOBR constantly trains by making mock seizures of houses (using climbing equipment), cars and even airplanes. Their training is not inferior to that of the Alpha special forces.

Differences from riot police
SOBR differs from OMON in its organizational and staffing structure and the nature of the tasks performed. Unlike OMON, all SOBR employees have special ranks of police officers. Before the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when the police were divided into MOB (public security police) and KM (criminal police), OMON was a unit of the MOB and reported to the head of the MOB, while SOBR was a unit of the KM and reported directly to the head of the GUVD or his deputy.

SOBR, unlike OMON, does not solve the following problems:
- ensuring the protection of public order, including:
- in places with a difficult criminal situation,
- during public events,
- in case of emergency situations,
- suppression of group hooliganism and mass riots.

Documentary film "Our name is SPECIAL FORCES" (watch online)

According to the decree of the President of Russia on the creation National Guard all power structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - internal troops, SOBR, OMON and private security - become part of the National Guard. That is, now the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (and its territorial bodies) is limited in making personnel and operational decisions regarding employees of these law enforcement agencies.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the department is joined by units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely OMON, SOBR, and private security units. But, despite a number of difficulties, the Russian Guard will be formed on time and, according to Viktor Zolotov, will begin to work for the benefit of society and the state and ensure law and order.

The next day the user will already have the rating necessary to participate in R-topics. The forum administration is in favor of ensuring that the forum does not descend into negativity and abuse, and that it is aimed at meaningful discussion. We are confident that the overwhelming majority of users support us in this.

Ministry of Internal Affairs The apparatus (personnel, logistics, finances, etc.) will be completely cut, the operational staff will be cut by at least 30%, too, because The Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own structure for BNON.

In the National Guard, maybe everything will be different, or maybe they’ll keep something similar monetary allowance. It seems that Kadyrov has already expressed that he is in every possible way for the creation of the National Guard and that his special forces will gladly go there.

Now, if a situation arises while the police are doing their work (capturing a tough gang), when it is necessary to urgently use, for example, riot police, this is done quickly and simply. A policeman calls: “We urgently need riot police there!”, and he: “Call my superiors,” he calls his superiors, and they: “Only if there is a command from my superiors,” etc. But, naturally, the question now is how all this will be spelled out in the law. Yes, but the gardai won't investigate, right? And it does not report directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In Russia there are 208 units: 121 - OMON (special purpose mobile unit) and 87 - SOBR (special rapid response unit). The riot police consist mainly of contract soldiers - privates and sergeants. And in this very first part it is stated that the troops of the National Guard are entrusted with the tasks of protecting public order, ensuring state security and the state of emergency.

However, there are no special innovations here - all these rights and responsibilities of servicemen have long been spelled out in general military regulations and federal law"About the police."

The reform will have enormous political consequences for one of the regions of the Russian Federation - the Chechen Republic. Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic does not have any law enforcement agencies similar in their capabilities and power to the army motorized rifle unit. You yourself have repeatedly heard how ordinary and high-ranking Chechen police officers expressed their personal loyalty, first of all, to Kadyrov.

The head of Chechnya received unlimited influence on decision-making by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, including personnel decisions regarding former militants. Now Ramzan Kadyrov will no longer be able to gather Putin’s National Guard at the stadium in Grozny. He will not be able to call the commanders of the relevant units of the National Guard to his meeting and give them the order to shoot to kill other members of the National Guard.

And he may be notified of a special operation, for example, to detain a resident of Chechnya suspected of committing a crime in his region. But they may not notify.

New form and strength

And it was Kadyrov who later defended these fighters. Second. Traditionally, the Ministry of Defense and internal troops The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was responsible for internal security as military counterintelligence agencies. I know for sure that military counterintelligence works in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and it works well. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, this function is performed by its own security units. Amnestied militants serving in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs have always been a stumbling block. They were checked by the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs locally (in Chechnya), and the influence of the subjective factor was enormous.

Since, as I have already said, special political conditions have developed in Chechnya, this principle has been massively ignored. The central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, apparently, never welcomed this, but put up with it. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation did not have mechanisms to solve this problem, but now with the creation of the National Guard they have appeared. And they appeared, I must say, just in time to solve this problem peacefully, without incidents. The fact is that a serviceman’s contract implies that he can be transferred to any region of the country for service, and this is normal.

This was precisely what allowed the Soviet army to avoid ethnic conflicts. And that is why Colonel Maskhadov, a Chechen, was primarily a Soviet officer. Ethnic Chechen units will be diluted with military personnel of other nationalities, while sending part of the Chechen SOBR or OMON to other units in other regions.

How was it before? Police academies did not specifically prepare graduates for service in SOBR. Officers are trained in special forces, and then command units and, thus, the experience they gain in special forces is transferred to the soldiers of ordinary combat motorized rifle units. And this is a very correct principle, when the selection of military personnel begins with military schools, that is, selection for suitability for military service begins at the cadet level.

Ramzan Kadyrov immediately responded to Putin’s decree on the creation of the National Guard, welcomed him and declared the readiness of Chechen security forces to serve in the ranks of the new security structure. First. I think people like Vismuradov will be transferred to the state defense department (subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, to the corresponding regional divisions).

E. M.), Tsakaev (commander of the Chechen riot police. - E. M.), Asukhanov (company commander of the SOBR. - E. M.) and others - transfer to the National Guard as part of their units

That is, in Chechnya this is, in fact, a special unit of bodyguards. I think it will remain that way for now. In any case, Kadyrov has enough time to think. In our case, most of Kadyrov’s supporters will now be under the jurisdiction of Khankala and Vladikavkaz. In the meantime, until the federal law on the National Guard comes into force, everything will work for some time by inertia.

And I think this point will be specifically spelled out in the federal law on the National Guard. And the Chechen Republic in this sense is one of their leaders. Cops serving in riot police and special forces, special purpose centers, as well as aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, become military personnel from 2018, and their status as cops is forgiven.2.